২৩ জুলাই, ২০২০

Trump was asked if his sending federal agents into cities run by Democrats is "just a political stunt... to divert attention from your failures on coronavirus."

At his coronavirus press conference yesterday. From the transcript:
Yeah. The cities, unfortunately, that are in trouble are all run by Democrats. You have radical left Democrats running cities like Chicago, and so many others that we just had a news conference. And unfortunately that’s the way it is. I mean, that’s the facts. When you look at Chicago and you look at the job, Mayor Lightfoot sent me a letter yesterday and I think in their own way, they want us to go in. There’ll be a time when they’re going to want us to go in full blast. But right now, we’re sending extra people to help. We’re arresting a lot of people that have been very bad. As far as the coronavirus, as you say, I think we’ve done some amazing things. And I think you’ll probably see that if you compare our statistics to other countries. And if you look at death rates, et cetera, you’re going to see. And especially into the future with what’s happening, you’re going to see some very, very impressive numbers for the United States.
And a bit later, responding to a similar question:

If you look at Chicago, if you look at Detroit. I mean, look around any of these cities where we have the problems and we’re sending them help. But we’re really waiting for them to call for the big help for the big numbers, for the large numbers of people that we have ready, willing and able. You look at Chicago where 14 people were shot yesterday were over the weekend. Many people died and many people were shot. And over the last month, they’re setting record numbers. We are waiting for the mayor respectfully and other mayors and governors to call us. We are ready, willing, and able to go in there with great force. Now, we also have people that are going in and arresting drug dealers, arresting some of the shooters that are doing the shooting. We know who they are. We’re working with police forces. And even though in some cases they’re told don’t work with the federal government, the police forces have great respect for the federal government and what we do. But we’re ready, willing, and able to go into these cities that are just being decimated with shooting and we’re going to help. Please....
Another speaker reminded him that "in 2016, you said it was President Obama’s fault that homicides were up in Chicago" and asked "why was it the president’s fault then but it’s not your fault now?" Answer:
Chicago is a disaster. The mayor is saying, “Don’t come in.” The mayor is telling us not to come in. At some point, we can void that if we have to and we may have to because it’s out of control. I assume she’s saying that for political reasons. I think it’s negative political reasons. She’s a Democrat. I’m going to be nice. She’s a Democrat. She’s making a big mistake. People are dying in Chicago and other cities and we can solve the problem. They have to ask us, but we can solve the problem. [Why was it President Obama’s fault In 2016?] Because President Obama was invited in and he did a poor job. President Obama could have gone into Chicago, he could have solved the problem and he didn’t. In our case, they don’t want us in. We can solve the problem very easily. We’re equipped with the best equipment, the best people. And you see what we’re doing. I mean, Portland was coming down. It was busting at the seams. And we went in and protected all the federal buildings. Those federal buildings are totally protected and we had to do that. And Portland’s a very different place than Chicago, but Chicago should be calling us. And so should Philadelphia and Detroit and others to go in and really help them. Because when you’re losing many people a weekend, many, many people, you see the same numbers as I do. When you’re losing these people, they should call us and they should say, “Come on in.” And it’s incredible to me, but they’re not doing it. At some point, they will. At some point we may have no other choice, but to go in. 

১৩২টি মন্তব্য:

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

"President Donald Trump, please come in to Philadelphia! Please clean up our dangerous problems!! Please remove our mayor and Soros DA ASAP!!! We're asking you, President Trummmpppp!!!!!"

Kevin বলেছেন...

Why don’t the cities want federal help?

Federal agents bring federal charges in federal courts.

Local prosecutors can’t just wave their hands and put favored individuals back on the streets.

Inga বলেছেন...

He can’t seem to keep his lies straight.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

At least three federal officers in Portland may not recover their vision after earlier this week demonstrators, who have shown up in crowds of over 1,000 for more than 50 consecutive nights, shined lasers in their eyes and threw fireworks at a federal courthouse, officials said.. - Fox News

A quick search on Google News shows only Fox covering this story.

The Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons and three annexed protocols were adopted on 10 October 1980 and opened for signature on 10 April 1981.[2] In 1986, Sweden and Switzerland pushed for the Blinding Laser Protocol.[3] During 1989–91, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) held four international meetings of experts on the topic and in 1993 published Blinding Weapons.[3] - Wikipedia

Convention text:

Article 1
It is prohibited to employ laser weapons specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision, that is to the naked eye or to the eye with corrective eyesight devices. The High Contracting Parties shall not transfer such weapons to any State or non-State entity.

This is why this country is fucked. The billionaires who want to install a "post democratic” government, as has been done in the EU, so they know who to bribe and need not worry about election risk, have bought all of the media outlets.

WisRich বলেছেন...

His failures on coronavirus? They can't even be bothered to try to appear unbiased.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Where’s Robert Cook when we have documented war crimes being committed right here in the good ole US of A?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Trump is always claiming "the problem can be solved easily" (Coronavirus, health care, infrastructure, etc.). Never says how. He just makes these claims, does nothing, and then says the problem is solved, when it isn't.

JB71-AZ বলেছেন...

His 'failures'. FFS....

Which party was it who was against blocking China travel?

Which party was against suspending European travel?

Which DEMOCRATIC mayor was shoving infected into nursing homes?

Which DEMOCRATIC governor was screaming about a total lack of resources?

Just what are these 'failures' he's supposed to take responsibility for?

Money Manger বলেছেন...

It’s such an easy victory to frame it as protecting Federal Property, the property of all Americans, from anarchists who are trying to destroy it, and mayors who are letting them. As opposed to the losing move of broadly “restoring order”. Afghanistan is easy compared to South Chicago.

Ambrose বলেছেন...

So I take it from the question that the response to coronavirus must be coordinated by the federal government without any deference to state and local authorities, but the enforcement of federal laws must defer to those same state and local authorities and only act with permission.

My question is whether the left would support the feds sending in secret police to whisk people off to undisclosed locations if they failed to wear masks in public.

Tim বলেছেন...

The "press" is absolutely worthless as a information source. Propaganda only.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

When Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump’s SOTU speech she signaled to the world that anything goes against Trump. It was the worst act of political rebellion in my lifetime. For all the bitching about a Trump’s vulgarity nothing can close to the vile things said to and about him by the left. They are political filth.

Lucid-Ideas বলেছেন...

There is nothing wrong in any of those responses. The only thing I can read that's wrong is the questions, as usual.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

I wish when that reporter asked his question a Trump had said, “Get this sonofabitch out of here.”

SensibleCitizen বলেছেন...

The FBI and DEA are operating in cities across the country, undercover, and often in circumstances where there is tension and conflict with local law enforcement.

This is nothing new. Trump is simply offering to do more of that and coordinate better. What's wrong with that?

Does anyone think cities would be better off without the FBI and DEA agents? Yes. Some people do believe that. But in cities where attempts at public safety have failed, affecting the underclass profoundly, the Fed has an obligation to act.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

Reporter: "Mr. President, I just want to ask you a question about the surge of federal agents to various cities. The mayor of Chicago just said moments ago that you’re doing this to divert attention from your failures on coronavirus."

President Trump: "The mayor of Chicago can go fuck herself. Next question."

daskol বলেছেন...

I know you don't take requests, but please please blog Trump's "person woman man camera tv" Fox interview with Dr. Siegel. It was fucking hilarious, and also Trump has not dropped the Biden mental fitness but escalated the attack.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

When asked about Wuhan flu, Trump should just point out these Blue states have Deaths per capita in excess of the national average:

NY, PA,MI, NJ, MA, MD, CT, RI, DE and DC.

Only 2 Red states exceed national average: LA & MS.

Drago বলেছেন...

Field Marshall Freder: "Never says how. He just makes these claims, does nothing, and then says the problem is solved, when it isn't."

So, not a dictator, right?


Gee whiz, I am very sorry your Team Dem/LLR-lefty strategy of rioting and looting and assaulting and murdering and burning dem cities is not paying off at the polls for you because Trump refused to react the way you wanted him to so you could gin up a hundred "Kent States" for political purposes and the dems are seen, rightly, to own this disaster they condone and support.

The publics reaction is so negative that Inga has fought hard to blame the entire nationwide marxist/left riots on Steve Bannon and 5 hawaiian shirt wearing dudes while even non-combat Howard has stopped calling the antifa fascists Normandy-like heroes.

The only nominal republican at Althouse that the Althouse lefties were able to turn into a marxist democrat ally is apparently tim in vermont.

Tsk tsk

Such a poor ROI.

Leland বলেছেন...

Trump's failure with regards to coronavirus would be what? Not sending in federal troops earlier to stop the protests that were supported by Democrats and caused the latest spike.

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

Trump's move is politically inept, and will be tactically ineffective. The rioters operate at the beck and call of the Democrats, who will only increase their support and encouragement. The mutineers will be allowed to continue to lay waste to vast swaths of cities - as long as the swaths are in working or middle-class neighborhoods. As soon as the insurgents reach Pritzker's palace or Lightfoot's lair, they will be dispatched just as the denizens of CHAZ/CHOP/CHUMP were exfoliated the moment after they threatened Mayor Jenny Durkan's digs.

The naive tykes may think they will be allowed to continue gamboling after the liberal squishes have taken over. Ha! As soon as Trump is dispatched, the hammer of government will come down on them, and hard. The feared and unconstitutional Secret Federal Police will somehow find themselves referred to in terms that would make Officer Friendly blush. Most pols have no shame and no problem spinning 180 degrees on a dime, and I won't be surprised to see a reprise of Bill Clinton's hundred-thousand-cops routine. No matter how much fun the revolution sounds, even the most avid supporters will blanch when the hurt comes to their front door.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

What is a bit deceptive here is that they face two somewhat overlapping problems. First, the systemic black on black (and everyone else) violence. Much of that is organic - blacks, in say the south side of Chicago, shooting rival gang members, and anyone else in the vicinity, for good luck. It is hard to get a federal handle on that. To the extent that it is drug related, the DEA can be used. And maybe the ATF for illegal guns. Otherwise though it is a state problem. On the flip side, (generally) the white “protesters” (anarchists, rioters, arsonists, etc) involved are, at some level, involved in an organized multistate terrorism campaign. The FBI has the Klan laws, RICO, and since Soros provided funding, even FISA, along with statutes protecting federal property. There is no problem legally (and Constitutionally) with the Feds going after this group with every LEO at their disposal, and possibly even federal troops.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

I keep hearing about Trump's "failures on coronavirus" but I never hear them specifically outlined. What exactly did Trump fail to do given

1). The information that was available at the time
2). The powers that are available to him (after all, he's not a god)
3). The general intransigence of the House, a deeply hostile media, and a Supreme Court that is a bit ify towards him... all in the midst of an election year.

Also, if you can fairly describe some action that Trump could've taken that would've saved lives and/or the economy, how likely is it that Hillary or Obama or Biden or any other potential Democrat president would have done them?

Temujin বলেছেন...

When Chicago was blowing up during Obama's years HE DID NOTHING. Like he did during most things. He played golf. He gave speeches to those who give him money. He collected honorary degrees from fawning academics. He granted interviews with fawning media. And he took the time to occasionally wag his finger at the American public.

When politely asked by fawning media about how he can tackle the horrendous crime in Chicago back then, he responded (as he always did) with bureaucracy-speak about how he lived in Chicago and when out of office how he would go back to join community groups and mentor kids.

In the end he built a fortress in Washington DC to stay there in order to further consolidate power and influence, harass the incoming President, and oversee his program for the coup of the President. He lives like a king in a nice area of a city that is rife with crime, has horrible schools (none of which are attended by Obama kids) and who's young people have little chance of getting out. Life is good for the Nobel Prize winner for....for...??

He is as he was: an empty suit. Trump was right to call him out on his response to Chicago and unlike Obama, Trump has tried to push Chicago leaders into taking actual action. And they have: they've had the police stand down all around town. So Chicago now resembles Baghdad, without the charm. Trump's only next action is to send in Federal help, which the feckless leaders in Chicago are refusing.

JAORE বলেছেন...

C'mon Mr.President, move the Federal offices out of those hell holes. Announce it today!

Tell the Mayors you are removing the conflicts.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

Why would the left object to the arrest of Booger Bois?

daskol বলেছেন...

Trump says the Montreal Cognitive Test is hard, and he did great on it, and Biden should take it. Media get the creator of the test to substantiate that no, it's not meant to be hard, it's meant to be easy for people without cognitive impairment. That's the messaging today after Trump's interview yesterday, as well as Trump's claims on Sunday in his Chris Wallace interview. So now the whole anti-Trump media is crowing about how Trump is proud of doing well on such an easy test...a test that Biden will fail badly. Lol.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Again Trump goes after the City of Detroit. What is the precise federal law enforcement issue in Detroit? Distinct from any standard local law enforcement issues. What exactly is Trump proposing for Detroit, and why?

wildswan বলেছেন...

There's articles elsewhere saying that the Soros-District Attorneys (The city DAs elected in 2018 with money from George Soros) are releasing dangerous, violent criminals arrested by police while these criminals await trial and then these are going on to commit further crimes. And the articles say that the mayors are complaining in secret that they are unable to control the DAs. Perhaps the mayors have recently realized the danger from released criminals but also have recently realized that the DAs will ignore them if the mayors oppose releasing criminals. (Sorcerer's Apprentice meme. Classical reference - see https://video.disney.com/watch/sorcerer-s-apprentice-fantasia-4ea9ebc01a74ea59a5867853) But the mayors aren't saying anything publicly and, up till now, they've supported attacks on the police by calling vicious rioters, "mostly peaceful protesters." Well, Lori and Ted, why not go down and stand on the police line, for awhile? Have sandwich? Chat with mostly peaceful stone throwers? Because you are too cowardly to go face what your policies have caused, that's why
Anyhow, why do the Dems think the black community will put up with mayhem and death and still vote Dem? Maybe the black vote isn't the same thing as black voters.

PS If the mayors knew the risk to the police (many of whom are from minority communities) and sent the police out inadequately protected then the mayors are guilty of dereliction of duty and the cities are on the hook for millions in damages - which isn't going to come from anywhere but the cities involved.

rehajm বলেছেন...

What were his failures on coronavirus again?

I keep asking...

Narr বলেছেন...

Yeah, at the coronavirus presser, he's diverting attention from the coronavirus--by answering questions from the reporters about things other than coronavirus.

That must make sense on some planet or other.

Not on mine

wildswan বলেছেন...

Maybe the Feds could grab Soros's money and use it to pay for millions in damages from injured police officers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Tim @ 8:09

MOST important post we will read all decade.

We really are screwed.

And if you listen to mindless robot-American snowed and lied to by the machine - they all hate Fox news.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...Why would the left object to the arrest of Booger Bois?

I don't think there are enough of them for that statement to be in the plural.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

NOt to worry - as soon a fraud crook billionaire supported Biden gets it- the virus will not matter anymore.

It will continue to spread and kill people - but we won't hear about it from the hack-D corrupt press.

Michael K বলেছেন...

JAORE said... [hush]​[hide comment]
C'mon Mr.President, move the Federal offices out of those hell holes. Announce it today!

Tell the Mayors you are removing the conflicts.

There is an argument to move federal agencies to those cities to get them out of DC. Maybe a compromise would be to get them out of the inner city hellholes and to suburbs where jobs are more likely to be appreciated. Right now this is civil war and the solution will have to wait until after the election. I doubt this theory of civil insurrection as a political strategy is going to work out well.

Remember that Seattle and Portland are islands in states with a large conservative population. I remember a movement for eastern WA to secede in the 1950s. I have family in OR south of Portland.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I do think that his oath and his responsibility require action. But politically he is better off to wait. And the country as a whole might be better off if he simply lets these cities burn. The innocent victims are a lot worse off, but the rest of the country learns something important. And absent that lesson, going in might make things worse elsewhere.

I think, today,I am for hands off let it burn. Some things are only learned the hard way.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Isn't it curious the way the Liberals/Leftist, the Press, and the Democrats (all the same) constantly flip flop from one position to another without even a tinge of embarrassment. Today, they're suddenly great believers in FEDERALISM. How dare Trump push his nose into City Riots. That's for the Mayor! In the next breath, they will demand Trump mandate everyone wear a mask, or criticize him for not locking down the whole country via executive fiat.

And they can't get it straight about Federal vs. local/State responsibilities. They cheer Portland's mayor for refusing to protect Federal buildings, hurrah for the Philadelphia Mayor threat to arrest Federal agents, and refuse to enforce the immigration laws. Their only consistency is ORANGE MAN BAD and HURRAH FOR THE DEMOCRATS.

hombre বলেছেন...

“So, President Trump, when did you stop beating your wife?”

As usual the questions have nothing to do with gathering information for the reader. You know, “Who, what, when, and where?” It’s all, “Why?” Even when the answer seems obvious because to the leftmediaswine nothing is obvious unless it serves the Democrat Left.

steve uhr বলেছেন...

"We can solve the problem very easily." Sure thing Donald.

Something is going on other than the fact that democrats control the big cities. In Chicago there were 492 murders in 2019. This year it's on track to hit 778, more than a 50% increase. How does the administration explain the increase? That's the first step to finding a solution. If it's COVID related then we can expect a significant decrease in 2021 without federal assistance.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The press conference was the typical DNC-Press performance full of Gotcha questions and debate questions. Once again, the WH Press Corps had ZERO intelligent questions about the CV-19 pandemic or our Response, instead, we got questions about "How dare Trump sent agents to cities" and "Aren't you a racist Mr. President?".

BTW, I'm trying to remember the last time a member of the DNC-Press Corps prefaced a Biden question with "Many call your position a political stunt,..." - nope. I'm drawing a blank.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Leland - Good point.

Trump's real problem is his inability to articulate what he needs to. I'm on his side, not the corrupt left, but Trump needs an articulation coach.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Trump was asked if his sending federal agents into cities run by Democrats was just a 'political stunt... to divert attention from your failures on coronavirus' "

The coronavirus lockdowns are a coordinated political stunt.

The protests, looting and rioting are a political stunt.

The attempt to make COVID-19 a permanent fixture in public health policy is a political stunt.

Project much?

rcocean বলেছেন...

Another member of the DNC-Press asked Trump why "He was sending agents to only Democrat Cities". Again, pushing the DNC/Democrat party line that Trump is only playing politics.

The reason of course, is that every major city that has allowed rioting to go unchecked and supports Antifa domestic terrorism, is run by a Democrat. Portland, Seattle, NY, Chicago, Philadelphia, Atlanta, etc. IRC, almost every major city in the USA (say the top 30) is run by a Democrat, and has been run by Democrats for the last 30 years.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

I almost forgot the vandalism. Political stunt.

mikee বলেছেন...

Chuck, Detroit has federal officials working in federal buildings doing federal jobs for the citizens of Detroit. The FBI buildings, the IRS buildings, the EPA buildings, for example. Those buildings are under both local and federal protection. Federal agents protect those buildings from Antifa violence. Hope that clears it up for you, although I suspect your questions are meant only to sow division, not elicit rational factual responses.

There are people in Detroit who want to burn down those federal buildings, because while Antifa claims to be against fascists but is really just an anarchist/communist scumbucket of violence that wants destruction of everything possible. Likewise, federal police forces arrest those charged with federal offenses, from RICO to destruction of federal property.

steve uhr বলেছেন...

From US Attorney in KC, MO, the first city to receive Operation Legend forces. I have no problem with this. Everyone is cooperating. Good for them:

"An unprecedented level of violent crime warrants an unprecedented law enforcement response. With the support of Kansas City’s police chief, the governor and the state’s attorney general, the Department of Justice is coming alongside local law enforcement to provide additional resources. Operation Legend brings federal law enforcement agents from the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and U.S. Marshals Service to Kansas City this week. They have already started making arrests and taking violent criminals off the street.

On the same day, my office filed the first federal case charged as part of Operation Legend. Federal and local law enforcement, working together, apprehended a wanted fugitive who previously assaulted law enforcement officers and escaped in a high-speed chase. He was caught driving a stolen car and carrying two stolen handguns. A confessed drug user, he has initially been charged with being an unlawful user of illegal drugs while in possession of firearms. As I said at the time the complaint was filed, illegal drugs and illegal guns are a lethal combination.

Operation Legend partners federal agents to work alongside local officers in a supportive investigative role. These agents won’t be patrolling the streets. They won’t replace or usurp the authority of local officers. They are here specifically in response to unsolved violent crimes, not in response to protests or marches or demonstrations."

gerry বলেছেন...

Drago, thank you for entertaining, insightful, and Chuck-inducing comments.

What exactly is Trump proposing for Detroit, and why?

Chuck, you are one pitiful bastard.

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

For those commenters who don't think it's fair to say Trump's coronavirus failure...

Right or wrong, Trump was 3 years into his presidency when the CDC collapsed on the job in the face of COVID-19. They did a terrible job at their core mission and between the CDC and the rest of the admin, they failed to effectively scale up testing or put in place effective national contact tracing or lock down sufficient incoming disease sources. Nor they did early on mandate or seek to harden the centers of populations hit the worst - the elderly and sick.

ON TOP OF THAT major governors and mayors of democratically run states and cities preened while their urban cities became hot spots and their bad decisions led to terrible outcomes.

I give Trump credit for shutting down travel to china early in this. But that one move, which was probably heavily influenced by trade positioning, does not detract from all the other administration failures.

The thing is....I don't blame trump personally for a failed CDC. Same thing would've happened under Obama, for example. But you have to blame the CEO in charge of the division that fails, and in this case it is Trump.

Banjo বলেছেন...

"The billionaires who want to install a "post democratic” government, as has been done in the EU, so they know who to bribe and need not worry about election risk, have bought all of the media outlets."

The Drudge Report is one of the latest heads on the trophy wall. Remember when it had a conservative flair? Now it reads like story selections and photo choices are dictated by interns at the DNC. Some Silicon Valley plutocrat bought it for a price good enough to keep Matt Drudge in high clover for the rest of his life, is my guess.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Inga said...

He can’t seem to keep his lies straight.
7/23/20, 8:09 AM

Your poor reading/listening comprehension skills and inability to follow something that others understand easily are not evidence that it is untrue.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Trump says the Montreal Cognitive Test is hard, and he did great on it, and Biden should take it."

-- I don't understand how people can hear Trump say it was so hard to remember what day it was and not get that Trump is poking fun at how EASY the test is.

Mark বলেছেন...

I would love to read a list of who has been arrested and what they are being charged with.

Exact specifics on personnel numbers and costs for this would also be useful to know. Hopefully unlike they police department, it's not subsidizing union bosses too.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Gee, I have no idea why feds might be needed in Detroit, Chuck.

Tensions rise over Detroit police killing of man they say fired first at officers

Published 3:43 p.m. ET July 10, 2020 | Updated 12:16 a.m. ET July 11, 2020


Or this:

Group declares cop-free zone near Belle Isle for Black joy, demands police defunding

A group of protesters have started to block traffic Jefferson Ave. at E. Grand Blvd. near the entrance to Belle Isle on Thursday, July 9, 2020. (Photo: Junfu Han, Detroit Free Press)


daskol বলেছেন...

Matt Sablan, Trump is saying it is hard so that the media will come back saying it's easy, which they did on cue this morning: quoting the test's creator that it should be easy for someone without cognitive impairment. So now exactly why would Joe Biden NOT take this easy test?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Let's see... How many of Detroit's recent mayors have gone up on federal corruption charges?
And is there no organized crime in Detroit?
No smuggling from Canada into the states?

Fopdoodles are a mendacious bunch.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

These Mayors and Governors are purposefully abdicating their duties and are encouraging and abetting the violence by the anarchists. The DoJ should be conducting criminal investigations. Hell there could be a need to build a prison just for Democrat criminals there so many of them.

AZ Bob বলেছেন...

The mayor of Chicago just said moments ago that you’re doing this to divert attention from your failures on coronavirus. You are only targeting cities-(President Donald Trump: But we haven’t had that failure)You are only targeting cities though run by Democrats. Is this just a political stunt?

That is a loaded question. But it comes from the mayor, not the reporter, which would have been exceedingly rude.

There are two different types of violence being lumped together. First is the destruction in Portland and Seattle. This comes from the so called peaceful protesters and the refusal of the local government to stop it.

The second, however, is the longstanding gun violence in Democrat-run cities. But in this case the rate is rising possibly because of a general feeling of lawlessness precipitated by the violence of the protests.

Sending federal police into Portland focused on protecting the federal courthouse. But how does Trump propose to reduce shootings in a lawless city like Chicago? The last big event was a drive-by shooting of a funeral. Do the feds post guards at each funeral?

Trump's threat to send the feds into Chicago becomes a political stunt when the mayor voices her objection to it. And Trump plays her like a fiddle.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Donald Trump's Kung Flu Chinavirus response saved over 2,000,000 lives in the US.

What the Hell are people complaining about?

John Henry

Birkel বলেছেন...

steve uhr has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. He thinks the broken windows studiously ignited by the Leftist Collectivist mayors and DAs mean nothing. He thinks the Democratics encouraging riots are unconnected to reality.

This level of ignorance can only be accomplished by the willfully idiotic.

I hope steve uhr has somebody around to keep him inside when it rains.

We need a better class of Leftist Collectivists on this site, if such a thing exists somewhere.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Colorado Springs is the only major (by population) US city that is Republican dominated.
I solved the riddle.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

steve uhr said...
"We can solve the problem very easily." Sure thing Donald.

Something is going on other than the fact that democrats control the big cities. In Chicago there were 492 murders in 2019. This year it's on track to hit 778, more than a 50% increase. How does the administration explain the increase? That's the first step to finding a solution. If it's COVID related then we can expect a significant decrease in 2021 without federal assistance."

Democrat governor, Democrat state AG, Democrat mayor, Democrat alderman, Democrat DA, Democrat police commissioner. Trump's fault. Actually Steve, it can be fairly easy to control once the criminals and their abettors are arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned for long sentences.But that would me a shit ton of Illinois Democrats would be going to jail.

narciso বলেছেন...

what is really about


rehajm বলেছেন...

They did a terrible job at their core mission and between the CDC and the rest of the admin, they failed to effectively scale up testing or put in place effective national contact tracing or lock down sufficient incoming disease sources

The recent Lancet study found those things were not associated with reduced covid mortality. Doesn't seem like a failure of the President at all...

Francisco D বলেছেন...

When trying to understand the purpose of comments by Chuckles the LLR Clown, remember that he was a "Republican" election judge and saw nothing untoward about precincts that cast 115% of their votes for Obama in 2012 and 103% for Hillary in 2016.

Sgt. Chuck Schultz saw nothing, nothing.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"C'mon Mr.President, move the Federal offices out of those hell holes. Announce it today!"

Typical Conservative response = Run away. The 2nd most popular is Do nothing, following by Surrender.

Erick Erickson had a typically boneheaded cowardly column where he wants Trump to "Let Portland Burn". Why should Trump abandon his responsibilities to protect Federal property? WHy should he abandon all the Good, law-abiding citizens of Portland? Wheeler didn't get 100% of the vote, and many of those who voted for him, didn't expect or support this. And that's ignoring the fact that refusing to fight Antifa, lets them win and allows them to move on to another battlefield.

All the cowardly conservatives need to understand, just because YOU don't want to fight, doesn't mean the Left doesn't. They aren't going to let you "run away", they LOVE to attack the Right wing and they'll keep on doing it.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"For those commenters who don't think it's fair to say Trump's coronavirus failure...”

Well when he should have been preparing for it as the first news came in, the Democrats were attempting to remove him from office for asking Ukraine about Biden’s obvious and documented abuse of his office, and BTW, violations of the “emoluments clause” in directing larges amounts of money to his family in return for his exercise of his official power as Veep.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The Night Chicago Died - Youtube

Great song. Ripped from today’s headlines.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"I don't understand how people can hear Trump say it was so hard to remember what day it was and not get that Trump is poking fun at how EASY the test is.”

Because if you pretend it’s not a joke, you get to call him a liar.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Matt Sablan said...
-- I don't understand how people can hear Trump say it was so hard to remember what day it was and not get that Trump is poking fun at how EASY the test is

after my Traumatic Brain Injury, when i was on the Brain Rehab floor; learning how to do stuff (from walk down stairs, to balance a check book)... My doctor would come into my room after classes, and ask me how i was.
Every time, he would ask me what day it was. Finally, i said to him;
"Doc, don't you KNOW, that there is a Calendar, RIGHT behind you?"

and he said; "yes, i knew that; up until last week, YOU didn't"
They wouldn't let me leave, until (among other things); i could pass the whole test

Name all the Animals you can, that start with the letter B
this one was harder than you'd think

PubliusFlavius বলেছেন...

Tim @ 8:09

Watching portlands moronic mayor doused with lasers piqued my curiosity.

Time to learn how to defend against that bit of criminal behavior.

Iman বলেছেন...

You look at Chicago where 14 people were shot yesterday were over the weekend. Many people died and many people were shot. And over the last month, they’re setting record numbers.

Very talented shooters, that I can tell you...

Chuck বলেছেন...

So, Qwinn; here is what we know, for sure in the two weeks since the two stories you cited...

The “police shooting” tensions were quickly and effectively dispelled after the DPD released on-scene video of the incident, in which it clearly showed the suspect firing a handgun at courageous DPD officers who, instead of fleeing the firing, advanced on him and shot him. Even the poorly educated (“I love the poorly educated!”) could understand that state of affairs and virtually nothing happened, protest-wise, afterwards. End of story. There’s no “federal” story.

Then you also cited a protest at the Belle Isle bridge entrance off Jefferson Avenue. It lasted an hour. Police broke it up, and the 30 or so protesters “went back to their church.” In the meantime, the protesters played basketball with a hoop they had brought with them, blew bubbles and jumped rope. East Jefferson Avenue — which is more of a local street than any sort of major thoroughfare in that area, was tied up for that hour. There were no arrests, no property damage and no other consequences that I am aware of.

Now again I ask; what are the FEDERAL law enforcement actions needed in Detroit, per Trump’s press conference yesterday?

Iman বলেছেন...

This is why this country is fucked. The billionaires who want to install a "post democratic” government, as has been done in the EU, so they know who to bribe and need not worry about election risk, have bought all of the media outlets.

This is an excellent point!

narciso বলেছেন...

oh did they leave this out,

Drago বলেছেন...

gerry: "Drago, thank you for entertaining, insightful, and Chuck-inducing comments."

Well, its been All Hands On Deck for Team Marxist/dem/LLR lately so Chuck has been popping in with even more Soros funded pro-leftist talking points than usual.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The thing is....I don't blame trump personally for a failed CDC. Same thing would've happened under Obama, for example. But you have to blame the CEO in charge of the division that fails, and in this case it is Trump.

Nothing like cancelling the rest of your comment with the last paragraph. Did that take a lot of practice? Well done.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
Gee, I have no idea why feds might be needed in Detroit, Chuck.

Poor Chuck. He obviously knows nothing. My FBI agent daughter spent 7 years in Detroit. When she got stuck with it because her Academy class was last of the fiscal year, I told her, "Cheer up. At least there will be plenty of crime." Lots of drug crime and drive-bys. She witnessed a drive by when on a stakeout. They had to decide if they should break cover.

Drago বলেছেন...

I must say its not surprising that LLR-lefty Chuck has popped in again as we know the dems battleground polls are going poorly and LLR-lefty Chuck always gets very agitated and aggressive when the tactics of his beloved far left dems are not paying off.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"Something is going on other than the fact that democrats control the big cities. In Chicago there were 492 murders in 2019. This year it's on track to hit 778, more than a 50% increase."

Yeah, it's a puzzler. Must be the WuFlu....

Easily the dumbest thing posted to the Internet today.

Drago বলেছেন...

TreeJoe: "For those commenters who don't think it's fair to say Trump's coronavirus failure..."

The corrupt frame-up impeachment fully underway at that time doesnt even get a mention.

Chuck বলেছেন...

mikee said...
Chuck, Detroit has federal officials working in federal buildings doing federal jobs for the citizens of Detroit. The FBI buildings, the IRS buildings, the EPA buildings, for example. Those buildings are under both local and federal protection. Federal agents protect those buildings from Antifa violence. Hope that clears it up for you, although I suspect your questions are meant only to sow division, not elicit rational factual responses.

There are people in Detroit who want to burn down those federal buildings, because while Antifa claims to be against fascists but is really just an anarchist/communist scumbucket of violence that wants destruction of everything possible. Likewise, federal police forces arrest those charged with federal offenses, from RICO to destruction of federal property.

In Althouse's post from yesterday, concerning Andrew McCarthy's Fox.com column, I specifically listed many of the federal offices in Detroit. I've been a regular visitor to the Levin Federal Building on Fort Street to appear in U.S. District Courts.

And I am not aware of any of them being under any sort of threat at this time. There aren't any protests; they have not been attacked, with spray paint or otherwise.

Moreover, to the best of my knowledge right now, there isn't a single federal indictment anywhere in the United States where the word "Antifa" is used. Certainly not in the Eastern District of Michigan.

I asked what were the threats to federal property or offices in the City of Detroit. And the sum and substance of your response was that you think it is possible that "Antifa" might be considering violence.

I might not make such a big deal out of Trump's careless trash-talk about Detroit. But I live here and know better. And Trump can never admit a mistake. And Trump fans cannot ever admit that he makes any mistakes. So that is exactly why I want to push that button. Again and again. Especially since the Trumpists have gotten all fired up about supposed civil liberties violations in the age of Coronavirus.

effinayright বলেছেন...

steve uhr said...
"We can solve the problem very easily." Sure thing Donald.

Something is going on other than the fact that democrats control the big cities. In Chicago there were 492 murders in 2019. This year it's on track to hit 778, more than a 50% increase. How does the administration explain the increase? That's the first step to finding a solution. If it's COVID related then we can expect a significant decrease in 2021 without federal assistance.

Utterly moronic. Why is the administration's job to explain the increase in murders in a Democrat-controlled CITY?

Why is there no crime spike in other cities hit by corona, as reported by the WaPo (paywalled article)?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Parallel with FDR's actions in 1940, Trump is doing a great job as our War Time President BEFORE the War is declared. Roosevelt had to say he hated war in public, while under the table he wa restarting the Draft and beginning immense military spending that laid the keels of CV10, CV11, CV12,CV13 and CV14 and the 5 new Iowa Class fast battleships in 1939-1941 two years before they would be desperately needed in 1943. And FDR ramped up wartime mass production by the appointment of Bill Knudsen as Lt. General of War Production . Knutsen was a GOP civilian guy that had taught Ford mass production and after moved on to General Motors where he had won that competition against Ford. His appointment by FDR was the brilliant and key move to winning of WWII.

Commander-in-Chief Trump has done the same magnificent things while the enemy of the people Fifth Column Democrats and MSM have had him targeted him for destruction since 2016.

n.n বলেছেন...

A Katrina moment... wait, why did you wait, project.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...


I bet many commenters here would have supported it if Obama had used fed LEO's to try and cut murder rate in the big cities like Chicago. I definitely would have.

Rabel বলেছেন...

The post's headline is truthy, but misleading. The lisping reporter was quoting Mayor Lightfoot, not making the failure accusation himself (and yes, I understand his intent to get the failure accusation into the discussion). We're fussy about the use of quotes around here, so it seems worth pointing out.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-lefty and Pro-Biden Advocate Chuck: "And I am not aware of any of them being under any sort of threat at this time. There aren't any protests; they have not been attacked, with spray paint or otherwise."

LLR-lefty Chuck has also emphatically and passionately asserted that there has never been any voter fraud in democrat precincts in Detroit.

LLR-lefty Chuck becomes very, very agitated when there is ANY suggestion of malfeasance, misfeasance, criminality or corruption on the part of any far left/left/liberal/democrat person or group.

That's the biggest "tell" for a "Muh Principles" "conservative".

PhilD বলেছেন...

I'm Flemish. Compared to Belgium Trump isn't doing badly. Unluckily for him he has the democrat's criminally incompetent (and one can hope it's only incompetence) governors on his back.

Btw, I'm not an American but I do have some understanding how a federal system works. I understand that the ideologues act as if they have no idea of it but shouldn't the majority of the Americans know more about the limitations/strengths of the Federation/states interactions?
I sure hope a majority do in november.

PhilD বলেছেন...

I'm Flemish. Compared to Belgium Trump isn't doing badly. Unluckily for him he has the democrat's criminally incompetent (and one can hope it's only incompetence) governors on his back.

Btw, I'm not an American but I do have some understanding how a federal system works. I understand that the ideologues act as if they have no idea of it but shouldn't the majority of the Americans know more about the limitations/strengths of the Federation/states interactions?
I sure hope a majority do in november.

mikee বলেছেন...

Chuck, you apparently expect all federal law enforcement officers to stay out of Detroit until AFTER there is violence. That is not how law enforcement works. These feds are assigned to live and work in Detroit, to protect the federal assets there and to make arrests - as I wrote and as you ignored - from RICO to destruction of federal property. They were there last year, too, and there when Barry was president, arresting Detroiters for federal violations then!

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-lefty and Democrat Whitmer Re-election Chairperson Chuck: "Now again I ask; what are the FEDERAL law enforcement actions needed in Detroit, per Trump’s press conference yesterday?"

Interesting Note: To this day, LLR-lefty Chuck has never taken back his previously often argued position that obama/biden and their minions never spied on Trump or his campaign at any time.

So Chuck's defense and demand to be made privy to all internal DOJ/FBI analysis of dangers to Federal facilities, which have been under attack in democrat/LLR-lefty (because we should stop pretending these are 2 different groups) controlled cities for weeks upon weeks, is the sort of thing that can be laughed off.

Jim at বলেছেন...

In Chicago there were 492 murders in 2019. This year it's on track to hit 778, more than a 50% increase. How does the administration explain the increase?

Maybe you should be asking the elected officials in the city of Chicago instead of the President of the United States.

I swear. Your TDS is making all of you nothing but a bunch of drooling imbeciles.

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-lefty Chuck comes out of his hidey hole long enough to go to bat for antifa and the marxists.

I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

Almost as "unexpected" as LLR-lefty Chuck's 5 year, round the clock passionate defense of every single democrat and their policies.

But only every single one.

daskol বলেছেন...

ooh, I know that one: beaver

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

So that is exactly why I want to push that button. Again and again.

You’re not actually pushing any buttons. Everyone knows that Trump says stupid stuff, and it’s only the truly pathetic (like the clown in your mirror) that care.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>I bet many commenters here would have supported it if Obama had used fed LEO's to try and cut murder rate in the big cities like Chicago. I definitely would have.

You don't need federal police or troops. Stop and frisk, with a lengthy sentence for convicted felons in possession of firearms will drastically reduce the homicide rate.

But that is politically unworkable.

Drago বলেছেন...

Nice video of one of Howard's and LLR-lefty Chuck's antifa heroes totally not setting himself on fire while attempting to start a fire at a federal bldg:

According to LLR-lefty Chuck, this sort of activity across the nation definitely does not require any federal response because that is what all Conservative Inc grifters say.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"The lisping reporter was quoting Mayor Lightfoot, not making the failure accusation himself (and yes, I understand his intent to get the failure accusation into the discussion)."

Wouldn't that make him a lisping weasel? The least he could do (as a non-weasel, that is) would be to take public ownership of his intent.

doctrev বলেছেন...

Chuck, you're a small time hood from Lawton, Michigan. Even if strategic decisions against the Soros insurgency in Detroit could be based around the individual opinions of random douchebags who want to sponsor anarchy against the Trump Administration, no one would ask you your opinion about it.

Keep your bullshit up, and I'll keep going.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

At this point I am ready to let the cities burn. Close federal offices, warn people to leave, then just put up a wall around them. Anyone can come out, no one and nothing goes in. They'll burn out, perhaps literally in a few days.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

In the 18th and 19th centuries, these "protests" would have been met with massed musketry and cannon fire.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
Let's see... How many of Detroit's recent mayors have gone up on federal corruption charges?
And is there no organized crime in Detroit?
No smuggling from Canada into the states?

The FBI and the US Attorney's office for the Eastern District of Michigan, with the Public Corruption Unit in DC, and with some help from the Michigan Attorney General's office, worked together to put an ex-Detroit Mayor away in a federal penitentiary for a very long time.

(There's been talk about the notion that Trump, in another shamelessly pandering effort, might pardon Kwame Kilpatrick, to whip a few Detroit votes his way in Michigan, where Trump won by less than 1% in 2016.)

The US Attorney whose office put Kilpatrick away was Barbara McQuade. Her boss, the US Attorney General, was Eric Holder. His boss, the President of the United States, was Barack Obama.

Organized crime in Detroit is now not what it used to be, and "smuggling" on the border with Canada has been a minor law enforcement headache since the days of prohibition. My question to you is what is new and different from the last ten or twenty years, and what exactly the fuck is Trump talking about when he suggests that he might send more federal agents to Detroit?

What exactly is your point here? Stay on topic; address yourself to Trump's comments as Althouse quoted the transcript. My point is that there are no new, significant federal crimes happening in Detroit. The USA for the Eastern District has been tasked with AG Barr right now, as we speak, with investigating various lockdown orders by state governors. So it wasn't like the Matthew Schneider is under such overwhelming pressure with basic criminal law enforcement that he needs more federal agents. He's obviously got enough time on his hands to go on a political fishing expedition for AG Barr and the Trump Campaign.


Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

The permanent blinding of 3 officers is amazing.

Perhaps Detroit is not having Antifa show up to riot, is because it's too Black - Not enough Woke White Antifa Types?

Detroit is safer than 2% of all US cities!

JAORE বলেছেন...

Typical Conservative response = Run away.

Feh. Typical lefty. Don't want the Feds to protect their own in the cities. Don't want them to leave.

It isn't running away. It is telling the crazed mayors that they are too inept to do their jobs, It is telling them they will no longer be rewarded for their encouragement of lawlessness. It is telling them that, No, your city is not the whole of your state. It is telling them that,although they are failing to protect their citizens, Trump will protect the Federal workers. It is highlighting the fact that large cites are corrupt and, under leftist rule, not fixable. Only suited to support grifters on the blood and sweat of those that live there.

Kind of like telling Germany that if they can't meet their commitments to NATO we can, and will, wind down our presence there.

rcocean বলেছেন...

THe New Propaganda tactic, adopted by Liberal/left and the Never Trumpers is too state that "Trump failed the CV-19 crisis" as a fact. They think if they chant this over and over people will believe it. Just like they constantly talk about CV-19 cases going up, rather than about death rates.

Joanne Jacobs বলেছেন...

If I were Trump's advisor, I'd tell him to start reading (or tweeting) the name of every person killed in Chicago (or any other city he wants to target) over the last week. Say their names. Ask why the mayors can't protect their citizens, but won't ask for help.

Chuck বলেছেন...

mikee said...
Chuck, you apparently expect all federal law enforcement officers to stay out of Detroit until AFTER there is violence. That is not how law enforcement works. These feds are assigned to live and work in Detroit, to protect the federal assets there and to make arrests - as I wrote and as you ignored - from RICO to destruction of federal property. They were there last year, too, and there when Barry was president, arresting Detroiters for federal violations then!

Like I have stated several times now; there are many federal buildings and offices in Detroit. The US Attorney for the Eastern District; the federal courthouse which houses about 16 or 17 United States Distirct Court Judges, depending on senior status; an FBI office; major USMS and CBP offices; etc., etc. All doing their jobs quite nicely these days, given the obvious problems of the poorly-controlled pandemic.

I never doubted the existence of these federal personnel. I mentioned their offices in Detroit yesterday, before you did. They are doing fine. There are no riots in Detroit. No looting. No attacks on federal buildings.

I won't say that there is no crime in Detroit. There is, and there is a federal presence in Detroit to address that, like there always has been.

What I am asking is what is new, such that Trump is spouting off about federal law enforcement officers needing to be sent by Trump to Detroit in order to... do just what, exactly?

If there is some new wave of federal crimes in Detroit, please tell us what that wave is in terms of federal law violations and what it is that the Trump administration is going to do about it.

n.n বলেছেন...

Democrats responded with the same emotionally charged language when the federal government threatened to shut down the KKK, diversity rackets, organized crime, etc.

Jack Klompus বলেছেন...

"In Chicago there were 492 murders in 2019. This year it's on track to hit 778, more than a 50% increase. How does the administration explain the increase?"

How do you explain the ability of someone as stupid as you to put your shoes on properly without writing L and R on the toes?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Updated two hours ago; the feds have now rushed out a federal law enforcement proposal. It follows up on a previous initiative, "Operation Relentless Pursuit."

It's not aimed at protection of federal buildings; it's more general law enforcement. Detroit doesn't seem to need any protection of federal property right now, as I have stated previously. And Detroit officials are not accepting any federal agents to police protests, per se.

So now, with the assistance of some added federal agents, we can see if Detroit gets cleaned up fast, as Trump says, "We can solve the problem very easily." Great! Let's see what happens over, say, the next five months before the election! Should be really interesting. Some big ATF raids on illegal gun sales, maybe.

Just-updated Detroit Free Press story:


Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“In the 18th and 19th centuries, these "protests" would have been met with massed musketry and cannon fire”

By the end, they had upgraded to machine guns.

Narr বলেছেন...

Just finished A. Horne's nice illustrated "The Terrible Year," about the 1871 Paris Commune.

Wow. In abut a week of street fighting between the Republican army and the Communards, an estimated 20,000-25,000 Communards (of all ages and genders) were killed, and about 7,000
Republican K & W.

Atrocities and massacrees aplenty on both sides. Easily matches the worst stuff in our ACWABAWS and exceeds most of it . . . and no racial animus involved.

French on French violence, very gruesome

Gk1 বলেছেন...

Living in deep blue Bay area I am seeing signs that my progressive friends are tiring of escalating BLM & Antifa inspired violence in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere.

Their facebook feeds are becoming much less strident and more reflective and inward looking at the damage unrestricted violence is doing to poor black people. If this is being purposely engineered by the democrats it sounds like they should do a 180 as even their most devoted are tired of the violence.

They still do enjoy the occasional conspiracy theories about "secret police" whisking law abiding citizens but even that is fading as its become undeniable its Antifa and BLM goons being grabbed and there is so much twitter and youtube feed of them trying to burn down a Portland courthouse its an established fact. The peaceful protestors are finally speaking up and want to be heard. They know they are losing more support the longer this drags on.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Richard Epstein today on sending in the Feds comes down on Trump's side, in spite of his hatred of Trump.


Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-lefty Chuck will go down swinging in defense of his beloved Michigan democrats and antifa allies.

Poor LLR-lefty Chuck. To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens, there is no one left for LLR-lefty Chuck to lie to. He is now transparently aboard the antifa/marxist/dem bandwagon and there is no coming back from that.


Kai Akker বলেছেন...

It is 100% the SOS.

In '60s, Black Panthers and Weathermen/SDS dbs.

Now, BLM and Antifa.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Nixon destroyed Humphrey and Humphrey could walk and talk. He fought for that nomination. Trump will destroy this poor unprotected looney the Democrats are forcing out there to take the beating. A shonda.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Gk1 said...
Living in deep blue Bay area I am seeing signs that my progressive friends are tiring of escalating BLM & Antifa inspired violence in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere.

I think this is important, more so in OR and WA which have significant non-leftist populations. I know somebody denied that Inslee could lose but WA east of the Cascades is red. More like Idaho.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Dunno what Dick is doing here. I had thought that he was one of the trolls to be excluded by moderation.

Anyway, he wants to know the President's justification for federal troops in Detroit.

How about this:

Article IV

Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Detroit has been rife with thuggery both official, by the city govt and its agencies and by private actors such as gangs. The private thuggery seems sanctioned by the city in that they seem to have no interest in stopping it.

Seems like this kind of living in terror for the average citizen is definitely NOT a republican form of govt. If the state and the city refuse to step in and provide it, I think it is legitimate for the federal govt to step in.

Yeah, yeah, I know. "Republican form of govt" is undefined and I don't know what it means either. I do know that what the good folks in Detroit are getting is not it.

John Henry

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Gk1 said...

Living in deep blue Bay area I am seeing signs that my progressive friends are tiring of escalating BLM & Antifa inspired violence in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere.

Their facebook feeds are becoming much less strident and more reflective and inward looking at the damage unrestricted violence is doing to poor black people. If this is being purposely engineered by the democrats it sounds like they should do a 180 as even their most devoted are tired of the violence.

Some, Carlos Osweda and others think this is the whole point of PDJT's policy. A little bit of this would have stirred peoples hearts with a vicarious sense of revolution. A lot of it will get them sick and tired of it.

Sounds like we are getting over the hump of vicarious revolution and into the sick and tired phase.

I think I would have let it go a bit longer. OTOH, every time I have wondered it PDJT has know what he was doing, every time I think he was making a mistake, it turns out that I was wrong. He did, does and hasn't.

John Henry

n.n বলেছেন...

republic (n.)

c. 1600, "state in which supreme power rests in the people via elected representatives," from Middle French république (15c.), from Latin respublica (ablative republica) "the common weal, a commonwealth, state, republic," literally res publica "public interest, the state," from res "affair, matter, thing" (see re) + publica, fem. of publicus "public" (see public (adj.)). Republic of letters attested from 1702.

- etymonline.com

Protestors don't qualify as representatives of the People.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

This is very close to the Katrina Trap, where the Gov. of LA refused to let Bush mobilize FEMA in advance thus creating disaster by unpreparedness, that they blamed on Bush.

1. Tie the Presidents hands.
2. Watch human disaster occur.
3. Blame the president you hobbled.
4. Electoral Profits!!!

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-lefty and antifa fanboy Chuck: Updated two hours ago; the feds have now rushed out a federal law enforcement proposal. It follows up on a previous initiative, "Operation Relentless Pursuit."'

Operation Relentless Pursuit...the story of one FakeCon LLR's desperate journey to garner the affection and acceptance of the marxist left....available on Hulu Streaming....with a Fan Rating of "None Identified"

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

That is some powerful myopic projection there. Isn't the question itself an attempt to distract from the disasters pretty much everywhere idiots were numerous enough to elect Democrats. That's right. It's not even the fault of the idiots you elected, it's your own fault your own city is on fire, and you can't leave your house, while you want desperately to get the hell out of town. Great Job! What will you fuck up next?

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"republic (n.)

c. 1600, "state in which supreme power rests in the people via elected representatives," from Middle French république (15c.), from Latin respublica (ablative republica) "the common weal, a commonwealth, state, republic," literally res publica "public interest, the state," from res "affair, matter, thing" (see re) + publica, fem. of publicus "public" (see public (adj.)). Republic of letters attested from 1702.
- etymonline.com

Protestors don't qualify as representatives of the People."

This reminds me of years ago when I was consulting for a small mine owner in Virginia. A rather strange farm neighbor was letting his cattle graze on surface land owned by the mine. I suggested fencing so the guy could not assert adverse possession over time. the Owner told me that squatters ain't got rights in Virginia.

7/23/20, 7:58 PM

Gk1 বলেছেন...

"This is very close to the Katrina Trap" I thought this too weeks ago but the problem with how its played out is its very easy to see the local police have been told to stand down and the city has ceded the field to thugs. Since Trump hasn't decreed he will put down this insurrection its like a tire fire in the yard of the progressives that stepped back thinking it would make Trump look bad.

Now they are trying to pretend no real damage is happening or the riots are not violent. Hence why the media never shows the rioters at night, just the moms with strollers during the day at CHOP or Portland. The problem is everyone of those dumbfucks at night is filming their rioting, firing fireworks at policeman and posting to twitter or youtube so we can all see whats going on. They aren't fooling anyone.

DeepRunner বলেছেন...

The report on an "unbiased" reporter said:
"Trump was asked if his sending federal agents into cities run by Democrats is 'just a political stunt... to divert attention from your failures on coronavirus.'"

Wow. So I checked the transcript. Doesn't identify the questioner. First thought is, it was Acosta. Then maybe it might have been Yamiche Alcindor.

The question says it all. It ain't about facts. It's about blame and hate.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Bruce Haden@4:32PM/

In the aftermath of the 1906 S.F.earthquake the police&Army were given orders to shoot looters on sight and the Army (mainly) did. In New Orleans during KATRINA the police were likewise authorized to do so and a few actually did--mainly to innocents mistaken for looters. Additionally Nat. Guard units and police illegally confiscated legally owned firearms from civilian homeowners trying to protect their property from looters w.o even attempting to take guns from the real bad guys, i.e.,thugs/looters. (the old "low-hanging fruit" syndrome)

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Bruce Haden@4:32PM/

In the aftermath of the 1906 S.F.earthquake the police&Army were given orders to shoot looters on sight and the Army (mainly) did. In New Orleans during KATRINA the police were likewise authorized to do so and a few actually did--mainly to innocents mistaken for looters. Additionally Nat. Guard units and police illegally confiscated legally owned firearms from civilian homeowners trying to protect their property from looters w.o even attempting to take guns from the real bad guys, i.e.,thugs/looters. (the old "low-hanging fruit" syndrome)

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Bruce Haden@4:32PM/

In the aftermath of the 1906 S.F.earthquake the police&Army were given orders to shoot looters on sight and the Army (mainly) did. In New Orleans during KATRINA the police were likewise authorized to do so and a few actually did--mainly to innocents mistaken for looters. Additionally Nat. Guard units and police illegally confiscated legally owned firearms from civilian homeowners trying to protect their property from looters w.o even attempting to take guns from the real bad guys, i.e.,thugs/looters. (the old "low-hanging fruit" syndrome)

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Moreover, to the best of my knowledge right now, there isn't a single federal indictment anywhere in the United States where the word "Antifa" is used. Certainly not in the Eastern District of Michigan."
This is an interesting assertion. Are you implying , Chuck, that since there is no federal indictment of ANTIFA, that it doesn't exist? That ANTIFAs importance has been exaggerated for republican propaganda purposes since there is no federal mention of ANTIFA? The implication being, asserted by you, that ANTIFA poses no threat to the public.

Please excuse the extra space. I was made aware of the history of ANTIFA from a history of the German Gestapo of the 1920s and 30s. Antifa originated in post Wiemar Germany as the enforcement arm of the German Workers Communist Party.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

So Solly re the multiple posts/VX