২৩ জুলাই, ২০২০

"The way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening. No sitting president has ever done this. Never, never, never."

"No Republican president has done this. No Democratic president. We’ve had racists, and they’ve existed. They’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has."

So said Joe Biden yesterday. He was answering a question in a virtual town run by the Service Employees International Union, The Guardian reports.

I was asking yesterday, "Does Biden ever take questions?," and here's an answer. He did a town hall yesterday. I keep trying to find a full transcript or video, but all I get is this one answer that he gave.

What exactly was the question? The Guardian just says "a questioner complained of racism linked to the coronavirus outbreak and mentioned the president referring to it as the 'China virus.'"

One problem with his answer is that if Biden's idea of what a "racist" is doesn't include any President before Trump, then Biden is saying that slaveowners were not racists.

Ah! Here's video of the entire town hall. I haven't watched it, but I will. I'd like to see how he holds up, speaking for an hour:

Oh! And here's a full transcript. The news articles (like the one from The Guardian) all seem to be fixated on Biden's calling Trump the first racist President. I am more interested in Biden's overall mental fitness for the job.

ADDED: Sample from the transcript:
Marlyn Hoilette: (36:22)
I am a fighter, and that’s why I’m here to share my experience today and to tell the stories of my coworkers. Without saying, it goes that we need proper PPE. Here in Florida, COVID-19 is on the rise and I am worried that my coworkers and myself might not survive a second time. Our lives are literally on the line in this election. My union members and myself, including Suk, risk over lives every day we go to work. Mr. Biden, as president, how could you protect us [inaudible 00:37:06]?

Joe Biden: (37:07)
First of all, let me say to you that if there are any angels in heaven, they’re all nurses, male and female. I spent a total of seven months and three months in ICU. I watched them take care of my son who was dying of a glioblastoma for 14 months. I watched them when my wife and daughter were killed, bring my boys back because they were in the same automobile when the tractor-trailer hit them. And as I said earlier, doctors let you live, nurses make you want to live. You have that special thing. You give hope, the mere fact that you’re there. You guys don’t even, I think, sometimes realize it. You lie there and you look at that screen in the ICU and you know if the line goes flat, you’re gone. But you don’t care after a while. You don’t really care, even if you’re not in pain, you just get tired of it. And I had nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my year.

Marlyn Hoilette: (38:13)

Joe Biden: (38:13)
And go home and get me pillows. They would make sure… Actually, probably nothing ever taught in-

Joe Biden: (46:47)
(Silence) …sure you and your coworkers and others get paid and people are able to go back to work. That family you’re helping out. If you didn’t show up, they wouldn’t be able to go to work. And so you’re going to put them back to work, but we’re going to also put a lot more care workers to work. We’re going to bring more people in with you to make sure that you are able to continue to provide the services that in many cases are life and death for people. It’s gigantic what you’re doing. And so don’t ever run yourself down based on you’re from South Korea or anywhere else. Let me tell you something, the reason were so strong as an ancient because we are a nation of immigrants. That’s why we are strong. No, I really mean it. I’m not just trying to be nice. It’s the God’s truth, because what people don’t understand, as I said once to a world leader, the reason why we do so well is we’re the most unique nation in the world.

Joe Biden: (47:44)
As a nation of immigrants, we’ve been able to pick the best from every single culture, it took courage 40 years ago for your family to pick up and move. It took courage for my great grandfather to get on a coffin ship in the Irish sea to come to the United States of America. It took courage, optimism, determination. That’s why we’re who we are. So don’t let anybody convince you, you are not American in every single way. It’s an idea. We’re an idea. It’s not based on an ethnicity or race. I’m sorry to get so worked up about it, but it makes me so angry when I find that people based on the color of their skin or their national origin are somehow viewed in a different way.

Joe Biden: (48:34)
And look what he’s doing now. He’s blaming everything on China. He’s blaming everything on the Chinese. He blaming everything, and people don’t make a distinction as you well know, from a South Korean and someone from Beijing, they make no distinction. It’s Asian. And he’s just using it as a wedge. If he had moved, when he should have moved. When we knew about this, Columbia School of… In New York pointed out, there’d be 57,000 more people alive today if we moved just two weeks earlier, he’s trying to shift the blame. You deserve [crosstalk 00:49:12]

Mary Kay Henry: (49:11)
And we love it when you get angry Mr. Vice President, and Suk is as angry as you are. We really appreciate your passion. Thank you so much [crosstalk 00:49:21]

Joe Biden: (49:20)
Really. You know, I mean this. This is [crosstalk 00:49:22]

Mary Kay Henry: (49:23)
I know you do. I know you do.

৯২টি মন্তব্য:

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Trump being racist is the narrative, which Biden is showing he'll follow, to show it's something you can vote for maintaining.

Biden's mental ability isn't even in the picture. Only narrative matters to narrative followers.

The narrative is about feelings, and mentally challenged people have feelings too, so they're not missing anything important.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I am more interested in Biden's overall mental fitness for the job

All he needs is a pulse.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

A talking human eggplant. I could go on, but why?

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

Good old American gibberish.


Don't those nurses have a Tik Tok video to go do?

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Remind me again whether stream-of-consciousness riffing is a good or bad habit for presidents and would-be presidents.

Kassaar বলেছেন...

He really means it, people. He said so himself.

wendybar বলেছেন...

How sickening is it when you have a lying ex vice president who has more racist comments made by himself, talking about how racist somebody else is....Look in the mirror Joe. You ain't black unless you vote for this idiot who said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” And he didn't want his kids to grow up in a jungle. Joe is more delusional than we thought.

Wilbur বলেছেন...

I'd like to ask him a few questions. Heh.

Bigus Macus বলেছেন...

Gee, Joe doesn't know the history if his own party, WW & FDR for starters.

stlcdr বলেছেন...

Do you call a former Vice President, Mr. Vice President? How would this be different from the actual Vice President?

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Can’t they give him a rest home, and a bib to drool on?

That’s a question?

If you can’t see the cognitive decline, then you’re voting democrat.

At some level, this is complete contempt. Obama was an empty suit. Can we go emptier?

Kevin বলেছেন...

I am more interested in Biden's overall mental fitness for the job.

Mental fitness?

I’m not sure Biden can pass the Turing Test.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I must not have been paying attention when Trump was dealing with people based on the color of their skin. I can see Democrats doing it. Joe Biden is doing it right now. But I must have missed Trump doing it....

Mattman26 বলেছেন...

Well, the nurse response shows he’s obviously capable of giving a blow job, so that’s good.

rehajm বলেছেন...

...I mean I can see Biden trying to hang that on Trump with China virus. If one fairly Altparses that, China is a country, not a person, not a race.

Patrick বলেছেন...

There's never been a national crisis that a folksy anecdote couldn't solve.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Claims like this show the real danger of our biased and dishonest media. All politicians will tell whatever lies they think they can get away with. I'm not happy about it, but it's always been this way and it always will.

The number 1 job of the political media is to hold politicians to account, to put limits on their ability to lie. The media's abdication of this role has freed up Democrats and Republicans alike to say absolutely anything. Democrats because they know they'll never be held to account and Republicans because they know they'll never be treated fairly.

Our civic life is suffering and I don't see how we can fix it without fixing (or replacing) the media.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

Well, Trump is no racist, but Woodrow Wilson was, and this is well-documented, and only ignorant liars claim otherwise, and he was in your party Joe, so sit down and STFU.

Stop inciting race wars. Nobody needs this shit.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Biden realizes China is a country, right? A really powerful country.

Let me ask this, is all the talk about Russia racist?

Mr. D বলেছেন...

madAsHell said...

If you can’t see the cognitive decline, then you’re voting democrat.

Less can't than won't, but yes. I'd call him a potted plant, but potted plants have more vitality.

stevew বলেছেন...

Biden's response to the question ("how will you protect us?") is tangential at best, non-responsive at worst. That's typical of a politician. He uses the question to launch into some common boilerplate attacks on his rival, which his supporters in the audience love. I don't think this tells us anything about his cognitive state; might even argue that he is demonstrating an ability to learn and repeat a message.

I want to see him sit down with Chris Wallace, or someone else that can be trusted not to go softly, and field some challenging questions.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Remind me again whether stream-of-consciousness riffing is a good or bad habit for presidents and would-be presidents.

Riffing includes getting back to the topic at hand.

Biden just fades off to nothingness.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

I hope Joe can get to the bottom of why the Chinese are putting pee-pee in our Coke.

Because maybe its been the South Koreans all along.

I am Laslo

Breezy বলেছেন...

Can’t even tell you the last time someone whispered in my year... so jealous!

Browndog বলেছেন...

I keep imagining a collective, world-wide "oh, shit" moment 5 minutes into Biden's Inaugural Address.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

I learned from your excerpt, that Biden has no answers, about PPE and protecting health workers. Although, health workers have a very low mortality rate. We do know that. We also know Hydroxychloroquine reduces mortality 50% if used prophylactically, or at the early stages of the infection. So maybe health care workers should be taking Hydroxy.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Is the nurse a liar, over 60 or 300 lbs, or so ill-informed that she's really scared Kung Flu will kill her?

Temujin বলেছেন...

SEIU is a disease. Clone-like in their thinking. Power and money for their leaders. They are another of the union political divisions of the Democrat Party. The Dems have to keep promises to so many union leaders: AFL-CIO, UAW, NEA, AFT, SEIU, SAG, and many, many others.

But they are money and votes for the Dems. Joe could say nothing. He could send in his persona in the presence of a sack of potatoes and they'd make the same comments to him. They'd still vote for him.

MayBee বলেছেন...

I'm reading the transcript. They aren't really ......questions.

But one thing that's funny, he's talking to Shanrika, who works in a nursing home. She says she loves her job. She's a CNA. And he keeps talking about how she needs opportunities to better herself. How the unions and him as president would create opportunities for her to better her position.
Just kind of....patronizing. But they love Biden, so I guess its ok

Leland বলেছেন...

Ah yes, the "Trump is a racist for calling the virus by its origin" refrain despite the media and health officials calling it that from discovery in 2019 until the moment they decided to pin the virus on Trump wanting to open up the country. They should get out of their basement and see how that plays to people who lost their job.

Rory বলেছেন...

Biden is probably the closest link we have to the last group of Congressional segregationists.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Its a war and for this part of it, the propaganda, everything is ammunition.
Everything we get on the "news" is in some way or another propaganda. Even facts are filtered, emphasizing some and blocking others.
There is no arguing with propaganda.

The only correct response is an effective counter-propaganda. And that has to be as sinful as the original.

Rick বলেছেন...

It's a strange comment from someone whose party's entire worldview and governance program is explicitly based on "the color of their skin".

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Well the DNC-Media would really have their work set out for them to gaslight America on this point. Serious heavy lifting. To me, the immediate predecessor to Trump said more racist things (“his grandmother was a typical white person”), and it’s very hard to compete with Wilson, who resegregated the armed forces and screened Birth of a Nation in the White House. But the gem in Biden’s BS is him going off on racism over calling the Chinese Virus a Chinese virus. What a dope. Siding with China. Joe can’t read a room well as they say.

michaele বলেছেন...

Democrat politicians #1 go to card to play against a Republican is calling them a racist. During his years before becoming the GOP presidential nominee, some of Donald Trump's disgustingly racist actions were to date a half black young lady for awhile, pick a black man to win the 4th season of The Apprentice, have lots of black contenders on The Apprentice, hang out with a number of black celebrities during his more social times in NYC. Donald Trump's biggest sins were to beat white woman Hillary Clinton for the Presidency and declare his opposition to illegal immigration.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

He says that Trump is blaming China, and since South Koreans are the same as Chinese, that's racist?

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Internal Polling must be really bad with Minorities for Biden.

Need to deploy the Racism Weapon!

Trump is going to wait to Nuke Em on the issue, first Biden needs to be the nominee. To early for Trump to nuke em.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

[Rolls eyes]

Tom T. বলেছেন...

Minimal coverage of Biden's remarks that I can see. Instapundit ran some items showing that only about 20 people tuned in to watch in real time.

Craig বলেছেন...

Still think Trump supporters will be protected by government in a Biden administration?

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Biden is probably the closest link we have to the last group of Congressional segregationists.

Possible First "gentleman" Bill Clinton worked for Sen. Fulbright.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Ralph L said...
Is the nurse a liar, over 60 or 300 lbs, or so ill-informed that she's really scared Kung Flu will kill her?

well, from her pic, she's 50ish, and more than 200 lbs
Also, She SAID that my coworkers and I contracted COVID-19 earlier this month(35:37)
She is worried that my coworkers and myself might not survive a second time

This Moronic WHORE*, is worried that she will
A) get Covid AGAIN!
B) DIE from it THIS TIME!

Moronic WHORE* I suppose, in fairness; she might just be a Lying Bitch

MartyH বলেছেন...

Twelve minutes of digressions. Trump will digress too but the digressions seem to fit together, and he gets back to the point. The question was how he would ensure the supply of PPE. Does Biden touch on that at all?

Wince বলেছেন...

The video made me think Biden is fighting a rear guard action to minimize loss of the "minority" vote, not expand into the undecideds.

GingerBeer বলেছেন...

How many slave-owning presidents were as openly racist as Woodrow Wilson? Absent the 13th amendment, it would be hard to imagine Wilson not owning slaves.

Iconochasm বলেছেন...

What's up with that six minute gap of silence?

ga6 বলেছেন...

"I want to see him sit down with Chris Wallace"

Chris would give him a tongue bath.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Any time spent listening to any of these jokers is time wasted. Was that the stream that had 19 viewers?

Joe makes a great case for Joe being a lying idiot. Alternatively, he could believe that fiction he is spouting, which would make him merely an idiot.

By the way, the virus came from China. If it came from Scranton, Trump would call it the Scranton virus.

Todd বলেছেন...

Biden's calling Trump the first racist President

Another Trump first?!?

Sorry but I thought Obama was the county's first racist President. He did more to set back race relations than any president since... Well maybe Obama was the best at something...

Rory বলেছেন...

"Possible First "gentleman" Bill Clinton worked for Sen. Fulbright."

Yeah, I figured Hillary's the active politician, so her connection is secondary.

MD Greene বলেছেন...

How dare that racist Trump criticize wonderful China, the country whose government arranged a billion-dollar investment in Hunter Biden's sure-to-be-profitable investment fund?

Maybe Biden can stand a bill to cancel Trump's First Amendment rights.

Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

Woodrow Wilson and LBJ. What terrible people they were. Let's erase them. JFK may be a bit suspicious, but come on, we have to have one hero.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

Biden calling Trump a racist is the equivalent of calling a priest a pedophile. It is the ultimate smear. This comment alone disqualifies this despicable man from the White Hoise.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"The way he deals with people based on the color of their skin"


"their national origin, where they’re from"


Of course, with regard to actual foreigners, isn't it part of the job description--like, an American president works for Americans?

"No sitting president has ever done this. Never, never, never."

Done what?

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"I am more interested in Biden's overall mental fitness for the job."


Gordy বলেছেন...

Yeah, just keep working the racism angle until the election.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"I hope Joe can get to the bottom of why the Chinese are putting pee-pee in our Coke.

Because maybe its been the South Koreans all along."

Well, they all look alike.

I think it's presumptuous to think Biden doesn't know he's slipping away. Made desperate by that self-knowledge, he's only going to become more ridiculous and flailing in the weeks ahead. Hopefully his poll numbers hold up long enough to keep him in the game until it's too late.

JAORE বলেছেন...

I wish my claims were always accepted as gospel with no possibility of being challenged.

Life on the left must be sweet..... but why are they always so bitter and angry?

Swede বলেছেন...

When Biden loses this election, I expect his mental decline will accelerate at an alarming rate.
Some of that will be due to the fact that nobody will be interested in hiding that decline any further.
I also expect the MSM to barely cover it because he'll be done as a means to an end.
There will be no reflection, except from Republicans who will point out how a bullet was dodged.
By then, Democrats will only be focused on how to stymie Trump's next SC pick.

JAORE বলেছেন...

During a debate is it OK to nave a nurse blow in Joe's nose every few minutes?

Paul বলেছেন...

Geeze... he ever hear of FDR sending all the Japanese American citizens to camps?

AllenS বলেছেন...

Right now, the only hope that Democrats have is who Slow Joe chooses for the VP.

AllenS বলেছেন...

... which will have to be a black woman, according to Slow Joe.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

Biden (And his "keepers") should note that President Wilson, a Democrat, was an intense racist who re-segregated our Army and Federal civil service.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Sebastian asked...
"No sitting president has ever done this. Never, never, never."
Done what?

The fact that no other sitting President has ever been asked to, doesn't change the fact that
No sitting President has ever refused to resign, and set up Hilary Clinton as our leader

Donald Trump, Won't EVEN Resign!!!

hombre বলেছেন...

That’s not an answer it’s an accusation and a red herring.

Q: “VP Biden, what will you do about illegal immigration?” A. The President is a racist ....” Followup by the leftmediaswine: “In answer to one of many question today, Mr Biden said the President is a racist.”

n.n বলেছেন...

Biden is right that diversity (i.e. class-based taxonomic system, process, and dogma) is a progressive condition that normalizes denial of individual dignity, denial of individual conscience, affirmative discrimination, and color blocs. #HateLovesAbortion

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

I have an old bag of potatoes in my pantry...there are only two left and I missed the window to cook them at least a week ago. They are starting to grow those weird tendril thingees and are getting black spots on them. Together, those potatoes are smarter than Creepy Joe.

Gunner বলেছেন...

The US was the most successful country 40 years ago. Why did it take "courage" to come to a long-settled and rich nation?

mikee বলেছেন...

Both Biden and Trump are equally white males, hence equally, inherently, irredeemably, systemically, unconsciously racist, per the current definitions, which may change any moment to suit the needs of leftists. Joe should exit the race in favor of a person of color. Plus, he has serious dementia, which is getting worse.

hombre বলেছেন...

RHHardin’s comment at 5:19 pretty much captures the Democrat Left and their minions. It explains what we take for insanity, stupidity, immorality and/or diabolism.

Nevertheless, I prefer to think of them as vacuous evildoers.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Does he actually gi8ve any specific examples of Trump mistreating an actual human being based on race, or is he using the current Stupid Left definition of "racism" (i.e.,"anything I disagree with")?

Gospace বলেছেন...

MayBee said...
I'm reading the transcript. They aren't really ......questions.

But one thing that's funny, he's talking to Shanrika, who works in a nursing home. She says she loves her job. She's a CNA. And he keeps talking about how she needs opportunities to better herself. How the unions and him as president would create opportunities for her to better her position.

Talking about how unions would create opportunities to better herself? Obviously has never been a union member. Moving up from labor to management in a strong union company is difficult. The unions discourage it- and management doesn't want people in power who might be sympathetic to the union. So right there there's two strikes against that mistaken thought.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

“Earnest Prole said...
Remind me again whether stream-of-consciousness riffing is a good or bad habit for presidents and would-be presidents.”

Who knew Jack Kerouac would be writing speeches for both parties? Or is it in the coffee?
“July 20 (UPI) -- Police in Italy said they searched a package addressed to a fictional mafia boss and discovered it contained 4.5 ounces of cocaine hidden inside hollowed-out coffee beans.”

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Still think Trump supporters will be protected by government in a Biden administration?”

Wonder why popular calibers of ammunition seem to have been sold out for months now? That’s not the new gun buyers. They think that they are safe with one, or maybe two, boxes of ammunition. I shoot that week in and week out. Sometimes more. I have one .300 Blackout “pistol”, and working on a second (barrel arrived Saturday), but I can’t find even one box of ammunition. I want at least 1,000 rounds - hopefully twice that, so I can have that at each house (like I do with 5.56, 9mm, etc).

It’s not a second term for Trump that is worrying people, but the possibility that Biden wins, the Dems pick up 3-4 seats in the Senate, and keep the House.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I watched the entire video earlier this morning. Biden constantly digresses into meaninglessness. The digressions lead nowhere, and then he never returns to the subject first raised in any meaningful way. Biden basically can't keep track of what the conversations are about.

n.n বলেছেন...

Both Biden and Trump are equally white males, hence equally, inherently, irredeemably, systemically, unconsciously racist

Per diversity dogma, yes.

Joe should exit the race in favor of a person of color

Colored person, also hyphenated American a la Fetal-American.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

Ah, the old "Our lives are literally on the line" trope. I'm surprised she survived the tax cuts and the end of net neutrality, because our lives were allegedly on the line then too.

MSOM বলেছেন...

Could Biden have learned Trump's technique of saying something obviously false in order to dictate what everyone talks about?

If everyone spends a day or two discussing "Was Trump really the first racist president, or were there others before him?" then that's a win for Biden.

walter বলেছেন...

AllenS said...Right now, the only hope that Democrats have is who Slow Joe chooses for the VP.
They'll have to pass the smell test.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"During a virtual campaign event Wednesday evening, Joe Biden went on a rant blasting Trump for daring to blame China for their role in the COVID-19 pandemic. “Look what he’s doing now. He’s blaming everything on China. He’s blaming everything on the Chinese… and people don’t make a distinction, as you well know, from a South Korean and someone from Beijing,” Biden said. “They make no distinction, it’s Asian. And he’s using it as a wedge.”"

Putting aside the atrocious "people don’t make a distinction, as you well know, from a South Korean and someone from Beijing,”, this tactic of purposefully conflating the Chinese people with their government is despicable. They do the same damn thing with 'immigrant' and 'illegal immigrant'.

Joe, you're the one using the wedge.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

"and people don’t make a distinction as you well know, from a South Korean and someone from Beijing, they make no distinction. It’s Asian. "

You know, all those damn far East folks looks alike. No really, I mean it!

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Sloe Joe Fizzle

2 oz. sloe joe
1/2 oz. donepezil
1 tsp. Aricept
2 oz. HairClub soda
Strain thru a small, chilled Foley catheter
Serve with hindered ICE with a chilled cocktail waitress.
Shame well!

pee-pee in our Coke.???

try PEPSI !
actually Diet Pepsi
Nothing beats the thirst-quenching ability of an ice cold Diet Pepsi!
But it has to be from a can, so as to impart that delicate metallic taste.
Light, Crisp...Refreshing!!

Enjoy !!

walter বলেছেন...

Put that fizzle in a neti pot to clean out your sinus.
Gets you moving too.

Unknown বলেছেন...

labeling is the simplest narrative

there is no redeeming a Racist

not even death

rcocean বলেছেন...

It took courage for my great grandfather to get on a coffin ship in the Irish sea to come to the United States of America.

Biden's Great Grandfather James Finnegan, came to the USA in 1850 - AS A 10 year old CHILD. His Paternal Great Grandfather came here from ENGLAND, in the early 1800s. So, it didn't take any "Courage" him to come here.

By heritage, Joe Biden is roughly five-eighths Irish. His mother’s entire family tree traces to Ireland with ancestors named Arthurs, Blewitt, Boyle, Roche, Scanlon and Stanton accompanying her Finnegan kin. The last one-eighth comes from his father’s side, which contributed the Hanafee name.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"I got elected and I was 29 years old when Dr. King was assassinated and Bobby Kennedy. 1968 I graduated and I got elected in 1972 and [inaudible 01:09:03] to take office."

This makes it seem like Biden was 29 when Dr. King was assassinated. But he was 26. But yes, I read the transcript and Biden is not "taking questions" he's TALKING to various union members and tossing out his rehearsed talking points. He's going to make sure that no one has to spend more than 7% to keep their parents in a long-term care facility AND he's going to give the LT care workers raises AND job security. How EXACTLY he's going to do this, and why he and Obama didn't do it from 2009-2016 is unclear.

And he's basically saying we can't attack China, because White Americans (maybe blacks too) are too stupid and racist to understand the difference between Korean_americans, Asian-American and the Chinese Communists. As the relative of several Korean War veterans, I can assure that average Americans CAN tell the difference!

rcocean বলেছেন...

I didn't see any evidence of senility, but this was all scripted (that is the topics were known in advance, and Biden knew the questions and was given prepared answers). IT was more of campaign commercial than a press conference. It reminded me of a 1968 "Nixon Town hall" I saw on you-tube. Some "average American" in studio audience would stand up and ask Nixon "What about the high cost of living?" and then Nixon would give his canned answer. IRC, it was about 30 minutes.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The real danger with Biden, is people falling into the "he's really a moderate, He's just saying all this stuff to get elected". Sorry, there's ZERO reason given Biden's track record that he's just "Playing politics". His record as VP and Senator is quite clear. Biden is as Left-wing as the traffic will bear. There is "Moderate Joe". There is ZERO record of him standing up to the Left, and demanding moderation. In any case, Biden has no STRENGTH to fight the Left.

It'll be interesting to see how many boobs will vote for him because "Good ol' Joe, just doesn't really believe all this nonsense".

rcocean বলেছেন...

BTW, people in 1992 thought Bill & Hillary Clinton was moderates. Why, they were from Arkansas! And Bill signed off on an execution! He couldn't be a liberal/leftist. And did Obama campaign in 2008 on Amnesty and Obamacare? I don't think so.

ken in tx বলেছেন...

You can be sure that Koreans can tell the difference between themselves and Chinese. What's difficult is telling the difference between Japanese women and Korean women. I was told that even Korean men have trouble with this. However, the men are easily distinguishable, even for Americans.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

What's difficult is telling the difference between Japanese women and Korean women.

The Japanese and Korean peoples are genetically identical. Modern Japanese people are descended from immigrants from Korea. They displaced the Ainu for the most part. (Sort of like British and Australian people)

The toughest thing about it is the fact that the Japanese and Korean peoples have a lot of hostility towards each other. Misidentifying one as the other is a major faux pas.