Amazing.— Donovan “It was the blurst of times” Farley 💻🐒 (@DonovanFarley) July 18, 2020
ADDED: Consider the protest group FEMEN — which I've blogged about before. Its website says:
In the beginning, there was the body, feeling of the woman’s body, feeling of joy because it is so light and free. Then there was injustice, so sharp that you feel it with your body, it immobilizes the body, hinders its movements, and then you find yourself your body’s hostage. And so you turn your body against this injustice, mobilizing every body’s cell to struggle against the patriarchy and humiliation. You tell the world: Our God is a Woman!Browse through over 4,000 photographs of FEMEN activists at Getty Images.
Our Mission is Protest!
Our Weapon are bare breasts!
And so FEMEN is born and sextremism is set off....
FEMEN is an international women’s movement of brave topless female activists painted with the slogans and crowned with flowers.
FEMEN female activists are the women with special training, physically and psychologically ready to implement the humanitarian tasks of any degree of complexity and level of provocation. FEMEN activists are ready to withstand repressions against them and are propelled by the ideological cause alone. FEMEN is the special force of feminism, its spearhead militant unit, modern incarnation of fearless and free Amazons.
"How'd you like to be a star?"
"You're a girl that could go far"
"Especially dressed the way you are"
No smiles there.
Now, if they all did just that, and nothing else, there would be very little trouble.
Granted, most protesters would not look very appealing, but the masses of them all naked together would at least make a memorable sight.
It could even draw spectators, tourists, and downtown business.
If no one has already said that this was a naked display of power, let me be the first.
We humans are amazingly complex and bewildering creatures.
Ehh, at least she was attractive. It was a stunt and “the little boys didn’t know what to do” line is childish bullshit. Of course they’re not going to break ranks to deal with an exhibitionist. They’re riot police and as a matter of course, they are going to ignore most harmless stunts.
The question every guy wants answered in times like these. " Was she hot?"
All horses refused service. Everyone looked and were struck senseless instead of blinded. Although most say they were senseless anyway, being Portland and all.
Looking at the rag-tag street people in some of the videos on that twitter feed.
Who are they and what are they doing out there?
They have a right to peaceably assemble, but what are they trying to accomplish?
Who is paying their bills?
I have my suspicions, of course.
I suspect that the folks who are working to re-elect the President are delighted with what they are seeing, soon to be on campaign ads all over the internet and television.
'The New Normal'
...I think that 'security' guy with the shield is the son with the hot wife from Life in Pieces, now streaming on Amazon Prime.
It's a typical pick pocket ploy. Send the pretty girl in a short skirt and no panties into the crowd of male commuters.
I think I was hearing paintball guns in the background.
Amazingly infantile.
Because Black Lives Matter. Amirite?
Is that pepper spray they're shooting on the road in front of her?
Premature tear gasulation?
If you know the story of Countess Godiva, you also know the title of this post is facile, yet inappropriate.
She had her own irritant gas that kept them back.
Looks like they shot pepper balls at her, she just walked out from behind the guy who was trying to shield her, sat down and spread her legs, pretty ballsy.
Browse through over 4,000 photographs of FEMEN activists at Getty Images.
That would be 8,000 breasts. You'd have 16,000 with cows.
Following Quaestor: I think these protestors primarily are in favor of lower taxes, hence the battlecry: "Ukraine is not brother."
“the little boys didn’t know what to do”
There was no place to put the dollar bills.
More shapely than most lefties.
And most importantly, she wore a mask.
It’s certainly true that women’s bodies give them a lot of power. Feminists usually deny this aspect of the war between the sexes.
The patriarchy is pleased. What does the matriarchy think? Humiliation is a self-actuated emotional response, some may say masochistic. Forward! And don't spare the baby because... social progress.
The Femen page is an awesome display of the female tendency to exhibitionism and trend-following.
I wonder just how committed (beyond a limited period of fanaticism) all those people were to their various causes. They were, politically, mostly failures. Putin is still Putin, the political heirs of Berlusconi became more powerful than ever, etc.
Successful political women tend to look, and behave, more like Srimavo Bandaranaike or Indira Gandhi or Margaret Thatcher.
She's not wearing goggles. The moral of the story is that we should be naked, not just nude, but openly exhibit all of our colorful clusters of cells, holes, mucosa, odors, sounds, and functions. Toss your feces, embrace your inner planet of the apes. FEMEN evolution.
So, what was the point of her doing that? If she'd been arrested for public nudity (or is that not a crime there?) what would the other protesters have done?
One of biggest issue with protesters is that the whole point of disobeying unjust laws/civil disobedience is that the protester expects to suffer the consequences to demonstrate the unfairness of those laws.
I'm not falling for that click bait.
Is that pepper spray they're shooting on the road in front of her?
With all of her mucosa in plain sight, they're trying to save her from the Wuhan scourge. Cry, baby, cry.
Love trumps hate. Attractive women prancing about naked in public is a close second.
Anasyrma- from a menemist point of view. Braveheart Unfortunately you have to wade through an ad and get to around the 1:30 mark.
I think the police in Portland need to start doing this.
Possibly... or would be if the female in question had the least notion of the erotic.
“Because Black Lives Matter. Amirite?”
The protests in Portland have gone beyond BLM.
Attending the protests for the first time over the weekend was Christopher David, 53, a former Navy civil engineering corps officer and a 1988 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy.
“I wasn’t even paying attention to the protests at all until the feds came in,” Mr. David said. “When that video came out of those two unmarked guys in camouflage abducting people and putting them in minivans, that’s when I became aware.”
“He had taken a bus to the Portland courthouse and was about to leave around 10:45 p.m. when federal officers emerged and began advancing on the protesters. He said he felt the need to ask the officers, Why were they violating their oath to the Constitution?
Instead of getting an answer on Saturday, Mr. David, a 6-foot-2, 280-pound former Navy varsity wrestler, found himself being beaten with a baton by a federal officer dressed in camouflage fatigues as another doused him with pepper spray, according to video of the encounter.
Mr. David was taken to a nearby hospital, where a specialist said his right hand was broken and would require surgery to install pins, screws and plates.
“I’m appalled and disappointed at the feds’ behavior — that whoever led them and trained them allowed them to become this way,” Mr. David said. “This is a failure of leadership more than it is a failure of their own individual behavior towards me.”
The irony being that they are depending on the fascist oppressors behaving with restraint and respect. I'd like to see her try that in Hong Kong or Tehran.
She was counting on being an attractive woman, to not get hurt, right?
So far in a few videos over the past few weeks I have seen a naked man yelling at the cops (they didn't hurt him), a half naked trans man dancing for the cops (they didn't hurt him), and now her.
Do women assume their naked body is to be worshipped more? Do they see this as patriarchal?
(I always really just assume some people like others to see their naked bodies)
Thirteen year old boys have that Getty Images link bookmarked. It replaced thw National Geographic.
The show of farce demonstrated by the Federales has certainly worked in Trumps favor. The left is getting so desperate, they are letting the ersatz Schutzstaffel grab them by the pussy. I can't wait seeing this tactic writ large in cities all across America.
Inga- are you trying to mount a defense of the nearly 2 months of protests going on in Portland? Or the previous 3 years of weekend riots and protests that go on in that city?
There is no excuse. The Feds have to do something for the citizens there because the local government has relinquished control of the city to anarchists. Period. This is evident to anyone with eyes open and oxygen available to their brain. I don't think the Feds should be low profile snaking around, but I do think their presence is required at this point. This is a US city. It has been overrun and destroyed by Marxists leading the sheep of the far left. It's time to stamp it down with both feet. I know everyone is waiting- breathlessly- to call the Feds movement "fascism", but screw that. You cannot allow 2 months of destruction to go on unabated for no reason because you're afraid Marxist will call you fascist. You have to know: Marxists call EVERYONE who disagrees with them "fascists". I think the word does not mean what they think it means.
Christopher David should pay more attention; while the vans were unmarked (the same as many, many jurisdictions use unmarked cars), the people in fatigues have identifying marks on them. This isn't a "secret police," it is the police using unmarked cars so they don't get firebombed.
"She was counting on being an attractive woman, to not get hurt, right?"
-- Win-win. If they do nothing, "See how the power of my nakedness stayed their violent hands!" If they do something, "Look at how they use violence against a naked, defenseless woman."
FEMEN was created and steered by a repulsive Russian pornographer and whorehouse owner. Additionally, he thinks he is an intellectual and successor to the classic Marxist/Communist writers of the early 20th Century. The drugs--which he constantly uses--don't help. The women of FEMEN are just plied with drugs and brainwashed until they can repeat his scripts for them. Often he uses their bodies as his tattoo canvas--the kind you see scribbled on washroom stalls. He had them do performance art pieces, like inserting a whole raw chicken in their vaginas in grocery stores, in front of shoppers and their children. And this was at the time the Russian was recovering from the shortages of the Soviet system. A stellar character for American feminists to emulate.
West Texas Intermediate Crude said...
They have a right to peaceably assemble, but what are they trying to accomplish?
7/20/20, 5:52 AM
They are protesting their own frustrations at being ineffective. They "WANT" to make a difference! They have been feed for years on the pablum of a) make a BIG difference, b) change the world, c) you are special, and d) participation trophies.
They just KNOW they are meant for something more but have no clue what. All the real, hard battles against the big name adversaries have already been fought and won here in the evil USA.
They WANT their own moment. They DEMAND their own moment but don't want to be in any actual danger nor any actual risk. So instead of actually fighting against sex trafficking where it actually takes place, or slave markets where they actually take place, or pedophilia where it actually takes place, they latch on to local, easy narratives and "fight" for BLM or for tran-rights, or for climate change, all the while KNOWING this "fight" will cost them nothing, accomplish nothing, but will give their egos a badly needed boost and "fond memories" that in their later years can be used (like the old high-school quarterback that wound up stocking shelves) to relive the glory days and assure each other that "they mattered" and their lives meant something!
The protests in Portland have gone beyond BLM.
Beyond BLM? Are they Boo-ga-loo?
Thirteen year old boys have that Getty Images link bookmarked. It replaced thw National Geographic.
Be real. Thirteen year old boys have pornhub, and they don't even need to bookmark it.
We are supposed to believe that the dark night of fascism has descended on Portland, in the form of federal riot squads. One is reminded of the middle east, where Israel is constantly accused of practicing genocide against Palestinians. Of course, if that were true, there would be no Palestinians since Israel could wipe them out in a day or two if "genocide" were truly the goal. Similarly, the restraint of the "fascists" in Portland is remarkable, since the rioters are still out and have free rein to do pretty much what they want. This is not Russia or Cuba, where the uppity tykes would long since have been enjoying the hospitality of the State in some dark place from which they might never emerge.
Igna copies and pastes ....
taken a bus to the Portland courthouse and was about to leave around 10:45 p.m.
so, intentionally went to a riot area; got bored and thought about leaving...
when federal officers emerged and began advancing on the protesters.
But, instead of leaving (which, he'd thought about), he decides to REFUSE to leave
He said he felt the need to ask the officers,
Why were they violating their oath to the Constitution?
And decides to confront the police, and is arrested
Instead of complying (which is the opposite of Everything he's done so far,
He resists arrest, and is injured
Last night was the fifty-first night of rioting in Portland
Serious Question
Igna? How long do YOU think rioting should continue?
Eleanor, in case you are new to the internet, porn is widely available for free. No one has looked to National Geographic for decades now.
Try to keep up.
Titty molls.
Meh, I think the "naked goddess" woman on the Chicago train is hotter. Maybe it's the long hair. And she was totally naked - no mask.
Naked Goddess Woman on Chicago Train
Somewhere there are much clearer images - one of the sites requires setting up an account to log in for age verification.
"to struggle against the patriarchy and humiliation"
And as we all know, in commie paradise there will be no more patriarchy and no more humiliation.
Silly people. Inga doesn't care about small business owners in Portland.
She doesn't own a business there. Neither do her relatives. Why would she care about their suffering? Haven't you figured out yet that Inga only cares when she's talking about her own family and other people matter only if she can use them to make a leftist political point?
I see all of it as just cheapening femininity. Cheapening womanhood. Cheapening the female body. Not being a part of womanhood, I can sit on the sidelines, and declare that many of the Femen bodies are not that great. Not that attractive. I would suggest below average, which brings up the question whether this was the only way they had to get men to look at their bodies?
Go ahead, be the newest Lady Godiva. I don't care.
I get that thugs in uniforms pulling people off the streets and hauling them down to the hoosegow isn't exactly in the spirit of habeus corpus.
On the other hand, if you're in downtown Portland after 10 p.m. and not wearing a work uniform, you probably are up no good. The peaceful protestors leave by sundown. The stores are closed and barricaded, and the restaurants and hotels are empty.
I presume that the goal of the sweeps is to bring in specific known malefactors. But it's not easy: Antifa adopted face masks and hoods years before they were fashionable. When the goons bring in a wrong person, he is released. (This is rather different than in China, which has dragooned dissidents, Hong Kong booksellers and even a Nobel Peace Prize winner and dumped them in prisons to rot anonymously. Also Uighurs and Christians and Falun Gong adherents, but who cares about them?)
Let me say it again: The Portland anarchists are ignorant of history or even the Constitution, but they are thinking strategically. If they plan to continue pursuing their glorious revolution after this year's election, which oppressor would they prefer going forward? A squish like Joe Biden who has darted and parried to be on the correct side of every issue of the last half century, or a vulgarian like Donald Trump who is already hated by the press and all the really nice people?
If you crave over-reaching government to make you look more sympathetic in the pursuit your long-term goal, you wouldn't admit it but you'd definitely prefer Trump.
Weird times.
exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
doesn't own a business there. Neither do her relatives. Why would she care about their suffering?
That's what i'd like Igna to clarify, on the record for us.
How long does Igna think the riots should continue?
No mask? For shame, Karen, for shame.
One has to be a Lady to be compared to Lady Godiva.
My guess is this young woman is no lady; She is either high, a professional sex worker or sadly, she cannot be sexually satisfied unless she preforms an act of exhibition.
How to Make Naked Ladies Unsexy 101
This is the soccer/football of street protest and performance art. Similar to the way soccer is so popular as an international sport because it requires so little equipment to play a great looking game, this form of street protest/performance can be accomplished successfully by anyone bold enough with a pussy.
The comments in that Twitter thread are why the progressive left is such a joke. "So brave! Pussy Power!" Gimme a break. All I see is emotionally and intellectually retarded people.
And that woman has a flat ass. Do some squats for Christ sake.
Well, that was really stupid (the video chick).
And thanks a whole lot for the 4000 tit pix. Up to this point I'd always thought that female breasts were things of great beauty...and that most women possessed at least some shred of attractiveness.
I have an old classmate that lives in Portland and he sent an article from the local paper trying to downplay it. Pointing out its only happening in "12 square blocks of the city" and not all of Portland. It refuted the riots were violent and mentioned "20-30 people show up a night to maybe cause trouble, it's not clear as blah, blah, blah, also because fascist tactics of Feds are making it worse"
It had also refuted the protestors were trying to break into the Police Union office saying "there is a controversy anyone related to the protest was trying to break in at all" and that they needed more proof. This article was written 2 days before the Police Union was burnt down. :-P
Attention whoring at its most basic.
She would have looked way hotter if she'd worn some slutty heels.
I like tits as much as the next guy, maybe even more, and this chick gets a pass because she's in good shape. But as a rule, lefty women who keep taking their clothes off to 'protest' really shouldn't.
If they were truly passionate about their cause, they would do it Vietnamese Buddhist Monk style...slutty heels and all.
"That would be 8,000 breasts. You'd have 16,000 with cows."
There was an old Steve Martin routine where he's talking about a rube going to a Vegas show and seeing tits on stage...
"Look at all the tits...there must be 57 tits up there."
A short clip but it shows that he was a great comedian.
Resident troll ____ is as dull and perfunctory as ever. At least take a swipe at Trump so we know your heart is really in it.
Mom's basement antifa boys now have a nice image to jerk-off to.
The left are such hypocrites.
In any case, we should let Portland fall to the idiots and the leftwing antifa fascists.
Just let it all burn.
Could someone convince those young white girls that seem to be the core group in the "Break the Silence in the Burbs" movement (Southeast Wisconsin) that they need to emulate this woman for maximum impact?
Here is the schedule. Break the Silence in the Burbs
When in doubt, titties.
that was just a warning shot. time, they send Lena Dunham
FEMEN is an international women’s movement of ...topless female activists
whose lives are so devoid of meaning they cosplay the civil rights movement using nudity to get attention.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
that was just a warning shot. time, they send Lena Dunham
7/20/20, 12:39 PM
Well if they were a nation/state, one would sight the Geneva Conventions as having an implied banning of such weapons but as they are not a country that signed on, they could "go there". I do think that daring to use such a weapon in public WOULD cause them to get designated as a terrorist organization by all rational nations. One can only hope that saner minds prevail...
Up to this point I'd always thought that female breasts were things of great beauty...
"Almost anyone, with a little exaggeration, would make a good comic character."
I see all of it as just cheapening femininity. Cheapening womanhood. Cheapening the female body.
Women should be barefoot, available, and taxable. It's Pro-Choice religious dogma.
Why are the people most eager to run around naked the very last people who should be doing so?
BleachBit-and-Hammers: In any case, we should let Portland fall to the idiots and the leftwing antifa fascists.
I live in the suburbs of Portland. I'm disgusted by what has been going on and even more disgusted by our acquiescent political leaders. I would not be at all surprised if they are negotiating which buildings will be allowed to stay.
The economic shutdown ordered by the Governor just didn't last long enough for these idiots; they have a strong need to disrupt lives and livelihoods.
More effective just topless and with painted slogans.
It's hard to take some feminists seriously when they think that strutting around naked is some form of political protest or speaking truth to power, blah blah blah. Though it isn't as bad as feminists who try to elevate some sort of bodily excretion into art or political theater.
An unfortunate progression of feminine mystique and human standing. Just do it!
That said, unless you're a diversitist (e.g. masculinist), it's simply a FEMEN thing to normalize barefoot, available, and, as a pinned on the tail ass, taxable, too.
"And that woman has a flat ass. Do some squats for Christ sake."
And I've got just the venue for her to accomplish that.
Honestly, I just read Althouse for the articles.
Inga: "“I wasn’t even paying attention to the protests at all until the feds came in,” Mr. David said. “When that video came out of those two unmarked guys in camouflage abducting people and putting them in minivans, that’s when I became aware.”
The officers were not "unmarked".
The officers did not "abduct" anyone.
Other than that, this guy is right up there in the lying category with Russia collusion truther and Kavanaugh gang rape leader conspiracy theorist Inga.
However, I do agree that putting them in minivans was totally uncool. Totally.
Why couldn't the feds hire Bubba Wallace to drive suspects to questioning in a street legal NASCAR vehicle variant?
Assuming Bubba is okay with working his way through the gauntlet of millions of "nooses" that are everywhere..........(including sneakers laced up and tied all the way).
Seems like a demonstration that our cops really aren't all that brutal. She wouldn't try that with ISIS. Or even the Red Army.
Sometimes I feel that feminism is a conspiracy to destroy male heterosexual desire. And after they've succeeded, then what?
The thought crosses my mind that you don’t need to be wearing clothes to be arrested, but at least none of the officers would need to pat her down for weapons.
that was just a warning shot. time, they send Lena Dunham.
That is seriously funny.
Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
that was just a warning shot. time, they send Lena Dunham
Or, maybe Hillary. Or Lizzie Warren. Howzabout Lori Lightfoot? The galling, grotesque possibilities are endless.
But you win the Internet for today with that mental image.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
Alternatively, never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself.
Big Mike: Cavity Search! Too bad her self respect isn't as well developed as her body. A great looking body, but an ugly ideology.
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