July 14, 2020

"So honesty is outlawed here? I can't be honest? That was our deal when we first got together — brutal truth — remember?"

What a scene! Kelly Preston, RIP.


Howard said...

The beard got shaved

rehajm said...

That was a great role she played well...a little too well, perhaps. RIP...

RMc said...

Ah, back in the days when a woman beating up a man was considered funny. (Oh, wait, it still is.)

Yancey Ward said...

My memories of Preston are from Twins. It came as a bit of a surprise to me, yesterday, to find that she had played that role in Jerry Maguire- one I remember well, but at the time it never registered with me that was Kelly Preston- she was fabulous in that small but important role in that film.

Achilles said...

If you tell the truth, you are racist.

Achilles said...

The murder and shooting rate in Blue Cities has skyrocketed.

All of that blood is on Democrats and BLM hands.

People who vote for democrats own this. You voted for this.

All of it.

traditionalguy said...

Red heads. Buckle your seatbelt.

Achilles said...

Right now the douchey fucks in various governor's mansions all over the country are deciding whether or not to have school start this fall.

The teachers unions are fighting to keep schools closed.

They are just pushing and pushing and pushing.

Democrats will not accept not being in complete control of our lives.

For "justice" and "equality" of course.

Kate said...

Her work in "Addicted to Love" is stellar. Black-humored romcoms are tricky to get right.

A beautiful, talented woman. Leading lady material and yet mostly a second banana. Why?

57. Breast cancer. God, I thought we'd medically moved past that. RIP.

Equipment Maintenance said...

I remember her for a different scene in Jerry Maguire. IYKWIMAITYD.

narciso said...

the future mrs stephanopoulos, alexandra wentworth was also in that,

CJinPA said...

John Travolta's wife. His son died a few years ago. How sad.

richlb said...

Jerry Maguire is a very rare film that is both a "chick flick" and a "man's film" at the same time.

richlb said...

A much younger Preston was in the movie "Mischief" where she displayed her naked breasts. They were real, and they were spectacular.

Sebastian said...

"I can't be honest?"

Honest question: who can be honest now?

richlb said...

Hope my comment about her naked breasts when she was younger aren't in poor taste due to her death from breast cancer. It was merely an observation, And maybe a comment on what can go so wrong in the human body.

n.n said...

I think Sun Tzu would have something to say. Good scene, no, but it was.

Gahrie said...

I'm starting to think Althouse is a dominatrix.... She really enjoys women treating men badly.

Expat(ish) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Expat(ish) said...

She was the spitting image of the hottest girl I ever dated and that character had the attitude/voice of the stalker I went out with *once*.

It didn't ruin the movie for me, but that scene really pumped my adrenaline.


William said...

A background in Scientology might lead to better performances than the Actor's Studio.

OSU '92 said...

OT, but Ann you, as an ardent reader of the NY Times, must have an opinion on the Bari Weiss resignation letter. It is straight fire, and should be an embarrassment to the leadership of that organization.

n.n said...

a comment on what can go so wrong in the human body

Chaos (e.g. evolution). To paraphrase Jerry Maguire: show me the fitness function.

Gahrie said...

The teachers unions are fighting to keep schools closed.

A large number of teachers are women who have been driven into hysteria over COVID. It really is a case of overwhelming fear. A significant number of teachers want to open up as normal. None of us want to do the hybrid method that many districts are proposing.

The districts are really fearful that they are going to lose massive amounts of students to online education. The participation rate for the fourth quarter last year was around 20%.

n.n said...

No fault separation.

Skeptical Voter said...

I liked the clip. She was a woman who knew how to get her point across.

Jake said...

I always preferred this scene.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Achilles said...
If you tell the truth, you are racist.

You are obviously not a racist.

StephenFearby said...

"So honesty is outlawed here? I can't be honest?..."

Bari Weiss's resignation letter confirms everything conservatives suspected about the New York Times

"...My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m 'writing about the Jews again.' Several colleagues perceived to be friendly with me were badgered by coworkers. My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly 'inclusive' one, while others post ax emojis next to my name. Still other New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action. They never are.


All this bodes ill, especially for independent-minded young writers and editors paying close attention to what they’ll have to do to advance in their careers. Rule One: Speak your mind at your own peril. Rule Two: Never risk commissioning a story that goes against the narrative. Rule Three: Never believe an editor or publisher who urges you to go against the grain. Eventually, the publisher will cave to the mob, the editor will get fired or reassigned, and you’ll be hung out to dry."



rhhardin said...

Bari Weiss NYT Resignation Letter is causing truth orgasms on the right, but reads to me like self-promotion for the next job.

Jupiter said...

"It really is a case of overwhelming fear."

Yes, people are dying of the disease. If you are much over 50, you have to wonder whether you would survive if you caught it. I think with HCQ and zinc, your chances are pretty good, but your chances of finding a doctor who will prescribe HCQ are not so good.

tds said...

he's gay

mandrewa said...

Thanks OSU '92, the Bari Weiss resignation letter should be widely publicized.

Unfortunately the only place people are going to hear about it is somewhere like here, where virtually everyone already agrees with the points being made.

Yancey Ward said...

Ah, Addicted to Love I had forgotten about role. In that movie, I did recognize her instantly.

Paul Snively said...

William: A background in Scientology might lead to better performances than the Actor's Studio.

That's awfully close to what I came to say: "So, they filmed two Scientologists auditing."

Jim Grey said...

What an unpleasant clip. I wish I hadn't watched it.

Quayle said...

She didn't make her cancer a topic of every tabloid and talk show. That is what struck me. My admiration of her grew a lot. A classy person.

Drago said...

rhhardin: "Bari Weiss NYT Resignation Letter is causing truth orgasms on the right, but reads to me like self-promotion for the next job."

So, she should not have written it then? Or she should have written it but in a different way?

What exactly is your complaint again?

Birkel said...



Here is some more brutal truth.

Freeman Hunt said...

Very sad. About to be old together, and then it's over.

Grant Imahara died too. Brain aneurysm at forty-nine.

StephenFearby said...

Ed Morrissey, Hot Air, 2:01 pm July 14, 2020

Bari Weiss’ Valediction: When The Mob Becomes The Editor-In-Chief Of The NYT, It’s Time To Say Goodbye

'...The NYT has published op-eds from political leaders of every stripe, including from Vladimir Putin, the Taliban’s leadership, and others who are at least antagonists toward the US. Somehow, though, Cotton’s op-ed stirred up accusations by NYT staffers and writers that Bennet had made them “unsafe” by publishing Cotton’s very public policy position on dealing with riots, a position shared by a wide majority (58/30) of Americans at the time. They staged a “virtual walkout” over the Times’ decision to even allow a discussion of Cotton’s views to take place.

The mob action worked, of course. Within two days, the paper added a retraction to the column; they refused to add it to the print version of the paper. Both Bennet and managing editor Dean Baquet caved and issued the “groveling apologies” that Allahpundit predicted. And even that wasn’t enough; Sulzberger canceled Bennet as editorial page editor anyway and demoted deputy editor Jim Dao to appease the mob.

None of this is about disagreement and debate. It’s about shutting down debate and not allowing any disagreement. The very people demanding the removal of Cotton’s invited views from the platform also write for the NYT and could have easily penned rebuttals — a whole series of them — for the same readership. That kind of privileged access to the platform wasn’t enough; they demanded complete control of it … and got it.

What’s more, Weiss adds, the only thing new about the Bennett debacle was how publicly it played out:

"What rules that remain at The Times are applied with extreme selectivity. If a person’s ideology is in keeping with the new orthodoxy, they and their work remain unscrutinized. Everyone else lives in fear of the digital thunderdome. Online venom is excused so long as it is directed at the proper targets."'


Nichevo said...

rhhardin said...
Bari Weiss NYT Resignation Letter is causing truth orgasms on the right, but reads to me like self-promotion for the next job.

Haven't you figured out yet that nobody cares what you think?

whitney said...

I'm pretty sure I saw that movie when it came out. I wonder if I like that scene then.

Sebastian said...

The Weiss letter is good, but has bit a too much of the old Althouse I don't understand why/it's so sad vibe.

Althouse got over it, for the most part. Weiss still figures feigning sadness is the best strategy.

Original Mike said...

Another celebrity I've never heard of.

"Grant Imahara died too. Brain aneurysm at forty-nine."

Now, him I've heard of. That's too bad.

rcocean said...

sad she died. Watching the clip I thought "boy, is tom cruise a bad actor".

Clark said...

"Haven't you figured out yet that nobody cares what [rhhardin] think[s]?"

I don't always agree with him, but I care what he thinks.

rcocean said...

People need to understand that while Weiss was in favor of free speech, she was a liberal Democrat in 90% of things. Some same old sad tale. If you disagree with the Left on three things, you're banned as a heretic. Agree with the Right on three things, and they give you the keys the executive washroom and put you in charge.

rcocean said...

Hopefully, Rick wilson will be canceled next. This dishonest dweeb has so many PC skeletons in his closet, he had to get another closet.

Meidate had the Colbert toon show interview with him. It had Wilson squirming because it was so on target.


rcocean said...

Bari Weiss has shown the NYT is intolerant of non-Left-wing speech and thought.

Amazing. I thought they'd established that fact about 5-10 years ago.

Birkel said...

What is very sad is watching people "roly-poly, pell-mell, tumble-bumble" down the slope.
How will Freeman Hunt get the pokey little puppy back on level ground?

Beach Brutus said...

Freeman Hunt at 1:18 p.m. re Grant Imahara -- just ruined my day. :>(

The Crack Emcee said...

She was a Scientologist, guilty of infiltrating the government, killings, forced abortions, and more, who we only know because L. Ron Hubbard insisted on growing his cult through celebrities.

You should be ashamed for working into their plot.

Fuck her and John Travolta - who let Scientology kill his kid - may they both "burn in Hell".

bagoh20 said...

Kelly Preston was beautiful and a quality actress. Mr. Travolta was a lucky man, but now far less so.

The headline does make it an appropriate post for the issue of Bari Weiss's resignation letter. The NYT is obviously a cesspool of group-think, bullying, and dishonesty. It has no place among the sources of an intelligent, curious person in pursuit of truth and insight.

To use it is to admit a lack of discipline and rigor. It has nothing left but an appeal to authority which it no longer deserves.

If you care about truth or the future of The Times, you need to stop supporting it with your time and money. A widespread failure to attract readers is the only thing that could save it, but I doubt even that will, because we have seen leftist media companies continue to fail from lack of an audience and they don't seem to care enough to make any changes. They are lost partisans who just happen to get paid by a media company for venting their venom. Readers are like the Aztec citizens who collect up body parts tossed down the pyramid by heinous high priests doing terrible things to their fellow human beings, and getting accolades for it, even more when it's extra bloody.

Hyperbole? They have blood on their hands - the blood of Covid deaths and the blood of those even more numerous who will die from the side effects of the shutdowns. They have the blood of those killed and injured in riots, and they deserve much of the "credit" for the destruction of so much of our history and culture. They are liars and the enemy of the people.

StephenFearby said...

NYT July 14, 2020, 3:29 p.m. ET

Bari Weiss Resigns From New York Times Opinion Post

'...In a nearly 1,500-word letter addressed to A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher, Ms. Weiss offered a deep critique of Times employees and company leadership, describing a “hostile work environment” where co-workers had insulted her or called for her removal on Twitter and in the interoffice communications app Slack.

“I do not understand how you have allowed this kind of behavior to go on inside your company in full view of the paper’s entire staff and the public,” she wrote.

Mr. Sulzberger declined to comment. In a statement, Eileen Murphy, a Times spokeswoman, said, “We’re committed to fostering an environment of honest, searching and empathetic dialogue between colleagues, one where mutual respect is required of all.”'

'...Ms. Weiss, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment, has been known to question aspects of social justice movements that have taken root in recent years. She was critical of a woman who described an uncomfortable encounter with the comedian Aziz Ansari and questioned whether the sexual assault charges leveled against Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh should disqualify him from the post.

'...Kathleen Kingsbury, the acting editorial page editor, said, “We appreciate the many contributions that Bari made to Times Opinion. I’m personally committed to ensuring that The Times continues to publish voices, experiences and viewpoints from across the political spectrum in the Opinion report.”


The link to support the assertion that Weiss had "questioned whether the sexual assault charges leveled against Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh should disqualify him from the post." is the msnbc.com discussion:

"Stephanie Ruhle is joined by New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, former Senior Strategist for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Joel Benenson, and Republican Strategist Rick Tyler to discuss if this [Senate] hearing will change anything for Kavanaugh."


I listened for a while and since I did not hear anything that Weiss was saying that remotely supported the Times assertion of her views about Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assault, I consider it 3-Pinocchios fake news.

Par for the course for American Pravda.

StephenFearby said...

NYT July 14, 2020, 3:29 p.m. ET

Bari Weiss Resigns From New York Times Opinion Post

'...In a nearly 1,500-word letter addressed to A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher, Ms. Weiss offered a deep critique of Times employees and company leadership, describing a “hostile work environment” where co-workers had insulted her or called for her removal on Twitter and in the interoffice communications app Slack.

“I do not understand how you have allowed this kind of behavior to go on inside your company in full view of the paper’s entire staff and the public,” she wrote.

Mr. Sulzberger declined to comment. In a statement, Eileen Murphy, a Times spokeswoman, said, “We’re committed to fostering an environment of honest, searching and empathetic dialogue between colleagues, one where mutual respect is required of all.”'

'...Ms. Weiss, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment, has been known to question aspects of social justice movements that have taken root in recent years. She was critical of a woman who described an uncomfortable encounter with the comedian Aziz Ansari and questioned whether the sexual assault charges leveled against Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh should disqualify him from the post.

'...Kathleen Kingsbury, the acting editorial page editor, said, “We appreciate the many contributions that Bari made to Times Opinion. I’m personally committed to ensuring that The Times continues to publish voices, experiences and viewpoints from across the political spectrum in the Opinion report.”


The link to support the assertion that Weiss had "questioned whether the sexual assault charges leveled against Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh should disqualify him from the post." is the msnbc.com discussion:

"Stephanie Ruhle is joined by New York Times columnist Bari Weiss, former Senior Strategist for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Joel Benenson, and Republican Strategist Rick Tyler to discuss if this [Senate] hearing will change anything for Kavanaugh."


I listened for a while and since I did not hear anything that Weiss was saying that remotely supported the Times assertion of her views about Kavanaugh's alleged sexual assault, I consider it 3-Pinocchios fake news.

For American Pravda, par for the course.

rehajm said...

Weiss still figures feigning sadness is the best strategy.

I read the letter (thanks to Althousians for linking to it). I don't think her sadness is feigned. She's just another victim but she articulates what's happening in a way other leavers have not and remianers cannot or do not.

Gahrie said...

looking at the headline, I thought this was going to be about Bari Weiss.

Wince said...

The movie Jerry Maguire always made me feel like I have Asperger's.

There's all this emotional shit going on below the surface that took me watching the movie many times to pick-up on.

That scene, for instance. I don't know how many times I had to watch that to understand what the hell was going on between those two.

Same with Cuba Gooding's character and Maguire. Is it a testament to Cameron Crowe's writing genius or my obtuseness?

Finally, Jerry Maguire was an early example of being "cancelled" by Sports Management International for writing a memo.

"It was a mission statement."

RIP, Kelly Preston.

StephenFearby said...

Linked to by ACE:

7.14.2020 1:35 PM

Museum Curator Resigns After He Is Accused of Racism for Saying He Would Still Collect Art From White Men

Irate employees of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art said the removal of Gary Garrels was "non-negotiable."


narciso said...

yes, so was orwell, are you going to cancel him, and dos passos probably till the 40s,

Ken B said...

Same day: Bari Weiss, Andrew Sullivan, Tucker Carlson. All essentially forced to shut up, after Twitter reaction to the Harpers letter.

wild chicken said...

Andrew Sullivan out at New York mag?

Kinda thought he was getting cogent again.

Chris Lopes said...

Apparently, even a part time, kinda, sorta, on every other first Tuesday of the month "conservative" like Andrew Sullivan isn't actually welcome in NYC. Sully is leaving The New Yorker gig.

MayBee said...

It's been a week of too-young Hollywood deaths.

MayBee said...

Andrew Sullivan is out at NY Mag. The center left is not holding.

wild chicken said...

Megan McCardle admits she was a "participant in, the decades-long quest to take immigration and trade off the table on the right. This was done by a politer version of cancel culture"

Gee thanks for that. Bitch.

tcrosse said...

OT Andrew Sullivan is taking a 'long planned' vacation from New York Mag.

Original Mike said...

"Eileen Murphy, a Times spokeswoman, said, “We’re committed to fostering an environment of honest, searching and empathetic dialogue between colleagues, one where mutual respect is required of all.”'"

"...Kathleen Kingsbury, the acting editorial page editor, said, “We appreciate the many contributions that Bari made to Times Opinion. I’m personally committed to ensuring that The Times continues to publish voices, experiences and viewpoints from across the political spectrum in the Opinion report.”"

Why do they even bother? You have to wonder if they believe their own tripe.

Is Kingsbury the "acting" editor in place of the guy they ran out of town on a rail because he published the opinion of a US senator?

rhhardin said...

I watched Jerry McGuire but don't remember the scene. Too many romcoms ago, probably.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the human head weighs 8 pounds.

Phil 314 said...

Crack Emcee always adding that little extra spice to a conversation to keep it lively.

An Althouse treasure for sure.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"A background in Scientology might lead to better performances than the Actor's Studio."


Guildofcannonballs said...

"Haven't you figured out yet that nobody cares what you think?"

Hardin is a hero of mine dummy. And you leave the damn elderly alone, you hear? I'll get a new age Judge Smails to slap an injunction on your ass so fast it'll make your head turn 'round fastly.

I don't want to do it, but do feel we owe it to you, Spaulding.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Short wave knowledge alone rates above 98.6% of comments here, present company especially I mean.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"If you disagree with the Left on three things, you're banned as a heretic. Agree with the Right on three things, and they give you the keys the executive washroom and put you in charge."

R you haven't lost a step...

Phrase it like this next time Sir:

"On the Left, if ya ask any questions about "Why?", you're shunned as a heretic. But if that same person agrees with a couple of things on the Right, next thing ya know they are put in charge of the plebes.

It's obvious the Left holds all the power and prestige and will do so for quite some time."

Ralph L said...

Is it a testament to Cameron Crowe's writing genius or my obtuseness?

I know I watched it (on cable), but it made little impression on me.

0_0 said...

Not sure why Travolta was lucky to have her; he's deep in the closet but it is a ramshackle closet.
Haven't heard if she got some on the side or had a long term GF or BF or whatever.

Nichevo said...

Guildofcannonballs said...
"Haven't you figured out yet that nobody cares what you think?"

Hardin is a hero of mine dummy. And you leave the damn elderly alone, you hear? I'll get a new age Judge Smails to slap an injunction on your ass so fast it'll make your head turn 'round fastly.

I don't want to do it, but do feel we owe it to you, Spaulding.

Ahh, Guildy. You're a prize possession, you are. You're some oil-painting of a poster.

Look, do you see what you just did? You read someone else's words, and responded to them articulately. As I've done so in turn, you now have the opportunity to do it again! It's called dialogue or conversation! Isn't this exciting?

RH can't or won't do this. It's rather a weakness. Also he is extremely repetitive and has no self-awareness.

If you are also Laslo, just shut up and post more as Laslo. HE is a hero, a treasure. You are, I say this kindly, a glue-sniffer.

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