July 27, 2020

"Police arrested two women Monday accused of beating a state senator as he tried to take video of a crowd that had torn down statues during a protest over racial injustice...."

"Police arrested Samantha R. Hamer, 26, and Kerida E. O'Reilly, 33, on suspicion of being parties to the crimes of substantial battery and robbery with use of force. They were both in custody Monday night, according to online records from the Dane County jail. The attacks occurred on a chaotic night in Madison in which a Molotov cocktail was hurled into a government office and two statues on the Capitol grounds were torn down. One was of Col. Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist who died in the Civil War fighting to end slavery. The other is named after the state's motto, 'Forward.' At one point in the night, Carpenter came upon the crowd and began filming. People in the crowd rushed him and knocked his phone out of his hand. He fell to the ground after he was punched and about 10 people hit and kicked him, one witness told police. Stunned, Carpenter told them he was an ally and had long fought for the kinds of policies they were seeking."

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

Mug shots at the link.


damikesc said...

Umm, was Kerida always a woman, if you catch my drift?

And it's hard to tell what is sadder, the beating of Sen. Carpenter...or that no lesson was likely learned by Sen. Carpenter.

curt said...

“I’m on your side!”

whitney said...

You're just posting that because you want someone to figure out if that's a man or a woman right? sorry can't help

Dave Begley said...

Green hair. Easy to identify.

DavidUW said...

White American women are the worst.

Ken B said...


By which I mean two things.
These rioters remind me of the Manson family in their attitudes and affect. (They aren’t as effective, yet.)
And you can lock people up for a long, long time.

Danno said...

I went to the link. I cant unsee that face, so I blame Ann for not having a trigger warning!

Ken B said...

Carpenter is a toad. He clearly would not have seen anything wrong with assault on someone who was NOT an “ally”. That has zero effect on my thoughts about how to treat his assailants: with the greatest harshness allowed by law.

Michael K said...

Bull Dykes.

Original Mike said...

"Stunned, Carpenter told them he was an ally and had long fought for the kinds of policies they were seeking."

Yes, they were beating the wrong person. Our mayor expressed the same sentiment.


Francisco D said...

The police are fomenting violence.

Why can't they leave the mostly peaceful protestors alone?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Boogaloo Bois.

...the green hair on the gentleman on the Left gives it away.

steve uhr said...

Can’t you give the guy a little slack Tim. He was being attacked Geeze

walter said...

"People in the crowd rushed him and knocked his phone out of his hand.
He fell to the ground after he was punched and about 10 people hit and kicked him, one witness told police."
Hope they find the others.
"Stunned, Carpenter told them he was an ally and had long fought for the kinds of policies they were seeking."
They shamed him for his car, suggesting no guvmint guy would drive that.
I wonder if he got new wheels after the surgery.

walter said...

On the bright side, the two attackers held, at least for a moment, "persons of interest" status.
So..there's that.

Narayanan said...

- what happens if senator refuses to press charges?
- after some people visit with him to take his intellectual "temperature'?
- using no-touch method of course.

Quaestor said...

Carpenter got his just desserts... with chocolate sauce.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats on democrats. Interesting.
Does Inga approve? Are they union?

robother said...

Possibly he was singing an old folk song that unwittingly triggered the intensification of the peaceful protestosteroners: "If I were a Carpenter, and you were a lady...."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“Carpenter is a toad. He clearly would not have seen anything wrong with assault on someone who was NOT an “ally”.”

Exactly. Kick him again, bitches.

Conquistador54 said...

You should have warned us that the images on the link are disturbing.

The Crack Emcee said...

I once defended a woman from rape by a mob, so I still say, these guys lack social skills up they ying-yang.

Personal charisma or something.

I know - GET YER GUNS!

William said...

It's not just the green hair. She's got a Hitler forelock. Her appeal is very selective. The one on the right could pass for normal. I wonder who will get the stiffer sentence. Whatever sentence is handed down they are sure to interpret it as yet another example of how oppressive American justice is.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Womyn so dumb they don't realize there are people they are not allowed to hit.

Democrat pols.

wildswan said...

Intensified Peacefulness Hospitalizes State Senator

"No, no," cried the state senator as he fell to the ground. "Not me, over there, there's a little girl with an American flag. Kick her." Too late. In an agonizing error, a Democrat suffered intensified community-driven peacefulness ...

walter said...

Crack on crack? Again?
(day ending in y)

traditionalguy said...

Pit bull dykes. The Senator thought these dogs would only bite bad racists, but they savaged their owner and enabler.Why don’t Madisonian people quit being so racist. Then the young people would quit attacking you for honoring Heg.

Flat Tire said...

Does that person look in the mirror in the morning and say "Yes, just the look I want!"?

Yancey Ward said...

"The attacks occurred on a chaotic night in Madison in which a Molotov cocktail was hurled into a government office and two statues on the Capitol grounds were torn down."

Peaceful protests intensified that night. At least the Molotov cocktail didn't throw itself into a government office, nor did the statues commit suicide.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "I once defended a woman from rape by a mob,..."

Was the rape mob led by Kavanaugh?

Asking for Inga and steve uhr.

Douglas B. Levene said...

As Andy Ngo has documented in Portland and Seattle, one of the "anti-fascist" group's calling cards is the suppression of video or photographic evidence of their crimes.

bagoh20 said...

"You've come a long way, baby."

Gk1 said...

I wonder if anyone is making the connection between underemployed youngsters who have been cooped up for 4 months and then given a license to riot by the government. This is our future.

How do you put this genie back in the bottle if you are a blue city? I don't think they have the guts to put an end to it. The crowds they have emboldened are so crazed they don't care who they beat up or why. They are trying to burn down a courthouse just for the thrill of it.I don't think the progressives have any idea what has been unleashed.

Clyde said...

They don’t look happy. I’m happy that they don’t look happy. May the hammer of justice smite them with the full force of the law.

LordSomber said...

Dead eyes, like a doll's eyes.

Sometimes I think physiognomy is all too real.

Then again...

"They say, 'Don't judge a book by its cover,' but I'm not -- I'm judging the cover by its cover."
-- Johnny Gutts

DeepRunner said...

Kerida O'Reilly..."All the same old cliches, 'Is that a woman or a man?'"

Beyond that, the mug shots present AngryFace. The lily-white AngryFace of "peaceful protest."

Wince said...

"Fact-Check" failure.

Trump falsely claims Wisconsin lawmaker was 'rooting on' destruction of Madison statues before being assaulted
-Molly Beck, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

"The person they beat up was a Democrat who happened to be gay and he was probably out there rooting them on or something because Democrats think it's wonderful they're destroying our country," Trump said in response to a question from an audience member who asked what the president was doing to quell violence.

At most it was pure speculation on Trump's part about why Carpenter was there recording and whether he was in solidarity with the rioters before they turned on him. Did Trump say anything about destruction of statues?

Rory said...

"How do you put this genie back in the bottle if you are a blue city? I don't think they have the guts to put an end to it."

They don't have clean hands themselves. They set out to make their places ungovernable. This is what that looks like.

buwaya said...

Kerida is an odd name to find in that context.

It is the Ladino - Sephardic Jewish language - spelling of Spanish "querida" - beloved.

See its use in the Ladino song "Yo en la prizion"


It is also the modern official (last 30 years or so) Tagalog spelling of the same word, which is a direct borrowing from Spanish originally with the Spanish spelling.

That raised my curiosity. That woman does not look Sephardic Jewish or Filipino. It would be unusual in the Philippines because the common use over there is a synonym for "mistress". There is a story in that.

rehajm said...

"Fact-Check" failure.


wendybar said...

Aren't Progressive "Protesters" great!! Beating up the people who like them?? Taking pictures of the fun they are having.....It's almost like having your very own Summer of Love there!!!

Tina Trent said...

But I'm with you, he whimpers to the mob. Kill a pig instead of me, please.

Sometimes a baseball bat to the head trumps Socratic method.

Gusty Winds said...

How come this isn't a hate crime? The Senator is gay. Is it because they are women? Is it because the one has blue/green hair. Couple of frat boys attack that guy (which wouldn't happen btw) and they get charged with a hate crime. Madison would have to have the obligatory protest freakout. Frats would be shut down until a committee could evaluate what happened...etc...etc...blah blah...

Hope they go to jail.

JES said...

One of them is a social worker who works with kids.

Tina Trent said...

That was noble, Crack.

Then did you call the police to make sure he didn't rape anyone else? Did you work with the DA? Show up and testify in court? Keep up with the case throughout all the defense attorney scum delays and lies that get most of these fucking sociopaths sprung?

Chivalry is a terrible thing to waste.

Prisons exist for a reason.

RigelDog said...

From the article: The attacks occurred on a "chaotic" night where molotov cocktails "were thrown" and beloved statues signaling liberal values "were torn down." By invisible forces of "chaos" we are left to presume.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Maybe it’s easier to pacify a mob of rapists if you’re one of their kind.

Leland said...

So why did they attack him? I suspect it was because he was filming them during the violence. I suspect they don't want to be filmed, because then people will know who it is doing the violence. If you dared click the link for the mugshots; do those look like 3percenters boogaloo whatevers or like Inga?

RigelDog said...

Crack Emcee said, referencing those who advocate being armed in order to defend from crowds: "I know - GET YER GUNS!"

Guns are sub-optimal in a mob situation. I don't want to have to ever shoot anyone, and I certainly can't shoot everyone in a mob if I were being attacked. We've talked about what we would do if a mob came to our house and again, no good choices. They've always got the option of setting fire to the place. If you drove them away by letting them know you were armed, this anarchic force WILL NOT BE DENIED--how dare you thwart them! They will be back and burn you out at some future date. You could move, but good luck with selling the house.

Paco Wové said...

Intensified Peacefulness Hospitalizes State Senator

I like it! Ideally, though, I think it should be even more indirect.

Intensified Peacefulness Finds State Senator in Hospital

SensibleCitizen said...

I predict they will be pardoned with the blessings of the SJW Senator coward.

Rick said...

Some initial investigation - not yet confirmed - suggests Hamer works for the Social Security Administration and O'Reilly is a physical therapist. Let's see what their employers have to say when they're asked why they employ domestic terrorists.

ga6 said...

"Guns are sub-optimal in a mob situation"
Sorry to break your bubble but a quick burst of gunfire from a group of armed persons will dissolve a mob quickly. Been there and seen this.

Clyde said...

@ RigelDog @7:51

Re: Mobs, the shooting at the riot in Austin the other day was a good example of what happens to a mob when gunshots go off: They scatter in fear, which is the normal untrained human reaction to a dangerous situation. They are unlikely to charge a person with a gun. Sure, the gunman can't shoot all of them, but none of them want to be the ones to take the bullets.

Original Mike said...

"As Andy Ngo has documented in Portland and Seattle, one of the "anti-fascist" group's calling cards is the suppression of video or photographic evidence of their crimes."

Andy Ngo is not to be believed. For reasons.

rcocean said...

Another leftist goof who cries "BUT I'M ON YOUR SIDE" as he gets beaten. They should give the girls a medal instead of prison. Lots of violence in these protests being done by women. Of course some the women are actually "women". Anyway, two women (real ones) tried to kill policeman by tossing a Molotov cocktail into a van.

They'll probably get off on some technicality because its just fun and games when the Lefties kill and maim.

rcocean said...

I see the man who shot the creep in Austin got let go - for now. Amazingly, Reason magazine had a little article about how the deceased was a Libertarian and his death was a tragedy. Seems that there's nothing you can do that's NOT libertarian.

BTW,Pointing an Ak-47 at someone in the middle of a violent riot is a good way to get shot. Some people take that the wrong way. Even mostly peaceful ones.

rcocean said...

Again, the Democrat support for all these violent protests, riots, and propoerty destruction and injury/death, is truly amazing. Supporting mob violence is now part of their platform. Where is Biden? Why isn't he denouncing Antifa and the mob violence in Portland and Austin? Where are SChumer and Pelosi? Nowhere to seen. Nadler is calling Antifa violence "a myth".

Crazy, but nothing can keep the Democrat sheep from voting D every election. I honestly believe the Democrat leadership could re-introduce slavery and the Democrat voters would be cool with it.

Dude1394 said...

So he has been supporting these riots, lootings, burnings and murders. And he gets beat up by the rioters, looters, burners and murderers. Sounds like karma.

Dude1394 said...

So why wouldn't they want him to film their mostly peaceful but escalating restlessness gathering?

Tomcc said...

Narayanan @ 9:47 asks a good question. Stockholm syndrome?

walter said...

Meet the big one, who administered a less than healing hand to Carpenter:
Kerida O’Reilly graduated from Marquette University’s Doctorate in Physical Therapy program in 2011 and specializes in treating pelvic floor dysfunction, athletes, pre & postnatal patients. She believes that treatment of physical symptoms needs to include consideration of emotional, psychological, and cultural aspects...

n.n said...

Intensified Peacefulness Hospitalizes State Senator

Progressive Peacefulness (PP) Hospitalizes State Senator. Planned Politician? There are recent precedents.

n.n said...

White American women are the worst.

Diversity dogma. That said, another publication to be lost in a black hole... whore h/t NAACP

Rick said...

"Hamer’s Employment History Includes Social Work in the Mount Horeb Area School District"


RobinGoodfellow said...

“I’m on your side!”, he screamed at the firing squad while the commander ordered, “Ready, aim, fire!”

These idiots have been sowing the wind for decades, and now they’re surprised when they reap the whirlwind. SMH.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“Blogger Gk1 said...
I wonder if anyone is making the connection between underemployed youngsters who have been cooped up for 4 months and then given a license to riot by the government. This is our future.”

Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.

And, yes, I do believe the gods of the copybook headings just smiled (again).

RigelDog said...

GA6 said, after quoting me: ""Guns are sub-optimal in a mob situation"
Sorry to break your bubble but a quick burst of gunfire from a group of armed persons will dissolve a mob quickly. Been there and seen this."

I wouldn't say your recommendation based on experience breaks my bubble; it's the opposite. I'm very pro-2d Amendment so the idea that a firearm WOULD disperse a mob is welcome. It's just hard for me to picture it and make a mental plan, especially since I would emotionally have a hard time spraying a crowd. I'm well-aware that firing the gun just to scare them off is usually dangerous too, in the sense that bullets fired up in the air can kill when they come back down, and bullets fired towards the ground can ricochet. Bullets fired past the crowd can kill someone blocks away.

CJ said...

Walter's link now gets a 404, but this one is still up:


Kathleen and Kerida O’Reilly are happy to be joining the team at A Healer’s Hand + The Nest. They both feel strongly that every woman should have the opportunity to receive treatment postpartum to address the profound changes a body undergoes during pregnancy and childbirth. Their hope is that they can provide a path to reclaiming a strong, pain free body both in class and individual treatment formats.

Kathleen and Kerida’s treatment approach combines hands on treatment, exercise and education. Finding that treating the whole body rather than parts in isolation leads to the best results for health and rehabilitation. They are especially interested in the positive results that occur when the fascia surrounding nerves and internal organs are addressed in concert with the musculoskeletal system. Both having had extensive training in pelvic floor physical therapy as well as advanced manual techniques. This training in multiple styles of treatment addresses multiple body systems allowing for a wider variety of treatment options, individualizing care for each patient’s needs and goals.

Schedule your New Client Evaluation today and meet these ahh-mazing new physical therapists!

Gk1 said...

"Reason magazine had a little article about how the deceased was a Libertarian and his death was a tragedy" If we are talking about that article in Reason there has been extreme pushback in the comments section.

I wrote and many repeatedly wrote that this guy was the exact OPPOSITE of libertarian ideals as he chose to help a mob take over a public street and came bank walking up to a car, at night, with an AK-47 after a crowd was kicking, beating and slapping the car. It doesn't matter where the muzzle of that AK-47 was pointed, or how good his trigger finger was positioned. He was interfering with someone in a car, at night, on a public street that had every right to be there while his mob friends shouldn't have been. He would still be alive today had they all stayed on the sidewalk. That is beyond dispute.

FullMoon said...

I read about arrests and immediate release. Then sentenced to probation or drop charges.
In my awkward youth, spent more than a few overnighters and weekends for traffic tickets or driving violations. Of course, back then, throwing rocks and fireworks at a cop would get you shot.Times have changed.

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