July 21, 2020

"Kanye West claimed in a since-deleted Twitter rant that his wife, Kim Kardashian, tried to have him hospitalized after his remarks about their eldest daughter, North."

Us Magazine reports.
“Kim was trying to fly to Wyoming with a doctor to lock me up like on the movie Get Out because I cried about saving my daughters life yesterday,” the rapper, 43, tweeted on Monday, July 20, referencing a statement he made during his first presidential campaign rally about initially wanting to abort the now-7-year-old.

During his tweet spree, West twice referred to his wife of six years as “North’s mother,” claiming he put his “life on the line” for their children that Kardashian, 39, “would never sell her sex rape [sic].” He also tweeted that the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star “would never photograph [North] doing playboy and that’s on God.”

The Yeezy designer used Twitter to try to get in touch with Kardashian and her mother, Kris Jenner, too.

“Kriss [sic] don’t play with me you and that calmye are not allowed around my children Y’all tried to lock me up,” he tweeted, seemingly using a nickname for the momager’s longtime boyfriend, Corey Gamble. “Kriss [sic] and Kim call me now.”
West has mental health problems, and I presume Kim Kardashian is only or mostly trying to help and protect him (and to protect and help herself and her children), but it occurred to me that larger political forces are working against him to extract him from national politics. Yesterday, I had 2 posts about his strange, ranting rally speech in South Carolina — 1, 2 — and I can see how those who want to clear Biden's path don't appreciate his chaotic emotional contributions to the debate.

It's conceivable that Kim Kardashian might be working to rein him in to keep him from interfering with Biden's success. Just a theory based on what is possible. West sounds paranoid, but that doesn't mean he has no antagonists. The black vote is crucial to Biden, and it's impossible to predict or understand how West could distort the election.

Why wouldn't Kim Kardashian help the Biden forces? Though she's Republican-friendly some of the time, she supported Hillary in the last election.


Laslo Spatula said...

Kanye's antennae are tuned tight to the frequency of America's Nervous Breakdown.

He is a divining rod over the well of poisoned water that our social-media society drinks from.

A wise photographer would photograph him in a recreation of Neil Young's album cover "On the Beach."

Complete with yellow jacket.

I am Laslo.

gspencer said...

"West has mental health problems"

Maybe, but the whole bunch of Kardashians seems to have them too.

Robert Edick said...

Debord's Society of the Spectacle on display.

steve uhr said...

Ann. If you hav any power please nix the ads with the pictures of cockroaches and mounted mouse heads.

MayBee said...

He obviously has mental health issues and people need to let him have his manic episode and look away. Twitter needs to put out information on how to spot a manic episode and not turn it into a twitter storm.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

If anyone is using Kanye it is Republicans in an effort to suppress the black Democratic vote. Kanye has obvious problems that will limit this effort.

Tina Trent said...

Polling with and without West shows him taking 2% from Trump voters and 0% of Biden voters.

wendybar said...

Because she is all for getting people out of prison that the laws that Joe Biden wrote put in there........Vote Trump for Prison reform...vote Joe to put them in prison...because Joe doesn't want his kids to grow up in a racial jungle....and you ain't black if you vote for Biden. Who's the racist the media keeps talking about again???

rhhardin said...

I don't know who either of these people are, except that they appeared suddenly in the news recently.

wendybar said...

And Kanye is emotional about abortion because his own FATHER wanted him aborted. If that don't make you pro life...nothing will. That isn't crazy talk...that is survival talk.

Nonapod said...

West has mental health problems

Maybe Schizotypal personality disorder?

Kai Akker said...

North is just going to love thinking about how her father almost had her killed. She can think about it every time she looks at him.

To any of the smart folks in these comments who probably expressed this thought in one of yesterday's threads, nice work and I agree with you. Kanye is entertaining but too big a dose is poison.

Yancey Ward said...

Were West a threat to Biden, the Democrats will work to take him out of the race. At the moment, he is only a potential threat.

Tom said...

Imagine how moronic a person would have to be to be willing to vote 3rd party and then picking Kanye West over Jo Jorgensen?

Bruce Hayden said...

Interesting couple. Both very talented. And both very rich. I am just surprised that their marriage has lasted so long. One reason may be is that both are apparently fairly religious, her despite her infamous sex tapes.

I expect that right now, Kanye is scaring the heck out of the Democrats, or at least those who are paying attention. Both of them are friendly with Trump. Kim was instrumental (along with Jared Kushner) getting Trump to back prison reform. And Kanye seems to have the same sort of stream of consciousness style as Trump does. But despite being one of the richest and most powerful, blacks in the country, he is running for President, and is speaking Truth To Power. And part of that was in attacking abortion in the black community. There has long been a strong religious streak through that community, mostly fairly fundamentalist Christian, and the abortion of so many black babies offends many of them. He attacked abortion, and proclaimed Christianity, with the cadence of a black preacher, and the street cred of being arguably the most influential black musician of his generation.

How can Black Lives Matter, if blacks, themselves, believe so little in the worth of black lives, that they abort more babies every year per capita, than any other demographic group? This is a very dangerous question right now. It is a wedge issue, potentially splitting blacks from feminists, two major Dem party constituencies. These constituencies are supposed to be working together to beat Trump in November. But that essentially means religious blacks making nice, and working with the Dems’ abortion wing. But morally, how can they, with abortions killing so many black babies every year?

Making this dangerous is that he is running for President. A vote for him would logically be a vote for the black community, without giving it to China Joe Biden, who owes more fealty to the abortion wing, than to the black community. The danger is that such a vote would effectively be for Trump, without being for a Republican.

frenchy said...

Why wouldn't Kim Kardashian help the Biden forces?

Because maybe because she knows, like everyone should know, that creepy old Joe's brain is gonzo?

rehajm said...

The black vote is crucial to Biden...

A great understatement. The long term trend is for Democrat gains in the white suburbs while the GOP gains with urban voters. GOP has far more to gain than lose in that scenario.

J2 said...

As best I could understand it, he was disturbed with himself for encouraging his wife to abort their child. If Biden's people have an issue with him it would probably be his rhetoric against aborting black babies. That could complicate things for Biden.

Howard said...

Why wouldn't Kim Kardashian help the Biden forces?

That's a personal question based on facts not in evidence.

tim maguire said...

Those excerpts are barely intelligible.

Does West have mental health problems, or just a weird sense of humor? (Is North's last name West?) If he doesn't drop out (word this morning is he qualified in Illinois), that's one more nail in Biden's coffin. Democrats will do damn near anything to get him out of the race.

madAsHell said...

I'm not sure the bitch-is-crazy demographic will push him over the top.

SensibleCitizen said...

I suggest changing the "insanity" tag to "mental health." Bipolar is a mood disorder. People who suffer from it aren't "insane."

tim maguire said...

Howard said...That's a personal question based on facts not in evidence.

A question based on facts not in evidence? Isn't that the whole point of questions?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Kanye may "distort the election"? Did Ross Perot distort the election and make President Clinton possible?

Yancey Ward said...

"Ann. If you hav any power please nix the ads with the pictures of cockroaches and mounted mouse heads."

Steve, do you not know how Google selects the ads it shows you?

Yancey Ward said...

"If anyone is using Kanye it is Republicans in an effort to suppress the black Democratic vote. Kanye has obvious problems that will limit this effort."

Suppress it how, exactly, ARM? Are you saying that blacks won't go to the polls because West is on the ballot?

Of course, this is a rhetorical question- I know what you mean by "suppress", but I want to read you writing it explicitly.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I watched Kanye on Tucker last night. Kanye said more true things than the average elected official says in a year.

If Kanye has mental problems, America needs many more people like him who are not afraid to say what's on their mind.

SensibleCitizen said...

"Pressured speech" is a compulsion to say what you think without a filter. We sometimes call that over-sharing, but if it is pathological, it is usually a symptom of some other mood disorder. Commonly people with bipolar disorder experience pressured speech. Sometimes it reads as crazy, but often friends consider it authentic and straight talk.

There is a linkage between bipolar disorder and high IQ, and creativity, as well as an ability to recognize patterns that are not obvious to others. Bipolar disorder is a common mood disorder among Hollywood types, the art world, and business strategists at the highest levels.

Kanye is a talented and interesting man and we shouldn't dismiss him as crazy or insane. Neither is accurate and both are unkind.

Bob Boyd said...

West sounds paranoid, but that doesn't mean he has no antagonists.

Just because they're chasing you across the Wyoming prairie with a giant butterfly net doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

damikesc said...

Given how the Kardashians have a history of just brutalizing men in their lives, Kanye is a friggin amazing person to have survived in that f'd up family.

Hell, they made Bruce mutilate himself after they removed his genitals for years and years on end.

Kai Akker said...

---Imagine how moronic a person would have to be to be willing to vote 3rd party and then picking Kanye West over Jo Jorgensen?

Yeah!! Wait... who?

Ken B said...

If West is running its hard for Basement Biden to dodge debates.
I think people are too confident in their assumptions about which votes Kanye would win.

RMc said...

Polling with and without West shows him taking 2% from Trump voters and 0% of Biden voters.

[citation needed]

Patrick said...

Assuming Kanye will siphon black votes away from Biden comes off as patronizing to likely black voters and is delusional wishful thinking by Trump supporters. The man has always been nothing more than a sideshow, never a serious candidate. If I am wrong and he somehow miraculously continues his bid and actually receives a significant amount of the black vote, well then there is your justification for retaining the electoral college.

GatorNavy said...

I believe this particular petite drama is less about politics and more about money.

Drago said...

Beijing Boy: "If anyone is using Kanye it is Republicans in an effort to suppress the black Democratic vote."

I can see ARM is responding poorly to the Daily Mail story of what ARM's beloved ChiCom's are doing to the Uyghurs...all of which ARM vehemently denied just weeks ago.

I suppose purposeful misuse of the term "suppress" is something ARM is rewarded for by his Beijing masters.

John henry said...


How does Kanye "suppress" (your word, not mine) the black vote?

John Henry

DavidUW said...

Kanye is more likely to take the unserious voter and the voter (like me) in the non-swing state.
The unserious voter is, if bothering to go to the polls, more likely a Biden voter. The polls indicate that by enthusiasm gaps between trump and biden as I recall.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Does West have mental health problems, or just a weird sense of humor? (Is North's last name West?) If he doesn't drop out (word this morning is he qualified in Illinois), that's one more nail in Biden's coffin. Democrats will do damn near anything to get him out of the race.”

Supposedly, West is bipolar. At one point, his wife was supposedly trying to intervene and get him help. But with the two of them, and in particular her, you never know what is manufactured hype, and how much is real. Supposedly, her previous marriage, that didn’t last even a couple months, was a publicity stunt. That is her real talent - being famous.

The problem for Kanye though is that he really is an artistic genius, one of the greatest musical geniuses of his generation, but not limited to just that medium, having successfully branched out into fashion, art, etc. Would completely medicating his bipolar issues destroy the artistic edge that has made him so great in this area? Art is filled with geniuses who have been a bit crazy. One of his signatures is an obsessive/compulsive attention to detail, which is part of why he was rated higher as a producer, than as a rapper.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Polling with and without West shows him taking 2% from Trump voters and 0% of Biden voters.”

Having a hard time believing that. First, I think it likely that many, if not most, of the votes for him would be by blacks, dissatisfied with their place in the Plantation Party. Being taken for granted by the Slavery and Abortion Party. But also, Trump, who likely has better polling than the MSM, doesn't seem worried. They still seem almost buddies.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Biden derangement syndrome. Sigh.

Tina Trent said...

Hey Bruce: this poll showing West nibbling into Trump not Biden voters was a mainstream and fairly reliable likely voter survey. I doubt West would have much of an effect for either Biden or Trump in a real election.

Yancey Ward said...

If you want to know who West hurts, watch to see who sues to keep him off the ballot.

Howard said...

The poor guy's mind is out of control and people are trying to figure out which conspiracy theory is controlling Kanye. I'll worry if he starts hanging out with Mormons and storing urine in jars.

tim maguire said...

Patrick said...
Assuming Kanye will siphon black votes away from Biden comes off as patronizing to likely black voters and is delusional wishful thinking by Trump supporters

I'm going with "assuming" as the key word in your comment. Such an assumption may be all of those things, but we need not get there because it's not an assumption. In the real world, it is both ignorant and naive to doubt that Kanye will siphon black votes away from Biden.

Bob Boyd said...

The Defiant Ones 2021 plot synopsis: After a truck transporting political prisoners to the notorious Happy Valley Re-education Camp has an accident on the road, convicts Donald Trump and Kanye West, who are chained together, take it on the lam and must learn to work together and harness their dragon energy to elude capture by brutal SJW's hunting them with drones.

The Vault Dweller said...

Kim Kardashian is a very savvy person. She literally created her own celebrity. She has a very good understanding of the media and the generic human mindset as well as how they intersect and interplay. There is a British Anthropologist named Dunbar who theorized that human beings have an upper limit of how many people they can "know". By know I mean be part of their social group, tribe, or in-group. I think he related this back to humanity spending most of it's history in tribal conditions and theorized this number was about 150. I think Kim realized that it was possible to be part of this group without actually meeting a person. And that by getting her name and image out there she became part of millions of people's tribe. And now many people have an elevated caring about her and news regarding her than they otherwise would have. This has made her a celebrity and she has been able to monetize that very effectively. This has also helped her family get wealthy. I doubt he half-sister Kendall Jennner would be be the, perhaps billionaire she is today but for Kim's leading the way for the Kardashians. That being said, I wonder whether Kim has strong political feelings. Or whether it is about crafting an image for herself and her family.

Molly said...


Kanye is fairly crazy but he is also highly intelligent and if you look back over his history you will see the evidence.

So he has a leg up on Biden on that score--Biden has always been excessively dumb and now he is also deteriorating physiologically, so Kanye is a far better bet than Biden.

Patrick said...

Tim Maguire,
The keyword is "likely" black voter. Kanye might get a few fanboy votes, but no civic-minded consistent black voter is going to cast a ballot for him. Novelty votes for Kanye from irregular voters are not ones that Biden would normally get anyway, and therefore are not siphoned from him. It's naive to think Kanye helps Trump's reelection in any way. If anything he hurts it. A sideshow to the Trump circus only creates spectator fatigue.
I love Trump, and was never more proud of my country when he was elected. But lately my enthusiasm has been waning. Part of me almost welcomes getting back to the deep state way of life.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Some of his friends came to be by his side...

That's what true friends do.


FullMoon said...

steve uhr said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Ann. If you hav any power please nix the ads with the pictures of cockroaches and mounted mouse heads.

All I get is attractive women in sexy clothing and lingerie. And tools. Wonder what makes the diff?

Nichevo said...

Patrick said...
Tim Maguire,
The keyword is "likely" black voter. Kanye might get a few fanboy votes, but no civic-minded consistent black voter is going to cast a ballot for him. Novelty votes for Kanye from irregular voters are not ones that Biden would normally get anyway, and therefore are not siphoned from him.

Disagree. Much of the black vote in urban cores is harvested with walking-around money. Those votes are unmotivated, uncommitted. Scoop up a million off-the-street voters whom you expected to go 99% for Biden, and find that not only do maybe 15% or 25% of them go for PDT, but that maybe half of them think it a lark to plump for West.

DeepRunner said...

Ann Althouse said:
The black vote is crucial to Biden, and it's impossible to predict or understand how West could distort the election. Why wouldn't Kim Kardashian help the Biden forces? Though she's Republican-friendly some of the time, she supported Hillary in the last election.

Hmmm...Did Ross distort '92? Howzabout Ralph in 2000? I would guess it depends on POV and, more importantly, election predilection.

FWIW, Professor, I think you made your decision a while back in terms of who you will vote for. If that is the case, then I'm not surprised. TheShellHumanThatIsJoeBiden is more philosophically-aligned with issues you, I suspect, hold dear. "Crazy Kanye" might stand in the way.

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