[Robin DiAngelo] operates from the now-familiar concern with white privilege.... To atone for this original sin, she is devoted to endlessly exploring, acknowledging, and seeking to undo whites’ “complicity with and investment in” racism. To DiAngelo, any failure to do this “work,” as adherents of this paradigm often put it, renders one racist.... ... White Fragility is the prayer book for what can only be described as a cult.
We must consider what is required to pass muster as a non-fragile white person. Refer to a “bad neighborhood,” and you’re using code for Black; call it a “Black neighborhood,” and you’re a racist; by DiAngelo’s logic, you are not to describe such neighborhoods at all, even in your own head. You must not ask Black people about their experiences and feelings, because it isn’t their responsibility to educate you. Instead, you must consult books and websites. Never mind that upon doing this you will be accused of holding actual Black people at a remove, reading the wrong sources, or drawing the wrong lessons from them. You must never cry in Black people’s presence as you explore racism, not even in sympathy, because then all the attention goes to you instead of Black people. If you object to any of the “feedback” that DiAngelo offers you about your racism, you are engaging in a type of bullying “whose function is to obscure racism, protect white dominance, and regain white equilibrium.”... You will never succeed in the “work” she demands of you. It is lifelong, and you will die a racist just as you will die a sinner....
DiAngelo does not see fit to address why all of this agonizing soul-searching is necessary to forging change in society.... What end does all this self-mortification serve?...
A corollary question is why Black people need to be treated the way DiAngelo assumes we do. The very assumption is deeply condescending to all proud Black people.... Being middle class, upwardly mobile, and Black has been quite common during my existence since the mid-1960s, and to deny this is to assert that affirmative action for Black people did not work....
I see no connection between DiAngelo’s brand of reeducation and vigorous, constructive activism in the real world on issues of import to the Black community. And I cannot imagine that any Black readers could willingly submit themselves to DiAngelo’s ideas while considering themselves adults of ordinary self-regard and strength. Few books about race have more openly infantilized Black people than this supposedly authoritative tome....
White Fragility is, in the end, a book about how to make certain educated white readers feel better about themselves. DiAngelo’s outlook rests upon a depiction of Black people as endlessly delicate poster children within this self-gratifying fantasy about how white America needs to think—or, better, stop thinking...
July 15, 2020
John McWhorter says that "White Fragility" is "actually a racist tract" that "diminishes Black people in the name of dignifying us. "
I'm reading "The Dehumanizing Condescension of White Fragility/The popular book aims to combat racism but talks down to Black people" (The Atlantic).
McWhorter will be called an Uncle Tom or worse over this.
To atone for this original sin
original skin
Haven't read anything on white fragility. However, it's the perfect diagnosis for the Trump deplorable snowflakes. We saw it in spades yesterday the way you people respond to The Crack MC.
Basically, DiAngelo is projecting, and getting paid to do so.
McWhorter's been called Tom and worse for years if not decades. He's a very intelligent, thoughtful writer and thinker, and a credit to his profession.
Unlike Robin D-- she's an obvious wackjob and cultist as a few minutes youtubing will prove.
Fragility is the new white?
Dave Begley: "McWhorter will be called an Uncle Tom or worse over this."
Just wait until Crack shows up to inform McWhorter that whites (and this is not hyperbole, Crack actually believes this) invented slavery, murder, rape and lying 300 years before any other people on earth ever did any of those things.
Crack said whites had a "300 year headstart" on those things.
Astonishing, I know.
Even more amazing, Roesch/Voltaire agreed wholeheartedly with Crack on that point!
Funny how I never remember any of the Althouse resident Leftists having anything to say when AA blogs this topic. Why?
I have never seen a smash best-seller before, where every single person I ever read thinks it's just total garbage. Usually the left likes it or the right. Here, if anyone likes it they aren't anyone I've ever listened to.
My favorite thing about the book "white fragility" (lower-case on purpose) is that large numbers of the historical figures listed throughout the book as creating its thesis for 'white hegemony' are actually white-skinned but of Jewish origin or Jewish ancestry. This is one of the unique features of our current racial landscape in America today. it fits very well into Jerry Seinfeld's infamous quip about 'clown nose on, clown nose off'. Social media and the net in general are replete with examples of people (especially liberals) who use 'Jewish ethnicity on, Jewish ethnicity off'. Black people do it too.
What is my point you may ask? My point is that "white fragility" and 'white hegemony' are bullshit. It's like the 1619 project...it is manufactured history based on a hypothesis conjured up to explain hundreds of years, if not millennia of oppression by everyone to and by everybody. Jews and Arabs profited as much off the slave-trade of continental interior African tribes as much as coastal African tribes profited off the sale of war captives from the interior. And of course let's not forget about Arab slavers in the 'white-slave' trade. Don't even get me started on the Indijina.
Fuck this narrative. It is crap like this, right here, that reinforces the stereotypes people have about black people being gullible and stupid.
"White Fragility is, in the end, a book about how to make certain educated white readers feel better about themselves."
I wonder. Certainly, McWhorter criticizes the book on improper grounds. How the book impacts Black people is irrelevant. It is possible that the author intends to help white people achieve something. I find it more likely that the book is an attempt by a deeply sick individual to normalize her own sickness. It is not important that "Black neighborhoods" exist in segregated America. It is important that the author not allow herself to think about those neighborhoods, and what makes them Black.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 King James Version (KJV)
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
And racism?
Three point plan for white progressives:
1. Catalogue all assets, including things like degrees;
2. Determine how much of that is attributable to privilege;
3. Give that much away.
The plan does not include lecturing others.
"You will never succeed in the “work” she demands of you."
Anti-racism is one big kafkatrap.
Of course, he's right about the condescension. But that's prog MO: black disadvantage is whitey's fault, it must be solved by whitey's work. To buy the prog narrative, you have to assume black inferiority.
A corollary is the avoidance of black responsibility toward other blacks: can't talk about blacks killing blacks, can't talk about black fathers abandoning their kids. The prog whitewash keeps blacks subservient, aiding the cause but hurting actual people.
I don't want to go into any details because they are too personal but one of my children - the only one who is liberal - read this book over the weekend and bought into it big time. It has nearly destroyed our family.
In an attempt to eradicate "white privilege," white woman anoints herself as spokesperson for all black people. Sounds about right.
Dear black people: You're black. Get over it.
I refuse to treat black (or brown or any PoC) like children. Democrats already do that, where has it gotten you?
My great-great-great somebody owned slaves (or 'enslaved people' in new-speak) in South Carolina. I've sen the records on Ancestry.com.
I don't care. That wasn't me. And guess what PoC? That wasn't you either.
"What end does all this self-mortification serve?..."
To make Robin DiAngelo and her ilk feel good.
What makes this even more powerful is that McWhorter is able to separate his hatred of the President from his pursuit of the truth.
He and Glenn Loury don't agree on everything, but they absolutely agree about "White Fragility".
White Fragility is a "racist tract" that is condescending to blacks and is Kafkaesque toward whites, "the prayer book for what can only be described as a cult".
Sounds about right.
White Fragility is mostly put out there and demanded of us to be consumed by white women of more-than-modest means. That's how I view it at least.
Why does McWhorter capitalize "black" but not "white"?
Original sin was actually original compromise.
Affirmative action through discrimination. Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Political congruence is a tool of authoritarian regimes. Diversity breeds adversity. Some, select, Black Lives Matter. Lowered expectations.
Also, capital "B" or lower-case "b"? It matters.
McWhorter has a history of standing up against race hustlers. Like when he described Ta-Nahesi Coates as the kind of black person liberal whites like to say they admire so they can feel superior to the unwashed masses.
I was introduced to the work of Robin DiAngelo by a poster in a local facebook group. A young black woman thought she would educate us white people via another white person, Robin DiAngelo. Perhaps we'd be more receptive to white guilt over our white fragility and white supremacy if it were handed to us by a white person who speaks about white people with total disdain.
When I suggested that not all black (Black) people think the same way or agree with the BLM movement and that there are many Youtube videos of other black voices I was told by the young black woman that I had a bad character and she wasn't interested in listening to other black voices and that she was blocking me. End of discussion.
PS The moderator of the facebook page also shut down comments after I was accused of having a bad character for listening to other black voices. Nice.
"The sad truth is that anyone falling under the sway of this blinkered, self-satisfied, punitive stunt of a primer has been taught, by a well-intentioned but tragically misguided pastor, how to be racist in a whole new way."
The last sentence of McWhorter's piece.
He sees this whole effort, as I do, as a religious movement. It is the Great Awakening of the 21st century, not the 18th. Like it, this awakening is a rejection of reason and the enlightenment and DiAngelo would like to be our Jonathan Edwards.
Some of us remember what followed the Great Awakening. It took a generation in the 18th century. That is likely no more than about five to ten years in modern times, the way news moves these days. Fasten your seat belts.
things to remember
colored people (oh, sorry! people of color)
are SO STUPID that they need affirmative action to get in school
are SO LAZY that they need affirmative action to get hired
are SO Violent that they need Special Protection, to keep from being shot while resisting arrest
You Can NOT replace Black Lives Matter, with All Lives Matter; 'cause that implies that colored people (oh, sorry again!! people of color) are actually Human
replacing Black Lives Matter with All Lives Matter; would be Just as insane as
replacing Don't Beat your Dog, with Don't Beat your fellow man
do i HAVE to add </sarc ?
Having bothered reading anything about 'white fragility".
But there are a few things that are blindingly obvious that the mainstream media seems not to notice.
First- all liberal prescriptions for helping non-whites start from the assumption that non-whites are helpless- and that whites need to help and nurture them. Ummmm.... is there possibly any more racist thought than that?
Second, this erasing of non-whites from culture because of "cultural appropriation" or other such nonsense is going to virtually remove all visibility of non-whites from everyday view. The Land O'Lakes Indian maiden- gone. The Washington Redskins logo- soon to be gone. The Pascack Valley HS Indians and the Pascack Hills HS Cowboys gone, in the name of political correctness. (My old school district) Pretty soon, all teams, all corporate logos, will be either white people or something that seems innocuous- before it too is attacked. There has been a movement for a while to change the Green Bay Packers name- when most people have no clue where it came from. Has anyone from a lily white Iowa farm town ever looked at an Aunt Jemima syrup sand turned racist as they looked at her smiling visage? Probably quite the opposite- she looks like someone you'd like to know. Same with Uncle Ben. And the Land O'Lakes maiden. All people you'd want to know. Corporate America doesn't put unlikable people forward as an image for their products- they want to SELL them, not discourage people from picking them up.
I doubt DiAngelo know any black folk outside of her rarefied circle. Middle class black people that I know, including my sister's kids and their kids, don't walk around with a giant chip on their shoulder. They go to school and work and church and buy houses and cars. If they spend every waking moment wanting whites to atone for their inherent racism they have never mentioned it to me.
The Racial Essentialism of the Left may prove as poisonous and damaging to the nation as the Racial Essentialism of the Right.
Two mistakes:
1. It's a serious book.
2. He took it seriously.
"White Fragility is, in the end, a book about how to make certain educated white readers feel better about themselves."
There's a lot of that going around.
The first time I heard the book title a while back I imagined the high-fives all around the office when someone came up with that term.
"McWhorter will be called an Uncle Tom or worse over this."
Nah. Most black people probably feel the same and see this behavior by some white people that McWhorter describes as being patronizing and tone-deaf.
I haven't read it, nor do I plan to, but from what I gather "White Fragility" certainly seems like a holy scripture for some sort of weird self-flagellating cult. It's a text written by a highly successful upper class liberal white woman for a cult made up of upper class liberal white women. Is their some sort of fetish for guilt among that particular demographic? If so, why? What is psycology behind that? There's certainly an element of tribalism. This woman and the women in this sort of cult are identifying themselves as part of a group, so maybe the group offers a way to dipsersing and sharing guilt, commiserating? As in the theological notion that we're all sinners by virtue of just existing as a particular race, but we can be partially (but never fully) be forgiven if we practive these rituals of attonement?
"You Can NOT replace Black Lives Matter, with All Lives Matter; 'cause that implies that colored people (oh, sorry again!! people of color) are actually Human."
No. You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. The "Black Lives Matter" slogan/movement is an attempt to get people to recognize that blacks are part of that "All."
The "All Lives Matter" rejoinder is simply a dismissive refusal to recognize that all lives do not equally matter in America.
I think the term "educated" has become somewhat misleading. The assumption that a college degree means one is educated is, increasingly, a flawed one. Since the assault on Western civilization and the Western Canon began in the 1960s, it has steadily eroded both the quality and reputation of the modern American academy.
A degree from the so-called "Ivy League" is more often a hollow credential than proof the person has been exposed to the greatest ideas or trained to rigorously examine the different approaches to improving the human condition. Even the hard sciences are under assault from the new Jacobins of the university Woke Culture.
Replace "educated" with "indoctrinated" and the adjective achieves greater accuracy when describing the average BA-holder today. As for STEM grads, give the schools time; it's only a matter of time before 2+2=4 becomes a sign of white fragility.
And don't get me started on what constitutes an "elite" in the US today...
I think the term "educated" has become somewhat misleading. The assumption that a college degree means one is educated is, increasingly, a flawed one. Since the assault on Western civilization and the Western Canon began in the 1960s, it has steadily eroded both the quality and reputation of the modern American academy.
A degree from the so-called "Ivy League" is more often a hollow credential than proof the person has been exposed to the greatest ideas or trained to rigorously examine the different approaches to improving the human condition. Even the hard sciences are under assault from the new Jacobins of the university Woke Culture.
Replace "educated" with "indoctrinated" and the adjective achieves greater accuracy when describing the average BA-holder today. As for STEM grads, give the schools time; it's only a matter of time before 2+2=4 becomes a sign of white fragility.
And don't get me started on what constitutes an "elite" in the US today...
McWhorter nailed it. This book is completely condescending to all people.
I have to ask the question: Which came first? The bad neighborhoods or the renaming of the streets to MLK Blvd.? I ask because that was another solid concept program rolled out city to city, to make sure white America felt better about themselves. It had nothing whatsoever to do with improving anyone's life in those neighborhoods.
Robin d'Angelo should wake up everyday and thank her lucky stars for the NYTimes and CNN. They've taken a ridiculous premise and turned it into the new MKL Blvd. for our age. Only this time someone gets paid for it.
Robin DiAngelo accomplished exactly the only thing she really aimed for- she made a bunch of money off of stupid white people.
Racism is America's "original sin"? It's "in our DNA"?
If you reference the bible, note that you CAN'T atone for original sin.
You CAN'T change your DNA.
The cynical message is that White people's role is to seek atonement forever, knowing it will never be attained.
When everything starts to look like reverse psychology......
"I don't want to go into any details because they are too personal but one of my children - the only one who is liberal - read this book over the weekend and bought into it big time. It has nearly destroyed our family."
Uh-huh. Female, by any chance?
The existential question here is, what is it about the WEIRD population that is so susceptible to this kind of suicide cult? Do the very genetic//mimetic traits that created a high trust culture producing major scientific, medical and material advances unrivaled by any other culture, somehow render its white population vulnerable to self-abnegating guilt?
It is impossible to imagine a Chinese or Russian or Nigerian or Mexican bestseller based on the premise that the whole cultural heritage is irredeemably evil and has been from the beginning, and that a lifetime of rooting out every conscious and subconscious cultural value (even such basics as need for physical safety or pride in individual achievement) is the only virtuous way to deal with your evil nature.
Marvelous post, Ann. Dead on target!
No matter what society brings in the end, the promise of equal outcomes for all people is and will always be unattainable.
We can really do without $1,200 cell phones, 80 inch TVs and $50K vehicles - so lowering expectations is less costly to the soul and pocketbook than destruction of the best economy in the world.
I don't want to go into any details because they are too personal but one of my children - the only one who is liberal - read this book over the weekend and bought into it big time. It has nearly destroyed our family.
Your story is very distressing to me since it highlights the main problem with the White Fragility cult religion. This isn't so much about creating a space where upper class whites can safely feel good about themselves and their presumed virtue as it is intended to force large segments of our society into submission for political purposes.
Like a cult religion, there is a hyper-emotional evangelical feel to it that will brook NO DISSENT. This is evident in the bug-eyed foam-flecked screaming attacks on anyone who dares to lift their chin from a downward submissive gaze. The Evergreen State situation demonstrated this problem in a nutshell, and I suspect that is what you have endured inside your home.
When someone feels so certain of their Moral Clarity and their monopoly on virtue, they have permission to say and even shout the most hateful things because you dare to disagree, and then when those same people form a righteous mob armed with pitchforks, we are headed over an abyss from which there is no escape without bloodshed.
I remember from my college days, after having worked for a few months as a civil rights worker in the Mississippi Delta in Boliver County, sending my parents a letter that accused them, in the most vile and disgusting language, of racism in connection with their hiring our longtime black housekeeper in Western Kentucky. I came to deeply regret those words in retrospect, but I never had the courage to apologize to them about it later. They were perfectly lovely to that woman and her family, paid her well, and frequently made considerable efforts to help her solve her problems.
I was full to the snout with the certainty of my Moral Clarity, and my words must have hurt my parents deeply. Of course, I was completely full of shit, and that condition persists even to this day.
- Krumhorn
Refer to a “bad neighborhood,” and you’re using code for Black; call it a “Black neighborhood,” and you’re a racist; by DiAngelo’s logic, you are not to describe such neighborhoods at all, even in your own head.
Ms. D'Angelo suffers from the same problem as many "woke" revolutionaries: economic privilege. For example, they have no experience of moving into a bad neighborhood that is primarily White. My family did in the late 50's (Chicago-Uptown) and left after I was mugged as a 6 year-old.
The leaders of the Revolution usually come from the upper middle classes and have only an intellectualized idea of what 'the class struggle" or any similar struggle is about. The Revolution is mostly about their vanity and desire for power over people who actually create valuable products and services for society.
"I haven't read it, nor do I plan to, but from what I gather "White Fragility" certainly seems like a holy scripture for some sort of weird self-flagellating cult."
It bring to mind the Iranian (?) cult we used to see on TV beating themselves with chains.
Howard said...Haven't read anything on white fragility. However, it's the perfect diagnosis for the Trump deplorable snowflakes. We saw it in spades yesterday the way you people respond to The Crack MC.
You are just mindlessly mailing it in, Howie.
Whites no longer care what black people think. McWhorter ought to be telling blacks to shape up, not disparaging whites, not even, as in this case, the dumb whites.
Replace "educated" with "indoctrinated" and the adjective achieves greater accuracy
Trump hits another hole in one. Fore!
the Racial Essentialism of the Right
Character or color?
Question the First.
Whether the belief that there are such things as systemic racism is so essential a part of the Liberal faith that obstinately to maintain the opposite opinion manifestly savours of heresy.
And it is argued that a firm belief in racism is not a Liberal doctrine: Whoever believes that any creature can be changed for the better or the worse, or transformed into another kind or likeness, and so when they report such things are done by racists it is not Liberal, but plainly heretical, to maintain this opinion.
Moreover, no operation of racism has a permanent effect among us. And this is the proof thereof: For if it were so, it would be effected by the operation of racists. For in this way they could destroy the whole world, and bring it to utter confusion.
I was a little boy during the anti-discrimination actions of the early sixties. My parents, New Deal Democrats, told me that racism was judging individuals according to preconceptions about their skin color, and that it was wrong and unfair. This is still the definition that I hold, and I believe it applies equally to everyone regardless of race.
After virtually all legalized obstacles to black success had been removed, after affirmative action had ensured a place in business and academia for virtually any Black who sought it, and outcomes for Blacks had still not reached equality with outcomes for Whites, the goalposts were moved. At some point in the seventies, I'm not sure exactly when, it became impossible for blacks to be racist. Any loathsome characterization of Whites by Blacks is tolerated, even encouraged. Cryptic or implied or unintentional or nonexistent speech of any kind by Whites about Blacks is racist and merits you losing your job. This is not what my parents had in mind when they told me racism was wrong.
Chief Justice John Roberts once said ending racism requires only that we treat everyone equally. Pretty simple, and the vast majority of Americans believe this and live it. Sadly, the goalposts have been yanked out and moved another ten yards past the end line, because not only is it impossible for Blacks to be racist, for Whites being non-racist is now racist, because they must be anti-racist, and they must prove their anti-racism on a minute-by-minute basis. This is not what my parents had in mind when they told me racism was wrong.
If you hate, demean or slander Whites because they are white, you are a racist. No Orwellian shape changing of the word alters that in my mind. LeBron James, Nick Cannon, Patrisse Cullors, Louis Farrakhan and The Crack Emcee are racists. They are just as wrong, just as evil as Lester Maddox or Bull Connor. Those two southern Democrat racists had the power, and they wielded it as a weapon. Now BLM has the power and any crime against society by any Black must be overlooked. This is not what my parents had in mind when they told me racism was wrong.
The "All Lives Matter" rejoinder is simply a dismissive refusal to recognize that all lives do not equally matter in America.
Sometimes, as now, I agree with Cookie, but he doesn't address the key problem with this. I would be entirely eager to embrace his statement here if the BLM loudmouths forthrightly addressed the fact that rather than the police being the greatest source of harm to blacks, it is the tsunami of violence from other blacks that is the greatest source of harm to blacks.
If black lives truly matter, then they must publicly admit that the source of the problem is on their own streets. Almost everyone can get behind that. If they were to apply the same social pressure to getting an education, birthing children into married intact families, and fully cooperate with police when crimes are committed, we would have a unified and relatively harmonious society in which far more of us would prosper.
Until then, the black lives matter slogan doesn't mean shit because even THEY don't mean it. It's a wealth redistribution scam.
- Krumhorn
From the article:
"If you object to any of the “feedback” that DiAngelo offers you about your racism, you are engaging in a type of bullying “whose function is to obscure racism, protect white dominance, and regain white equilibrium.”... You will never succeed in the “work” she demands of you. It is lifelong, and you will die a racist just as you will die a sinner..."
I used to think that Progressives were the new Puritans. Then I thought, no, they're the new Pharisees. Now I think they're the new Inquisitors.
Religion substitute,for sure.
Robert Cook said,
“ No. You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. ”
Where in America, in this day and age, does this happen, and who is treating them this way? I keep hearing this refrain, yet never hear any evidence to back it up.
How do we determine who’s white for the purposes of this discussion? One drop rule?
gadfly said...
"Marvelous post, Ann. Dead on target!
No matter what society brings in the end, the promise of equal outcomes for all people is and will always be unattainable.
We can really do without $1,200 cell phones, 80 inch TVs and $50K vehicles - so lowering expectations is less costly to the soul and pocketbook than destruction of the best economy in the world."
Kind of a non sequitur, but since you brought up lowering expectations, it won't stop with the material things you mentioned. Do you like private home ownership? Too bad. Freedom to travel? Not in carbon-belching machinery. (Electric cars will still be over $50K, so too bad for us. Get used to mass transit and its accompanying illness vector.) Like grilling burgers? Ooh - double-plus info or - CO2; also cow farts. Bacon? Nope, pig farts. Grow your own garden? Nah, community gardens as approved by Ag Department Secretary AO-C. Get used to non-colonial crops like yuca. Etcetera, etcetera...
Robert Cook said...
"You Can NOT replace Black Lives Matter, with All Lives Matter; 'cause that implies that colored people (oh, sorry again!! people of color) are actually Human."
No. You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't.
Yes, that's very true. I mean, just look at all the little black kids being shot in the street...by other blacks. Just look at the black-on-black homicides in the high two figures each week in Chicago, NY and other big American cities.
You are righter than you know!
too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. "
By each other. They laugh and hoot while they video each other fighting or stealing or otherwise being stupid, then share it all on World Star Hip-hop.
Not to mention all the black on black killings.
No one is more inhumane to blacks than other blacks.
It’s all about respect. The old rules expected deference by white man’s rule. Black men refuse to live here white man’s rules. And this seeing white supremacy everywhere is just another white man’s rule to destroy other white men so the Marxist-Leninists win power. This guy figured it out.
"t is impossible to imagine a Chinese or Russian or Nigerian or Mexican bestseller based on the premise that the whole cultural heritage is irredeemably evil and has been from the beginning, and that a lifetime of rooting out every conscious and subconscious cultural value (even such basics as need for physical safety or pride in individual achievement) is the only virtuous way to deal with your evil nature."
Hint: It's a con to sell services and a book. Pretty successful so far.
Jupiter said...
I find it more likely that the book is an attempt by a deeply sick individual to normalize her own sickness
This overthinks reality.
DiAngelo asserts these principles because they drive the results she (and the left generally) want. I doubt she or anyone else actually believe them since truth isn't a relevant issue in leftist activism.
This practice has a long history on the left including David Lisak's "research". Lisak claimed to discover most campus rapes are premeditated, intentional, and committed by a handful of repeat offenders. Left wing activists desired research showing this because the political conflict of the moment was to overcome the quandry of how to act when circumstances are uncertain. At the time most campus rapes were understood to be date pressure and/or alcohol driven confusion and regret where it seemed impossible to reach clear conclusions. Most events came down to a conflict between one party outlining facts with a reasonable belief of consent and the other denying it but few facts on which was more believable. But if rapes were mostly premeditated then the defense of claimed consent could be discounted resulting in the conclusions desired by activists.
For a decade activists cited the Lisak study even though it contradicted everything they knew about rapists and similar crimes. Child abuse for example are rarely committed by stranger-danger but overwhelmingly by people known to the child and family. But bcause the political conflict was helped by the Lisak study they claimed it was true. Revealingly though activist groups never changed their own training which continued to warn women that all men were dangers especially when drinking, linking back to the original and largely accepted risk framework. This suggests that even though activists claimed to believe the Lisak study in one specific context in truth they always knew it was bunk.
DiAngelo's book is the same. She desires a racialized world and so outlines a theory which describes one. Naturally it includes herself as a sort of priestess whose rituals cleanse her own sins. The only problem with her theory is that it's not actually true, but as with the Lisak study why would this matter when the assertion advances the narrative? Consider the left's new mantra "Do the Work" meaning they won't explain their theories. This refusal to support their own theory is an admission they know it cannot be supported.
Imagine claiming 10 * 10 = 2,474,957 and when someone asks you to show the steps responding "Do the Work!". This effectively converts a proof to an appeal to your own authority. Anyone would understand they are simply avoiding showing the step by step process because doing so would highlight their errors and cause people to dismiss their conclusions (and probably lower their opinion of the speaker's judgement). Same thing in this case. But people only substitute this appeal to authority when they already know the step by step review will reveal their errors.
This is bunk and they know it is bunk.
Robert Cook: No. You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. The "Black Lives Matter" slogan/movement is an attempt to get people to recognize that blacks are part of that "All."
Certainly you can replace it with "ALL Lives Matter". Outside your racist bubble we already recognize all lives matter, and that we're ALL Americans. Not Black Americans, not White Americans, not Asian Americans, not any of the myriad of labels the racist left has insisted be used to show how 'non-racist' people are.
You want division - plain and simple. Set every group against the other for political gain. It's REALLY worked well in other countries, hasn't it? Rwanda - Black Lives didn't matter there, did it? Intra-tribal fighting sure brings a country together, doesn't it?
And how about the breakup of Yugoslavia? You could argue there were a lot of pent-up tensions - but you've really got to love how the Serbs and Croats went at it to resolve the issues. Politicians made out, so did the warlords who stoked the flames.
Just a shame about the body count, eh? Well, maybe things won't be so bad here.
Of course, it's really funny how the most problems, the dysfunctional cities are in D controlled areas, isn't it? Why, it's almost like they don't matter at all until elections roll around - at which point they REALLY matter. And after the election - they won't matter again.
ALL Lives Matter. But BLM's showing just how little Black lives matter to them. Rhetoric is one thing. Results are something else entirely - and the results don't fit at all with the rhetoric.
The Washington Redskins logo- soon to be gone.
Washington Redskins logo has deep connection to Blackfeet reservation, Wetzel family.
HELENA — Lance Wetzel looks at the Washington Redskins logo and is bombarded with a flurry of positive emotions because the logo itself is symbolic of his family, his culture and his Blackfeet tribal ancestry.
The image depicted on the Redskins helmet is of John "Two Guns" Whitecalf, a Blackfeet Chief whose likeness also appeared on the Buffalo nickel, minted from 1913-38.
The man responsible for the image is the father of Helena High assistant basketball coach Lance Wetzel, Walter "Blackie" Wetzel.
"When I look at the logo, I mostly think of my dad because he was a person who found pride in the Redskins logo, of having our people in the spotlight, and being represented by a big-time professional team," Lance Wetzel said. "Back in that time frame, there wasn't a whole lot of positives about Native Americans. To look at that helmet and see the representation there, I see a whole lot of pride."
Lance and cousin Ryan Wetzel were even honored by the Washington Redskins on behalf of Walter "Blackie" Wetzel (in 2018) at a Washington Redskins home game. They waved the Blackfeet flag honoring the origin of the logo.
Walter Wetzel, a former Blackfeet tribal chairman and National Congress American Indian President, urged the Redskins in 1971 to change their logo from the burgundy and gold "R'" to the image it still has today.
The name, logo and likeness have been mired in controversy because of the racial connotations associated with it. There's historical context to how the Redskins logo and name showcase a different intention than some interpreted, according to Lance Wetzel.
"I took my dad's word that this was a big-time logo representing our people," he said. "You look at the logo and Blackfeet history, and they are considered powerful people. I identify and connect with the logo that way."
Walter Wetzel passed away in 2003. He was described by his family as fearless, charismatic and selfless, all characteristics that allowed him to excel and be on the forefront for rights of Native Americans during the era of the civil rights movement.
A high school friend of my brother had a grandfather who left the res to become a attorney in DC. His grandfather, like him and his father, had no problem rooting for the Washington Redskins.
The change of name didn't come from any Indians, but from Dan Snyder's monies partners.
It is impossible to imagine a Chinese or Russian or Nigerian or Mexican bestseller based on the premise that the whole cultural heritage is irredeemably evil and has been from the beginning, and that a lifetime of rooting out every conscious and subconscious cultural value (even such basics as need for physical safety or pride in individual achievement) is the only virtuous way to deal with your evil nature.
Why do you think that? The Chinese had their Cultural Revolution within living memory. They blew up many Shaolin and Buddhist temples, outlawed the playing of traditional Chinese instruments, banned traditional Chinese dance and martial arts.
There's more traditional Chinese culture in the US than there is in China - the 19th Century Chinese immigrants weren't forced to give up their music and dance and literature.
People have to fill the God-shaped holes in their lives with something. McWhorter does a great job of explaining why this book’s central idea is an extremely poor substitute.
From an Amazon book review of "Fragility", this: "This group of humans is incapable of being racist because of the color of their skin and this group of humans is incapable of not being racist because of the color of their skin.
What a bore. If you’re having a hard time accepting your lot in life, a better use of your time may be spent reading up on personal accountability."
for Whites being non-racist is now racist, because they must be anti-racist, and they must prove their anti-racism on a minute-by-minute basis
At yesterday's struggle session zoom call, Mr. Pants was lectured that it's not enough to be anti-racist, you have to now be radically antiracist.
Imagine if, say, Hobby Lobby had weekly indoctrination sessions in which a paid preacher told employees they must be radically evangelical in their sharing of the Gospel and rooting out heresy.
Is it inconsistent to call the book dangerous BS and still believe in white privilege?
"White Fragility is mostly put out there and demanded of us to be consumed by white women of more-than-modest means. That's how I view it at least."
Same. Like cleanses.
A10pilot said...
I think the term "educated" has become somewhat misleading.
No, educated is a perfectly acceptable term. The trick is not to confuse "educated" with "intelligent".
We will regret every minute we end up spending on refighting the battles of 60 years ago, which were well settled then (and for the second time).
too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. "
By each other.
Hutu/Tutsi-level animosity. Also, post-apartheid Progressive South African lynching. And, of course, not the first, second, third, or fourth choice, but Pro-Choice, the wicked solution of a progressive religion.
Substitute "White" for "Jewish" Fragility and what do you get?
Josef Goebbels would be proud.
Roy Jacobsen said...
Basically, DiAngelo is projecting, and getting paid to do so.
James Lindsay and Rogan touched on that recently.
I got the substitution backwards (see above) but you all get the point.
but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. ”
Correct. By other blacks.
White people are so fragile that, as these people claim, we’ve collectively held onto every lever of power for hundreds of years without even trying. That’s a lot of things but I’m not sure it’s fragile.
"You Can NOT replace Black Lives Matter, with All Lives Matter; 'cause that implies that colored people (oh, sorry again!! people of color) are actually Human."
No. You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't.
Yes, that's very true. I mean, just look at all the little black kids being shot in the street...by other blacks. Just look at the black-on-black homicides in the high two figures each week in Chicago, NY and other big American cities.
Don't forget the 900 healthy Black babies aborted every day.
We can really do without $1,200 cell phones, 80 inch TVs and $50K vehicles - so lowering expectations is less costly to the soul and pocketbook than destruction of the best economy in the world.
I have never owned a cellphone, drive a VW Beetle and haven't watched a minute of television since GoT ended.
I'm also a deplorable who will crawl across broken glass to vote for Trump this year.
She'll become a multimillionaire and everyone on the Upper West Side will want her at their cocktail parties. Mission accomplished.
Second, this erasing of non-whites from culture because of "cultural appropriation" or other such nonsense is going to virtually remove all visibility of non-whites from everyday view.
First of all, it's weird that sports apparel and shoe companies are still allowed to exploit the images of Black people. Secondly I predicted a month ago that by the end of the year people would be complaining that the lack of Black faces on supermarket shelves is prima fascia evidence of pervasive systematic racism.
Why does McWhorter capitalize "black" but not "white"?
because that is literally what the MSM style books demand.
You know, fuck all this shite.
You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't.
It takes a special kind of stupid to believe "All Lives Matter" excludes Black Lives.
@Robert Cook:
“ No. You can't replace "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter" because, of course, all lives matter, but too many blacks in America are treated as if their lives don't. The "Black Lives Matter" slogan/movement is an attempt to get people to recognize that blacks are part of that "All."”
Then it would be #BlackLivesMatterToo
But it isn’t, is it?
steve uhr said...Is it inconsistent to call the book dangerous BS and still believe in white privilege?
It sounds like you really really want to believe in "White Privilege" stevie.
You cannot even define the term but you have to believe in it because you would otherwise be kicked out of the leftist hive.
It is truly pitiful that this man is a licensed to practice Law.
Ah, you can't ask about it, you can't read about it, you can't watch videos about it, but for only $6000/hr she will come to your company and tell you all about it.
Then it would be #BlackLivesMatterToo
Thanks, Hey Skipper. It bore repeating.
Classic - changing definitions midstream. "Black Lives Matter" means "black people experience dangers and disorders disproportionate to their population share, simply because of the color of their skin" until - exactly until - someone points out that those dangers and disorders are primarily own-goals. THEN "Black Lives Matter" suddenly means "you believe black people's lives aren't as important as white people's lives!"
As the lawyers say, if you have the facts, pound on the facts. If you have the law, pound on the law. If you don't have the facts or the law, pound on the table. (And change your definitions as needed to ensure that you and your interlocutor are never actually talking about the same thing. It's a sure winner.)
So, I lived in an apartment complex in Phoenix, Az, and one Sunday afternoon I went down to the laundry room to do some laundry. The floor was filthy. Lint everywhere, the floor dirty.
Anyway, I put my clothes in the washer and went back to my apt. When I went back, I took a broom and dustpan to sweep the floor before I put the clothes in the dryer. There was a black girl sitting on one of the folding tables who saw me with the broom, and said, "Bout time you got here to clean this shee up." I told her that I didn't work here. I lived here. The floor was dirty and needed to be swept. I lived here. Apt Maintenance was M-F. She said, "I ain't gonna clean up after nobody, less I get paid." Different culture.
“Talks down to black people”?
Knock me over with a feather.
"The "All Lives Matter" rejoinder is simply a dismissive refusal to recognize that all lives do not equally matter in America.”
The slave laborers in China who make the shoes that make so many in the NBA so rich can’t be argued to matter because that would interfere with the gravy train. It’s reasons like these that make it wrong to say “all lives matter.” "Besides, we are accusing you of racism if you don’t believe in our precise prescriptions for the problems of inequality and it makes us feel good to call you racist and you aren’t going to deny us that!"
It is reasonable to demand and advocate for the ideal that black lives matter, all black lives. The organization Black Lives Matter, and those that are members and support it, are a power grubbing, racist organization that couldn't care less about accomplishing the ideal.
I never read it, and never planned to, so it just reminds me of the kinds of targets conservatives choose to challenge:
Easy ones.
Let's not forget the money angle. De Angelo's hustle is that you have to pay her $12,000/day for anti-racism training and there's no end to that ever. Whites can't ever be free of racism, but by paying her $12,000/day until the end of time they can have some measure of absolution. It's a pretty good racket, I have to give that to her.
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