"If the protests are perceived to be dangerous (because of property destruction, violent response from police or potential for infection), that can cause people who do not attend to increase their social distancing and sheltering-at-home behaviors, said Dhaval Dave, a professor of economics at Bentley University in Massachusetts and co-author of the study. But even rates of infection among protesters who got tested in pop-up clinics is proving to be low, Dave said, suggesting that many are using effective protective measures like wearing masks and attempting to social distance as much as a person is able."
From "Coronavirus is spreading so fast among Wisconsin 20-somethings that the CDC came to investigate. Is it protests? Bars? Here's what we know" in the Appleton Post-Crescent.
See? The violence might have helped, because it was one more reason to shelter at home. I was going to say a few more sarcastic things about violence, but it's the Era of That's Not Funny, and there wasn't one of them that I wasn't afraid could be taken seriously.
This deserved your "BS" tag.
According to Inga, the apparently very woke ChiCom flu somehow knows why individuals are outside and will not infect left wing protesters.
Good. Let's get to herd immunity and get on with life.
Great news for victoria from Pasadena!!!
LA marxist BLM leader proclaims Los Angeles is a city run by "liberal white supremacists"!
So true. So very very true.
Remember, the liberals get the bullet too...
"... said Dhaval Dave, a professor of economics at Bentley University in Massachusetts and co-author of the study."
Dave? Dave's not here.
Before anyone says that contact tracers aren’t allowed to ask about protest attendance, that’s is not true for Wisconsin. I know for a fact that contact tracers ARE allowed to ask. Contact tracing is a good part time job that can be done from home.
“According to Inga, the apparently very woke ChiCom flu somehow knows why individuals are outside and will not infect left wing protesters.“
Drago has a little Inga living in his little head.
Broken glass (windows etc.) equivocation.
"The beatings will continue until morale improves..."
"It's possible that there was an increase in spread among those who attended the protests, they wrote, but protests may have made others more reluctant to leave their homes."
This is either circular thinking or circumlocution, probably both. I'd love to see the data.
Look at the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths over time as more revealing statistics, "researchers" say.
What a load of horseshit. Stop. Just stop talking about covid at this point. People like this nitwit have left the health and disease control community's credibility in tatters and have undermined the belief this is a real health crisis and not a manufactured political one.
As my mother used to say... “what a crock of shit!”
Inga said...
Before anyone says that contact tracers aren’t allowed to ask about protest attendance, that’s is not true for Wisconsin. I know for a fact that contact tracers ARE allowed to ask. Contact tracing is a good part time job that can be done from home.
Inga, it's not a real "job" that creates wealth---it's a government "service" that destroys wealth others have created and then had confiscated as taxes.
Then Madison and Milwaukee should invite the protesters to burn the cities to the ground. That will keep people their homes and kill this virus once and for all.
Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Drago has a little Inga living in his little head."
That would be the "little Inga" who, on this very site not long ago, admitted she let politics play into her pronouncing anti-lockdown protests virus-y bad but BLM protests virus-y good.
Poor Inga. Today Inga never remembers what Yesterday Inga has written.
History begins anew each morning.
Inga: "Before anyone says that contact tracers aren’t allowed to ask about protest attendance, that’s is not true for Wisconsin."
There is more competent mind-reader in the business than Inga, thats how she knows how wonderful contact tracing is.
Of course, the states attempting it are having nothing but problems.
Solution? (I am all about solutions)
States should simply contract with Inga for mass population mind reading for contact tracing.
After all, Ingas skills were demonstrated conclusively during the Mueller collusion hoax investigation.
Dhaval Dave. A man who should be fired.
Btw, if Inga is so good at mind reading, why didnt she inform us that Afghanis are laughing about payments to them from the Russians since 2014 to carry on against US Forces and that Adam Schiff-ty's staff were informed of this in Feb of 2020?
Tsk tsk tsk
What good is it to have a mind-reader extraordinaire in the house if she never tells us anything that turns out to be true ahead of time?
"Why should we stay home anymore when these people are out protesting? It must be safe now"
I think that's a viewpoint that might have arisen out of the protests. There is a concerted effort to downplay the protest/COVID correlation. That's fine, I'm all for establishing causation, but I don't see that done when there's a, say, well-attended Trump Rally. Some consistency please.
" I was going to say a few more sarcastic things about violence, but it's the Era of That's Not Funny, and there wasn't one of them that I wasn't afraid could be taken seriously."
Muggeridge's Law: We live in an age in which it is no longer possible to be funny. There is nothing you can imagine, no matter how ludicrous, that will not promptly be enacted before your very eyes, probably by someone well known.
Inga writes: Contact tracing is a good part time job that can be done from home.
I'm sure it is -- but who answers to a phone number that they don't recognize these days?
Did you see the line for the Kollege Klub when they opened?
They had to close due to staff covid infections within a couple weeks of opening.
The Battle of the Somme probably reduced attacks by wild boars in Flanders.
"Get the bigger hammer fred. I'll make this sucker fit"
Interesting theory that it was the potential for violence from the police at the protests that kept people safely social distancing themselves (i.e. cowering) in their houses behind locked doors. The protesters have been so peaceful, after all. And though they may indeed have been spreading COVID among themselves at these various Summers Of Love shanty towns, that was more than cancelled out by all the people they intimidated into staying home.
Always look on the bright side of life....
Btw, also as expected, Washington DC BLM protesters couldnt restrain themselves any longer and are letting fly with their anti-semitic blood libels against the Jews because of course these marxist islamic-supremacist allied cats are.
This is on top of the LA BLM leader just today saying LA is run by "liberal white supremacists".
Unexpectedly, the Montagnards are coming for the Girondins....
Serious question, not trying to give you a hard time :
If a contact tracer calls me or comes to my house why should I give them an answer? Is there any legal penalty for refusing to answer?
Is it illegal to lie to them?
What is the benefit to me of answering?
I see no benefit and some potential downsides
1) they may use this info to contact me depending on who I've been in contact with.
2)the govt collects too much info on me already. I see no reason to help them collect more
3) depending on my contacts, the govt may try to make me get tested.
Is there any upside to me for responding?
John Henry
Jupiter said...
Dave? Dave's not here
Apparently not all there, either.
John Henry
do they know anything for sure, doesn't seem to be,
Drago said...
According to Inga, the apparently very woke ChiCom flu somehow knows why individuals are outside and will not infect left wing protesters.
Yes, Inga/Howard are sure that this cannot be true, therefore it is "Uncorroborated," like the Russian bounties.
I'm sure I saw somewhere the massive demonstration with every one wearing masks?
Not too many masks there.
Or, when they saw all the "experts" who said going out to protest was just fine, people might have decided that, if going out to protest was safe, why not going out socially?
Since the bars are open, Wisconsin 20-somethings are probably hooking up and doing a lot of fucking.
If the protests are perceived to be dangerous (because of property destruction, violent response from police or potential for infection)
That's odd. Somehow this list fails to include things like getting hit with a 2x4 by a protester, getting shot by a protester, or, in fact, any other violence directed at persons by protesters. Must have accidentally omitted those reasons for perceiving the protests as dangerous.
There are a lot of things that need not be taken seriously.
My wife is really tired of my stock response these days: "Another place where f*ck you is the best I can do."
I told what is probably a very nice lady in Publix that I75 runs north and she can go back home to Atlanta if she doesn't like how we do it in Florida. I also suggested that she turn left before she got too close to the flames and gun fire.
The sap must rise among the young.
Broken windows keep shop owners from contact with customers, lessening everyone’s Covid exposure. A big thank you to Anti1A and BLM is in order. Not all heroes wear capes.
Read this from one of the lone voices [ Dr. John Ioannidis - Leading Epidemiologist] who appears to have been correct about the "Experts" like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. “I feel extremely sad that my predictions were verified,” - Dr. Ioannidis. I loved the quote from Hayek:
“This is not a dispute about whether planning is to be done or not,” Hayek wrote in 'The Use of Knowledge in Society'. “It is a dispute as to whether planning is to be done centrally, by one authority for the whole economic system, or is to be divided among many individuals.”
As long as the hospitals aren't overwhelmed, fine. Let the people who have almost no chance of dying catch this if they want to go out and do so. We need to get through this. Here in Texas, the hospitalization rate is going down, as cases are going up. https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2020/texas-coronavirus-cases-map/
And of course the protests had an effect. If nothing else (and I refuse to believe it's truly "nothing else") they told everyone that it was safe to go out. After all, in many places, the same people allowing the bars and clubs to reopen also marched in the protests. If you're 22 and you do the risk analysis in your head that the average person your age would do, of course it's safe to go out now. The grownups told you so with their behavior.
I just find it hard to believe that the protests didn’t cause higher causes of Covid. Every picture and video showed both masked and unmasked individuals - which is pretty much the same as any store you enter. And the protesters were NOT 6 ft apart!
I previously would have ended this comment with a statement that experts are usually correct - but now I totally believe that data is getting used by everyone to prove their point. Can’t really trust much of anything you read or see!
It's possible that there was an increase in spread among those who went to bars and restaurants, they wrote, but that may have made others more reluctant to leave their homes."
It's possible that there was an increase in spread among those who didn't wear masks, they wrote, but that may have made others more reluctant to leave their homes."
Why We Should Not Be Concerned About Increasing Covid-19 Cases in Texas
but protests may have made others more reluctant to leave their homes
Talk about trying to back yourself into a narrative. If the author has some actual evidence that this is the case, I'd consider it. But he doesn't. We DO have evidence that thousands upon thousands of people in their 20's protested and rioted.
Logical reasoning is dead...
People like this nitwit have left the health and disease control community's credibility in tatters and have undermined the belief this is a real health crisis and not a manufactured political one.
We won't know if this is actually true until the election. Because a lot of people believe these "experts" without question.
Did you see the line for the Kollege Klub when they opened? They had to close due to staff covid infections within a couple weeks of opening.
And? Is this supposed to be an argument for something?
How many of these people went to the hospital? How many died? How many were either asymptomatic or had mild symptoms?
Try thinking instead of emoting.
“I'm sure I saw somewhere the massive demonstration with every one wearing masks?”
Thousands of people marched across the North Side on what would have been Pride Parade day, hoping to bring the LGBTQ holiday back to its radical protest roots. Most were wearing masks, which were required by the parade organizers. They are smarter than Trump after all.
Inga said...
Before anyone says that contact tracers aren’t allowed to ask about protest attendance, that’s is not true for Wisconsin. I know for a fact that contact tracers ARE allowed to ask. Contact tracing is a good part time job that can be done from home.
But will protesters actually answer contact tracers questions correctly?
I know for a fact that contact tracers ARE allowed to ask
But DO they?
Bentley's a safety school.
I have no doubt that the rise in cases is partially due to young adults mixing it up in the bars. I've seen photos where they are shoulder to shoulder. I also believe that the protest/riots are also responsible for a large part of the increase. It certainly isn't beyond the realm of possibility that people would lie about being involved in the protest/riots.
As far as staying home during the riots, I don't live close enough to Madison to be effected, at least for now. With the exception of attending the women's badger hockey games I haven't been to downtown Madison since the Walker demonstrations. I must say I haven't missed it either.
"sheltering-at-home" with the AC cranking.
MacIver Institute
12,680 new test results were reported today. 4.3% of those tests returned positive for #COVID19.
I don't have a problem with Prof Dave's guessing and speculation except that its just that- guessing and speculation. The tragedy is when policy makers accept speculation as fact and draw causative relationships that don't exist. Policy makers are stupid that way...
"We live in an age in which it is no longer possible to be funny. There is nothing you can imagine, no matter how ludicrous, that will not promptly be enacted before your very eyes, probably by someone well known."
This is what got The Beverly Hillbillies cancelled.
“I feel extremely sad that my predictions were verified,” - Dr. Ioannidis
Given his prediction was that the models were overestimating the mortality of the virus, why is he sad? He should be relieved they were accurate, and only sad that his predictions were ignored.
Amazing. The Job numbers are actually BAD per objective AP, and the Riots were actually GOOD for health reasons. So says a STUDY by an objective, very NOT LEFT Professor, who's unbiased and very spock-like. I wonder how many gullible boobs buy this nonsense?
I think contact tracing is precisely the issue. The contact tracing efforts must be pointing squarely at the protests -- hence the need to come up with these just-so stories to provide an alternative explanation.
This contact tracing thing seems like a bunch of BS. Its more like a way for "the party" to trace your acquaintances is more like it. I notice all these stay at home FB "fact checkers" too.
Yeah, totally unbiased too. ;)
" ...but protests may have made others more reluctant to leave their homes."
" Contact tracing is a good part time job that can be done from home."
Both those statements would make a great GOP ad.
Vote Democrat,and be afraid to leave you house, and have big brother paying your neighbors to stalk you.
It sounds so American, so free. It's like a homage to liberty.
Apparently, all those Massive Trump Rallies have caused an increase in Corona cases.
There is no justification for any of these actions to mitigate this disease or any of the other crazy attention it's getting that is not also true of the common flu - same mortality rate. So, either we are fools now, or always were before. If it's the second, then life as human's have known it is over and a new Dark Ages is beginning, brought to us again by rats, and their parasites, but two legged ones this time.
< At a time when Americans are bombarded with more than 58 billion robocalls a year, and fraudsters are using the coronavirus to target potential victims in phone calls and text messages, many people are reluctant to field unexpected calls from unknown numbers.
“We’re hearing more and more from local health departments that have ramped up contact tracing, if citizens, if community members are seeing the Health Department on their phone, they’re really reluctant to provide information,” said Lori Tremmel Freeman, the CEO of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, which represents nearly 3,000 local health departments across the country. >
Coronavirus contact tracers' nemeses: People who don't answer their phones
Not picking up a call is "sheltering from phone"
The people most affected by the BLM/AntiFa riots are those who live in the urban areas that they had their little hissy fit in. I suspect that those folks may have stayed home.
Why would people in the suburbs be affected and thus, stay home?
You say that this is primarily an urban flu? Interesting...
Igna said;
"Contact tracing is a good part time job that can be done from home."
Kind of like trolling the Althouse comments. Did your Soros handler turn you on to this new opportunity?
Now ask yourself something. Assume that you did attend some “protests” and some of the people there, maybe even you, might have crossed the line a little bit (I.e. they were actively engaged in violent rioting and arson). Would they be honest in responding to a contact tracer? Would they be honest, knowing, or even contemplating, that their response might get them some prison time? Or friends of theirs?
Contact tracing made sense in Jan, Feb, and maybe even into March. But now? It is idiotic. If I came down with COVID-19, I wouldn’t have a clue where I got it, and there is only one person whom I would worry about having given it to - my partner. Other than that, we are talking mostly strangers over a three state region. I might squeal on the hotel we stayed in - because they didn’t even apologize how hard their beds were. And I could gloat as the contact tracers screwed up their client base by contacting all of their customers. But that would be revenge, and not science, nor medicine.
So, I have lived 72 years to be spoon-fed propaganda of the Democrats by the media in a never ending loop of “Can you top this?” As I recall the mantra was “Stay home and stay safe” right up until the Floyd/BLM20 protests, when it became “Police action is a most important public health threat”. Now we have, no one caught or spread the virus at the protests because they wore masks. All of them. How do we know the newly infected didn’t get it at the protests? Because they wore masks, In New York, they have gone one better: don’t ask about attendance at the protests.
Well, I protest. This is stupid. There is no special exemption for these protesters. I hope they all get well.
Blogger AllenS said...
Since the bars are open, Wisconsin 20-somethings are probably hooking up and doing a lot of fucking.
Does a dental dam count as a face mask?
John Henry
Rioters were peaceful. Unfortunately, the "violence response from police" caused people to stay home.
Notification of Exposure: A Contact Tracer's Guide for COVID-19
Symptom questions
Blogger walter said...
12,680 new test results were reported today. 4.3% of those tests returned positive for #COVID19.
Some people have a lot of trouble with math. Though probably not you, Walter.
4.3% of 12,680 = 545 new cases.
If they tested 8,000 last week but got a 6% positive rate, that would be 480 cases.
And the headlines would proclaim loudly "14% INCREASE IN COVID CASES SINCE LAST WEEK!!! [subhead] WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!"
(It's actually 13.5% but always round up on something like this)
They would never talk about the rate of cases/testing. They would especially NEVER talk about that rate going down.
And of course, the above assumes the tests are accurate and ignores the 30-50% false positive rate.
I think this second "surge" is a result of the Trump Tulsa rally. Not about people getting sick but about how many people showed up in the face of both kung flu worries and fears of antifa attacks. I think the 6,000 scared the shit out of the Demmies. Hillary only ever had 2 campaign events with more than 6,000.
If the governors can shut things down, they can stop Trump rallies. (Or try to). They can also use it as an excuse to keep sleepy in his basement since he obviously can't do any kind of rally, even if they could get him an audience. They can also use Chinky Lung Rot as an excuse for him not to Debate PDJT. Or even speak at a convention.
John Henry
With all this hand wringing and panic reporting about a "spike" in cases what seems to be missing is the reporting of massive "spikes" in hospitalizations and a lack of ICU beds and ventilators. Not to mention the steady drop in death rates.
There is now speculation among some scientists that the virus may be mutating and is not as deadly as it was at the outset.
Protests are not currently associated with Dane County's rise in COVID-19 cases. Public health orders are based on data.
What the data look like today
Here’s a recap of the data from June:
622 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Dane County between June 1 through June 24. For the question "In the 14 days before symptom onset, did you attend a gathering, party, or meeting with people from outside your household":
288 answered "No."
213 answered "Yes", and of those, 12 said they had attended a protest.
6 answered "Unknown."
From June 13 through June 26, 614 people tested positive for COVID-19 in Dane County. Here’s what we know about these cases:
“45% of cases interviewed reported attending a gathering or party with people outside of their household.
28% of cases (a total of 172) were associated with a cluster: 132 from bars, 14 from workplaces, 11 from congregate facilities, 3 from daycares/preschools, and 12 from other clusters.
Our data are not showing a large impact from protests at this time. This makes sense when thinking about what protests look like: they are outside, many people are wearing masks, and people are moving and not always near the same people for an extended period of time. With what we know about COVID-19, this activity is going to be less risky than gatherings that are indoors, do not have physical distancing, do not have people wearing masks, and include the same people near each other for extended periods of time.”
Inga better get on this case.
The lesbian Mayor of Seattle says the demonstrations set off a wave of corona virus.
Better get on top of that Inga before it spreads. The truth, I mean.
Also, in the question of ICU beds, Tucson Medical Center is putting people in ICU beds while waiting to see if they have a positive test for Covid.
For what it's worth:
My (life long Democrat) wife noted that the huge COVID testing tents with healthcare professionals were completely empty of patients mid-day, both yesterday and today. The workers were getting really bored.
Jon Henry,
True. Not my table or numbers.
But I checked it here and it came up as 4.274447949526814%
In order to understand the gravity of the situation you need four separate sets of numbers:
1. Number of New Cases
2. Number of Cases by Age
3. Number of Hospitalizations
4. Number of Deaths.
The MSM only gives us #1 because they want to keep the CV-19 scare up. CV-19, for healthy people under 50, is no more dangerous then the annual flu.
But that would be revenge, and not science, nor medicine.
None of this is Science or Medicine. I don't know if we will ever unravel all these threads. Was this work on biologic warfare that escaped the lab ? It looks like about 20% of those exposed get infected. Under age 60 most are no worse than the flu. Cytokine storm occurs with the flu or any virus. I think it will turn out, once politics is out of it, that hydroxychloroquine will prevent or mitigate it. My wife was hospitalized with pneumonia a month ago and was really sick. She has a history of emphysema from a combination of asthma and smoking. She also had rheumatoid arthritis and has taken HCQ for years. The docs gave her 5 tests for Covid, convinced she had it, all negative. They still think she had it and it was aborted by the HCQ.
She is home and recovering, still with O2 at home.
Many of the Open Wisconsin protesters were maskless.
Remember? You weighed in with trademark expertise:
Inga said...
There were quite a few bearded beer bellied older protestors there. Prime candidates for the ICU and a brand spanking newly bleached ventilator in about two weeks.
4/24/20, 5:29 PM
"Contact tracing made sense in Jan, Feb, and maybe even into March."
The Hell it did. It might have made sense in China, where the police are allowed to weld your doors shut. Nothing these idiots have done made any sense, ever. That is about the only thing that is clear from this whole debacle. No one knew what was going on then, and no one knows what is going on now. And I rather doubt anyone ever will know what happened, although lots of people will think they know, and will be eager to pass new laws giving more power to government. Everyone was wrong, myself included, and we still are. Thank God it wasn't anything serious!
The Detroit News seems to agree with me.
A Henry Ford Health System study shows the controversial anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps lower the death rate of COVID-19 patients, the Detroit-based health system said Thursday.
Officials with the Michigan health system said the study found the drug “significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis.
Dr Fauci will not doubt refute this. Science, you know.
Inga will go to her grave claiming Commie viruses dont affect lefty protesters, Trump colluded with russia and Kavanaugh was the leader of a rape gang that roamed the hills and valleys of Maryland fotlr 2 decades.
"Officials with the Michigan health system said the study found the drug “significantly” decreased the death rate of patients involved in the analysis."
I feel worst for ARM, Inga and Howard.
Democrat mayors continue to call Inga a rather pathetic liar:
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said Wednesday that public protests are likely causing the number of citywide coronavirus cases to spike, just two days after claiming there wasn't "any conclusive evidence" showing a connection between the two.
Which leaves only 1 question remaining: How did Steve Bannon manipulate the democrat mayors into calling Inga a liar?
We will likely never know the answer to this question. It will forever remain a mystery....but something tells me Carter Page the Russian Spy is somehow involved......
Stay strong Inga. Stiff upper lip now lassie.
“None of this is Science or Medicine. I don't know if we will ever unravel all these threads. Was this work on biologic warfare that escaped the lab ? It looks like about 20% of those exposed get infected. Under age 60 most are no worse than the flu.”
My theory, based on what I have read, and talking to some people who know a lot more than I do. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is very odd. It’s spike is uniquely adapted to attaching to human ACE-2 receptors. Apparently it is articulated with three hinges that give it almost complete freedom of orientation, and has a more extensive glycan coat that protects it from antibodies. There is no evidence of having crossed the species boundary, and appears to have several strands from HIV-2. It also doesn’t have the fingerprints of having been constructed using CRISPR gene editing. It has mutated too far from its nearest relatives in much too short of a time (maybe 5x real-time). It pretty much had to have been pushed. One theory is that it was pushed by researchers in Petri dishes using human tissue.
This is pretty strong evidence of genetic engineering by the Chinese. My theory is that the Chinese are not as careful of biohazard precautions as they should have been. I have heard from a several people that this slap dash attitude is typical of the Chinese. So, I think what happened is that this virus escaped from one of the virology labs in Wuhan in maybe November. Probably the L2 lab right next to their wet market, and not the L4 20 miles away. They then hid it from Beijing (and thus the WHO) as long as they could. But it away from then, and was picked up by an American site that tries to stay ahead of possible pandemics, and they were the first ones to key in the WHO. Bejing, being Bejing, and the Chines being communists, they overreacted. And tried to brutally hide the outbreak. They worried more about the embarrassment, than actually try to fight it. They eliminated most of the researchers involved - the people who knew the most about the virus. Some mysteriously died, and some just disappeared. It didn’t help that WHO, late to the party because the Wuhan researchers tried to hide the outbreak from everyone, including them, covered for the Chines, thanks to the head of WHO having essentially been appointed by the Chinese. One big clusterfuck by the Chinese, trying to save face from having screwed up in (probably) releasing their artificially created virus upon the unsuspecting world.
The good news is that the virus seems to be weakening. It may be becoming more infectious, but it appears to be decreasing in lethality. The bad news may be that the three hinge spike arrangement combined with a more extensive glycan coat, may mean that it will be harder to develop a vaccine for the virus than many anticipate. On the flip side, research on prophylactics seems to be moving quickly, For example a decent sized test announced today by the Henry Ford institute showed that hydroxychloroquine was effective in reducing COVID-19 fatalities.
"Contact tracing made sense in Jan, Feb, and maybe even into March."
“The Hell it did. It might have made sense in China, where the police are allowed to weld your doors shut. Nothing these idiots have done made any sense, ever.”
My point is that early on, in this country, we did appear to have some initial infecteds who passed the virus on to others. Initially, we had someone in the NW, and then maybe NYC. Aggressive contact tracing and quarantining at that point might have slowed down the spread. But beyond the fact that we didn’t understand how the virus was going to spread so aggressively, we were also hampered by the inability of the CDC to accurately test, and as importantly to test at the, minuscule by today’s standards, quantities required. Asymptomatic returners from the Wuhan area were not allowed to be tested by the CDC, because they had so little testing capacity available. Even some people who had recovered from mild symptoms were refused testing.
BTW - the growth of testing capacity has been astronomical, and the Trump/Pence team can claim responsibility. Our ability to test for the infection has increased over 1,000x since CDC was refusing testing of likely infected due to their minuscule capacity. Much of it was through aggressive public/private cooperation between the government and private industry, at a level we haven’t seen since the end of WW II. No Democrat could have done it, because they couldn’t have stepped on the toes of the government agencies, like the CDC, like Trump and Pence did. They are the party of big government, which means that they are invariably far from free from being able to interfere with the bureaucrats’ prerogatives.
The anti-malaria drug that President Trump touted as a possible treatment for coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, successfully lowered the death rate among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in the most recent study of the drug. The study examined 2,541 [that is massive]patients who had been hospitalized in six hospitals between March 10 and May 2, 2020.
"The data here is clear that there was benefit to using [hydroxychloroquine] as a treatment for sick, hospitalized patients," said Dr. Steven Kalkanis of Henry Ford Health System.
Well that won't be reported by the MSM and Dr. Fauci, the so-called expert.
The 7-day moving average of Covid deaths has fallen today to 560, a drop of 21 from yesterday, and 68 fewer than a week ago. Yet we continue to hear nothing but predictable fear and loathing from media scriptreaders.
But the MSM hypes that positives are increasing at an alarming rate. Like to know the average age of the "Positives". My understanding that 50 and under the chances of death are near zero?
“The 7-day moving average of Covid deaths has fallen today to 560, a drop of 21 from yesterday, and 68 fewer than a week ago. Yet we continue to hear nothing but predictable fear and loathing from media scriptreaders.
“But the MSM hypes that positives are increasing at an alarming rate. Like to know the average age of the "Positives". My understanding that 50 and under the chances of death are near zero?”
I think that everyone here knows what is going on here. This is from a couple weeks ago: The Media Said Trump Didn’t Have a COVID Testing Strategy. The Media Was Wrong.
At the beginning of March, there were fewer than 1,000 tests in the country on most days. By the end of March, there were more than 100,000 a day. The number climbed again before hovering somewhere around 150,000 a day for much of April.
Then it bumped up again, to more than 200,000 at the end of the month. It surpassed 400,000 for the first time on May 17. On May 29, it was nearly 500,000. It’s been in the range of 400,000 to 500,000 most days since, with a high of more than 580,000 just this just Friday.
More than 23 million tests have been run altogether, more than 3 million over just the last week. In April, 32 million tests were produced, and in May, 39 million, with the trajectory further upward. Giroir expects to be able to perform 50 million tests per month by September.
This is what they are deliberately trying to conceal - that Trump and Pence were able to go from <1k (often inaccurate) tests a day to >500k tests a day in such a remarkably short time. As I said earlier, no Dem President could have done anything like that feat, since they are inevitably too closely tied to the permanent bureaucracy. And with such massively increased testing naturally comes the increase in detected cases. The media concentrates on the increased numbers of cases because it can be spun against Trump. Trumpeting the Administration’s success in massively expanding testing across the country, and esp in COVID-19 hotbeds, like NYC, would get him easily re-elected this November. So they deliberately misinform the public, spinning what should be good news, into bad. In short, they lie. That is their job.
“So they deliberately misinform the public, spinning what should be good news, into bad. In short, they lie. That is their job.”
Oh, this is interesting. Watch the video on how the crisis is being engineered by changing the way that COVID-19 positive patients is being grossly manipulated in order to create a panic, out of thin air: EXPLOSIVE – About All These “New” Positive COVID Cases – State Health Departments Manipulating Data, Changing Definitions..
In order to support the most important political objectives of the DNC writ large in the 2020 election, COVID-19 hype is essential:
♦ Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily achieve ‘mail-in’ voting; which they desperately need in key battleground states in order to control the outcome.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot shut down rallies and political campaigning efforts of President Trump; which they desperate need to do in key battleground states.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot block the campaign contrast between an energetic President Trump and a physically tenuous, mentally compromised, challenger.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have an excuse for cancelling the DNC convention in Milwaukee; thereby blocking Team Bernie Sanders from visible opposition while protecting candidate gibberish from himself.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats do not have a mechanism to keep voters isolated from each-other; limiting communication and national debate adverse to their interests. COVID-19 panic pushes the national conversation into the digital space where Big Tech controls every element of the conversation.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot keep their Blue state economies easily shut-down and continue to block U.S. economic growth. All thriving economies are against the political interests of Democrats.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot easily keep club candidate Joe Biden sealed in the basement; where the electorate is not exposed to visible signs of his dementia.
♦Without COVID-19 panic it becomes more difficult for Big Tech to censor voices that would outline the fraud and scheme. With COVID-19 panic they have a better method and an excuse.
♦Without COVID-19 panic Democrats cannot advance, influence, or organize their preferred presidential debate format, a ‘virtual presidential debate’ series.
All of these, and more, strategic outcomes are based on the manufactured weaponization of the COVID-19 virus to achieve a larger political objective. There is ZERO benefit
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