July 24, 2020

It's not easy being the mayor of Portland.

You give and give and it's never enough.


Sebastian said...

Rhetorical concessions are prog Dane-geld.

"And that is called paying the Dane-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the Dane-geld
You never get rid of the Dane.

We never pay any-one Dane-geld,
No matter how trifling the cost;
For the end of that game is oppression and shame,
And the nation that plays it is lost!"

rehajm said...

Golly, who could have seen that coming?

Birkel said...

Or "How Trump Lost Me" because Democratics want riotous revolution.

Carol said...

Why does the bee video play embedded but this one take me to Twitter to play?

I don't get it.

Lucid-Ideas said...

There is video of Wheeler actually watching as antifa/blm goons throw fire-bottles at a federal courthouse. Actual. F*cking. Video.

Now ask yourself the real question of who/what is actually controlling these rioters. Where is the tacit authority for it to continue coming from? If you're a rational person you can only come up with one answer, and it was a person and a party watching a federal courthouse set ablaze and federal officers assaulted.

lgv said...

The issue is very simple. No leader can give in to all the demands of the children of the corn. The demands are unrealistic, nor are they all supported by a majority of citizens. Once the children of the corn realize they are not going to get EVERYTHING, they turn on the leader, regardless of the leader's support.

Oh so predictable.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Nothing - and I mean nothing - would be more satisfying than seeing Wheeler or Lightgroot (she really does look like Groot) taking a baton round to the face or getting roughed up by their attack-goons. I would revel in it. I. hate. these. people. I want them to suffer.

rehajm said...

No distancing, he has his mask pulled down...

GatorNavy said...

Too bad Mr Wheeler did not internalize the lessons Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Machiavelli or Ronnie James Dio belting out “Mob Rules” backed by Black Sabbath.

Ann Althouse said...

"Why does the bee video play embedded but this one take me to Twitter to play? I don't get it."

It's the way Twitter is programmed. The bee video is YouTube.

MountainMan said...

“Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children” - Jacques Mallet Du Pan

traditionalguy said...

Why do revolutions only end when people turn to a Strong Man with the most fire power? Because of the human survival instinct. The Bolsheviks are rioting to cause their Party Leader to be the chosen Strong Man, But the money men buying the rioters and their equiptment is the source of the evil.

Jersey Fled said...

Gee. Were those security guys (probably police) NOT WEARING UNIFORMS AND NOT PROPERLY IDENTIFIED?

I particularly liked the part where the girl takes off her mask and screams right in his face.

Michael K said...

What gets rewarded, you get more of. Simple.

Jersey Fled said...

BTW if the "protests" are "mostly peaceful" why does the mayor need five bodyguards to go out into the crowd?

Lars Porsena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lars Porsena said...

I wonder if the name 'Kerensky' means anything to him?

Dave Begley said...

Liberals get the bullet too.

Lars Porsena said...

I wonder if the name 'Kerensky' means anything to him?

robother said...

The liberals who ride this tiger never see it coming. See,e.g., Danton, Kerensky. Not that any of this Democrats have any exposure to actual history.

They think they're in control of the "mostly peaceful" revolution until they're not. They imagine that once Biden and Schumer and Pelosi are in charge, the word will go out, stop the violence, and it will. I mean, maybe Soros' money will stop, but won't that just piss off those in the street all the more?

Darkisland said...

Which of the folks in the picture is security detail? They all look like rioters to me.

Especially the ones surrounding him most closely.

John Henry

Fernandinande said...

But thou shrieking harbinger,
Foul precurrer of the fiend,
Augur of the fever's end,
To this troop come thou not near. -- Bill S.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

What's wrong with the video. No one was attacked. I just see completely peaceful protesters petitioning their government.

The only thing wrong I see is the mayor being protected by police he wants to defund. Lead by example and defund your personal protection detail first.

iowan2 said...

You give and give and it's never enough.

This truism has been in the center of comments on this blog for more than a decade. But lo and behold, leftist politicians, these mayors, police chiefs, governors, are clueless about history. Appeasing rioters only fuels, never satiates, the desire to destroy. This is nothing if not predictable. Intelligent observers fully predicted toppling statues would not stop with Confederate Generals. They predicted those demanding statues come down, could not stop. All American History is a target. And we now see, so it is.

PhilD said...

A bit disingenuous of Sullivan. He rode the beast that morphed into this 'tiger' himself.

Anonymous said...

The riots seem to be what the people of Portland want. Apparently they hate their own society enough to decide not to defend it. I have nothing in my negotiation toolbox to reason with people having such belief. Nothing at all. What should the President do? Portland now isn't much different than Ft. Sumter in 1861.

Tom T. said...

Remember that the same thing happened to the mayor of Minneapolis, when he was thrown out of a struggle session for not being sufficiently orthodox in his beliefs.

Inga said...

“I would revel in it. I. hate. these. people. I want them to suffer.”

Consumed by hate much?

tim maguire said...

Are they, though? We who could always see what they were up to knew that the time would come when they get devoured too, but is there any evidence those who are "riding the tiger" see the problem yet?

wendybar said...

Good thing he has a bunch of security guards surrounding him to protect him from all those "peaceful" protesters!! hahahhahahah...What a freaking joke. Get rid of your security if it is so safe and peaceful!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

One more thought. Has The media called these protestors "overwhelming white"? The only minorities are the police.

Sam L. said...

Teddy done messed upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp. But what can I say, but "that's PURE Portland!"

Joe Smith said...

If you believe Tucker Carlson, the mayor had (I think he said) six armed bodyguards. Real man of the people...

I'm no Brad Pitt, but there's a case to be made that Wheeler should always be required to wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

I note that the Portland Police presence at the Federal building is limited to traffic control several blocks away. Like Greeters at DisneyWorld. The Police assist the rioters in logistics and coordination of each nights events. Portland requires parade/demonstration events for non-radicals. Antifa doesn't seek, nor does the city require no stinking permits. Some groups are more equal.

It seems to me that the Mayor's call for the Fed's to pull out is useless, until he interjects the local police between the rioters and the building, thus allowing the Feds to stay inside for a few nights.

dbp said...

There are three kinds of progressive:

1. Those who have been mugged by reality and are former-progressives.

2. Those who have been mugged by reality and are still progressives.

3. Those who are fortunate to have not yet been mugged by reality.

We can now eliminate # 3 for Ted Wheeler. Next, we'll find out whether or not he's woken up (and become un-woke) or if he will keep sleep-walking in a fantasy world.

Openidname said...

This piece of work is complaining that federal officer tear-gassed him.

Yeah -- when he was with the rioters, when they were trying to burn down the federal courthouse, when he was warned the officers were about to use tear gas, and he refused to leave.

And our gaslighting press reports only the first part of the story.

alanc709 said...

Defund politician's protective details. Then lets see what they think of BLM and antifa.

Yancey Ward said...

Would it be wrong of me to hope the rioters catch him and beat him to a pulp? Because that is what it might take to wake people the fuck up.

madAsHell said...

Lightgroot (she really does look like Groot)

Mars Attacks!!

henge2243 said...

In other news, it appears that Gov. Andrew Cuomo will bring about the return of the Raines Sandwich - I've been dying to try one since you posted about it.

rcocean said...

Am I supposed to feel sorry? I think its hilarious. Its was funny that the clown was tear gassed after he went to an Antifa attack on the Federal buildings to "Listen". Sullivan is actually giving Wheeler credit by calling him a Liberal. What evidence is there of that? What evidence is there that he doesn't approve of antifa and their domestic terrorism? Show me the proof. It certainly isn't in his actions.

The Seattle mayor LOVED antifa and the Chaz zone. Its only after they came after HER in HER house that she stopped loving them. Wheeler is precisely the same, he will only turn on Antifa when they attack him at his home. He doesn't give a shit about Portland or its Citizens.

narciso said...

it's like the afghan police in kabul, and nearly as useless,

JAORE said...

It's just Johnson and that damn war.

gerry said...

A bit disingenuous of Sullivan. He rode the beast that morphed into this 'tiger' himself.

When Sullivan went all Palin-vagina, I tuned him out. Has he resumed sanity?

bagoh20 said...

What happens if you give toddlers what they demand in a tantrum? They quickly realize it was the tantrum they really enjoyed, and the more absurd the demand the better the tantrum. These rioters have no real needs other than acting out, because they have no dreams they really believe in. Give them what they want, and you see they didn't really care about that thing.

Ron Winkleheimer said...



Gunner said...

What would it take for Sully to go back to the Republicans? Complete embrace of Gay Marriage/Gays are normal ideology? Biden personally demanding a war against Russia?

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga's response:
"Why does Jesus hate those money changers? Why is he consumed by hate?"

Seems reasonable.

I am consumed by love.
I want the rioters to find your neighborhood, just like you want.
I desperately want for you the future you want for others.

Wince said...

Excuse me, but the plainclothes retinue surrounding Wheeler for his protection was certainly more "secret police" than the identifiable federal officers operating in any cities across the country.

JAORE said...

If anyone thinks this is over November 4, they are nuts. At a minimum the cleanup and rebuilding will take time. The fear and distrust may last generations.

MartyH said...

When the crocodile eats, it does not save its allies for last. It’s hungry and eats whoever is closest first.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Did I post the footage of an Antifa fascist accidentally lighting himself on fire as a large group of them attempting to fire-bomb a public building?

Inga blames the booger brothers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa fascists lighting themselves on fire is like any radial terrorist lighting themselves on fire.

Funny comeuppance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga- Your Hatred of Trump, your tribe's HATRED of Trump, and the media/Maddow smear and lie machine of Trump gave birth to this mess.

Psota said...

"you give and you give and it's never enough"

So true. I've had relationships (friends/families/girlfriends) with people who had a very strong sense of grievance, sometimes justifiable.

But their demands that YOU do something to demonstrate that YOU are addressing THEIR pain, real or imagined, never ends.

After a while you realize it's never going to be enough and that the demands are really a method of controlling you emotionally so that they can control your behavior.

With these protesters/rioters, it's like a mass Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Whatever we do to acquiesce to their demands, it's never going to be enough.

That's when the alternatives are to either cut them out of your life completely - the best option - or reduce your interactions to the bare minimum ("going grayrock" in the NPD parlance).

DanTheMan said...

>>The riots seem to be what the people of Portland want.

I doubt it, even in Portland.
Has anybody asked hizzoner what the end game is? How long will the riots be allowed to continue? Is there any plan to stop them?

Jon Burack said...

Apparently it IS easier being mayor of Madison. Leading from behind, I guess Mayor Satya could call it. Since she has in fact lead the mob that way, not merely apologized for it, I suppose they'd carry her on their shoulders up and down State Street, the better to see all the pretty artwork.

Anonymous said...

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." - Churchill

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
“I would revel in it. I. hate. these. people. I want them to suffer.”

Consumed by hate much?

7/24/20, 9:25 AM

So says the most hateful one here.

Leftists are evil.

DAN said...

They is pushed back all right.

Richard Dolan said...

Portland seems like a real Eden, just the sort of place where sane people would choose to live. You can really feel the love. No doubt business is thriving, too.

mikee said...

How nice that the mayor has a security team. Are they private security or public law enforcement officers? I'm betting the City of Portland is paying some private security firm for hizzoner's safety.

Lucid-Ideas said...


Lucid-Ideas is as 'consumed' by hate as Inga is 'consumed' by TDS. An apt analogy adequately attained.

Inga said...

Trump would never be in a crowd of even his own supporters without multiple bodyguards. Why not? Don’t they all love him?

PubliusFlavius said...

Dream Theater-Never Enough


reach in side
help your self
to all i
have to give
and then you
help yourself again
and then complain
that you didn't
like the way
i put the
knife in wrong

Dream Theater-Never Enough

gilbar said...

Excuse ME? Is the mayor using Plainclothed, unmarked and unidentified security personnel?
Isn't That, THE MARK, of Fascism??

Rory said...

"Portland now isn't much different than Ft. Sumter in 1861."

Lincoln said of slaveholders in 1858, "If slavery did not now exist among them, they would not introduce it." You can't impute that sort of rationality or humanity to our leftists.

John henry said...

In other news Chicago s mayor Lightfoot has agreed to cooperate with the feds


John Henry

John Borell said...

If only there were examples in history we could look to so we could predict how this turns out.

I mean, other than all the examples in history many of us look to and pointed to, predicting how this would turn out.

The tiger always eats everyone to the right of the most committed leftist. Always.

Iman said...

Anarchy for the Portland
It’s happening real-time and maybe
We kill a few pigs, stop a traffic line
In context of the times, just another sign

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When leftwing terrorists accidentally light themselves on fire

Iman said...

Wheeler ought to be tarred and feathered and made to ride the same thing - lumber - that made the family fortune... ride it right out of town.

Ken B said...

Sully is wrong here. The Democrats have not realized that yet. They seem in fact to have chosen Portland as the hill to die on in pushing for more violent protest. Look at the response from the house democrats. The kool-aid is still delicious to them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ignoring leftwing crime is what leftists do.
up and down.

Ken B said...

Blogger Inga said...
“I would revel in it. I. hate. these. people. I want them to suffer.”

Consumed by hate much?

Looking to form a club?

PM said...

Paging Signore Fellini...

Tomcc said...

The City of Portland's administration seems to think that de-escalation is the key to success. They have no idea how unhinged from reality the "protesters" have become.

wayworn wanderer said...

As Instapundit is wont to write: You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.

Jupiter said...

If you think Ted Wheeler is unhappy about this, you're mistaken. They may not like him, but he likes them just fine. He has worked hard to assemble and train an uncontrollable mob, and to castrate the police, ever since he got elected. I don't know who is paying him, probably Soros. He is a tool of Satan.

Tommy Duncan said...

The mob attacks its supporters and the politicians who protect the mob. No one is safe except the leader of the mob who must consolidate power ruthlessly to survive.

The Democrats have unleashed a mob that will bring their demise.

Lord of the Flies...

effinayright said...

I eagerly await a federal officer addressing the mob thusly:

"Anyone pointing a laser, throwing a rock or other hard object, or otherwise committing a battery against an officer, will be shot."

First asshole to point a laser? BLAM.

(it's pretty easy to determine where the laser beam comes from)

And yes, Inga, I hate these people. We all know you are so filled with LUV for them.

Go eff yourself.

walter said...

At least the police had "The Naked Athena" to look at.

walter said...

Better days:
International Day of Yoga
Honorable Ted Wheeler Mayor of the City of Portland Oregon USA, "City of Roses" presented a proclamation to Art of Living to recognize and celebrate June 21 as #InternationalDayofYoga.
#IDYwithArtofLiving #AOLIDY #yogaday Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India @ArtofLivingYoga @ArtofLiving @Artoflivingusa
Jun 21, 2017

Narayanan said...

Mixing up blogs and metaphors

Can we call the mayor "QUEEN" bee of the warrior hive?

walter said...

Better days:
International Day of Yoga
Honorable Ted Wheeler Mayor of the City of Portland Oregon USA, "City of Roses" presented a proclamation to Art of Living to recognize and celebrate June 21 as #InternationalDayofYoga.
#IDYwithArtofLiving #AOLIDY #yogaday Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India @ArtofLivingYoga @ArtofLiving @Artoflivingusa
Jun 21, 2017

Narayanan said...

Does USA political thinking allow anti-Mayor etc. like they had anti-POPES?

R C Belaire said...

"Security detail?" Like with guns 'n stuff? Who could imagine?

alanc709 said...

"Inga said...
Trump would never be in a crowd of even his own supporters without multiple bodyguards. Why not? Don’t they all love him?" Trump doesn't believe in defunding the police. Wheeler promotes it. Are you really that stupid?

Clark said...

I have been rereading the first of Asimov's Foundation books. The sections of the book have names like the Psychohistorians, the Mayors, the Traders . . .

The chapter that we are all currently living through would be called "The Child Mayors."

Narr said...

Good stuff-- too bad da maya wasn't roughed up a little more just to make sure he gets it--and maybe he should quit his job too!

Not as spectacular as the Seattle Speedbumps but you settle for what you can get

Drago said...

Hopelessly Stupid Inga: "Trump would never be in a crowd of even his own supporters without multiple bodyguards. Why not? Don’t they all love him?"

What an absolutely perfect thing for Inga the Russian Collusion Truther to write.

Jim at said...

Consumed by hate much?

Self-aware much?

Michael K said...

Inga said...
Trump would never be in a crowd of even his own supporters without multiple bodyguards. Why not? Don’t they all love him?

Trump is not advocating for abolishing the police, you idiot. The hypocrisy of the "defund the Police" fools with their body guards is lost on you, as usual.

DanTheMan said...

>>The City of Portland's administration seems to think that de-escalation is the key to success.

There are proven methods that work for stopping riots. Some are horrifically brutal, others much less so, but in general force is required.

I don't know of an example where a riot "de-escalated" without some forceful intervention.

Of course, when you let people riot for two months, it becomes the "new normal". And that makes it even harder to stop.

It won't be long before some nutball judge in the 9th circuit finds a constitutional right to vandalism and arson... in the pursuit of social justice, of course.

Darkisland said...

Blogger henge2243 said...

In other news, it appears that Gov. Andrew Cuomo will bring about the return of the Raines Sandwich - I've been dying to try one since you posted about it.

Now there is an obscure reference from 130 years ago!

One bar in NY started serving "Cuomo Chips" as a "meal" to skirt the law. To get around this, NY (and some other states including CA) have come up with a bizarre set of laws as to what constitutes a "meal"

A sandwhich, made in house, can be a meal. But not walways. A pre-made sandwich, reheated and served with chips is probably not a meal.

John Henry

Darkisland said...

Blogger Inga said...

Trump would never be in a crowd of even his own supporters without multiple bodyguards. Why not? Don’t they all love him?

Or perhaps because of federal law? Going back more than 100 years.

He could not if he wanted to.

John Henry

Swede said...

It's Portland, so I don't care.
It's Wheeler, so I really don't care.
He watched these un-oppressed, privileged, liberal whites shit in the punch bowl for weeks.
He supported them and encouraged them by his lack of action.
He just never thought he'd have to drink from it.
That's how stupid this guy is.

Narayanan said...

mikee said...
How nice that the mayor has a security team. Are they private security or public law enforcement officers? I'm betting the City of Portland is paying some private security firm for hizzoner's safety.
is it possible to do FOIA request for details and $$$$$

Narr said...

Maya Wheeler, the Portland Proghole!

Can I get an amen?

RobinGoodfellow said...

“ Blogger wholelottasplainin' said...
I eagerly await a federal officer addressing the mob thusly:

"Anyone pointing a laser, throwing a rock or other hard object, or otherwise committing a battery against an officer, will be shot."

First asshole to point a laser? BLAM.”

All lives splatter.

Was that out of bounds?

mockturtle said...

Appeasement never works.

Jersey Fled said...

Inga said...
Trump would never be in a crowd of even his own supporters without multiple bodyguards.

At least he comes out of his basement.

Mr. T. said...

Why does Weasel Wheeler need security to protect him when he uave been told over and over by the left that these are all peaceful protests! And they only turn violent because 1 or 2 bugaloos or proud boys show up. In fact since we have been told that it's only the "alt right" that is causing the violence why wouldn't weasel wheeler et. al want federal troops to haul them away...?

Michael K said...

My stepson and his two boys live an hour south of Portland. Wheeler would be lucky to live an hour down there. Stay in Portland where you left wing friends can protect you.

madAsHell said...

I've mentioned it before, but the Oregon governor is SOL. I crossed the river at Longview, and into Oregon. Everyone wants that stupid, fucking bitch recalled. There are drive-thru recall petitions on the side of every hi-way.

Sam L. said...

Riding the tiger is a real problem for the mayor.

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