This should be the end of it. But it won’t be.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 11, 2020
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This should be the end of it. But it won’t be.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 11, 2020
Biden can be a crook - and he is - it's not a problem with the hivehind.
Biden says ridiculous garbage almost non-stop - no problem.
Biden is a puppet to the extreme left and the corrupt mega-corporate media billionaires. (and Chinese communist elite rulers)
But somehow there are Bernie Bros who are fine with it all.
Of course, once the Liberal/left sees what Hypocrites they are for supporting Biden, they'll immediately cancel him. They never let winning elections stand in the way of principle.
Of course.
Joe Biden suffers cognitive decline.
This again? This was debunked back in January. The clip is edited to remove the context which is talking about how we inherited from the English a legal culture where wife-beating was legal.
Adams has lost his mind.
Hooooooooooly shit. I don't think Donald Trump has said anything like this, simply because you wouldn't have a news broadcast that didn't remind us of it EVERY DAY. Biden's 105% right, of course, and the fact this had more than 2 million views indicates exactly how much traction it will be getting. But it's absolutely opposed to the black supremacist, invite the world agenda that is the core identity of the Democrat Party. I'm absolutely ecstatic, because it means Donnie had better become SUPER based to compete with Joe Biden and his longtime agenda against reparations/ black superpredators.
"This is our culture, we did not import it from some sh*thole country."
Just think of democrats as a cabal of grifters. Then their whole schtick makes sense.
Taken out of context.
You know, like good people on both sides or the bleach drinking quote.
Glad that this is fair game again here. Trump has lots of quotes that are a doozy out of context.
i don't understand?
Are you saying that Biden was quoting Trump, and that this means that Trump should be cancelled?
Because, otherwise, what you are saying; Makes NO Sense
Democrats are no bound by law, let alone social norms or restrictions
Just ask Igna; she'll explain to you, that Democrats can commit NO WRONGS
right, Igna?
he'll forget he ever said it, that's his shtick, one day it's corn pop reveries, then it's some other gimmick,
Of course he's right, but the values imported with that culture--reason, individualism, the desire to limit the power of the State--are now values scorned by the Left that controls him.
But somehow there are Bernie Bros who are fine with it all.
Biden is the empty shell they hide behind. Don't tell Inga.
I read some longer versions. It seems the complaint is not that he said America's culture comes from Europe, and not Africa or Asia but that he also said that he thinks our culture's a bad thing. Isn't that right?
For you guys yelling it happened in the past and is being taken out of context: So?
Let's ask that Boeing exec if 33 year old quotes out of context are fair game.
Context and time doesn't matter to cancel culture. The tumbrels are rolling comrade!
Oohh! Context! Must put everything in proper context!
Hasn't that been fundamental to the Destructocrats' agitpropagenda all along?
Does that sound sarcastic enough?
It may be out of context, but at the same time, it's true, and can stand on its own merits. And "some African nation" sounds dismissive.
But I have no problem with it. His good sense is still in there, somewhere.
I wonder how much of his feebleness can be attributed to poor sleep and various drugs. That's my excuse anyway.
Pols are usually incredibly busy with one fucking event after another and I could never do it.
Hillary obviously couldn't either.
Mostly of German ancestry.
Let's ask that Boeing exec if 33 year old quotes out of context are fair game.
A warlock judgment, you say. That is so forward-looking. Perhaps a witch trial, too.
That said, throw another baby on the barbie. He's done.
With context added, it becomes clear that Biden is just spreading lies.
“This again? This was debunked back in January. The clip is edited to remove the context which is talking about how we inherited from the English a legal culture where wife-beating was legal.
Adams has lost his mind.”
They’re getting so desperate that they don’t think we’ll know that this is a regurgitated attempt at taking a quote completely out of context?
“Glad that this is fair game again here. Trump has lots of quotes that are a doozy out of context.”
Even in context.
gilbar said...
Just ask Igna; she'll explain to you, that Democrats can commit NO WRONGS
and then, ON CUE...
Igna said...
regurgitated attempt at taking a quote completely out of context
Thanx Igna!
for being SO FUCKING STUPID, that you prove people's points about How fucking stupid you are!
Huffing and puffing about hypocrisy is silly. They are rubbing our faces in their hypocrisy to demonstrate their power over us.
Biden's right. Human rights existing as if they're a priori is a Western invention and gift to the world.
Amusing that Biden is right in culture
But per the leftist dogma all cultures are equal.
Mike said...
This again? This was debunked back in January. The clip is edited to remove the context which is talking about how we inherited from the English a legal culture where wife-beating was legal.
Adams has lost his mind.
Oh, so now it's context. Context for me but not for thee, eh? Like Russia, give us Hillary's emails? That kind of context?
Captain oveur is a drooling idiot, even before he had the fish, his category error is nearly infinite,
“Glad that this is fair game again here. Trump has lots of quotes that are a doozy out of context.”
Oh, dear. Lord knows that no Democrat has ever tried that.
That’s the beauty of Trump. They’ve rained buckets of rotten fish guts and liquified shit on him and he’s still owning them. All ideology aside, just an amazing political figure. Only Lincoln weathered as much crap.
Inga said...
“This again? This was debunked back in January. The clip is edited to remove the context which is talking about how we inherited from the English a legal culture where wife-beating was legal.
Adams has lost his mind.”
They’re getting so desperate that they don’t think we’ll know that this is a regurgitated attempt at taking a quote completely out of context?
Wanna offer evidence of any country in the past that did NOT allow wife-beating, back when men were generally responsible for their spouses' behavior?
Blaming our English common law background for what was a universal symptom ***that MEN got rid of** is simply chickenshit.
Let's note that the leftist morons here screaming "out of context!!!!" are unironically posting in the Roger Stone thread claiming that the commutation of the process crime persecution he suffered for merely being associated to Trump is an outrage, while utterly ignoring the context of full pardons by Clinton and Obama for utter criminals like Marc Rich, FALN terrorists, and unrepentant traitors in every sense of the word like Bradley "Chelsea" Manning. Yeah, that context doesn't matter at all. Commuting the sentence of Roger Stone's process crime, now THAT'S just crazy!
Mike said...
This again? This was debunked back in January.
My first thought was to wonder about the context. I'd like to see a minute before and after.
Would you happen to have a link?
Otoh, especially if he is talking about our legal system as you say, is the clip wrong?
Our culture, especially our legal culture did come almost exclusively from Europe, didn't it?
Overall we have imported some elements of West African, Asian, native American, cultures. But not that much.
All of the things that make up the USA culture are primarily developed from European influences. Primarily British and German.
Am i factually wrong?
John Henry
Mark said...
the bleach drinking quote.
Like 95% of Americans, I drink bleach daily. It is critical to health.
Are you saying you do not drink bleach on a regular basis, Mark?
John Henry
So in the First Debate, does somebody ask Biden where the US legal culture comes from?
And a follow up question: Is that a good legal culture or a bad one? Yes or no.
Ok, to respond again to Mike, here is the 14 minute clip that came from
After watching, I stand by my comments.
OTOH, he did go on and on and on about 2 other myths: "the rule of thumb" gave permission to beat wives and "20% of female college students are sexually assaulted."
Back to you, Mike. Watch the video and tell me how it has been debunked?
More importantly, tell how Scott Adams or I are wrong.
John Henry
Under this "European jurisprudential culture" is finger fucking subordinate staff covered by the "rule of thumb"?
I enjoy watching the faces on the audience.
I'm wondering if that one woman is conflating a holy shit face with her O-face?
This guy Mike seems new. Are we adding lefty trolls now ? Interesting how they keep popping up.
Just a reminder, John Henry, there are some of us, especially in rural America, who do not drink bleach on a regular basis. I filter my well water to 5 microns before the softener, a half micron after. Even in July and August our well is too cold to support guardians, but I filter it to a half micron anyway.
At work I keep a water filter pitcher to filter out the chlorine. I’ll drink at least a quart in winter on an 8 hour shift, over a half gallon now. 12 oz glass each hour, 3 quarts of chlorine free water.
I take the pitcher when traveling. Fill it up with cold water from the hotel drinking fountain, then the top packed full of ice. Cold water available all day until the next hotel or final destination.
When I share this video on Facebook, I get the "AP: False" etc fact checks covering it. I suppose none of my friends will even see it in their feed.
Where were Trump's fact checks when he was called a respecter of whites (some of the people in Charlotesville were very nice people or whatever)?
Yikes!! It's two women, and a guy!!
It's difficult to know what xe might be conflating.
Yes, gospace, that's why I said 95%. That's just a guess, though. It might be as low as 90%.
Re your 0.5 micron, not good for waterborne bacteria. It helps but you really need a 0.22 micron. That's the standard in the pharma industry for water prior to distillation or RO for "water fore injection"
And how do you prevent bacteria from growing through a 0.5 or even a 0.22 micron filter? Bacteria trapped on the surface will grow through the pores and enter the downstream flow. Only way to combat this is to continuously circulate the water back through the filter. Istr every 60 minutes as the standard.
Just yanking your chain, as you were doing with mine. All in good fun. Sounds like a fairly safe system. If it were me though, I'd add UV. That will kill the bacteria rather than just trap them. Then you would not need to replace the 0.5 filter every week.
John Henry
I feel worst for little Scotty ... then Drago.
I predict a growing respect for context. Until extended remarks from some Republican.
"They’re getting so desperate that they don’t think we’ll know that this is a regurgitated attempt at taking a quote completely out of context?"
Said no progressive ever, regarding the Trump comments they've taken out of context for the past four years.
It's almost like they're trying to grow a conscience. Almost like.
I agree the context lessens the sense that Biden is elevating European culture. But it doesn’t lessen the sense in which he is arguing American culture principally derives from the European. I think that would get most people canceled.
And his way of referring to African nations would get a conservative canceled just on its own.
So, if you present this as Biden channeling David Duke then it’s seriously out of context and bogus. But if you present this as “this would get anyone else canceled” then the context doesn’t really refute that.
Remember, a prof was canceled for quoting the letter from Birmingham jail. Context was no help to him.
In the YouTube video Darkisland linked, Biden seems to blame American abuse of women on European and specifically English cultural history. The video opens with Biden tracing the "rule of thumb" to a 13th century English judicial edict to the effect that no man can beat his wife with a stick thicker than the width of this thumb.
Wikipedia begs to disagree.
I wonder what else Biden made up in his long soliloquy.
In some African cultures, female genital mutilation is seen as traditional passage into womanhood and a way to purify a woman's body.[66] There are four levels of female circumcision: Type 1 involves the complete removal of the clitoris, Type 2 goes beyond Type 1 and removes the labia minora as well, Type 3 stitches the vagina after a Type 2 procedure, and Type 4 is any mutilation of vaginal tissue.[66] The procedure is very painful and often practiced without proper medical equipment and hygiene procedures leading to a high risk of infection and chronic pain.[67] Female genital mutilation is practiced in Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Egypt, Cameroon, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Central African Republic, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone among others.[68]
Femicide Edit
See also: Femicide
Femicide is broadly defined as the "intentional murder of women," [69] which includes honor killings, dowry killings, sexual orientation hate crimes, and female infanticide. According to a 2013 study by Abrahams,[70] South Africa has the fourth highest rate of female homicide with 12.9 per 100,000 women being murdered by intimate partners in South Africa annually. With a rate of 7.5/100,000 women, women in South Africa are four times more likely to be murdered with a gun than a woman in the United States.[7
Adding context for Inga's sake only makes it even harder to believe that Biden has a "...higher IQ...", "...went to law school on a full academic scholarship...", "...ended up in the top half of' his class...", or "...won the international moot court competition." But I totally believe he "...graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits." C'mon man, who wouldn't?
Joe Biden suffers cognitive decline.
Makes a fella' think!!! Obama wasn't running the country either. It was Hillary in charge.
That which is buried in Joe Biden's past matters not a bit today. Joe Biden has dementia, a degenerative disease without a cure, and he will only get worse over time. Nothing else matters regarding Joe Biden. He should not be running for president, and those enabling him to do so should be shamed from public discourse for their abuse of this sick old man. Those refusing to accpet and acknowledge that Joe Biden has dementia should be ignored and ridiculed. Joe should enjoy his last few years of self-awareness in peace, not becoming an increasingly ridiculous public figure with dementia.
Don't you understand?
The (D) after Biden's name absolves him of all sins.
There goes "Inga" and "ARM" again with their illerate take on what Joe Biden said.
7/11/20, 2:23 PM
Blogger Inga said...
“This again? This was debunked back in January. The clip is edited to remove the context which is talking about how we inherited from the English a legal culture where wife-beating was legal. 7/11/20, 2:42 PM
"Inga" you do know that we "inherited" "wife-beating" from the Muslims (Koran) and other societies also. [Once the dream of Liberals/Leftists is realized, whites become a minority, the former minorities will make the USA very conservative and religious.] Why is it that anything coming from England is bad, but coming from other parts of the World is swept under the rug. As I previously mentioned, Inga, you need a life which is a bit more productive and which helps society. Politics is an industry, which like leeches, sucks the lifeblood out of its adherents.
Bob, better take screenshots of that Wikipedia page. I have zero doubt that leftists like Inga will make sure it is retrofitted to make what Biden said accurate within days. In fact I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.
I do find it hilariously amusing that Inga defended Biden by claiming he was "taken out of context". It's true! The context that he was completely full of shit was withheld from the initial presentation.
Leftists lie. It's all they have. It's all they know. It's all they can do.
The right's tone-deaf efforts to direct cancel culture are hilarious.
Everything is "gotcha" with you people.
You would think this would be another blast-from-the-past of the bottomless Joe Biden Gaffe-o-Matic archives.
But check out the buttons. This is the current campaign.
Everything is "gotcha" with you people.
“You people?”
Jeez Crack I expect more from you.
Besides, this is more of a “sauce for the goose” moment. It’s funny, or it would be if Biden was still in possession of his faculties. Now it’s borderline cruel, but politics ain’t beanbag.
SCOTT ADAMS....who is so smart, and so often points out the obvious and acts soberly and thoughtfully, has announced he is voting for Biden.
Another fool.
The Crack Emcee said...
The right's tone-deaf efforts to direct cancel culture are hilarious.
Everything is "gotcha" with you people.
7/13/20, 6:54 AM
How do you do it, Crack, just flip a coin in the morning?
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