July 7, 2020

"Donald Trump suffered 'child abuse' at the hands of his father', the President's niece will claim in her explosive memoir...."

"Mary calls Fred Sr a ‘high functioning sociopath’, marked by a lack of empathy, a facility for lying and a lack of interest in others.... 'Donald's mother became ill when he was two and a half, suddenly depriving him of his main source of comfort and human contact. His father, Fred, became his only available parent. But Fred firmly believed that dealing with young children was not his duty, and kept to his twelve-hours-a-day, six-days-a-week job at Trump Management, as if his children could look after themselves. From the beginning, Fred's self-interest skewed his priorities and his care of children reflected his own needs, not theirs. He could not empathize with Donald's plight, so his son's fears and longings went unsoothed. Love meant nothing to Fred; he expected obedience, that was all. Over time, Donald became afraid that asking for comfort or attention would provoke his father's anger or indifference when Donald was most vulnerable. That Fred would become the primary source of Donald's solace when he was much more likely to be a source of fear or rejection put Donald in an intolerable position: total dependence on a caregiver who also caused him terror. Donald suffered deprivations that would scar him for life.'"

From "EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump was a victim of 'child abuse' at the hands of his father, who 'caused him terror that would scar him for life', claims President's niece who believes he could be a 'sociopath' in explosive memoir" (Daily Mail).


Lucid-Ideas said...

Boy oh boy is desperation one stinky perfume. Wow.

n.n said...

So, that's why he exposed social liberal club, seeks to uncover and reform progressive prices of medical care for all, stands against diversity and other classes of bigotry, opposes social justice adventurism and other inequities, confronts rather than funds terrorism, pursues emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout, is politically incongruent, stands against witch hunts and warlock trials, and is pro-life #AllLivesMatter #BabyLivesMatter.

Amexpat said...

I don't want Trump as POTUS but this is vapid psychobabble. I think this type of stupid TDS actually helps him.

Real American said...

Does that mean Trump gets a pass on everything now that he's a participant in the victim Olympics?

Nonapod said...

It could be true. I can't really say if it matters that much even if it was though.

As I've said before, I find Trump to be a very unusual personality. He seems to be extremely effective in many areas. He seems to have a rather unique skill set. At times he seems preternaturally canny and clever. At other times he seems self sabotaging. What went into making a person like that? Can anyone who becomes President of the United States even be considered psychologically normal given what it takes to achieve that?

Sebastian said...

"That Fred would become the primary source of Donald's solace when he was much more likely to be a source of fear or rejection put Donald in an intolerable position: total dependence on a caregiver who also caused him terror. Donald suffered deprivations that would scar him for life."

No wonder he became our first female president.

Yancey Ward said...

All child abuse victims are sociopaths, don't you know?

rhhardin said...

It's penis envy. She doesn't have one.

Howard said...

The forge where true American Hero's are manufactured

gspencer said...

Like she knows all about what went on inside Fred's house.

Roger Sweeny said...

Is this a tell-all or a tv movie? It sounds like a plot I've seen a hundred times.

Leland said...

Sounds like boring stuff with hyperbolic words that don't work to make it exciting at all. I wonder if Roland Emmerich was a ghost writer?

le Douanier said...

Deep state.

Hari said...

The president's niece believes he could be a sociopath.

Not that he is a sociopath.
Not that she believes he is a sociopath.

Only that she believes he could be a sociopath.

AustinRoth said...

Got it. Now the Left wants to turn Trump into one of their victim-status freaks, a label he has refused his whole life to claim.

Gooble-gobble. Gooble-gobble. One of us. One of us.

Michael K said...

She is a nasty piece of work. I hope this costs her all of her inheritance.

Rory said...

Wouldn't it have been easier for the Democrats to just field a plausible candidate?

YoungHegelian said...

total dependence on a caregiver who also caused him terror.

Wait. If Fred Trump wasn't around, did the Trump kids raise themselves?

My guess is no, the Trump family had a nanny or other care givers for the kids, and these were a source of "solace" & care for the children. Such a system may not be optimum, but generation & generations of upper class children have been raised by the "hired help" throughout human history.

Jupiter said...

He seems to have gotten over it.

Mattman26 said...


Joe Smith said...

He's filthy rich and President of the United Staes...some 'victim.'

But seriously, psychiatry is 90% BS when professionals do it. It's really sketchy when left to amateurs.

gbarto said...

So you spend your early years trapped with an abusive parent who makes you feel worthless, and the response is for people to say that the abuse probably turned you into an unredeemable, sociopathic monster that people shouldn't trust. Re-affirming the worthlessness the abuser made you feel. And people are buying this line to re-affirm their hatred of Trump.

Imagine, if you will, a psychiatrist telling a parole board that prisoner X had an abusive father so it's probably safest for everyone to keep him locked up, nothing you can do for those people, sorry.

The people who are running with this in their effort to own Trump are setting back every effort we've made in the last 50 years from counseling for abuse victims to Al-Anon to help people find their way after growing up in families with problems.

cacimbo said...

Sounds more like she is describing how her father Fred felt rather than his brother "the Donald".

jaydub said...

So, if Trump's niece claims Trump suffered child abuse at the hands of his father, wait til she gets a load of the adult abuse he suffered at the hands of the Dems, the deep state and Chuck. Not to mention the character assassination he suffered at the hands of his niece. When Schiff gets wind of this treasonous conduct the articles of impeachment will write themselves.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Explosive like Bolton's explosive memoir? Or any one of a score of other shucks meant to monetize the hysteria of the OMB crowd?

roesch/voltaire said...

So many insights including this one--“The only time Donald went to church was when the cameras were there,” Ms. Trump quotes her aunt as saying. “It’s mind boggling. But that’s all about his base. He has no principles. None!”

Hunter said...

So basically, Donald Trump is Bojack Horseman? That's a twist I didn't expect.

Robert Cook said...

That all sounds entirely plausible and probable. Donald is definitely a damaged person, in some ways to be pitied. (Donald,Jr.'s dorm mates in college tell of a visit Donald made to Don, Jr.'s door in the dorm to pick up his son. Don, Jr. opened the door wearing a college sweatshirt or something equally informal, and Donald reportedly smacked Don, Jr. in the face and told him "Put on a suit. I'll wait for you downstairs.")

pacwest said...

The Horror!!

narciso said...

yes her dad, was the one who died at age 42, in a drunken stupor, whereas trump doesn't drink or smoke, hmm,

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is not really news that Trump is a sociopath. Need more than that to sell the book.

pacwest said...

So who set up the ghostwritten book deal with her. How much was the deal for? Inquiring minds.

deepelemblues said...

So is this EXPLOSIVE TELL-ALL book that's supposed to FINALLY GET DRUMPF also supposed to make me empathize with the man for being abused by his father? What is the purpose here?

walter said...

Well..that looks like a convincingly objective sounding screed.

Joanne Jacobs said...

Trump's mother nearly died in childbirth when Donald was a toddler, but she recovered and had a long life.

Books like this usually are worthless. When there's been a fight over the inheritance, it's not a good sign.

Robert Cook said...

Fred Trump was a memorable enough landlord that Woody Guthrie immortalized his racism in an unrecorded song, "Old Man Trump."

narciso said...

the last time, the daily mail, had one of those explosive claims via nina burleigh, it blew up in their face,

walter said...

"About two-thirds of the 11,000 to 13,000 fireworks-related injuries reported each year happen around the July Fourth holiday — between mid-June to mid-July."

narciso said...

david corn, the fusion sink recipient (btw they received almost half a million in ppp funds, for services rendered, is listed in the acknowledgements,

Robert Cook said...

"He seems to have gotten over it."

Actually, no, he doesn't. Everything about him bespeaks a warped personality.

walter said...

Just wait until Omarosa and Tom Arnold deliver the knockout.

Mary Beth said...

This makes him seem more sympathetic. Also, his children have (so far) seemed to turn out okay. Where did he learn to parent? Did he just do a really good job of picking the right mothers for his kids?

Readering said...

You hope this costs her her inheritance? Definition of nasty piece of work, no?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Abused Lived Matter....even when they're over Seventy, extremely wealthy, and are married to one of the hottest women on the planet!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I hope the try and use this against them. The boomerang effect will be YUUUUGE!!!!!

Narr said...

Mary Trump is a licensed psychologist, y'all!

I wonder that she doesn't change her name, her Opa and uncle being such shitbags and all.

Talk about having the face you deserve . . .

zipity said...

Now do Obama and his Muslim absentee father.

Readering said...

She is quoted in the book describing Peter Luger as "deeply strange". Maybe not a reliable narrator.

It got a notorious pan recently, but I assume she, like me, dined there a long time ago.

Mark said...

If they are not careful, they will engender sympathy for the greatest evil in the history of humanity.

sunsong said...

all the more reason donald should be removed from office ASAP.

ee IS Not Fit For Office

gadfly said...

“He’s a clown,” Maryanne allegedly confided in her niece. “This will never happen again.”

Mary says she asked her aunt, “Does anybody even believe the bullshit that he’s a self-made man? What has he even accomplished on his own?”

“Well,” Maryanne [former federal judge and willing recipient of illegal income from All County Building Supply & Maintenance] responded, “he has had five bankruptcies.”

gadfly said...

@pacwest said...
So who set up the ghostwritten book deal with her. How much was the deal for? Inquiring minds ...

Fair question that should be answered when we get the details of all 27 ghostwritten books claiming Donald Trump as author.

Michael K said...

Howard said...
The forge where true American Hero's are manufactured

It actually sounds more like the typical English upper class childhood.

You might read Churchill's biography to see what it was like.

I know, Big words and all but you should give it a try.

Static Ping said...

Trump may very well be a sociopath. The thing is he is quite sane compared to his opposition.

narciso said...

much like the rotgut vomit buckley fils spilled about his father,

traditionalguy said...

Fred Sr was a standard issue Dad among men who survived the 1930s Great Depression by constant work and high intelligence. Those Dads expected the same from their sons. Like Sparta’s sons, some could take it and some tapped out. Young Donnie made it because he saw FredJr’s wrong moves and used the military Academy opportunity and wrestling to prove to himself he was able to win. But the idea that all father and sons become psychos because they don’t respond to life by giving up and become emotional sensitive losers and tap out Is her Feminist mythology.

Heartless Aztec said...

Ok then. MAJOR props to Fred Sr is my take.

tommyesq said...

I heard on the radio today that the book described Trump as all impulse, all act without thinking, does only what he wants. Of course, since what he wants is to make America great (and he seems to have the skill set to pull it off in the face of extreme hostility), I am okay with that.

bagoh20 said...

I don't care what happened to you or who you descended from, but no self-respecting victim can vote against this poor man now. Where is your heart? Where is your compassion? I know Joe has his problems too, but this man has been through so much pain and abuse. You just have to let him be President for the rest of his life. He couldn't handle the rejection. Nobody could after what he's been through.

Does anybody have a tissue?

Shouting Thomas said...

OK, so if this tale of abuse is true, which it probably isn't, congratulations to President Trump for rising above it and becoming a great and successful man.

Anybody ever read "Great Expectations" or listened to "A Boy Named Sue?"

gilbar said...

wait a minute!
so, the "child abuse" was that, his dad.... did NOT touch him????

Carol said...

This is the kind of "dirt" you can always dish about a busy, successful father. Yeah they're always working and not always focused on the children. Oh my.

Yet prior bios I've read like Trump Revealed said that Fred was actually known to take his kids to work with him, let them play in the office. He'd take Donald out on job sites and even make him work. Then the kid got involved in the business and became his right-hand man. Terrible stuff!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

mORE REASONS for leftwing haters to hate hate hate!


Nonapod said...

I heard on the radio today that the book described Trump as all impulse, all act without thinking, does only what he wants.

I don't believe that's strictly true. I think he often trusts certain people too much, and I think he can be certainly be a bit impulsive at times, but he's also is capable of restraint. For one thing, he never fired Mueller. He deferred to the "experts" like Faucii during the early months of the pandemic. And during our most recent troubles in the Dem cities he never brought in the national guard or military against the professed wishes of the Dem pols despite threatening to.

bagoh20 said...

You wonderful people here who assume that Trump is "a sociopath", warped personality", not fit, etc, etc.

What have you done in your life that clearly shows your superiority to this poor abused man? Have you accomplished more? Have you overcome more? Have you done more for people? There must be something that you have done to earn your high position of judgement.

n.n said...

Ok then. MAJOR props to Fred Sr is my take.

Trump is the dawn following the Obama Twilight.

n.n said...

Trump may very well be a sociopath.

In a monotonically divergent (progressive liberal) frame of reference.

bagoh20 said...

I always thought Trump was raised by Nazi wolf sharks.

Michael K said...

But the idea that all father and sons become psychos because they don’t respond to life by giving up and become emotional sensitive losers and tap out Is her Feminist mythology.

Yup. The leftist teachers all see boys as defective girls.

These suburban white women screaming at cops from 6 inches away have no idea what their lives would be like if they really all quit.

Michael K said...

Readering said...
You hope this costs her her inheritance? Definition of nasty piece of work, no?

I did not make her sign that NDA. Try to grow up.

Mr. O. Possum said...

George Washington's father died when the future president was 11, and little George inherited his father's slaves. Talk about child abuse!

Lincoln's father caned him and generally beat him.

Theodore Roosevelt's father made his son smoke cigars--to cure his asthma.

Andrew Jackson volunteered to fight the British...when he was 13. He grew up without a father. And his mother died of smallpox when he was 14, leaving him an orphan.

Lyndon Johnson's father was a financial failure, something that left Lyndon humiliated.

Barack Obama's half-brother said that their father was an abusive alcoholic who once held a knife to his mother's throat. (This was not Obama's mother, but his father's later wife.)

Bill Clinton's father physically abused his mother in front of young Bill, so much so that the boy had to physically stop him.

So...President Trump's father was a workaholic. Okay. And the family regularly went to Norman Vincent Peale's church. Horrors.

etbass said...

"Of course, since what he wants is to make America great (and he seems to have the skill set to pull it off in the face of extreme hostility), I am okay with that."

That has to be a prize winning comment. It totally obliterates all the snark.

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, you mean to tell me Donald Trump had a fucked-up relationship with his father? Well paint me gold and call me Oscar! Who knew?

Jupiter said...

"Now do Obama and his Muslim absentee father."

It's a wise child ...

Pookie Number 2 said...

It is not really news that Trump is a sociopath.

Correct. It’s fiction, believed by the simpleminded.

Big Mike said...

Turns out there really is something worse than child rapists, and that’s people who indulge in pop psychology. With people who actually believe pop psych analyses being another notch further down.

doctrev said...

gbarto said...

The people who are running with this in their effort to own Trump are setting back every effort we've made in the last 50 years from counseling for abuse victims to Al-Anon to help people find their way after growing up in families with problems.

7/7/20, 2:01 PM

Brandi Lee is certainly demolishing the notion that psychiatry is a professional field staffed by real doctors. This is just the left's confession that nothing they attack Trump with directly is actually going to have an effect on him personally, so they resort to smearing his dead father. Trump's not actually a choleric personality no matter what his WWE appearances say, so it's just assholishness for the sake of it. But then, we already knew the left was disgusting enough to burn their own cities to try and give Biden a boost in the polls.

It'll fail. People are talking up the "betting odds" against Trump, but if they had the brains God gave a stray dog they'd remember Trump had 5:1 odds against him winning the Presidency back in November 2016. I made quite a bit of money betting against that idiocy. And so can you.

wild chicken said...

What tradguy said. Fathers from that era get a bad rap. Terribly unfair too. Their job was to make money, support the family, and not to give Good Hugs and kiss your boo-boos.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The professor's trolls display such a deep understanding... of the underside of their bridge.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Child Abuse?

This woman is a teacher. Her very nature and COMPLETE moron-idiocy is what I consider CHILD ABUSE.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How old is this Neice? was she around when Donald was young?

Do we have a timeline? Not that I care - but it's probably fake news anyway.

StephenFearby said...


"Mary Lea Trump (born May 1965)[1] is an American clinical psychologist, businessperson, and author..."

No, she's not a clinical psychologist.

She has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Adelphi University but never obtained a license from New York State to practice psychology, most likely because she didn't obtain:

§7603. Requirements for a professional license.

"3. Experience: have two years of supervised employment or engagement in appropriate psychology activities satisfactory to the board and in accordance with the commissioner`s regulations.


Since she didn't have a license tried being a "Life Coach":

"...According to a LinkedIn profile that has since been disabled, Mary Trump works as a certified professional life coach and served as the chief executive officer of The Trump Coaching Group, a New-York based life coaching company she started in 2012; her level of involvement in the coaching group today is not immediately clear."


NY State doesn't issue licenses to "Life Coaches".

To get around this, you can buy a (basically worthless) Life Coach certification from any number of random sellers on the internet.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Anybody who thinks Trump built anything or did anything on The Apprentice or won the election for POTUS is insanely wrong. The only thing Trump has ever done is sit on the couch 16 hours a day watching gorillas on the television.

How can anybody think he has done anything else for even a millisecond? Smack my damn head (OW!).

BUMBLE BEE said...

Everybody loved Donald Trump and wanted to be seen with him...till he beat Hillary.

Ken B said...

Children in politics tag.

Drago said...

Howard:"The forge where true American Hero's are manufactured"

The only way for Trump to nail down his status as a Howard's Hero would be to kill an small child in a riot or "protest".

mockturtle said...

From Christina Crawford's to Patty Reagan's, these family 'tell-alls' are nauseating. I hope nobody buys her disgusting book.

Todd Roberson said...

Cook @ 2:26.

I generally like your comments but this one really disappoints me.

Some unverified account from 30 years ago?

C'mon man!

Drago said...

sunsong: "all the more reason donald should be removed from office ASAP."


Yeah, that sounds about right.

What a dope you are. Truly Inga-level insanity.

Hey, what if a different family member comes forward and says this story is all BS? Would that count?

Too funny.

Arashi said...

Blah, blah, blah...orange man bad, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...give me money.

Now they've got him - right where they need him. Front and center, he isn't going to get away this time. Mark my words - I'm his neice - I KNOW EVERYTHING...

So where is my money? You said there would be money. And stuff. So where is it? I did what you wanted. You mean I have towait unitl after the election and DJT doesn't get re-elected? You cheated!

mockturtle said...

It has been my observation that powerful fathers seldom have powerful sons. So DJT is an exception.

Robert Cook said...

"She is quoted in the book describing Peter Luger as "deeply strange". Maybe not a reliable narrator.

"It got a notorious pan recently, but I assume she, like me, dined there a long time ago."

I ate at Peter Luger's once: Feh! The food was was of late-night diner-fare quality, for five star prices!

Robert Cook said...

"I heard on the radio today that the book described Trump as all impulse, all act without thinking, does only what he wants...I am okay with that."

Still 16, eh?

elkh1 said...

If the excerpt was the most interesting part of the story, then the penny dreadful must be quite dreadful.

effinayright said...

Real American said...
Does that mean Trump gets a pass on everything now that he's a participant in the victim Olympics?

Heh. Can Trump say,

"I'm fucked up because of my oppressive white father. So you have to see that I'm a victim too, to be forgiven, pitied and encouraged in all my craziness."

Think that'll happen?

Robert Cook said...

"Trump may very well be a sociopath. The thing is he is quite sane compared to his opposition."

Sociopaths are not insane. They just have no concern or feelings for others, and care only about themselves and gratifying their own desires.

The Godfather said...

Mary was born in 1965, when The Donald was 19, so any "child abuse" happened before she was born. Her stories are(at best) hearsay. If you hate Trump but can't think of a good reason, she's tailor-made for you. My guess is that the book won't sell well because Trump has given the people who hate him much better reasons to do so -- and he's done it for FREE!

jaydub said...

"Fred Trump was a memorable enough landlord that Woody Guthrie immortalized his racism in an unrecorded song, "Old Man Trump."

Woodie Guthrie was a Marxist who was "anti-landlord" period, not just to Fred Trump. He also was a Stalin apologist and outspoken racist. While The Donald's father may or may not have been abusive as a parent, The Woodie's father was a Klansman.

I feel worse for Cookie.

policraticus said...

How many of our presidents have had fraught relationships with their fathers? I'm guessing well north of 30%. Lot's of impoverished, alcoholic and abusive fathers among the 19th century presidents, including Lincoln and Polk, two of our greatest presidents. Heck, Obama wrote a best seller based on his largely absent father.

Birkel said...

Who knew all the Leftist Collectivists could read minds and had advanced degrees in psychology?

Funny stuff.

Ken B said...

Interesting political strategy from the Democrats: Down with the abuse victim!

Howard said...

This Tell all is nothing Burger on the realpolitik scale, NEXT!

mockturtle said...

It actually sounds more like the typical English upper class childhood.

You might read Churchill's biography to see what it was like.

Esp. his autobiography of his childhood. Reads like a horror story, especially the sadistic headmasters. But through adversity comes character. At least for some.

Narayanan said...

YoungHegelian said...
total dependence on a caregiver who also caused him terror.

Wait. If Fred Trump wasn't around, did the Trump kids raise themselves?

My guess is no, the Trump family had a nanny or other care givers for the kids, and these were a source of "solace" & care for the children. Such a system may not be optimum, but generation & generations of upper class children have been raised by the "hired help" throughout human history.
in Southern Plantation Culture nanny was spelled MAMMY.

and this could be describing George Washington and Thomas Jefferson childhood?

Michael K said...

Reads like a horror story, especially the sadistic headmasters. But through adversity comes character. At least for some.

I've been reading a series of novels about 18th and 19th century England. Some is about children and their parents. Good writing,

readering said...

Michael K: I grew up and became a lawyer. I predict that NDA will never be enforced. Donald Trump didn't sign and he has talked about his family's private affairs often. They do not want to litigate the settlement after all these years, especially now that it's being published anyway. There are exceptions for matters of public importance. And in any event, an NDA is the most important aspect of this for you, to the extent you want her to lose lots of money? (She says she can prove she was entitled to much more.) Kenda makes you a npow.

Now looking forward to the memoir of Melania's friend until turned out into the cold (after it was disclosed she got big bucks, probably spent on lawyers). More NDA fun and games. Publication set for September 1, but after the lawsuit and tro application no doubt we'll have it to read on the beach sooner.

Skeptical Voter said...

Sounds like the author of this piece of tripe should have been spanked more as child.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Sociopaths are not insane. They just have no concern or feelings for others, and care only about themselves and gratifying their own desires.

Many CEO's of large companies are sociopaths. They have a skill set that values the ability to make decisions that are based on facts and not clouded by messy emotions. Doesn't mean that a sociopath doesn't feel emotion or recognize that others have emotion (that would be psychopath traits) They just take less weight on those things than an emotional person would when considering decisions.

Military officers, Scientists, Asperger and functional Autistic people also have some of those traits. They are necessary for their job functions and how they make decisions.

There is a sliding scale of sociopath traits as well. It isn't black or white.

I'd rather have a mildly to moderate sociopathic CEO than a weeping emotional illogical drama queen.

Drago said...

DJT now in clear violation of the Angry Moron Lefty Armchair Psychiatrist Niece Clause of the Constitution.

The Walls Are Closing In!

Nobody Knows What The Niece Knows About Things That Happened Decades Before Her Birth!

Francisco D said...

Robert Cook said... That all sounds entirely plausible and probable. Donald is definitely a damaged person, in some ways to be pitied.

What a load of crap! Dealing with adversity at a young age damages everyone in the sense that they either learn to overcome it or they don't. The greatest damage is to those who cannot overcome it.

In my generation (I am 67) a lot of kids were physically and or emotionally abused according to today's standards. In my case, it was a bullying narcissistic stepfather. I was miserable and often scared around him, but it gave me impetus to find my own way in the world. It It taught me to stand up to bullies, no matter how big they were. (He was 6'4' ). It taught me to forge my own path in life and become independent and self-sufficient.

Am I damaged? I suppose that the occasional nightmare and certain neurotic tendencies resulted from an emotionally and physically abusive childhood, but do you really think that the Beaver Cleavers of this world with their wonderfully warm and supportive families don't have some neurotic tendencies?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The claim that Trump cheated on the SATS seems consistent with reality. Daddy bought him a double to take the exam an act that both undercuts the son and pushes him forward with no sense of true self-worth.

Zbig said...

And, I have three testicles.

Joan said...

bagoh2o: I always thought Trump was raised by Nazi wolf sharks.

Thanks for the laugh!

doctrev said...

Drago said...

Nobody Knows What The Niece Knows About Things That Happened Decades Before Her Birth!

7/7/20, 5:44 PM

Drago, touching it with a needle, as per usual.

Michael K said...

And in any event, an NDA is the most important aspect of this for you, to the extent you want her to lose lots of money? (She says she can prove she was entitled to much more.) Kenda makes you a npow.

Absolutely. I hate people who profit from extortion. Stormy Daniels got what was coming to her but she was robbed by a sociopathic lawyer who I'll bet you are proud of. If she can prove she was entitled, why didn't she find some shyster like you and sue years ago?

mockturtle said...

Churchill was raised entirely by his nurse [nanny] until he was eight, when he was sent off to school.

Drago said...

ARM: "The claim that Trump cheated on the SATS seems consistent with reality."

Previous Beijing Boy "reality" beliefs include Trump paying Moscow hookers to pee on beds, the hoax dossier is completely verified, obama did not spy on political opponents, Kavanaugh was a gang rape leader, the ChiComs were completely "open and transparent" re ChiCom flu and the ChiComs never mistreated the Uyghurs.

That is some Inga-level "reality" right there.

h said...

What matters is not the truth of these claims. What matters is whether or not the claims are effective in annoying DJT. Even if a story ends up helping DJT get reelected, it is worth running with the story if it annoys him, or if we can imagine that it annoys him. Small hands. SAT cheater. Victim of a cruel father. Unsuccessful businessman. All of those might annoy him. Had sex with a nude dancer, unlikely to annoy him.

h said...

What matters is not the truth of these claims. What matters is whether or not the claims are effective in annoying DJT. Even if a story ends up helping DJT get reelected, it is worth running with the story if it annoys him, or if we can imagine that it annoys him. Small hands. SAT cheater. Victim of a cruel father. Unsuccessful businessman. All of those might annoy him. Had sex with a nude dancer, unlikely to annoy him.

Gospace said...

The Godfather said...
Mary was born in 1965, when The Donald was 19, so any "child abuse" happened before she was born.

In other words, nothing in her book about President Donald John Trump's childhood would be admissible in a court of law. Every word of it would be hearsay.

But I'm sure Schiff will admit every word into the Congressional Record as absolute truth to be used in the next impeachment attempt.

Krumhorn said...

Everything about him bespeaks a warped personality.

I can appreciate why you think so since he's the first president since Reagan to actually confront the lefties and give them as good as he gets. You folks have had open field running for so long that it's only natural that you would conclude that he is warped.

I'd say he's a refreshing breeze of cool sweet air. It's so much fun watching the hateful libruls squirm and squeal.

- Krumhorn

readering said...

The SAT story connected to Penn makes no sense. He was a transfer student. Is it that he paid someone to take the SAT to get into Fordham? In 1963? (PS friends from Fordham remembered Trump's grades to be in the C+ to B range.)

Tomcc said...

Well, these revelations certainly change everything! Quick, get Adam Schiff on the line; we've got the goods now!

walter said...

Biden is hard to beat in terms of education claims.

Inga said...

“I would like to hear what Maryanne Trump Barry, the President's sister has to say. She was very accomplished in her own right, as a Third Circuit Judge, but has disappeared since her brother became President.”

She has a lot to say according to her niece. One of the things she said was that Trump was a “clown”.

Michael K said...

ARM seems to know a lot about cheating on the SAT. Too bad it didn't help you much.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Read the 'sociopath next door'.

Sociopaths are revenge seekers.
Hillary. to a TTTTTTEEEEE

Martin said...

I am quite sure that we will be told that we must believe such allegations without reservation, and in this case only, such circumstances disqualify someone from any position of responsibiity.

As night follows day...

Drago said...

Beijing Boy: "Daddy bought him a double to take the exam an act that both undercuts the son and pushes him forward with no sense of true self-worth."

Looks like we've got an army of Christine Blasey Ford's on our hands.....

Temujin said...

At the risk of seeming like I don't think this is important, I'd say that this is not important.

It's a nothing story that the press will no doubt see as a week's worth of breathlessness.

To which I say, Meh. Find me a Journalist!

I'm Full of Soup said...

The people who find this troubling have no concerns with trannies.

Nichevo said...

Robert Cook said...
Fred Trump was a memorable enough landlord that Woody Guthrie immortalized his racism in an unrecorded song, "Old Man Trump."

Psst, psst, Cookie - Bolshies get the bullet too! Guthrie now could be CANCELED, how would you like that? Canceled, for the sin of renting an apartment from such a fiend!

He has no excuse. Back in his day, NYC apartments were cheap and easy to get. He had many options other than Horrid Old Trump Sr. I hope that apartment was high quality and a good value, because Your Land Is My Land just went down the memory hole!

Just as well because he sounds like shit on Alexa. If I had a voice like that I wouldn't talk let alone sing.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

eadering said...
The SAT story connected to Penn makes no sense ... friends from Fordham remembered Trump's grades to be in the C+ to B range.

The low grades mean that he would have needed something else to justify the transfer besides daddy's bribes. Maybe they backdated the test.

Known Unknown said...

"Trump may very well be a sociopath."

I assume anyone who runs for higher elected office is a sociopath.

Josephbleau said...

All the good people wanted Hillary to win. She had her rape Quaddaffi to death thing in Libya and cackled on TV “ we came ,we saw, and he died!” That is sociopathy, giddy gleeful lust for the blood of others.

n.n said...

What doesn't break you, may make you stronger. Trump was forged in the bowels of New York City and emerged pro-life.

readering said...

Michael K: I didn't think folks still used shyster. I guess that dates you.

traditionalguy said...

The real trouble that makes Trump a difficult boy and man is his perception of people He meets is Insanely greater than normals can comprehend. That makes him into the eternal enemy of all con men and plotters. So he acts like a nice clown as he sets them up for a fall. Call that sociopath if you want, but it thrills my soul to see him wining and winning and winning.

Francisco D said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...The claim that Trump cheated on the SATS seems consistent with reality. Daddy bought him a double to take the exam an act that both undercuts the son and pushes him forward with no sense of true self-worth.

I am conflicted between Drago's claim that ARM is ChiComm Boy and my sense that he is really Lefty Gossip Girl. The latter seems to reflect this most recent troll comment. He seems worse that Choo-Choo girl Inga.

Gunner said...

It's amazing how Donald Trump's family members sound like Daily Show correspondants the way they insult him!

Michael K said...

readering said...
Michael K: I didn't think folks still used shyster. I guess that dates you.

I remember a lot. Two of my kids are lawyers. Not all are shysters.

Michael K said...

nown Unknown said...
"Trump may very well be a sociopath."

I assume anyone who runs for higher elected office is a sociopath.

I tend to agree. Eisenhower put it well. He said the candidate needed the "fire in the belly" but also needed to "Be able to ride the horse."

As someone else pointed out, sometimes you need a cold blooded CEO. I myself have held someone's heart as they died. I did not get all upset. There are times you need a cold blooded sonofabitch. Read my book.

Narr said...

"Shyster" is a perfectly cromulent term in 2020.

Word on the street is that Mary Trump, Life Coach, has a thang for diseased donkey dicks.

I'm just saying, and it could be true, you know.

No "funny uncle" tales? She's not trying.

Robert Cook said...

"All the good people wanted Hillary to win."

Not me. I didn't want either of them to win. I knew one of them would, but I despise them both. I voted, but for neither of them.

Robert Cook said...

"The real trouble that makes Trump a difficult boy and man is his perception of people He meets is Insanely greater than normals can comprehend. That makes him into the eternal enemy of all con men and plotters. So he acts like a nice clown as he sets them up for a fall."

Oh, boy. A con man being lauded for his supposedly being an "enemy" of "all con men and plotters." Whatever supposed "insanely greater...perception" of others you imagine he has is just the typical calculating behavior of someone always on the make, perpetually scheming to take advantage of others for his own benefit.

You're the mark of marks, Trad Guy.

Gospace said...

I don't think we know his actual SAT numbers. I know mine- and I know SAT scores bear some, but not much, resemblance to grades.

760V/750M in 1973. Highest in my HS- by a considerable bit. I graduated 40th of 401, just making it into the top 10%. Bored silly in HS.

Of course, that also meant I never learned how to study. Which is real disadvantage in the harder disciplines such as math, engineering, physics. Means nothing in the BS majors like political science- which is what I eventually got my degree in, just to say I have one.

I can see numbers and understand what they really mean, though. Which is why I know this covidiocy we're all living with is nonsense, and knew it from April when we started getting the first hard numbers not from the lying Chinese.

SATs,grades, degrees, none of them really mean anything. It's what you do with what you've got. Trump was elected POTUS. He beat Hillary. Trump got the Republican nomination before that. There were 9 other people on the first debate stage in 2016- and Trump beat all of them. It's pretty tough to argue with real life success.

Imagine what Trump could have accomplished were the MSM actually interested in reporting truth. The whole "Russian Collusion" facade would have collapsed within weeks, if not days. Hillary would be in jail. Actually, Hillary would never have been in a position to be the Democrat candidate. Could her candidacy is what cost Democrats the presidency. Generic Democrats polled better against Trump than Hillary- just like today generic Democrat is polling better against Trump. Trump won't get serious about attacking Biden- and the VP nominee- until they're actually nominated. I'm still of the opinion Biden won't be the nominee.

gilbar said...

Robert Cook said...
"All the good people wanted Hillary to win."
Not me. I didn't want either of them to win.

But, you see, Robert... you're not a good person; you're a scum bag

Bunkypotatohead said...

Why didn't she let us know all this stuff back in 2016?
Trump's supporters would have all voted for Hillary, right?
The candidate without any sociopathic tendencies, right?

Terry Ott said...

per Tomco:
"Well, these revelations certainly change everything! Quick, get Adam Schiff on the line; we've got the goods now!”

No need to call him. He’s listening in. It’s what they do.

Bilwick said...

Drago wroteL "The only way for Trump to nail down his status as a Howard's Hero would be to kill an small child in a riot or 'protest'."

It's like I've been saying since the election: If Trump wants more "liberal" or "progressive" fans (although why one would seek the approval of such a gang of idiotic State fellators is a mystery to me), he should kill more people. Leftists have always had a soft spot for mass murderers. Trump only needs to use the approved shibboleths and excuses: "for the Common Good," "for Equality," etc., etc.

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DEEBEE said...

Well, at least, senior was not a total bastard since he did not say “all lives matter”. But of course all his pathologies have to have been genetic to pass onto Donald. Should we imprison Barron? For their and society’s and his sake?

Amadeus 48 said...


This is stupid.

Those Trumps! They’ll do anything for media attention. Remember when Vanity Fair touted Blaine Trump (Donald’s then sister in law) as the new leader of New York society? Is Mary Trump the fruit of the Robert/Blaine union? Any agendas in sight? Any insights in sight? Or is this just another tell-all from an alienated distant relative with a grudge and a truckload of envy? Is she more or less credible than Ron Reagan Jr and Patty Davis?

Funny how news people never gave Barry’s goofy relatives the time of day—although to be fair the Daily Mail did.

Hillary’s obese and opportunistic brothers disappeared from the media, as did Bill’s seedy half-brother with the drug problem.

We elect very strange people to this office. They have strange family members.

Michael K said...

just the typical calculating behavior of someone always on the make, perpetually scheming to take advantage of others for his own benefit.

Kind of like your hero Stalin.

Jamie said...

Trump might be a sociopath, per DBQ above. (Like her, I think it's likely that many if not most people who reach high office, publicly or in corporations, are somewhat to much less motivated by emotion than normals.) He might be a con man, per Robert Cook. (Ditto on this point - how many movies and TV series have been written on the "to catch a thief" theme? How better to know when you might be, as Cook says, the mark, than to know how to spot a mark yourself?) His motivations mean little to me. What does he do?

Maybe Trump's base is, collectively, the mark of marks, as Cook said. Do you think they'd care, as long as Trump's policies put into action result in their wages going up, their businesses being relieved of some of the weight of dumb regulations, their retirement plans rising in value, their neighborhoods getting safer, more secure, more prosperous?

Jamie said...

Shorter me: it's the economy, stupid.

mikee said...

Jamie, you can leave off the "stupid."
That sentence was written by James Carville and specifically directed at Bill Clinton.

I'd like to see something added for Trump along the lines of, "Crush the left, tweeter!"

Bilwick said...

"Liberalism," "progressivism" and other forms of statist snake-oil are the biggest cons of all. And pay no attention to the Democide behind the curtain . . .

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