I was amused — in a dark, scary way — by the first headline that came up — "Trump needs to stop making fun of Joe Biden’s mental lapses" in The Washington Post. I want Joe Biden's brain tested by questioning him in front of us, the people, so we can judge for ourselves. But the WaPo piece — a column by Marc A. Thiessen — looks like another example of what, for me, is making much of the news unfit for human consumption. Whatever happens is turned into a way to say Trump is bad.
Thiessen's argument is twofold: 1. Trump is hurting his own cause by lowering expectations for Biden (because now Biden can be perceived as doing well if he does nothing more than "string together a few coherent sentences"), and 2. It's "offensive to seniors." Thiessen advises Trump to shut up about the problem and just "let Biden continue to show" his deficiencies. Well, that would be better, but the press is protecting Biden! They're not putting him to the test.
The other link I clicked on from my search was: "Chris Wallace on Trump interview: He took all the questions, Biden hasn't faced the same scrutiny" (Fox News):
“The fact is, the president is out there. He's out there in this broiling heat with me for an hour, he took all the questions. You can like his answers or dislike them but he had answers and Joe Biden hasn’t faced that kind of scrutiny, hasn’t faced that kind of exposure,” Wallace told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Monday.Then Baier asked a question that tracks what Thiessen said in his column:
“You’ve got to feel at some point he’s going to come out from the basement ... he’s gonna have to be more exposed and take questions just as tough as the ones I asked this president,” Wallace said. “He’s gonna have to do it with a bunch of people and, of course, he’s going to have those three debates with the president and you know that the president can handle himself in these debates... I think there is an open question there, can Joe Biden do the same?”
“Just from a political analysis standpoint, is there a danger here, going down this road?" Baier asked. “In other words, all Biden has to do is show up and the bar is very low for him to have a success.”Wallace reveals this is the conventional opinion among Republicans:
Wallace responded, “That’s what a lot of Republican strategists are worrying about. If you set that bar, and the expectation so low for Biden... three presidential debates, if he shows up and doesn’t drool his supporters can say, ‘Well he had a good debate.’”I'm suspicious of this line of reasoning, because Trump shutting up on this topic — his opponent's mental weakness — is also consistent with the massive collusion to protect Joe Biden. If Trump doesn't keep this subject going, it might allow the people to become complacent about the topic. Oh, Joe Biden, he's just, you know, the thing, you know the thing, the guy, the guy, you know, the guy that's not... you know... not Trump!
Better than drooling is a high standard.
I'm suspicious of this line of reasoning, because Trump shutting up on this topic — his opponent's mental weakness — is also consistent with the massive collusion to protect Joe Biden. If Trump doesn't keep this subject going, it might allow the people to become complacent about the topic. Oh, Joe Biden, he's just, you know, the thing, you know the thing, the guy, the guy, you know, the guy that's not... you know he's not Trump!
Great point!
And also....the media will report on things the way they want to report on things. Biden's people are going to say Biden did great.
And the press will cover whatever they choose to about each debate, even if it is with great sadness because they'd really *love* to be covering another aspect of it.
Like the Melania speech at the last convention. Or Binders Full of Women. You know, sometimes the press - through no fault of their own- is just forced by circumstances to run with the least flattering story for the Republican.
your naivete is astounding
Joe takes questions,
"Joe, do you want another Melba toast?"
"Is the tea too hot for you?"
"How about another pillow to prop up your head?"
"Do you need the volume turned up?"
"What make-up tone would you prefer today?"
The 'conventional' thinking among Republicans is rarely correct. Actually, conventional thinking on either side is typically flawed. There are two other points on this.
1) Joe Biden hears Trump calling him out on this. He himself has made a couple of comments referring to his cognitive abilities. As Trump pounds this, it'll worm it's way more into Biden's head. He'll train and train for the debates, but it'll still be there and while he's worrying about it, he might get a question thrown at him that does not actually include the answer. Though, coming from a mainstream news puppet, I doubt it. Which leads to #2:
2) The press is there to help hold his hand. They did it for Clinton (who did not need it). And they did it twice for Obama (who DID need it). Obama is a brilliant orator. But he is an empty suit when it comes to thinking on his feet. Rapid response with substance is not his forte. So the press walked him through the debates and avoided being tough on him during press conferences. (and they extolled his speeches as the greatest thing since God's word.) Remember Candy Crowley interrupting Romney and correcting him- incorrectly- to help Obama? I'll never forget it.
Obama is brighter and more youthful than Biden, and the press was still there to help him. It'll be painful to watch, but the press will use all they have to carry Biden's water. He won't have to do much other than keep breathing and sit upright. A low standard, but it may be enough to be elected as a Democrat.
The most amazing part of Trump’s world is how stupid he has been able to make every opponent look. They all live and die by established fake News narratives, but Trump road runners past them like they are Wylie Coyotes. If Biden is smart he will just refuse to talk.
Remember Tara Reade?
We can’t have a mediocre President or a senile one. There should be major pressure put on Biden.
It doesn't matter. People who hate Trump will vote for a mosquito. Joe Biden is a nothing with dementia....a place holder. Valerie Jarrett and Obama are running things behind the scenes. They haven't finished ruining America yet.
Biden is trying to run out the clock and the game hasn't even started yet.
I am Laslo.
Does it ever seem to anyone that maybe, just maybe, our states have to remain shut down so Biden doesn't have to get out of the basement?
In Michigan, you can get a hair cut now, but gyms are closed. There is an amorphous plan about starting to think about maybe schools reopening. We've had a couple of big lake/boating parties that have caught national attention and a lot of outrage but no real spike in COVID from them. We have a Democratic governor who is keeping us "safe". So Joe Biden gets to stay in the basement.
Perfect last sentence, Althouse.
And it looks like it might work, given the state of TDS Idiocracy the media has put our country in.
I wonder why Trump hasn’t labeled him Hidin’ Biden.
I wouldn’t bet on Democrats allowing Biden to debate Trump. He can’t and everyone knows it. He won’t face a tough interview. Who’s going to do it? Stephanopolous? He wants Biden elected. Wallace is not a Never Trumper. Chuck Todd is a joke. Anyone (Tucker Carleson) who would challenge Biden won’t be able to get near him. None of Biden’s ‘supporters’ even care. They don’t support Biden. They just hate Trump, and the country.
There's not going to be any "live" debates. It's too risky for the Biden camp. Trump is a wild card. He is not going to be constrained by the moderators. He wasn't with Hillary. During the 2016 debates everybody thought that Hillary "won" the debates, but to the general public, Trump won because he fought on a different playing field.
The mental lapse discussion now sets up the Biden is too scared to debate argument later.
If Joe Biden shows up to the debates and doesn't drool his supporters can say he had a good debate. His supporters are going to say that no matter how Biden shows in the debates. The question is, what will the voters that are considering Joe say and do? I expect that if Joe performs ate the low level that Trump has set these voters will move away from Biden.
Well he remains not Trump.
Obama's fanboys did not care about lowering the bar for McCain because he looked like decrepit death even in 08. Biden is not that bad visually at least.
"Trump is hurting his own cause by lowering expectations for Biden”
Yeah. This tactic worked for Bill Clinton to get him out of a real political jam. He came back stronger than ever just by not looking as bad as the expectations had it. I hear Althouse’s arguments that it also plays into Democrat/press strategy to cosset Biden as much as possible, but if Biden comes through the debates relatively unscarred, and the moderators will be protecting him BTW, he will coast to a win on relief alone. It might be why they are hiding Biden in a hole they dug in the cellar.
Biden knows that the media will do their damnedest to drag his sorry carcass over the finish line, and he's determined to let them. And why not? If the polls are any indication, simply not being Trump is a pretty strong position.
The only facts that get reported now are ones that fit the "narrative."
Therefore, per the New York Times today, the insane misogynist who shot a federal judge's husband and killed her son is a "right-wing extremist." You know, just like that Hinckley guy who shot Ronald Reagan.
Biden's campaign so far consists of many new promises to buy people's support with their own money and debts to be paid by their grandchildren.
If he wants the job, he needs to do much more than face a fawning press. He needs to be able to toe-to-toe with the creeps who run China, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela, among others. Short that, he needs to reveal the name of the puppeteer(s) pulling his strings.
First we had/have, The Russia scandal that wasn't/isn't.
Still pushing that, was Mara Liasson on FOX yesterday, still quoting from the disgraced Mueller report. The subject was Strozk's February email, to someone, concerning the NYT piece quoting "sources close to the investigation", that numerous Trump campaign workers had numerous communications with Russia officials. Strozk noted that the FBI had zero Americans contacting Zero Russians. Marra Liasson pretended the Strozk email didn't exist, and quoted from Mueller.
Now we have the Democrat candidate for President...that isn't.
Biden will never be on the ballot. What ever the drop dead date for declaring is, will be the date Biden is replaced, to spend more time with his family.
“You’ve got to feel at some point he’s going to come out from the basement ... he’s gonna have to be more exposed and take questions just as tough as the ones I asked this president,”
That simply is not true and i bet between now and the election it won't happen.
And if it does happen, they'll give to questions to Biden like they did for Hillary.
I don't see any issue with "setting the bar too low."
Is that what people are supposed to think?--"I thought Biden would pee his pants, but instead he merely couldn't form a sentence or understand a question. So I'll vote for him, since not peeing your pants is all I look for in a president."
The only people who will think like that are the ones who will vote for him under any circumstance. Nobody trying to make up their minds will do that.
I wondered... and did this Google search:
I think we had confirmation yesterday that google is no longer googling in good faith.
The point about lowering expectations is reasonable but tagging a politician as stupid (Palin), inarticulate (W), clumsy (Ford), devious (Nixon), etc. sometimes works, in which case the challenge becomes harder for the candidate in question to overcome the slur.
Also, Thiessen seems to ignore the fact that Biden really has lost some of his mental sharpness, so his ability to string together two or three coherent sentences is hardly assured. Actually, the problem isn't that he can't string together a few coherent sentences, but that a debate performance requires him to be coherent for an hour or so. He'll be judged on all of his sentences, not just his two or three most coherent ones.
As a voter, I am alarmed at how the Press protects Biden. Being a President requires energy. I see nothing about Biden that radiates energy.
If questioned, Biden need only give name, rank, and serial number.
I agree with Bill, Republic of Texas
Biden is leading without having to take any tough questions. The press will cover for him. He's going to keep this strategy as long as he's in the lead. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
No reason to think that Biden "must come out of his basement". The optimal plan for him is to make excuses. He's running as not-Trump, and so far it's working fine.
Coming soon. Alzheimer’s Rights. The Boomers strike again.
As to the point about Trump's offending senior citizens by pointing out Biden's mental decline, that doesn't jibe with my experience in listening to old folks talk about other old folks whose brainpower is on the wane. Seniors tend to notice when other seniors start to lose it and they aren't shy about mentioning it. Also, seniors often point out that they themselves aren't as sharp as they used to be, or are more forgetful, or don't have the mental stamina they once did. The idea that old people live in denial about the mental ravages of aging and are therefore going to get enraged if Trump (no spring chicken) points this out about Biden just isn't realistic.
Oh, Joe Biden, he's just, you know, the thing, you know the thing, the guy, the guy, you know, the guy that's not... you know... not Trump!
Well done, Althouse.
We all know the thing, you know. The thing is going to be Biden dropping out of the debates because Trump won't wear a mask despite being 15 feet away from anyone.
"so we can judge for ourselves"
You and half a dozen others.
The rest of us have already judged.
It's ABT for Dems, senility be damned. In fact, they prefer him senile, to ease the hard left turn.
So, but - in answer to your question about whether Biden ever took or takes questions: no, apparently. Pretty stunning, I think. Have we had a modern presidential campaign in which the opposition candidate was this silent at this point? Yes, COVID, but with everyone using Zoom, etc., to meet with work colleagues and friends and to carry on even new relationships (my husband got a job during all this and has still never met most of his colleagues in person), how can probable Biden voters not be uneasy about it?
Sigh. But he's still Not Trump. And though no one can point to anything Trump has done so far (or, this time around, even "threatened") to make a Trump reelection loom like the Apocalypse in their imaginations, they still think it would in fact be the Apocalypse. I'll never understand the depths of their terror and vitriol.
"I think we could run Mickey Mouse against Trump and have a shot." - Joe Biden
The prophecy will be fulfilled.
Althouse theme for the day is to ask the rhetorical question.
As a "Deep Dish Republican" I am looking forward to the "Dems" nominating Mr. Biden AND, much more so, to one-or-more debates between him and President Trump.
Viewing that (Those?) debate(s) it will be more fun than pulling the wings off of flies!
While Trump continues to do things like this Biden should remain as silent as possible. Not winning back the suburban mum vote with this.
'Is Trump hinting at quid pro quo for silence?' Shock and conspiracy sweep Twitter after Trump's message of support for jailed Ghislaine Maxwell as she awaits trial for grooming and abusing teenage girls
and 2. It's "offensive to seniors."
This septuagenarian is not offended. Perhaps Thiessen was referring to high school seniors?
If Biden can't handle a friendly press, how can we expect him to handle Putin and Xi?
I'll never understand the depths of their terror and vitriol.
That's because you're a reasoning human being.
While Trump continues to do things like this Biden should remain as silent as possible. Not winning back the suburban mum vote with this.
More fake news. Trump said "I wish her well , frankly" which was an obvious reference to the "suicide" of Epstein.
You really aren't citing the Daily Mail again, aren't you ARM?
putin and xi will handle him, that's the point,
The idea that old people live in denial about the mental ravages of aging and are therefore going to get enraged if Trump (no spring chicken) points this out about Biden just isn't realistic.
7/22/20, 8:19 AM
Especially since Trump is no spring chicken himself and yet he keeps a schedule that would kill a younger man. The contrast between his energy and Biden's feebleness is obvious to anybody not consumed with TDS.
The Trump-haters like ARM would vote for the late Jeffrey Epstein or Ted Bundy or Goebbels before they'd vote for Trump. That's understood. It's the swing voters in the 'burbs that matter. And the strategy of relying on the VP pick to carry the ticket strikes me as pretty damn risky. Are voters really going to vote for someone who didn't win a primary?
I see zero chance of live debates. Biden is running, as readering so astutely observes, as "not Trump." Will this be enough? Obviously it will be for haters like readering and ARM. I don't think so. The lies about Covid are too obvious to pass once the truth starts to be exposed. The violence in the Democrat cities is going to swing blue states, I think. Maybe not Illinois and New York. They are too corrupt. The others like WA and MN are still in play outside the cities.
"I'm suspicious of this line of reasoning, because Trump shutting up on this topic — his opponent's mental weakness — is also consistent with the massive collusion to protect Joe Biden."
Everything about this is off.
First, Thiessen is a pure hard-right Republican operative, who makes his living in the Republican part of the swamp. I've read dozens of his columns, and he is virtually always pro Trump and looking for the strongest line against Biden.
Second, Thiessen is not saying that Republicans should shut up about Biden's potential capacity issues--he clearly thinks that they should keep pressing it and that it's a good issue for them. He's saying that it would be more effective if Trump himself weren't making the point himself in such an over the top, potentially falsifiable (that's the lower the bar point) and callous way. This feels like advice that is motivated by a wish to reelect Trump and defeat Biden--and it is consistent with other sources you have found indicating that this is a view held among Republicans who favor Trump's reelection.
So how exactly does this advice to Trump--advice from a hard core Trump supporter and Republican strategist about the most effective way use Biden's competence to defeat Biden, cause you to fear massive collusion to protect Biden? It feels to me like you are becoming an MSM conspiracy theorist.
I think that the bigger trap is for the Democrats. They should have pushed China Joe Biden out months ago, and didn’t. We are almost into August, and their supposed “convention”. That is really their last viable chance. After that is Labor Day and the two month sprint to the election. How are they going to switch him out for a less demented standard bearer, after mail in and absentee ballots have been mailed out? How does that work when the Supreme Court has recently said that state laws about electors the way they are supposed to can be enforced. I think that it is going to be very messy, and the Dems don’t have anyone except for themselves to look at here. Imagine, for example, a slate of electors pledged to Biden, then switched after ballots have gone out to some (or all) to some other Dem candidate. Who do they vote for in the Electoral College? Biden or his replacement? What happens if state law requires that the electors vote for the party on the ballot? Can they then vote for the replacement? Or must they still vote for Biden? In any case, the replacement is going to be running without the convention to introduce them, and start building excitement for them. Which means that there is a decent chance that the election comes down to Trump or someone that no one really knows much about, with the Dems desperately trying to make the case that they would do the job better than Trump. All while under fire by Trump and the Republicans. Moreover, they really don’t have any really good candidates at this point. A lot are Senators, who couldn’t act decisively if their lives depended on it. And any sitting governor is pretty much guaranteed to have screwed up his state’s COVID-19 response.
They keep kicking the can down the road, with Biden’s low visibility. His dementia isn’t hurting them right now, so they are ignoring it and concentrating on attacking Trump either for his COVID-19 responses, or for handling the violent riots their party is supporting. Right now, I would put better than 50/50 that they dawdle too long swapping him out for a younger, less demented, model, and when they truly wake up to the problem, realize that it is really too late to do the swap safely. We shall see.
"While Trump continues to do things like this Biden should remain as silent as possible. Not winning back the suburban mum vote with this.
'Is Trump hinting at quid pro quo for silence?' Shock and conspiracy sweep Twitter after Trump's message of support for jailed Ghislaine Maxwell as she awaits trial for grooming and abusing teenage girls"
Once again, Trump forces the media to talk about what they desperately don't want to talk about. The rope-a-dope here is as plain as the nose on my face. Trump knows this world and knows who Maxwell can implicate. And it isn't him.
As for Biden, forget about it. The Basement Strategy isn't a strategy, it's a fait accompli. The Democrats powers-that-be know they've fucked up and are resigned to it.
Trump and Barr are in charge of the federal prison system. If anyone is going to kill Maxwell it is these two characters. Just as it was for Epstein.
The point about lowering expectations is reasonable but tagging a politician as stupid (Palin), inarticulate (W), clumsy (Ford), devious (Nixon), etc. sometimes works
Bill Clinton successfully lowered expectations and then beat them. It can be done. But Clinton never came across as just plain stupid. What scares Biden is what happened to Marco Rubio in 2016. He was the golden boy, the press favorite, and I counted myself among his supporters. Until the debate where Chris Christie exposed him as unable to think on his feet. It didn't matter how the press played that, it was an amazing display of stupidity that doomed Rubio. If Biden has a moment like that on national television, he'll suffer the same fate.
I am a senior. I am not offended by Trump's attack. I am more irked by the suggestion that of course seniors are slow. I am currently reading a graduate level text book in mathematics, for fun. What's Chris Wallace reading?
The low bar thing is BS anyway. Let's have a singing competition, me versus Bob Dylan. No matter how low you set expectations, I am unlikely to win it. Seriously.
The answer to the origin question seems to be no.
Tom said...I wonder why Trump hasn’t labeled him Hidin’ Biden.
Hidin' Biden
I like that.
what do you know,
“Just from a political analysis standpoint, is there a danger here, going down this road?" Baier asked. “In other words, all Biden has to do is show up and the bar is very low for him to have a success.”
It worked for Obama!!
Which means that there is a decent chance that the election comes down to Trump or someone that no one really knows much about,
"It is with great sorrow that I must come forward today to save our party and our nation. It has become clear in the past few days that Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the presidency, and so must be replaced on the ballot. With so little time left before the election, our party needs someone tried and tested, with an organization in place to defeat Donald Trump. I am that woman."
I've told you and told you, she's not dead until you drive a stake through her heart. Why do you think she's been so quiet the last couple of months?
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump and Barr are in charge of the federal prison system. If anyone is going to kill Maxwell it is these two characters. Just as it was for Epstein"
The swamp is very,very deep. If you want it drained quickly then the President needs to have the authority to fire at will.
Trump and Barr are in charge of the federal prison system. If anyone is going to kill Maxwell it is these two characters. Just as it was for Epstein.
Wait...so ARM admits that Epstein didn't commit suicide...he's just trying to blame Trump for it? I submit that that is not even close to reasonable, and I demand that ARM change his moniker in the name of accuracy.
Ken B said...
The low bar thing is BS anyway. Let's have a singing competition, me versus Bob Dylan. No matter how low you set expectations, I am unlikely to win it. Seriously.
You are being too hard on yourself. I would give you better than even odds.
Remember Tara Reade?
Who? When Joe says he doesn't remember anything about her, he's probably not lying.
Yes, Republican "Strategists" - y'mean like Karl Rove or the "Strategists" that ran Jeb or Romeney's Presidential bids?
The "Low bar" would only come into play if *Everyone* was saying Biden was incompetent, not just Trump. As long as the Press and D's are counter-attacking Trump there is no danger.
Second, attacking Biden's mental competence highlights the fact that Biden is refusing to have press conferences or take tough questions. Is the press highlighting this? No.
Third, There's plenty of evidence that "Slow Joe" has become "too slow Joe". And every time Trump brings it up, he focuses everyone's attention on that fact. The "low bar" is a silly distraction, since the issue is Biden's mental acuity.
Fourth, the only alternative to bringing it up is to NOT bring it up. How does that help Trump? Or hurt Biden? That's what Biden WANTS!
The MSM is allied with Biden and has a plan. Attack Trump 24/7/365 while Biden stays at home and issues bland statements. Nobody Broadcasts what Biden is REALLY for and REALLY proposing to do as President, so all the moderates and independents can project their own moderate views to him. None of Biden's flaws are pointed out -except by Trump - while Trumps Flaws are aired on everyone media outlet 24/7.
Biden has already signaled he agrees with Bernie on almost everything. But the Press isn't going to highlight that. Because they have to project the idea that Biden is a MODERATE. Who'll return us to those great days before Trump. Which is a lie, and they know it.
If ex-VP Biden can make it through 30 minutes of questioning without visibly soiling himself and yelling incoherently, his supporters will say that it was a good debate.
This is conversely true for Trump supporters. It is sad that people idolize other people. They are weak, have many faults and failings and are sure to not meet up to one's expectations. But, that is politics. So I look forward to the debate between the Cheeto and slow Joe.
Gahrie wrote:
"Which means that there is a decent chance that the election comes down to Trump or someone that no one really knows much about,
"'It is with great sorrow that I must come forward today to save our party and our nation. It has become clear in the past few days that Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the presidency, and so must be replaced on the ballot. With so little time left before the election, our party needs someone tried and tested, with an organization in place to defeat Donald Trump. I am that woman.'
"I've told you and told you, she's not dead until you drive a stake through her heart. Why do you think she's been so quiet the last couple of months?"
And thus the dire prophecy of Christopher Hitchens comes to pass . . .
In boxing when someone one is hurt like has an eye closing up or a glass jaw, you don't feel sorry for him and begin to work the body. Of course Trump is going to make hay over this.
And it's a howler than you think you can lower the bar so low Joe Biden can jump over it and put to rest any concerns about his health or cognitive abilities. He's 77, has already had brain aneurysm surgery and has mentioned he will serve only 1 term. How many red flags do you need?
So Thiessen is offering helpful advice, and Wallace has been holding long chats with Republican strategists who tell him their inmost secrets. We're lucky to have them on our side!
readering said...
Well he remains not Trump.
7/22/20, 7:39 AM
You know who else wasn't Trump? Hitler!
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump and Barr are in charge of the federal prison system. If anyone is going to kill Maxwell it is these two characters. Just as it was for Epstein.
Switching to fiction for a minute. The X-Files which ran for a long time was pretty much entirely during the Clinton administration. So all the witnesses, all the victims and crooks and alien experiments who were going to serve as proof of the Majestic conspiracy, who got killed in their cells or set on fire or blown up or stolen...
That was all directly on the orders of and the responsibility of Bill Clinton and Janet Reno?
Someone (on Powerline?) recently said: Every time I have second-guessed Donald Trump I've been wrong. And why should he start taking advice from people who hate him?
Trump, soon:
Biden is proposing 12 trillion in tax increases.
Trump is a liar. Biden only proposes 3.7 trillion in tax increases. Plus removing 401(k) tax benefits.
we like PapaD's question:
"What did Biden know, and when did he forget it?"
the Bo-Toxic Twins HILLARY/HARRIS didnt have 'work done' for nothing
One thing I find increasingly hard to get over is how PAINFULLY stupid the establishment is. All that tribal inbreeding must have made them truly retarded. The strategy of "oh, if they're not drooling on themselves they must have had a fantastic debate" has been used before. In fact, Karl Rove used it on George the Lesser's behalf. The problem is that when the media floods the zone with low expectations, Trump has the ads ready to go. Just put the footage of Chuck Todd and Karl Rove offering the same explanation, then showing Bush's stupid face smirking in that fey manner he had. Then show the absolute devastation wreaked in Iraq and the economic collapse. Biden has two problems, the first is that he's obviously a brain-dead puppet for sinister elite pedophiles, and the second is that he represents the failed policies of neoliberalism at least as much as Hillary Clinton. An ad series comparing him to Bush would be enough to crush what little support Biden commands among the Sanders/ Intercept base.
And if I came up with an idea like that, you bet your ass Donald Trump has it tucked away.
So Althouse asked google if Joe takes questions, and google decided that she wanted to hear about how Joe is mentally deranged (or some such).
BTW, google was right. As the content of this posts proves, Althouse got what worked for her. Cool that computers know that sometimes the correct answer is the wrong answer. Depends on the particular person asking.
Ha ha.
Remember that press conference he did give when he read from a list of reporters? He was given a list to call on? The other reporters were there as window dressing. So "Biden takes prepared questions from friendly reporters who are in collusion with his handlers” is the answer to your question.
Well he remains not Trump.
That doesn't win elections. You have to be for something.
You tried the same approach in 2004 with John Kerry taking on Chimpy McHitler. How'd that work out?
And trust me. The base of the party supports Trump far more than it did W. Bush.
The others like WA and MN are still in play outside the cities.
I don't know why intelligent people continue to think Washington state is in play.
It is not. No way. No how. No chance.
It will never vote for a Republican president again in my lifetime.
Jay Fucking Inslee is coasting to a third term! You think they're going to pull the lever for Trump?
"readering said...
Well he remains not Trump."
Think about that and what it says about the Democrat Party. Everyone on the planet but Trump is also "not Trump". But the Democrats deliberately chose an old White man sliding into senility. Think of the contempt that shows for their Black, Hispanic, and female constituencies.
ARM is right. It's over.
I think the bar has always been low for Biden, and Trump might as well light him up, because the media never will. They don’t now.
Biden will get praise through the election, and if he has a Howard Beale-like collapse onstage, he’ll be praised for authenticity. There will be no accountability for such malpractice by the media. Most Americans know this. They have been asked to believe preposterous things by the media for years.
readering: "Well he remains not Trump."
But Biden doesn't know that because, you know. The thing. Mind mush. Pony soldiers...fat! Is that a young girl?!
Biden will not be debating Trump...ever. But if he did, all Trump would have to do is start pretending he was Biden and watch Slow Joe begin to think he was actually Trump.
Solid Gold television......alas, never to be.
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