July 27, 2020

"Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne is highlighting his identity as a Black man and his family’s roots in the Civil Rights Movement after protesters came to his house..."

"... for the second time in a month Saturday, this time demanding that charges be dropped against two Black men and calling Ozanne a racist. Ozanne said Sunday that scores of protesters with speakers, generators and a bullhorn showed up around 7:30 p.m. Saturday and stayed for about six hours blasting music, shouting profanity, chanting slogans, and calling him and even his family a racist.... Ozanne said the group at his home Saturday has not asked to meet with him, which is something he’s willing to do, just not at his Near West Side home outside of work hours. 'I don’t know if this group is realistic about meeting me,' he said in an interview Sunday night, but in his statement said he’s willing to speak with protesters about how to reduce incarceration, address the root causes of crime, reduce shootings and other issues. He said much of what protesters want, his office and other county officials are already doing or trying to do, including focusing on diversion programs rather than incarceration and reducing prosecutions for nonviolent misdemeanors. With activists questioning the cash bail system or claiming people are being held in jail simply because they can’t make small bond amounts, Ozanne said, 'we release about 82% of people on signature bonds.' He also pointed to training his office has received in racial disparities in the criminal justice system — a topic he said he requires prospective employees to address in their cover letters and interviews."

From "Faced with late-night protest at his home, DA Ismael Ozanne says he won't be intimidated" (Wisconsin State Journal).

He said much of what protesters want, his office and other county officials are already doing or trying to do — It's never enough!

Here's the press release from Ozanne. Excerpt:
When you talk about the need for a criminal justice system that understands the impact of racism, I hear you. When you talk about the need for change so that people of color are treated equitably, I hear you. When you chant, “Fuck Ozanne,” outside my house until 1:00 a.m. in the morning, I hear you. When you call me a racist until 1:00 a.m. and blast music outside my house, I hear you. Do you know who else heard you? My family who was at home with me, including my children. They also heard you tell them that my whole family was racist. One of my daughters turned to me and asked why you chose to come to our house to make her feel unsafe, when you claim that you want everyone to feel safe.


GatorNavy said...

It is just going to get worse for Madison politicians. Nobody can slake the leviathan’s thirst.

Dave Begley said...

“It’s never enough” is a great insight by Ann.

My two cents, “Liberals get the bullet too.”

rhhardin said...

It's the battle of identity rights.

rhhardin said...

The conventional counter is playing classical music. It gets rid of youths loitering in shopping centers anyway.

donald said...

That warms my cockles.

Mr. Forward said...

“It’s Never Enough”. Paint it on the streets.

R C Belaire said...

What's that they say, something about the Left eating its own? Too funny.

Shane said...

Politicians catering to The Mob can whine "It's not fair. I'm one of you!" or adopt the ever prescient Robert Smith's "Never Enough" as their campaign theme song.

Politics is hard today!

Never Enough
The Cure
However much I push it down
It's never enough
However much I push it around
It's never enough
However much I make it out
It's never enough
Never enough
However much I do
However big I ever feel
It's never enough
Whatever I do to make it real
It's never enough
In any way I try to speak
Never enough
Never enough
However much I try to speak
It's never enough
However much I'm falling down
It's never enough
However much I'm falling out
It's never enough
Whatever smile I smile the most
Never enough
Never enough
However I smile I smile the most
So let me hold it up just one more go
Holding it over just once more
One more time to fill it up
One more time to kill
Whatever I do it's never enough
It's never enough
However much I push it down
It's never enough
However much I push it around
It's never enough
However much I make it out
It's never enough
However much I do
Never enough
However much I'm falling down
Never enough
However much I'm falling out
Never, never enough
Whatever smile I smile the most
Never enough
However I smile I smile the most
So let me hold it up just one more go
Holding it over just once more
One more time to fill it up
One more time to kill
Whatever I do it's never enough
Never enough
So let me hold it up just one more go
Holding it over just once more
One more time to fill it up
One more time to kill
Whatever I do it's never enough
It's never enough
It's never enough
It's never enough
It's never enough
It's never, it's never enough

Todd said...

He also pointed to training his office has received in racial disparities in the criminal justice system — a topic he said he requires prospective employees to address in their cover letters and interviews."

Sure but no comments on the disparity in the commission of crimes, just the disparity seen in the courts. They don't care that if more purple people commit crimes, more purple people will get caught and serve time. That is now irrelevant.

ga6 said...

Who was Danton again?

Lawrence Person said...

Never bend a knee to the Social Justice Warrior rage mob.

It can never be reasoned with, only opposed.

Paco Wové said...

"[The protest organizer] Johnson responded to requests for comment via Facebook on Sunday night with derogatory memes."

Gusty Winds said...

Protesters are encouraged to spread their message to the Suburbs and the quiet parts of town. Like where the St. Louis couple pulled out the fire arms. Now they’re being prosecuted. Why should liberals be exempted? Maybe the crowd was right. Maybe he is a racist. Power to the people Madison. Good Luck.

Temujin said...

The 'root cause' of their issues is staring them in the face, yet they refuse to see it. It's Liberalism. No, not the nice broad Classical Liberalism from which this country was founded. Today's Liberalism, which is simply Socialism Plus.

BLM is a Marxist based organization. White Liberals are a disease to the Black community. Antifa are simply anarchists who don't really know why they destroy, just that they have to destroy. These are the people making the demands all around the country. Ripping up cities, destroying University curricula and instruction, poisoning the media. These are also the people who profess to NEED to lead Black people by the hand. How insulting. How condescending. How racist of them.

Anyone who believes that fewer police will mean anything other than more crime, more violent crime, less safety for your property and your life (and that of your family) is a moron.

Want more destruction, more people coming to your home to 'protest' or to do something worse? Vote Democrat. Because, they are all about that. (check out Gerald Nadler's limp-dicked response in Ann's earlier post).

JAORE said...

Hey,you gave us an inch. Then another, and thanked us for receiving it. So we asked for a foot and you complied.

You have proven yourself weak and compliant. Why are you surprised when we ask for everything? Why would you think your protestations will be heard or heeded now?

MadisonMan said...

I wonder how many of the crowd calling Ozanne a racist were white.

h said...

For those readers looking for a way to simultaneously show solidarity with BLM and the Boogaloo Bois, I give you: BLM Hawaiian shirts

DanTheMan said...

Dang. We were so sure appeasement would work THIS time....

jaydub said...

David Bagley: "“It’s never enough” is a great insight by Ann."

That is NOT the issue! The problem is that the Marxist mob only wants to stir the pot, not eat from it; so, by definition nothing anyone serves up can ever satiate the Marxist beast. You can't appease a mob that has NO goals other than keeping the turmoil going until November 4th. What can be done is to wade into the mob and bash heads until it reconsiders its tactics. That won't happen in Madison because the city's leftist leadership is only slightly less Marxist than the mob. It's time for Althouse and her fellow citizens to live with the city leaders they, themselves, have elected.

Craig said...

God, this trend of doxxing people you disagree with and bothering them at their homes makes me ill.

donald said...

They ain’t asking for anything.

GingerBeer said...

If you're part of the criminal justice system "You ain't Black."

Dave Begley said...

Here in Omaha, the Douglas County Attorney has had protests at his house. A cop told that some dumb white girl vandalized his house. Caught on videotape. Idiot.

buwaya said...

Tactics are full spectrum, and the targets are also.
The point is to force all into compliance.
It doesn't even matter if this one DA is forced to comply or not, or even if the complaints about him or his department makse sense, it still serves as one more reminder to anyone else, so they will not even think of resisting.

D. said...

Water cannons are very useful to disperse crowds with bad intent.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Ozanne is hoping the crocs eat him last.

Unknown said...

“It’s never enough” is a great insight by Ann.

It's the nature of 'progressivism'. The must 'progress' more and more to the left.
They are never satisfied and in the end eat their own. All that will remain will be a hard core of the fanatical cult members.

hawkeyedjb said...

What are the root causes of crime? Poverty is not a cause of crime. Poverty is a result

The root cause of crime is criminals.

Fernandinande said...

his identity as a Black man

He's not black, he's a mulatto.

Here's the press release from Ozanne.

It sure sounds as though he allowed His People disturb the peace of his neighbors for six hours rather than calling the police on the the noisy assholes.

LakeLevel said...

"Sorry dude, we can't talk with you. That's not in the script. Like, you know, some times you gotta break some eggs. Sometimes you're the egg. It's all good dude, you know, for the cause".

Fernandinande said...

“It’s never enough” is a great insight by Ann.

Danegeld rediscovered.

Sebastian said...

"It's never enough!"

Prog MO. There's a book about it, by W. Voegeli.

And never enough violence.

"One of my daughters turned to me and asked why you chose to come to our house to make her feel unsafe, when you claim that you want everyone to feel safe."

She has a lot to learn. Including that her own dad's weasel words encourage the mob.

wendybar said...

Don't worry...the little progressive brown shirts will be coming for YOU soon too!!! Nobody is immune because their hate is too strong.

buwaya said...

I have just had a nice paranoid theory.

Its a bit puzzling, to me and many others, as to the point of all this obviously manufactured civil unrest. The risks are obvious, that they will create the usual "silent majority" opposition. Given that, there must be a perceived value that justifies the risk.

The best ones I have seen yet - that they are an attempt to force a scandalous official overreaction that will create public sympathy, that will "enhance the contradictions", that is, standard guerrilla war theory, the point behind most terrorism; or that these are means by which to create and maintain enthusiasm among party activists for electioneering when they are called to do it.

I see another -

This is a means to create and enhance centralized control over local officials in "blue" or "blue-ish" areas around the country. To cow them into compliance with some agenda. For what purpose exactly I don't know, but it must be something valuable and short-term. Almost certainly election-related.

bgates said...

“It’s never enough” is a great insight by Ann

couldn't be more patronizing if you complimented her for spelling all three words correctly.

Ken B said...

It’s the kind of stalking and nastiness Birkel does in the comments here, but done in real life. It’s harmless assholery here, but it’s not harmless in real life.

stlcdr said...

What crime - moral or otherwise - does the average person think justifies a mob showing up at your house?

Ken B said...

It’s never enough because *the demands are not about what is demanded*. They are about compliance.

rcocean said...

Why aren't 'The protesters' EVER identified? WHO are they? What organizations, what are their names? Are they black, brown, white, Green?

Nope all we get is "Protesters". But Mostly Peaceful this time.

Dave Begley said...


Have you posted any great insights here?

One of the signs of a first rate intellect is the ability to look at lots of information, detect trends and then condense it down to a few words. This is a rare talent. You hardly ever see it in the press or on TV.

Right now I'm battling it out with a bunch of accountants. They get bogged down in things like the covenants on the LT secured debt. That issue is ant's balls compared to what is really going on this company.

narciso said...

no he's just pointing out their method, seeing as susan rosenberg, the wizard behind the curtain is a maoist terrorist, like the npa, it's not out of the question,

John Borell said...

"It's never enough!"


Ampersand said...

Why is it "never" enough? Because the only thing that would be enough is the destruction of our wealth and freedoms.
So long as there are a substantial majority of citizens who place a high value on wealth and freedom, we can win against these people. When we permit our educational system to cultivate ignorance about the centrality of wealth creation, and to devalue freedom, we sow the seeds of our destruction.

Static Ping said...

As they say, you cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.

Apparently our good D.A. missed that lesson.

Dave Begley said...


My last name is Begley; not Bagley. Since I'm one of the few people here that uses his real name, please spell it right.

bagoh20 said...

I'm starting to believe that we really are all in this together. The violent toddler movement has brought us all together, because we are all racists now.

It must suck to have these mindless fools show up and strip you of the armor that has so reliably protected you from scrutiny all these years. They take away the very identity that you clung to so tenaciously. You are left with nowhere to go, no support group, no friends.

But please maintain some dignity. Don't lash out at the rest of us in a desperate attempt to satiate the toddler mob. That will just leave you stranded alone. If you value freedom, and respect the rights of everyone, then welcome aboard the S.S. Deplorable. Our weapons are only used in self-defense, and we are not planning attacks on anyone. We want you to keep what you have earned, and we do not steal from others.

LakeLevel said...

rcocean said...
"Why aren't 'The protesters' EVER identified? WHO are they? What organizations, what are their names?"

I bet if you went there and asked someone those questions, it would take about 10 seconds before you were violently attacked, even if you identified yourself as from a sympathetic news organization like ABC, NBC, CNN, NYT, WP, AP, NPR, PBS etc.

Big Mike said...

It's never enough!

Nope. But what about the neighbors? If Ozanne thinks it’s a placating gesture not to call the police, did his neighbors have to go along with it?

tcrosse said...

I wonder if one of the neighbors called the cops on this disturbance.

Inga said...

“It’s the kind of stalking and nastiness Birkel does in the comments here, but done in real life. It’s harmless assholery here, but it’s not harmless in real life.”

This is true. Protesters need to understand that if they have demands, those demands need to be based on real issues, otherwise they harm their own message and the delegitimization of their movement. The message has value, don’t devalue it by cheap tactics. The leaders of these groups need to do their homework, choose their targets wisely and justly. If they can’t do that, they’ll lose any people who may have been sympathetic to them.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Most of the people in these "protests" are useful idiots. Stupid enough to buy into the indoctrination that they paid a fortune for. They're mal-educated and completely unsuited for gainful employment. But, they bolster they're self esteem by larping as civil rights activists. The rest are people who actively enjoy hurting other people, sadists. So they get to get their rocks off and feel morally justified about it by joining in. There is no appeasing them because "the cause" is all they have. If the issues they claim to want to address were fixed they would have to confront the fact that they are useless and were conned into paying a fortune for a useless degree. AOC graduated from Boston University with a dual major in International Relations and Economics, but was working as a bar tender before getting elected to congress because she noticed that an old white guy was running for the Democrat party nomination in a district that had became majority minority. From her public pronouncements its pretty clear she was taught that Marxism is good and nationalism is evil. Oh, and evil people have no rights and anything done to them is A-OK, cause they are evil. And what is evil is pretty fluid, but definitely includes old white dudes and whiteness. She is a perfect exemplar of the people you find at these "protests."

bagoh20 said...

"Why is it "never" enough? "

What does a dedicated progressive do when they get to utopia? The same thing a toddler does when their tantrum gets you to give in. We have to take it from our children, but these are adults. Lock them up, fine them, document their destruction, and hold them accountable.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

As they say, you cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into.

Reason is structural white supremacy.

bgates said...

Have you posted any great insights here?

On par with "It's never enough"?

How about "July is hot" or "you take criticism poorly"

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

But I’m black! Go protest at the mayor’s house — she’s white!!!

DanTheMan said...

>>But Mostly Peaceful this time.

Did you hear about the guy who fell out of an airplane without a parachute?

His trip to the ground was "Mostly uneventful".

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne is highlighting his identity as a Black man"

So it'd be all cool if he was White? What a cowardly piece of shit. he deserves whatever he gets.

Birkel said...

He paid the Danegeld.
Now he is surprised that the Dane did not leave.

He may be too stupid to keep a job.

DanTheMan said...

>>"It's never enough!"

There is no "enough", because the protests are not about getting some identifiable something in return.

They are about destruction. For some, destroying things is fun. They pretend it's part of some larger cause or movement, but they just want to light things on fire and smash stuff.

They won't stop on their own. They have to be stopped.

mccullough said...

Start sending mobs to harass Soros.

Then it will end.

rightguy said...

Attention democrats : Antifa/BLM are agents of a powerful faction within your party. If you do not reject them, you become the party of anarchy, chaos, and insurrection. You are Antifa.

TreeJoe said...

My wife and I were discussing this recently. Society has existed in some form for many thousands of years. This isn't the first civil unrest. Putting aside "taking sides", there is no doubt that on the side of the civil unrest there have been MANY citizens performing acts of violence, terrorism, and wanton destruction of private and public property. We are talking thousands or tens of thousands. Often on camera, often in front of police or authorities.

I've read of hundreds or thousands of arrests of such people. Where are the stories of what is actually happening to them? Extremely few and far between. Further, police are being abused, hurt, or significantly injured. Where are the ramifications? That's when you take a wedge formation into a crowd of people and capture those responsible.

I'm not saying you need heads on pikes here, but a listing of 100-500 people who are going to jail for 5-10 years for some of this stuff would go a long way in pointing out these are no longer protests over George Floyd....these are riots against the current societal order. Civil unrest needs to have a goal, a vision, and some organization in order to achieve any stated aims. What is this doing?

n.n said...

The protest has a momentum that sustains a progressive process. Many people will be forced to kneel before it is either concluded or aborted in a dysfunctional convergence with numerous bodies colored black and blue.

Birkel said...

The only protection the Normal left-leaners has it will ever have comes from the conservatives.

The Leftist Collectivists will always act to harm anybody they encounter.

How long will it take for this lesson to be learned?

mikee said...

I, for one, look forward to the day when the mob is so fast-acting that they turn on each other before they even get to the protest location, and end up as mere reports of widely spaced street fights, subsequently devolving into small groups all ordering pizzas, but squabbling over the topping choices.

The protesters wanted the DA to drop investigation into specific persons suspected of performing specific criminal acts. This protests wasn't about racism, it was about stopping prosecution of some group's leader. Add inciting a riot to the charges.

Joe Smith said...

These organizations (and they are organized) need to be investigated, their 'leaders' arrested, and their assets seized.

I am certain that the media will not do any investigating, these are their people doing what they wish they could do.

It is really the job of the FBI, but they have proven to be a political hack organization who can no longer be trusted.

Not sure where we go from here other than street skirmishes. If it gets to that, the left will lose big-time.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Andy Ngo has a twitter feed dedicated to showcasing the "Toddler mob" and all their peacefulness.

Dude1394 said...

The way I see it, this is just the democrat party getting thugs to do what they can't do because of the ballot box. They will get the media to provide cover and lie about it, they will not comment on it, except for the execrable Nadler stating that those riots we keep seeing are a fantasy.

If they get away with it this year at the ballot box, this country is ******.

Joe Smith said...

So they were standing outside of his house calling him Ismael?

stevew said...

The protesters are never identified so that Democrats, News media, and characters like Jerry Nadler can say, "There is no proof that these actions are committed by Antifa and BLM. Saying they are is spreading a myth, a shibboleth".

gerry said...

Bagoh20, thank you. At 9:30 stated it perfectly.

Gusty Winds said...

I wonder if 2020 is the year Madison, WI finally gets pushed off those useless “best places to live” rankings.

tim maguire said...

It's never enough!

Activism is not about a set of issues, it is a mindset, an identity. Because the activist finds his identity through his activism, he must always have a cause. The cause itself is a McGuffin. Solve it and there will be another. No matter how successful, no activist will ever declare victory and go home.

gerry said...

District Attorney Ozanne's press release is also perfect.

Basil Duke said...

Another tasty serving at The Left Eats Its Own Café.

n.n said...

Nobody is immune because their hate is too strong.


Tommy Duncan said...

In fairness, Ozanne appeared to be fair and impartial in the police shooting of a young man violently tripping on psychedelic mushrooms a few years ago.

Gk1 said...

That was like the Wisconsin SEIU thugs that came out of the wood work to shut down the capitol and oust Walker. They routinely sucker punched counter protestors and the press couldn't care less. This sounds like a Wisconsin thing to be complicate with left wing groups. The novelty here is they are finally moving on to eating their own. But to be replaced by what exactly? Out and out communists?

roesch/voltaire said...

Ozanne showed restraint and class, unfortunately the few protestors harassing him have not. I will vote for him again.

Narayanan said...

Ozanne said the group at his home Saturday has not asked to meet with him, which is something he’s willing to do, just not at his Near West Side home outside of work hours.
does that mean he is not working from home?
do public servants in his job have regular work hours?

fine trick would be to have his bosses change his work location and hours to match the needs of the protesters and let them know.

madAsHell said...

Black Lives Matter is the new passover.

Yancey Ward said...

Shorter Ozanne:

"I'm on your side, Bro!"

If they burn his house down, I don't give shit any longer. He deserves it.

Narayanan said...

One of my daughters turned to me and asked why you chose to come to our house to make her feel unsafe, when you claim that you want everyone to feel safe.

too many indeterminate "you" s

already or soon enough one of the "you" would be :
daughter to dad - you need stay away from our house for our safety

Yancey Ward said...

At some point, the fecklessness and duplicity of these city politicians needs to have a high personal cost- up to and including getting murdered in an intensification of a peaceful neighborhood protest like this one. If they won't act to even save themselves, then they deserve it.

Yancey Ward said...

Here is why I don't give a fuck if the protesters to burn his house down:

"I am a Black man who was raised by a Black mother who fought for racial justice during
the 1960’s and became the youngest person to become a staff member of the Student
Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. She trained for Freedom Summer and was busy
registering Black voters in Mississippi in 1964, the year that three young civil rights
workers were murdered in Nashoba County, Mississippi, by the Ku Klux Klan after
corrupt racist law enforcement officers arrested them on trumped-up charges and
released them into the hands of the Klan. I grew up knowing the history of racism in
America and how it worked hand-in-hand with government entities to deny people of
color their full rights as Americans. I grew up knowing what it is like to be Black in
America and how there is intergenerational trauma that is passed on to each generation
of Black children."

The implication of this passage is perfectly clear- "I don't deserve this because I am a Black man. Go protest at some white person's home."

Joe Smith said...

"his identity as a Black man..."

One drop rule...it's a Democrat thing.

Btw, why is it that why Tiger Woods is considered a 'black' golfer?

He is half Asian, one-quarter black, and a mix of 'other.'

It seems that he should be hailed as the greatest Asian golfer of all time.

MadisonMan said...

I will vote for him again.
Meh. I've shared this before, I was empaneled on a jury for something very small that he prosecuted. He was rambling and unfocused. The result: Not guilty. I walked away thinking Ozanne is an idiot. I know it's a small sample-size (1) to make a definite conclusion. Still...

Birkel said...

"I will vote for him again."

This is exactly why every monopoly Democratics city turns to shit.
I am rooting for the mob.

Richard Dolan said...

It's hard to understand how the criminal justice system can be systemically racist all on its own, without some human agency at work to keep that system going. Any, as luck would have it, wherever there is 'human agency,' there are living-breathing people providing the 'agency' and those people have names. So the people in charge of the systemically racist justice system must be involved in keeping the system the way it (supposedly) is.

The antifa mob (if that's who it is) disrupting this DA's home thus have the right target (maybe not the right tactics), assuming that you accept the predicate that the criminal justice system is systemically racist. They should also be targeting the judges who impose the systemically racist sentences, as well as the mayor and city council that supervises and finances the criminal justice system -- presumably all Dems in Dane County. Pretty much the same story in all the major cities across the country where the 'systemically racist' charge is being pressed so loudly.

The geniuses running the Dem party and cheering on this mayhem seen to have forgotten that the Girondists always get eaten alive by the Jacobins, and then the Jacobins turn on each other. Lovely paradigm of that tragedy/farce thing being played out in one of America's supposedly most livable cities.

Dems everywhere will end up being tagged with this craziness.

DanTheMan said...

>> "I don't deserve this because I am a Black man. Go protest at some white person's home."

Are you suggesting he is asserting black privilege?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“Fine trick would be to have his bosses change his work location and hours”

He’s the DA, the Big Boss Man, and can already work where and when he pleases. The biggest complaint against him is that he’s pleased to do very little work. Anyway, he was elected by white libs who simply wanted him to be black, and he’s doing a stellar job of that.

stevew said...

Am I just watching the wrong TV stations because the coverage of the six day celebration of the life and person of the black man, John Lewis, has been quite sparse?

BUMBLE BEE said...

Load Up, Load Up, Load Up with rubber bullets!

The Vault Dweller said...

Whenever the cuntiness of the Left is inflicted upon other people of the Left, I am happy.

AllenS said...

I ain't be black, and I'm twice as dark as Ozanne. Also, he has a cracker-ass wife, so deduct his bogus "I be black" bullshit 10 points.

gilbar said...

Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne is highlighting his identity as a Black man and his family’s roots in the Civil Rights Movement after protesters came to his house...

i ASSUME that that was because ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER?
he Has To present his "i'm Black" card, to register?

Joe Smith said...


He is black. The Democrat Jim Crow rules say he is.

jaydub said...

"My last name is Begley; not Bagley. Since I'm one of the few people here that uses his real name, please spell it right."

Sorry Begley, nor offense intended. Should have just identified you as the commenter who is always polishing the professor's apple.

Nichevo said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
"Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne is highlighting his identity as a Black man"

So it'd be all cool if he was White? What a cowardly piece of shit. he deserves whatever he gets.

7/27/20, 10:11 AM

Mob harassment is perhaps nothing more than cover for the normies, to make them think he's on their side, doing his job, doing his duty. Same for Walz, Wheeler, Satya Whosis, Evers, whoever. If they weren't mobbed, it would be suspicious. Probably all fake like the death threats that provide eternal pretext for any repression.

MikeD said...

While not bothering with the article, I'm wondering how his neighbors felt? Seems like a six hour cacophony in a residential location would be something law enforcement would curtail.

LA_Bob said...

"Are you suggesting he is asserting black privilege?"

I wouldn't call it a suggestion. Yancey virtually shouted it from the rooftops. And he's right.

h said...

Yancey Ward says offhandedly "I don't give shit any longer." Of all his comments, this one was closest to my heart, and I think it deserves serious consideration. Many of us who have been "natural allies" to the civil rights movement throughout our lives, now see that movement as taken over by thugs and intellectual lightweights, who pump out horribly written diatribes that the authors expect will be taken seriously because the authors are black, and because they have confidence that the thug contingent will shout down, or threaten down, any intelligent criticism of their works. This does not bode well for the future of race relations. But it's not Trump who is to blame.

wildswan said...

Inga said...
“It’s the kind of stalking and nastiness Birkel does in the comments here, but done in real life. It’s harmless assholery here, but it’s not harmless in real life.”

This is true. Protesters need to understand that if they have demands, those demands need to be based on real issues, otherwise they harm their own message and the delegitimization of their movement. The message has value, don’t devalue it by cheap tactics. The leaders of these groups need to do their homework, choose their targets wisely and justly. If they can’t do that, they’ll lose any people who may have been sympathetic to them."

Good analysis. Republish it on November 4 2020. It will be good then, too.

h said...

On the topic of "black privilege". Have others noticed the increasingly frequent phenomenon of "passing as black"? People who are not black, or who might not be perceived as black, are insisting that the public recognize their blackness. I do understand that the DA Ozanne is in fact black; but he's worried that his looks might deceive people into thinking that he is white. And remember those two women who were retroactively offended by a black-face costume at cartoonist's party some years ago? One of them sure didn't look black, and the two used some convoluted construction to describe themselves as "women of color" or "minority women" or something. But pretty clearly the white member of the duo wanted to draw the protective shawl of blackness over herself. I recall seeing an article by a man about how he could pass as white, but in retrospect that article was clearly an attempt to lay down his credential as black. I won't mention the more obvious examples.

Equipment Maintenance said...

DanTheMan said: "They are about destruction. For some, destroying things is fun. They pretend it's part of some larger cause or movement, but they just want to light things on fire and smash stuff. They won't stop on their own. They have to be stopped."

I'm starting to feel that having a conscience is an unaffordable luxury.

rcocean said...

I love the pompous "How dare you protest me, I'm black". As Yancy states, he's just upset that the mob has come for HIM. He was A-OK when it was going after someone else. THEY deserved it. Not him.

Just like the old Bolsheviks, they loved it when the Counter-revolutionaries went to the Gulags and execution chambers, but when Stalin sent THEM....well, that's different. HAHA.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"The conventional counter is playing classical music. It gets rid of youths loitering in shopping centers anyway."

Not always. I used to work in downtown Minneapolis. To get kids to stop loitering outside of the City Center tower, they loudly played opera on outdoor speakers. After a while, some of the kids started liking opera. I recall one young woman singing along as she boarded the bus.

Joanne Jacobs said...

I wonder if the DA keeps a gun at home to defend his family, in case the mob breaks in. Or does he have a police unit on standby just out of sight?

Phil 314 said...

It’s all on the Dems now. Your cities, your problem. Go ahead and blame Trump but do you really think this has anything to do with Trump anymore, let alone, George Floyd, Systemic Racism or whatever.

These folks just want to yell and burn shit.

Your cities, your problem.

Drago said...

rcocean: "Just like the old Bolsheviks, they loved it when the Counter-revolutionaries went to the Gulags and execution chambers, but when Stalin sent THEM....well, that's different. HAHA."

According to Inga, that never happened and is a conspiracy theory.

DavidUW said...

Trying to decide. are you first up against the wall or last comrade?

iowan2 said...

Inga said...
“It’s the kind of stalking and nastiness Birkel does in the comments here, but done in real life. It’s harmless assholery here, but it’s not harmless in real life.”

This is true. Protesters need to understand that if they have demands, those demands need to be based on real issues, otherwise they harm their own message and the delegitimization of their movement. The message has value, don’t devalue it by cheap tactics. The leaders of these groups need to do their homework, choose their targets wisely and justly. If they can’t do that, they’ll lose any people who may have been sympathetic to them."

You understand the mob doesn't really want anything. Just to force their violence on others. That's it.
People with half a brain do an examination of people running for office and elect those that will effect the change you want. Very simple. So why riot?
So Portland wants the violence. They will vote in a few months for more violence. Ditto Seattle. Violent thugs rioted in 1999. Just because they could. Look who's running Seattle 20 years later. Exactly who the leftists voted in after 10 election cycles.

Doug said...

" ... Until 1 am in the morning ..."

Frickin' lawyers, huh?

JAORE said...

Perhaps if you wear black face you'll be spared.

Bandit said...

BLM wants apartheid only with a different scoring system

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