২২ জুলাই, ২০২০

At the Spear Thistle Café...


... you can write about whatever you want.


৭১টি মন্তব্য:

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

With regards to G. Max, I find it curious some don't "wish her well" considering the context.

Should all prisons be able to let murderers murder more for money without repercussion but instead paid-in-full-up-front legitimacy?

Perhaps in America 2020.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Another Assault Pitchfork

Anyone else amazed that the Red Line raiders are traveling downtown with farm and gardening implements?

“I can’t believe we survived” – those are the words of an Uber driver, telling his story about how a large group of teenagers attacked his car in the Loop on a Saturday night earlier this month. A group of teenager were getting ushered by police from Millennium Park on July 4th weekend, when some then decided to target an Uber driver's car at Wabash and Washington

"I said, ‘Oh f***', they came and jumped on the car, start dancing around on top of the hood," the driver said.

[...] "And then they broke in the driver window, and that’s where I knew we were in big trouble, because they were trying to grab me, and I heard the back rear window shatter as well,” he said.

The driver told CBS 2 the group of teens actually had a pitchfork, which came within inches of his two terrified passengers. “Who knows what would have happened if they were able to pull us out of the vehicle? It seem like they wanted blood,” he said. “It’s terrifying just to think that there’s just basically a school a piranhas just roaming the streets of Chicago, and we don’t know where they’re going to show up.”

Piranhas? More like hyenas.

Labels: crime



Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Are the good men of the NFL like the good BLM protesters?

They aren't bad, just drawn that way in right-wing Naxi media. Aiding and abetting treasonous war is honorable according to this psyche.

But they happily exploit racism to profit themselves.

Like professors have done for many decades here in America.

There's a lot of strands in ol' Duder's head, by malignant design.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

The McCloskey’s handgun was inoperable, and they knew it was inoperable.
It was a prop with the firing pin remove, used in one of their court cases.

Prosecutors reassembled their gun to render it a “deadly weapon,”
and then charged them with assault.


rehajm বলেছেন...

Hey, look, a “country level analysis” today in a crummy little journal called @thelancet says “full lockdowns and widespread testing were not associated with reduced COVID-19 mortality.” Whoopsie! Everybody makes mistakes.

Mark বলেছেন...

It's season four, episode one of Alias.

The Sydney/Vaughn thing is back. Not only totally ZZZZZ, but still completely non-believable. In fact, Vaughn is a totally boring character.

Sydney with Bradley Cooper came across as much more real.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

wanna know what the future looks like under liberals?

...a knee, on a a baby's neck, forever


Ken B বলেছেন...

Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"English is a language built mostly out of two others. …

Often words with similar meanings from the two languages were both turned into English words, such as make (Saxon) and create (from French), or need (Saxon) and require (from French). So in English you can say almost anything with two kinds of words: short, simple ones with Saxon origins, or fancier ones that come from Latin. …

It's a fun parlor game to name a Latinate equivalent for every Saxon word you can think of. If a word ends with –tion or similar suffix, or if it could be made into a similar word that does, then it's usually derived from Latin. Thus the Latinate word acquire can become acquisition or acquisitive; but the equivalent Germanic word get doesn't take endings in that way.

In any event: advisers on English style have long said that it's best to use Saxon words when you can, because those words are most clear and forceful."


Althouse knows. Garner is one of those fussy French words.

rehajm বলেছেন...

When people use the same tactics in multiple locations, at the same time, pick the same targets, dress the same, carry the same gear/weapons, use the same slogans, deliver the same messages etc, that obviously takes organization, communications, training, money, logistics etc.

- Lara Logan

Well, obvious to some people...

Lucien বলেছেন...

Let's all take a shot every time someone on CNN or MSNBC utters the phrase "in the middle of a pandemic".

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

THe musiv of the future, mine, involves simaltaneous musifs insterly in sncroncity.

You will be mad eo, you ain't you.

Sure sure, I think of Dave Lynch now and then, so what of it?

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

I'll reserve judgment until more facts are in, but the timing of this news piece on the heels of other reports about how awful this virus is, seems almost too coincidental to me.

Yahoo News: As post-COVID heart and brain problems linger, some coronavirus survivors find it's a long haul to recovery

From the article: "More than 3.9 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus, and more than 142,000 have died. As with Alionar and Harris, many survivors are reporting ongoing symptoms, sometimes lasting for months after initial infection. Rehab centers have opened across Europe to help COVID-19 survivors recover, but there are only a few in the U.S.

Mount Sinai Health System in New York did recently launch a Center for Post-COVID Care. When announcing the effort, the hospital noted “mounting evidence” suggesting COVID-19 patients are at risk for “multiple systemic complications including thromboembolic disease [blood clots, including ones that may cause strokes], systemic inflammatory response syndrome, cardiovascular complications, and hepatic [liver] and renal [kidney] impairment.”

From the comments to the article: "Oops!
There were comments mentioning the need for people to apply for disability benefits (cue the plaintiffs' bar) but commenting was suspended and those comments went down the memory hole.

narciso বলেছেন...

My mistake


Ken B বলেছেন...

Saying “I wish her well” is a common, vague, politesse when discussing someone whose guilt has not been proven. Should a sitting president say “guilty as fuck”? Didn’t Trump get into hot water once before about that, with a court martial case? It does express approval. It’s generally a good thing for our leaders to not seem vindictive.

I wish Birkel well, bless his heart.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Trump needs to play Uncle John's Band seruptiscoulsyl.e

stevew বলেছেন...

The only sensible thing to do at this point is to permanently shutdown and shelter in place. No going out in public. No driving, too dangerous. No walking. Masks on at all times. No visiting. No parties. No restaurants or bars. Socializing is finished, over, caput. No school. No work. I'm not sure if Zoom is safe. No grocery shopping. No Home Depot. No liquor stores.

If it saves just one life, it's worth it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Blogger Ken B said...
Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.

My guess is that we head to a plateau of about 1500 deaths/day and stay there for quite a while. This assumes that we really have gotten better at treating the virus and that we lack the will power to social distance like every other western country.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.

Seems pretty low when you compare it to the fact that 4,000 healthy babies were aborted today. And will be again tomorrow, and every day.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Twitter says it has begun taking sweeping actions to limit the reach of QAnon content and banned many of the conspiracy theory's followers due to ongoing problems with harassment and the dissemination of misinformation.

if that's the case, ban nearly the entire media. And Antifa.

Drago বলেছেন...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: "wanna know what the future looks like under liberals?

...a knee, on a a baby's neck, forever


That's Howard's and Inga's favorite pic of all time.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Portland Fire Commissioner

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Well, MadTownGuy, it's a shame we'll likely never know just how this virus was modified in the lab in Wuhan, since the NIH was involved [at taxpayers' expense] and they value their prestige and reputation more than they value people's lives. NIH Gain of Function Research from National Review May 6, 2020.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Jo Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said ...
Trump is engaged in the “spreading of racism, the way he deals with people based on the color of their skin, their national origin, where they’re from, is absolutely sickening.”

Biden went on to stress that “no sitting president has ever done this. Never, never, never. No Republican president has done this. No Democratic president. We’ve had racists and they’ve existed and they’ve tried to get elected president. He’s the first one that has.”

So, According to Jo Biden
LBJ............. not a Racist
Woodrow Wilson.. not a Racist, even though he segregated the US government
Andy Jackson.... not a Racist, even though he owned slaves, and committed genocide

Do you ever wonder, if words mean the same thing to democrats as they do to you?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

From it's hard to make a man who gets paid to make a certain point agree that others may be valid (in the points made it used to be but now it's) as persons even if every single last point of theirs isn't in entire 100% agreement to theirs, to punch as a Naxi anyone who doesn't vocally, and more importantly, with real cash, untraceable, Trump 'em.

We ain't stopping, we gonna Trump 'em. Powered by Guiliani experience. Certain bloggers asked years ago what relevance Rudy had back then.

He has more now. He will have more into the long-term future. He has defeated the forces devouring New York City now, before.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

So, According to Jo Biden
LBJ............. not a Racist
Woodrow Wilson.. not a Racist, even though he segregated the US government
Andy Jackson.... not a Racist, even though he owned slaves, and committed genocide

By the standards being used to judge Trump, Lincoln was a racist.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

It's the Lancet, which has a bad track record, but I consider the possibility of this study being valid as good news, which for some reason is taboo in this time of "that's not funny", "that's offensive", and "please tell me something terrible today".

"A study published Tuesday in The Lancet medical journal evaluated the various measures governments have taken to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, and the results will no doubt be a surprise to some. According to the study's authors, three measures that have been touted as highly significant in controlling the spread of the virus (rapid border closures, full lockdowns, and widespread testing) were found to be "not associated with COVID mortality."


You know what is most associated with Covid mortality? Incentives to count things, everything as Covid.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

unfortunately the " at the end of the link made it inoperable

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Look as a mere simpleton I used to wonder "What drew men like Buckley or Guiliani or Trump to New York City, a place Piss Christ seemed to rule?"

I've learned how right I was being wrong in a neutral way.

gilbar বলেছেন...

Have you noticed, that when a politician seems to be Way over the draconian top,
they turn out to be geriatric lesbian women?
Kirsten half Witmer in Michigan
Lori lightfoot in Chicago
the governor of oregon
the mayor of portland
Jo Biden.


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I think the central characteristic of our current culture is lying. It's always been there, of course, but I don't think there has ever been a time with so much of it. We have increased exponentially the amount of words produced daily by us all due to our technology, but I bet the amount of truth has not increased at all. Truth is only available in a fixed amount. You can't create it out of nothing, but lies...., oh yea. That's easier than having babies and requires the same amount of training, skill, and discipline.

We should expect as much when we now so handsomely reward reward occupations like influencer, blogger, opinion writer, columnist, politicians and "journalists". You have entire social movements of enormous power based on lies alone. Money and joiners will line up to be a part of these huge lies. It's an amazing time, that I have no doubt will be looked back on in disgrace, with the participants disclaiming any association.

narciso বলেছেন...

A microcosm


FullMoon বলেছেন...

"Today Joe Biden opened up his basement for anybody who wanted to join him online for a live-streamed address to American voters and anybody else."

Explains why internet was slow, billions of people world wide online trying to get a word with Joe.

Ken B বলেছেন...

bagoh20 said...
I think the central characteristic of our current culture is lying.


Agreed. At least online and in public utterances. I have often remarked on the tactic of playing dumb, which is an example. People tell you the truth privately.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Over 1200 covid deaths today. "

Simple question, but central to your point, and I want you to seriously consider it: What is a "Covid death"? Do you even question that?

Today virtually every single person who dies is tested for Covid. Why do you think they do that? Usually they already know why they died or why they were sick. What happens when that person tests positive, regardless of their cause of death, and how does that dynamic compare to how it was done in previous months? We know the testing was a fraction of current levels. Remember when there weren't enough tests, nobody could get one. Ahh, good times.

It used to be that everything bad was due to climate change. That was losing steam.

The vision and message of the left is:

1) Everything is terrible, worse than ever.
2) It can only be fixed by totalitarian measures.
3) Nothing is worth protecting if it gets in the way of #2, because of #1.

This was their message when our nation was experiencing the best economics, crime levels, tolerance, health, wealth and stability in history for all its people. That could not be allowed to stand, and so we have today's leftist "solutions", and that's with limited political power. Imagine the wonders we can enjoy if we give them more.

narciso বলেছেন...

Well trump and guiliani were natives, rough contemporaries, buckley was an import, the son of wildcatter born in neworleans whose first language was spanish.

MountainMan বলেছেন...

Ken B said: “ Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.”

Daily reports of Covid data are very complex. That is how many deaths were REPORTED today, not how many occurred today. The peak day for REPORTED deaths was 4928 on 4/16. However, this number fluctuates daily due to weekends, holidays, and the various reporting processes that the various states use (electronic, phone-in, mail-in, etc.). You often have big slugs of data on test results and deaths come in when a reporting unit submits a whole batch at one time. Most people look at the data using 7-day averages. The high 7-day avg of REPORTED deaths was 2715 on 4/22; today’s 7 day average was 800.

I mostly only follow the GA data every day as that is where I live most of the time now and I have found a young woman who is an exceptional analyst and who uses a very good analytical and graphing tool (Tableau) to produce a daily and weekly analysis of GA data. She does what the state DPH or the GA media should be doing to analyze the data and make sense of what is going on. Some of what I have learned from her:

(1) The number of new cumulative deaths are reported daily. However, DPH stores and graphs on its web page by the actual date of death on the death certificate. I think GA had about 80 deaths reported today, but more than a third were almost a month old and were added to the graph in June, they really weren’t new, just hadn’t been accounted for. If I look at the daily deaths graph for GA the numbers are low and stable; the death rate has apparently gone down as the number of cases have increased.
(2) Positive results of testing are also what is REPORTED today, not what occurred today. This varies greatly. GA actually records and graphs as the date of the positive result one of the following, in order, depending on what the reporting lab provides: (1) the date the patient first had symptoms; (2) the date the test was taken; or (3) the date it is reported. This data is all mixed together on the graph, unfortunately, so it is not a true timeline of cases.
(3) Test results are not really that important; what is important are hospitalizations, as well as deaths. But hospital data is also problematic, now that hospitals in GA are re-opened and are filled with patients catching up on elective procedures. This has resulted in high utilization rates on hospitals. Covid is only a part, and a relatively small part, of the hospitalizations at the present time but the media presents it as if it is a crisis. High utilization is actually good as hospitals need to have about 70-80% of rooms occupied to make money. The big problem with counting Covid cases is they do not separate patients hospitalized FOR Covid versus patients hospitalized WITH Covid, i.e., they are in for something else (surgery, accident, heart attack, ...) and just happen to have Covid. All count as Covid. Makes it hard to make sense of the data. However, hospitals in GA are not in crisis, some are very crowded - metro Atlanta mostly - but patients are being diverted to hospitals with more beds. Case increases in GA are spotty and the media tends to report on the hotspots without explaining there are places in the state showing few cases and hospitals are not busy.

You really have to look beyond the simple data presented on some of the popular websites to really see what is going on. For example, GA reports data by county. For over a week, the biggest county reporting new cases is the “Non-Georgia Resident” county. They are more than 10% of the total. Why? Well it took a reporter from the Columbus, GA newspaper to go out into some of the rural areas outside of Metro Atlanta to do some research to find out why; DPH didn’t have a clue. The answers were simple: migrant farm workers (it is peak harvest right now in GA for peaches, blueberries, onions, watermelons, ...) and residents from other states coming into GA to get tested because the sites were more accessible than in their own state. So we have out-of-staters jacking up the numbers.

narciso বলেছেন...

Just not her


bagoh20 বলেছেন...

If you buy the numbers, then social distancing, masks, shutdowns have all failed miserably.

So now what, totalitarians? What is your new solution? More of the same, but with punishments, lovely, delicious punishment? How about we just impeach Trump and make this all go away overnight?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Analysis - True.

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes but


Big Mike বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, I am appalled by the story coming out of St. Louis that the Assistant DA has tampered with evidence related to the charges against the McCloskeys. Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey were the lawyer couple who grabbed an AR and a small handgun, and confronted an armed mob trespassing in their neighborhood and invading their property. The Democrat DA, Kim Gardner, took umbrage at their actions so she ordered the police to confiscate their guns, and charged them with a felony for unlawful use of a weapon.

It turns out that that felony is conditioned on the guns being "readily operable," and it further turns out that Mr. McCloskey's AR was unloaded, and police found no ammunition for it anywhere in the house. The gun Mrs. McCloskey gestured with was even more inoperable, with the firing pin behind its spring. It had been deliberately rendered inoperable so that it could be used in court as a prop.

Time out for an explanation (experienced shooters can skip this paragraph). In a striker-fired handgun the act of racking the slide both moves a round from the magazine into the firing chamber, and it compresses a spring behind the striker, or firing pin. Squeezing the trigger releases the spring, which slams forward against the cartridge, causing it to fire. If the spring is in front of the firing pin then the gun cannot fire.

The Assistant DA had the police take the gun apart and reassemble it so that it can fire, and had the lab prove that it could now work by actually firing it.

At this point I do not see how this is not evidence tampering, and at the very least ADA Chris Hinkley needs to be removed from office and severely sanctioned, preferably by being disbarred. Moreover simple justice now requires that each and every case where he was involved should be reexamined to determine whether evidence tampering may have played a role in putting an innocent person behind bars. Given what we've seen with General Flynn, this has to include cases where the person accepted a plea bargain.

I accept that the fact that ammunition was not found in the house does not mean that Mr. McCloskey didn't in fact have full magazines available at the time he confronted the mob. There is a magazine visible in pictures taken of McCloskey with his AR -- a twenty rounder from the looks of it -- but there's no proof the magazine had rounds in it. Moreover, given the blatant evidence tampering in this case, I think that the DA has a much larger than normal task to accomplish in trying to argue that he might in fact have ammo for his rifle that he managed to get rid of.

And, final thought. I personally would not have left my house to confront that mob, even with a loaded rifle (all the more so since I don't own any modern rifles). I'd have taken up a defensive position inside the house, and only used my handguns if the mob attempted to break into my home, thus putting my wife and myself in danger. Confronting a mob outside the relative safety of their house with an unloaded gun and an inoperable gun? Balls. Brass ones. Big brass ones.

Drago বলেছেন...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: "wanna know what the future looks like under liberals?

...a knee, on a a baby's neck, forever"


That's Howard's and Inga's favorite pic of all time.

n.n বলেছেন...

Do you ever wonder, if words mean the same thing to democrats as they do to you?

Everyone has a right to define reality in a nuanced way or something to that effect.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

In their own way, everybody kinda knew-nose (but I ain't talkin' bout no nose job up in here, at the Althouse blog, Trump should and shall win).

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes thats a little nuts


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Jimi walked up to a mountain, and he chopped it down, with the edge of his hand.

What you done lately?

Hendrix knows.

This is a link too tough for most to handle.

Drago বলেছেন...

"I had nurses at Walter Reed hospital who would bend down and whisper in my ear, go home and get me pillows. They would … actually breathe in my nostrils to make me move, to get me moving.”
--Joe Biden, 7/22/20

Mark বলেছেন...

Yes 1200 deaths in the U.S., as if it is any business of the Canadian. An average of 24 per state. If you look closer, you do see a handful of states with larger numbers, but most states are showing deaths in the single digits.

It is amazing how people can be so tedious and tedious and tedious about the same thing for months and months.

Birkel বলেছেন...


a “country level analysis” today in a crummy little journal called @thelancet says “full lockdowns and widespread testing were not associated with reduced COVID-19 mortality.”

Where are all the cvnts with their FEELZ?

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Ken B said...Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.

7500 people die per day in the US. Less than one sixth (1200) died not OF covid today, but WITH Covid or Covid symptoms.

It is pretty likely that many millions of people have been infected with COVID, but have no or only minor effects. Thus, lots of deaths are attributed TO Covid that are not necessarily caused by Covid. Remember our earlier discussions about death rates? Have you figured out what a rate is yet?

Another point: are these daily deaths or aggregates? How many people died with Covid symptoms earlier this week? In other words, are you looking at trends or just a single day to support your COVID hysteria?

I can guess the answer.

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard's Heroes in "action"........against cops who are authorized to push back...


Gee, who could have predicted that all of Howard's Heroes, the moment they were confronted by force that is allowed to act as aggressively as Howard's beloved moron marxists, would suddenly just start melting away?

Besides every breathing human being alive I mean....

Gospace বলেছেন...

I think I just posted this in the wrong thread- so sorry if I double it here. Always thought this was a Democrat's favorite picture- though this is equipped with a truthful caption.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Thistles are the wheat farmer’s curse. They are too tough and thorny to be weeded out. Burning the field before they go to seed is only way to win this battle.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

It's a fun parlor game to name a Latinate equivalent for every Saxon word you can think of.

An Inspector Morse case turned on the perp's use of Norman English.

wildswan বলেছেন...

"Ken B said...
Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is."

Help me out here. Over at Real Clear Politics their United States chart on covid shows no deaths today. Where are you getting 1200 deaths? And there's 14 or 15 states that average more flu deaths a year than they've had corona deaths. The trend is more and more cases identified by testing and fewer and fewer deaths. Of course, if you get your news from Hysteria Central you don't know these facts. Just remember that the Washington Post is named after a slaveowner while the New York Times is glorifying the Duke of York who led the Royal African Company which was the official English slave trading company. The RAC transported 212,000 slaves to the Americas. These rotten supremacy news sources should be cancelled, not quoted. Then maybe you'll be able to listen to a few facts.

PS And the global chart shows something like 900 deaths world wide today, including 740 in Mexico.

narciso বলেছেন...

Oh really


StephenFearby বলেছেন...

Noted by RealClearInvestigations:

Popular Mechanics Jul 20, 2020

'Several prominent academic mathematicians want to sever ties with police departments across the U.S., according to a letter submitted to Notices of the American Mathematical Society on June 15. The letter arrived weeks after widespread protests against police brutality, and has inspired over 1,500 other researchers to join the boycott.

These mathematicians are urging fellow researchers to stop all work related to predictive policing software, which broadly includes any data analytics tools that use historical data to help forecast future crime, potential offenders, and victims. The technology is supposed to use probability to help police departments tailor their neighborhood coverage so it puts officers in the right place at the right time.

"Given the structural racism and brutality in U.S. policing, we do not believe that mathematicians should be collaborating with police departments in this manner," the authors write in the letter. "It is simply too easy to create a 'scientific' veneer for racism. Please join us in committing to not collaborating with police. It is, at this moment, the very least we can do as a community."'


I believe it was Nostradamus who predicted the world would soon be coming to an end when mathematicians became woke.

walter বলেছেন...

Tim in Vermont,
Are you out there tackling and masking 3 y/o kids?
Live the truth!

Readering বলেছেন...


Aced it.

heyboom বলেছেন...

Ken B said...

Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.

Well, if you insist

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

There’s some truth in those bizarre charts about ‘whiteness'

Imagine that. I guess you actually have to CARE enough to find it - something extremists will push aside for their desire to argue - instead of caring about "winning" instead.

Man, you guys are assholes.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Remember those stories, recently, with conservatives teasing blacks who don't go hiking and shit?

Fuck y'all.

Liberal, progressive — and racist? The Sierra Club faces its white-supremacist history.

Whites have had blacks trapped - for centuries - in a Kafka-like reality.

rehajm বলেছেন...

These mathematicians are urging fellow researchers to stop all work related to predictive policing software, which broadly includes any data analytics tools that use historical data to help forecast...

Now do climate models...

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Thistles are the wheat farmer’s curse

'Round here, it's ryegrass.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Meanwhile, I am appalled by the story coming out of St. Louis that the Assistant DA has tampered with evidence related to the charges against the McCloskeys. Mr. and Mrs. McCloskey were the lawyer couple who grabbed an AR and a small handgun, and confronted an armed mob trespassing in their neighborhood and invading their property. The Democrat DA, Kim Gardner, took umbrage at their actions so she ordered the police to confiscate their guns, and charged them with a felony for unlawful use of a weapon.”

It was a stupid move on the part of the prosecution. My guess though is that the defendants are better lawyers, and suckered the prosecutors, who effectively proved for the defense that the gun was inoperable. Now, they don’t need to testify that the gun was inoperative - they have the prosecution’s expert to testify to that fact. I suspected that they were decently good attorneys, when they were recorded yelling about being in fear of their lives, and then made a big thing about seeing firearms in the hands of the “protesters”. Someone was preparing a self defense (SD) claim, Up front, in such a way that they wouldn’t have to get on the stand to bring it legally into play (the usual way that SD works in court is that the defendant has to introduce some evidence supporting SD, and then the state has to disprove at least on element Of SD beyond a reasonable doubt - but if they haven’t introduced any evidence of SD, they don’t get a SD jury instruction). For the most part, attorneys don’t want to put their witnesses on the stand to testify in their own defense. For one thing, it is much easier to impeach them under cross examination. It is primarily lawyers who think this way - thinking strategically in the moments of duress - though she did “muzzle” the “protesters”, with her finger on the trigger, much more than was warranted. In any case, I think that it is likely now that the defendants can make the inference in court that their firearms were inoperable, without the prosecution having an opportunity to ask them that question directly. They may have made her gun inoperative after the fact, and he may have given their lawyer the loaded magazine that was in his gun at the time. They just probably can’t be asked those questions.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Thistles are the wheat farmer’s curse

I'm a wheat farmer, and you can go thistle yourself, motherthistle.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

They may have made her gun inoperative after the fact,

@Bruce, perhaps, but the easiest way to make the gun inoperative after the fact is to remove the striker entirely. I still think it’s a tactical mistake to leave the house and confront the mob. Others claim to have seen at least one rioters carrying an AK, which lets the rioters open fire with a plausible self defense claim against the McCloskeys.

Birkel বলেছেন...

A good craftsman never blames his tools.

The Crack Emcee is a tool.

He must be blameless.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“@Bruce, perhaps, but the easiest way to make the gun inoperative after the fact is to remove the striker entirely. I still think it’s a tactical mistake to leave the house and confront the mob. Others claim to have seen at least one rioters carrying an AK, which lets the rioters open fire with a plausible self defense claim against the McCloskeys.”

Tactical mistake - probably. And esp with inoperable firearms. But I don’t think that the two of them showing, and even flashing her handgun around, would have justified a lethal force response on the part of an armed member of the trespassing mob. Usually, yes. But MO has one of the most aggressive Castle Doctrines in the country. First, the putative AK wielder was a trespasser. He would have been using a firearm in the commission of a crime (trespass). Secondly, the couple, on their own property, had theIr right of self defense triggered first. By the time that the AK wielder could shoot at the homeowners, the couple’s use of potentially lethal force was legally justified, and so his wouldn't have been.

I should add that the head prosecutor, St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the one in charge of indicting the couple, when the Castle Doctrine was expanded three years ago, was one of its most prominent critics. She didn’t like the law then, and doesn’t like it now. The state AG has asked for dismissal of the charges based on Gardner’s complete disregard of the state’s amended Castle Doctrine.

Jim at বলেছেন...

Over 1200 covid deaths today. Tell me again, denialists, about how low a number that is.

How many fucking times do you need to be told that dying with Covid isn't the same as dying of Covid?

They're putting all those deaths under the same umbrella and you're still running your mouth as if they mean the same thing.
