July 27, 2020

At the Monday Night Café...


... you can write about whatever you like.


narciso said...

If they didnt have double standards...


Jon Ericson said...

Very colorful.

Lucien said...

Did WaPo include a confidentiality or non-disparagement clause in its settlement with Sandman? Because MDAs are bad.

Mark said...

So, what's wrong in this scene from Alias?

Jack garottes this Russian bad guy. He takes some wire, wraps both ends around his bare hands and then tosses the wire around the bad guy's throat and strangles him.

AllenS said...

Thank you for this opportunity to express my absolute hatred for Yahoo email.

narciso said...

Doesnt alias start to ring more true than it did in 2003?

Mark said...

What's wrong, of course, is if you wind the raw wire around your hands, when you yank the wire around the bad guy's neck, the wire in not only going to cut the bad guy's neck, it is going to cut into your hands.

narciso said...

I dont watch this as a primer, on such tactics.

Big Mike said...

So what's going on now in downtown Madison? Have the statues been repair and remounted? How about storefronts? Still boarded up or have the merchants been able to reinstall glass? Who is open for business and who has to stay closed lest the mob attack?

mandrewa said...

I kind of like the photograph. It doesn't appear real even though it is real.

Also that would make a good puzzle.

narciso said...

I dont think there are very many good guys like jack bristow, but plenty of sloanes.

narciso said...

Well then:


Narayanan said...

Mark said...
So, what's wrong in this scene from Alias?
bad training + physics ignorance.

whatever happened to pointed stick (pencil) and poking through the eye0to0brain

Narr said...

The lost art of garrotting!

It's surprising how much it has been used as a legal method of execution--surprising to me anyway.

You find everything at Althouse

PJ said...

@Mark - the trick is to do it often enough to develop calluses.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

hey-- we were just, y'know, spitballin' here

@Nhannahjones, Aug 14, 2019

"The #1619Project published online today and it is my profound hope that we will reframe for our readers the way we understand our nation, the legacy of slavery, and most importantly, the unparalleled role black people have played in this democracy."

@Nhannahjones, July 27, 2020

"I've said consistently that the 1619 Project is AN origin story,
not THE origin story. Our intro says explicitly what *would* it mean
to consider 1619 our founding, not that it IS our founding"

The Crack Emcee said...

Has anybody ever told you guys that you're supposed to be "following" me on Spotify like I'm your GURU or something?

Well, you are.


PluralThumb said...

Yahoo email was no competition for AOL's 'you've got mail'. Surely there's a Hollywood romance blockbuster, but I'd prefer the such in a Hallmart channel style. Puke romance type movie non the less. I think,'non the less' is a litterary no no.

I once almost cut my finger trying to remove a hot glowing wire inside my PC desktop. All the plastic shield was burned off. Must of missed the 5V PC spec for the 3V wire spec. Lucky my finger is still intact. Or, wienershnitzel !
Just call in the dough boy. ( Pillsburry )

P.S. I was an American Citizen since 2000 and at one point I cared to learn English. Mostly from watching Monty Python or Looney Toons. Times ellude me.

I'll guesstimate that picture would get a much nicer or interesting conversation if isolated outside words and added to other pictures. I don't know. I have not tried neither blog, nor photography.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

if the "protesters" actions are considered "peaceful",

...the federal agents are responding with even more composure.

So we're all good here, right?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

In Racist Screed, NYT’s 1619 Project Founder Calls ‘White Race’ ‘Barbaric Devils,’ ‘Bloodsuckers,’ Columbus ‘No Different Than Hitler’


PluralThumb said...

Inga, flash news.
While you are defending black supremacy.
The boys are choosing white girls.
I don't mean to upset you, but being in a predominately white blog, I think this is safe to say you've been left to fend for yourself. I, in this case am considering the Lgbtqia movement if there is a good insurance policy for me.

Find a comfortable wicker chair and chill.

William said...

In three or four easy installments, I just finished watching the Lincoln Center version of Carousel. The musical presents an apologia for a wife beater. I wonder if the pc police will come for it..... Rodgers wrote his most haunting music for this show. It's kind of treacly in places, but it's depiction of a clumsy, impulsive man trying to make the right moves is either dead on or completely wrong. I don't think you're allowed to depict wife beaters in a sympathetic way anymore. The play dates back to a time when white, low class, heteronormative men could be portrayed in a sympathetic way. Nowadays, just those qualities, even without the wife beating, would be enough to damn you.

Nichevo said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Has anybody ever told you guys that you're supposed to be "following" me on Spotify like I'm your GURU or something?

Well, you are.


Is that what you said to those women in the Portland laundromat when you chased them around hitting them with the saw?

wildswan said...

"I'm a nice young woman from Wisconsin and you guys are fucking shits." Woman arrested for kicking a police officer in Portland.

One of our own showing Portland how we do it in Madison.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

how much does free speech cost?
Is it only for people with F U Money??

Rowling on Trans Therapy for Kids: 'We’re on Brink of a Medical Scandal'


n.n said...

Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought

Swedish COVID-19 deaths have continued to decline, notwithstanding a return to more travel and less social distancing, and are now down to 10 to 15 a day. According to the latest Financial Times analysis,[12] excess mortality in Sweden over 2020 to date was 5,500, or 24%. That is only about half the excess mortality percentage for the UK (45%), Italy (44%) and Spain (56%), and is also lower than for France (31%), the Netherlands (27%) and Switzerland (26%), despite Sweden not having imposed a lockdown or shut primary schools. Moreover, total mortality in Sweden over the last 24 months is now lower than over the previous 24 months, despite an upward trend in the old age population.

Flatten the curve, delay the spread ("spikes"). The mitigation efforts in the general population may be counterproductive. Then again, our population is less homogeneous, so genetic and behavioral diversity could account for the disparity. That said, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic, we have a good idea how to control infection in each scenario separately, and we have several options with well-established risk profiles to disinfect and mitigate disease progression.

Yancey Ward said...

I know this long essay has been linked here before now, but I finally got around to reading it just tonight. The Kar(en) Bs have destroyed the country by being the useful idiots.

Joe Smith said...

"Thank you for this opportunity to express my absolute hatred for Yahoo email."

I hear AOL is tricky too...

: )

Mr. Groovington said...

"Spotify is currently not available in your country."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Thanks to the folks who mention the streaming media during this lock down. Alias and others are truly helping weather this lockdown. Keep it coming, please.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Three men... with a pencil!

rehajm said...

Facebook is making lucrative deals to popular TikTok creators to move to its competing service Reels.

Elements of US are pleased since the Chinese have an unfair advantage with TikTok. They can't spy on our people like that! Only we can spy on our people like that!

rehajm said...

Has anybody ever told you guys that you're supposed to be "following" me on Spotify like I'm your GURU or something?

You're being followed but the Spinners are my gurus this am.

So much charm and debonair for one man...

rehajm said...

Thank you for this opportunity to express my absolute hatred for Yahoo email.

One line basic is the way to go. So 90s. My Yahoo! email account is so classic it's just my name...

rehajm said...

If you must wake up this morning Guardians of the Galaxy - The Complete Mix Tape will set you off right...

stevew said...

Have the recent goings on and turmoil (aka: rioting & violence) in Madison shaken our host's commitment to stay in the area or has there been a resurgence of interest in moving out? Is it all going to pass by soon or is this the way it will be until the election, and after if Trump wins?

No violence in southern Maine, though there was a 'sleep in' in Portland (ME) recently to protest the lack of affordable housing. Not only was it mostly peaceful, it was entirely peaceful and failed to "intensify'.

The Crack Emcee said...

"Whether or not Donald Trump wins re-election in November, Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan, predicts the Republican party will finally do some soul searching,..."

If they still have souls.

The Crack Emcee said...

I don't know why it takes like 3-10 tries to post, now, but it does.

buwaya said...

Peter Thiel, last year, indeed almost exactly a year ago.
The National Conservatism Conference, July 17 2019


The basic big picture on the US and global economic situation and strategy.
Also why we are coming to a political-economic-financial crisis, and why the powers that be are so rabidly anti-Trump - essentially because their short-term thinking, or rather crisis-management mode, is opposed to longer term US national interests, and is hampered by the current nationalist administration. Hence a "4D" civil war, fundamentally about money.

Silicon valley is in short at the end of its innovative abilities, the rest of "tech" is at a dead end in terms of creating productivity improvements, and their only way out is to glibalize, especially in China. Which leads to a conflict with US national interests.

Add to that that the banking system is addicted to foreign direct investment in US assets, which are these days also largely Chinese.

I summarize badly, but go listen.

If you want paranoid, listen to this all the way through. Thiel is at least as paranoid as I am, and vastly better informed, and he identifies the fundamental interests in opposition. And, I think, the root causes of the actual economic imperatives behind them. How these translate into the organization and financing of the US political opposition will require a full blown intelligence service investigation.

buwaya said...

You know, it would help if more people played a very old computer game (though there are new versions), Sid Meier's "Civilization". In this one controls exactly that, a civilization, creating strategies of economic development, conquest, settlement, ideology and technology improvement. It is entirely amoral as the real world and human history is. One deals in the factors that are truly big and actually important to survival and victory.

The lesson here is in perspective. Our personal and even sub-group problems amount to a hill of beans.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Sure, keep rubbing it in the Ginger's faces we don't have a soul Mr. Oppressed.

Don't you listen to Nick Cannon? You are the Supreme Being , and all solely (ha) because of skin tone, so by God just start acting like it for once. Just once, have some over-confidence and boisterous emotion that you just can't control. You got it better, Flaunt it, as the fella said.

"Melanin comes with compassion. Melanin comes with soul that we call it, we call it soul. We soul brothers and sisters. That’s the melanin that connects us, so the people that don’t have it are… When they were sent to the mountains of Caucasus, when they didn’t have the power of the sun, that the sun then started to deteriorate them…. [They’re] acting out of a deficiency. So therefore, the only way that they can act is evil…. They have to rob, steal, rape, kill, and fight…. They had to be barbaric. They had, because they’re in these Nordic mountains, they’re in these rough torrential environments so they’re acting as animals. So they’re the ones that are actually closer to animals." - https://www.revolt.tv/2020/7/14/21324846/nick-cannon-responds-anti-semitic-comments

buwaya said...

The "white race", really Europeans, were the conquerors of the world.
What you have now is a world that in a truly pervasive way was created by a tiny fraction of humanity.

Every other civilization - or racial group if you like - were subjugated, with various degrees of severity, or co-opted, or barely survived but only after changing themselves drastically in order to compete. Those non-Euros who came out of this best were those that changed themselves to be competitive. That is a lesson of history, you survive by adopting or adapting your opponents superior methods.

Its no good at all to cry victimhood, this is really a beggars cry, the lame wretch on the cathedral steps trying to make the church goers feel guilty. Appealing to peoples better nature, such as it is, will get you pennies.

The Crack Emcee said...

Everybody just keep doing what you're doing, pushing things in the ONLY direction a bunch of cultish, conspiracy-minded morons think to push them.

I like to watch.

If you like to listen, you know - hit me.

I think this crowd would like the "Puff1" playlist. It's still short, but I just started it. Tell me I'm wrong.

The Crack Emcee said...

Nichevo said...

"Is that what you said to those women in the Portland laundromat when you chased them around hitting them with the saw?"

First of all, it was Britain - not Portland - and those were baboons with knives and chainsaws, not me.

I resent the implication, SIR.

Good day.

Black Lives Matter.

jaydub said...

"Tell me I'm wrong." Done!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“black Lives Matter”, he said, without evidence.

The Crack Emcee said...

buwaya said...

"The "white race", really Europeans, were the conquerors of the world."

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You guys listen to Thomas Sowell but you don't HEAR him. Anybody can see, with the rise and fall of empires or individuals, there's as much luck to life as achievement (is Elvis really the "King" of anything but good timing?) The length of time whites have been on top ain't been long and your achievements - while monumental - are still of your time:

Other people started this shit, which is - pardon me - bigger, because they didn't know shit.

You guys are the world's great dividers and butchers - I've been to almost half the planet and nobody doubts it. I've found myself defending you because they go even further than I do.

That we just discovered this isa nation of rapists - for centuries - has almost gone without saying because, come on, who's surprised?

The Crack Emcee said...

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“black Lives Matter”, he said, without evidence.

Don't need evidence anymore - ask Shirley MacLaine.

The Crack Emcee said...

jaydub said...

"Tell me I'm wrong." Done!

Jaydub - you got "dub" in your name and you're dissing a musician.

That's just sad.

The Crack Emcee said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Sure, keep rubbing it in the Ginger's faces we don't have a soul Mr. Oppressed."

Prince Harry is your spirit animal.

The Crack Emcee said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Don't you listen to Nick Cannon?"

Does ANYBODY listen to Nick Cannon?

The Crack Emcee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

If they still have souls

ExplAin it to Tim Scott and John James.

The Crack Emcee said...

Big Mike said...
If they still have souls

ExplAin it to Tim Scott and John James.

You're smarter than the rest of these guys - give yourself a hand.

Michael K said...

Other people started this shit, which is - pardon me - bigger, because they didn't know shit.

You guys are the world's great dividers and butchers

Says the guy who knows no history.

Howard said...

The blue flowers ( I suspect they might be purple, but they look blue to me) in the foreground brings this picture up a couple orders of magnitude.

The Crack Emcee said...

Michael K said...

"Says the guy who knows no history."

This comment has about the same impact as being dissed by Meghan Markle.

Gahrie said...

The length of time whites have been on top ain't been long and your achievements - while monumental - are still of your time:

Human history goes back 5,000. Let's say Whites didn't get on top until Alexander the Great conquered much of the know world. He died in 323 B.C. So Whites have been on top for at least 2,343 years. That's about half of history, and it's the most important half.

What achievements overshadow those of Western Civilization?

Michael K said...

he Crack Emcee said...
Michael K said...

"Says the guy who knows no history."

This comment has about the same impact as being dissed by Meghan Markle.

Thank you for confirming my impression of you.

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