"... Steve Mnuchin for mortgage fraud-related crimes, her strong support of prosecutors in Orange County who engaged in rampant misconduct, and other tidbits — such as her previous assertion that 'it is not progressive to be soft on crime' — that could prove unflattering to Harris as the public first gets to know her on the national stage. The edits, according to the page history, have elicited strong pushback from Wikipedia’s volunteer editor brigade, and have drawn the page into controversy, though it’s a fight the pro-Harris editor is currently winning.... Last month, a Reddit user remembered this Atlantic piece and wrote a Jupyter script to see which 2020 vice presidential contender had the most edits in a span of three weeks: Harris had 408, Stacey Abrams had 66, Sen. Elizabeth Warren had 22, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar had four. Another Redditor pointed out that a majority of Harris’s edits were coming from a single person.... who goes by the username 'Bnguyen1114'...."
IN THE COMMENTS: wild chicken says:
Too bad. It sounds like some of those "damning" items would recommend her to me!
A black law-and-order candidate would be awesome.
Wouldn't it be funny if she were rather conservative deep down but had to play that Democrat game because California.
Joe Biden has dementia.
Kamala Harris slept her way into politics.
Which is more definite a reason to stop supporting a person for public office?
It's a whitewash.
"that could prove unflattering to Harris as the public first gets to know her on the national stage"
"Pilate saith unto Him, 'What is truth?'"
You mean after Chuck schumer collapsed the bank,
I wonder how journalists go about doxxing these creeps? Just a quick google search finds "Bnguyen1114" from Walnut Creek, California. This man wants to sell you his black leather biker pants. Then you find the one Vietnamese-American attorney in Walnut Creek whose first name starts with the letter "B." It would be super easy to dox the wrong person.
Too bad. It sounds like some of those "damning" items would recommend her to me!
A black law-and-order candidate would be awesome.
Wouldn't it be funny if she were rather conservative deep down but had to play that Democrat game because California.
If required, the Trump campaign can easily bring these "missing" facts to the fore, and they will have months to beat that drum.
Yeah. That's how wikipedia works, or doesn't work, for politically controversial subject. I was recently involved in a mini-war with a bunch of guys from Poland who didn't believe that (some) Poles had helped the Nazis murder Jews in the Holocaust.
Same with climate change or anything controversial.
It's mostly a numbers game. Whoever has more editors wins.
History is a fundamental problem for the left.
Always has been.
Always will be.
One "wins" editing wars on wiki by having the tacit backing of the wiki administrators. How one gets that is an interesting question.
Lets just say that there are many incentives to act in a certain way.
Harris will be a horrible running mate. Maybe the same people manipulating Wiki manipulated this poll.
A new poll indicates Democratic voters are most excited about the prospect of Kamala Harris being tapped as Joe Biden’s running mate, but are wary of Elizabeth Warren being chosen.
If the movie 1984 were filmed today it would be a documentary.
Add in a quick boob-lift and Kamala will be fully qualified to be VP. Or maybe Joe will volunteer to provide support.
Speaking of changing reality, Nancy Pelosi's latest plastic surgery has pulled her eyebrows up into the middle of her forehead.
Bao Ng also edits Biden's Wiki page quite frequently:
One "wins" editing wars on wiki by having the tacit backing of the wiki administrators. How one gets that is an interesting question.
Wikipedia is absolutely untrustworthy on any political topic.
So. Biden will out-source his needed Sister Soul-jah moment to VP candidate Kamala? Actually, that might work. As a counter-move, Van Jones and Jared might try to get Trump positioned to the left of Biden-Harris, by, say, dynamiting Mount Rushmore tomorrow night. The American Body politic is becoming an amusement park.
Orwell would love all this. Radicals can rewrite history on an hourly basis and it then passes as writ.
45 edits have been made to her Wikipedia page already today. It looks like a lot of minor changes. Is it usually like this or are they trying to bury the old edits with major changes? The page for the editor who made all of those changes has been removed but you can see the conversations with other editors about the edits he made.
The Dems have a big problem right now. China Joe Biden has backed them into a corner by promising that his running mate will be a woman, and hints that it will be a black woman. And if he hadn’t, his hand would probably be forced anyway with the BLM riots (that the Dem governors and mayors allowed, and national politicians encouraged). They were looking to lose black support at the polls, due to Trump’s appeals to them. So, they unleashed the BLM militants off their leash, to riot, loot, and burn around the country, and Bidenbis going to have a hard time picking a white VP running mate.
The problem he faces is that there just aren’t that many black women with decent track records to pick from. Abrams’ big accomplishment (besides her weight) was in being a bad loser in her race for governor. Susan Rice is well spoken, but was up to her eyebrows in the Obama Administration abuses of power against Trump. AG Barr has said that Obama and Biden are off limits, but she isn’t, and almost assuredly violated multiple federal statutes while NSA. She still might have had some immunity, except that she was involved in taking out her successor Gen Flynn, and, at a minimum, attended the WH meeting where targeting Flynn was authorized by Obama. Bad enough that Bide was the one suggesting using the Logan Act against Flynn. Worse if both members of the Dem ticket were in the meeting. She was also NSA during the Iranian deal fiasco so dear to Obama’s heart.
That essentially leaves either Harris or Michelle. Michelle though would be hugely divisive. She has no relevant experience, and most of her success as a lawyer can be attributed to having been married to an up and coming Dem politician, and the rest to her race. Harris though had a Tough On Crime record as a top prosecutor. And a large percentage of her targets were black. Didn’t matter to her - they were just statistics, to make her look good to the general public. Unfortunately for her this is exactly the wrong time for blacks to get behind a black(ish) prosecutor with a strong Tough On Crime record.
So, of course, they are trying to sanitize her record. If she is elected VP, she is guaranteed to get rich, even if she doesn’t ascend to the Presidency. But no one expects Biden to serve out his term in office. That means his VP ascending to the Presidency, which guarantees Biden’s VP choice (if he wins) the opportunity to get rich, as Biden did, and then probably to step into his shoes and the history books.
I think Wild Chicken is wrong, actually- what you are seeing today is what Harris always was- it is just that prior BT (before Trump), Democrats had to appear somewhat pro law enforcement.
Masks are coming off, not going on.
"If required, the Trump campaign can easily bring these "missing" facts to the fore, and they will have months to beat that drum."
Interesting question. How do you attack your opponent for agreeing with your position?
Serwer is struggling to convince himself that the polls aren't just as wrong this time as they were last time. He is just smart enough to feel uneasy believing polls he knows were very carefully designed to favor Biden. He can't quite put his finger on the problem, but ... better make a couple dozen references to sex and race. Yeah! That's the ticket! That's always the ticket!
Wikipedia and its anonymous and self appointed "editors" can be weird even on non controversial subjects. I few years back a national hobby club (devoted to flying model airplanes originally designed in the 1930 and 1940s) couldn't get its rather bland self description past the unknown editors. We finally just gave up. Wikipedia's loss, not ours.
She was police unions’ best friend when she was California attorney general a few years back.
But that was another place and another time.
1. Go the entry for Islam
2. Add some commentary that "Islam is not a religion of peace"
3. Cite Big Mo's behavior, his quotes, verses from the Muslims' Qur'an, as well as 1400 years of history
4. Get out your stop watch
5. Time how long it takes to be removed
This is how silly this obsession with race and people of 'color' is on the left. I wouldn't have know Kamala Harris was black unless someone told me...and they did, constantly.
Where I live there are a lot of Indians (Taj Mahal) mostly working in tech. They are four shades darker than Kamala and seem to be doing quite well in a systemically racist society. My priest (Indian) is darker than Harry Belafonte. He has two advanced degrees, speaks three languages at least, and would be a millionaire in no time if he worked in the private sector.
Hell, my Italian grandmother had much darker skin than Kamala and would be considered a white, European, colonialist oppressor by today's standards. The democrats and their obsession with race as a way to power is both sad and dangerous.
it just shows how worthless wikipedia is for anything other than them most basic information. Its run by leftist/SJW/Democrats. When they don't outright censor or edit something based on orders from the top, they have SJW's who camp out on a article, and edit/censor any suggested changes.
Years ago, I tried to rewrite several articles for historical accuracy on seemingly non-controversial historical figures, and got my changes constantly deleted by an Democrat/SJW who wanted the article to push the "White men always bad" party line. The fact that articles included lies was irrelevant.
R C Belaire: "If required, the Trump campaign can easily bring these "missing" facts to the fore, and they will have months to beat that drum."
We are about to witness an entire media complex decide, like Big Tech, that they are not going to run Trump commercials or cover Trump campaign events.
I'm hoping Harris will be selected or Stacy Abrams. America wants a bossy black woman in charge. Competency is irrelevant.
This is why wikipedia is useless for recent political topics & needs to be regarded with suspicion on any topic even vaguely controversial. One "editor" with an axe to grind can skew a topic for quite some time.
I think it’s just her loyal people’s wishful thinking that Biden will pick Harris.
Can’t imagine why he would, though. He’ll win California with or without her. But she’ll hurt him in other places that are “must wins”.
No, he’s better off with someone else. Course he’s also suffering from dementia so he’s not making the pick. His handlers are.
The idea that Harris was a tough prosecutor came from her Democrat opponents on her run for the presidency. As a (now retired) career prosecutor in Los Angeles, I can tell you she was a typical left-wing politician that was not pro-law enforcement.
Elihu Yale is being scrubbed up on Wiki too, with references to slavery and slavery trading being removed.
It's interesting that the democrat's VP spot is really a presidential pick for 2021 as Joe's dementia will require him to step down within the first year of his presidency. Do the american people really want to intrust that responsibility with Willie Brown's fuck bitch?
Living in california I am not aware of anything she has ever done as senator and vaguely remember her going after weed smokers and truants in bay area because she was trying to help the black community but that's about it. Harry Truman she ain't.
This reminds me of Wiki locking John Edwards's page when he was being so unfairly accused of fathering the baby his campaign manager was raising. Hahahahaha.
5 Ways For Freshness Anytime. That less-than-fresh feeling doesn’t always wait for when you have time to hop on the Maddow show. So Wikipedia created Summer’s Eve® Cleansing Cloths - perfect for those times, like after wrongfully convicting a POC for the third strike or as a quick refresher between the violent police beating and the inevitable exoneration. Only Summer’s Eve® give you 5 fresh benefits in 1 convenient cloth.
Wouldn't it be funny if she were rather conservative deep down but had to play that Democrat game because California.
Yeah sure... but then that's how we end up with people like Chief Justice Roberts still willing to play that Democrat game because...
Willie Brown was "... most excited about the prospect of Kamala Harris being tapped".
Much more historically accurate.
Kamala is Hindu raised by her Indian mother. Her father was Anglo-African land owner in Jamaica whose plantation always had African slaves. Go figure. Her sister and Kampala were named for the Hindu deities they were dedicated to at birth. The point is that Kamalabelieves in a Caste system. That makes her a fit with the Dems who have always honored slavery.
This is why Wikipedia is useless for any topic touched by politics.
"At least one highly dedicated Wikipedia user has been scrubbing controversial aspects of [Kamala] Harris’s..." LOL - you mean a disciple of "Baghdad Bob" and "Goebbels - propogandist all. I love the way they sugar coat it - liars all.
Yeah, this sort of thing happens on Wikipedia all the time regarding anything controversial. Wikipedia is great for many things, but this is not one of them. And this has been going on since Wikipedia was founded.
For more absurd examples, there have been situations where Wikipedia claimed that a person held such-and-such position. When the person objected on the grounds that they did not and had never supported such-and-such position, the Wikipedia editor refused to let the actual person remove the comment or even include his side of the story. Basically, anyone with an obsession can rewrite the article as he or she sees fit and then block anyone from changing it. Trust Wikipedia at your own risk, and never use it as anything other than a starting point for research.
Of one thing you can be sure: Kamala Harris has always been for Kamala Harris, first and foremost. And the way she has oozed her way upward through California's toxic political scene is a matter of common record that Wikipedia will struggle to distract from. That her Jamaican father occasionally comes out and publicly refutes her take on things is ........rather telling.
"Too bad. It sounds like some of those "damning" items would recommend her to me!
A black law-and-order candidate would be awesome."
...her strong support of prosecutors in Orange County who engaged in rampant misconduct...."
So, supporting prosecutors who engaged in professional misconduct is a mark of a "law-and-order" candidate?
Sorry, but "law and order" means the police and the prosecutors and judges and all officers of the court must also abide by the law and be held accountable to it.
Kamala Harris was/is a careerist fraud.
"History is a fundamental problem for the left."
Who involved in this is of the left? Certainly not Kamala Harris.
Ken B said...
Elihu Yale is being scrubbed up on Wiki too, with references to slavery and slavery trading being removed.
"Elihu, will you come and loofah my whip marks?"
There is nothing conservative about Harris.
Do the democrats really believe that women want the first woman president to be a political sugar baby (or political gold digger)? This is a distinct possibility given Biden's potential mental health issues.
I don't think many women would like the idea of their first being one who "slept her way" into her first jobs. I would hope that most would prefer a woman who got there on her own
Why would this be an surprising, China Joe Biden's wiki was scrubbed pertaining to his wealthy side of his family and the inheritance his father gambled and drank away.
As a (now retired) career prosecutor in Los Angeles, I can tell you she was a typical left-wing politician that was not pro-law enforcement.
I understand that her blow jobs were pretty good, though. Good enough for Willie any way and Willie is a discerning man.
Since the usual pattern is that politicians play to their base during the primaries and then play to the center during the general election, I suspect that those edits will be undone if Harris gets the VP nomination.
"At least one highly dedicated Wikipedia user has been scrubbing controversial aspects of [Kamala] Harris’s 'tough-on-crime' record from her Wikipedia page, her decision not to prosecute..."
I was going to guess it was a pretend lawyer from Michigan doing that pro-Harris editing......
"I think Wild Chicken is wrong, actually-"
Welp, didn't I say "wouldn't it be funny if" because of course it's unlikely. Very.
Any good sense they have is beaten out of them by identity politics.
This level of foolishness is beneath mere stupidity. It says a lot that anyone thinks that if Kamala Harris is Biden's choice for VP that oppo research would turn to Wikipedia for information.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"History is a fundamental problem for the left."Who involved in this is of the left? Certainly not Kamala Harris..." 7/3/20, 12:19 PM
Really? You obviously don't know Harris or you're infatuated with her public persona.
The "Law and Order" tag is a pure fictional narrative.
Moreover, she hasn't been near Willie Brown in 15 years, so as they say in politics, her politics became malleable and drifted towards the Left [no choice - you can't win in S.F. anymore even if you're Willie Brown].
Stalinist - the collective are Stalinist in spades.
Wouldn't it be funny if she were rather conservative deep down but had to play that Democrat game because California."
In an alternate universe that might be true. In this one she is just an opportunist.
Ask Willie Brown for a character reference.
"in an alternate universe that might be true."
Well I can dream. ANY kind of law and order candidate would be fine about right now.
I hope Trump lays it on thick in the fall.
Wouldn't be funny if she was "rather conservative".
Well, yes. Except that never happens. Who was the last Democrat - elected VP or President - who turned out to be more Right-wing then their campaign rhetoric? I'd say Grover Cleveland.
Kamala/Booker funny biz with Juicy Smollet may hit the fan also
Wikipedia is an interesting place. For anything obscure that few care about, Merovingian kings, for example, or Old English poetry, or Kierkegaard, or Icelandic sagas - Wikipedia is excellent.
It is also good and reliable in hard science and technology.
For anything having to do with aspects of history more important to those with axes to grind - modern history, or American, or Balkan (all the way to pre-history - Balkan history is a bumpy ride, don’t forget your seatbelt), of things that attract cranks like Sumer or Sanskrit - Wikipedia is highly politicized and unreliable.
Also anything LGBT or having to do with race/class/gender, or Islam.
“Wikipedia is an interesting place. For anything obscure that few care about, Merovingian kings, for example, or Old English poetry, or Kierkegaard, or Icelandic sagas - Wikipedia is excellent.”
Back when I was writing a lot of patents, I would use Wikipedia a lot for the Background section of patent applications. I knew that the stuff I was using wasn’t controversial, and wasn’t giving anything away. More recently, I find myself going down Wikipedia rabbit holes a lot. For example, I might be reading Dr K’s medical autobiography. He will mention a medical term, and usually define it a bit. But I may want more, link to Wikipedia from Kindle, and not come back for a half an hour or so, as I follow terms from article to article. Great fun. Do it sometimes with history and geography too. Flowed links around a week or so ago in regards to Native American genetics.
I remember getting lost like this in K-12, and esp Jr High, with our World Book Encyclopedia. But Wikipedia is so much easier and is much less bounded. It was probably to my advantage back in K-12, when my parents could put a stop to it, when they noticed the encyclopedia volumes stacking up on a week night when I was supposed to be studying, but rarely was. Now, retired, no one cares, except, on occasion, my partner, when I become obsessed about something during what she terms ‘family time”, which usually means dinner time. I find myself losing myself more late nights in Wikipedia now that Althouse is moderating, and there are no longer scintillating late, late night conversations on her blog.
"Who was the last Democrat - elected VP or President - who turned out to be more Right-wing then their campaign rhetoric?"
Easy one: Barack Obama. Before that, Bill Clinton.
Shocked, I tell you! Shocked!
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