July 27, 2020

5:46 a.m.



rcocean said...

Another great photo. Ever think of using a real camera, or is your Apple phone just as good?

rcocean said...

Its sad to see the time of dawn creeping up day after day. Summer is ending, of course we have another six weeks, but we're on the downside. sometimes i feel like buying a house in South America, so I can have two summers every year.

Ken B said...

How do we know that's Lake Mendota ? You say it is, but why should we believe something someone said on the internet? Maybe it’s a false flag lake pretending to be Lake Mendota. I just want proof. Where is the real reporting? Not Andy Ngo level stuff, not some amateur just putting up a photo and making claims, but the *real* reporters from *real* newspapers like NYT. Provide links!

Nonapod said...

I'm looking forward to the coffee table book "Madison Sunrises" by Ann Althouse.

traditionalguy said...


Lewis said...

If you have not seen a drunken horse then you should, probably, shoot yourself.

Inga said...

Lovely. I especially like the sunrises where the sky and clouds are dark above the sun.

Lewis said...

Apples, the cider in them, and, yet, they eat them up - you say 'No','Stop it' but they do - and, absolutely wild!!!

madAsHell said...

Why do liberals always need to pronounce their progressive liberal credentials at the dinner table?

I struggled here with the verb. Should it be announce, or pronounce? It turns out the both verbs come from the same Latin source.

So, I went with pronounce because only a pompous ass would announce his virtue as progressive liberalism.

Tommy Duncan said...

He's just the Stuff of Legends

Jon Ericson said...

It's more ignorant to rush to believe things that may not be true than it is to be skeptical of things that may be true. The latter is critical thinking. The former is credulousness.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Has anybody seen Althouse with a mask 😷?


Lewis said...

I want 'disaster' - like a rounded dinner - wouldn’t disaster be good for me? - Like another meal! And yet how am I losing? Well, count the ways. Everything is sinking and I'm to blame.

Ann Althouse said...

"Ever think of using a real camera, or is your Apple phone just as good?"

I am out running, so I don't want to carry anything more.

rehajm said...

I'm seeing lots of masks- as litter, on the ground, in the bushes. Any lefties out there want to take up that cause?

Gahrie said...

@Ken B: I was thinking about writing the same type of post...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"White House petition to investigate Gates foundation garners more than 600,000 signatures"


signed by men in shorts?

Nichevo said...

Ken B said...
How do we know that's Lake Mendota ? You say it is, but why should we believe something someone said on the internet? Maybe it’s a false flag lake pretending to be Lake Mendota. I just want proof. Where is the real reporting? Not Andy Ngo level stuff, not some amateur just putting up a photo and making claims, but the *real* reporters from *real* newspapers like NYT. Provide links!

IKR!? Horrible, like a baby thrown out of a car window onto the freeway at 70 mph. (See, that's the kind of thing that's horrible, not any verbal fracas insufficiently fine-tuned for effete tastes. Horrible means nothing if Biden's horrible slurs of racism against PDT go unrepudiated yet Biden still has your vote.)

Evidence! Evidence or GTFO.

Ken B said...

Ignore the lasers! Ignore the lasers!

“OK Ken B, aside from the lasers, and rocks, and the fires, and the fireworks, and the buzz saws, and the shooting, and the fist fights, and the head kicks, and the roadblocks, what violence do you mean?”

The lasers are ubiquitous, and they are accepted and tolerated by the crowd.

Ken B said...

Another non NYT link, so it doesn’t count https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1287539171083485184

Lewis said...

My dad is just another whisky away from death.

What a fool! "You talk about 'social-distancing'", he says, "I've been doing that since I was born!" My mum wasn't very kind to him - nor he to her - so most of my life he's been hiding in a hole somewhere in Morecambe. Never been there, don't care to, but I know it's a shithole.
So how is he coping, this alleged 'dad' of mine? Cantankerously, badly - he, of course, thought from the beginning, it was a conspiracy, directed at him, specifically to stop him seeing me or what's left of my mum, cooked up by a confederacy of fascists. You should hear him on happy, clappy Thursdays - I'm told he just shouts out the window - he lives in an attic, cliche, I know - he just shouts out "Fascists, fascists!" His mantra being "Privatise the NHS - sack them all!" Embarrassing and I know he doesn't mean half of it but I get his point.
Which gets me to mine - my dad is drinking himself to death. Yesterday, he phoned me up - or, rather, left a message - I never answer him - saying he's got the shakes real bad. What is he, who is he, Robert Johnson?! He can't stop shaking, he says. He tried to stop drinking and went straight into cold turkey and when the earth started moving, he thought, o shit, I better go back on the sauce. Apparently, it was to late. It took a whole day before he could lift a cup without shattering his teeth or spilling his gin all over the place.
You see - he's always been in despair - at least, since he ran away from us. Never betrayed my mother, always been in love with her, lived like a stupid monk, frightened of the 'world'. But he had a kind of naive faith in his fellow British, what he calls, working class - a rude bunch of sods, he thought, illiterate, without memory or future, without purpose, but decent, obdurate, right thinking. Now they come out of their houses to praise the state!
So he's one whisky away from death.
What to do? How do you restore 'hope' to a man like him? He's very resilient, so he'll probably, eventually, restore himself - but it's gonna take some work and this time he might not survive that 'work'.
I suppose I'll have to see him. It will be disgusting but I'll have to talk to him, my dad.

Ken B said...


Here is AP's lead federal law enforcement reporter spreading nonsense about witnessing attacks in Portland. So obviously he made it up. Just ask Jerry Nadlerhouse.


Ken B said...

It’s spelled Nader but it’s pronounced Leuchter.

Anthony said...

I woke up this morning with some sensitive skin and minor chest congestion (zero fever), so following what I know to be proper public health guidelines, I shall mostly self-isolate until it goes away or I determine what it is.

Probably some allergen kicked up by the rain we had last Friday (Arizona).

Wait, it simply canNOT be the Covids because everyone wears masks here.

Jon Ericson said...


rhhardin said...

There's obviouly smart people who I can't listen to for some reason, for instance Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Tyler Cowen. I think because they shut off avenues that ought to be open in their analysis, to protect their expertise. To keep the conversation from going wrong.

Joe Smith said...

"I'm looking forward to the coffee table book "Madison Sunrises" by Ann Althouse."

There are so many, she could put them all in a 'flip book' and it would look like a movie : )

Btw, AA, this is a really good one...

Ken B said...

I find those two, especially Cowen, are often very opaque. I think Cowen must have developed a secret language that I cannot understand. I generally agree with Taleb on stats, but his eruptions of Ego, prejudice and question begging irk me no end.

tcrosse said...

Presumably it’s not a real camera if it comes bundled with a phone and a computer.

narciso said...

he doesn't suffer fools, it's expresses itself in his statements


gadfly said...

With all the concern about which minority woman should run as Joe Biden's Veep, it seems to me that the former VP missed the most obvious candidate who actually spent eight years in the Obama White House.

No, I am not talking about talentless Michelle, I mean the person who actually made decisions on Barry Soetoro's behalf - Valerie Jarrett! The last I heard, she remains camped out in the Obama manse.

Lewis said...

I know my mind - why have one if one doesn't understand? The rottenness of my lungs - like drowning everyday - one reaches for air - what does one find? Nothing. All I'm looking for is someone to be my equal. The man who fell to earth. Like an Angel falling - he doesn’t stop falling. One keeps drinking and smoking - to avoid what is inevitable - death.

Lewis said...

Do you understand how terrible this is for me? How difficult? Of course - meaningless. I want to cook - I have the onion and garlic - but I must force myself there - how hard is that?

Gahrie said...

No, I am not talking about talentless Michelle, I mean the person who actually made decisions on Barry Soetoro's behalf - Valerie Jarrett! The last I heard, she remains camped out in the Obama manse.

She's probably not eligible, although the issue has never been litigated. If she did become VP, she definitely could not replace Biden. She was born in Iran.

Lewis said...

Let's fall into, the sun, to the moon, let's dropp on any planet you chose - but what is the point? One comes home, if one can and must, to 'mask' wearing bastards, who are cowards. What have they done, name one thing, a single thing?

Lewis said...

I wrote great poetry, really great poetry - I can't do it now because I hate myself - but I did it

Lewis said...

Ask Not

Falling down – and, last night, probably
Bashed about – to deserve happiness
Or be punished. Please don’t ask.

Lewis said...

To Hannah Arrant

O, Hannah, there is always this:
Between the past and the future
There is this: dead? No, but
Wanting this ‘past’, always hoping
(‘Killed by hope’) for merely a summer:
A field, a forest, the wilder, wilder flowers.

Lewis said...


The sadness in a joke
Is the surprise it cannot give:
You look, then, in that face
With a question that is wrong
Asking “Are you real?”
The reply always “Yes!” meaning “No.”

Lewis said...

Merely A Poem

Alone but for the involuntary
Company of tinnitus,
the ghost of wall, floor, ceiling,
Once again a silence dividing
The drowned and the stranded.
behind only brutal hope, The thousand humiliations
Of a world expected, taken for granted:
A love that’s merely a poem?

Lewis said...

‘So That Everything Becomes Attenuated’

So that everything becomes attenuated.
I do not allow the silence necessary
To take on that silence. The art of the fugue
I have learnt the best and to unlearn it I need
More than a figurative closeness. I am not
Strong enough merely to function on sympathy.
Without the juvenescence and expecting
The unexpectable I have to long and to well
Tortured myself with the impossible.
‘JeÅ¡t? nevyslovené’ - a future that may not exist.
Some things may never be said, some poems (the best)
Are rightly never written: Is that it, the silent place
Towards which we are going, the sacred place,
The place for only the silent? And all these words, then,
The barbarism of an era, the superficial,
The overloud chatter as the frightened anticipation
Of dreaded departure? Like the abandonment
Of this house, the security that it offered,
The mother that it was. A silence that exists,
O fearfully exists, now, if only I would listen,
If only I was to refuse the usual and continuous
Distractive absorptions of the temporary.
Sometimes. Never once truly.