“Why are you protecting it?!”
— Sagnik Basu (@_sagnikbasu) June 27, 2020
BLM activist gets into a verbal exchange with an older black guy who was speaking up against tearing the statue down.#emancipationstatue pic.twitter.com/4crUOJhDFP
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
“Why are you protecting it?!”
— Sagnik Basu (@_sagnikbasu) June 27, 2020
BLM activist gets into a verbal exchange with an older black guy who was speaking up against tearing the statue down.#emancipationstatue pic.twitter.com/4crUOJhDFP
The ignorance on the Left has reached tidal wave proportions.
Is this woman in a relationship? I see myself spending my declining years in her loving arms.
That gynsplaining failed to convince me.
Hysterical Karen. Typical example of what the 19th amendment gave us.
Needs subtitles. She seems upset.
"who paid for it?"
I think this may be related to these events, Althouse. I see the same sign-holding elderly gentleman in this picture. I am assuming the source of your video is not Posobiec. I also know I could be wrong.
One America News journalist Jack Posobiec was assaulted by a self-described member of Antifa - the violent leftist designated a terrorist organization less than one month ago.
Who paid for it vs. why are we fighting.
Progs don't need no stinking answers.
For the time being, they still have to yell, and some blacks will talk back. But not much longer.
Who cares that freed slaves paid for the statue, or that Frederick Douglass spoke at it's unveiling. It needs to go, because history must be denied.
Anger vs reason.
Hysterical (old school).
Wow. That young lady is an excellent representative of BLM thought and tactics. Can’t wait to contribute to her cause.
Go scream at the sky, woman. Fucking screech owl.
I am again embarrassed by my sex.
Or is it gender.
Because it was never about black rights being infringed. It was about pushing a leftist agenda by any means. Schumer and Pelosi evidently don't know who George Floyd is. Probably think it's a 70s rock band.
Been my experience that loud screaming leaves the throat raw, delicate tissue damaged, more likely to pass airborne pathogens into the blood.
One of several recent videos circulating recently, young "activist" violently screaming.
Somebody is motivating these young people, most often female, to this behavior.
I'm not sure that was an exchange.
The solipsistic idealism of the young and stupid; somebody yells at me like that in the time of COVID and they'll get a smack in the mask.
Dumb bitch ought to be on a leash
Worst optics ever. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but it looks bad for someone of her appearance to be lecturing Frederick Douglas.....How is it possible that so many people for so many generations went through their entire life without ever once being enraged by a statue, and now statues inspire incoherent rage.
If ever a face needed to be slapped, it's hers.
Its black Man Saturday here at Althouse.
Part of the national conversation on race.
I’m sure Barack could have reasoned with her.
That's one really hysterical bitch. Thee is no other way to adequately describe her.
I saw this last night. Spectacular. Google triggly-puff for a campus example from a few years ago.
There is another video of this same gentlemen talking to the crowd. He's impressive.
I think there's "school" where people like that woman are taught to raise their voices and scream hysterically as a news-cycle-winning tactic. But sometimes I also think that each Screamer has previously been surrounded and screamed at in a struggle session; and that there they lost their human integrity. Maybe that's what happened to the Mayor of Madison. Lots of people would get up and walk away when they saw themselves being abused verbally - that's still possible. But the ones that break are then taught to go out and do unto others what they allowed to be done unto themselves. Possibly, you could never have a conversation or dialogue with Screamers - they aren't angry over injustice, they are re-enacting their own personal destruction.
I would venture the older, black gentleman knows the history of the statue and why it is there while the young white BLM activist - why are they always angry, young, white women? - knows absolutely nothing about it. She made an absolute fool of herself, as they all do. Someone needs to put her in her place - permanently.
These are children.
BTW, the FBI has posted the pictures of 15 antifa that defaced a statue of George Washington. 11 of the 15 suspects are WHITE. But lets go back to pretending this is a Black vs. White problem.
Will the MSM Go All in on the Althea Bernstein Hate Crime Story Out of Madison?
It is difficult to listen to the hysterical screeching.
The young woman has obviously never had her world view challenged. As a result, she is completely unhinged.
This appears to be a dominant psychological trait of the college indoctrinated Left.
'If you want a vision of the future, imagine a loon screeching in Frederick Douglass's face - forever."
--George Orwell
She seems reasonable.
I bet she votes democratic.
OMG--Why do we let this go on. Shouting and screaming is not free speach, it is the immature/childish way. It is not a way to make a point. But, so many are getting away with this type of action!! Are we not adults who can and should correct them.
I didn't understand a word she said. Does she really believe she can turn people to her point of view by screaming in their face like that? Good thing she had a mask on to filter the potential virus out of the spittle she was spewing in that poor mans face.
Grovel before that horrible screeching bitch who is yelling at that sweet old man.
Or else.
It is the rise of the Twigglypuffs.
"BTW, the FBI has posted the pictures of 15 antifa that defaced a statue of George Washington. 11 of the 15 suspects are WHITE. But lets go back to pretending this is a Black vs. White problem."
How many Hawaiian shirts?
The mask makes it harder to detect her rabies.
“Older black guy”
Man portraying Frederick Douglass, and quite well, apparently.
Too bad Hitler never though of cloaking his racism and fascism in Black rights. You can get away with anything.
Did you people notice how those older gentlemen diffused the situation without billy club, taser or glock?
The "shout down" was taught and promoted on University Campuses. The more annoying the pitch of the voice, the more effective the technique. This girl's got it down.
Johnathan Birks said...
Because it was never about black rights being infringed. It was about pushing a leftist agenda by any means. Schumer and Pelosi evidently don't know who George Floyd is. Probably think it's a 70s rock band.
Pelosi called him George Kirby the other day, Schumer referred to him as Floyd Taylor.
What WildSwan said at 8:56.
Yep. The behavior is irrational and self destructive. Some may be so unhinged as to fall into that pit without a push. Most I think, are goaded into it - as you suggest, by organized trainers quite willing to sacrifice the mental and physical health of pawn to achieve a political objective.
Of the people witnessing this degrading behavior, I believe:
..most see no cogent argument for removal of the statue; see supporters of statue removal as an unhinged fringe.
..some, although repelled by the behavior, will be persuaded against all logic to favor removal.
..a very small number will be attracted by the violent behavior; they are new recruits for the cult.
I think he's protecting it because that patriotic man is more southern than he is black.
And southern pride is very strong. Stronger than pride in America itself!
So that's why he's protecting it. Heck - he wouldn't even be here today if southern slave owners hadn't fed and sheltered his ancestors. Did the union army or American policy even do anything as nice for him as that? Hell no!
Those men were not fighting her.
She is deeply ignorant. Perhaps hopelessly ignorant.
Her miseducation deprived her.
"Are we not adults who can and should correct them."
The opportunity to do that with this young woman passed 20 years ago.
The art of persuasion.
She does not seem to be white, but a mulata.
The gentlemen, very patient fellows, are wearing "black" armor, which most of the police are not.
My daughter used to throw shrieking tantrums like that, but in her defense she was three and just needed her nap.
Going forward, artists should include a liquidated damages clause in the contract -- if the statute is ever removed without my consent the city must pay me $1,000,000.
I suspect that she actually knows who paid for the statue, but she really, really, really doesn't want to say that former slaves paid for the statue,
My 3 year old daughter, when faced with me telling her to do, or not to do, something that went against her wishes, would cry and ask, "Why are you yelling at me?" Didn't matter what my tone of voice was. I was "yelling" if my statement differed from her 3-year old's desires.
She grew out of it, partly because I laughed aloud every time she broke down and used this ridiculous type of argument, partly because she became able to defend her position verbally, rationally, using facts and well defined arguments. She is now a competent adult.
The female in this video is screaming, "Why are you fighting me?" as she Mau-Mau's a flack catcher at a protest. The female is acting like an irrational 3 year old, and the barely-suppressed laughter of the two older gents made my day.
Literally, what was she smoking?
Pants On The Ground
We have a common history, with shared principles, 1/2 the country never indulged diversitist thoughts and prescriptions, let's reconcile and move together in solidarity.
That said, she should know that her mask is worthless in the heat and physical vigor of protests. And rather than glasses, she should wear goggles to mitigate the risk of viral transmission.
wildswan at 8:56. You said it for me.
"Verbal exchange." I'm glad the internet is forever.
This is a sickness. We keep seeing it over and over. Young white people who are protesting ostensibly because black lives matter to them, screaming hysterically at black people. It's bizarro world.
Race-mongers must smile when they see this. Another generation under their thumb. Decades of leftist identity politics inculcated in the young through the educational system and media propaganda have pushed many young people over the edge.
Who wants this insanity? The race-hustlers who earn their livelihood from it, the DNC media moguls who get rich off it, and the sometimes well-intentioned white, liberal useful-idiots who feel "woke" pushing race and gender issues non-stop.
For the latter group, they seem to need "RACISM!" to exist in order to justify their feelings of superiority over conservatives and Republicans. They need a reason to look down on, and for some, to hate "those deplorable people". So in spite of all the racial progress made in this country the educated liberals broaden the original meaning of racism and embrace made-up concepts like "white privilege" and "white fragility", which are themselves racist concepts.
Ordinary Americans of all races do not want this insanity. We need to be brave enough to say ENOUGH!
Howard said...
Did you people notice how those older gentlemen diffused the situation without billy club, taser or glock?
You're just jealous because your kids do not follow her fine example.
Wisconsin Republican Alliance said...
I think he's protecting it because that patriotic man is more southern than he is black.
And southern pride is very strong. Stronger than pride in America itself!
So that's why he's protecting it. Heck - he wouldn't even be here today if southern slave owners hadn't fed and sheltered his ancestors. Did the union army or American policy even do anything as nice for him as that? Hell no!
6/27/20, 10:36 AM
What a great comment, Ritmo. It's a pity that you can't own those words under your own name.
I hope she didn't scream COVID-19 particles on those men.
"This is what Democrats look like."
In addition to Lincoln, the Emancipation Memorial depicts a real-life former slave, Archer Alexander, who was the last slave in Missouri taken up under the fugitive-slave law, who is not kneeling, but beginning to stand up, honoring him by showing him "breaking his chains and rising from his knees."
The memorial shows Alexander "exerting his own strength with strained muscles in breaking the chain which had bound him." In this way, it makes "the emancipated slave an agent in his own deliverance," as explained at the time by James Yeatman, President of the Western Sanitary Commission, which cared for the Civil War’s refugees in the western states, including wounded soldiers, widows, orphans, and freed slaves, and helped erect the monument.
Typical example of what the 19th amendment gave us.
Until the 14th Amendment, the Constitution did not discriminate by sex, other than an implicit affirmation in "our Posterity". The 19th Amendment was not of the Constitution per se, but of the 14th Amendment which mistakenly, explicitly introduced sex into the Constitutional framework for the first time. The 19th Amendment also created a uniform law governing civil rights in a sex-blind fashion, where before it was piecewise. That said, there are women on both sides and straddling the wall, men, too. Then came the Twilight Amendment and its progressive reign of terror and mischief.
RMc said: "If ever a face needed to be slapped, it's hers."
Then she needs a good spanking. She's a spoiled child who's never been told "No."
Bags, Remember the B-racial woman in Madison, burned by 4 racists? Well, she says two of them were wearing Hawaiian shirts. I wonder thy the Madison PD omitted that. Boogaloo infiltration?
I'm honestly concerned for the health of the two men who had a long confrontation with a young woman who is screeching directly in their face. If she has COVID, they probably do now too.
@Althouse, regarding your "destruction of art" tag, did they teach you about Entartete Kunst when you got your BFA? We're heading there, and your side of the political spectrum that's leading the way.
For those who have not read the speech that Frederick Douglass gave on April 14, 1876, at the dedication of the Freedmen's Monument, it puts Douglass among the immortals. Here is a link:
Of particular interest is the way he puts distance between Lincoln and black Americans ("Lincoln was not our man or our model...he was preeminently the white man's president, entirely devoted to the welfare of white men...") and then uses that distance to present a balanced, admiring, and ultimately heroic appraisal of Lincoln.
In discussing how black Americans viewed Lincoln, Douglass notes that they saw, estimated, and measured him "not by stray utterances to injudicious and tedious delegations, who often tried his patience; not by isolated facts torn from their connection; not by any partial and imperfect glimpses, caught at inopportune moments; but by a broad survey, in the light of the stern logic of great events..." This is a brilliant rebuke to those who criticize Lincoln in pieces without reference to his mission and his times. We live in a world where too many seek advantage by trumpeting isolated facts torn from their connection.
In another passage, Douglass says, "Any man can say things that are true of Abraham Lincoln, but no man can say anything that is new of Abraham Lincoln." Douglass says Lincoln's personal traits and public acts are better known to the American people than are those of any other man of his age. Yet here we are, 150 years later, trying to say new things about Lincoln. Read Douglass's speech. They have all been said before. But the shouters and the squealers are trying to give these things new, false meanings.
"Few great public men have ever been the victims of fiercer denunciation than Abraham Lincoln was during his administration. He was often wounded in the house of his friends. Reproaches came thick and fast upon him from within and from without, and from opposite quarters. He was assailed by Abolitionists; he was assailed by slaveholders; he was assailed by the men who were for peace at any price; he was assailed, by those who were for a more vigorous prosecution of the war; he was assailed for not making the war an abolition war; and he was bitterly assailed for making the war an abolition war."
Finally, this is what the the shouters and the squealers want to remove. From Douglass's conclusion: "When now it shall be said that the colored man is soulless, that he has no appreciation of benefits or benefactors; when the foul reproach of ingratitude is hurled at us, and it is attempted to scourge us beyond the range of human brotherhood, we may calmly point to the monument we have this day erected to the memory of Abraham Lincoln."
If I were a black American, I would cringe and then rebel at this dishonoring of the donors--freedmen all--Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln.
"Francisco D said...
It is difficult to listen to the hysterical screeching.
The young woman has obviously never had her world view challenged. As a result, she is completely unhinged.
This appears to be a dominant psychological trait of the college indoctrinated Left."
Indeed, it is a walking example of this chick's amygdala firing off so hard as to cause her intense psychological pain. She needs to do whatever it takes for her pain to subside and allow her to feel better. Triggering that meltdown causes their brain to shut down and reboot.
She needs to do whatever it takes for her pain to subside and allow her to feel better.
1 Steely Dan set to overdrive
1 winebox
1 28oz Haagen-Dazs dill pickle flavor
Howard- it's 'dfused', not 'diffused'.
Be smarter than your spellchecker.
'defused', dammit.
0_0: Roger, wilco
The old guy should have punched her in the face. Who the hell is she to argue she is fighting for him? Typical Marxist asshole who thinks she is the Vanguard of Proletariat.
I'm sorry 0_0 or do you perfer to be referd as "Double Aught" ? That sounds way more toughly and manlike. I thought you were joking, making fun of sprelling pendants, but you our won who doth hoistith on his own petard. Nice!
My first thought was that it was wrong to use the incoherent rantings of an obviously deranged person to represent to position of the current-day inconoclasts.
Then I remembered the news and realized that she was the MOST articulate spokesperson for that position that I'd heard.
After listening to this woman screech, I think I finally have to get fitted for a hearing aid.
Very seriously, I had no idea what what her screaming meant. Is the purpose to impress upon others you are a hysterical hyena? Or.... what?
After listening to this woman screech, I think I finally have to get fitted for a hearing aid.
Very seriously, I had no idea what what her screaming meant. Is the purpose to impress upon others you are a hysterical hyena? Or.... what?
Howard, I doubt you know what a petard is.
Do tell me how 'diffused' was a typo.
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