June 30, 2020

"What happens if it's a 'Flight 93 Election' and your side is corkscrewing down into the earth?"

That's the prospect facing once and possibly future Trumpists. It's undeniable at this point: Trump's falling behind and flailing. He's alienating white voters, and not gaining enough of any other kind.... If Trump loses, and in the process Democrats retain the Senate and win back the House [sic], they will have the chance to do big things. On many issues, they’re split — but one big thing they’ll be able to agree on is passing a giant Gang-of-8 style amnesty bill.... They see a mass influx of immigrants (not irrationally) as the guarantor of a more liberal electorate on into the future. And it will be irreversible, Once you amnesty you can't go back.....  [W]e'll be a nation open to the planet's free moving labor.... Second and Third Worlders stands ready to flood the market anytime wages increase (or even when they don’t).... [That]'s why the fantasizing about Trump abandoning his attempt at reelection should probably be taken seriously and even egged on... Trump himself is clearly thinking a lot about losing these days, as when he mused, absurdly, that President Joe Biden would have to finish his border wall. 'And he’s going to be your President because some people don’t love me maybe.'... The Democrats’ nominee is so weak that Republicans... might still have a chance at retaining the White House...."

Writes Mickey Kaus in "A Time to Bail... Trumpism is more important than Trump."

Pence is the most obvious choice if Trump withdraws, but Kaus also names, Mitt Romney, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Nikki Haley, and Mitch Daniels.


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Sebastian said...

Mitt Romney?!

"What happens if it's a 'Flight 93 Election' and your side is corkscrewing down into the earth?""

There's was always a tiny problem with the metaphor in the first place.

Bilwick said...

Mitt Romney??? Uncle Mitt, the docile house Republican desperate for the love and affection of Massa Liberal on the Plantation? That's who's going to protect us from the Hive?

mccullough said...

It would have to be Tom Cotton.

He’s the only populist in that group.

And he’s so much younger than Biden.

Shawn Levasseur said...

I swear I heard a laugh track at the mention of Mitt Romney.

Kay said...

I’m starting to read a few more opinions like this from the right, but I still can’t bring myself to believe that the Donald would lose the next election. I feel like the only chance Biden would have at winning is if he made Obama his vp pick. And that probably would never happen. And if it did, I’m not even 100% sure it would work.

The Crack Emcee said...

Without Trump the GOP is toast.

Michael K said...

Mickey is usually more sane than this.

mccullough said...

Mitch Daniels is too sane to be president. And too polite.

MadisonMan said...

What is the evidence that Trump is flailing? I know it's a current meme in the Press. But so was Russia.

Wince said...

If Trump loses, and in the process Democrats retain the Senate and win back the House...

Okay, Mickey.

Mike Sylwester said...

Trump is not going to abandon his attempt at reelection.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is a coordinated psy-ops campaign, as almost everything with the Dems seems to be nowadays.

Yahoo News, which is crazy with TDS, has for days been front paging articles that insist that Trump is depressed, will quit, never really wanted to be president, etc.

All I can do is recommend watching the new movie about the Holodomor, Mr. Jones, on Netflix. It’s about the reporter who broke the press embargo on the famine and genocide Stalin precipitated in the Soviet Union. The NY Times and the media haven’t changed. Communism has always been their goal.

The virus panic was and remains a psy-ops campaign to discourage and panic the electorate. The riots, looting and arson are a no holds barred extortion campaign aimed at the voters. What do the Dems have besides economic sabotage and extortion? Apparently, nothing.

MadisonMan said...

All these recent articles about Trump's flame-out are just Democrats wishcasting. It's almost like pundits don't want to talk about Biden. I wonder why.

lgv said...

Laughable argument even if you believe Trumpism is bigger than Trump.

First - Pence, Daniels, and Romney would not continue Trumpism as we know it. Romney wouldn't even come close.

Second - Non would "garner" enough votes to win. The "Replace-Trump-with-better-choice" block is much smaller than the "I'm-only-voting-for-Trump" block. The latter block sees establishment candidates as more of the same. This is why Romney would get about 15% of the vote.

Cotten, Hawley, and Haley do not have the name recognition or following to generate any more votes than Trump himself. The closest would be Haley.

Nothing would make the DNC happier than see one of these 2nd tier candidates replace Trump. It would guarantee victory.

rehajm said...

Prop bet: Number of major political parties replacing their presumptive nominee/nominee before election day:

over/under: 1

Birches said...

Different people are freaking out than we're in 2016, but it really is the same message. I feel like most of these articles were written 4 years ago.

Rick.T. said...

At least one of those is not like the other.

rhhardin said...

It's hard to figure out a position that will get you the most clicks if you're an opinion writer. If it's too attractive, there are too many others there already, so a certain implausibility is necessary.

Dave Begley said...

This is all Bill Kristol's fantasy. Won't happen.

Trump right now is behind the same amount when he was running against Hillary.

The debates will change every thing.

Temujin said...

Interesting that this keeps gaining space. I was seeing Trump pull back during Covid. Once he was excoriated enough for his stupid 'Us against the Press' press conferences, he slunk back behind closed doors. His unexplained absence of any leadership at all during the George Floyd death and protests that followed spoke volumes about his receding into his office. Sure...he commented about the rioters, but he was vacant as a leader of this nation when we so obviously needed (need) one.

During both events, a real leader could have stepped up and made a difference. He vanished. The Republicans vanished. The Democrats kept feeding wood to a fire burning out of control with zero concern for what it engulfed. That is what they are about.

I am sickened by our choices.
The Dems are run by Marxists now. They have their own power as their priority, not individual freedom. Not even close. They will 'bend knee' to any leftist command tossed out at them. They are all about separating people by color or by thought.
The Repubs are doing what they do best: disappear. No one, no leader emerges. Nothing is heard except a few 'me too's' trying to make nice with the left so the press says nice things about them. One time. For 3 minutes.

The brilliant move would be Mitch Daniels. The Republican move would be Nikki Haley.
No one on earth is going to elect Mitt Romney to anything, any longer.

But Trump will ride this out. And in the end, Ballot Harvesting will provide us with a new President. And again- we get the leaders we deserve.

wild chicken said...

Oh, Mick. Once a Democrat...

Jupiter said...

"Without Trump the GOP is toast."

For once, me and Crackster are in perfect agreement. After Trump, le deluge.

Mark Jones said...

More bullshit from the left. And the Never Trumpers (but I repeat myself). The left is desperate to demoralize Trump's supporters in hopes that they--that we--will stay home on Election Day and not vote.

The mainstream media lies about everything, all day every day. These "polls" showing Trump losing are just more of the same. Lies, lies, and more lies. These same pollsters swore up and down that Hilary was a lock in 2016 and Trump's candidacy was a joke. How'd that turn out?

Polls this far out from an election aren't attempts to predict the outcome, they're propaganda. They're part of the campaign itself. Plus, the "shy voter" phenomenon was very real in 2016. In 2020, with cities burning, statues toppling, motorists being attacked, "wrong-thinkners" being doxxed, canceled, and fired, and pedestrians and business owners and cops being murdered by racist rioters...do you think the number of "shy" Trump voters is going to be lower--or higher?

MayBee said...

Soo.....they aren't going to do this to one of them?

Trump says weird stuff. He always has. But 5 years ago nobody would have said, "You know who is a Russian agent? Donald Trump"
"You know who is going to cause nuclear war? Donald Trump"
"You know who is a horrible racist? Donald Trump"
"you know who draws incredibly angry people to him? Donald Trump"

It all started....some if it from very respected political people- when he decided to run as a Republican and he started to gain traction.
Megan McArdle...MEGAN MCARDLE.... had a freak out that he would start a nuclear war on the day he was elected. A comedian on the Adam Corolla show the day after Trump was elected couldn't be funny because he was sure his family was about to be put in a camp for black people.

People flipped out and it isn't because of anything Trump has done. It's because he is a Republican who won the presidency. And if you think Democrats are tweeting out that Trump speaking at Mt Rushmore is an act of white supremacy (now deleted) is because of Donald Trump....you are blind.

You are blind if you don't see that Mitt Romney would be treated the same way.

Trump's opposition is insane with anger. They are destroying cities and firing people and lashing out with the most insane accusations. Trump says the most buffoonish things, but he has DONE nothing to bring on this insanity.

And the insanity has to continue because he is running against a man in a basement who must be protected from getting out of his basement and being asked real questions. We have to be COVID locked up and cancel cultured right up to the next election date because the democrats are having a fit and their candidate is inept.

Kevin said...

Writes Mickey Kaus in "A Time to Bail... Trumpism is more important than Trump."

Let's see, the GOP already bailed on the Tea Party.

Fool us once...

mccullough said...

Kaus makes a good point. It’s the policies that matter. But personnel is also policy. And Romney, Haley, and Pence are spineless weasels.

And Kaus is right that Son-In-Law is terrible. And Reump is a fucking moron for listening to him, much less picking him as an advisor.

Cotton would be much stronger in enacting the populist agenda. Trump is not disciplined enough.

CapitalistRoader said...

Meh. I still think it will be Trump in an Electoral College landslide. A severely partisan press + rioting and looting in the big Democratic cities + a Republican president running for reelection:

McGovern: 17
Nixon: 520

cfs said...

It is amazing all these articles saying that Trump is losing so bad and is thinking about resigning or pulling out of the race for re-election. It is all media gas lighting pushing the narrative as dictated to them by the DNC. Trump is not bleeding support. After watching the chaos in the blue cities with the rioting and burning by the leftists, he is probably gaining supporters.

narciso said...

Thats just silly, why concede on any point,

frenchy said...

Biden's polls must be horrible for the MSM to be doubling down like this.

MayBee said...

You would think Democrats would like Trump because he has ramped down the war machine.

It makes me wonder....how many people in Washington make money by us being constantly at war in the ME? Why do Brennan and McCabe and all the people in the Intelligence Community want to take Trump, the non-warlike POTUS, down so badly? And why have they wanted to since the very beginning?
(remember....the only time I ever heard CNN say "Trump became President tonight" was when he dropped bombs)

I want some answers. I don't want to be locked up in my house because of "COVID' so we can get back to making people money by dropping bombs in Arabia and flirting with Iranian Imams.

gerry said...

It's stuff like this Kaus article that will make November so sweet.

Basil Duke said...

Kaus thinks the Democrats hold the Senate and the Republicans the House. Thus, I'll pass on his political wisdoms.

Temujin said...

Crack: "Without Trump the GOP is toast."

The GOP was toast with him. He's been propping them up. He just bought them time. He was the only reason there's not a Clinton in the White House right now, with a Dem Senate and House.

Many of us have wanted a wholesale changeout of the Republican Party for years. That's what got Trump elected. Very few loved his demeanor or Twitter usage. We knew, however, that he would shake out the system. He did that to an extent. With one hand while fending off the CIA/NSA/Obama Administration hacks and media for the last 3+ years.

But he's done now. He seems unable to even elucidate the argument for his own reelection. And now those of us who actually love individual rights and see freedom as something to fight for have to go back to work, cleaning out the GOP. The Dems are a waste. A Marxist party misnamed Democrat. The GOP as is, is dead. It has to be remade and has to include everyone and anyone who sees individual rights, not collective rights, as the key.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Micky is a Pollyanish dope. This makes no sense whatsoever.

As Crack said. Without Trump the GOP is toast.

Name ONE person that a Trump supporter would vote for if Trump were to be removed as the candidate. Not even Pence who seems like a nice guy in a vanilla pudding sort of way. We need a NOT nice guy right now to stand up for our rights against the ravening mob.

We already know that we are on our own in this mess....a move like this by the GOP would just confirm it. At this point if the GOP goes that direction, I won't vote for anyone and just sit back and watch it all burn to the ground.

rcocean said...

Was Mickey Drunk when he wrote this? Mitt Romney, Mitch Daniels, and Nikki Haley are even more in favor of open borders and Amnesty then Biden! Trump is the only R, who can win in 2020. Does Kaus not understand that a "generic" supposedly moderate R, is going to lose? McCain lost, Dole lost, Ford lost, Bush-I lost, and Jeb/etc. would've lost in 2016.

I don't think Kaus understands Trump's appeal. I think he's an interesting guy, but he's still a liberal/moderate and he's surrounded by Liberals in SoCal. If you think Bob Wright is "Mainstream", you'll have a hard time understanding that Trump was/is the only Republican who can win.

Remember how in 2016, Trump was not only going to lose, he was going to crash and burn and take the House and Senate with him? Remember R's saying Trump had to drop out after the "Pussy tape" scandal to "Save the Senate"? Please forgive me, for not believing it this time.

Pence could run, but he would be tagged with all the failures of that Trump is being blamed for. Every other R Senator is either a wimp, a loser, or would lose the base. Or all three.

rcocean said...

If this was a flight 93 election: Mitt and Nikki would be the hijackers planning to ram the plane into the ground.

gerry said...

Never bet against Trump.

Michael K said...

The Crack Emcee said...Without Trump the GOP is toast.

Once a month or so, I agree with Crack.

Jim Gust said...

The Crack Emcee nailed it at 9:59.

The only Presidential campaign I ever contributed to was Romney's, and now I regret it. He's deplorable.

Gusty Winds said...

It's not going to happen. Mickey Kaus is like Ann Coulter. They want Trump to be a BIGGER bulldozer. Both also have to stay relevant for clicks.

Pence will be dropped from the ticket, he'll take a cabinet position if Trump is reelected. Nikki Haley will be the VP Nominee.

BobJustBob said...

More advice from the left about what the Right needs to do to win...hmmmmm.

rcocean said...

Mitch Daniels. Oh yes. The D's favorite Republican. Here are some quotes from 2012:

Nick Gillespie of Reason called Daniels "a smart and effective leader who is a serious thinker about history, politics, and policy," and wrote that "Daniels, like former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, is a Republican who knows how to govern and can do it well." In February 2011, David Brooks of The New York Times described Daniels as the "Party's strongest [would be] candidate", predicting that he "couldn't match Obama in grace and elegance, but he could on substance."

LOL. Yeah, he'd be a Great "Conservative" Just like Gary Johnson or David Brooks.

Big Mike said...

If this is Flight 93 then it’s time to rush the cockpit.

Gusty Winds said...

With all the fear disseminated throughout the American electorate; who knows anything at this point? Is CHAZ playing well for Dems? Is the MSM silence on the violence really keeping people from seeing it?

I suspect people wear masks for fear of being called out by a grocery store Karen, than for any type of protection for themselves and others.

Where does Kaus get all this lost support? The same polls we saw in 2016 using 26% GOP as part of the sample? The biggest threat to Trump's reelection is massive mail in voter fraud.

tcrosse said...

Trump has had more political obituaries than I have had hot breakfasts. This reminds me of the point in a Professional Wrestling match where it looks like the Good Guy is getting his ass kicked, but then comes back to demolish the Bad Guy, much to the delight of the crowd. Pro Wrestling is something with which Trump is familiar.

Limited blogger said...


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Two years ago people were reluctant to show support for Trump out of fear of being denounced, cancelled, and losing their jobs. Now they fear being denounced, cancelled, losing their jobs, and being beaten/murdered by BLM and Antifa. Does anyone really trust polling data at this point in the game?

Howard said...

No fucking way Trump bails out. He's a lot of horrible things, but quitter isn't one of them. People are trying to troll him and that won't work either.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"Mitt Romney, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, Nikki Haley, and Mitch Daniels."

That is just stupid. Mitt Romney! Nikki Haley!

Gusty Winds said...

Let's wait until August. Does anyone think Joe Biden is going to get through a one-hour live to the Nation acceptance speech? Not a chance.

There is not way the Dems let Biden debate Trump on live television, even if they stand 20 feet apart and there is no audience for false COVID concerns.

Thank God the Dems are doing a virtual convention or Milwaukee would burn. Trump will throw a part in Jacksonville, and the contrast will be stark.

c365 said...

Trump would love to see Romney go down in flames one more time. So I could almost see him doing that.

"My own party doesn't support me, the Dems have sabotaged me. Here Mitt, you're so buddy buddy with the Dems and deep state, let's see if all your attacks on me have won you any loyalty from people who only countenance you because they hate me."

The irony is, if he did that Mitt would crush Biden. So the Trumpers who hate Romney would be better off in this case than with Biden.

Romney is the only one with enough name recognition to actually win. Pence wouldn't stand a chance. Tom Cotton isn't known enough.

Nichevo said...

I know this can't happen, but maybe they could pass a law that for anybody to be considered a professional journalist, with First Amendment rights, anytime they say something this stupid in public in their official capacity for print or other retransmission, they should have a healthy tooth pulled without anesthesia.

CWJ said...

"Mitch Daniels is too sane to be president. And too polite."

He has Evan Bayh for an example. Bayh, Pence, and Daniels. Indiana's had a string of notable governors in recent decades.

In other news. Josh Hawley?

tim maguire said...

I don't take seriously the sky is falling crowing about polls, but if Trump did step aside, who would it be in favor of?

Romney? He already lost a winnable election because he wasn't up to the task and keeps his name in the news by bashing Republicans. You don't get a second chance after that.

Pence? Most people would have a hard time saying anything about him other than that he is Trump's VP and looks serious.

Cotton? Probably the only name worthy of consideration, but he has a whiff of "flavor of the week" about him.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "Without Trump the GOP is toast."

When Crack is right, he's right.

Which is precisely why so many democrats/establishment types are "helpfully" advising the republicans to dump Trump....you know...to "help" the republicans....


Romney even!

These cats aren't even trying to hide it.

Gospace said...

Trump hasn't yet begun campaigning. I still fail to see any evidence he's losing support. In my area of NY the number of Trumps yard signs and flags, a visible means of showing support, continue to grow. Some are still up from 2016. The number of Biden signs? Not growing.

Biden is going to have to make public appearances. And he's going to end up like Hillary- the more he's seen, the more his support drops. Especially since he's very apparently losing his marbles. Rabid Trump haters may vote for a senile old man- The people who show up every 4 years and vote who really don't pay attention to politics are going to look at him and go "WTF? He's senile!"

I'm still not certain he's going to get the nomination at the Democrat convention.

Gk1 said...

I voted for Mickey Kaus for Kalifornia Governor and have been a fan of his blog since 9-11 but he does throw out crap like this everytime liberals are in their own death spiral. "Lets unite behind a moderate democrat" is his default position.

He had turn on GW in 2003 and was throwing out the idea that the most unifying thing to do for the country mired in war in Iraq and Afghanistan was to vote for John Kerry because it would "force democrats to own the war on terror" just like Ann said at the time.

And yeah the current meme the media is pushing is "Trump is toast" so what else is new? The polls are just as worthless as they were in 2016 particularly since then they have othered 45% of the country into silence. Wake me when Trump support among republicans falls to below 88%

Lance said...

Mitch Daniels is too sane to be president. And too polite.

Yes. I think Daniels would make a find president. But national politics were too much for him in 2012 (the year Romney won the Republican nomination). He's now 71 and it's 2020 and politics are beyond insane. He won't run.

mccullough said...

Mitch Daniels has not increased the tuition at Purdue University in his 8 years there.

The guy was also an excellent governor in Indiana.

Daniels is never going to run for President. Ever.

But unlike Romney and W and Jeb and the other GOP establishment, he is not a failure. Nor is he incompetent.

I would not lump him in with Romney, Haley, and Pence. Hawley is Ted Cruz redux.

Cotton might be too favorable to continuing the war in Afghanistan. But Trump hasn’t pulled out of there anyway.

Cotton is an improvement over Trump. No Jared and Ivanka telling him what to do.

Birkel said...

When Trump wins re-election handily, Kay's and and the others who wrote these bad tales will not be held to account.

Failing upward.

tim maguire said...

MayBee said...People flipped out and it isn't because of anything Trump has done.

Individual politicians have virtually no effect on the day to day lives of most people. Most people's opinions of particular politicians have virtually nothing to do with anything that politician has said or done. People make up their minds about a politician very early on, based on very little information (usually party affiliation and whether they agree with the first thing they hear about that person). Thereafter, new information is not treated as new information. Instead, it is filtered through the prism of that initial judgment and it almost always reinforces their existing opinion.

Birkel said...

Pennsylvania firmly in Trump's column:

So would somebody please tell me which states Trump won in 2016 that he will lose in 2020?

tcrosse said...

Pence will be dropped from the ticket, he'll take a cabinet position if Trump is reelected. Nikki Haley will be the VP Nominee.

Hope and Change, to coin a phrase.

The Crack Emcee said...

The only Trump supporters should be doing now is being cool - as the party that freed the slaves, none of this shit should be surprising - look at what those evil Democrats have done.

What? Trent Lott once called someone a monkey? That's TERRIBLE - did you know the DEMOCRATS were behind slavery, Jim Crow, Tulsa - have you seen the new Watchmen? You should. It's ALL ABOUT Tulsa and how the DEMOCRATS hurt you.

THAT's how Republicans win elections.

Nichevo said...

Gusty Winds said...
It's not going to happen. Mickey Kaus is like Ann Coulter. They want Trump to be a BIGGER bulldozer. Both also have to stay relevant for clicks.

Pence will be dropped from the ticket, he'll take a cabinet position if Trump is reelected. Nikki Haley will be the VP Nominee.

Pence has to the best of my knowledge been a good soldier and done what he was asked to do. I don't know if you get more out of a vice president. I daresay the Electoral alignment that he enhanced is solidified and perhaps you don't lose the evangelicals he consolidated if you replace him with somebody not too awful from that point of view.

But I would say that to replace him, which in my mind is unusual, either he has to have failed, or betrayed, or be sick, or else the new person has to be a real rockstar. I don't see Nikki Haley as that person. I don't know why others do. I don't see the win in going with her. I don't see it getting more woman or minority votes. I don't see her doing a better job than Pence. If she and Pence both ran in the primaries in 2024 after, God willing, a re-election of the president, why should I vote for her instead of him?

The question of who would be a good Trump VP is the question of who would be a good Trump successor. That question in my mind is very much open.

All of you flapping in the breeze about Trump need to nail your colors to the mast. President Trump is the country's one salvation. Get it through your heads, there is no alternative.

He will be fine. You all get out there and vote for him, bring your friends, send money if you're into that kind of thing, everything will be fine. You are seeing images projected by the enemy. That is what has you disturbed.

"Now, you must remember: the enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy." - Enter the Dragon

COVID's in the rearview mirror. The riots are hurting the Democrats more than us. The economy is rebounding limited only by trepidation. Some statesmanlike bushwah is not possible in the current climate - the analogy is that a commander is wise not to give orders that will not be obeyed. The maniacs will not obey President Trump. That is their raison d'être. They have to pay the price of their folly.

And everyone who criticizes the President for not doing more, what are you doing? What is anyone doing but PDT? The couple in Missouri defending their own lives have done more than anyone on this board to my knowledge.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

What is the evidence that Trump is flailing? I know it's a current meme in the Press. But so was Russia.

We're being gaslit.


Ice Nine said...

>>Dave Begley said...
Trump right now is behind the same amount when he was running against Hillary.
The debates will change every thing.<<

Which is why there won't be any debates. Watch for it. "Covid isolation necessity," "beneath Biden's dignity," or some other Democrat bullshit will cancel them. The Democrats *cannot* expose Biden to that disaster.

tommyesq said...

Didn't we already try Mitt Romney because he was "electable?"

iowan2 said...

This is cute. Talking about Trump dropping out, and not Biden. There's more rational thought at any crackhouse.

Francisco D said...

The Crack Emcee said...Without Trump the GOP is toast.

Mostly milquetoast, but definitely toast.

For all his faults, Trump appears to be the only one with some leadership traits.

Leland said...

I'm not buying the polls. The news media has been squelching voices on the right for decades and much more intensely in the past three years. Now Silicon Valley is doing the same. This creates an echo chamber for them and makes them feel good. The analysis they provide now is hardly different than that provided on 7 November 2016.

In the meantime, Republicans keep winning special elections.

Yancey Ward said...

Laughing my ass off. If Trump withdraws, the Democrats will win a historic landslide. By forcing Trump out- and that is what it would be, the Republican Party forcing Trump out- a good 25% of the Republican base would stay home on November 3rd since their votes don't really matter at all any longer.

Romney? Daniels? Haley? Seriously????? The other two, Cotton and Hawley, would be ok with a lot of Trump supporters, but they wouldn't be the replacement candidate, so Kaus is just bullshitting with that list.

No, it would be Pence, and Pence would lose massively. Only Trump can win this election for the Republicans- to think otherwise is about as foolish an idea as I have heard this year.

BrentonTalcott said...

All we heard was how bad Trump was gonna do in 2016...

How did that work out?

DJT tweeted the internal polling is good, people i meet on the street have NO enthusiasm for: Ready to Kick the Bucket Joe.

I wager we will see the best video's of crying fools on Nov 4, since the media is misleading people so profoundly.

Clyde said...

Romney?! Why not George Conway, then?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOLGF Mickey!

JAORE said...

I don't buy it in the least,but assuming Trump bails:

Kaus is usually pretty astute.

But Mitt?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tim Scott.

Why isn't he mentioned? He's awesome and he happens to be black.

I'm Not Sure said...

Coming soon, to a theater near you...

"The Walls Are Closing In, Part LXVII"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

For some stupid reason, Americans like to give the left power over and over, and then when they realize how horrible it is, they swing back to the right. but then....
Then amnesia about how horrible the left is, sets in again.
Talk of - 'we must swing left again to teach everyone a lesson!'

TIRED. WE did that already.

Now, the R party is imperfect, but the D party is the party of self-enrichment, Maddow lies, and deep state corruption.

I'll take the party of imperfection over the party of corruption.

Michael K said...

Many of us have wanted a wholesale changeout of the Republican Party for years. That's what got Trump elected. Very few loved his demeanor or Twitter usage. We knew, however, that he would shake out the system. He did that to an extent. With one hand while fending off the CIA/NSA/Obama Administration hacks and media for the last 3+ years.

Yes, but I disagree with your second paragraph. He may well be a tragic figure, as VD Hansen says, but he needs to cement the revolution he represents. It's too soon to leave us to the barbarians.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Meanwhile, in the other corner, Paul Krugman is already sweating.

Paul Krugman (Hillary's butt-boy) calles all elderly in America---> "white supremacists."

Michael K said...

All I can do is recommend watching the new movie about the Holodomor, Mr. Jones, on Netflix. It’s about the reporter who broke the press embargo on the famine and genocide Stalin precipitated in the Soviet Union. The NY Times and the media haven’t changed. Communism has always been their goal.

I ordered the Blue Ray.

Craig said...

It doesn't really matter who runs against The Party. They will crush all opposition through the State-controlled media.

Big Mike said...

From Wikipedia: “Kaus usually supports Democratic politicians.” He’s also a bit of a nut, for instance opposing open borders while supporting politicians who In turn consistently oppose border fences and immigration controls.

Jaq said...

Trumpism is more important than Trump, but there is no one to stand in his place. Though I have changed my mind and support Ted Cruz now, amazing myself.

Jaq said...

"Nikki Haley will be the VP Nominee. “

You mean the lady who called her own voters racist because of a garage door pull?

stevew said...

I'm sticking with Todd Beamer and the others that rushed the cockpit. I'm voting for who and what I believe is best for me and the country.

richlb said...

I plan to hold my nose and vote for Trump, but there is no friggin way I would vote for Romney. I'll abstain.

Roy Lofquist said...

"Without Trump the GOP is toast."

WITH Biden the Democrats are ????

stevew said...

Hey MadisonMan, Trump has been flailing constantly since before being elected. The intensity of the flailing ebbs and flows, but he is forever flailing. At least that's what all the smaht politics watchers have been saying since 2016.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

No black voter will pick Cotton.

hombre said...

Limbaugh said yesterday, “You can’t believe anything the legacy media says. It is all filtered through the November election.”

I think he’s right. We are being gaslighted nonstop by the media. The trouble is it is wearing people down probably including Trump.

Regardless, I don’t see Trump bailing.

Robert said...

Looking up the "stop-Trump effort" tag revealed this post four years ago today.

June 30, 2016
Mitt Romney reveals — just yesterday! — that he's decided not to run for President.


With the quote that is still true ...

"This end-stage Stop-Trump business is gruesome."

Rosalyn C. said...

Trump doesn't want to waste his breath. Going up against the Obama organized "community organizers" responsible for the protests and perhaps indirectly encouraging the riots would be a complete waste of time. Virtue signalling at best, naive at worse. Trump isn't naive and doesn't do virtue signalling. The press will never be persuaded and neither will the never Trumpers.

September is when the real campaigning starts. In the meantime we are invited to sit back and pay attention to the protesters "peaceful protests" attacking police and residential areas as a glimpse into life under a Democratic administration.

bagoh20 said...

Fuck the GOP. Without Trump, the country is toast. It's all around you to see in plain sight.

The Dems shut down the economy, killed thousands with foolish Covid policy, and then supported the destruction of their own cities with riots caused by their own incompetent police policies.

We might be stupid enough to vote for more of that, and we will get what we deserve if we do. It's rampant stupidity, but Trump is the only one who can fight it, becuase I don't see anyone else out in the GOP even willing to fight. The GOP is worthless as a party. It wouldn't turn the water on to fight a fire. The Dems would start the fire, but the GOP would just watch it burn and wring their hands.

All the lawlessness we witnessed in our government and our streets over the last four years will be pushed down the memory hole guaranteeing much more of it. The reelection of Trump is the only thing that will prevent that, becuase of the message it would send from the people. A surrogate, or an alternative will not send that message, and it would just get us Democrat disaster light, which then would be blamed on the Republicans.

stlcdr said...

Blogger MadisonMan said...
What is the evidence that Trump is flailing? I know it's a current meme in the Press. But so was Russia.

6/30/20, 10:00 AM

I second this. I'm not seeing it at all - from voters, that is. It's media personalities all the way down...

I'm Full of Soup said...

I like Congressman Dan Crenshaw. Team him up with Michigan's John Jame as VP and we'd have two vets on the ticket. Added plus is we'd be putting the baby boomers out to pasture permanently.

Meade said...

To me, Hillary Clinton was/is the original and most deplorable of all Deplorables. And 4 years ago, I was thiiis close to calling myself a Never Trumper. 2 days before the 2016 election, 3 people persuaded me to vote for Trump. 1 of those 3 was Mickey Kaus.

Maybe I can return Mickey the favor. You may now put me down as a Trump Or Bust-er. An Only Trumper. An Ever Trumper.

bagoh20 said...

The left's playbook and what they will resort, while always despicable, will not get gentler with another Republican. They called Romney and both Bushes, "Hitler" back when they were much more reserved. They are not going to control themselves now. So, who would resist that better than Trump? I can't even believe he managed it, but he has, and nobody else would last a month before caving in completely. I don't care about Trump, I care about the country and it needs him to win. We all do, if we have any desire to save this country, it's history and it's exceptionalism. The only question is have Americans finally gotten as stupid as all those failed shrunken nations who went down the wrong path costing them nearly everything. The world can't afford that America.

Ray - SoCal said...

Why is operation demoralize kicking off so early?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

The Trafalgar Group, guided by a guy (Robert Cahaly) who was more right in the polling in 2016 than anyone else, on June 22 called Michigan as tied at 46% Biden/Trump, with polling up to the 18th. On June 28 they showed Wisconsin, again a tie, polling up to June 25.

mezzrow said...

I think that due to the fact that Mickey is SUCH a Californian, he sees things we don't.
Time will determine whether they were reality or mirage.

bbkingfish said...

To paraphrase that great Republican, Luca Brasi,

"May whoever replaces Trump be a masculine candidate, and may his skin be of a pinkish hue."

effinayright said...

Trump should pick Cruz as his veep .

Having a real bulldog at his side would seal the deal.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Roy Lofquist said...

WITH Biden the Democrats are ????

What you get about 12 hours after you eat a bunch of toast!

Paul Zrimsek said...

If this is Flight 93 then it’s time to rush the cockpit.

Let's poll.

whitney said...

Six months ago no one on earth could have predicted the world right now. I believe that will only accelerate into the future when at some point very soon we will not know what happens in the next minute

Earnest Prole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Crack: "What? Trent Lott once called someone a monkey? That's TERRIBLE - did you know the DEMOCRATS were behind slavery, Jim Crow, Tulsa - have you seen the new Watchmen? You should. It's ALL ABOUT Tulsa and how the DEMOCRATS hurt you.

THAT's how Republicans win elections."

When Crack is really really right he is really really right.

Twice so far today....and its still early!

BTW, what Crack wrote above should be in a few ads.

Gahrie said...

If the Republican Party drops Trump, Biden wins 40 states.

Gahrie said...

Without Trump the GOP is toast.

Probably the first thing Crack has ever written that I agree with.

Drago said...

Birkel: "So would somebody please tell me which states Trump won in 2016 that he will lose in 2020?"

The narrative goes Michigan will go blue and that suddenly Texas, North Carolina, Florida etc are in play........the exact same lies the media/establishment republicans told in 2016.

The exact same ones....

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Tim Scott.
Why isn't he mentioned? He's awesome and he happens to be black."

Our lefties like Inga and Howard have carefully explained Tim Scott is an Uncle Tom and thus a white-black.

You know, like a white hispanic.

Gahrie said...

At this point if the GOP goes that direction, I won't vote for anyone and just sit back and watch it all burn to the ground.

Millions of us will join you.

Oso Negro said...

I am with you, Meade! The alternative is Joe Biden speaking fluent gibberish, with open borders, mandatory homosexuality, and a socialist welfare state until the money eventually runs out.

Mark said...

Mitt Romney is suggested as palatable to Trump voters? lmfao

That's even more insane than a Trump tweet.

Gahrie said...

Didn't we already try Mitt Romney because he was "electable?"

I do have to admit, it would be kind of funny to see the MSM and the Democrats turn on Romney again after four years of fawning on him.

But it would suck watching Romney roll over for them again.

M Jordan said...

Mitt Romney? I laughed, I guffawed, I snorted milk through my nostril.

Good one. Really good one.

doctrev said...

Howard said...
No fucking way Trump bails out. He's a lot of horrible things, but quitter isn't one of them. People are trying to troll him and that won't work either.

6/30/20, 10:37 AM

Howard is a better troll than average, so I'd listen. Promising that Trump would drop out in 2016 was at least plausible under the circumstances. Now it's just goddamn ludicrous.

It's plausible there are still conservatives who have to get their news from Slate or Cucks News, but I've long since graduated to sites that don't give space to whiny bitches begging to Trump to quit and save them the effort.

Darkisland said...

Unknown said...

McGovern: 17
Nixon: 520

How can that be, unknown?

I don't know a single person who steals shampoo!

John Henry

Gospace said...

Not a single mention yet of the only governor who opted for freedom during the covidiocy- Kristi Noem of South Dakota. I'd vote for her in a heartbeat. And, unlike congresscritters and senators, she has actual executive experience at running a state. And the media would attack her as viciously as they attacked Sarah Palin.

JB71-AZ said...

A lot of the 'Never Trumper' crowd made their reputations during the Obama era - fighting the good fight and keeping 'conservatism' alive... or so they told themselves at the time.

How they've acted since shows they were only in it for the 'fame' and money. Their 'conservative principles' were important until they could actually be acted upon. At that point - they dumped them.

And anything they can do to damage Trump, they will. It's the only way they'll get back into 'power'

stan said...

Rational thought is diminishing in supply at a frightening pace.

"Failing and flailing"???!!!

Mickey's lost his mind. It's Democrats who are now claiming that the 4th of July is about white supremacy. Yeah, that sounds like a real winning play. That will definitely provide the margin of victory in the battleground states.

Amexpat said...

I doubt that his will happen, but if it does, it wouldn't be Romney. Trump wouldn't allow it and many Trump supporters wouldn't vote for him.

If it were to be done, you would need someone to keep Trump's base mostly intact and get a good chunk of moderate voters who don't like either Trump or Biden. Pence is too close to Trump to accomplish that. Haley would be best placed to do that. I'd support her.

Temujin said...


Instead of reading what David Brooks says about Mitch Daniels, go look at what he did in his time governing. Look at what he's said and/or written.

He might actually get some shit done.

Kyzer SoSay said...

LOL, no.

This is yet another sad attempt to affect morale and convince the GOP to shoot itself in the foot.

No thanks.

Polls today are next to worthless.

MadTownGuy said...

Temujin said...

"But he's done now. He seems unable to even elucidate the argument for his own reelection. "

Best (unstated) argument I can see here is the same as in 2016: the alternative is unthinkable.

As to Kaus' article, I smell desperation.

Francisco D said...

hombre said... We are being gaslighted nonstop by the media. The trouble is it is wearing people down probably including Trump.

Yes. Does anyone here know the last time a Republican POTUS candidate had a real lead in the polls during the summer before the election? I cannot recall a single time.

The purpose of this polling is to discourage Republican enthusiasm and fundraising while encouraging Democrat hopefulness and fundraising. It is not just about Trump and it is not just about POTUS. It is also about enthusiasm and fundraising for down ballot Democrats.

When you get to a certain age and have seen the bullshit games before, you wonder how stupid people can be to fall for it.

Lovernios said...

"I'm sticking with Todd Beamer and the others that rushed the cockpit. I'm voting for who and what I believe is best for me and the country." - stevew

Let's Roll!

Earnest Prole said...

Edited to correct egregious typo:

Trump is doomed by demography. Republicans skew dramatically older; Democrats skew dramatically younger. You may not have heard but they’ve got this virus going on. Older people are in real danger and must isolate at home; younger people are essentially immune and can come and go as they please. On Election Day a significant percentage of Republicans will stay home in fear for their health and Democrats will win in a landslide.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "Yes. Does anyone here know the last time a Republican POTUS candidate had a real lead in the polls during the summer before the election? I cannot recall a single time."

Nixon was ahead of McGovern in 72 but Carter was still way out in front of Reagan (supposedly) in October of 1980.

In fact, a Gallup poll just 2 weeks before the election in 1980 had Carter at 47% and Reagan at 39% (39%!!!! Sound familiar?)

Reagan of course won in a landslide despite the presence of Mitt Romney-like "republican" John Anderson in the race.

After that, when Reagan was cruising to a massive 49 state win the press was still pushing Mondale as a late surger and competitive in the race.

In summary, for 50 years the lefty/LLR-lefty media has been lying non-stop about polling and uses the polls to advance their "republican demoralization" strategy.

Remember how John Kerry was going to beat W? John Kerry was so stupid he actually believed that as well!

Rabel said...

In defense of Kaus, he doesn't suggest Romney as a replacement but says that Romney may see himself as a replacement.

On the other hand this just won't do:

"The problem is, if Trumps going to do this, he should do it soon -- before the convention, while there's time to consider possible replacements and let voters get used to whomever is picked."

"Picked?" Fuck you Mickey and anyone else who thinks they have the authority to "pick" the nominee.

I voted in the primary and I "picked" Donald John Trump.

cubanbob said...

The Crack Emcee said...
Without Trump the GOP is toast."

Crack is 100% correct on this. All those above Republicans that are getting soft on Trump are deluding themselves. No one can take the 200% effort by the Democrats and their propaganda arms a/k/a the media, Hollywood and hi tech but Trump. He did what the experts told him to do about Covid and in doing so exposed them as the hacks they are. He let Blue cities burn themselves and deprived their mayors and governors any fig leaf to cover for their incompetence and venality as a cautionary lesson to the sane people of America. He's better than Reagan ( except for taxes) and I love Reagan.
As Althouse says, nothing is a high bar. Trump may be nothing to a lot commenters here but Biden is less than zero. Anyone with money who also believes Biden will win and the Democrats will win the trifecta and is sane would be moving money out of the country. So far there has not been any capital flight.

Earnest Prole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

Trump is playing rope-a-dope. He knows when Election Day is, and will know when to come out floating and stinging.

Michael K said...

go look at what he did in his time governing. Look at what he's said and/or written.

He might actually get some shit done.

Mitch Daniels swore off politics to get his wife to return. She left him when he was in Washington and returned when he left politics. I doubt he is interested.

Michael K said...

Which is why there won't be any debates. Watch for it. "Covid isolation necessity," "beneath Biden's dignity," or some other Democrat bullshit will cancel them. The Democrats *cannot* expose Biden to that disaster.

I agree. I see no way the Democrats bring Joe out of the basement. The shadowy types planning to run the country have no intention of risking Slow Joe in public.

cubanbob said...

Temujin said...

Instead of reading what David Brooks says about Mitch Daniels, go look at what he did in his time governing. Look at what he's said and/or written."

Besides the fact that Daniels is unelectable what exactly would he or any of the other Republicans would have done better than Trump? Especially with all the backstabbers and the media-entertainment-social media-hi tech against them? And don't forget the swamp. Daniels is a nice guy. A nice guy has no chance with the DC slime and their allies. Only a guy like Trump has a chance.

gerry said...

This is perfect for this thread.

mikee said...

I remember when Reagan was gonna quit, before his second term, too.

It is one of many formulaic articles journalists use a few months before the election.
They are used for battlespace preparation, to encourage the Dems who are flailing.
We have already seen the ones about Joe Biden having a double digit lead.
We have already seen the ones about Trump losing all his support.
We have already seen the ones about domestic problems sinking the incumbent.
We have already seen the ones about foreign problems sinking the incumbent.
We have already seen the ones about a family member turning on the incumbent.
We have already seen the ones about supposed criminality, immorality, and mental derangement.

Here's the thing: Joe Biden has dementia, and is about to lose in a landslide of Reagan/Mondale proportions. Also, these stories only appear when Republicans hold the White House, so enjoy them while they are here. We won't have this opportunity again to enjoy such yellow journalism until Mike Pence & Condy Rice run in 2024.

Meade said...

I am so in the tank for Trump that I’d probably let him grab me by my pussy.

cacimbo said...

NPR just reported that Reddit has banned thousands of "haters."The entire subreddit "the donald" has been canceled.Also Twitch banned Trump's campaign ad for alleged racism.If the left believed they were winning and those "racist" ads were hurting Trump, they would not be demanding bans.This screams of desperation - the exact opposite of what is being reported.

KellyM said...

This is too easy: Donald Trump, Jr. Less Civ Nat, More Nationalist.

mccullough said...

Trump needs to get off his ass and fire Son-In-Law.

I’ve never been into the Cult of Trump. His persistent tweets about Jeff Sessions and Joe Scarborough are fucking stupid. A waste of time. His inability to get any immigration reform done the first two years is a testament to his lack of resolve and discipline.

His obsessions with crowd size are fucking insane.

His empty promises to restore order in Seattle make him look like an impotent fatass.

Instead of worrying about the polls, Trump should do his fucking job.

walter said...

Tim Scott Retweeted
Jun 29
COVID-19 can be transmitted quickly and easily—even by people who aren’t experiencing symptoms. Next time you go out of your home, be courteous to your neighbor: wear a mask

rcocean said...

"No black voter will pick Cotton."

Ok, that and Meade's pussy joke made me chuckle.

Jim at said...

If I had a nickel every time the November General Election was accurately predicted by pundits on June 30 ... well, I'd be broke.

rcocean said...

Someone upthread made a great point. We've heard this all before. Its like Mickey Kaus is a moderate Republican and wants us to nominates some loser because he's "electable". Y'know like Yeb!, McCain, Romney, Dole, Bush I, and Ford.

To show how far back this meme goes, Gerald Ford in the Spring of 1980 wrote a NYT op-ed that Reagan was so far behind in the polls, that the R's needed to pick a moderate "who could win". He then tried to start up his campaign, with the slogan "I can beat Carter, Reagan Can't". He met with Stu Spenser, Cheney and Rumsfeld who convinced him that he couldn't beat Reagan for the 1980 nomination. It was too late. Ford was very upset and didn't speak to either of them for about six months. Its all in the transcripts at the Ford POTUS Library.

rcocean said...

Mitt Romney is available. He's tanned, ready, and wearing a mask. Already has the Republican "Black Lives Matter" crowd sewn up & his black Grandson can be used for photo-ops. Plus: still has binders full of women.

Daddy Binx said...

Michael said...
"Trump is playing rope-a-dope. He knows when Election Day is, ..."

Add this to the list of things Trump has over Biden.

wendybar said...

Mitt Romney??? Bahahahhahahhahahhaha….he might as well put on his progressive hat and march with BLM again.

Dude1394 said...

Spare me from democrat propagandists trying to help. “I’m here from the blm/Antifa/Marxist/Democrat party and I’m here to help”. Spare me to death.

Readering said...

You have to admit, Veep doing rope-a-dope better than his opponent.

bagoh20 said...

COVID-19 can be transmitted quickly and easily—even by people who aren’t experiencing symptoms, and then nothing happens to either of you.
Next time you go out of your home, be courteous to your neighbor: mind your own business and respect their choices as they respect yours.

Readering said...

Why would Trump drop out? The you're-fired episodes get the best ratings. An ratings are everything for him.

rcocean said...

NPR had their usual idiotic discussion of CV-19. They had an expert who talked about how immunity "might" go away in a couple months based on a China Study. So, the obvious follow up question would be "What about other similar viruses? How common is it to only have a couple months of immunity, after you've gotten the disease?

Not asked.

Then the Expert talked about how the tests for CV-19 can give you "false positives" Well, OK. But don't ALL tests for viruses give "false positives"? And what is the PERCENTAGE of tests with "false positives.

Again not asked. The whole point of the interview was to "Keep up the scare" as N.B. Forrest said (in a different context).

rcocean said...

BTW Mitten as 22 Grand-kids, and he has ONE adopted black kid who's 3 years old. So, don't call him racist.

Michael K said...

I’ve never been into the Cult of Trump. His persistent tweets about Jeff Sessions and Joe Scarborough are fucking stupid. A waste of time. His inability to get any immigration reform done the first two years is a testament to his lack of resolve and discipline.

Sounds like another troll who has not noticed the GOP House was AWOL except for one tax cut for Ryan's donors. All Trump could do was cut regulations enough to get the economy going good.

Another Biden voter pretending to be something else. If Biden should be elected by you Democrat NTs, we will have another Great Depression and for the same reason we had the last one.

For your sake I hope you are as old as I am. It will be hell.

John Marzan said...

The Senate Republicans are in worse shape


walter said...

Come on, man!
It's gotta be Kasich!
(Did you know his dad worked for the post office?)

Ken B said...

Much as I would like Trump to be removed from the ticket in a sympathy gaining way, I do not believe the “Trump is toast” mantra. Trump has lost support because he is seen to be letting the shitstorm erase the country. But is he? Watch for the wave of prosecutions in the next while. Watch for the blue cities imploding this weekend. Watch the Democrats demand money for their unions, watch them block police union reform. Trump's weakness is remediable, fast. It ain’t over.

Bill Peschel said...

" If Trump loses, and in the process Democrats retain the Senate and win back the House [sic], they will have the chance to do big things."

Kaus forgets that the Democrats had this for two years and bestowed Obamacare on us.

He really needs to put down the crack pipe. Their "big things" -- a huge tax increase, a ban on fracking, continued race-baiting -- will only continue the destruction of this country.

mikeski said...

Flight 93. How apt.

Your choices:

1) take out the guy in charge, and wreck stuff in flyover country.

2) don't take out the guy in charge, and wreck stuff the D.C. establishment.

Susan said...

Hear that, Biden? You can't possibly lose! Get out there and order your celebratory fireworks now!!

Then after the election Trump can get them cheap for next year's 4th of July party at Mt. Rushmore.

jeremyabrams said...

I would've said drop Pence for Grenell, but Tim Scott is now the man of the moment, and Trump/Scott would waltz back into the White House. And it would place police reform and the dems' related perfidy, which is greatly harmful to Black Americans, center stage.

Kansas Scout said...

This is 100% Democrat fake news. Laughable.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Kaus is right about what we'd get re Amnesty if Dems had control of all three branches.

Gk1 said...

"Why is operation demoralize kicking off so early?" Well to be fair I remember it being in July 2016 when the media/DNC was running the same play. Trump toast, "RNC insiders leaking how badly this will damage the party" blah, blah, blah. This was even before the Billy Bush 'If you are famous enough you can grab them by the pussy'tape dropped. That's when they cranked it up to Eleventy Thousand he had no chance. This crap is right on schedule comparing 2016.

Another thing to consider is the media/dnc/the swamp all have their own internal polls and know the real score. Looking back at 2016, why else did they hatch Crossfire Hurricane when Hillary was so 100% a lock to win? They were desperate to get any intel on Trump's campaign that they could, as their own polls showed Hillary falling further and further behind in the swing states. And they concluded they needed an "insurance policy" in August of 2016 should Trump win. That's not the moves of a confident opponent or one that does not have an idea on how candidates are really polling.

Francisco D said...

"No black voter will pick Cotton."

I really missed that one. My first reaction was "What's wrong with Tom Cotton. I like him."

It wasn't until I saw rcocean's comment that I got it.

Does that make me a White Supremacist because I am color blind? Or am I just slow on the draw?

Earnest Prole said...

Its like Mickey Kaus is a moderate Republican and wants us to nominates some loser because he's "electable"

Mickey Kaus is an anti-immigration absolutist opposed to amnesty of any kind. He may be many things but “moderate Republican” is not one of them.

Skipper said...

Advice from another lefty. Hmmm.

walter said...

"Trump is playing rope-a-dope."
Eh yeaaaahhhh...about that word "rope"...

chickelit said...

When did Mitt Romney ever spoken critically about open borders? Or against the BLM hardliners? Or even against Biden? Romney could be another pro-China stooge.

Mitt Romney is just anti-Trump and that's not enough.

Drago said...

mccullough: "His inability to get any immigration reform done the first two years is a testament to his lack of resolve and discipline."

And with that moronic comment you are safely ignored.

And let me guess, you were a big Paul Ryan fan, weren't you?

The bottom line: 75% of the establishment republicans dont want the border secured in any way and are happy to work with the dems to make sure real immigration reform never happens.

Stop acting like its 2016/2017 and you dont know what the score in DC is.

chickelit said...

Why isn't Joe Biden 50 points ahead?

Drago said...

doctrev: "Howard is a better troll than average, so I'd listen."

No question, which is why he needs to steer clear of the Moron Inga Bandwagons and stop biting down so hard on the transparently false russia BS.

Tom said...

Dick Cheney’s going to order the election be shot down?

Let’s roll!

Guildofcannonballs said...

I thought there were markets for these "predictions" or "forecasts" or wishcasts or whatever?

Why don't these people who feel so strongly about future events make money from their wisdom? I suppose that might be something someone biased might do, unlike objective "only the facts" journolisters projectile out, like squid ink.

cubanbob said...

Meade said...
I am so in the tank for Trump that I’d probably let him grab me by my pussy."


Iman said...

MayBee @10:16am... spot on!!!!

n.n said...

A corkscrew or a projectile? When will it end!?

cubanbob said...

mccullough said...
Trump needs to get off his ass and fire Son-In-Law.

I’ve never been into the Cult of Trump. His persistent tweets about Jeff Sessions and Joe Scarborough are fucking stupid. A waste of time. His inability to get any immigration reform done the first two years is a testament to his lack of resolve and discipline.

His obsessions with crowd size are fucking insane.

His empty promises to restore order in Seattle make him look like an impotent fatass.

Instead of worrying about the polls, Trump should do his fucking job."

He is doing his job. He jabbed at the governor of Washington and the mayor of Seattle to do their jobs. It's called Federalism. They failed to do their jobs, not Trump. He allowed those clowns to turn Seattle into a shitshow as a lesson to Leftist who vote for progressives and for the rest of the country as a cautionary of why they should vote a straight Republican ticket just to knocked the Communists out of the Democrat Party. Why should he have set himself up as the villain for the progressive narrative. As for immigration reform, really with the Democrats in the House? The "reform" would be worse than the current situation. Give Trump a second term with a Republican Congress and let's see if the Republicans are serious about illegal immigration and H1B visa abuse. If the Republicans get that, then they have no fig leaf and nothing to blame the Democrats for.

Iman said...

Biden playing rope-a-dope? Ha!

Float like a turd
Act like a jerk
The left hand diddlin’
While the right hand go to work

Darkisland said...

Blogger walter said...

Next time you go out of your home, be courteous to your neighbor: wear a mask

Actually, I would say "Be courteous to your neighbor, do NOT wear a mask."

What you do is give them a dangerously false sense of security. Unless you are wearing an actual gas mask, the paper masks, scarves, face coverings and even N-95 masks do nothing to protect your neighbour.

When you breath out, either the mask is so thin, like the one I bought in Walgreens that I can see through with minimal loss of vision, or a scarf, that your breath comes out unobstructed at all.

If you wear a paper mask, virtually none of your exhalation is filtered. It all passes out the sides and the top and bottom.

If you wear an N-95 mask (the pressed paperboard shell) you need to wear it tight enough that it makes an airtight seal to your face. If it is not bruising your face after an hour or two, you are wearing it wrong. The air you inhale will be somewhat filtered. The air you exhale will go through the vent on the front and out to the ambient with less filtration than my see through mask.

And, you need to change the mask every couple hours. And never touch the mask itself without immediately sanitizing your hands.

Nope, you provide no protection whatever to your neighbour and damn little for yourself.

Wearing a mask may make your neighbour feel "safe" and fail to take preventive measures of their own.

Even Dr Fauci only wears a mask when he thinks he is on camera.

I will continue to treat Kung Flu like any other flu. I will ignore it to the maximum extent I legally can. More if I think I can get away with it. I will not pretend that masks do anything.

That policy has served me well for more than 70 years now. I expect it will work for another 30-40 years.

The reason for the alleged resurgence is 1) To prevent Trump rallies 2) to give Joe Biden an excuse to hid in his basement and not speak publicly 3) most importantly to keep him from having to actually debate PDJT.

John Henry

RobinGoodfellow said...

“‘What happens if it's a 'Flight 93 Election' and your side is corkscrewing down into the earth?’
That's the prospect facing once and possibly ...”

Reading up to this point I was certain it was going to be about Biden.

Darkisland said...

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Feds Charge Additional Defendant For Looting Neighborhood Pharmacy During Civil Unrest

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Three Men Indicted For Setting Fire To Police Vehicle During Protest In Las Vegas

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Two Fayetteville Men Indicted for the Arson of Fayetteville’s Market House

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Pittsburgh Man Indicted for Possessing Destructive Devices

Monday, June 22, 2020
Heiskell Man Charged With Inciting a Riot and Civil Disorder

Thursday, June 18, 2020
Louisville Riot Activity Results In Multiple Federal Indictments For Pharmacy Looting, Carjacking, And Armed Felons

Thursday, June 18, 2020
U.S. Attorney McSwain Announces Charges against Philadelphia Man for Blowing Up an ATM and Illegal Possession of a Firearm during Protests

Thursday, June 18, 2020
Queens Man Charged In Connection With Arson Of An NYPD Vehicle In Manhattan

Thursday, June 18, 2020
Raleigh Man Arrested for Setting Multiple Fires to Raleigh Businesses


Bunches more announcements at the link. All federal, all at least arrests, many indictments.

The thread contains links to the DOJ announcement in each instance.

There are also something like 200 active FEDERAL investigations.

And PDJT isn't doing anything?

John Henry

Drago said...

BTW, have Max Boot and Peggy Noonan and Bill Kristol left the republican party again yet?

It's been 15 minutes since the last time they did so they're due.

JAORE said...

Trump should line up the spineless R electees and grab them by their pussies until their testicles descend.

Howard said...

Does Meade mean Althouse when he says "my pussy"?

wildswan said...

"Keep Trumpism, get rid of Trump."

I guess Trump is half way to uniting the country - NeverTrumpers and liberals want to steal his program. I take this to mean that the Dem program is seen as a loser and liberals are casting wistful longing eyes over at Trump's program and wishing they could claim it for themselves. There's a basic strength in being a President who supports the country of which he is President, who wants the citizens to be prosperous and happy, who wants a strong economy, who is aware that the balance of power is not the same as it was in 1945 and who is ready to explore new policies and who can get out and articulate this. That's Trump. And the other candidate is hiding. Cities burn, sickness rages. Biden is hiding and being hidden from it all as a strategy and that's weak. It's weak to be in basement at a time like this but it's more than weak to be the tool and fool of those who hate America and Americans. It's permanently debilitating; it doesn't have in it a way to call up inner strength and resilience. Biden is losing.

wildswan said...

In re Pence.
You are totally underestimating him. He's always a good politician who delivers for his constituency and hence delivers his voter block at election time. You just aren't aware of his voter block.

mccullough said...

You old guys are satisfied with some bullshit tweets.

The rest of us who have more than 5 years left to live have to live with this shut for the next 50 years.

Instead of tweeting against Sessions and signing the Kim Kardashian Act, Trump should have pushed for immigration reform.

And fuck you Drago. Trump signed Paul Ryan’s tax cut bill and got nothing on immigration in return. Not a fucking thing. He got played by that piece of shit. That’s how focused Trump is.

And he kept appointing Mitch McConnell’s judges and got nothing on immigration in return. Again, laser focused. Disciplined.

Trump should have insisted McConnell blow up the filibuster or he’s not signing shit or appointing anyone.

Instead, he gave McConnell’s useless Chinese wife another cabinet job so she can continue to increase her family’s China money and appointed McConnell’s judges.

And fuck Tim Scott and his fucking anti police bill. Violent crime is surging in major cities. Republicans used to back the police. Not duck the dicks of left wing agitators.

Guildofcannonballs said...


You can find a lot of friends who like your style at Instapundit.com in case you're interested.

wild chicken said...

"Trump needs to get off his ass and fire Son-In-Law."

Jared did help him get elected. I think he ran the social media stuff. It's policy he sucks at.

Anyway, it's hard when Your Guy is actually in office. The day to day drama tries your nerves. It was the same with Reagan. Please don't screw up!

Then after he's out, people get all sentimental. Wasn't he great! By God he'd fix this mess!


Guildofcannonballs said...

"Trump needs to get off his ass and fire Son-In-Law."

I admit I am leagues behind the likes of RH or Buwaya, but sometimes I do feel the need to just reach way way beyond the commentary of/by/for Althouse and alone commiserate how from a "30,000'" view things might look.

The reason CO is so cool is pot. People abide and obey naturally like cattle, yeah. Not good. But they also have certain expectations. Not Great Dickens, but unique nonetheless.

Has my soon to be friend Drago left yet? It's been the same way for a long time.

Question: What if that white chick running against Hancock the Black Mayor of Denver had won after the runnoff election she created by her strong early performance?

I honestly think Denver would have been targeted more and burned more. Does that mean elect black or burn? No, not outside of Denver, but within???

That shit Mike Caufman is having a helluva time in Aurora. He got about 36% of the vote I think. Does he help anything? Did he in Congress? Do Mike Caufman supporters feel proud?

cfs said...

The left and their media mouthpieces are gas-lighting us again and so many conservatives are falling for it. I know of absolutely no one that voted for Trump in 2016 that have said anything about not voting for him in 2020. Some that voted for him reluctantly have said they will definitely vote for him this time. However, I do know of a couple of people who voted 3rd party that said they would vote for Trump in November.This was mainly due to family members who are police officers.

Susan said...

Don Surber calls this the Flight 253 Election. 253 was the flight after 9/11 when everyone knew the terrorists were out to kill us all and the passengers jumped the Underwear Bomber when he started a fire and foiled his plan to kill them all.

I think it is an apt description of what is going right now. The country knows who's trying to kill us all. They have made it very plain in the last weeks. Will we stop them or cower in our seats and go down in flames?


Guildofcannonballs said...

"Trump is LBJ" said nobody but it appeals to King Boomers in the Senate, and House; so that is what we will be subjected to as subjects in this try at democracy of a Representative bent, to start anyway.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I couldn't find any evidence that Kaus gets paid for his opinion.
Doesn't that make it worthless?

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