৯ জুন, ২০২০

"We the People of the United States have hope for the future..."


Photographed yesterday on State Street in Madison.


৫২টি মন্তব্য:

Inga বলেছেন...

That’s a unique one. I wonder how they applied the two small boys in that repetitive pattern. A roller of some sort?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Click and click again to see the detail, including lots of writing, such as the line I am quoting.

brylun বলেছেন...

It looks like the walls of a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

I’m sorry. The story behind the artwork is so sad, and it’s not just about George Floyd. Madison through its inept leadership let all that glass shatter. Broken by a lot of woke white kids. Painting the plywood is just an effort to polish a turd. It’s an attempt to justify the violent canvas on which the art is being painted. The juxtaposition isn’t even a mystery. Go spray paint the administrative offices at UW where all this came from. That would be truly revolutionary.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

No matter how pretty or optimistic it might be, behind every mural the plywood is covering intentional damage that closed businesses, ended jobs, cut short people's attempts to build something with their lives and efforts.

I imagine most of these people still live in the neighborhoods. They still live amongst many of the ones that caused the damage.

And they still live among the white-guilt appreciations of the art scribbled on their ruins.

Marie, this cake is delicious.

I am Laslo.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Gandhi and Churchill must now be torn down.
The slope is slippery.
History must be erased for the revolution to happen.

Inga বলেছেন...

Ah three small boys and this...

“We the people of the United States have hope for the future” among many positive and not so positive comments. Voices of the Protests. This one will keep a viewer there for a while reading.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I understand that Black Lives Matter.
I understand that All Lives Matter is racist.

Can somebody tell me which lives do not matter?
I need specifics from the Lefties.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Needs puppies.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It's a good time to open a store catering straight weddings.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

BLM, the KKK of our times. Only the names have been changed.

Performing the same vital functions: racist intimidation, extra-judicial enforcement.

And still convincing the gullible that they are saving something about society.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

A slogan, no matter how vapid, is a terrible thing to waste.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"...Go spray paint the administrative offices at UW where all this came from. That would be truly revolutionary.'..."

If the murals are so affirming, why do the art-appreciating citizens of Madison not board up their own homes' windows in solidarity and offer them up for the inspiring artists?

You could even provide lemonade and cookies.

Marie, this cake is delicious.

I am Laslo.

Inga বলেছেন...

“You have to stand for something, or expect nothing”.

“Know Justice Know Peace”. I saw this in the Minneapolis murals with an added “No Justice No Peace”.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Instead of the boring "No justice no peace", how about "Lasst jede Nacht Kristallnacht sein!"

Inga বলেছেন...

“BLM, the KKK of our times.”

When hundreds of white men are swinging from the trees I’ll agree with you. Equating these two movements is really beyond the pale. You think that the goal of BLM is racist intimidation? No thought that maybe their goal is police reform? The term “black lives matter” came about because their lives were treated as if they didn't matter and they are saying “Enough!” Wouldn’t you do the same if the tables were turned? Cynicism has a place, but when cynicism turns into conspiracy theory...good grief.

Drago বলেছেন...

BLM is an explicitly marxist-anarcho organization that calls for the destruction of the United States of America with a first step as the complete abolition of the police.

They are not nuanced in their beliefs in any way.

They do not protest blacks murdering blacks because that dynamic in no way helps them in pushing for the destruction of ALL institutions of this nation.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

There's nothing to stop Kristallnacht from happening again, so it's probably wise not to replace the glass until there is.

narciso বলেছেন...

how many did the stasi shoot down, an uncle drowned in the caribbean curtain trying to escape the world these bastards so devoutly desire, assata shakur joanne chesimard sought sanctuary there, robert williams broadcast incitement from there, on radio free america,

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Don’t worry, Gusty. Blacks were more than adequately represented in the riots in Madison, and just about everywhere else.

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Is the stencil from a photograph viewers might know, or is it just a generic image of three people leaning on each other?

n.n বলেছেন...

Baby Live Matter.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

In the spirit of Nazis lampshades, it's art.

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

"When hundreds of white men are swinging from the trees I’ll agree with you."

So you're ok with just a few dozen or so deaths before you'd be willing to criticize anyone. Good to know you have your woke priorities straight.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Seems pretty obvious that if you want to improve the lives of Blacks, you first need to stop electing the same people who put them on the new plantation after Republicans freed them from their old plantations. Democrats love plantations, and they ain't no waays tiaaard.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Due to the inner city crime they ignore, and the political work they do, BLM will easily lead to more Black being murdered than the KKK ever did. In other words, to them, Black lives do not matter.

Lucien বলেছেন...

I just caught part of the Houston memorial show for George Floyd, carried live on (naturally) MSNBC. The best thing I can say about it (de mortuis, etc.) is that it defies parody.

William বলেছেন...

The shuttered and bankrupt stores will be there long after the artistic murals have faded....Also, if your business model is looting stores, your poverty will endure longer than whatever item you grabbed from the store.

wendybar বলেছেন...

I never lost hope. I am deeply afraid that the Obama administration will get away with corruption that is 100% worse than Nixon even THOUGHT about doing, and the media will paint them as heroes. If that happens....all hope is dead anyways.

MalaiseLongue বলেছেন...

Nextdoor, the neighborhood social networking service, has served up comedy gold with these posts from people I am callings Citizens 1, 2, and 3. They are excerpted from a thread whose contributors live in a middle-/upper-middle-class, racially diverse neighborhood in Oakland, California. Apparently the haranguing will continue until Wrongthink has been eliminated.
We are a biracial family that recently moved into the neighborhood. And we love it. . . . So it is a bit heartbreaking that there are SO few Black Lives Matter signs up. We've been going on daily walks since George Floyd's murder, and we have only seen maybe five? Mayyyyybeee 10? We walk throughout Trestle Glenn, Crocker Highlands, and Piedmont. So that is in total across all three neighborhoods. I'm sure that many of you are as upset and clear about police brutality and the unrelenting racism in this country and Oakland. And you are doing many things from protesting to signing petitions, donating, reading, talking to your family and friends, and educating yourselves and your kids more about what we can do as an active anti-racism ally. One thing that would go a long way for me as the mother of a Black son and wife of a Black man (and as an Arab Irish Muslim immigrant) is to know that our community is visibly invested in change.

Not everyone is comfortable with signs. We have 5 multiracial grandchildren. We make our statement by how we live every day. Absence of signs does not say anything about a person’s beliefs. Please do not make assumptions about us by how many BLM signs are up. There are multiple ways of handling racism. With all due respect.
Please don’t use your multiracial family members as tokens or excuses for your own behavior. I guarantee you, as a multiracial person who is routinely used by my non-Black family members to make statements such as this, we hate it. There’s nothing uncomfortable about having a sign up to show your support and further teach your family that support should be public. But you making it clear that the aesthetic of your yard is more important than being a vocal force in your community, says enough.

Openidname বলেছেন...

Black Lives Matter thinks that black lives ended by other blacks don't matter.

Antifa is a pro-fascist organization.

Progressives who call for "Love not hate" hate President Trump and the half of all Americans who voted for him.

Orwell, thou shouldst be living at this hour!

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

"We the People of the United States have hope for the future..."

Catchy slogan.

Like, we hope there's more money for 'community organizers' and less for law enforcement.

Pay no attention to the FBI crime statistics behind the curtain.

Howard বলেছেন...

By the sounds of desperation in you people comments, it does make one wonder if you are finally getting tired of so much winning.

Birkel বলেছেন...

"No Justice, No Peace" -- Royal ass Inga repeats the threat of violence.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Shorter NextDoor conversation:

You will be a Green Grocer, comrade.

mikee বলেছেন...

The Antifa grafitti at the corner of 12th and Chestnut in Austin was painted over last weekend. No more "Class Warfare = Essential" and circled A's.

I'm gonna get a nice Gothic stencil and put up "2Peter 2:22" in its place.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

In 2 weeks Floyd's funeral length will officially eclipse the previous record held by John McCain.

narciso বলেছেন...

are you getting a day glo prisoner vibe here?

Inga বলেছেন...

“So you're ok with just a few dozen or so deaths before you'd be willing to criticize anyone.”


narciso বলেছেন...


Kai Akker বলেছেন...

How many police have been injured or killed in these BLM riots, Inga? I've lost track of the tally. Look how organized the riots were, with those pallets of bricks showing up at strategic places in city after city. A lot of concussions on some police forces.

But you need lynchings, specifically, to believe the comparison? Those are hard to get away with in our sophisticated society. Now there are other ways of permanently harming people you don't like. How many careers have been destroyed by BLM fans searching out any hint of non-orthodoxy in a tweet or an article or a passing joke? Those are not physical lynchings, but they terminate the individuals' livelihoods. Bloodless, but devastating. And it can be done so much more easily! No risk to the perps, very cool. It happened to editors at the NY Times, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and Bon Appetit, all in one week. I'm sure it will be easy for them to find another job in journalism. Perhaps they can greet you at Walmart.

NYC's BLM says they're training their own enforcers. They are following the old Black Panther model. It is all about racist intimidation to win political advantages or more than mere advantages, in some of their fantasies. It is the KKK all over again, but a little modernized, I grant you.

Inga বলেছেন...

Stencils! I don’t know why that didn’t occur to me earlier.

walter বলেছেন...

Taking it to the street

Jim at বলেছেন...

You think that the goal of BLM is racist intimidation?

Nah. Just have some woke, white women publicly wash their black feet and all will be better.
Until the next demand.

CaroWalk বলেছেন...


I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"Nextdoor, the neighborhood social networking service, has served up comedy gold..."

Lucky you. I'm on Nextdoor where I am and all they have is posts about lost dogs.

alanc709 বলেছেন...

All those sheets of OSB won't last a few rains. Probably last longer than the shops they "protect", though.

alanc709 বলেছেন...

Not going to bother commenting again, I'm tired of blogger eating my posts.

hstad বলেছেন...

AA - your posting of "graffiti" in Madison is quite instructive. Yet, not in the way you seem to portray it - am I wrong?

My take-away is more toward the 1984 book by George Orwell and the movie "The Matrix". People who take the "Blue Pill" - in the belief that they choose to be deluded rather than reckon with the world as it is [the hardiness of reality].

"BLM" and "White Guilt" pushes a false narrative of "Police Brutality" being racist.
Yet facts are funny things! They can be 'filtered', words can be 'redefined', or finally the idea of 'truth' can be challenged itself. Like half-the cops in Minneapolis, who where involved with the Floyd arrest, are minority. MSM loves to not report anything that challenges their preferred narrative.

The authors of the most comprehensive study to date on the subject of police brutality and race have concluded that white police officers are no more likely than black and Hispanic officers to shoot minority civilians.

Lovernios বলেছেন...

The whole idea of "Whiteness" and "White Privilege" is nothing more than a blood libel.

RichardJohnson বলেছেন...


Castro-mandated agriculture is doing a pretty good job of starving Cubans without any assistance from the Yanquis malditos.

Cuba: Food (PIN)Net per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)

1961 152.18
1989 170.6
2016 108.12

From 1961 to 1989, net per capita Food production increased 12.1%.
From 1989 to 2015, net per capita Food production declined 36.6%. So much for becoming self-sufficient after the loss of the Soviet sugar daddy.

The main problem was that much of the land once used for sugar production was left fallow too long, resulting in it being invaded by the African woody shrub marabú. Abandoned sugar cane land should have been put to use immediately. For example, Cuban milk production had become dependent on importing Soviet corn/maize. Solution: put former sugar cane land to maize/corn or to grazing cattle.

Given Castroite penalties for dead cows- it is possible to spend more time imprisoned for killing your cow than for killing your mother-in-law, the perverse incentives of Castroite law don't help, either.


BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Amazingly, no tally of carbon footprint! What would production, transport and installation of tempered plate glass in display window size amount to? Burning CVS drugstore? Would Walgreens amount to more? Police station house? Graffiti removal chemical or abrasion? Landfill construction debris load? Deployment of security forces! I'm outraged!