June 14, 2020

Trump retweets Michael Moore.


Sebastian said...

Uh, oh, somebody figured us out too soon! DJT, don't give the game away! Let us do the raging in November!

Anyway, if the right is supposedly feeling "rage," what do we call what the left is showing in the streets?

Jupiter said...

I don't know what he's worried about. Does he think all that rage will make us vote harder?

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Downtown Portland, OR is completely boarded up.

My rural hometown is not boarded up.

The only "rage" I'm seeing does not come from Trump supporters.

Voting isn't violence.

Wince said...

Weren't we all supposed to be enraged and guided by emotion?

steven bailey said...

Donald Trump doesn't have to answer why black lives matter. Michael Moore has to
answer why white lives don't.

Skeptical Voter said...

What do we call what the left is showing in the streets? A temper tantrum of the sort thrown by three year olds---but the people with the tantrum are adult sized and in some cases armed and dangerous. What do you call a pair of thirty something lawyers who'll throw a Molotov cocktail at a police vehicle with four cops in it? Hopefully they will be called convicted felons, but I'm not confident that the "just us" system will do that.

jaydub said...

Hilarious! Just this week we were sitting on my deck with two neighbor couples having a drink and just talking about various local topics when one of the neighbors said the word "Trump." Don't remember what the context was or what about Trump was said, but the woman side of the other couple jumped to her feet, clinched her fists and screamed she was leaving if that name came up again. I thought she was going to pop a blood vessel. This woman is a middle aged, mild mannered, reasonably successful lawyer and we've all known each other for 25 years, but I've never seen anything like that from her. It was instantly triggered TDS of an intensity that I haven't seen in person before. So, yeah, I suppose it's us Trump supporting white people's rage that would be the issue?

whitney said...

I think really low testosterone causes the turkey neck in men

Ice Nine said...

Michael Moore issued a similar warning in 2016 about Trump vs Hillary. He might be a buffoonish lefty oaf but he has his astuteness credentials in order.

traditionalguy said...

It's not rage. It’s resolve...a deep resolve like the resolve in Remember the Alamo and Remember Pearl Harbor battle cries.

chuck said...

That's racist and sexist. Way to go, Michael.

traditionalguy said...

It's not rage. It’s resolve...a deep resolve like the resolve in Remember the Alamo and Remember Pearl Harbor battle cries.

Howard said...

Machine against the Rage

GatorNavy said...

The November election results will cause yet another round of burning, looting and general lawlessness in all the blue cities

The Crack Emcee said...

The other ones get pretty hot, too, y'know.

Gk1 said...

I give Moore this much, that he must actually still know some white, blue collar workers he consults with from time to time. He had tried to warn the democrats in 2016 and now that their political consultants are full of shit and beating Trump will not be a cake walk no matter how much they loathe him. I also remember Moore was warning them that the red MAGA hats were worth 1,000 political consultants and far more effective than t.v advertising but no one listened to him then either (thank god)

Arashi said...

Well according to the mayor of Seattle, what is going on there is a 'summer of love'. So if you are a democrat, you can bunr, loot, beat and kill and that is love. If you are a conservative, anything you do, like vote, is an expression of hate and nazism, which is racist and must be destroyed.

The cognitive dissonance of the left is simply amazing in its untruthfulness.

robother said...

So, at least Moore's identified the part of the population responsible for all these riots, fires and looting. Angry White Males: is there any social, environmental, economic problem they aren't bedeviling us with?

JAORE said...


Just look at twitter from the left. Wishing death on those that disagree. Rooting out racism with more energy than those mining for bit coins. Distorting/lying to "prove" how evil the other side is. No vile invective hurled is too vile. Burning, looting and killing.

And it's 24/7/365.

What an awful way to live. Over time I can not help but think it will poison your soul.

Kevin said...

Don’t worry.

Inga and everyone she knows have WI in the bag for Biden.

Ray - SoCal said...

Michael Moore can be very insightful.

Unfortunately the Democrats are fund raising off BLM, if you donate to BLM, it's funneled via Think Blue to the Democratic Party. So the Democrats need to play nice with BLM.

And it's a hidden rage, since many risk being fired, social ostracization, if you not supportive of BLM.

PowerLine had this vide, a Seinfield Parody Video, that is troubling:

It seems Instagram is social shaming people into having a black rectangle.

Or what of Meghan Markle BFF who was fired, for not being sufficiently supportive of BLM.

And with how Social Media gives positive feedback for acting virtuous, by shaming others that are not supportive of BLM, it's a negative feedback loop.

Kevin said...

Hasn’t Moore heard that Texas is going blue?

wild chicken said...

The more the left rages, the more concern trolling about rage on the right.

I wonder why.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You can keep rage and emotion up only for so long...

It's going to come down to who the voters believe can best straighten out the economy.

It's going to be close.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

last time, Michael Moo said a vote for Trump would be a big "Fuck You!"

...this time it will be our way of throwing a brick thru their window
and burning their mutherfucker to the ground

metaphorically speaking, if I may be so bold, my dear gentlepersons

Unknown said...

Whatever happened to Moore's documentary on the foolishness of green policies?

Boy, that vanished fast.

Doubleplus ungoodthink

rcocean said...

Funny, that Moore would tack on "White Male" implying that plenty of Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, etc. support Trump. And why wouldn't female Trump supporters be "full of rage" at what is going on?

Anyway, according to the Press:

"Justified anger" = Upset Democrats and/or Leftists
"Full of Rage" = Upset Trump supporters and/or white males.

le Douanier said...

There seems to be a lot of shared thinking between the comment threads here and the one that I read at that link.


Fernandinande said...

How about just "deeply disgusted"?

"So, don’t ever, ever let anyone tell you that you’re too angry, or that you 'should keep your mouth shut.'" -- Michelle Obama

But I'm pretty sure she didn't actually mean "you", not that it matters.

Shane said...

I look at that face in that photograph and all I can think is: "Makeup people just don't get enough credit or money."

Koot Katmandu said...

I feel a cold anger at being called a racist because I do not feel privilege and will not apologize because I was born a certain color or supporting the police over rioters and looters.

cubanbob said...

Fat Mike should make a documentary on how Detroit went from the richest per capita major city in the US to a basket case in less than fifty years under the stewardship of the Democratic Party.

rehajm said...

The only "rage" I'm seeing does not come from Trump supporters

Absolutely correct but I'll give Moore credit for the observation that Republican males are motivated to vote. I think he's applying leftie terms to Republicans.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Moore’s a hypocritical schlub, but like Carville and a couple of others, his bubble must have a couple of fissures where reality seeps in. And he’s too old (and too young) to buy into the “white guilt” blather in any personal way.
The Democrats are frantically recruiting the votes they already have and in the process driving away the votes that were up for grabs. No wonder jaydub’s neighbor fell into hysterics. She knows what’s coming.

Drago said...

In another episode of Howard's Heroes, a teenager who makes teddy bears for the children of fallen police officers is now receiving death threats.

That'll show her, right Howard?


Remember, and I kid you not, Howard is now actually claiming the conservatives are the would be Maoists!

Yep. He literally made that argument yesterday, on top of Inga's continued denial of lefty cancel culture and belief that its actually the conservatives who have been cancelling others.

We are now through the Looking Glass and are about 15 minutes away from the Althouse lefties claiming it was actually Boogaloo white supremacists who set up the Seattle moron lefty zone.

rehajm said...

A temper tantrum of the sort thrown by three year olds-

It's an over produced, focus group tested, highly choreographed production calculated to achieve a specific outcome. If it looks like a 'grassroots' spontaneous reaction then the law firms and marketing agencies did their job...

wild chicken said...

funneled via Think Blue to the Democratic Party."

ACTBlue. You can find them on every Democrat candidate's financial reports, from presidential down to dog catcher.

They do have their shit together.

Michael K said...

I've never seen anything like that from her. It was instantly triggered TDS of an intensity that I haven't seen in person before. So, yeah, I suppose it's us Trump supporting white people's rage that would be the issue?

Is her name Karen ? Middle aged white women seem to be the problem.

Dr Weevil said...

There's something about the word 'astute' that always makes me think it should be 'ass toot' as in audible fart. I particularly like it when someone (in this case Ice Nine, 10:20am) gives me a sentence where it really fits: "He might be a buffoonish lefty oaf but he has his [ass-tootness] credentials in order."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

traditionalguy said...
Remember the Alamo
Remember Pearl Harbor

Remember the bone spurs.

William said...

Voting for Trump is an act of rage. Throwing an incendiary device at a police cruiser is an act of righteous anger. The more I think about this hypocrisy, the angrier I get. My anger is more sullen than raging however. We Trump voters dare not speak our anger out loud...Moore used to have some nice things to say about Venezuela. I wonder if he's changed his mind about that country. Has he ever changed his mind about anything? Leftists are far more hidebound in their beliefs than conservatives.

The Crack Emcee said...

The big bad majority might crush the 13% of blacks?

That's news to me.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Lem said...
You can keep rage and emotion up only for so long...

The Left has kept it up for 3 and a half years now.

Howard said...

A few weeks ago on Maher talking about the deplorables with semi-auto rifles in the Michigan State House, Moore said not to worry. He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "The other ones get pretty hot, too, y'know."

Not bad.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

today's 'rage' and 'emotion'--

...better channeled thru an ethos/MO to build up or tear down?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narayanan said...

jaydub said...
Hilarious! Just this week we were sitting on my deck with two neighbor couples having a drink and just talking about various local topics when one of the neighbors said the word "Trump." Don't remember what the context was or what about Trump was said, but the woman side of the other couple jumped to her feet, clinched her fists and screamed she was leaving if that name came up again. I thought she was going to pop a blood vessel. This woman is a middle aged, mild mannered, reasonably successful lawyer and we've all known each other for 25 years, but I've never seen anything like that from her. It was instantly triggered TDS of an intensity that I haven't seen in person before.
so what kept you from inviting her to leave?

I am curious because I am more impulsive! and straight talking.

Drago said...

Howard: "He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance."


Howard is taking "tough" advice/guidance from Michael Moore!!

Michael Moore!

Just sit back, put your feet up, and let that one marinate for awhile!

Now, I do admit, that there are damn few conservatives/libertarians with the toughness necessary to withstand the pressure of being between Michael Moore and a buffet, but that's not a fair standard.

Drago said...

ARM: "Remember the bone spurs."

Gropey Rapey Joe Biden and his minions are just the guys to make that argument!

Quick question: How many deferments did Biden receive? And didn't he support ALL the wars?

Uh oh.

Looks like the dems/left/LLR-left have irresponsibly launched ANOTHER Alpha torpedo that is circling back...........

tsk tsk tsk

I'm really starting to believe our lefties are truly incapable of learning.

Rusty said...

"Remember the bone spurs."
Maybe you and Howard can go dress shopping togather. You'r both as catty as a couple of teenage girls.

Drago said...

Next up for Howard: Michael Moore says the teenage girl who makes teddy bears for the children of fallen police officers and is now being attacked by Howard's Heroes isn't nearly as tough as she looks.

Drago said...

William: "Moore used to have some nice things to say about Venezuela. I wonder if he's changed his mind about that country."

Once the poor people of the Venezuelan Leftist People's Paradise ran out of zoo animals to eat, the very very "tough" Michael Moore (according to Howard) lost interest.

Howard said...

Thanks for the props, Drago. I must apologize profusely once again. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa. Comparing Trump to Mao was wrong and a mistake. So sorry. Mao was long dead by the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre ordered by deplorable hero Deng Xiaoping.

Michael K said...

Howard is going to tell those deplorables to disperse.

"Disperse ye rebels !"

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Skeptical Voter said...

What do you call a pair of thirty something lawyers who'll throw a Molotov cocktail at a police vehicle with four cops in it?

'Soon to be disbarred' comes to mind.

But then it's NYC, so who knows?

Michael K said...

On the other hand, Howard might want to read this.

So how do white people riot? They riot by eliminating affirmative action so that jobs and education will be more readily available to whites; by voting to deny services like education and health care to illegal immigrants; by declaring English as the official language and attacking bilingual education; by leaving 38 million people in poverty — 30.6 percent of all African Americans and 30.7 percent of all Latinos.

White people riot by eliminating 50,000 children from Head Start; by cutting money allotted for summer jobs for inner-city youth; by slashing subsidies for the heating bills for the poor; by cutting homeless assistance by one-third; by cutting funds for low-income housing; by ignoring the 2 million children in California alone who go hungry at some time during any given year; by leaving the minimum wage at $4.25, which translates to supporting a family on $170 a week; by eliminating the earned-income tax credit and thereby raising taxes on the working poor; by decreasing taxes for the wealthy, especially by lowering taxes on capital gains; by allowing corporations to pay only 10 percent of all taxes compared to 33 percent of all taxes in the 1940s; by dumping 230 times more toxic waste near low-income and minority neighborhoods than near wealthy suburbs.

The election is going to be very interesting.

Drago said...

Some funny Crack comments from his twitter:

The Crack Emcee@TheCrackEmcee 1h
"Whites want to discredit #BLMprotest, debunk #HandsUpDontShoot", and dismiss the #1619Project."


Eric Holder and Barack Obama debunked #HandsUpDontShoot

The NYT and liberal historians have already called out the NYT 1619 Project for its hoax premise

#BLMprotest is just another funnel for cash to the dems who have run all the blue cities where these incidents take place

Drago said...

In another episode of Howard's Heroes, looks like the police who run LeftyLand West aren't having any of Howard's Heroes protests or shenanigans:

"Beverly Hills Imposes Emergency Order Limiting Gatherings ‘To Preserve The Peace And Tranquility Of Residential Areas’"

Beverly Hills Police Deployed Tear Gas as Protesters Gathered Friday Night

So, here we have the lefties actually doing those very things Howard lied about the Park Police doing.


Inga said...

“Yep. He literally made that argument yesterday, on top of Inga's continued denial of lefty cancel culture and belief that its actually the conservatives who have been cancelling others.”

Except Inga didn’t say there was no cancel culture on the left, Inga said there was cancel culture on the right also. But Drago lies everyday, what else is new?

Inga said...

As for rage, there are certain conservative commenters here who seem perpetually enraged.

Drago said...

Howard's question to all Althousians: Are you Michael Moore "tough"?


And no, I don't mean protect your plate of ribs against encroachers "tough". I mean like, actual tough.

Howard said...

You've obviously never seen Moore devour a rack of ribs in person, Drago.

Friendo said...

The people with the most experience and training using firearms are not "phony cowards". They will defend their rights.

Howard said...

Moore is experienced with your typical "Michigan tough" hunter-bambi killers like the draft dodging Chickenhawk Ted Nugent.

Jamie said...

"Except Inga didn’t say there was no cancel culture on the left, Inga said there was cancel culture on the right also."

False equivalency - obviously.

narciso said...


Michael K said...

Howard said...
Moore is experienced with your typical "Michigan tough" hunter-bambi killers like the draft dodging Chickenhawk Ted Nugent.

How many here think Howard has ever fired a gun? I don't mean Marine refrigerator repairman like chief tom tom.

Bob Smith said...

Mikies dad was allegedly a blue collar guy. Maybe some blue collar common sense trickled down to Mikie.

le Douanier said...

Rollins is making election predictions (again).

Maybe DJT can Tweet this:


Drago said...

Howard: "You've obviously never seen Moore devour a rack of ribs in person, Drago."

That's only because Moore often does not wait for the ribs to be separated from the animal carcass or even to wait for the animal to have died.

AllenS said...

Howard said...
A few weeks ago on Maher talking about the deplorables with semi-auto rifles in the Michigan State House, Moore said not to worry. He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance.

How about you, Howard? Have a lot of combat experience? Killed a lot of men who were trying to kill you? Mr So-Called Marine. I'd rather have Trump in my fox hole, rather than you.

Jim at said...

Um, we white, male Trump voters haven't been the ones screaming at the sky for the last 3+ years, ya know.

Drago said...

Howard Summary: Trump is guilty of not having Park Police use tear gas to clear Lafayette Square and the lefties are innocent for having their security and police forces actually use tear gas to break up protesters near the lefties property.

Hope this helps.

Drago said...

Michael K: "How many here think Howard has ever fired a gun?"

I must admit, having Howard certify to the "toughness" of Michael Moore (try to stop laughing now) does give me pause in accepting the Green Team bona fides of Howard.

Lawrence Person said...

It's not just white and it's not just male.

There's real fury among the 85% of American citizen that aren't woke hard-left Social Justice Warriors over spineless Democrats letting the life work of their citizens' burn rather than risk letting themselves be called racist for enforcing the rule of law.

Drago said...

Howard, is there a Michael Moore Toughness and Ultimate Fighting Camp link you can provide?

I'd like to peruse it.

And it better not be a dual link which routes you to the nearest smorgasbord.

Howard said...

Blogger Friendo said...

The people with the most experience and training using firearms are not "phony cowards". They will defend their rights.

So you people keep saying. Will you people flood into the streets by the thousands across the world and take on the Military and all manner of Militarized Police State Thugs like all those fraidy-cat pussy libtards at the BLM demonstrations?

Shit in one hand and wish in another, see which one fills up first.

Drago said...

Inga: "Except Inga didn’t say there was no cancel culture on the left, Inga said there was cancel culture on the right also. But Drago lies everyday, what else is new?"

Wrong again Collusion Truther. There is NO cancel culture on the right. At all. It doesn't exist. Period.

We know this because there is not a single example of anyone on the right being "cancelled".

And lets hope Inga has the bare minimum intellect not to use the Charlie Sykes example again which was blown out of the water by.....(wait for it....wait for it.....) Charlie Sykes himself!


Of course, when it comes to lying, Inga is in a class all to herself. Just ask her if Carter Page and George Papadopolous are Russian spies! Go ahead! And be prepared to laugh.

Inga still thinks the hoax dossier is "verified" and Brett Kavanaugh led a rape gang!

Of course, Inga only believes these things because shadowy hawaiian shirt wearing lads are running about and whispering in her ear.

Howard said...

Blogger AllenS said...

Howard said...
A few weeks ago on Maher talking about the deplorables with semi-auto rifles in the Michigan State House, Moore said not to worry. He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance.

How about you, Howard? Have a lot of combat experience? Killed a lot of men who were trying to kill you? Mr So-Called Marine. I'd rather have Trump in my fox hole, rather than you.

Good Luck with that.

Drago said...

anti-de Sitter space: "Rollins is making election predictions (again)."

In another shocking and unexpected development, a hollywood type proclaims Trump beyond the pale and says Trump will kill us all.

I. Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

Jim at said...

"Except Inga didn’t say there was no cancel culture on the left, Inga said there was cancel culture on the right also."

And it was pointed out - multiple times - that your so-called examples were horseshit.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Big surprise. Michael Moore effective campaigned for Donald Trump in 2016.

Drago said...

Its hard not to notice the similarity between Howard's Heroes like these and the boys who stormed the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc.

Watching that particular Howard's Hero is like watching Saving Private Ryan.

I wonder if he is a graduate of the Michael Moore School for "Toughness" and 7th Helpings?

Drago said...

In another episode of Howard's Heroes, we find the lefties are now accelerating their vandalism of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Churchill, black military units, abolitionist statues and memorials.

Courageously of course. And in a very Howard-approved "tough" manner. So tough in fact that those memorials dare not fight back against these proud Howard Heroe's "warriors" of Maoist "truth":

"Graffiti covers the more than 100 year old George Washington statue on the Southside.

Messages in red spray paint read “Slave Owner” “Burn the Whitehouse down” & “God bless AmeriKKKa”

CPD investigating."

Strangely enough, no hawaiian shirt/MAGA-hat wearing, Jussie Smollett assaulting, commentator cancelling white supremacists were seen in the area.

Yet.....as Inga is not yet on the case.......

Nobody knows what Inga knows!

n.n said...

"Except Inga didn’t say there was no cancel culture on the left, Inga said there was cancel culture on the right also."

Democracy? Market economics? The libertarians have nothing comparable to planned people... persons.

"False equivalency - obviously."

Politically congruent ("=").

Drago said...

It's quite possible we are approaching a point where Howard tells us Michael Moore is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

Drago said...

Coming soon: The Tao Of Pastry by Michael Moore, publisher Toughness Inc.

Big Mike said...

Moore said not to worry. He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance.

@Howard, I wouldn’t bet my life on that in your shoes.

Michael K said...

Strangely enough, no hawaiian shirt/MAGA-hat wearing, Jussie Smollett assaulting, commentator cancelling white supremacists were seen in the area.

My Hawaiian shirts are still in the mail. Damn this might be all over by the time they get here.

JackWayne said...

Moore says again that the biggest enemy of American Communists are white men. I agree with him.

Howard said...

Big Mike: you people are essentially masking your fear of a black race war (that will never happen) with false bravado. If it did happen, those fit agile crafty kids will murder you, your family, friends and neighbors with the very arsenal you and your fellow deplorables have stockpiled. You haven't thought it through. You and your Geriatricantry are sheep for the slaughter.

narciso said...

the mouth of the flint river, couldn't make on the assembly line for gm, for a week,

cubanbob said...

Big Mike said...
Moore said not to worry. He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance.

@Howard, I wouldn’t bet my life on that in your shoes"

Don't worry Big Mike. Howard is a real badass Marine and sharpshooter. A real lee Harvey Oswald.

Chris Lopes said...

"Of course, Inga only believes these things because shadowy hawaiian shirt wearing lads are running about and whispering in her ear."

You mean like Magnum P.I. ?

Drago said...

Chris Lopes: "You mean like Magnum P.I. ?"

I wouldn't be surprised to see Magnum P.I. cancelled along with other detective shows in accordance with the New Thought Crime of Hawaiian Shirt White Supremacist Oppression.

Drago said...

Howard: "f it did happen, those fit agile crafty kids will murder you, your family, friends and neighbors with the very arsenal you and your fellow deplorables have stockpiled. You haven't thought it through. You and your Geriatricantry are sheep for the slaughter."

It is clear Howard has lived long amongst the leftists and believes all locales are essentially Madison and Berkeley.

BlackjohnX said...

At Howard: I don't think anyone really worries about a race war between blacks and whites, the war, the shooting war, if it comes will be between persons such as yourself, the far left would be architects of a communist revolution (the one where love would bring us all together and justice would prevail - not like those other failed attempts) and those such as myself who prefer to live with a minimum of governmental interference (read control) in our lives, believe that everyone has the right to do their own thing as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others, and who accept responsibility for our actions. There is no doubt how that confrontation will end. Your side has platitudes, self righteousness and the certainty of moral and intellectual superiority, our side has guns, ammo and the will to use them and no worries about repercussions as, in the world self appointed social engineers such as yourself would have it, there will be no law enforcement to interfere as we protect lives, property and values.

Hey Skipper said...

Howard said...
A few weeks ago on Maher talking about the deplorables with semi-auto rifles in the Michigan State House, Moore said not to worry. He went to high school with those guys. They talk tough as long as they were facing unarmed Bambi in the woods. He went on to say you were basically phony tough cowards that would run away from real resistance.

I'm a deplorable.

I've been in combat.

But my rifle is lever action. Maybe that's the difference.

Michael K said...

You haven't thought it through. You and your Geriatricantry are sheep for the slaughter.

Howard, you have not thought this through. Guys like me are old. We would like nothing better then to take you younger assholes with us. I suggest you watch "Gran Torino: before you get too frisky.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"If it did happen, those fit agile crafty kids will murder you, your family, friends and neighbors with the very arsenal you and your fellow deplorables have stockpiled."

The fit, aglie crafty kids routinely kill other black kids who are doing nothing but sitting in their living rooms or bedrooms because stray bullets fly in through the windows and walls. I see cases of schoolchildren getting murdered in the hood every week by Howie's heroes.

The kidz don't seem to have a lot of trigger discipline. I see black people at the range occasionally. They are usually middle-aged and polite (everyone is polite at the gun range) and hardly seem like gangbanger types. I applaud them. They're protecting themselves from the "fit agile crafty kids" Howie has an elderly hard on for.

Sebastian said...

Hey, Michael M, why exactly would or should white working men vote for Biden?

stan said...

I don't understand. Why would people be upset about getting abused with the nastiest, most vile slanders? Why would American patriots be upset about their country being slandered, burned, and wrecked? hmmmm.

I'm 64. From the time I was in junior high I spoke out for racial equality. I got the insults, the name calling, the threats. And I'm happy with the way I've lived my life with regard to racial issues ever since. I defy anyone to find fault with it.

We raised our kids to embrace MLK's dream. In 2001, we moved to a new neighborhood. Within ten days my 7 year old asked to have a sleep over in our bonus room with his new friends. One boy was from India. The other from Nigeria. He didn't think anything of their color because his best friend in first grade was black and his best friend in his kindergarten class was Chinese.

We didn't tell him that the racial makeup of the sleepover would have been noteworthy in our Southern city in 1963 when I was his age. It was best to simply ignore it. Every house around ours has a family which is a minority or immigrants (or both). Our kids never noticed. Just like in millions and millions of other white families in America since the days of MLK.

Now I'm pissed off. Seriously pissed off. When some jerk tries to say that America is no different than it was 50-60 years ago, he deserves to have his face punched in for his lies and slanders. Too many people worked too damn hard for that garbage to be accepted. Too many people have every right to get pissed off.

The whole damn country has made tremendous strides. Strides that didn't just happen. People put in the effort to make them happen. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let some pimple-faced, pajama boy losers denigrate and destroy the benefits of all that work.

Not. Gonna. Happen.

stan said...

" Trump campaign says ticket requests for Oklahoma rally surpass 800,000."

Inga said...

“My Hawaiian shirts are still in the mail. Damn this might be all over by the time they get here.”

The boogaloos don’t want old geezers in their second childhoods.

Drago said...

How long until Inga tells us Brett Kavanaugh and Carter Page are leaders in the boogaloo movement and spend all their time "cancelling" "principled" "conservatives"?

Rusty said...

Howard has quite the fantasy life.

Drago said...

Inga: "The boogaloos don’t want old geezers in their second childhoods."

Inga grew tired of reading Muellers mind and providing Special Counsel updates to us so she has moved on to reading the minds of fictional characters.

I mean, is that really a big leap for a collusion truther who thinks Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rape leader?

Interestingly, in the past Inga has been a strong advocate for MS13 "spark of divinity" gang rapists and machete murderers.

Rusty said...

So the truth comes out. Howard and Inga do want antifa to hurt you.

Big Mike said...

The boogaloos don’t want old geezers in their second childhoods.

Luckily for me, at 73 I’m still in my first childhood.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Big Mike: you people are essentially masking your fear of a black race war (that will never happen) with false bravado. If it did happen, those fit agile crafty kids will murder you, your family, friends and neighbors with the very arsenal you and your fellow deplorables have stockpiled. You haven't thought it through. You and your Geriatricantry are sheep for the slaughter.

Interesting theory. Stupid though.

Had some interesting conversations lately.

More likely you will see the average gun owners providing cover and maintaining presence giving smaller groups freedom to maneuver. Just like the regular army did for us. I don’t expect most of the 50 million gun owners to be hardcore operators either. I doubt they will really be into the details.

The smaller groups will be all of the vets and some friends you leftists have been shitting on for years taking advantage of the freedom to maneuver. A couple hundred ex-11b with freedom to maneuver and a month or so will be plenty for a city like DC.

Especially since you all are shitting so thoroughly on all of the local police officers. They were your only hope. In the US the police don’t protect the citizens from criminals.

They protect the criminals from the citizens.

I look forward to teaching you all this lesson.

Michael K said...

The boogaloos don’t want old geezers in their second childhoods.

I can see how that would bother you, being single and all.

Big Mike said...

I’m not very afraid of Howard’s race war. I lived through 1968. But if a race war does come to my housing development I suspect my black neighbors will be on my side. Black people with jobs or who own small businesses scarcely make common cause with inner city rioters.

Inga said...

“Especially since you all are shitting so thoroughly on all of the local police officers. They were your only hope. In the US the police don’t protect the citizens from criminals.

They protect the criminals from the citizens.

I look forward to teaching you all this lesson.”

Boogaloos have been getting arrested for either ambushing cops, (as in CA) killing them or planning to ambush cops (as in Texas) to kill them. Maybe they think the cops are getting in the way of the “citizens” from being free to killing the “criminals”.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...
Some funny Crack comments from his twitter:

The Crack Emcee@TheCrackEmcee 1h
"Whites want to discredit #BLMprotest, debunk #HandsUpDontShoot", and dismiss the #1619Project."

I'm not surprised you didn't use the whole quote - misleading each other is your whole MO.

Rusty said...

Big Mike said...
"I’m not very afraid of Howard’s race war. "
That's Howards and the lefts sexual fantasy. The reality in Trumps america today is more black employment and more black investment in a middleclass lifestyle. In some areas of the US under Obama inner city unemployment of the 16 to 20 year old cohort was 75%. That's changed. The white left always assumes that blacks aren't capable of understanding how the engine of economics works. That they need to be led by a strong white leader. That they are not individuals.
The civil war, Howard, is breaking along the lines politically, not racialy. Hard working people of all races know where their best interests lie.

buwaya said...

Old men with no remaining obligations should in theory be quite dangerous.
They are almost the ideal kamikaze attacker, with little to look forward to other than to die as well as possible - and the slow deterioration of old age is not a pleasant prospect. There are few better ways to go, at that point, than in glorious battle.

Life rarely gives an organized outlet for such an end. War of the traditional sort is a young mans game for a reason, as the main requirement is endurance. But terrorism, if we must give it its proper name, in the context of revolutionary war, is something else entirely.

Nichevo said...

buwaya said...
Old men with no remaining obligations should in theory be quite dangerous.
They are almost the ideal kamikaze attacker, with little to look forward to other than to die as well as possible - and the slow deterioration of old age is not a pleasant prospect. There are few better ways to go, at that point, than in glorious battle.

That was when the old gentleman came along, the colonel, who had first been under fire in the Boer War and who had survived three wounds at Arras and the Somme. He was the only civilian in sight; such of the other inhabitants of Playden who had not fled before the parachutists were sitting apprehensively in cellars and kitchens. But the colonel walked boldly along. The empty sleeve showed that he was only a crippled noncombatant; his remaining hand was in the side pocket of his tweed coat. And running through his mind was Churchill’s phrase, ‘You can always take one with you.’

The keen blue eyes recognized the command car and the general with the Iron Cross under his chin. The old Mauser pistol, which had been his mascot on the Somme, had three rounds still in the magazine — thirty years old, but when he pulled out the pistol and pressed the trigger, they did their work. The young general fell headfirst out of the command car, tumbling to the road with a look of surprise still on his face, and the colonel fell four yards away from him, riddled by bursts from the pistols of the general’s infuriated staff.

--From "If Hitler Had Invaded England," by C.S. Forester

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Michael K said...
The boogaloos don’t want old geezers in their second childhoods."

Says the old crone whose last sexual encounter was a mercy roll in the hay with a Republican plumber. The plumber had to drink a lot to steel himself for that act of charity.

PM said...

Moore may be trying to regain his Che-cred after exec-producing "Planet of the Humans", that doc of climate activists making asses of themselves.

Rusty said...

That's what I like about you Buwaya. You're always so upbeat. So optimistic.

Rusty said...

That's what I like about you Buwaya. You're always so upbeat. So optimistic.

Inga. Bugaloo is a verb. it is an act. It isn't a group.

Iman said...

Tubby Riefenstahl.

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