June 11, 2020

They're back... the celebrities...


rehajm said...

Do you think for Biden they'll do one of those groveling lead me videos like they did for Obama?

rehajm said...

What's with those goggles? Did she rob them off the body of that Six Flags guy?

Grant said...

Justice So White.

GingerBeer said...

Oh, Black & White. They must really be serious this time.

Dave Begley said...

I only recognized two of the so-called clebs.

Freeman Hunt said...

Unintentional satire.

PM said...

Remember when SNL did a take-off on the Beverly Hillbillies called the Bel-Arabs?
This was even funnier.

Temujin said...

They cannot help themselves.

Next we'll have a World Music Concert to Aid the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone. Because they care.

stevew said...

Will someone please tell them that we love them, just not for this condescending and vacuous bull shit. Do Your Job.

Roy Lofquist said...

Then stop voting for the Democrats you dumb fucks. They invented racism. They made it a business. And they kill black babies for lunch money.

Michael K said...

Does anyone care anymore ?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Are they auditioning for "White Guilt: The Musical?"

J L Oliver said...

Gag me, spoon or sawsall.

wendybar said...

They suck. They need to stay relevant...so heres the lecture....

StephenFearby said...

An example of "Passing the Guilt" (if you don't take personable responsibility). For whatever.

How not to accept the guilt.

From the perspective of Albert Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)

'The Good News About Bad Behavior

Angela and Kenny intend to get married next year. At a recent office party, Angela flirted with Tom, the company salesman. Tom invited her back to his apartment where they made love. The next day, realizing her mistake, Angela became consumed by guilt. She berated herself mercilessly: “How could I do such a terrible thing to Kenny? I should never have gone to Tom's house in the first place, let alone sleep with him. I'm such a bitch!”

If we examine Angela’s guilt from an REBT perspective and apply Albert Ellis’s familiar ABC model, we get the following:

A: I’m engaged to Kenny, but I slept with Tom.
B: I did a terrible thing.
I shouldn’t have done it.
I’m a bitch.
C: Guilt

Many people would regard Angela’s guilt as appropriate and useful. They’d argue that her guilt serves as a form of self-discipline; in order to avoid guilt in the future, she’ll act in ways that are more consistent with her values. Without guilt, they argue, we’d have moral chaos with everyone doing as they please, without consideration for the consequences. But a close examination of guilt shows that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be:

According to REBT theory, your guilt comes not from your actions but from the beliefs you have about your actions. Guilt is primarily a combination of demanding (“I shouldn’t have done it”), awfulizing (“I did a terrible thing”), and self-downing (“I’m a bad person”).
When you feel guilty, you focus primarily on what a “bad person” you are. Instead of thinking about ways to undo the damage caused by your actions (or ways to avoid repeating your actions) you obsess about your “worthlessness.”

The self-downing that lies at the heart of guilt is also a major cause of depression. By ruminating on what a “bad person” you are, you open the door to depression. Once you’re depressed, you’ll often make yourself more depressed by telling yourself, “it’s awful to be depressed. I can’t stand it.”

Guilt is such an unpleasant feeling that you’ll do anything to avoid it, including failing to own up to your actions. Instead of honestly admitting your errors, you’ll deny them so that you – and others – will have no cause to look down on you.

Feeling guilty about something you did in the past robs you of any pleasure you might otherwise find in the present. Instead of enjoying this moment, you dwell on the “terrible” thing that you “shouldn’t” have done.

Your feelings of guilt lead you to overcompensate for your wrongdoing. You become obsequious and unassertive as you try to prove to everyone — including yourself—that you are not a “bad person” but are, in fact, a “good person.”

Others will take advantage of you and try to manipulate you with guilt. They’ll scold you or sulk until you realize that — once again — you’ve done something that makes you a “bad person,” and that you’d better change your ways and do what they want.

Because you see yourself as a “bad person,” you’ll act in ways that reflect your view of yourself. You’ll do what you can to live up to your label.

Guilt, then, seems hardly worth the candle. The claims made by those who say guilt is good for you don’t stack up. Guilt, rather than driving you to improve your behavior, may actually make it worse.

If, as REBT theory states, guilt is a result of views, what can you do about it? The REBT solution is to change your feelings of guilt into feelings of regret so that you shift your focus away from yourself and on to your actions. The first step to making this switch is to examine and challenge the beliefs — your demanding, awfulizing, and self-downing — that cause you to feel guilty...'


Waterdragon75 said...

Total vomit. They all live in gated communities and have no true experience

wildswan said...

Abortion is wiping out the black community. Its members are 12% of the US population and 34% of all abortions. The community is decreasing in absolute population numbers and also relative to other communities such as the Hispanic. This decreases their political clout. The old eugenics set up Planned Parenthood to decrease the number of members in the black community and lefty celebrities are keeping the killing going. BLM is silent on the issue.

The public schools are not serving the black community by providing its members with a solid education and many young men drop out so that they do not even have a worthless piece of paper to show for their early years. Lefty celebrities are keeping the shoddiness in place. BLM is silent on the issue.

The George Floyd protests devolved into looting in the areas the black community lives in. Grocery stores and pharmacies are gone. White members of Antifa led this looting. Lefty celebrities supported these attacks inside the black community by mentioning sociological theories which justify this destruction of black community areas. BLM is silent on the issue.

I'm a Trump supporter and no one thinks I'm a lefty in good standing. I'm not responsible for their destructive theories and self-centered LARPing at the expense of poor people. I thought unborn black lives mattered as much as any other unborn lives - that's what I worked on. No matter what comes, the leftys and BLM will always hate me and my friends for that, and work to silence us. And the unborn are gone and can't speak for us. But at least I acted like an American as best I could.

Big Mike said...

Anybody in there I might know? Any of them in movies I should boycott?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, Inga and sunsong are not wrong that there are terrible racists around, and sometimes they write ugly and threatening messages on college campuses. Like this guy, who thankfully was caught:


whitney said...

"Any of them in movies I should boycott?"

You should boycott all of them. Don't pollute your mind with this stuff.

narciso said...

Elizabeth olsen has been in godzilla and marvel movies since age of ultron, tucci was in first avenger.

Krumhorn said...

So fervently delivered! Who can reasonably doubt their sincerity, you Althousian deplorables??

- Krumhorn

Josephbleau said...

These poor people are too ugly to be celebrities. Politics is Hollywood for ugly people. Hollywood is politics for ugly people.

Michael said...

Hilarious Really first rate comedy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hang on... Important!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't love self-absorbed over-paid a-holes who play dress-up and learn lines for a living. They make too much money and give none of it to black charities.

F Them. I'd like to see a movie where they all die in a fire.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Well, the good news is it will be a time rich in self-parody. The other good news is this shit is like an accelerant for the mockery of cynical youth and free-thinking adults. The riffing is going to be glorious.

Mary Beth said...

I watched it on YouTube. I only made it 48 seconds in. I don't know who these people are and I don't care. They take themselves way too seriously.

Budge Hinman said...

Here's a fun thing to do. Watch the video with the sound muted. Hilarious!

Rob said...

I agree with them: they're terrible people. Happily for me, I have nothing I need to take responsibility for. That's why I can be so judgmental about how badly they've failed.

Chest Rockwell said...

I can't help but laugh.

This is a hostage video.

Chest Rockwell said...

If these clowns really believed in what they're saying, they'd give up their positions and acting roles in the Hollywood pecking order to POC's. But given that people have been washing and kissing feet to atone for their racial sins, I suppose it could happen!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The "I take responsibility" tag is particularly comic. These people will never do anything of the kind. They structure their lives to keep Black people at arm's length.

Andrew said...

Jesse Pinkman really turned his life around. Kudos.

Skeptical Voter said...

I watched the first 8 or 9 or so of these "celebrities" but I'd be hard pressed to tell you the name of any one of them. They all seem to be "pretty people" depending upon one's taste.

But they are also airheads pulling 30 inches of vacuum between their ears.

Basically in life the only person you can actually take responsibility for is yourself.
So have these people been racist, sexist, homophobic, trans phobi misogynist or whatever other progressive thought crime they're worrying about? If you asked them, they'd say they hadn't ever really done anything like that.

So they are simply twits reading off a cue card.

MAJMike said...

Damnit! It was bad enough when they sang a Beatles' song at us.

stephen cooper said...

None of these people care at all about the fact that almost all their pals in Hollywood and Manhattan enthusiastically support the abortion industry whose main goal is simply making bucks without fear or favor but which is an industry that makes MOST OF THOSE BUCKS aborting innocent little black babies. THERE IS A LOT MORE MONEY IN ABORTING BLACK BABIES THAN THERE IS IN ABORTING WHITE BABIES. Celebrities all know this but they are befuddled by their sins.

Some of them may some day wake up from their nasty self-righteous dreams.

William said...

Hollywood is where stereotypes get made. They've put Mamie on the ash heap, but they're the ones who created her. Well onto the fresh new stereotypes. I expect we'll be seeing a lot of psycho-killer cops in the near future. Black people can't trust white people to tell their story, but white cops can't trust black people (or Hollywood) to tell their story.....For representatives of an industry that's known for having rapists, pedophiles, and embezzlers in key positions, these celebs sure are self righteous.

MAJMike said...

"Narcissistic Sociopaths with Childlike IQs and the Morals of Rutting Cats, But with an Elevated Ability To Feign Emotions to Manipulate Others, Have an Important Message for America" -- via Ace of Spades HQ blog

Yancey Ward said...

I assume they donated all their money to poor local black people rather than the Biden Campaign.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I wanna see the bad lip reading version of this.

DanTheMan said...

"It's the big fact of American life now, isn't it? That we are patronized by our inferiors."
Peggy Noonan

Stu Grimshaw said...

Ah, The Bel-Airabs! With Don Novello as Abdul!

Listen to the story ‘bout a man named Abdul
A poor Bedoin, barely kept his family full,
Then one day he was shootin’ at some Jews,
And up through the ground came a bubblin crude.

Oil that is, Persian Perrier,
Kuwait Koolaid.
Saudi Soda

Well the first thing you know Abdul's a billionaire,
Kinfolk said "Abdul move away from there"
Said "Californy is the place without a care"
So they loaded up the Rolls and moved to Belair.

Next to Beverly Hills, that is. Swimmin pools, movie stars, JEWS.

The Bel-Airabs!

Ozymandias said...

Their real message: "I'm guilty. Please don't hurt me."

rhhardin said...

Narcissistic Sociopaths with Childlike IQs

IQs don't change with age, that's their point.

Matthew Heintz said...

As a child and young adult I was guilty of eating "Brazil Nuts".

PB said...

Slaughtered in the streets and their homes by other blacks. How about one of you Hollywood actors stop being silent about that?

PB said...

Their real message: "Look at me! Look at me!"

wendybar said...

Looters and rioters should go to their homes since they care so much.

Rory said...

Michael Scott: Line.
Lawyer: I'm sorry, what?
Other lawyer: He asked for a line, like in a play.

Danno said...

Didn't recognize any of the first half dozen or so.

Maybe they can donate the rich enclaves of Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Malibu, etc. to the new autonomous zone people and they can grovel with the homeless. Never happen.

rhhardin said...

I recognized Julianne Moore, if that was her. Anyway that was my best guess.

Eric said...

Every single one of these people has taken taken a vow of middle-class to support the cause. They have instructed their financial managers to give away all but $250,000 of their assets and they will direct any excessive future earnings as well. Really.

MadisonMan said...

I notice that some of them (Debra Messing for example) are noticeably reading their line -- even though it's a few words! Sheesh.

h said...

For decades I supported abortion rights without thinking about the incredibly unbalanced impact abortions have had on the black community. I take responsibility.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Idiots like sunsong think this celebrity garbage is meaningful.

Original Mike said...

I recognized exactly one of them, and I don't know his name.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

They’re responsible for allowing freedom of speech? That was nice of them, but now we’re being checked.

Bilwick said...

What does "I take responsibility" even mean in that context? Are the show-biz "liberals" saying they're racists and have caused racism? If so . . . stop it, Racist Cool Kids! If they're "liberals," "progressives" or some other variety of State-fellator, are they taking responsibility for Democide, the Fourth Horseman that follows statism? If so, I would say, "Well, you should, State-fellators--now say three Our Fathers and three Hail Marys, flagellate yourselves like the Penitentes, and do a Thelma and Louise of the Grand Canyon."

mikee said...

Responsibility implies a response will be forthcoming.
I don't see that happening with this crowd.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Those people are all highly paid actors. You would think they could read one or two lines and be convincing.

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