This photo went viral on Twitter. As protests continue in the U.S., some say it perfectly captures two different attitudes.
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) June 19, 2020
But there's so much more to this photo:
The quote in the post title is in the linked article and from a tweet that made the photo go viral. The photo was taken by Nick Swartsell last month in Cincinnati (in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood).
All white. Says it all.
(But at least they’re all outside)
why oh why do protestors ignore the following, I wonder?
"Derek Chauvin was a racist cop, a registered Democrat, working for a Democrat Police Chief, voted into office by Democrat voters, in a Democrat controlled city, in a Democrat controlled state. Protected by a Democrat controlled union.
He had 18 complaints against him and was let off multiple times by Democrat prosecutor, now Democrat Senator and failed Democrat presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar.
There are two Americas: one fights for statism, and the other just wants to be left alone.
They are right. There are 2 Americas.
BLM/Antifa are enemies of civilization.
The rest of us want to eat brunch.
If they succeed in stopping us from eating brunch we are going to wipe them out.
It's a trick photo that exposes the reality of the white protesters.
If you look carefully at the faces, you see that it is the people sitting at the cafe are the same as those on the street.
"and the uprisings, which have thrown into stark relief the way in which Blacks and Latinos die in disproportionate numbers at the hands of law enforcement,"
Ha. Carolina A Miranda doesn't like to see the Negroes getting all the attention.
If they were actually fighting for Black Lives, they would be marching in Chicago, and in front of all the Planned Parenthoods.
Millenials weeping when they find out that their favorite restaurant hasn't released a statement condemning racism
Power to the anarchists, leftists, takers, free stuff and looting + the destruction of art and history!
#Democrat-media industrial complex approved.
How much did Michelle the great make on her book deals? It's all good. She cares. or you can pretend she cares.
a racist cop married to a hmong woman, from laos, working with two other asian cops and an african american one,
It's recycled from the recent Great COVID-19 Pandemic: "You want old people to die just so you can go to brunch!"
Everywhere else in the world the police protect serfs from criminals.
In the United States the police protect criminals from citizens.
One fights for Baby Lives Matter, All Lives Matter. The other fights for some, selective Black Lives Matter. Lose your Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion, deny your mortal gods and goddesses, leave the Progressive Church.
Conservatives oppose Big Government. But the civil rights movement is completely dependent on Big Government. So you people are total opposites.
I think that every milestone achievement in the civil rights movement involved the government providing public goods and services to African-Americans. For the past fifty years, every level of government has facilitated massive wealth transfers from non Whites to Blacks. These transfers are "anti-racist" and are meant to boost living standards, reduce insecurity, improve health and "equalize opportunity." Affirmative action is only the tip of the iceberg! And the anti-racists are still harping about reparations. Because you conservatives believe that these sorts of things infringe on everyone's freedom and weaken civil society, you must be racist...
"Derek Chauvin was a racist cop, a registered Democrat, working for a Democrat Police Chief,
With Democrat-approved procedures. Still, while there is an undeniable correlation between Democrat and diversity (e.g. racism), a principle of the Party, is there evidence that it was a motive? Nine minutes without conflict, then something changed when they reached the police car, followed by the spread of a viral video.
1) Which America is putting food on the table?
2) Which America is in downtown Detroit and Chicago actually saving Black lives?
3) Which America is yelling "look at me - I'm so virtuous"?
Did Mom pack your lunch, and who put the weed in there?
Brunch Lives Matter.
Nice example: so much of what is so wrong with the press and twitter, caught in the act.
Paying customers attempting to enjoy a meal at a civilized restaurant V. and a pack of circle A A-'s plotting what to steal, take, kick, punch, concrete milk shake, and destroy.
Same as silence is violence signs I keep seeing. If you do not openly agree with them, speak out, join, march you are a sinner.
More accurate caption would be "There are two Democratic parties: one loves to protest, one prefers to brunch."
Sign me up for the brunch crowd. At least they know what they're doing.
There are two Americas: one pretends to fight for black lives by walking around with pieces of cardboard, and the other pays for brunch.
"Why can’t I just eat my waffle?” Obama replied.
For the past fifty years, every level of government has facilitated massive wealth transfers from non Whites to Blacks. These transfers are "anti-racist" and are meant...
and, how'd that work for ya?
I've been such a boulevardier, sitting in a comfortable spot and watching the protesters march by. I was comforted by the fact that they weren't looting or attacking the neutral on the sidelines. Still it was my impression that if I voiced dissent from their cause things would go south pretty quickly.....I vote fairly conscientiously. That will be my protest. On the other hand, I live in NYC and I think all the candidates in the next mayoralty election will be to the left of DeBlasio. Biden may very well win the Presidency on the hope that maybe the riots and disease will end if we elect a Democrat.....I'm not part of the problem and they're not part of the solution. Maybe inertia will win out in the long run. Toppling statues is hard work and marching in protest is boring after the second or third event. I suppose looting and arson are exciting, but how can you loot or damage the rubble from last week.
I've never been a fan of brunch, too late in the day and not good value for the cost. My sympathies in this situation though are with the brunch crowd. The marchers are out to destroy stuff, which is a purely negative anti-social activity. Whose support are they seeking and winning?
Naturally, the prerequired assumption, that black lives in America need to be "saved," whatever "saved" means, is never questioned, nor are any questions or analysis of the assumption even permitted. So, it's dishonest sophistry going in.
Where does it say that African-Americans couldn't go in and have brunch? And the barriers must have been there before the marchers showed up. What is the point exactly? That you will be made to care? And show it in the currently approved fashion?
One side whines for decades while they are beaten out by harder working more responsible Hispanics, Asians and Indians. The other is damn tired of hearing the other side whining and just doesn’t give a damn anymore about the other sides whining.
"Now that the restaurants are open, let's go down to Le Bistro Fantastique and sit outside and watch the protesters!"
I refuse to wear the ribbon.
"Now that the restaurants are open, let's go down to Le Bistro Fantastique and sit outside and watch the protesters!"
On July 21, 1861, Washingtonians trekked to the countryside near Manassas, Virginia, to watch Union and Confederate forces clash in the first major battle of the American Civil War. Known in the North as the First Battle of Bull Run and in the South as the Battle of First Manassas, the military engagement also earned the nickname the “picnic battle” because spectators showed up with sandwiches and opera glasses. These onlookers, who included a number of U.S. congressmen, expected a victory for the Union and a swift end to the war that had begun three months before.
No, pretty sure that’s the same America in the photo. The Douche-geoise at play and ease. Indistinguishable from any other “revolution”. No thinking person really believes this is for the benefit of Black folks.
These people are insufferable.
I'm guessing that none of the people in either part of that photo is a Republican.
BLM needs "space to destroy". Brunch needs vibrant street ambiance. Win-Win. Nobody needs a feminist geographer, though.
“Brunch” is Yang Worship-Word. (“I’ll have the free range E-Plebnista with a bottomless Mimosa”).
No one is "fighting for blacks". There is no reason to "Fight for blacks". There is no oppression. There is no CRISIS of Police BRUTALITY. Its all bullshit. In the past 5 years, a grand total of 50 unarmed blacks ( 10/year) have been killed by police - FOR ANY REASON. That's out of 20,000,000 black males. Blacks have a greater chance of getting hit by lightning.
This is a complete FAKE.
One of these groups is inflicting violence on the other.
In case you're confused, they're the ones calmly drinking their mimosas.
Let them eat brunch. Paying $50 for eggs and melon. The ultimate pussy whipping power move.
We just walked past an Episcopal church were a small crowd was getting ready to "March for justice! Do you want to join us?", but fortunately they asked BunHun rather than my own self, who was across the street keeping the dogs away. The nearby Catholic church joined in on the nonsense.
I hope they're done in time for brunch.
he photo was taken by Nick Swartsell last month in Cincinnati (in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood)
This is a key point. Last month - i.e. May - George Floyd was killed on the 26th, and the video became public on the 27th. While it percolated through social media relatively quickly, it is entirely possible that the people having brunch were unaware of what had happened or that any protests were planned, particularly as the protests began in Minneapolis and did not spread immediately to other cities.
But hell, lets condemn them for wanting to enjoy a meal at a restaurant (or at least outside of one).
I've Never understood how people could gorge like they do at a brunch
After eating Breakfast (and then Second Breakfast), can't you just wait* until luncheon?
just wait* i'm not saying don't have a few (or several) snacks, but sitting down... Again?
For the past fifty years, every level of government has facilitated massive wealth transfers from non Whites to Blacks. These transfers are "anti-racist" and are meant to boost living standards, reduce insecurity, improve health and "equalize opportunity."
I've scrolled past this a couple of times and still don't get it.
Which "non-whites" transferred "massive wealth" to blacks? Asians ?
Actually, the people in the streets are “fighting” for the taking of more black lives by black criminals who, along with Democrats, are the intended short term beneficiaries of BLM politics. The long term beneficiaries are other neo-Marxists.
Nothing that BLM does will improve the lives of law abiding black citizens.
BTW, does opening Netflix and Amazon Prime to have an array of anti-racist propaganda shoved in your face inspire you to join the movement? Me neither.
All I see is white people at play, brunch or march, it is all the same.
There are two Americas indeed. One America reads the NY and LA Times. The rest of us make things happen.
Clowns eating brunch outside because the Left needed to gin up the scare over the Wuhan virus to destroy the economy and get Trump.
Clowns marching down the street because the Left needed to gin up the scare over disproportionate killings of black (not true) to destroy society and get Trump.
Two sides of the same coin.
I'm with the crowd supporting the local restaurant. The COVID shutdown was hard on them. Some aren't going to ever reopen so it's important (to me) to support the ones that do and help them recover.
After a long hiatus I decided to check in this morning and this article caught my eye and triggered my incredulity. If those are the only 'two Americas' the writer knows about, then the abject cluelessness of the media elite is worse even than I imagined.
No one is "fighting for blacks". There is no reason to "Fight for blacks". There is no oppression.
True, they are not "fighting for blacks," but there are some unjust inequities.
And one of those injustices is precisely that they are not "fighting for blacks," but are instead fighting to feel good about themselves. That's why after a hard day of marching and shouting, these same people are going to go stop at a sidewalk cafe and drink and talk about how great they are.
I much rather enjoy a BLT than a BLM.
“I've Never understood how people could gorge like they do at a brunch
After eating Breakfast (and then Second Breakfast), can't you just wait* until luncheon?”
At least for us, the rule is no breakfast, and light dinners that night and the night before.
My partner became a brunch addict when her first husband ran one of the best ones in Las Vegas at the time (one of his duties as Executive Banquet Chef at the hotel). She would bring their kids to brunch most Sundays, they would sit in reserved seating, and he would go back into the kitchen and whip up stuff just for her.
Now though we only do them a couple times a year. Sometimes when we are in Las Vegas, and at least once a year at the Coeur d’Alene resort. I like that one esp for its brown sugar bacon. She loves the Huckleberry mimosas (Huckleberries are a big regional thing here). We pushed pretty hard on the way up here to MT to make it to their Sunday brunch, only to find that they were not serving them at the time. Expect to be in the Spokane area at the end of the month, and plan to make up for it.
There are those who know what happened during the “Cultural Revolution” and take it as a warning, and those who take it as a “how-to” and their useful idiots.
The Babylon Bee has gotten much funnier lately, it's getting better every day.
The photo is mildly interesting, but the linked article is a load of crap.
Brunch matters.
Good to hear from you, mockturtle. Is there a reason for your absence?
Speaking of BLM and breakfast. I'm getting the impression that loudest race-obsessed voices care the least about real Black lives. They will step on anybody, Black or otherwise, to get that signal out.
"Great-grandson of 'Aunt Jemima' is outraged over decision to 'erase' family legacy"
"Which "non-whites" transferred "massive wealth" to blacks? Asians ?"
Remember "The War on Poverty", doc? Trillions of dollars spent? Well, we lost.
Where'd all the money go?
Rusty said...
"Which "non-whites" transferred "massive wealth" to blacks? Asians ?"
Remember "The War on Poverty", doc? Trillions of dollars spent? Well, we lost.
Where'd all the money go?
Oh, I agree that was an enrichment scheme for liberal arts majors but what "non-whites ?"
"Flint Town is an eight episode American documentary television series that was released on Netflix on March 2, 2018.[1][2][3] The documentary focuses on the thoughts and conflicted emotions of the men and women serving to protect urban areas of Flint, Michigan (unofficially nicknamed "Flint Town") struggling with poverty, crime, financially strapped public services and the Flint water crisis. The series covers a period from November 2015 to early 2017, the same time frame as the 2016 presidential election. The department captured on-screen is down from 300 cops to 98 for 100,000 people, the lowest number out of comparably sized cities. Over the course of the episodes, the police faced a crucial millage vote and a city government wrangling over funding.[4]"
At one point, police are going door to door, almost begging for votes to keep existing millage in effect. Proposal passes, decent police chief happy, city council robs money from police.
Cops short handed and un happy, cannot respond efficiently, populace believes cops intentionally not responding due to racism.
Here are somke Boogalloos for Inga.
I'm pretty sure that Dr K thinks (as I do) that most of that money came from whites.
I prefer to think they seized the restaurant and liberated brunch
everyday there is some article, that is more absurd than the day before,
Good to hear from you, mockturtle. Is there a reason for your absence?
Original Mike, I stated a few months ago that I'd be back when the COVID-19 tongue lashings were over. Don't know if that's the case yet as I haven't been reading the blog. Have discovered there is more to life than reading blog comments. Am in Wyoming right now where people seem to be living normal lives and enjoying camping, as I am. I do miss the interesting perspectives here, though. Do you know if buwaya has been back? I'll wager he's saying, "I told you so", about the collapse of America.
'Revolutions' like this always end up with dictatorships. The Chinese Cultural Revolution and the French Revolution are apt comparisons with the mass hysteria we're seeing in many cities now. My daughter lives in Pierce County, WA, and there is talk of them wanting to change the name because Franklin Pierce was a supporter of slavery. I'm sure Washington State and D.C. will be next. The madness continues.
They are not “fighting for Black Lives,” they are virtue signaling.
I think a lot of normal people are getting tired of being inconvenienced by preening assholes. The backlash is coming.
One pretends to fight for black lives while absolutely ignoring the largest threats to black lives (abortion and other blacks).
The other side understands statistics and crime data and 'per capita'.
Follow the link, story pretty funny. Well paid educated blacks talking about how blacks are excluded from well paying professions.
The most enthusiastic brunch goers I've known were gay men. The Hay Adams in DC had a very good spread, but brunch always seemed to me like an excuse to start drinking champagne and Bloody Marys at 11 am.
Of course, one should "fight" for black lives 24/7 and remain in a state of outrage at all times because carrying a sign and yelling really makes a difference in the lives of inner city kids. No fun or relaxation is permitted.
mockturtle, it's good to see you.
mockturtle - the covid tongue lashings seem to have abated. buwaya's back. I'll let him speak for himself. Wyoming sounds like a good place to be. We are laying low in northern Wisconsin for the summer.
irk Parker said...
I'm pretty sure that Dr K thinks (as I do) that most of that money came from whites.
Oh yes. Absolutely., We are starting to see outrage from Democrats about DOJ drones surveilling the rioters. That's how they got the white girl who burned the Wendy's in Atlanta. I think the arrests are over 400 now. I also think 100% are white. Some are going to rat out the people who have organized this and paid them. The girl who torched the Wendy's is facing 80 Years. That can help memories a lot.
I’m learning - Lefty-Speak:
“White supremacy” = Western civilization
“Fundamental change” = total destruction
“Legitimate grievances” = “complete bullshit”
“Have a conversation about…” = agree with us or die
“Rights” = things not in the Constitution we want and for which others will provide/pay for
“Patriarchy” = things in the Constitution we don’t want you to have.
Justice = You pay for my actions
Victim = Aggressor
Democrats have controlled MN for decades.
Democrats have controlled Minneapolis for decades.
A Democrat hired Chauvin.
A Democrat trained Chauvin.
A Democrat supervised Chauvin
A Democrat approved the rules under which the PD for this Democrat city operated
A Democrat failed to prosecute Chauvin in 2006 (Klobucher). If she would have, he might not have been on the force
A Democrat failed to fire Chauvin the first 17 times he got in trouble
A Democrat Union protected Chauvin
Silence is violence. Is that true?
So, BLM spokespersons, how about the disproportionate number of black babies killed in abortion? the CDC says that abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease.
See why they say silence is violence?
We are starting to see outrage from Democrats about DOJ drones surveilling the rioters
Trump has quietly weaponized all of federal law enforcement and focused them on antifa and BLM.
Not that long ago, Over-the-rhine was not a neighborhood where you would go to have a nice outside brunch.
"Trump has quietly weaponized all of federal law enforcement and focused them on antifa and BLM."
I don't know what "weaponized" means and "all" must surely be an exaggeration, but I sure hope law enforcement is focused on those who are looting and burning our cities.
Apparently, the girl who torched the Wendy's was the guy's girlfriend. Wonder of wonders. I wonder if she helped beat his kids?
Mark said, "unjust inequities".
Please tell me what a just inequity is.
glad you're back mock turtle!
hope you're enjoying Wyoming! (the snow should be melted...soon!)
I don't know what "weaponized" means and "all" must surely be an exaggeration
It's not an exaggeration. Secret Service, US Marshalls, DEA, ATF, ICE, Veteran's Administration police, and numerous other federal agencies have armed police. That's all on top of and in addition to the FBI. I'm in Portland, and these federal uniformed officers have been reassigned to a task force under the direction of the FBI, and they literally swoop in and chase Antifa down the street, because the local PoPo have been told to stand down. Trump did that.
If your face made millions selling a product - how is that a bad thing?
Aunt Jemima is our pancake syrup Aunti!
The people sitting down are at least doing something useful.
"...these federal uniformed officers have been reassigned to a task force under the direction of the FBI, and they literally swoop in and chase Antifa down the street, because the local PoPo have been told to stand down. Trump did that."
That's taking responsibility for the lives or all citizens. Something it seems most politicians do not understand or care about. Can I vote for Trump twice?
What does it mean if I say I'm fighting for Black lives?
How am I doing that? What lives am I saving, and what fighting am I doing, becuase I just see a lot of walking, and yelling, interrupted by pot smoking. All those are fine, but fighting for Black lives must have been inadvertently deleted from the PowerPoint file, because more Blacks are dying than before. Damned unintended dead people. What's that about?
I went to Xavier U., the first thing they told us when we arrived freshman year was that if we were going to leave campus, the one place to avoid was Over-The-Rhein.
Mark: "unjust inequities"
Doug: "Please tell me what a just inequity is."
Because I've had decades dealing with "liberal" flapdoodle and moonshine, I would say a "just inequity" is an inequity that furthers the interests of the "liberal"/"progressive"/statist Hive. The relationship between the State and its victims is inherently unequal (the former points the gun and commands; the latter obeys, or dies); but "liberals" et al are fine with that because it advances statism and diminishes liberty.
Or something. It's difficult to make logical sense out of dogma. It's like trying to find a syllogism in the ravings of Inga, Howard or any of the other State cultists who post here.
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