June 23, 2020

"The University of Michigan is withdrawing from hosting a presidential debate..."

"U-M is making the move because of concerns of bringing the campaigns, media and supporters of both candidates to Ann Arbor and campus during a pandemic.... The move comes on the same day Biden's campaign said he would commit to participating in three debates, not four like Trump's campaign was pushing for. 'Our position is straightforward and clear: Joe Biden will accept the Commission’s debates, on the Commission’s dates, under the Commission’s established format and the Commission’s independent choice of moderators,' said Biden Campaign Manager Jen O’Malley Dillon.... ... Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani [proposed adding] another, earlier debate to the current schedule of three. They also proposed that each campaign have a role in selecting the debate moderators."

The Detroit Free Press reports.


Yancey Ward said...

"Independent choice of moderators". Sure.

Yancey Ward said...

The moderators should be chosen as a panel by both campaigns equally- it is the only fair way to do it. The Democrats, for years, have gamed this system by pretending that the choice by the third party debate commission isn't biased in their favor.

Michael K said...

I doubt there will be one.

Yancey Ward said...

Republicans, for years, have been spineless in allowing this.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I cannot think what university - in this day and age and with what's going on - would possibly consider having MORE political events taking place on campus. For pete's sake, campus IS a political event 24/7 365 days a year now, just without so many riots (don't worry...that's coming).

You'd think corporate America would get in on this as a cash-making opportunity, but it's understandable they don't because they'd quickly lose whatever profit they made due to damages.

Remember Minneapolis's Arbys? Arbys.....we had the meats.

Yancey Ward said...

We may be seeing, though, how the Democrats intend to avoid putting Biden on stage- the venues will just refuse to host the debates.

Ice Nine said...

And so it begins. This is only the first. The Dems, with the help of their lackeys, *are not* going to put Biden on a debate stage with Trump. I hadn't thought of this ploy -- a patently disingenuous one but it will be an effective one. There's a pandemic, you know...

Marshall Rose said...

I volunteer to moderate.
Neither side would like that....

Dump the live audience, you want real information, lose the media planned circus.

danoso said...

I was wondering how they plan to pull off having the debates canceled. Looks like the venue will have to be acceptable to the Biden campaign, meaning down the road the venue will pull out because Orange Man Bad. Voila, no debates, and Senile Joe is safe.

clint said...

How long before the Commission cancels the debates?

ga6 said...

de got the call from the DNC

Sebastian said...

Why should Trump follow "the Commission's" "established format"?

Anonymous said...

"Independent choice of moderators."

Heck the'll probably load up the "conservative" lineup with Bill Kristol and Megyn Kelly and call it balanced.

bbkingfish said...

Also, people in Jacksonville and Charlotte aren't exactly begging GOPers to come to their cities for the convention.

Readering said...

Surely the debates will be held without audiences.

Dude1394 said...

They are afraid of their own BLM/Antifa/Democrat terrorists.

Readering said...

trump negotiating with biden and debate commission like negotiating with Kim. Everyone knows he will cave for a deal.

doctrev said...

Worth a shot, given that the Commission is heavily slanted towards liberal douches. It doesn't really matter: Hillary's much milder physical ailments were relatively easy to conceal from the public. Joe Biden's lack of mental agility will be much harder, and Trump can easily dunk on any moderator that tries to tag team the debate.

WisRich said...

Hmm, maybe a new tag of "How to Make Joe look like he's going to do the debates but not really"

Jupiter said...

Whose idea was this stupid "moderators" notion? I'm guessing it was the Leftist apparatchiks of the MSM, back when we still imagined they had some lingering shred of integrity. It is simply a device to allow the Commies to frame the terms of debate. The candidates are perfectly capable of deciding what they think is important and expressing their views about it without assistance from people who wear makeup for a living.

bagoh20 said...

Nobody is really scared of Covid anymore. They are afraid of "peaceful protests", and the potential burning down of the universtity that such freedom of speech could bring. The kids may be right after all. Free speech can be dangerous, at least the way the left does it.

Theranter said...

I hope Notre Dame doesn't back out of hosting the final debate.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

we know our fellow Lefties will tear this place to shreds,
but let's couch this in terms of public health

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Joe Biden will accept the Commission’s debates, on the Commission’s dates, under the Commission’s established format and the Commission’s independent choice of moderators,' said Biden Campaign Manager Jen O’Malley Dillon."

See? He'll make a great president; he does what he's told.

MadisonMan said...

Prediction: Biden will try everything to prevent being in front of people. The more people see him, the more they see obvious problems.

Readering said...

EU to exclude travelers from US, Russia and Brazil when restrictions lifted next month.

Clyde said...

The Commission's "independent choice of moderators" means that there were be three left-leaning "journalists." Fox News personalities need not apply.

Kathryn51 said...

I've said many times - like others on this blog - there will be no debates. The Dems are doing along with the pretense that Biden is eager to debate the Orange Man. But once the conventions are over - they will find 1001 reasons to cancel. Covid. Riots. Whatever.

BTW, Biden is already setting up his "transition team". In reality, these are the people who will be running things if Biden is elected. From Bloomberg:

Yohannes Abraham, a top aide to senior adviser Valerie Jarrett in the Obama White House, will be joining the operation in the coming weeks to manage day-to-day operations.

Avril Haines, a former principal deputy national security adviser and deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency,

Gautam Raghavan, chief of staff to Representative Pramila Jayapal

Angela Ramirez, chief of staff to Representative Ben Ray Lujan;

Former Biden White House adviser Evan Ryan;

Julie Siegel, Warren’s senior counsel for economic policy, who previously was a senior adviser at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

BarrySanders20 said...

Commission commission commission. The Biden team loves them some Commission. Why would that be? From the Commission's web site:

How are the Debate Moderators Chosen? The moderators are selected by the CPD several weeks before the debates. The CPD uses three criteria to select its moderators: a) familiarity with the candidates and the major issues of the presidential campaign; b) extensive experience in live television broadcast news; and c) an understanding that the debate should focus maximum time and attention on the candidates and their views. The moderators alone select the questions to be asked, which are not known to the CPD or to the candidates. They do not meet with the campaigns, nor do the campaigns have a role in moderator selection. Starting in 1996, with a single exception, the CPD has used a single moderator for all of its debates in order to keep the focus on the candidates and their positions. The one exception was the second presidential debate in 2016, which was co-anchored by Martha Raddatz of ABC News and Anderson Cooper of CNN.

They did select Chris Wallace in 2016 after the Raddatz/Cooper tag team. The same Raddatz who cried on air when Trump won and the same Cooper who you all know so well for being fair-minded and neutral.

gspencer said...

After the first 15 minutes of the first debate, after viewers get a look at and a hear from Biden, there'll be no need for any further debates.

Kai Akker said...

Two full days of strong prices for selling stock, especially 4-letter Nasdaq stock.

Ding Ding Ding Ding

... in other news.

Nonapod said...

All I know is that I haven't been terribly impressed with the Debate Commission's selection of moderators for at least the past few presidential debates. Remember the whole Candy Crowley debacle?

PM said...

The pandemic.
Not the screaming, trashing, burning & Trump.
The pandemic.

Temujin said...

The Spartans ought to pick up the ball on this just like they did when the Wolverines made their last national fumble. Surrender Cobra

Skeptical Voter said...

U Mich comes through again. Joe Biden can continue to stay in his basement until, on January 20, 2021 or thereabouts he emerges from his bunker like Screaming Jay Hawkins singing--or maybe just mumbling "I put a spell on you. . .". It will be an interesting inauguration--sorta like a Zombie Jamboree for sure. And the U Mich helped Joe out.

Gahrie said...

There is no way that there's going to be a second debate. Trump will shred Biden in the first one.

cacimbo said...

The debates are just show, they give the public no real information.The Presidential Forum hosted by Rick Warren with McCain and Obama was much better.I would like to see each campaign select one interviewer.Joe Rogan, Rick Warren, Oprah... each side can select anyone they chose.Then both candidates must submit to a Rogan style interview by the two people selected.It would be much more informative without the stadium style cheering

DarkHelmet said...

There is no need for a moderator. Replace moderators with a chess timer that is directly wired to each candidate's mic. They each get 40 minutes to use however they see fit.

But of course that would not allow the media to knee-cap Trump and bolster Biden, which is obviously what they will do.

boatbuilder said...

Who elected the Commission? Not me, that’s for sure.

Drago said...

Readering: "trump negotiating with biden and debate commission like negotiating with Kim. Everyone knows he will cave for a deal."


And the Norks got what precisely from Trump?

Increased sanctions, no food, no material goods, no energy, an increase in South Korean expenditures for defense, etc.

Readering, like Li'l Stevie Uhr, the walking idiot gadfly, Inga and ARM are still pretending its Jan of 2017 and all their debunked talking points are still operative.

I half expect readering to regale us with tales of impending doom from Bobby Mueller and his team of crackerjack "investigators".

Ah, those were the good old days for Althouse lefties, when they could pretend all their lies were still true!

Drago said...

Nonapod: "All I know is that I haven't been terribly impressed with the Debate Commission's selection of moderators for at least the past few presidential debates. Remember the whole Candy Crowley debacle?"

On the contrary, the debate commission has been outstanding in stacking the deck in the dems favor and thereby achieving their objectives.

I would still like to know how obama could have been so careless as to blurt out to Candy Crowley to check her notes live on air!

Its a good thing for obama that Romney was such a cowed little welp that he didnt point that out and crawled back into his hole as he was directed.

Birkel said...

Michigan is a shithole university.

Two-eyed Jack said...

All debates are useless. Still, the worst aspect of this is the idea that the moderator's questions should be secret (or, with CNN, leaked to the Democratic candidate).

What purpose is served by secret questions? Mostly they allow slanted framing and softballs.

Questions should be of the form "Where do you see our relationship with China going?" Follow-ups should be of the form "Could you elaborate on this aspect of your answer?" or "Could you respond to that point your opponent made?"

I'm Full of Soup said...

I bet it would have held a Dem debate if the Dems still had two lucid candidates left battling it out for the nomination.

Kevin said...

This is just setting up the dodge.

"Joe Biden will accept the Commission’s debates, on the Commission’s dates, under the Commission’s established format and the Commission’s independent choice of moderators,' said Biden Campaign Manager Jen O’Malley Dillon."

So, if the Commission cancels due to covid, then, welp, what are you going to do? We tried! We really did. We were very open to debating Trump, enthusiastic, even, because our candidate is DEFINITELY not cognitively impaired, and we were really looking forward to showing that off and giving ol' Trump the what for, but now, it's been canceled, so, welp, that's that. Can't be helped. On to the election.

narciso said...

would the debates even address the right questions,


Inga said...

Wherever it’s held, I just hope there’ll be no ramps.

madAsHell said...

Remember the whole Candy Crowley debacle?

Yes, after Obama's disastrous performance in the 1st debate, he spied on Romney, and showed us what a useful idiot Crowley is.

n.n said...

Impudent, ignorant, and cowardly.

Did lockdowns really save 3 million COVID-19 deaths, as Flaxman et al. claim?

First and foremost, the failure of Flaxman et al.’s model to consider other possible causes apart from NPI of the large reductions in COVID-19 transmission that have occurred makes it conclusions as to the overall effect of NPI unscientific and unsupportable.
Secondly, their finding that almost all the large reductions in transmission that the model infers occurred were due to lockdowns, with other interventions having almost no effect, has been shown to be unsupportable
It seems likely that the inferred relative strengths of the various NPIs are also highly sensitive to other assumptions

Prudent and bold. #Life

minnesota farm guy said...

Ann your home state is a real profile in courage. Dictator for a governor and wusses for regents.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...

Surely the debates will be held without audiences.

And without Biden, if any.

Michael K said...

Blogger Readering said...

EU to exclude travelers from US, Russia and Brazil when restrictions lifted next month.

So, the French tourism industry depends on Arabs ?

I remember the marked change after the Gulf War shut off American tourism.

I Callahan said...

I doubt there will be one.

Same here, Doc Mike. And U of M cancelling is part and parcel of that. The pandemic is just one excuse; others will be Trump's unfair demands about where, how, who the moderators will be, etc. The truth is that Biden's late stage of dementia would be so obvious for all to see that the Dems can't afford for a debate to happen.

Now before anyone starts comparing this year to any other presidential election year in the past, ask yourself what about 2020 has been similar to ANY other year in the past in this country's history?

Francisco D said...

There will be no debates with Joe Biden.

The Democrats will go hysterical over something Trump says and pull out. It is already scripted and focus group tested.

The Media, Inga, ARM and Howard will gleefully approve.

Limited blogger said...

There will be no talking at the debates.

Questions and answers will be submitted on slips of paper.

Joe Biden may not physically be there. He will of course be there in spirit. He will have a proxy there who will respond in Joe's stead.

Polls show Joe will win, why continue with the farce of a campaign?

Limited blogger said...

Was this debate going to feature John Harwood from NBC?

That guy was not bias'd at all.

narciso said...

justice deferred is justice denied,


PB said...

The commissions choice of moderators has been poor. Each campaign should select 2 questioners for each debate.

Jake said...

I think Joe Biden is used to just doing what other people tell him to do these days.

Drago said...

Inga: "Wherever it’s held, I just hope there’ll be no ramps."


Russia Collusion girl thinks Trump and ramps will be the problem at a Biden debate!

Of course, you have to remember, Inga is the idiot who still thinks Carter Page is a russian spy, so, there you go.

FullMoon said...

Silver lining in protest crowd is finally a definitive test as to how contagious the virus is.

Debates should be like the impromptu pressers. Both stand on the grass, take questions from obnoxious reporters and take as much time as needed to answer.

D 2 said...

I haven’t read all the comments evidently so please forgive me if someone else has already proposed it....

Put the two guys in a plane. Get them to sit across from each other on cosy chairs. They’re old guys. Give them water, whiskey, whatever.

Imagine a conversation without so much glib gotcha from two old guys, with opposing viewpoints, but trying to highlight why their directions would be the more suitable approach to governance, to bring a nation towards increased prosperity, issues with human rights, environment, foreign relations. I would think the two of them, by this point in their wizened lives, might be able to point to the broad principle they might believe in fully, and then provide an example of a specific policy or program approach to best achieve that result. Keeping in mind separation of powers, fiscal reality, and where such an idea may fit with the general populi.

Let them ramble between themselves if need be. We’re likely to be in near lockdown again or else we maybe breaking into cemeteries to throw out monuments at that point, a la Madison, so what’s the worry about time and such??

I think it was in the 2000 election, the VP debate between Cheney and Lieberman where they went with conversational chair style, not the typical fucking stool like their performing seals for the goddamned media shits approach. Maybe I reveal where most of my anger is towards. Not Trumps or Bidens. The in betweeners who just spurt garbage one day to the next, disconnected with substance, seemingly above responsibility for the outcomes of their words or presentation.

So long ago now.

readering said...

Drago's random word generator set to hot.

FullMoon said...

Drago said

Readering, like Li'l Stevie Uhr, the walking idiot gadfly, Inga and ARM are still pretending its Jan of 2017 and all their debunked talking points are still operative.

I half expect readering to regale us with tales of impending doom from Bobby Mueller and his team of crackerjack "investigators".

Ah, those were the good old days for Althouse lefties, when they could pretend all their lies were still true!

For fun:

"INGA said:
I agree. Trump would probably not have been able to pull off any collusion with Russia by himself. He had Roger Stone, Manafort, Carter Page and Flynn to do the thinking for him, he probably just told them to go ahead and do what they wanted if it benefitted him.
5/11/17, 3:19 PM "

Bob Smith said...

The UM prez has a pretty good idea Trump is going to wipe the floor with Biden and he’s afraid some of the blood will wind up on him. Not a bad move.

MayBee said...

Yeah, I have to say UofM was nervous about all the protests if Trump came to their campus.

Drago said...

readering: "Drago's random word generator set to hot."

Still waiting on that list of "wins" Kim Jong Un "out negotiated" Trump to get.

Take your time. Do some breathing exercises. I'm sure it will come to you.

MayBee said...

Temujin said...
The Spartans ought to pick up the ball on this just like they did when the Wolverines made their last national fumbl

Michigan State's current president is afraid of his own shadow. Before the state lockdown, he sent out emails on a regular basis apologizing for something that happened on campus- once it was ICE representatives speaking to a class and that made some students feel unsafe. Every time he would say his number one priority as President of MSU was to provide a safe campus for students. Not, mind you, to provide an excellent education.

So no way he'd let Trump come to campus.

Drago said...

Readering: "EU to exclude travelers from US, Russia and Brazil when restrictions lifted next month."


Russian provides about 40%+ of the natural gas to the EU and Germany in particular and the Germans have already shelved their nukes and are dramatically cutting back on coal.

In a few years Russia will be the supplier for about 60%+ of all German energy requirements (with the completion of NordStream II, which the Trump administration is fighting against (hey, how can that be if Putin controls Trump?!)) and a majority of all energy used by the entire EU.

Russia can do whatever the hell it wants to the EU and the EU knows it.

The EU will have an "official" cutoff of Russian travel but will then issue about a million "waivers" which will not be heavily covered by the media.

More importantly, the ChiComs still have free rein over there......and it seems to me that the ChiCom's did have some small role in the transmission of the virus..............hmmmmm...

Francisco D said...

The Trump campaign will give in to demands for DNC/MSM "moderators". Trump can handle them and will give as few excuses as possible for the Biden campaign to cancel.

Nonetheless, the Biden campaign will cancel the debates.

Does anyone seriously think that Biden will take the debate stage?


Gk1 said...

Trump should cut to the chase and just offer to come over to Joe's basement for the debates since the DNC will put every conceivable obstacle in the way of having one. Besides its a health risk to have someone of Joe's age out and about with this here covid "pandemic"

Readering said...

Why does anyone think either candidate will skip? They both have lots of debate experience. They both answer the question by saying whatever is on their minds. Even if both minds are failing (I'm like Bolton, planning write-in) they both know how to fill the allotted time. They both have supporters praising whatever they say and detractors denigrating whatever they say. Meanwhile the polls have been the most stable in memory.

n.n said...

apologizing for something that happened on campus- once it was ICE representatives speaking to a class and that made some students feel unsafe

Sanctuary bodies are a primary path for asymptomatic transmission. The school president should advise his students to wash their hands and avoid black holes, open holes, and open wounds in order to mitigate progress.

bagoh20 said...

You notice that the criteria for moderator does not include any requirement for fairness or a bias-free record. Got to admit that would make it hard to find someone, but you would expect them to at least pretend that matters. What criteria would be more important than the moderator being unbiased? I know those of us on the right have given up on such things, but at least try to fool us. It's really insulting when you don't even try.

Gk1 said...

Readering and other lefties are whistling past the graveyard. Joe Biden needs his wife to prop him up and give him assistance to just get into a limo. Joe shuffles and walks on the balls of his feet like my dear old dad did before he went into a nursing home. It will only get worse during the campaign.

I know democratic voters are used to having to eat a big turd sandwich like you did in 2016 but at what point will you guys scream 'BASTA'? Voting for a hand puppet carries a risk no thinking adult should accept.

paminwi said...

3 debates: Dave Rubin, Joe Rogan and Charlemagne tha god.
VP debate: Glenn Loury and Thomas Sowell as a tag team.

rcocean said...

Of course, because Biden knows that the "Commission" will choose the same left-democrats disguised as Journalists that they always do. Hopefully, this time round we will get rid of the fake "questions from the audience" - which was always the stupidest, more moronic thing ever done in a Presidential Debate.

At least he agreed to 3 debates. I was sure Biden would duck out of all the debates and just elected by staying in his basement and speaking to his followers & press flunkies via TV.

rcocean said...

"There will be no debates with Joe Biden."

Yeah, you might be right. I guess we won't know if Biden will debate, until he actually shows up on stage. Until then, it could be "CV-19 is back, can't debate" or "Trump has said something so racist, I refuse to debate him".

rcocean said...

BTW, the U of Michigan isn't doing anything. Its the President of U Of M, who decided to not attend the debates. Its a person. Who is he? Or she?

Mary Beth said...

Readering said...

EU to exclude travelers from US, Russia and Brazil when restrictions lifted next month.

Are they mad that Gov. Cuomo called COVID-19 the European virus?

stevew said...

Sorry if this has already been said, but this says to me that the campaign to make sure Biden never needs to appear in a debate prior to Nov 3 has begun.

Tinderbox said...

Should do it in an undisclosed location.

narciso said...

Crystal clear


Drago said...

Readering: "Why does anyone think either candidate will skip?"


Joe Biden has not had a press conference in 81 days.

Drago said...

"Stop the cold war future that we’re talking about. We’re talking about a peaceful cold war. What are we talking about?”
---Joe Biden, 6/23/20

Narayanan said...

Trump Hillary golf

Inga should be able to do better than "Wherever it’s held, I just hope there’ll be no ramps."

I have seen shots of Trump and Biden on ramps.

set up : Biden shown running up the ramp and asking where did he go? cut to Trump slouching off the ramp

Josephbleau said...

Why in the world would the Univ of Mich benefit in any way by being involved in this shit storm. Good move bowing out. Everyone should bow out, people will vote none the less.

Michael K said...

eadering said...
Why does anyone think either candidate will skip? They both have lots of debate experience.

I'm starting to think you are as loony as ARM. Have you seen Biden lately ?

Tom said...

Why do Joe Biden and Donald Trump hate and exclude women from the presidential debates?

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