June 2, 2020

"The Madison School District administration is recommending that whenever staff and teachers must be laid off, qualifications and not seniority will decide who gets let go."

"The proposal suggests layoffs take into account a staffer’s qualifications, such as certifications, scores on a state-mandated teacher evaluation, training and cultural competency, and not the time someone has been working for the School District."

The Wisconsin State Journal reports.

The red flag is "cultural competency."

The article doesn't expand on the term, but I found this Wikipedia article: "Cultural competency training":
Cultural competence comprises four components: (a) awareness of one's own cultural worldview, (b) attitude towards cultural differences, (c) knowledge of different cultural practices and worldviews, and (d) cross-cultural skills....

School is considered to be the second learning home for kids.... In the United States, there is an underlying difference among parents as to how a kid should be raised, but it is clear that cultural competency should be taught at a young age....
You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.


n.n said...

This is what happens when you follow a progressive mandate without borders. Diversity breeds adversity.

gspencer said...

"The red flag is 'cultural competency.'"

Affirmative Action trumps all.

Clyde said...

Yeah, right. I'm sure that the teachers' union will go for that. Unions ALWAYS operate on the principle of seniority. Always.

Rick said...

Excellent. Let the covers slip.

gilbar said...

remember the olden days?
back when we used to Laugh at things like
The Cultural Revolution
The Great Leap Forward
The Reign of Terror?

well, in the Immortal Words, of SE Hinton: That Was THEN, This is NOW

EC in NJ said...

It’s meant to eliminate all wrong thinking teachers.

EC in NJ said...

It’s meant to eliminate those that engage in “wrong think”.

rhhardin said...

No more teachers' dirty looks.

Wince said...

You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.

Yet a criterion in line with the educational outcomes sought most: indoctrination and submission.

Biotrekker said...

Oh, it's intentional.

Calypso Facto said...

Thank you, Scott Walker, for making the changes that allow the retention of teachers based on merit and not union seniority! (And it's not his fault if Madison school district administrators decide to ignore merit, not use the tools given them, and base retention on some PC BS instead.)

Tim said...

You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.

That appears to be the point. The schools want to discriminate. They do now and they want to in the future.

Fernandinande said...

intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.

The article says they intend to discriminate on the basis of race, as usual:

"...designations based on seniority could hamper the district’s push in recent years to hire more teachers of color, ...blah blah ...This negatively impacts our efforts of diversifying the workforce."

It's actual, non-imaginary "systemic racism".

Francisco D said...

You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.

Unintentional discrimination?


Oh Yea said...

Add age discrimination to your list

dbp said...

Call me cynical but it absolutely will entail intentional — racial, religious, and political discrimination.

Oso Negro said...

A lot simpler rubric would be:

1) fire all the non-homosexual white men, assuming any are so employed in Madison
2) fire all the non-lesbian white women

That would be more cost-effective and achieve the same result

Bay Area Guy said...

"Cultural competency" is Orwellian doublespeak for anyone who ain't woke like us.

Howard said...

Criteria other than seniority requires discrimination.

JAORE said...

Just abandon the schools, keep the teachers on payroll and double the administrative staff. Keep collecting the taxes because taxes can never go away. Move the homeless into the buildings.

It might prove beneficial. It certainly can't be much worse.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I am as anti-barnacle as the next guy, but this seems like a great way to get rid of those old people who still believe hoary old civics bullshit like tolerance of viewpoints we don't like and some dead white people did worthwhile things.

h said...

Imagine that conservatives gain power and fire all the teachers who don't attend church regularly.

chuck said...

racial, religious, and political discrimination

Yes, of course. That is what the left is about, I realized that when I was 14.

narciso said...

What they want is thought control.

mezzrow said...

There's enough "be careful what you wish for" in this to supply everyone in Wisconsin with a lifetime supply.

Bart Hall said...

I'll guarantee< it entails discrimination, and always towards the LEFT. I taught high-school science for several years under a licence from British Columbia. After I returned to the States in the '90s, the schools here in Kansas, and presumably elsewhere, were absolutely desperate for qualified science teachers. What I quickly and repeatedly discovered was that "qualified" did not mean my four degrees in the hard sciences, plus over half a dozen years in the classroom ... it meant a 4-year Bachelor in **Education**. Pedagogy over practical professional experience.

Four years' work as an analytical chemist counted for nothing. So I checked into getting the mandatory B.Ed., and was appalled. No credit for previous studies or work, because "the focus was not on education". The schools systems and their lackeys in Faculties of Education -- remember, they desperately wanted "science teachers" -- said it mattered not at all that I spent a year teaching post-graduate Geology to Engineers. Nope. "You have to learn education our way."

Not only did that "way" include insane amounts of theory, but the degree programs at every Faculty of Education in Kansas -- allegedly a conservative state -- required that I continuously "demonstrate the proper temperament of a teacher." How was this to be accomplished? Why ... through 200 hours per year of voluntary work with non-profits. But not just any non-profits ... they all had a limited list of the "correct" ones. So Planned Parenthood was fine; Kansans for Life was not.

I asked "What about the NRA?" ... "Oh, NO." said the Assistant Dean, "If you're even thinking about the NRA I can already tell you do not have the necessary temperament to be a teacher. You have to be an activist in order to teach well." Every single 'acceptable' non-profit leaned hard to the left, and in order to get an Education degree I had to serve 1/10th FTE every year with a select group of activist groups, otherwise I did not have the proper "temperament" to be a teacher.

One school even required that I submit to semi-annual evaluations of "attitudes and beliefs" upon which enrollment in the subsequent semester would depend.

I ended doing a great deal of substitute teaching in various district and was thoroughly distressed to note the ongoing decline in student knowledge and ability, year after depressing year. Meanwhile, our local school taxes have doubled in two years, whilst enrollment has increased by less than 1% -- total -- in the last four.

The entire American school system, below the post-grad level, is now so thoroughly rotten and agendized that it's merely become a re-education camp for cranking out clueless, indoctrinated, fools.

Jamie said...

"Could" entail?

Temujin said...

You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.

I would rephrase this. You can positively predict that this will lower the quality of teachers and the intellectual abilities of their students leaving them unable to perform in a world that is not playing the same game.

You can see some of the results of this sort of standard on the streets of every major city in the US this week. Higher education is parading it's work this week. Nicely done.

Ann Althouse said...

"Add age discrimination to your list..."

To be fair: the seniority system is age discrimination.

tim maguire said...

Noted criterion missing--ability to teach.

Word search: "student"

Not found.

Birkel said...

The goal is to inject politics and discrimination.
Kulaks must be punished.

This is what voting for Democratics always means.
Own it, Madisonians.

Eleanor said...

Are there any conservative teachers to layoff? This is probably going to be a battle of the identity groups. Might be entertaining.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Who cares? The people of Madison voted for this. Let them get it good and hard.

It's a good object lesson for the rest of the people in Wisconsin.

wild chicken said...

Anyone who has stayed in teaching over ten years should be kept on. They put up with a lot of shit from students, parents and admin.

It's appalling what is considered "normal" classroom behavior now and there is lots of turnover. Many last only one year, and now quitting mid semester is common.

There's a reason cops and teachers have strong unions.

Sebastian said...

"You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination."

You have to worry = you can bloody well predict. Progs at work: they like "discrimination."

So progs, you are saying now, aren't you, that kids of different races do need to be treated differently, correct?

n.n said...

To be fair: the seniority system is age discrimination.

It also reflects loyalty, commitment, and, presumably, performance.

Josephbleau said...

“"Add age discrimination to your list..."

To be fair: the seniority system is age discrimination.“

An interesting subject for discussion, the seniority system is also discrimination based on experience. In technical fields I find those who have been on the job for 35 or 40 years to be highly productive and can do tasks faster and with more control of influencing factors. Less experienced people are thought to be more up to date but miss factors that they should worry about because they only know the textbook solution. Anyone in a technical field is up to date because if you are not you loose money.

Is teaching different? I had cute young excitable teachers and old granny teachers, I think I learned more from the old granny teachers, they were stern and knowledgeable and I wanted to be more that way. I don’t know what passes for teaching now.

James L. Salmon said...

"unwittingly"? Puuuhleeez. Surely the good Professor is not THAT clueless.

buwaya said...

Bart Hall -
Re teaching qualifications.
California is not as bad as that, oddly enough.

Martin said...

And we see why unions and civil service systems have traditionally favored seniority--it is less vulnerable to political or personal favoritism.

Gahrie said...

There is no way the union is going to allow this.

alan markus said...

Madison School District is going to have much bigger problems to contend with, if the anti-war protests of the 60's serve as an indicator of how "peaceful protests" become the catalyst for other institutions to come under attack.

This will be like a hydra serpent - cut off one head and two more heads pop up. When interest is lost in this week's grievance (cops killing blacks) it will move on to other grievances.

Madison School District has a long running drama of unresolved racial grievances. Here is a recent pre-COVID example:

"As activists chanted, the Madison School Board left its usual meeting place in the auditorium of the Doyle Administration Building Monday night and finished the rest of its session in a conference room down the hall..."

Madison school board takes cover. Armed with half the story and an acute sense of victimhood,
social justice warriors chase liberals off the stage.

This could get real ugly, real fast. I hesitated to go down this path because I don't want to fan any flames, but Madison School District better be afraid, very afraid. Forewarned is forearmed. Consider this to be a public service announcement.

Bob Smith said...

“You have to worry that this alternative to seniority could entail — intentionally or unwittingly — racial, religious, and political discrimination.“

Or age discrimination since you boomers are now the old folks.

bagoh20 said...

I hate to bring this up, and maybe it's not important, but what's best for the kids?

Yancey Ward said...

We don't really need to worry about what it will mean, do we? I hope this Althousean understatement.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Cultural competence is inherited along with melanin.

Kevin said...

The red flag is "cultural competency."

Damn straight.

White men with PhD's and two decades teaching AP Chem must be sacrificed if they don't openly acknowledge their "white privilege".

The Two Minutes Hate in our schools takes place in the mirror of the faculty restroom.

Not Sure said...

The Wikipedia entry on cultural competence linked to by AA appears be a very droll Babylon Bee piece. Two examples:

The citation backing up the claim that "...cultural competence results in an ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures and leads to a 15% decrease in miscommunication" links to a domain-for-sale.

The statement "it is clear that cultural competency should be taught at a young age" cites an article that is a blistering attack on the entire concept.

Hilarious, but probably a bit too subtle for the current year.

Jupiter said...

Like it matters what rules you make about what those vermin do in those shithole schools.

If your kids aren't criminals, don't send them to prison. Homeschool!

Yancey Ward said...

Thread music for my foul mood this morning: two songs from my childhood that are appropriate, one of which was alluded to above by someone:

School's Out and Another Brick in the Wall Part II.

Yancey Ward said...

"Are there any conservative teachers to layoff?"

Of course not, but the layoffs are unavoidable given the actions of the political class this Spring, so they will just move the PC line further to the left.

Lurker21 said...

That means progressive activists can stay. Also members of minority groups, who will make noise if their own get fired, but mostly progressives. It's hard enough for pupils to find teachers they can "relate" to. What are the schools doing for the kids who might be fed up with leftist bullshit?

Richard Dolan said...

"intentionally or unwittingly"

Given that this will be administered by the school bureaucrats, the second term is intended as a joke, right?

DavidUW said...

it guarantees discrimination.
as well you know.

Greg the class traitor said...

Howard said...
Criteria other than seniority requires discrimination.

No, Howard, ALL criteria are the essence of "discrimination". When you prepare a meal, you discriminate between food that has rotted, or otherwise gone bad, and food that is fresh.

"A belief in "seniority" is a belief that "time in service" is a valuable metric and should be rewarded. Which is to say, those with less time in service should be discriminated against in favor of those with more time in service.

Hiring an d firing based on competence is "discrimination". but it's the right kind of discrimination, at least it is if you're a worthwhile human being

Discriminating based on the skin color of an individual is racial discrimination. All good human beings oppose it, all Leftists support it.

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Howard said...
Criteria other than seniority requires discrimination.

Now, longing that at a policy claim, we see that it is equally stupid an vapid compared to looking at it as a world description.

Is it possible to judge teachers honestly based on merit? Of course it is. Kids are tested each year. So to compare all 5th grade teachers you take their students 4th grade scores, take their 5th grade scores, compare how each student did, and then compare that across all5th grade teachers.

You want to give plus points to teachers who improve the low performers more? That's fine, establish a metric.

The rule is you work out your metrics without looking at the data. You establish them publicly, and THEN you apply them to the data.

That's what honest people who want better teachers, who will improve student's lives, would do

Too bad that's not what you Leftists are, and not what you want

Rabel said...

"To be fair: the seniority system is age discrimination."

No it's not. There's a strong correlation between age and seniority but you have to water down the meaning of "discrimination" to apply it to a seniority system.

n.n said...

they will just move the PC line further to the left

Halfway from intersection to incest.

PJ said...

Wouldn't it have been easier and quicker to just keep the schools open during the pandemic?

Calypso Facto said...

When all the old, white guys get fired, will they have grounds for a class action discrimination lawsuit?

Howard said...

Greg. You are right... However, Seniority is fixed arithmetic where the discrimination is removed from the administrators to prevent them from playing favorites and to protect older, more expensive staff. Everything else requires judgement and preferences from administrators.

Kirk Parker said...

I'll put $10,000 on intentionally.

Greg the class traitor said...


Figuring out student score improvements from year to year is also fixed arithmetic

ken in tx said...

My bet would be that they wouldn't even be honestly PC. It would be cronies, lovers, and brothers-in-law that would be retained. Everyone else would be considered culturally deficient.

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