Now, maybe you're like me and the first thing you think is the important thing is whether Whole Foods has a neutral policy against wearing messages. That ought to make it an easy question. But no. The company did have that all along:
“In a customer-focused environment, all Team Members must comply with our longstanding company dress code, which prohibits clothing with visible slogans, messages, logos or advertising that are not company-related,” the company said in a statement. “Team Members who do not comply with dress code are always given the opportunity to comply. If a Team Member is wearing a face mask that is outside of dress code, they are offered a new face mask. Team Members are not able to work until they comply with the policy.”The message at Whole Foods is: Whole Foods. But the company does support the cause. It's given "$10 million to organizations fighting for racial justice." And the company's website says: "Racism and discrimination of any kind have no place at Whole Foods Market. We support the Black community and meaningful change in the world."
But that's not good enough for some people:
“We can’t just put a label on this and say we care and not let our own workers wear stuff in support of the movement,” Savannah Kinzer, a white employee who walked out of the Cambridge store, told the Globe. “Until we see it as a white person’s problem and not a Black issue that white people have to empathize with, racism will persist.”I have empathy for businesses that are trying to operate as businesses. Keep the workplace politically neutral. That's supportive of diversity.
Keep the workplace politically neutral. That's supportive of diversity.
How quaint.
Another example of liberals get the bullet too.
I can tell Savanah Kinzer that she just quit her job, will be easily replaced and she will not be eligible for UI for at least 13 weeks.
Guilty white liberal women are totally clueless. Your first duty is to your self; not to a group of other people.
I do have to hand it to the Black Lives Matter group. At the top, they are violent Marxists and they have taken a generic phrase and co-opted and made it a brand that hides their true intent. Kind of like how the word "Kleenex" is now the same as all tissue.
Feel that strongly? Is there a policy against facial tattoos?
With the mask, I suppose it’d have to be on your forehead.
Savannah Kinzer is a remarkably noisy vessel, Internet-wise (based on a quick search).
I think the thinking goes, "Free speech and impartial treatment of people is not truly free and impartial until you operate how we want and we feel safe and empowered based upon any criteria we deem important in the moment. And you aren't allowed to criticize that or support any causes we don't like. And you can't be impartial in this matter, you must actively promote our views. Only then will we be free and impartial."
So, so yesterday.
I'm hoping that due to the Chinese Flu that the company I work for doesn't have any large gatherings. I really dont want to have to be pressured to kneel in a mass display of corporate Wokeism. (Capitalized like any other religion.)
I hope they stick to their neutral policy, however, I'm sure they will eventually take a knee to these oppressors.
I used to shop at the Cambridge River Street location every week. Many of the staff people were nice and recognize me when I came on. Turnover was low. A few years ago, as if someone turned on a switch, the friendly staff was gone and replaced with political militants. I started to feel like I was always just a few words away from a physical confrontation, like Antifa was bagging up my stuff.
Instacart shops at Wegmans for me now...
Some, select, Black Lives Matter. Diversity breeds adversity.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment), not limited to racism, and exclusion.
My parents stayed in a hotel last week and said there were a few employees with BLM masks, which included a raised fist. They found it very hostile and off-putting. I agree, service employees should be politically neutral (or hopelessly banal) on the job. It’s sad that this is such a hateful issue now.
When virtue signaling isn't good enough.
The woke think they have more rights than everybody else, and that everybody else should bow down to them. They are in for a rude awakening.....
The last two sentences of this post are 100% correct.
The battle for thought diversity, and the right to hold opposing views (and still be employable), is the battle we are fighting right now. And we are losing.
The people who are 'of the cause' and don't understand that BLM is a Marxist organization founded and funded by people who are actively seeking the destruction of the USA, are not going to understand that they cannot wear their gear showing how virtuous and Woke they are.
Can we be for focusing on black lives, while understanding that BLM is a trojan horse and not at all interested in black lives? Can we have just one place where we don't have to kneel to Marxists before picking up a pack of organic blueberries?
Whole Foods will cave. And when they do, I am done with Whole Foods. They can continue to pretend that they can let go of the 60%-70% of people who shop there, but are not looking for progressive 'leadership'. They will be surprised at this outcome.
Nothing says meaningful change like a face mask fashion statement. You go, girl.
I've been boycotting Whole Foods for quite a while but they never seem to notice.
Savannah can sear her own store and dictate what her white employees “have to empathize with.”
For me, a non employee who can mask message all I want, I think “Don’t Shed On Me” works well.
The only thing an employee should be concerned about, is extracting money from a customer.
I would make them quit, or fire them for misconduct, as that way they can't get unemployment.
Note: BLM people don't have any money, and do all their shopping at 7-11.
These liberal arts majors are easily replaced. I would hire immigrants of color instead.
Supportive of diversity and avoiding giving offense to a large portion of their customers, not to mention other employees. Protecting the brand, as it were. How would Savannah feel about a co-worker that has "All Lives Matter" or "Keep America Great" on their mask? I suspect she would be less than understanding and supportive.
If she was serious, she'd get a tattoo on her forehead.
Whole Foods caving in in 3....2.....
I’ve never seen any evidence that black lives matter.
They'd start rioting if someone showed up for work in a MAGA hat.
Who the fuck shops at Whole Foods?
The new AP Style Book says capitalize "Black" but not "white" when describing people? Is that where we're at?
Good. Go find another job.
The preaching and lecturing is over the top. Local news is not news, it's woke preach-lecture.
With about 10-15 million unemployed, this is a stupid time to quit a job.
I hope they never get hired again.
“We can’t just put a label on this and say we care and not let our own workers wear stuff in support of the movement,”
I wear my label on top of another label over a tattoo of George Floyd. You can't just wear a label if you really care.
"Until we see it as a white person’s problem and not a Black issue that white people have to empathize with, racism will persist."
white Woman's Burden.
Oh good Lord. Boutique angst, to go with your organic free-range happy chicken that was tenderly anesthetized before being put down by a vegan veterinarian of color.
Children. Do your jobs. Be glad that you found jobs at a place with a corporate commitment to things you support. Understand, if you can, that if your company fails, your opportunity to work there also disappears. Protest on your own time.
Many companies have policies similar to Whole Foods. No messaging on clothing that is not company related. Simple. It is a condition of employment.
If the employees want to quit, let them. Give someone else who wants to work a job.
BTW at the Whole Foods that I go to occasionally, 99% of the employees are white.
"“We can’t just put a label on this and say we care and not let our own workers wear stuff in support of the movement,” Savannah Kinzer, a white employee who walked out of the Cambridge store, told the Globe."
Go get a job with BLM then, sweetie. In the meantime, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Whole Foods opens at 7:00 AM for seniors only. The store is empty and I can get in and out in 10 minutes for the few things I buy there. And no pretentious Millenials.
A few random things spring to mind:
1. You will be made to decide.
2. Their beliefs are too important to yield to "free will" or corporate considerations.
3. position: Whole Foods accepts Nazis as customers! Hate Crime!
4. Neutral = Cancelled
5. "Boycott Whole Foods" masks handed out in all WF parking lots? Wait for it...
which included a raised fist. They found it very hostile and off-putting.
What, they don't find The Fist warm and reassuring?
People are free to quit. Sounds like a good result, and the company is doing the sensible thing.
"All Lives Matter"
Or worse, "Baby Lives Matter", would be diversity-free, inclusive, and sacrilegious.
The new AP Style Book says capitalize "Black" but not "white" when describing people?
"John Daniszewski, AP’s vice president of standards, said ...“The lowercase black is a color, not a person.”"
But "white" is a person.
"The Associated Press changed its writing style guide Friday to capitalize the “b” in the term Black when referring to people in a racial, ethnic or cultural context, weighing in on a hotly debated issue."
"“Not having a capital letter has felt disrespectful,” said David Lanham, director of communications for the Brooking Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program."
So lower case is reserved for White people.
At least they openly twitter about their hypocrisy and propaganda.
Diversity is not about character (e.g. beliefs), but about color judgments not limited racism, sexism, genderism, classicism.
Judging from crime statistics, black lives don’t matter very much to other blacks.
War on whitey must prevail or else. Else is mob violence. Hmmm? What shall we do.
No group think, no peace.
Another new fake journalism standard is seemingly to make sure "black" is emphasized when the subject is a victim, but not mentioned when the subject is a perpetrator; this e.g. from shows both cases:
"Black man says he has no ill will after being beaten and robbed by small group during protest"
I always suspect these things to be union organization efforts. Like when McDonalds employees walk out for sexual harassment reasons or whatever.
Is this the same Whole Foods that recently found their store-brand bottled-water had high concentrations of arsenic? Look it up.
It would explain a lot. Especially the belly-aching, but I won't quit till I see them sweating blood...
“These liberal arts majors are easily replaced. I would hire immigrants of color instead.”
Absolutely sensible. Why wouldn’t you let the toxic employees self-cull and then hire people who really want the job. When employers pretend that the SJW shit really matters to their business they empower their worst employees. Plus the Douche-giosie love jolly colored folk with Caribbean accents bagging their groceries. Reggae on the Muzak!
Just wondering: If I walked into a Whole Foods Market wearing an 'All Lives Matter' mask, would I be asked to leave? Would employees break down and scream that they are being threatened? To be made to feel scared? Would the person behind the meat counter spit on my steak before wrapping it up?
Because I state that I care about all people?
Is this a cause you really want to be a part of?
I got an “Access Denied” message when I followed the Fox News link. But I find it unlikely that I’d read anything woke young women and Whole Foods being what they are.
The Bible in Matthew 23 describes them as whitewashed tombs; demanding to advertise their wokeness and then demanding that everyone else do the same.
When employers pretend that the SJW shit really matters to their business they empower their worst employees.
LinkedIn is so full of PC/rainbow/BLM crap that I had to turn it off. No business value-add until this virtue signaling on steroids tapers off.
Just wondering: If I walked into a Whole Foods Market wearing an 'All Lives Matter' mask, would I be asked to leave? Would employees break down and scream that they are being threatened? To be made to feel scared? Would the person behind the meat counter spit on my steak before wrapping it up?
I'm sure you could also wear your MAGA hat and Trump 2020 t shirt and no one would bother you. This policy is for employees, not customers.
As I have said before, you are seeing a generation self-marginalize. These people may be all the rage now, but will eventually become toxic to employers.
On Tyranny, rule 2: Defend institutions. Whole Foods is an institution with its own mission ; defend it. This policy does that.
My wife and I were discussing this. The only question is how long will it be before WF caves? Wife says by the end of the day. I won't bet against her.
My wife and I were discussing this. The only question is how long will it be before WF caves? Wife says by the end of the day. I won't bet against her.
It's given "$10 million to organizations fighting for racial justice."
So the company supports rioters, but it doesn't want its employees to make that clear to its customers. I can understand that.
so “it’s a white persons problem”?
Fuck off. I’m just fine thank you. I don’t see anyone getting cancelled for not fixing my problems (and I’m not calling for that).
When employees focus more on their ostentation du jour than basic job skills and decorum for customers, you are assured a sub-par retail experience.
When I visit my parents, I go to a Whole Foods two blocks from their retirement condo for breakfast. This one has terrific cheese danish, not available in the ones near my home. I buy a danish and coffee, and eat it in their little public seating area.
I always wear my MAGA hat while I do this. I've gotten some looks, but no one ever said anything. Except for one time, when someone in a whisper congratulated me on my courage.
Customers get to have opinions. Employees do not.
I don't want a follower of a Marxist organization - and BLM is self-admittedly a Marxist organization - handling my food, thank you very much. Too much chance I might be "cancelled" for being white by a true believer, who puts something nasty in my hummus. Fire them all.
"I'm by no means against Black Lives Matter," he said. "I definitely am against being beaten and robbed and having my car destroyed."
Not clear on the concept, I see.
I wish some focus would be given to whether it's even possible to eradicate racism through coercion. Granted, you can deter people from engaging in racially discriminatory conduct through legal or social coercion, but how can people seriously think that bullying people into giving up something they like (say, a tradition like the Star Spangled Banner) based on the sudden claim that it's "racist" is going to reduce rather than increase any actual, underlying racial animus? That's just not how people react when stuff they like is all of a sudden taken away for reasons that don't seem very clear or compelling.
If someone is serious about wanting to see the world become less racist, i.e., if that's someone's sincere objective (which I think it is for some people), then they should really work on just being less racist themselves. Trying to eliminate the perceived or assumed racism of other people is obviously a much more difficult project, and coercion is simply not a tool well suited to the task.
"Blogger The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
“These liberal arts majors are easily replaced. I would hire immigrants of color instead.”"
Some Whole Foods employees are walking out because they're forbidden to wear "Black Lives Matter" masks and other gear.
That is one of the great things about America, you are not forced to work somewhere you don't want to. You are free to quit. I am sure that there are plenty of out of work baristas that are ready and willing to take your place.
Show everyone you are someone of conviction! This is indeed the hill you should chose to die on! Solidarity to a movement built on a lie.
More winning by standing athwart history and yelling stop. Good Luck with that, ladies.
So, prove how "down with The Cause" you are by losing your job.
If you Really Cared, you'd put serving the cause before retaining your employment. Wouldn't you?
Perhaps you could build a new grocery chain, "Woke Foods." And how do you think that would go? Incessant internal factional conflict leading to callouts, firings and schisms, I'd guess.
Because no one will ever meet the ever-shifting requirements for total political purity.
This isn't about diversity, but power.
Remember that Whole Foods (referred to by a friend as "Whole Paycheck") is owned by Amazon and Bezos now.
The only time I go in the local store is for sushi.
If she doesn't want to comply with company policy she is free to find a job with a company more to her liking. No one is making her work there. She will be easily replaced within a matter of hours. And I agree with another comment above, they should hire a young immigrant for the job (assuming they have the proper visa). Young immigrants are thrilled to be here and will gladly take any job that they see helping them to get on a path to success in our country. These poorly educated and indoctinated people like her are worthless and she doesn't even realize it.
I have empathy for businesses that are trying to operate as businesses. Keep the workplace politically neutral. That's supportive of diversity.
You don't really believe that.
Organizations that have as part of their identity and mission a dedication to promoting the truth of the human person, including the good news and truth that we are made male and female, and that they are made complementary of each other -- they have a right to that diversity too.
Any sympathy I've had for the Black Lives Matter crowd has pretty much evaporated with all the preaching. You cannot simply say 'ALL lives matter' - you MUST express the proper sentiments in the proper way.
I would hire immigrants of color instead
Color matters is a progressive form of diversity including racism, sexism, etc.
"I wish some focus would be given to whether it's even possible to eradicate racism through coercion. Granted, you can deter people from engaging in racially discriminatory conduct through legal or social coercion, but how can people seriously think that bullying people into giving up something they like (say, a tradition like the Star Spangled Banner) based on the sudden claim that it's "racist" is going to reduce rather than increase any actual, underlying racial animus? That's just not how people react when stuff they like is all of a sudden taken away for reasons that don't seem very clear or compelling."
@Conrad - you don't eradicate racism through coercion. At best, you drive it underground, where it'll grow like a cancer with the proper conditions.
And there's a lot of 'well meaning' people really, really trying to set up conditions that foster it. Of course, because they mean well they'll never understand WHY you'll end up with more racism than you started with....
Whatever today's demand is?
Giving in to it will never be enough
Understand that you are now all under suspicion. Wherever you go, whomever you encounter, realize that they are viewing you with suspicion and they have a hair-trigger for hostility toward you.
You now, you can get away with a blank expression and remaining silent. The pod people will let you go your way. But not for long. Soon, if they notice that you are not joining in, the finger will be pointed at you, they will screech, you will be denounced.
Back before I developed a sense of style, I used to wear t-shirts with slogans and statements and such on them. I wore one with the Gadsden Flag snake and the slogan "Don't Tread on Me," and others with pro-Second Amendment sentiments. Not only did the t-shirts show off my pecs and biceps, but it gave me a perverse enjoyment wearing them in Manhattan--the belly of the beast, as it were--and seeing the frowns they produced on so many faces. I have often thought I might like working at Whole Foods; if the "woke" kids of Whole Foods won the right to wear their Hive-themed paraphernalia, I wonder how they'd react to my old t-shirts.
We support the Black community and meaningful change in the world.
One can only expect such a jaw-droppingly puerile statement from a company founded to extract fortunes from upper-middle-class naifs who believe there's a difference between "organic fair-trade" bananas and the kind sold by Chiquita other than the grossly inflated price tag on the former.
Support the "Black community" do they? Does that include that portion of the "Black community" that so recklessly refuses to conceive in wedlock that 9 out of 10 Black boys are living without their fathers, many of whom in desperation for masculine guidance, seek father-figures in gang lords? Does that support include those members of the "Black community" who shot up a playground full of children, parents, and coaches in Minneapolis? Does the wholehearted support of Whole Foods extend to that segment of the "Black community" who in Chicago alone have since last New Years Day killed or wounded 1,633 persons by gunfire of whom 77.7% are also members of the "Black community"?
Well, do they? Quaestor believes we can only expect meaningful silence from the facile hypocrites of Whole Foods.
On a lighter note, please lend a virtual ear to Quaestor's advice regarding so-called organic foods. Though we doubt many of the Althouse commentariat are taken in by the false and dangerous "organic" siren song, there are a few here who have listened but have refused to be tied to the mast. If you one of those few we implore you to think in terms of making a truly positive impact on poverty and environmental degradation when next feeling the urge to scratch that self-righteous organic food itch. Buy the conventional food equivalent and save the 68% premium you would have spent in a piggybank. Then every six months convert the contents of that crockery hog to a cashiers check payable to the Norman Borlaug Foundation. It's a win-win-win, we guarantee: Somebody in mortal danger of malnutrition gets some help, you get your needy ego stroked, and you get some better-tasting apples without the humiliation inflicted on Dumbass Daryl.
Let them bake cakes.
I don't know about the face mask issue at Whole Foods. But when I used to go to my local Whole Foods, there were enough tattoos and nose rings and piercings on the cashier staff that they displayed their own "message".
That said,once the lockdown started the "distancing lines" at Whole Foods were such that I simply gave up. No more Whole Foods for me! I'll survive.
"but how can people seriously think that bullying people into giving up something they like (say, a tradition like the Star Spangled Banner) based on the sudden claim that it's "racist" is going to reduce rather than increase any actual, underlying racial animus?"
The "serious thinkers" in this situation think nothing of the sort. They refer to this tactic as "heightening the internal contradictions of the racist, sexist, capitalist system". Also known as getting people good and pissed off, so they'll be ready to fight the war you plan on starting.
As a customer of Whole Foods, I fully support the company firing every single one of them. I don't go to their store to have their idiot causes thrown in my face. They'll be easy to replace.
Etienne said...
I would make them quit, or fire them for misconduct,
You don't need to "fire" them. The term in employment reporting is "job abandonment".
Craig said...
LinkedIn is so full of PC/rainbow/BLM crap
Smart employers will screen out such people.
Freder Frederson said...
"I'm sure you could also wear your MAGA hat and Trump 2020 t shirt and no one would bother you. This policy is for employees, not customers."
You can bet your sweet ass MAGA attire was the cause for this dress code in the first place.
Michael K said...
The only time I go in the local store is for sushi.
AJ's Fine Foods, it's like Whole Foods without the Marxism. I believe there's one in La Encantada.
This isn't about diversity, but power.
This is about diversity, capital, and control. About color judgments, color labels, redistributive change, and central/single power (e.g. leverage) schemes.
Howard said...
More winning by standing athwart history and yelling stop. Good Luck with that, ladies.
It worked in WWII, Howie. Your side lost. Of course, you could say your side was the Soviet Union.
Does that support include those members of the "Black community" who shot up a playground full of children, parents, and coaches in Minneapolis?
John Hinderaker didn't mention they were black, nor did the woman who made the video, so they both conformed to modern journalism (sub)standards and they both also withheld information that would help the police catch the guys who were shooting. I wonder why.
Here's a fake-news report on the incident - the black coach is wearing a shirt with dishonest anti-white slogans.
"That's supportive of diversity."
Not very woke of you. Diversity is the last thing wokidokes want -- you will bend the knee when and as directed. Beware, the pitchforks are coming.
Act normal
Standing athwart history and crying "stop!" is pretty much the story of liberty, Howie--not that story would interest a brainwashed State-fucker like you.
Good. Fire all of them and replace them with people who want to work. Fuck that shit.
Skeptical Voter said...
I don't know about the face mask issue at Whole Foods. But when I used to go to my local Whole Foods, there were enough tattoos and nose rings and piercings on the cashier staff that they displayed their own "message".
Yes. The boogers on the nose rings were enough for me to return to my normal supermarket.
meamwhile at the ranch
Reason #485 to never set foot inside a Whole Foods. they both conformed to modern journalism (sub)standards and they both also withheld information that would help the police catch the guys who were shooting. I wonder why.
If an alleged criminal is white, his race and face are published immediately. If otherwise any clue to the prep's ethnicity is expurgated as a matter of editorial policy.
Hmmm.... Imagine someone goes to a Whole Foods with the knowledge that corporate policy is no slogans. Suppose that same person goes shopping at WF and sees employees wearing BLM garb, thus knowing WF bent knee before the wrath of BLM. Now imagine that person going down every aisle in WF picking items from all parts of the store, every level of shelf. Imagine that included chilled foods, the specialty baked goods, hot foods and crushable foods. One can even imagine the heaviest items,say gallon liquid containers on top. But, sadly imagine that shopper going through the checkout line suddenly remembering they forgot their wallet and walking out. Imagine hundreds of such, not largely but absolutely, peaceful yet imaginary shoppers.
Sure less disruptive than the left,isn't it?
"Keep the workplace politically neutral." Hahaha. That's so 1990s. In this Brave New World, Silence is Complicity! War is Peace! All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
I can only hope and pray that this hysteria passes.
Blogger Michael K said...
Howard said...
More winning by standing athwart history and yelling stop. Good Luck with that, ladies. It worked in WWII, Howie. Your side lost. Of course, you could say your side was the Soviet Union.
The lily-livered socialist libtard FDR won WWII, with some help from Soviet commie bastard Stalin and his expendable Red Army. All those socialist make-work water projects provided cheap electricity to build the largest Air Armada in history. Aluminum doesn't separate itself from bauxite without a lot of help. In those days, you people were pro-Hitler isolationists. Other than that, great point, Doc Karen Quack
"But the company does support the cause. It's given '$10 million to organizations fighting for racial justice.' "
Yet Another Reason not to shop at WF.
Blogger Loser-Ideas said...
Is this the same Whole Foods that recently found their store-brand bottled-water had high concentrations of arsenic? Look it up.
Look it up, arsenic is a natural occurring element commonly found in groundwater. Spring water is groundwater usually from a well. All of the arsenic results were lower than the over-cautious drinking water standard of 10-ppb.
You sound like a silly libtard environ-mentalist. Next you will be extolling the virtue of carbon sequestration and compost toilets
what's the unemployment rate at today?
That’s my Whole Foods
As I have said before, you are seeing a generation self-marginalize. These people may be all the rage now, but will eventually become toxic to employers.
You don't get it. Are you still working or are you retired? If you are working, is your company larger than a couple hundred people? If so there is an approximately 100% chance that your employer is petrified of running afoul of Woke Twitter which is exactly what happens if someone says no to these little shits. Also, employers are lousy with the aforementioned little shits, in management and HR. Maybe your local Subway franchisee can successfully tell his 19 year old sandwich artists to keep the political crap off the clock, but anyone with a larger going concern than that is simply unable to enforce that without the mob descending, from within or without. What do you think are the political leanings of the average Karen in HR?
Ask anyone in corporate America right now if their workplaces are politically neutral. Last year my husband was required to add a rainbow to his email signature during June. This year he is required to attend a weekly Zoom struggle session on BLM. He is a C-suite executive of a division of a gigantic, century old multinational and he has zero power to oppose any of this if he wants to remain employable. Last week someone said, in the Zoom session, paraphrased, White people have to be prepared to give up everything they have to even the scales! and there was zero pushback. No other employees even dared to disagree! Let alone the kind of censure you'd think, in non-crazy-world, someone would receive for saying, to his coworkers in a company sponsored forum on company time, something so threatening to an entire race.
The woke kids are now running the show and they know it.
The goal is to destroy. The specific "demands" are just steps along the way. Give on one thing and tomorrow they will come up with another.
Martin Niemoller's famous saying is often quoted by liberals to chastise conservatives, but maybe they need to consider their own situation with respect to the hard Left, because having cowed the conservatives into silence, they now come for the liberals:
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—-because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—-because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—-because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—-and there was no one left to speak for me.
Too much chance I might be "cancelled" for being white by a true believer, who puts something nasty in my hummus. Fire them all.
"puts something nasty" in your hummus? When your dip is the color and consistency of baby shit, how would you ever know?!?!
It's a crapshoot...
In those days, you people were pro-Hitler isolationists. Other than that, great point, Doc Karen Quack
Yeah, your hero Harry Dexter White helped win the war.
Then they came for me—-and there was no one left to speak for me.
There were only leftists: social justice, diversity, redistributive change, and pro-choice religious to speak. Liberalism is divergent, often progressive.
It's given '$10 million to organizations fighting for racial justice.
Social or relativistic justice, a Pro-Choice doctrine.
Why do these white people hate themselves so deeply? Why are they so ready to buy into this crap? They gobble up this dog's breakfast of lies so eagerly, so ready to humiliate themselves for this imaginary original sin of racism. This seems to be some form of mass madness griping this nation.
No but he helped mao take over by cancelling the loan to chiang.
"The lily-livered socialist libtard FDR won WWII"
No, Howie. Kaiser and Knudsen and Rosie the Riveter and Fred the Farmer won WWII, not to mention my grandfather in Military Intelligence and my other grandfather at Omaha Beach.
As for
"with some help from Soviet commie bastard Stalin and his expendable Red Army"
No, Howie, Stalin caused WWII. That was what the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact done did.
His expendable Red Army would have been naked unfed savages armed with rocks, without American Lend-Lease. Rifles, aluminum, explosives, radios, POL, trucks, aircraft, and they didn't despise our tanks either. Oh and don't forget the Spam and tushonka.
And FDR worshiped that commie bastard.
Like you.
Madame La Professeur, your lack of attention to what's happening is fascinating. Dress codes equal privilege, oppression, a crusade against the individuality herd. Just one more way of the man keepin' people down. Every woke one knows that and will scream it at you until you submit and kneel.
The year 2020 is the embodiment of "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield.
Madame La Professeur, your lack of attention to what's happening is fascinating. Dress codes equal privilege, oppression, a crusade against the individuality herd. Just one more way of the man keepin' people down. Every woke one knows that and will scream it at you until you submit and kneel.
The year 2020 is the embodiment of "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield.
Oh! I so want this to be a Reagan and Air-Traffic Controller moment. Would be such an abject lesson learnt by the snot faced, mouth breathing, parent basement dwellers. C’mon Lex Luther Bezos make it happen.
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