June 21, 2020

"So they take over a big chunk of a city called Seattle. I mean, we’re not talking about some little place, we’re talking about Seattle."

"Have you ever been to Seattle? They took over a big chunk and the governor, who’s radical left — all of these places I talk about are Democrat, you know that, every one of them, every one of them. And I’d have an offer out, I said, 'Anytime you want we’ll come in, we’ll straighten it out in one hour or less.' Now I may be wrong, but it’s probably better for us to just watch that disaster. I flew in with some of our great congressmen... and I said to them, 'Congressmen, what do you think? I can straighten it out fast, should we just go in? No, sir. Let it simmer for a little while. Let people see what radical left Democrats will do to our country.'... They want to defund and dissolve our police departments, think of that.... Hey, it’s 1:00 o’clock in the morning and a very tough — I’ve used the word on occasion, hombre — a very tough hombre is breaking into the window of a young woman whose husband is away as a traveling salesman or whatever he may do. And you call 911 and they say, 'I’m sorry, this number’s no longer working.' By the way, you have many cases like that, many, many, many. Whether it’s a young woman, an old woman, a young man or an old man and you’re sleeping. So what are you going to do, right? So they want to defund. They really do, this as a serious movement. And in Minneapolis, the council’s already passed it. In Seattle, you see what’s going on there, it’s even worse, okay. These people are stone cold crazy. They’re crazy."

From Trump's rally speech last night in Tulsa. (Full transcript here.)

I especially wanted you to notice that he talked about how he saw the political advantage in standing back and letting Seattle and other cities show us all how far they would decline under Democratic leadership. He's ready to go in and help when asked — "Anytime you want we’ll come in, we’ll straighten it out in one hour or less" — but it's also okay if they don't ask. It's to his political advantage, but it's not an advantage he would take. He'd help if asked. But if they want to give him the advantage... well, that's how he spins the disorder. It doesn't hurt him, but he feels bad about it and he's quite capable and willing to help. But they need to ask.

I went back to that part of the speech after I read this article in The Washington Post: "Police enter Seattle cop-free zone after shooting kills a 19-year-old, critically injures a man."

Law enforcement has generally steered clear of the area. But on Saturday, responding to the shooting, a phalanx of armed police officers entered the zone. The Seattle Police Department said in a statement that officers initially had trouble getting to the scene of the shooting because they “were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims.” The police officers’ entry into the zone, filmed by people occupying it, didn’t appear to show violence....

After 2 a.m., the festivities turned violent. One eyewitness described an argument that escalated into a fight and resulted in 10 gunshots. The suspects fled the scene while volunteer medics, who were stationed on the same corner, rushed to treat the victims. Upward of 20 “sentinels,” who provide volunteer security to the police-free protest zone, also responded to the scene....

Omari Salisbury, a citizen journalist for Converge Media, live-streamed on Facebook as the officers approached and announced they were coming to extract a shooting victim. The crowd shouted back: “He’s already gone.” A Seattle Fire Department ambulance was stationed one block away while medics prepared to transport the victims.

Officers, some with riot shields and others with guns drawn, seemed to search the area as protesters chanted, “Hands up, don’t shoot” and followed the roving patrol.

In body-cam footage of the same exchange later released by police, one protester becomes visibly upset by the presence of officers, grabbing his head with his hands and shouting, “Why are guns here?”

Police eventually retreated to their patrol cars. All drove away but one, which a smaller group of protesters converged on and appeared to kick and hit until the vehicle drove off.

[Protester Derek] Jones said the response by the protesters, sentinels and medics was an improvement over police action, which could have further escalated the situation.

“Last night was a complete success story [in dealing] with an active shooter,” Jones said. “Usually in an active-shooter situation when police are involved, they let the shooter run out of bullets and then they get in there. That did not happen here. As soon as there were shots fired, people got actively involved, and there was a medical team on site immediately. We didn’t need sirens and more guns to get the job done.


Mark said...

Political advantage? Perhaps.

What about the social advantage, what about the existential advantage to us all??

Is this what people really want?

Let's find out.

daskol said...

Yes, that was my favorite moment of the speech. From the comments thread to the post on the speech last night:

This was clever. Paraphrasing Trump on the situation in Seattle and blue cities: (after mentioning he's available on a moment's notice to their radical leadership, to come clean it up "in an hour") you know, I could be wrong, but it's probably better for us to just watch this disaster. Just let it happen in front of everyone.

I think we'll soon see headlines blazing about how Trump wants Seattle to burn, and Trump rally cheers letting Seattle burn. Which is exactly what he wanted, and you could see his very satisfied, smug smile when he paused right before launching into "I could be wrong."

wildswan said...

"As soon as there were shots fired, people got actively involved, and there was a medical team on site immediately. We didn’t need sirens and more guns to get the job done."

What happened to the shooter? Who was shooting and why? Who was shot and why? Was it the community security people shooting down protesters?

Michael K said...

I've predicted this for weeks. The left wants Kent State. Trump will send in the troops but only if invited. Meanwhile the rioters create campaign ads for the fall.

Video of looting and destruction, followed by "Is this what you want?"

TD said...

This was not an active shooter situation. Not sure the point of this. I’m with Trump. Let the Democrats enjoy the fruits of their long march towards oppression and totalitarianism. It’s not like they haven’t done this before. See Civil War, 100 years of Segregation, acceptance of communists and anarchists afterwards.

- TexasDude

Achilles said...

Trump is right.

Let everyone see what the Democrats want for our country.

The rapper warlord has violated on camera several gun laws. Residents and businesses inside have talked about the shakedowns and intimidation.

They are just like the taliban was in Afghanistan.

chuck said...

It will take a long time for CHOP to run out of other people's money. They don't produce anything, but I expect there is plenty of support available from outside. The encampment could last through the summer and the only losers will be the native inhabitants. That is how colonialism works. Isn't it surprising how events always follow in the paths traced out before written history? There are no new people, only old monkeys dressed up in new clothes.

I'm Not Sure said...

"It doesn't hurt him, but he feels bad about it and he's quite capable and willing to help. But they need to ask."

So- not literally Hitler? If this is what the people of Seattle want, what business is it of outsiders to say no?

daskol said...

But the most striking thing about that aspect of the speech, of Trump's speech in general but especially last night, is this: he talks to his audience like they're adults. He is calling plays live, letting people into the political calculations of his campaign, into his mind. There have been other great communicators in the Oval Office, but there's never been anyone who made his supporters such active stakeholders in the process. When I see people here or in other places talk about potential candidates for 2024, current politicos, I remain skeptical that a senator or governor can learn how to do this. Is this a new standard for political speech, this openness and transparency of the political calculations and process, or is it something only a Trump can pull off?

ga6 said...

CHICAGO - Nine people have been killed, four of them minors, and 51 others have been wounded in shootings across Chicago so far this weekend.

Darkisland said...

It is absolutely NOT the feral governments job to go in and run cities. Under our constitution, that is the city's or the states job.

It is ok, I guess, for the feds to help if asked not otherwise.

I could even make a weak argument that it's not the federales job even if asked.

OTOH, you have a lot of us citizens living in that area whose federal constitutional rights are being trampled in various ways.

Perhaps the correct federal response would be to insist that the state do something to protect those rights.

John Henry

Tom T. said...

Note the mushy dissembling in the Post article. A "shooting" killed a man, after "the festivities" turned violent and an argument "resulted in" 10 gunshots. Clearly we're not meant to learn anything about the people who fired the shots, which suggests that the shooting is politically inconvenient.

And of course the Post isn't even slightly curious to hear about the level of care provided by the volunteer medics, or to learn what sort of investigation the sentinels plan to undertake.

Achilles said...

I eagerly await the polls showing the invalid ahead by double digits.

These polls are intelligence tests.

Anyone who believes them is stupid.

narciso said...

meanwhile, Andy Ngo shows the real heart of the chop, which hasn't figured out the meaning of autonomous, when they asked the police for assistance,

Achilles said...

I eagerly await the polls showing the invalid ahead by double digits.

These polls are intelligence tests.

Anyone who believes them is stupid.

Big Mike said...

From the article:

Before the shooting had occurred, Trump and other conservatives, without proof, said the zone is dangerous and lawless. [my emphasis]

The very first night, back when the area was still called “CHAZ,” the self-proclaimed leader “Raz” beat the snot out of a graffiti artist who was tagging something Raz did not want tagged. No warning, no directions to “move along,” just street justice administered on the spot. But that’s not proof of danger nor of lawlessness. Of course not.

mccullough said...

So what qualifies any of the CHOP as a “volunteer medic”?

And the shooter was not apprehended. Never will be.

The Summer of Love already has a body count.

The governor and mayor are not doing anything. Not even trying. Pathetic.

Big Mike said...

@daskol, Trump knows that the news media are going to speculate about his motives, so best to lay things out yourself and preempt them.

Bay Area Guy said...

The issue isn't Trump's reaction in a campaign rally to a buncha lawless Commie thugs taking over by force a big chunk of Seattle.

The issue is a buncha lawless Commie thugs taking over by force a big chunk of Seattle.

What do the Democratz say about this?

Has Joe Biden spoken out about this or is his leadership based on silence?

What does Althouse think about this?

What do some of the leftist members of the Commentariat say about this?

I though we learned that silence is acceptance. Lotta silence about lawless thuggery by Leftwing goons.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

the political advantage in standing back and letting Seattle and other cities show us all how far they would decline under Democratic leadership.

Yes!! This is a political advantage. Not to mention enjoying the schadenfreude of watching the people in those cities experience the consequences of voting repeatedly and unthinkingly for Democrats. 😈 You get the government you voted for and you deserve it.

Trump,legally... maybe?? could go in with military or national guard and clear up the area. However, he would be cast as being a dictator/nazi/despot...you name it.

This, of course is what the Democrats/Antifa/Terrorists want. They want Trump to take the bait. He is too smart for that.

So...YES....let them stew in their own juices and become an illustration of what happens when you are stupid.

Ken B said...

I wonder what would be the reaction if Trump did not wait to be asked?

One of my complaints about Trump is that he rarely tries to explain in a persuasive way why his policies are (in his view) good ones. This time he is, and I agree he should.

wendybar said...

au•ton•o•mous ô-tŏn′ə-məs►
Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent.
Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed.

They made their beds. Now lie in them....

Ironclad said...

Comments are not allowed on the Washington ComPost story you linked too - wonder why?

There is a video of the mob forcing the police out after they come in to investigate too. It’s sad that the Police have sunk so low to be treated like that.

It’s a Federal government too - local policing is State authority, not Feds. Seattle is getting what it wants too - the summer of love.

Sebastian said...

"Let people see what radical left Democrats will do to our country."

If they are able to see. Take Althouse: still "observing," not quite seeing, planning to make up her mind in a few months.

"Festivities" turned violent, just like protests "devolve" into riots. See?

Michael The Magnificent said...

Don't you just love how leftists-behaving-badly (Antifa and BLM) in blue cities, in blue states, is all Trump's fault?

Owen said...

daskol @ 10:16: “...he is calling plays live...” Yes: I was struck by that, by the way he shared his thinking (and tactical awareness) of the West Point ramp (non) incident. Remarkable candor and detail, and IMHO strong evidence that he does not suffer Biden’s dementia. Unclear whether any other politician can do this move...

walter said...

wildswan said... What happened to the shooter?
Probably self-deported from CHAZ/CHOP/CRAP.
Watch your back Laslo.
Summer of Love

Ken B said...

Maybe, to illustrate a point, cops should only respond when asked for, for a while. Respond to 911 calls, otherwise do nothing. Nothing.
I know if I were a cop I’d be on work to rule or strike.

madAsHell said...

At some point, the local elected leadership has to realize that they have become irrelevant.

Jenny Durkan, may be a great lesbian, but she's a terrible mayor.

We had to run the last homosexual mayor out of office because he had used the foster child system to fulfill his sexual fantasies.

SGT Ted said...

The WaPo article is nothing but pro-CHAZ propaganda. No comments are allowed to contradict the narrative.

Ray - SoCal said...

Trump is putting the responsibility for the riots on the Blue State Mayors and Governors.

Just as he did with Covid 19 / Coronavirus/ Wuhan Flu.

He is showing their incompetence, over reach, and heavy handedness.

Trump is wiping out an entire generation electoral future of Democratic Leaders, with a smile on his face.

Amazing - I have never seen anything like this.

Bob Boyd said...

Once again Trump appears the sane and reasonable one after his opponents endless predictions of extremism and disaster. This has been a common theme throughout his Presidency.

Sprezzatura said...

Ok, that’s the conventional take, Althouse.

You’re literally restating DJT. Repeatedly repeating. You’re saying what he said. Just more than once. So, I’m not sure that, technically, counts as a “take.”

Anywho, I don’t want to live in a glass house. So let me serve a hot take, high and tight: CHOP should take over Chiraq. Chicago hears DJT describing the killings in CHOP, and they ask were they go to sign up.

Not a great take. This take biz is harder than it looks. Must be why it pays the big bucks.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Classic Trump. Describes current events as politically helpful to him and Democrats suddenly find that thing intolerable. I’m amazed how often this works.

Amadeus 48 said...

I remember hearing blather like this from the unwashed set back in the 60s. Watch for diseases last seen in the middle ages to erupt in CHAZ or whatever it is called. The the cry will change to “ You let this happen! You failed humanity.”


Derek Kite said...

This is Trump's gift; purposely or inadvertently exposing reality.

What is happening didn't show up yesterday, but is the result of a way of thinking that has been developed over a couple decades in academia. The Democrat politicians came up through a system where this type of rebellion was in a safe space; a fight with university administrators, the worst they would do is phone your parents and suggest that the subsidies wouldn't apply to those who don't show up in class.

What fascinates me is how Trump also hardens his opponents into an untenable position. The Washington State politicians are acting the way they are because of Trump, and are too stupidly blinkered to see that they are entrenched in a position that will damage, profoundly damage the people who elected them.

Interesting times.

Fernandinande said...

a big chunk of a city called Seattle

Things unreported, at least to me who hasn't looked very hard because finding honest information is nearly impossible:

-- how big a chunk? ("six block area") Map?

-- what is in that chunk? People's homes and businesses, or is it something like a city park and some parking lots?

Article: "a yoga class for people of color"

Please, tell us again who the racists supposed to be?

"Jones, who is black and lives on predominantly white Whidbey Island"

Jones must be very brave indeed to live in a dangerous place like Whidbey Island.

"fireworks, alcohol and firearms triggered violence"

Activists don't kill people, fireworks, alcohol and firearms kill people.

narciso said...

more about the charming duke of duh,


CWJ said...


I think Truman campaigning in 1948 comes the closest to your standard. But today? Who knows?

Original Mike said...

There's another aspect to needing to be asked. He'll be crucified by the usual suspects if he acts before being asked.

Howard said...

My hero!

cubanbob said...

Mark said...
Political advantage? Perhaps.

What about the social advantage, what about the existential advantage to us all??

Is this what people really want?

Let's find out."

Well considering this is what Democrats want since they actively support this we will find out in November.

robother said...

I take it from the stories in the WaPo and other MSM about the shootings in Minneapolis and Chicago over the weekend that none of the victims are the kind of Blacks whose lives matter. Nothing to see here, move on.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

"Is this what you want?"

Had enough?

That would be my campaign's slogan.

TML said...

"chunk" and "chunks" two posts down. Lot of chunk-ing this morning. How often has that word appeared in your posts over the years?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“The left wants Kent State.”

Absolutely. They stack Black bodies everyday in furtherance of their lust for power. They’re certainly not going to have any qualms about a few dead hipsters.

Kent State is an interesting analogy, though. 50 years of beatification has obscured the fact that at the time, the reaction of most of America was closer to “well, they were asking for it” than anything like horror. Funny that in these more enlightened times the average person still feels pretty much the same. They know better than to say it on Twitter, though.

Kay said...

So the conservatives who only recently accused people on the left of “hoping” for death and chaos no longer have an argument to stand on because they’re doing the same thing.

I'm Not Sure said...

He's ready to go in and help when asked — "Anytime you want we’ll come in, we’ll straighten it out in one hour or less" — but it's also okay if they don't ask. It's to his political advantage, but it's not an advantage he would take. He'd help if asked. But if they want to give him the advantage... well, that's how he spins the disorder.

Treating the people in charge in Seattle as adults who are capable of making their own decisions about whether or not they feel there is any disorder they need help with is "spin"? Interesting.

MayBee said...

And this is a whole new thing and not at all Occupy again, right? Occupy where women were raped with no repercussions for the rapists?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I like the “a city called Seattle” bit. That’s a subtle bit of othering. Some crazyass place that you may not have heard of.

Stephen said...

And what will happen if the Democrats have their way is that "tough hombres" will rape married women. No racism there!

steve uhr said...

Does CHOP have a homicide investigation division?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

wildswan said...

What happened to the shooter? Who was shooting and why? Who was shot and why? Was it the community security people shooting down protesters?

What happened to the victim?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And in NYC:

"Shootings are surging this week in New York City, with 28 incidents and 38 victims reported since Monday — the day the NYPD disbanded its plainclothes anti-crime unit, The Post learned on Friday.

By comparison, the same week last year there were only 12 shootings for the entire week."

Trump is right. The leftists thought they'd get their Kent State moment and instead he's has effectively boxed the Dem mayors into a corner. They can continue to ignore the dramatic increases in crime and violence in their cities and applaud the lawlessness, vandalism and ugly graffiti, or they can crack down on the mob. If they ask Trump for help, they'll look even weaker and more incompetent.

What sane person would want to visit NY, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta or Seattle right now? Who wants to be a tourist in cities that are becoming uglier and more unsafe by the day? Befouling their own nests to own the deplorables - smart move, lefties!

roger said...

"Let everyone see what the Democrats want for our country."

I want CHAZ and the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings to be front and center in the political ads in September and October.

Lucid-Ideas said...


Yep. I'm getting there. Accelerate. The train needs to derail and people need to see it derail and their jaws drop to the floor (if they haven't already) at what's in store.

Then the violence...

Heartless Aztec said...

Secesion - an idea who's time has come. Again.

Lucien said...

Will the rioting and looting in Democrat run cities turn out to be a national issue that R congressional candidates can run on?

Jupiter said...

Lincoln took no action against the insurrectionists until they fired on Fort Sumter.

Narayanan said...

... He is calling plays live, letting people into the political calculations of his campaign, into his mind. There have been other great communicators in the Oval Office, but there's never been anyone who made his supporters such active stakeholders in the process...

did FDR chats have effect directly? or by supportive media transcripts/analysis?

do you not see that "other great communicators in the Oval Office" were made great by the willing media(meddler)men who pouffed them up?

funsize said...

Its moot. If Durkan and Inslee want to do nothing, they will do nothing. Trump may say this was his choice, but not really.

Public perceptions after the fact will benefit him, however, as it will continue to get worse before it gets better.

Follow andy ngo on twitter and "safe seattle" on facebook for a better look into our collective madness.

Skeptical Voter said...

The mayor of Seattle--can't recall her name at the moment, so let's just call her Karen Clueless, has said that there will be "Summer of Love" in CHAZ or CHOP. Heck she may be right--some of the inhabitants are going to be loving their Smith & Wesson protectors by July.

rcocean said...

Once again we get the passive media voice. "Violence broke out" "shots were fired". Ok, so regrettably somehow, for some reason, "shots rang out" and a man is dead. Well, who killed him? And are they going to be punished for murder?

Just wondering.

Professional Lady said...

Before my Mom died I took her to any eye appointment. The pre-doctor technician was giving her tests and we got to talking. The technician was a middle aged, very pleasant, Black woman. Somehow, we got on the topic about when her mother died. Her Mom was in her 80s and lived alone in a home in Detroit. The tech came from a large, close family. Every morning, someone in the family would call Mom to check up on her. One morning, she didn't answer the phone. A relative went to the house and found Mom unconscious in her bed. She had had a stroke. The relative called an ambulance and waited. No one came. More relatives showed up. Still no one came. The family finally had to carry unconscious Mom down the stairs into a car and race to the hospital with no police or ambulance assistance. The tech told us how it had made things so much harder and how she still thought about it years later. I've been thinking of that woman lately.

ALP said...

"Big Chunk" is a bit much. One could travel around most of Seattle and never run into this experiment. Capitol Hill is a well known younger, lefty neighborhood. If any part of Seattle was going to host a thing like this, it would be this neighborhood.

BUMBLE BEE said...


Jim at said...

Let. It. Burn.

Jersey Fled said...

“Last night was a complete success story [in dealing] with an active shooter,” Jones said.

Except for the one dead and one critically injured part. And the fact that the killer is still free and roaming the city.

Do these people even believe their own BS?

MalaiseLongue said...

@chuck: "There are no new people, only old monkeys dressed up in new clothes."

Careful. You could get yourself banished to the Planet of the Apes, with Roseanne.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Re: “Now I may be wrong, but it’s probably better for us to just watch that disaster.”

For me, “us” meant all Americans who don’t want that future. Which is still — I hope — the vast majority of us.

Which makes it not about political advantage but about preserving American ideals and freedom itself.

He then used an example to clarify that’s what he meant.

Some things are bigger than the political horse race that the national media obsesses over.

Michael K said...

Capitol Hill is a well known younger, lefty neighborhood. If any part of Seattle was going to host a thing like this, it would be this neighborhood.

Yes, when I spent more time in Seattle some years ago, it was the hippie and gay part of the city.

GingerBeer said...

Man, it's really going to be a long 4 1/2 months.

n.n said...

The fascists accomplished what progressive sects only accused other people of doing.

If Durkan and Inslee want to do nothing, they will do nothing. Trump may say this was his choice, but not really.

There are precedents for federal intervention to uphold civil rights. However, like the viral contagion, the social contagion will progress, burn, and self-abort.

sdharms said...

So the shooter ran off and the injured and dead were transported BY OTHERS outside the autonomous zone in OTHERS hospitals and they think THEY handled it? Until services are cut off they will go on leaching off the citizens of Seattle.

gadfly said...

Achilles said...
Trump is right. Let everyone see what the Democrats want for our country.

Trump supporters need to evaluate what Trump has done to our country and the economy. Somehow we needed to give Trump credit for "more jobs" despite the fact that job growth had slowed after his tariffs were imposed and he now has seen unemployment go somewhere north of 13 percent because he attempted to use daily visits to daily Covid-19 broadcasts to promote his candidacy instead of fighting the pandemic.

Back in 2006, CDC actually planned for pandemic outbreaks, expecting avian influenza A (H5N1) to finally make its way into the United States. Flu shot programs were developed and advertised. Even those living in the East Baltimore (Balmer) slums had heard of the pandemic. In realism inserted into HBO’s “The Wire,” drugs sold on corners by teens were branded with names taken from the latest news cycle: Pandemic, W.M.D., Greenhouse Gas. It was weird to watch (in 2020) teen actors sitting on row house stairs calling out “Pandemic! gitcher pandemic.”

cubanbob said...

Trump's right. Just let the Democrats run wild in Democrat run cities. As a cautionary example to America. I can see the Trump ads stating "vote Democrat if you want CHOP and CHAZ up America".

chuck said...

I think Truman campaigning in 1948 comes the closest to your standard.

That would be the same Truman who called Dewey both "Hitler" and a Communist? I think we have forgotten how rough past campaigns really were.

rehajm said...

No police doesn't pol well. His on the right side of this political farce.

Sprezzatura said...

Pro Lady,


Daniel Jackson said...

Wasn't Altamont supposed to be a festival of love?

So, her honor wants a summer of love? She's getting another Altamont now complete with killings black shirt security.

Weed is legal in Seattle. Perhaps her honor should refrain for a few weeks.

FullMoon said...

DBQ said:
.....Yes!! This is a political advantage. Not to mention enjoying the schadenfreude of watching the people in those cities experience the consequences of voting repeatedly and unthinkingly for Democrats. 😈 You get the government you voted for and you deserve it.

You still in California?

Original Mike said...

"Does CHOP have a homicide investigation division?"

"Let's not bicker and argue about who killed who"

Jim at said...

So the conservatives who only recently accused people on the left of “hoping” for death and chaos no longer have an argument to stand on because they’re doing the same thing.

There's a difference between leftists openly hoping for death because people had the sheer audacity to oppose their government's lockdowns and those on the right hoping the left gets what they actually want: Anarchy and mayhem.

CWJ said...


Rough and tumble is what I had in mind. You don't think Trump does rough and tumble? daskol spoke of a style of campaigning not the specifics of what is or was said. In that sense, the two men are/were similar campaigners.

CJ said...

The Washington State government has all the resources they need to deal with this. The State Police, the National Guard, police from King County, the ability to ignore Seattle municipal idiocies like banning tear gas. The ball is in Governor Jay’s court.

BTW, the most recent municipal elections featured the defeat of more moderate elements that wanted to do something about the “homeless” destroying downtown, and get rid of Kshama Sawant. The voters chose what they have now. And also BTW, Mayor Jenny is believe it or not less radical than a lot of the other city pols.

Normal people should just get some popcorn and watch.

Rusty said...

Kay said",So the conservatives who only recently accused people on the left of “hoping” for death and chaos no longer have an argument to stand on because they’re doing the same thing."
No. No conservative wanted this. This is on you. This is all yours. The chaos, the arson, the murder. This is what you wanted. This is what you manipulated for. Now deal with it.

Drago said...

gadfly: "Trump supporters need to evaluate what Trump has done to our country and the economy. Somehow we needed to give Trump credit for "more jobs" despite the fact that job growth had slowed after his tariffs were imposed and he now has seen unemployment go somewhere north of 13 percent because he attempted to use daily visits to daily Covid-19 broadcasts to promote his candidacy instead of fighting the pandemic."


Seriously, do you have learning defect of some sort?

traditionalguy said...

Seattle’s Best no longer has meaning. The left overs can’t be the best. RIP what’s left.

Michael said...

Employment growth axiomatically stalls at full employment.

Michael K said...

Normal people should just get some popcorn and watch.

Yup, this is the majority white Watts Riot of 1965. Burn your own town down. Half a century later, there are still vacant lots where jobs once were.

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

One wonders whether the news media and the Democrats would have been able to use Katrina as a club against George Bush if Dubya had gone on national TV to explain the complex dance between local officials and federal officials necessary to activate the FEMA response, and that neither Nagin nor Governor Blanco were cooperating at that time. Of course Trump has the advantage of knowing that Democrats don’t really care how many of their own constituents their policies kill, provided they can blame it on a Republican president. But then, Trump has lived in New York.

Drago said...

Michael: "Gadfly Employment growth axiomatically stalls at full employment."


I wanted to see what nonsense gadfly could come up with!

Oh well. There will be endless other opportunities for gadfly to embarrass himself/herself/xerself.

Perhaps a gadfly and Dumb Lefty Mark collaboration is called for at this point.

Gk1 said...

"what sane person would want to visit NY, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta or Seattle right now?"

The Mrs. and I were lining up a visit to Chicago this summer but have totally bagged on it. We are not unduly alarmed by covid but avoid at risk, blue cities in turmoil. Chicago, even on a good day, requires savvy, situational intelligence and vigilance while visiting. Now that they have effectively chosen decline we will wait a few years until a more competent black lesbian is elected. It's clear that the current Mayor Lightfoot, is in way over her head and needs to step down.

Marcus Bressler said...

The guy who was killed at Altamont got exactly what he deserved.If you read something outside of Rolling Stone, you'll discover he approached the stage with a knife.


Sympathy for the devils in Seattle? No.

Duty of Inquiry said...

In his book, Life, Keith Richards says that:
“In the film you can see Meredith Hunter waving a pistol and you can see the stabbing.”

MayBee said...

I was just in Chicago- in Lincoln Park. It was very normal and actually there were a lot of families out. There were a lot of fireworks at night. I didn't go through the Mag Mile or the Loop to see how things were going there.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

So the conservatives who only recently accused people on the left of “hoping” for death and chaos no longer have an argument to stand on because they’re doing the same thing.

Actually, the Conservatives have been shouting about this bullshit into the wilderness of Democrat controlled urban hell holes for decades. The voters don't listen. They keep voting for the same failed policies and doubling down on them

You get the government you allow and the one you vote for. You can't complain when you get what you wanted. YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF. You have the power to fix this, you know.

My fear is that many who are fleeing the hell on earth that they have created will move HERE (where I live...it IS all about me at this point) and bring their failed city ways, city attitudes and "liberal" agenda to the hinterlands. The back end of nowhere, where we have been left alone and are doing just fine....thank you.

Case in point. Some asshole from LA is up and got all butt hurt because our VOLUNTEER Fire Department is flying a flag to support the police. Many of our volunteers are retired military or police themselves. He complained to a County Supervisor and demanding...all foot stompy and pissy that this must stop immediately.

He was told to pound sand because:

1. The Dept is not part of the county but is an independent district funded by property taxes on people who reside in the district. Fund raisers and money earned by the fire fighters in fighting wild lands fires...as VOLUNTEERS!!

2. He isn't IN the District. Doesn't contribute to the District.

3. Hinted at....We know where you live outside the district and might not be able to respond to that address...OUTSIDE of the district. (Actually they would respond. They aren't monsters and are good citizens, unlike the asshole city lawyer)


4. Go copulate yourself.

ALP said...

Live feed of Seattle CHAZ/CHOP for those interested:


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“he now has seen unemployment go somewhere north of 13 percent because he attempted to use daily visits to daily Covid-19 broadcasts to promote his candidacy instead of fighting the pandemic."”

I see this kind of weird attempt to establish a narrative that’s just blatantly at odds with the easily observable (Inga’s Boogie Boys are another great example) with increasing frequency now. I have to wonder who it’s for. It’s certainly not fooling the average person. So are the Democrats just so deluded that they can’t even begin to process reality and so invent out of whole cloth these ludicrous lies to rationalize their own cognitive dissonance?
Biden’s candidacy must be another manifestation of this phenomenon. Surely everyone hates Trump so much that we can quite deliberately run a candidate who is obviously slipping into dementia and the people of the United States will elect him President?
Sorry, but no. As crazy and unprecedented as some of lunacy going on may seem, it’s useful to remember that it’s almost entirely a Democrat intramural pastime. Since that includes the media we hear about it constantly and may mistakenly be led to think it’s a mainstream view when it’s anything but.
The good news is this means the Democrats aren’t going to replace Biden. And the American people are absolutely not going to elect him President.

Marcus Bressler said...

My error. I thought knife, but it was a pistol. I should have checked prior to posting.
Mea Culpa


My name goes here. said...

CJ said...
"The Washington State government has all the resources they need to deal with this. The State Police, the National Guard, police from King County, the ability to ignore Seattle municipal idiocies like banning tear gas. The ball is in Governor Jay’s court."

Yes, Washington State does have all the resources it needs to fix CHOP. The problem is that the democrat left absolutely will not do anything that Trump says they should do. The mere fact that Trump says it means it is forbidden.

Trump says CHOP is a problem, they must say it is not.

Trump says he could fix it, they must not allow that to happen.

As such, Washington State will not send in the Guard, they cannot for the very real concern in their eyes, it would prove Trump right about something.

Gk1 said...

I wonder if all of this nonsense is making Amazon or Microsoft want to subject their employees to this overgrown zoo or build smaller "wheel and spoke" offices in the normal areas surrounding Seattle? I am sure their employees feel the same way by now. When you make something so unpleasant, complicated and shitty, people will just avoid it all together.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Marcus said...
The guy who was killed at Altamont got exactly what he deserved.If you read something outside of Rolling Stone, you'll discover he approached the stage with a knife."

It was a gun. I've read 2 different versions of what went on. One was that Hunter was continually harassed by Hell's Angels because they didn't like seeing a black man with a white girlfriend, and eventually he snapped. The other story was that Hunter was jealous because his girlfriend had a crush on Jagger and he wanted to shoot Mick. Who knows what the truth is? Either or both seem possible.

The Hell's Angels were certainly dicks. And everyone was high and/or drunk. Not a great idea to pull out a gun.

dwshelf said...

1860 New York in Slices, Theatre (Bartl.), Now and then a small chunk of sentiment or patriotism or philanthropy is thrown in....

Maybe Althouse could analyze "Now and Then", which seems to have had it current idiomatic meaning for a long time.

Now and then a fart is heard....

n.n said...

We're not talking about an empty ranger office away from civilization.

I'm Not Sure said...

"So the conservatives who only recently accused people on the left of “hoping” for death and chaos no longer have an argument to stand on because they’re doing the same thing."

There's a difference between hoping for death and chaos and wanting people to be able to fully experience the batshit crazy stuff they vote for. Not everybody is able to understand this difference, however.

Banjo said...

The Seattle Police Department has bodycam video of the response to the two shootings. Look it up and see if you would have hung around to see what that violent rabble was capable of next.

rcocean said...

The CHOP shows how the Liberal/Left operates. The Nice Liberals will HATE The Right, but they are powerless to stop the extreme left. They just can't get upset at them. Even when they loot destroy and take over. They keep thinking, "No Enemies to the Left" and "Whatever else, I don't want to help those fucking Right-wingers by attacking our side".

So unless they have the center-right PUSHING them, they will appease and give in to the extreme left. ALWAYS. Eventually, the Liberal/Left Mayor and Governor MAY do something, but not until they realize it will cost them an election.

rcocean said...

NYC has 2,000 a murders a year under Dinkins and the LIberal/left were A-0K with it. Rudy squeaked by with about 50% of the vote. Seattle could probably tolerate 500 killings a year, before it would vote R.

rcocean said...

Capital Hill is not a "Big Chunk" of Seattle. The city has a relatively low density, and you can live in one section and never visit the another section. People in North Seattle rarely go to south Seattle and vice versa. Capital Hill is on the east side of Downtown, and there's no reason to go there unless you live there. Its sort of like the Bronx.

Michael K said...

gadfly: "Trump supporters need to evaluate what Trump has done to our country

Yeah, that's why we are talking about 1972. You idiot.

ken in tx said...

Chunkee or chunky is the name of an American Indian game that involved throwing a stick or spear at a rolling stone disk. This may be where the verb form of the word Chunk came from. It was common throughout the Southeast. There are so-called Indian Ball field locations everywhere there. There is a town of Chunky in MS, and Chunky Gal mtn in NC. It was not named after some fat girl, as some think.

n.n said...

there's a difference between hoping for death and chaos and wanting people to be able to fully experience the batshit crazy stuff they vote for.

The difference between Her Choice (e.g. chance) and her Choice (i.e. selection).

Achilles said...

Gk1 said...
I wonder if all of this nonsense is making Amazon or Microsoft want to subject their employees to this overgrown zoo or build smaller "wheel and spoke" offices in the normal areas surrounding Seattle? I am sure their employees feel the same way by now. When you make something so unpleasant, complicated and shitty, people will just avoid it all together.

Microsoft campus Is East in issaquah and their employees live in Bellevue Redmond Issaquah and North Bend. They are as far away from CHOP for all intents and purposes as you all.

Amazon on the other hand is 10ish blocks down the hill. Their employees live in the more upper class South Lake Union area but they are not far away from the fun. REI is right down the street and they got looted. West Lake is 10 blocks south. The riots rolled down those streets.

DeepRunner said...

ALP said...
"Big Chunk" is a bit much. One could travel around most of Seattle and never run into this experiment. Capitol Hill is a well known younger, lefty neighborhood. If any part of Seattle was going to host a thing like this, it would be this neighborhood.

Oh, well, there it is. That makes it...better. Right?

Kent State has been on my mind the past couple of weeks. How long til stuck-in-the-60s Neil Young shows up? The left wants to hold up martyrs for the cause. Trump won't give them the satisfaction, nor should he.

Stephen Karlson said...

Oh, goodness, the Colonel nailed this a week ago. An election is an information operation. Choosing not to go kinetic on a protest is a way of producing information: in this case, it's Bismarck not giving a **** about the Paris Commune, only on a smaller scale.

bbkingfish said...

In reality, Trump is tearin' up the pea patch, and not actually failing at all.

The ranks of his supporters are growing every day. It wasn't visible in Tulsa, because his campaign and political operatives were bamboozled and outclassed by some sinister K-pop fans. Those bastards.

And don't be fooled by those doctored videos of Trump disembarking from AF-1 where he looked thoroughly beaten and ready to crawl in a hole. Fake news!

Rocketplumber said...

Yes, it's a local governance issue. Minneapolis is a good example:


And yet somehow it's all Trump's fault. Riiiiight.

veni vidi vici said...

He's got an open offer, that's been known from the beginning when Gov. Inslee and that nitwit mayor both told him to F off in nearly those words.

The Dems own this shite-show now. Trump is solid on this.

Kirk Parker said...

I understand the political benefit of I'm letting Seattle get what it asked for, but still... The Constitution charges the federal government with guaranteeing each state a Republican form of government. Period. It doesn't follow that with a clause saying "except cases of political expediency."

So what I'd really like to see is a careful special forces operation to bring in all the "leadership" of CHAZ and at the same time pick up in Durkan and Inslee and charge them with being accessories to insurrection for refusing to deal with it.