"She’s best described by words that are musty relics in his venal and vainglorious circle: 'sacrifice,' 'honor,' 'humility.' More than any of the many extraordinary women on Biden’s list of potential vice-presidential nominees, she’s the anti-Trump, the antidote to the ugliness he revels in and the cynicism he stokes. Americans can feel good — no, wonderful — about voting for a ticket with [Tammy] Duckworth on it. And we’re beyond hungry for that. We’re starving. That ache transcends all of the other variables that attend Biden’s deliberations as he appraises Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Val Demings and others: race, age, experience, exact position on the spectrum from progressive to moderate. Duckworth, a former Army lieutenant colonel who lost both of her legs during combat duty in Iraq, is a choice that makes exquisite emotional and moral sense...."
From "Biden’s Best Veep Pick Is Obvious/She, more than anyone, can get under Trump’s skin" by Frank Bruni (NYT).
By the way, I'm so tired of hearing about "getting under Trump's skin." But it's not Bruni's phrase. It's only in the headline.
"emotional and moral sense" does not equal good sense.
They never figured out things they hate about Trump appear only when they attack him. They're jusy mad he doesn't bend the knee when they decree.
That political plant at Telemundo waht was 'offended' by Trump was supposed to finish him off. It still stings...
Junior Senator from Illinois? Where have I heard that before?
If it ain't a black chick the super Progressives will revolt.
Trump has gotten under theirskin.
But I guess that's obvious.
They pine for the days when W would just sit there quietly and take whatever slop they were dishing out.
No can do. She's Asian and this year is the blacks turn.
She checks several boxes.
She's a Democrat half-colored woman who served in the military and is physically disabled.
Her father was White, however.
She's not a negress. Trump wins.
Sometimes I wonder if the NYT believes it's own BS.
Tammy Duckworth lacks the proper melanin levels. The fact that Bruno thinks Biden can get away with not picking a black woman is hilarious. HILARIOUS.
is a choice that makes exquisite emotional and moral sense...."
The NPR ladies will be bawling their eyes out with the huge rush of virtue they'll feel when they pin on their Tammy button.
I prefer my heros with legs
Triple play, cripple, black, female, and vet. I think that's four.
Yes, she lost her legs.
John Kerry tossed his Purple Hearts into......whatever advances the narrative at the moment.
She’s best described by words that are musty relics in his venal and vainglorious circle: 'sacrifice,' 'honor,' 'humility.'
If that was all true Duckworth would avoid Joe Biden like the plague.
Does she qualify as a natural born US citizen? She was born in Thailand. Does the fact that her father was a US citizen make her natural born? Or was he serving in the military and stationed in Thailand at that time? Her nomination would guarantee more litigation and the need for a Supreme Court ruling on whether she qualifies.
In these times, only a Democrat party that wants the US to be torn apart would invite the battle that would ensue, and force the courts to make a decision that will almost certainly result in a substantial percentage of the electorate questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 election and/or of the courts.
So, yeah, gonna happen.
"the ugliness he revels in and the cynicism he stokes"
Even by prog standards, that's rich: what's uglier than three years of deep-state sabotage and more cynical than phony impeachments?
I just checked out her website. Trump should announce that she'll be his choice for Sec. of Veterans Affairs in his second term.
Not that it has anything to do with anything, but what policies does she advocate? You know...immigration, gun control, the regulatory state?
Because Donks never have to answer for anything in the media, they assume they won't have to answer for anything at the polls. It's just a matter of finding the right personality to foil that rascally Donald Trump. Do they think it was Trump's irresistible charm that won the election in 2016?
Anyone good will make him look worse by comparison. Not much you can do with an empty suit, which is a problem. Get ready to have to choose between the jackass and the senile dummy.
I gotta take the dog out, but first--
It takes more than heroic service in Wogsmiter Bush's little crusade to persuade me that someone should be one heartbeat away from the presidency.
I'm a tough critic
Its nice that Tammy was a Lt. Col and I"m very sad she lost her legs. But we're not voting for most inspiring disabled person but the VP who'll probably be Commander in Chief and POTUS if Biden gets elected. And I sincerely doubt Biden will pick her. She's not black, and she's not well known.
There are worse picks for the high likelihood of being president if Biden wins.
But it is highly dangerous for Biden to step over a Black Woman to pick of all people, an Asian. The dirty little secret is . . . well, you already know what it is. There is a lot of anti-Asian bigotry within the Black community.
Barack wants Kamala. It will be Kamala.
If she's a democrat, she's a moron.
As an Asian American female military vet and a double amputee (from an injury in the line of duty no less) she sure checks a lot of boxes in terms of tokenism I suppose. She cosponsered a bipartisan bill to disrupt some of China's South China Sea adventurism. I don't know if that'd be any kind of disqualifier in Biden's eyes or not.
so what are you saying? Hillary/Duckworth?
...cuz there aint gonna be no Biden
No matter how often they say it I do not believe and will not accept that Trump is the catalyst or the bad guy in all of this angry rhetoric and behavior. That all belongs to the likes of Frank Bruni (and so many others, mostly on the Left).
She voted to remove Trump from office. Her statement is full of self-praise
and self-importance, which she trades on.
Shorter article: I can’t find any black women worthy of the VP pick.
at the risk of sounding petty; What are Tammy's accomplishments as Senator?
(i mean, beside breastfeeding an infant on the Senate floor)
What has she done? read it and weep
Tammy Duckworth is such a paragon of virtue, if a statue were erected in her honor, Democrats wouldn't destroy it until the middle of July.
And that's why Frank Bruni was such a strong supporter of John McCain for President in 2008, amirite?
Democrats might talk about policy someday, but today they are hypnotized by Trump. He tootles and the cobras rise swaying from the basket.
as VP pick won't she have to get under Pence's skin?
what if Trump sends out TX Governor Abbott for symmetry?
I'd love to see Biden introduce her at the convention. Stand up, Tammy!
How about what she did to fellow veterans or her part in the alexandria turkeyshoot.
Yeah - the token gay is terrified the VP might be a woman of color because he knows what people of color think about gays - token and otherwise.
Dems are worried about turning out the Bernie bros, BLM rioters, Antifa arsonists, and other assorted statue destroyers.Those groups are not excited by a veteran - no matter how many affirmative action boxes she can check,
I grew up in Illinois. I haven't lived there in some time but I do still follow Illinois politics quite carefully. Tragically, Senator Duckworth lost her legs while in the military but that will now be classified as an "accomplishment" by the Media and Left so as much as I hate to do so, I will also do it. Other than her sex, race and disability, does she have ANY other accomplishments? I can't think she has EVER done as a legislator. Can anyone else?
@Dave Begley
"Barack wants Kamala. It will be Kamala."
I was listening to KPFK's Roy of Hollywood*(for the Alan Watts!) last Sept....and he said that he heard from on high it was to be Biden/Harris.
It struck me, I thought hmmm will Roy be right?
Roy is wise and in my estimation probably connected to networks that might have that info. Then as the early debates unfolded I could see that script as a possible subtext.
Bring Harris please!
My entry for campaign bumper stickers:
Biden/Harris 2020
Senile and Bitchy
"Americans can feel good — no, wonderful — about voting for a ticket with [Tammy] Duckworth on it. And we’re beyond hungry for that. We’re starving. That ache transcends..."
There's a sentence I would never have imagined reading. Anywhere.
Trump really did lay waste to the liberal mind. We're starving for it. That ache...
Bruni’s on drugs.
While the NYT and staff don't believe that Jesus is coming (and boy he is ticked with the Democrats), they do look out and survey the scene. And when they find someone they like, they treat them as though they were the Second Coming of Christ. Not that they believe in that--but they use words appropriate for the event.
Tanmy Duckworth ---meh. Now Tulsi Gabbard--I could go for that. The Samoan Stunner! Fresh from the Islands! Yeah Baby! As Austin Powers might say.
I'm so old I remember when the NYT declared Veterens with war wounds (shh, and Republican) were exactly like Hitler. GHW Bush, and McCain.
The Genius Savant said...I grew up in Illinois. I haven't lived there in some time but I do still follow Illinois politics quite carefully. Tragically, Senator Duckworth lost her legs while in the military but that will now be classified as an "accomplishment" by the Media and Left so as much as I hate to do so, I will also do it. Other than her sex, race and disability, does she have ANY other accomplishments? I can't think she has EVER done as a legislator. Can anyone else?
John Madigan was grooming her for a long time. She is basically a zero. Once she finally got in office, she took off like a rocket, no doubt due to the stranglehold that Madigan has on Illinois politics.
-former Chicagoan who got out after 50 years
“By the way, I'm so tired of hearing about "getting under Trump's skin."”
IOW, this phrase gets under yur skin.
Too bad you can’t delete it from existence like you continue to do re my comments here.
Anywho, anti-DJT folks who enjoy jabbering re something “getting under DJT’s skin” are the same as, for example, you and your TDS tag.
A person who blithely labels as deranged the thinking of other people is definitely telling me something. It’s an indication that the accuser is doing low-level thinkin’. But I don’t get tired of such, I like it. It’s data re the person who is lazily accusing others of derangement. Data is good. I leave the interaction/transaction knowing more than before. Better off, not tired.
We’ve heard many times here in these comments sections how it’s great that Trump has all the right enemies.
This is why I canceled my subscription. This is an opinion piece, but you can’t tell the hard news from opinion. It’s hard for an opinion writer to gush enough over the Democrats to separate themselves from the news page.
Incidentally, if you don’t want to actually cancel, it will offer you a nice discount to keep you from leaving, so you can just deny them a little money.
Biden wants Bottoms. No, not like that. The media machine will go into overdrive to make her have the popularity of unicorn giggles, to theoretically get Biden over the line in the general. But there's a non-zero chance Atlanta will be further riven by ethnic violence, or the police force turning on her outright, and that will end any chance the ticket has. Keisha Bottoms will probably be VP, promising to bring Hope and Change back to America.
But white Americans are going to nod politely and vow to NEVER vote for her. Ever. They know a black President is never going to prosecute BLM rioters unless Clarence Thomas can be accused of throwing bombs. They've learned their lesson from Obama, otherwise they never, ever would have pushed Trump above 40%.
Sign of weakness, something is missing.
Just put dr jill in blackface and get on with this shit show.
I was thinking voting Trump, but Bruni’s starvation convinced me. Who wants an emancipated Bruin. Have you looked at the guy?
> If she's a democrat, she's a moron.
I recall an All in The Family
Archie was stuck in an elevator with a black and a mexican
The black said "we are all equal here"
Archie replied "Equal to me? you are not even equal to him..."
Liberals are the new all in the family
Yellows aren't equal to blacks... they don't need govt handouts
My wife is Japanese and is a nurse. She faces significant bigotry from black, or now Black, nurse's aides and administrative staff. I hope Biden picks this lady.
As long as she is black and she is female, she doesn't have to have the ability to actually get the ECONOMY going...but she's black. You can look at her and smile that we did the right thing.
Tammy Duckworth has no chance. She's not black, and this year is the year of ONLY BLACK LIVES MATTER!!
In a time where a pancake syrup logo MUST be changed, the chance of Biden picking a non-AA woman is zero.
As a consolation prize perhaps they can rename it Mrs. Duckworth Syrup.
okay being petty, i'll say...
we're told that Tammy is
A) a Lt Col
B) a helicopter pilot
C) picked that, because 'it was one of the few combat positions available to women'
D) is a HERO!!!!!!
as Al Smith would say; let's take a look, at the record
A) after 10 years of service, she was STILL a Captain... NO promotions until her injury
B) she was a co-pilot; after 10 years of service, she was STILL a co-pilot
C) commissioned in '92, spent career in National Guard; until SENT to war in
D) after getting to Iraq, was shot down, while someone was flying... THIS was her TOTAL war career
Tammy Duckworth is a total zero. She gives Dick Durbin two votes. She does what she is told to do.
Illinois has the worst senators in the 50 states--and that is saying something.
An analogy worth consider :
Professora : reading NYTimes or WaPo articles
- is like -
Clinicalist (not Clinician) : listening to sounds from office couch and connecting to the perceived human form
Could she be president starting day 1?
I think it's going to be tough for an unknown VP to break through enough to let people know: Don't worry about voting for the man who seems to hide in basement and is losing his cognitive abilities. I know the media won't do to her what they did to Palin, but she has zero profile right now.
Re:David Begley:
Yes, when Democrats insist they want someone who isn't White, they really just mean they want someone Black. And they don't exactly have a deep bench. If it's a Black woman, it's Kamala Harris, that crazy pretender to the governorship of Georgia, Susan Rice (?), or a mayor. Of those options, I mean, Harris isn't great, but I can at least imagine her as a VP.
"Don't worry about voting for the man who seems to hide in basement" That's the big problem for team blue isn't it? Even if they did beat Trump they would need a solid back up to take over during the first few months of a Biden presidency.
The desperation to narrow it down to a black woman shows how desperately they are trying to keep their fragile voting coalition together. I don't think they even have a passing thought on how Duckworth would perform as president, its all about getting Slow Joe pulled over the finish line.
Biden / Duckworth. Joe & Tammy. Dementia and blank slate. Yeah, sure, whatev.
Joe Biden has dementia, and it is only going to get worse. He will not be inaugurated in January, even if elected.
Trump will win in a landslide in November, not because of Joe Biden's dementia, but because of the Left's utterly immoral power and money grab via riots and marxist agitprop.
The ache that transcends the variables. Put a sock in it, Frank.
He could do worse. At least she isn't a shameless, flat-out race hustler, like all the others.
"At least she isn't a shameless, flat-out race hustler, like all the others."
Are you sure about that?
" is a choice that makes exquisite emotional "
Could have just wrote that and called it day. Sometimes less is more accurate.
I can imagine the dismissive vitriol from the media if Trump picked someone like this who was conservative. It would be ugly, but that coverage would be more honest.
That fat, ugly, racist, stupid, crazy, sexist bigoted Nazi Trump! How DARE he be so divisive!!!
Illinois has the worst senators in the 50 states--and that is saying something.
Ahem, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell might want to have a word with you.
Balfegor said, "I mean, Harris isn't great, but I can at least imagine her as a VP."
To imagine anyone as Biden's VP is to imagine the 47th President of the United States should Biden win and almost certainly before 2024. Can you imagine Harris as president?
"Are you sure about that?"
Well, not like ten-significant-digits sure. But she did get both her legs blown off flying a helicopter in combat she volunteered for. Al Sharpton never did that.
Ren and Stumpy
bgates said...
Tammy Duckworth is such a paragon of virtue, if a statue were erected in her honor, Democrats wouldn't destroy it until the middle of July.
bgates wins the thread
(Note: I love that Bruni's definition of "good candidate" is "person who ticks the right 'identity' boxes", not "someone who's actually accomplished something")
Hey Jim, that's Patty "Osama The Daycare Provider" Murray, if you please.
Hey Jim, that's Patty "Osama The Daycare Provider" Murray, if you please.
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