"Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, who is the only black Republican in the Senate, is leading the effort, GOP lawmakers said Tuesday. 'I’ve asked Sen. Tim Scott to lead a group working on proposals to allow us to respond to the obvious racial discrimination on full display on our television screens the last two weeks and what is the appropriate response of the federal government,' Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said" (Washington Examiner).
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Congress should abolish the police unions in certain cities that have a pattern of police excessive force.
I think Tim Scott has been asked because he’s been profiled a dozen times by the Capitol Police who stop him in the building and question him. He hasn’t been vocal about it, but it’s been a problem.
To the left, everything is racist.
If they ask him, it’s a tokenism.
If they don’t ask him, they’re privileged and racist and don’t promote the POCs or let them lead anything.
It’s like the movie War Games “the only winning move is not to play”.
But that’s how the left and the media (BIRM) want it.
wouldn't it be racist if they didn't ask their only black guy?
The cop didn't kneel on the suspects neck cause he was black. He knelt on his neck cause he wanted him to stat were he was.
Yes it killed the suspect but... that was why he did it. Color had nothing to do with it.
The actual charge should be manslaughter. He didn't mean to kill him but his reckless conduct caused his death. The other cops really were just newbie cops (the one on the guys neck was their supervisor!)
I think the charges on those three should be dropped.
Let’s do a decision tree. Ask a white guy: racist whitesplaining. Ask the black guy: racist tokenism. It’s always racist, just like every Republican presidential candidate is Hitler.
"Is that racist?"
What's not? That would be a shorter list.
Crisis litigation:
DEMS: pre-written, pre-loaded draft legislation ready to go, along with matching slogans for the Street.
GOP: (two weeks after national emergency). "we're putting together a working group and will get something to you soon"
I’m becoming aware of black people getting a little tired of so often getting tapped for racial committees and whatnot. It can be a lot of work that their white counterparts are rarely, if ever, asked to do.
Of course, this is a no-win scenario for Trump and the Republicans.
Trump did more for criminal justice reform in two years than Obama did in 8.
If they had this group headed up by an African American, it would be derided by Democrats and the Lame Stream Media© (but I repeat myself)as tokenism.
If they had chosen a white person to head it, they would have screamed it was illegitimate and racist.
Face it. If Trump cured cancer, the headlines would scream:
I think the GOP has used this tactic about as long as it could. You have two options:
1. If you agree there is "systemic racism," these measures are pathetically weak. You have a moral obligation to restructure your entire agenda to dismantled the current system. Anything less will bring you no political benefit.
2. If you do not agree, state why and fight.
Maybe #3 is still in play (Make speeches and shuffle enough papers to stall for time) - but I doubt it.
I believe most Americans do not agree with the premise behind these protests. Not just the tactics, the premise.
"... the obvious racial discrimination on full display on our television screens the last two weeks ..."
I don't know what he is referring to. Those looters looked fully integrated to me.
What fucking pander bears. There is ZERO reason this cannot be addressed at the state and local level. These Senate assholes can't confirm Trump's appointees, can't pass a budget or address 50 other things BUT they do have time to pass useless legislation.
I understand its all politics. Blame the Democrats. The D's will have some crazy bill - loaded with pork for their constituents - and if the R's block it, the D's and those motherfuckers at the NYT/WaPo will cry RACIST and all the dumb white moderates and soccer Moms will get upset. So the R's need a bill of their own, so they can avoid the FAKE charge of Racism.
Once again, things like border security, enforcing the immigration laws, Reducing Drug prices (They to do more), passing detailed sensible budgets, even relief for small businesses due to CV-19, will get put on the back burner so Pelosi/Schumer can play politics.
No, not racist. Scott probably understands the problem all too well.
This is a LOCAL/STATE problem and should be solved there. If Floyd was killed by a Policeman in Minnesota - why should the other 49 states have to pay for it?
FACT: only 10 unarmed black men were killed in the USA in all of 2019. TEN.
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
rac·ist | ˈrāsəst |
prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Presuming words have their own meaning instead of what progs have decided, for the moment, they mean?
"He didn't mean to kill him but his reckless conduct caused his death."
Not so fast, there. It's not reckless to follow written policy. Take a look at section 5.311;
MPD Use of force policy
There is only one solution for all this endless strife - separation.
You cannot have a normal society in this state, with fangs constantly bared.
The emotional toll, for one thing, must be tremendous, and must be escalating levels of personal stress. And then there are all the absurdly sub-optimal policies that all this creates.
When your intractable races are separated you can have a border and deal with each other as a foreign state, state to state, and your peoples will be free to ignore each other as healthy populations should.
This is not normal, elsewhere.
"They asked their black guy. Is that racist?"
Asking the black guy because he's black is racist. Not asking the black guy because that would be racist is racist.
"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
They don’t call them the stupid party for nothing.
I guess Yertle McConnell thinks Black Lives Matter. He has provided solid evidence the protests were justified.
Any moron knows if you kneed on someones neck for 10-minutes, he is likely to die. I'm surprised he lived so long. Murder 1, death penalty. Life in prison for the cucks who didn't stop it.
Still waiting for some kind of evidence that the misconduct was racially motivated.
"They asked their black guy. Is that racist?"
No. He is best qualified for the job.
I know that the leftist/progressive/Dem approach is to always elbow the Blacks out of the way and push them to the back of the bus as the White folks be their savior, but no, it is not racist for Tim Scott to be asked to be at the front and drive the Republican bus.
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Tim Scott is surely the only Republican Senator who’s been stopped by cops seven times in one year, so I’d say he’s the perfect person to lead this particular Republican effort.
“I was pulled over for driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or something else just as trivial."
He described several encounters with police, including one where he was stopped because the officer suspected his car was stolen. He described a similar incident that happened to his brother, a command sergeant major in the U.S. Army. And he told the story of a staffer who was "pulled over so many times here in D.C. for absolutely no reason other than driving a nice car." The staffer eventually traded in his Chrysler for a "more obscure form of transportation" because "he was tired of being targeted."
"I do not know many African-American men who do not have a very similar story to tell no matter their profession. No matter their income, no matter their disposition in life," he said.
He asked his Senate colleagues to "imagine the frustration, the irritation, the sense of a loss of dignity that accompanies each of those stops."
While he is thankful he has not faced bodily harm, he said, "there is absolutely nothing more frustrating, more damaging to your soul than when you know you're following the rules and being treated like you are not."
"We must find a way to fill these cracks in the very foundation of our country," he said.
The senator ended with a plea to his colleagues to "recognize that just because you do not feel the pain, the anguish of another, does not mean it does not exist."
Even for a career criminal like George Floyd, trying to pass counterfeit $20 bills is emotionally stressful. Passing counterfeit money is a felony, and the subsequent imprisonments are harsh and long -- especially for people who already have criminal records.
In this particular incident, two of the store employees came out to his car and demanded that he return the carton of cigarettes that he purchased withe counterfeit bill.
* More emotional stress.
When Floyd refused to return the carton of cigarettes, the two store employers called the police.
* More emotional stress.
One police car came.
* More emotional stress.
A second police car came.
* More emotional stress.
Then the police pushed him into the back of one police car, while he physically resisted.
* More emotional stress.
Floyd realized that he was going to jail, then he was going to trial for passing counterfeit money, and then he was going to prison for the rest of his life.
During this entire incident, Floyd's blood stream was full of drugs that were messing with his heart rhythm. Atrial fibrillation began. His heart began beating erratically, and so his heart was not pumping blood effectively.
As a consequence, the oxygen in his blood diminished. He tried to breathe more, but his breathing became ineffective. His cardiopulmonary system went into a fatal spiral. Soon he lost consciousness.
The police officers were trying to deal with that situation. They called a police ambulance and pulled Floyd out of the police car. While they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, one police officer immobilized Floyd, in order to minimize Floyd's physical movements.
However. Floyd lost consciousness. His heart fluttered ineffectively for a while longer and then stopped.
Our country's mass media do not want to report what really happened. Instead the mass media has been spouting nonsense constantly and continuously.
If they didn't wouldn't THAT be racist?? What isn't RACIST to Democrats anymore???? I was called a Racist the day after Obama was elected because I didn't automatically vote for the 1st Black (half black) President, because I did my homework and didn't trust him as far as I could throw him I saw through his bullshit. I would have voted for Ben Carson in a second.
Psota: Quite true. Despite that, the Democrat plan is probably poorly thought out and full of pork for the Kennedy Center or some such. The Democrats like having bills ready to go in the hope that they will be forced through before anyone can read them.
And how are they going to determine if the police misconduct was "racially motivated"?
White Cop + Black Suspect = Racially Motivated?
That's the only evidence there is that the treatment of George Floyd was racially motivated. I guess that's all that's needed now.
Well how many authentic black senators are there? Do we count Cory Booker, the son of two IBM execs, and Kamala Harris, whose parents were not African Americans [one was Indian Indian and the other was Haitian]?
democrat runs states and cities: crap public education for blacks. Keeping blacks down for generations to keep the power.
Dems to you? shut up, you racist.
Which "obvious racial discrimination" is he talking about?
Fox has also asked Charles Payne about this. Payne is a good financial columnist. I used to listen to him on the radio before I knew he was black. They should know better but they just don't get it. Just like Harry Reid was sure Clarence Thomas' opinions were weak without reading any.
They should work with Robert Barnes.
Sure, but anything the Republicans do is racist. Or, at least, that's what the Left have been telling me for years.
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Wrong direction. How about: They asked their black guy. Is there anyone else who really gives a damn? Consider that Tim Scott is the one black in the Republican caucus.
Since the only other minorites, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are opposed, Scott will have to invite Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski to the party - but at least one more will needed just to keep the bridge game going - Ben Sasse perhaps?
Our country's mass media do not want to report what really happened. Instead the mass media has been spouting nonsense constantly and continuously.
Of course, they take their lead from Al Sharpton. Well known expert on almost anything.
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
The choices to write the legislation are Tim Scott or Nancy Pelosi.
Who would you choose?
I would argue this meaningless gesture by McConnell will actually be seen as moderately positive, at least more so than doing nothing. The Pelosi/Schumer meaningless gesture of yesterday, with the 9 minute kneel while wearing the African scarf, was pretty much seen as a disaster.
This Just In:
Democrat lawyer in LA investigated for inciting Inga-approved "mostly peaceful" murder of police officers:
Bill Melugin✔@BillFOXLA
EXCLUSIVE: A local defense attorney is under LAPD investigation after his Instagram posts called for police to be murdered & offered free representation to anyone who kills a cop. “These cocksucking, low IQ, can’t get into law school jarheads need an asphault nap.”
10pm @FOXLA
Bill Melugin@BillFOXLA
ICYMI: LAPD is investigating a local defense attorney after his online posts suggested cops should be murdered and offered free legal representation to anyone who kills a police officer. WARNING: The comments are some of the most vile I’ve ever seen https://foxla.com/news/exclusive-lapd-investigating-defense-attorney-who-allegedly-called-for-police-to-be-murdered
Again, this is merely a call for "mostly peaceful" murder.
Asking the black guy is HELLA racist, as is not asking the black guy.
That's my senator, baby
I'm still looking for any proof that whatever Chauvin did was actually racist.
Being a white cop isn't enough. Being a black perp isn't enough.
Show me the damn racism in what happened, or STFU.
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Well, since they're Republicans, yes. Of course, if they hadn't have done it, they would have been called racists for ignoring Sen. Scott.
Tim Scott has live through it. Why wouldn't you ask him to lead it? What would you do? Look for a Kennedy or Kerry or some other Mass Democrat Blue Blood to lead this?
While he is thankful he has not faced bodily harm, he said, "there is absolutely nothing more frustrating, more damaging to your soul than when you know you're following the rules and being treated like you are not."
The problem is, common sense is not racism. When 50% of violent crime is committed by around 5% of the population, it is simple commonsense to profile that population. If you want the profiling to stop, you must bring down the crime participation rate in the Black community.
The Republican Senate plan should be an effort to restore the family. Change entitlement and tax code to reward two parent families instead of punishing them. They should also immediately release anyone in prison for marijuana offenses. Provide Black families with school choice.
They might pause for the legal procedings to happen. The guy's had no defense put on yet. Just this or that odd person pointing out that what you saw isn't what you thought you saw, for countless reasons.
The mob makes bad law.
Automatic_Wing said...
And how are they going to determine if the police misconduct was "racially motivated"?
White Cop + Black Suspect = Racially Motivated?
One term too many.
Black suspect = racially motivated.
Everything and everyone is racist, but especially _______.
Just take a look at this racism on display in Reader's Digest and the WaPo:
What kind of sick person would write something like this, as if pigs are people?
I just can't even.
And RD and WaPo probably are gonna need to burn down now too, I guess. Isn't that how this all works?
Hey, why doesn't amazing anti-ace space shitboy and his amazing people he knows just, ya know, solve this blue city problem?
I dunno, but I am sure some toothless hillbilly in West Virginy is the culprit. Speaking of amazing...
"A strange game. The only winning move is not to play."
I quoted this in front of a small group this morning, in a safety context.
Taking Mr Floyd at his word (saying "I can't breathe"), one must postulate a reason other than mechanical airway obstruction as the reason the he could not breathe. Mike Sylvester's explanation makes sense, and given the available information, is a far more reasonable explanation than the officer leaning on Mr Floyd so hard that it blocked his airway. It's also consistent with the initial autopsy (but not the one bought and paid for by the family's lawyer).
The defense will request and get a venue change.
There will be reasonable doubt, and the jury will hang if their only choice is some type of murder charge or acquittal. If the jury has the option of a far lesser charge (assault or some such), they might agree on that. Officer gets a few years in a special/protective type of prison.
In either case, all hell will break loose, because of the irresponsible buildup and blood lust of the NYT, CNN, and the TV networks.
Howard keep saying Black Lives Matter.
And I know All Lives Matter is racist.
Howard, can you please tell me which lives do not matter?
I need a scorecard.
Drug treatment and probation with enhanced supervision are real possibilities. What else????
I do see some of the talking heads on cable TV talk about community policing as an alternative to what we have now. But, I think, that this is what the liberals (and the libertarians) really hate. This type of policing is everywhere. It is highly targeted. One example, I got a call from a local police sergeant telling me that I had to get rid of a tenant because her son was unusually combative. This "kid" was a piece of shit. But is it really appropriate to chase these losers out of a community? Our leases even have crime riders drafted by the local governments. If a tenant is selling dope, for example, the landlord must get rid of him or the landlord will be accused of profiteering or worse. This sort of targeted policing is directly aimed at public disorder, but it very coercive, hostile to community life and often racist. I'm not sure I'm okay with it. But it does work. The areas I invest in have seen very significant improvements in quality of life. And it's because of the cops.
Also, what is very odd about community policing is how easy going the cops are with my problem tenants. They're always rude to me, but they are super nice with the dickheads who cause all sorts of mayhem. They even play games with their kids! It's probably a way for the police to foster a gentler image, but it is very strange. The police are about to ruin your life, throw you in jail and they're being super nice about it. I mean, what is going on???
How are we going to determine what misconduct is racially motivated and what misconduct isn't racially motivated? Do we need evidence, or will it just be assumed a white cop who abuses a black guy is racially motivated?
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Of course, but it's unimportant.
What's important though, are the false accusations of racism, especially because -
"This paper provides the first empirical examination of the impact of federal and state “Pattern-or-Practice” investigations on crime and policing. For investigations that were not preceded by “viral” incidents of deadly force, investigations, on average, led to a statistically significant reduction in homicides and total crime. In stark contrast, all investigations that were preceded by “viral” incidents of deadly force have led to a large and statistically significant increase in homicides and total crime. We estimate that these investigations caused almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies."
They're reform the police just about the same time they complete their comprehensive immigration reform---in say maybe February 31, 2079. And not a minute before that!
The Republican black Senator is smarter than both the Democrats’ black senators put together.
on full display on our television screens the last two weeks
Some chump wants government policies to be based on what he sees on TV. That's terrible.
The Republicans can resolve the bill easily with a one page bill. That bill would eliminate qualified immunity except for Presidents, Vice President, Governors and cabinet officers of of the states and the federal government. That and a national right to work law will resolve most of the issue. The cop issue is mostly in Democrat run cities and counties. Bad cop acts rogue and kills? Sue him and if he has a history, his supervisors and those whose policies lead to the bad outcome. In George Floyd case, you have Chauvin's supervisor, the police chief, the mayor, the city council members and the district attorney. They all contributed. Just consider Chicago and all of the corruption there, especially by the Alderman who in the pockets of the gangs. Or in LA or SF with their illegal alien sanctuary policies that worsen the crime situation.See those officals get sued personally left and right when they release violent illegas into the streets.
You people are asking for more lynchings before we get control of the police State. Yeah, that's a workable solution. It's like you don't even know you lost and the protesters are the hero's and the violent out of control pigs are the perps. Keep selling those buggy-whips and 1200 baud modems.
Yes, the very existence of a black Republican is TOTALLY racist. Negroes must be appeased repeatedly! But only by the right sort of politician.
The police officers were trying to deal with that situation. They called a police ambulance and pulled Floyd out of the police car. While they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, one police officer immobilized Floyd, in order to minimize Floyd's physical movements.
Yes, the officer followed protocol to restrain a suspect who was a probable danger to himself and the officer. The autopsy of Floyd indicates not only multiple comorbidities including testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, but also multiple drugs including psychoactive chemicals. There is no way that the officer could have known that Floyd was marginally viable. However, he did respond to secure Floydd and called for medical aid when he observed a progressive condition.
The Republicans need to be wary of following the Progress path to the Twilight fringe. There is no evidence that diversity was a motive. There is only weak evidence that restraining the suspect caused or contributed (other than as one of diverse stressors) to his abortion. In fact, the only diversity on display are the protestors et al who indulged liberal license to pass a warlock judgment motivated by, among other things, diversity (i.e. racism). After 16 trimesters of witch hunts, warlock judgments, and reproductive rites, we know the content of their character.
as always R's are stupid ; they always want to be able to say >>> HE DID IT
if Tim Scott were smart - he could say - nothing to see here folks - move along or ask for BLUE RIBBON commission chaired by Clarence Thomas!
(can sitting Js chair commissions?)
Howie's side is taking care of the "lynchings" part.
Very persuasive.
Hey, Albertanonymous, that sounds like the Republicans,not the democrats.
Vicki from Pasadena
Hey Skipper said...
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
rac·ist | ˈrāsəst |
prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
Presuming words have their own meaning instead of what progs have decided, for the moment, they mean?
@ Hey Skipper - I am asking for my dictionary meaning!
Are you saying R's named Tim Scott because of their love for him and his career advancement?
Mark said...
I know that the leftist/progressive/Dem approach is to always elbow the Blacks out of the way and push them to the back of the bus as the White folks be their savior, but no, it is not racist for Tim Scott to be asked to be at the front and drive the Republican bus.
? you don't see the other Rs bailing out the back window/ escape hatch of the bus?
It's like you don't even know you lost and the protesters are the hero's and the violent out of control pigs are the perps.
Howard, you set those animals loose. They will come back to bite you in your deep blue cities that are ungovernable. It has begun with an exodus from NYC and San Francisco. I would buy stock in U Haul, if I were you. Gun stocks are already sky high.
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Definitions: Their
"Their" is the possessive form of the plural pronoun they...
Possessive form, like they own him? Could be racist.
Earnest Prole said...
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
Tim Scott is surely the only Republican Senator who’s been stopped by cops seven times in one year, so I’d say he’s the perfect person to lead this particular Republican effort.
“I was pulled over for driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or something else just as trivial."
may be time for new DC/MARVEL character >>> UNDERCOVER SENATOR
Well we know what the answers would have been if they asked the white folks.
In this particular incident, two of the store employees came out to his car and demanded that he return the carton of cigarettes that he purchased withe counterfeit bill.
narciso said...
journalist do get embed to report on !war! !happenings! and war !Crimes!
rcocean said...
FACT: only 10 unarmed black men were killed in the USA in all of 2019. TEN.
And with those, were all the cops White?
The protestors indulged liberal license to pass a warlock judgment in a social justice adventure that is not supported by the available evidence including the autopsy report. Not only is there no evidence that diversity was a motive, but there is no evidence hat Floyd was aborted by the action of the officer, other than as one of several stressors that contributed to progressive viability, including psychoactive drugs, comborbidities, and SARS-CoV-2. That said, who is responsible for signing off on procedures. Is it the AG, Ellison? They are probably effective under normal circumstances, but are a veritable Planned Prisoner (PP) in exceptional cases.
Kevin said...
They asked their black guy. Is that racist?
The choices to write the legislation are Tim Scott or Nancy Pelosi.
Who would you choose?
Rs may be the only idiots trying to fool their base by pretend CongressCritters WRITES legislation.
I used to believe that too till CTH set me straight -
- Ds always know and have pressure groups and lobbyists who have pre-written what they want ready to go any time.
- Rs only have Chamber of Commerce and K-street with business interests exclusively.
Ä.A.: "They asked their black guy. Is that racist?"
Based on facts in evidence, not certain; but statistically very likely, there being 50+ GOP Senators. Also, craven.
Just another manifestation of the racism entrenched (systemic) in the self-assumed elitist class political and entertainment personalities. Hawking "race" garners attention. Until it simply garners disgust.
Narayanan helpfully provides the dictionary definition:
rac·ist | ˈrāsəst |
prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
What then is the adjective for "prejudiced in favor of or biased favorably toward a person or people on the basis of their membership in....?"
Here's a modest proposal: let's have the black police patrol the black neighborhoods, the Hispanics patrol the Hispanic neighborhoods and the whites patrol the white neighborhoods. No white cop should stop any black committing a crime, or arrest a black criminal - it should be left to officers of color.
I'm sure that will work just fine and will not result in higher crime or the death of black cops or innocent bystanders. And if it doesn't, well, it's not like the Left cares about black police officer lives.
No Dems or celebrities will be attending David Dorn's funeral.
buwaya said...
"There is only one solution for all this endless strife - separation."
buwaya, you usually say such reasonable things. Not this time. Do you have any thoughts about what happened during the partition of India. Millions died.
I’m becoming aware of black people getting a little tired of so often getting tapped for racial committees and whatnot.
When people tell you that you cannot enter the conversation unless you are part of the aggrieved class, then of course only members of the aggrieved class can be members of any committee to address the grievances. What, you would accept the recommendations form an all-white panel?
victoria: "Duh
Hey, Albertanonymous, that sounds like the Republicans,not the democrats."
victoria routinely assigns to republicans things democrats do.
You'd think by now she'd learn, but she is a lefty, so learning is not an option.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Well we know what the answers would have been if they asked the white folks.
6/9/20, 7:51 PM
Or the black folks.
Yes, "They asked their black guy." does sound like a racist sentence.
"They asked their black guy. Is that racist?"
If it was anyone but Tim Scott, I might think so, but I have mad respect for Scott. Most blacks do when they hear him.
I'm on a (white) girlfriend's ass, right now, because she stuck me with a crazy black woman for a long drive one night - because we're both black - THAT was racist.
She also told the staff at her restaurant I was a Republican, so I had a gaggle of waitresses demanding to know what I thought of their reproductive rights, over dinner.
You guys really don't appreciate what it means to be black. If you did, you'd be more sympathetic.
Why are they so obsessed with the color of a persons skin and not their character??
“Is that racist?”
Sure it is. But that’s how everybody rolls these days.
My choice would have been Tom Cotton, but that seems to upset people...
You guys really don't appreciate what it means to be black. If you did, you'd be more sympathetic.
Crack I am old enough to remember the late 1960s when earnest white liberals tried to help black communities overcome the pathologies created by years of Jim Crow, and folks like Stokley Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver (who eventually transformed himself into a conservative Republican!) and others told us to butt out, because blacks would handle their own communities. Well a bit over a half century later, turns out black communities are in vastly — make that VASTLY — worse shape than they were in 1965. It wasn’t us honkies who did that. We were told to butt out and we did. As for my sympathy, it died from overuse about forty-five years ago or thereabouts.
If some honkie chick wants to know what you think about her uterus, tell her if it had your baby in it you’d damn sure want it aborted because no way she’d be a fit mother for your child. And if it ain’t your baby it’s not your problem. Then if she’s white tell her that she only supports abortion because the abortion mills preferentially abort black babies so she’s a racist. Draw out that sibilant ‘s’ sound. If she tries to argue back just cut her off and tell her she doesn’t get it.
A honkie white man shouldn’t have to tell you this.
The vast majority of actual racism in the US could be eliminated immediately if the government and universities stopped taking any notice of people's skin color for any official purpose.
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