June 4, 2020

Room Rater isn't really into neutral principles of interior decoration.

Not even a mention of the empty shelves. And he gets a perfect 10? This is kind of like the way he won the Nobel Prize, and it's actually patronizing. To leave no room to say "perfect" is to say this is as good as I think you're going to get.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Jack Posobiec
Jun 2

"I have established a memorial fund for the family of Captain David Dorn"

wow - he's a NAZI all right.

chickelit said...

I thought this "roomer rather" was comical but now I see it's all political too. Click off.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In the footage, members of Rose City Antifa explain various strategies for inflicting street violence while concealing it from the public.

Also know as - information hidden by the hack-D press.

and - the left wing collective must now smear the messenger. That's what loyal heal-clicking Soviet Poot Poodles do.

Narayanan said...

Don't empty shelves beg to be filled up? (I mean empty suits)
is Obama room in Washington DC or Marthas Vineyard?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa leader avoids jail for sexually abusing multiple boys in Portland, sentencing video

tim maguire said...

There's a lot wrong with Obama's room but he gets a 10 because he's Obama. There's a lot wrong with Posobiec's room but he gets a 0 because he's Posobiec. A fair rating system would have given them something closer to 6 and 4, respectively.

Why is it that the people most careless about injecting their politics into non-political situations always have such stupid politics?

Leland said...

Rooms don't have empathy and desires. I think this is just a rater of people and not rooms. Then again, it was clear from the beginning this is a person that enjoys judging others.

Sebastian said...

"Not even a mention of the empty shelves. And he gets a perfect 10?"

Sure. The emptiness of the shelves perfectly complements the hollowness of the man.

"This is kind of like the way he won the Nobel Prize, and it's actually patronizing."

Progs like it that way, and blacks go along, so far preferring the benefits of soft bigotry over the harder challenge of equal treatment, at least outside of athletics.

But what does it do for the self respect of a group when they blithely accept such patronizing?

rhhardin said...

A serious person has full bookshelves with books laid horizontally both on books on the shelves and on top of the bookshelf itself.

Earnest Prole said...

This is kind of like the way he won the Nobel Prize


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Questions for Inga.

If Antifa thugs show up at my house to break windows and smash my property – and I shoot them in self-defense, - will Inga be thrilled because I really killed some white supremacists?
Also, Inga, Pertaining to the Antifa thugs who beat up Andy NGO – ( all documented on film ) – they were ALL Antifa thugs. A large pack of them. Back then, there were no boogaloo scapegoats to blame. You leftists hadn't created them yet. Right? So Inga, do you face the real reason Andy got assaulted in the steet?
He was beaten because he was FILMING Antifa and their criminal acts – and Antifa didn’t like that.

Antifa demand group-think and obedience to their collective leftwing sociopath anarchy. Andy did not obey, and will not oblige. So Andy, who happens to be gay and Asian, was targeted and attacked by leftist supremacist anarchists.
Which makes leftwing Antifa anti-gay and anti-Asian bigots. (leftwing anarchists supported by the likes of Andrea Mitchell - a "news person.")

Former Obama Intelligence Official Helps Secure Bail for Molotov Cocktail-Throwing NYC Lawyer

Why would Obama lawyers want to help white supremacist boogaloo? So odd!

Rapper Busted For Appeal To Shoot, Kill Cops

Oh look – anther “white supremacist boogaloo”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you call out violence and corruption on the left - you are a "right wing nazi"

Ask yourself - does that make you one too?


Lucid-Ideas said...

Barack Obama: "Shining Example of How to President"

Also Barack Obama: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"

Also also Barack Obama: "Punch back twice as hard"

Barack Obama: The Community Organizer turned Failure Negro President who is 100% responsible for everything we're seeing.

Screw. Him. Forever.

Sheridan said...

Is he selling his house? The room looks staged. No family pictures to offend prospective buyers.

john said...

I think for the nazi fuk a poster of a large pizza hanging on the otherwise blank door would have been nice. For balance.

MayBee said...

Room Rater is just more leftist noise. All the fun accounts eventually think they need to unveil their political opinions, and it isn't fun.

Temujin said...

Chauncey Gardiner is amazing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama elevated crook Biden and crook Hillary to the highest levels of government.

so they could international grift for personal family fortune under cover of the smooth talking salesman.


Todd said...

This is kind of like the way he won the Nobel Prize, and it's actually patronizing. To leave no room to say "perfect" is to say this is as good as I think you're going to get.

Exactly. This is what happens when you grade on a curve. You top-out and soon the bar is SO low that EVERYONE is a perfect 10 (well except those deplorables of course, that goes without saying)!

MayBee said...

And it is patronizing to act like Obama's empty bookshelves are somehow perfect. What would RR have said about W's empty bookshelves? That he can't read? That's what the funny line was back in the day, right?

It's patronizing to act like black people need to riot and loot. It's patronizing to say they are being led to riot or loot by white supremacists. It's all patronizing.

Darkisland said...

I'm always curious about the books on display.

I can't make out any title on my tablet. Perhaps someone with a bigger screen could look st some

John Henry

Ignorance is Bliss said...

A perfect ten? And not a pineapple in sight?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

" .. “America is burning. But that’s how flowers grow.” So spoke Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey.

“Riots are an integral part of the country’s march toward progress.” So read a statement from the Democratic Committee of Fairfax County, Virginia, the affluent Washington suburb that has a population of 1 million.

“Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful,” asked CNN’s Chris Cuomo. He’s apparently been too busy interviewing his brother, the governor of New York, to reread the First Amendment, which protects “the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” "

As in the 1960s, violent rioting hurts the most disadvantaged

You think Obama gives a shit? Tucked away in his mansion...

John said...

Thanks for the smile. Nice to see the continuing idolization from the left. I especially appreciate the undertanding that to give a 10/10 for something as supposedly mundane as the decoration of your background is truely patronizing.

Ann Althouse said...

"A serious person has full bookshelves with books laid horizontally both on books on the shelves and on top of the bookshelf itself."

Room Rater has an ongoing thing against horizontal books. It's kind of a running joke and kind of a personal preference that is believed in as an aesthetic principle.

narciso said...

room rater's founder, is loony louise partner in the russian hoax, I know that was four hoaxes ago' as for obama 'a tale of sound and fury, signifying nothing told by an idiot,'

Mary Beth said...

No bunker mentality. Just empathy and a desire to move forward. A bright shining example of how to president.

It doesn't even mention anything about what's in the room!

Ann Althouse said...

Here's a flaw I'd point out in Obama's "perfect" backdrop. The flowers are jammed into too short of a space, with the tops of them touching the next shelf.

MadisonMan said...

I don't like that lamp placement in the Obama shot. Especially if it's the only one.

Howard said...

Yeah the flowers bothered me to. That's one of those internal composition rules that is very difficult to violate with success.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laslo Spatula said...

The Obama room looks exactly like a stock photo.

I am Laslo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw- I ask - Has anyone seen a media photo of these so-called evil people wearing Hawaiian shirts?

All the media generated "stories" about the Hawaiian shirt wearing thugs - there are NO photos to go along with. (correct me if I'm wrong)

There are boat-loads of window smashing, looting, and property damage by the leftwing anarchists and the angry protestors. (no - not all protestors are out to smash things) but most are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Obama space is staged to make him look less wealthy that he is. Staged is the word.
Like Obama himself. A production.

John Borell said...

Room Rater blocked me a few weeks ago. I have to admit, I don't miss it, especially since it turned political.

We don't have to make everything political.

Oh, I guess the left does.

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...the flowers are jammed into too short of a space,

Yep, they don't fit. They were clearly put there for the broadcast, to make his room seem less antiseptic and clinical. As Sheridan rightly points out, this room is staged. It's not how he normally has it--that in itself should be a disqualifier.

Here's another flaw--the single off-center lamp creates a visual imbalance.

MayBee said...

Althouse- yes the flowers are jammed into too short a space, as are the two weird candles. If those are real candles, they would be dangerous to have in that short of a nook.

If I had to guess...I would guess he had pictures of himself (with world leaders? ) on those shelves so he took them off.
It's hard to know which one of his houses this was filmed in. If it's the Hamptons house, he might not be fully moved in. I doubt it's the Chicago house (does he still own that?). Or does he have an office that we pay for (remember how that was a thing?)

John Borell said...

And what's with "fuks"?

If you're going to swear, fucking swear. You don't half-ass swearing.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Just another hater. Althouse just now clues in? She's blogged about this guy being political before.

Lurker21 said...

Roomrater worked in the Clinton White House.

I'm not sure, but I think he was in charge of the interns.

Apparently, he spent too much time worrying about what was on the shelves to notice other things that were going on.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey look - footage and proof Antifa Fascists are all a figment of Andrea Mitchell's imagination.

They are all really sekrit right-wingers! Amazing tricks.

IgnatzEsq said...

It's almost as if Room Rater has an ongoing thing about rating rooms based on things other than the room. It's why when I tried looking at it for entertainment, I stopped pretty quickly.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Another progressive brain dead activist has a social media account where he pretends to do one thing (#roomrater) when the point is obviously to score points (#NAZI!) against badorangeman and support fascist progressivism. How tedious. Does it at least mark this loser’s last appearance on Althouse? Probably not. This is where her tastes vastly diverge from my own interests. This jerk is just the robin givahn of roomrating doing standard issue prof commentary in the guise of doing other things. Am I the only one weary of these fraud-writers?

Temujin said...

Obama's bookshelves are normally full of books. His own books. With His own face shining down on Him. He likes to remind people that He's an author as well. But in this case He removed them so that he did not look utterly, you know, all about Him. This is, after all, about others.

It must have been hard for him.

RoseAnne said...

Are they even books? The room reminded me of the media room of a place I used to work. A few
business related (although not with logo) "art" on shelves and a variety of training films that we were supposed to watch but never did. Primarily used for calls or meetings that were confidential. Now, it would probably be used for Zoom meetings. The empty shelves was the first thing I noticed.


Temujin said...

Flowers: Nice catch, Ann. Clearly these were jammed in there at the last minute to make it nicer, or to fill in a space that was previously filled up with his own books. (see my previous comment). But no one would have jammed flowers in there in a real setting. It's so...Potemkin of him.

Mark O said...

Obama is still leading from behind. Even his bookshelves are empty.

Fernandinande said...

My feelings about "book".

alanc709 said...

Room rating is elitist effete nonsense. Judge someone by the content of their staged room environment? Why not ask them to grade themselves?

mezzrow said...

I've always contended that fascism was basically an aesthetic movement.

Lurker21 said...

What's with all the knick-knacks, Obama? Surprisingly low book to tchotchke ratio.

Also, those books are small, thin and cheap. Not like the thick volumes other politicians like to have on their shelves. Is this a sign of modesty or of pretentiousness on the part of the ex-president and (more likely) his staff and decorators? Are they cheap because he actually reads them and doesn't have them for show, or because the titles can't be read, or is it just unthinking carelessness, like the time he gave Gordon Brown a boxed DVD set and Queen Elizabeth an I-pod with his speeches?

rcocean said...

Obama's room is pretty ah...*Functional*. I wouldn't give that 10/10. Can anyone read the titles of the books, some of them seem to have tape over them, which looks suspicious.

rcocean said...

are those flowers Fake? Why put real flowers in that space?

rcocean said...

Room rater is a left wing Antfa Fuck. Why is he allowed to spread his hate?

stevew said...

Doesn't appear to be a particularly well read fellow, and he only chooses books that will fit vertically. Yet the German Judge saw fit to award a 10.

iowan2 said...

A Black President, with a Black AG, working with Black Mayors, and Black Police commissioners failed to "move forward"

How about a more accurate, four decades of Democrat Leadership has no desire to move forward.

Blacks are getting exactly what they demand.

Fernandinande said...

The "book" comic refers to Feynman's "QED" which I picked up months ago but was afraid to start reading until last night when my tablet died and I finally poked the book with a stick.

Narayanan said...

So, when did the room / shelves get dressed up?
expecting visitors or everyday ambience?

rightguy said...

He left the slip covers on the books.

Automatic_Wing said...

I'm pretty the real Nazis had fabulous rooms, probably designed by Hugo Boss.

wendybar said...

The Great Divider still dividing America.

mccullough said...

In fairness to Obama, he has five houses to decorate. I applaud for having one room without a mirror.

wendybar said...

Narayanan said...
Don't empty shelves beg to be filled up? (I mean empty suits)
is Obama room in Washington DC or Marthas Vineyard?
6/4/20, 8:43 AM

Or Hawaii, or Chicago?? How many houses DO they have now??

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anyone who is critical of leftwing crime should have their rooms shamed and they should be called NAZI!

It's only fair.

Bay Area Guy said...

If Obama were in a poorly painted room, with Farrah Fawcett Majors and Bruce Lee posters, and no books, wearing a bathrobe, these fawning idiots would still give him a 10.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

The Obama space is staged to make him look less wealthy that he is. Staged is the word.
Like Obama himself. A production.

Obama's room looks exactly like a room designed by an interior decorator friend of Mrs. NorthOfTheOneOhOne. Her business is largely made up of baseball players who've just signed their first big major league contract and buy a house in Scottsdale because their team trains in Arizona in the spring. She provides every book, every piece of artwork, every knick knack on the shelves because most of those guys come from humble backgrounds, own nothing, and have no clue as to how to decorate a house. (Same goes for their wives/girlfriends.)

WK said...

Are the shelves half full or half empty? That depends on YOUR perspective.

PM said...

Verbing nouns is how to internet.

Ralph L said...

Looks like his shirt collar is too small. Maybe he's finally putting on weight, like I am.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Obama looks clean in that pic, despite his dark skin.

AlbertAnonymous said...

10 out of 10.... figures.

What is it about this empty suit that makes everyone want to suck his cock?

Seriously. I don’t get it.

Howard said...

That neo-nazi looks about as tough as a Starbucks barista on workers comp.

Yancey Ward said...

And if the two men had been seen in the opposite room, Room Rater would have gushed over the spartan style of Obama's room, and condemned Posobiec's clean, order well-decorated shelves.

Dan in Philly said...

The soft bigotry of low expectations

TreeJoe said...

Obama's space and lighting is nice, but 10/10? That's crazy.

Also, shouldn't room rater deduct points for un-presidential conduct by, IDK, spying on an opposing party's political campaign on pretenses that have since been discovered to have been:

1. False and unjustified
2. Created and paid for by your same parties national committee and primary presidential candidate campaign

I mean that's kinda the "coup" de grace of Obama's presidential time, wasn't it? Shouldn't it be worth a -1 point?

gilbar said...

respectfully; O'Bama's "room" isn't a room; it's a recording studio
Y'all DO realize that, right?
Politicians have SO MUCH MONEY, they have recording studios in their homes

gspencer said...

"Not even a mention of [Obama's] empty shelves"

Indicative of an empty head; his thoughts are only those of what he handlers tell him.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Since Room Rater was never anything but an expression of snobby, snotty, trifling inanity, I knew whoever was behind it was a leftist, and probably a queer. Maybe it’s a group, and not just one person; if so, I’m sure they’re all lefties, and all or mostly queers.

Bruce Hayden said...

I thought that his bookcases looked like Obama. Essentially intellectually incurious, and well curated. But keep in mind that the Obama’s just got finished with living for eight years in a museum, where everything was heavily curated.

Static Ping said...

It's not like Room Rater ever claimed to be neutral, or provide a useful service for that matter. It is just fluff and he is only interested into providing that fluff to people who follow his religion and masochists.

Bilwick said...

Red Diaper Barry looks like he's keeping that copy of DAS KAPITAL FOR KIDS that Uncle Frank gave him out of sight.

Unknown said...

Here's a flaw I'd point out in Obama's "perfect" backdrop. The flowers are jammed into too short of a space, with the tops of them touching the next shelf.

And that's why I read the comments before posting. It was the first thing I noticed.

Also, what's up with the football? I suppose it could be signed by someone interesting.

The lamp my be asymmetric in the photo, but it's not clear the shelves don't extend further right. What I find weird about it is that is mounted on the front edge of the shelving. Someone ran wiring inside the vertical supports?!?

rehajm said...

When I see politics infect stuff like this and see how hurt and damaged people are...makes me want to hurt them some more come November.

Craig said...

Is it me, or is the left just getting nastier with each passing day?

buwaya said...

I believe that when you want to get at the overall trend of some complex phenomenon, the little, silly things count as much as the big ones. Things like this matter, taken together with all the other data points.

You Americans have irreconcilable differences, and you need a national divorce.

Kevin said...

Remember when liberals had to change their haircuts?

Now they're suddenly afraid their decor might be misconstrued.

Kevin said...

Not even a mention of the empty shelves.

Or, as Clint Eastwood pointed out, the empty chair.

Original Mike said...

"And he gets a perfect 10? This is kind of like the way he won the Nobel Prize, "

And the presidency.

rehajm said...

The other thing is it would be one thing if the room was pretty good but that would never pass muster with anyone halfway competent design student. No symmetry, no dynamic asymmetry, fake flowers(?) out of proportion to the shelf, bare shelves, uninteresting books.

The football and the Bo statue are good but the ball is up in the top shelf, bring it down, balance out the size of the book stacks and you might have something respectable.

Rater gats 2/10...

cubanbob said...

Obama's room looks just as fake as he is. Another Potemkin village.

Michael said...

You can buy books by the yard, Barack. Even leather bound classics with patina. Pages cut.

wild chicken said...

"You don't half-ass swearing."

Yes. And thank you for not using "arse" instead.

wendybar said...

Everybody who doesn't agree with Democrat Governors acting like Nazi's is a Nazi. You want to be ruled? Vote for the Democrats who are still keeping us out of our businesses, whilst they march in the streets with looters and Antifa. Keep on spinning...You are spinning yourself into a Socialistic nightmare.

Andrew said...

Does anyone really believe those book shelves were not staged by staff? That's why there are empty book shelves framing his head, it looks better on camera. But really, the empty book shelves represent the things he did to improve Black lives over eight years.

AllenS said...

My educated guess would be that Barack Hussein Obama is in a room for one or both of his daughters. "Where's my mom jeans", he later questioned, not realizing he wasn't in his own room.

Openidname said...

Cruel non-neutrality.

Kyzer SoSay said...

It's the only way Obama can ever look good - with a liberal application of the ol' Affirmative Action mentality. The Left does it automatically, so this Room Rater fellow is no more surprising than the Nobel committee.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"A serious person has full bookshelves with books laid horizontally both on books on the shelves and on top of the bookshelf itself."

I must be pretty serious then.

n.n said...


Alt-right, yes as in left-wing. The Nazi fuks are Pro-Choice (e.g. selective-Jew, life deemed unworthy of life), diversitist (i.e. color judgment), politically congruent, redistributive change (i.e. the Jews have too much), social progress, and social justice adventures (i.e. elective wars, catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform).

ddh said...

Some of the bookshelves in President Obama's room (which looks more like it's in a city than at the beach) are completely bare. The man reads, but not a lot, even though he has tons of free time.

LordSomber said...

"Room Rater has an ongoing thing against horizontal books. It's kind of a running joke and kind of a personal preference that is believed in as an aesthetic principle."

If one's shelves are full, how is one to store the extra books?
Disclaimer: I am 'guilty' of this.

Todd said...

Howard said...

That neo-nazi looks about as tough as a Starbucks barista on workers comp.

6/4/20, 10:20 AM

Who Obama? Isn't that a bit harsh...

jeff said...

Thanks Ann, I noticed the flowers too, my wife loves to cut fresh ones from our yard and put them
around the house. She’d never jam them into a shelf. I knew you wouldn’t miss that.

stlcdr said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

There are boat-loads of window smashing, looting, and property damage by the leftwing anarchists and the angry protestors. (no - not all protestors are out to smash things) but most are.

6/4/20, 9:16 AM

There are most likely several (more than a few, but less than a lot) protests where it's just a bunch of people in some towns around the US, holding signs, maybe chanting a few things at passersby.

Something that's completely un-newsworthy (sic). Take a photo of it is like taking a picture of a cat sitting on the floor.

n.n said...

Everybody who doesn't agree with Democrat Governors acting like Nazi's is a Nazi.

Yes. #Judgment #TooManyLabels #ShowMeThePrinciples #HateLovesAbortion

Ralph L said...

Brees bends knee, needs surgery for spine.

GingerBeer said...

Rather than be embarrassed by "... the soft bigotry of low expectations..." that greets every Obama effort, he seems revel in the knowledge he'll never meet the serious critisism or doubt due a second rate intellect carried up by a liberal escalator with no more interest than its own self regard.

GingerBeer said...

Rather than be embarrassed by "... the soft bigotry of low expectations..." that greets every Obama effort, he seems revel in the knowledge he'll never meet the serious critisism or doubt due a second rate intellect carried up by a liberal escalator with no more interest than its own self regard.

Francisco D said...

cubanbob said...Obama's room looks just as fake as he is. Another Potemkin village.

For that he gets a perfect 10.

For the crease in his trousers, he gets an 11. Right, Howard?

JaimeRoberto said...

I can't be racist. I gave a half-black man's room a 10!

Skeptical Voter said...

Empty shelves--empty head--other than that part of it which is filled with mush and platitudes.

MadisonMan said...

I noticed the flowers too, my wife loves to cut fresh ones from our yard and put them
around the house.

It's Peony Season here in Madison! Hooray!

n.n said...

A Nobel "Peace" Prize well earned for the most saved, created, and progressed adventures/wars in several decades, and a trail of catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform. "Demos"-cracy dies at the Twilight fringe.

Howard said...

Brees says Fuck You to sTrumpet. The road to redemption is by turning one Trump voter at a time away from the darkness and hate.

Jim at said...

I swear, it's like these people slept through the entire eight years of the Obama Administration.

FullMoon said...

If ever an example of getting extra credit for being black, that 10 is it.
Pretty stupid of rater to disrespect Obama like that. Social media gonna destroy him now.

FullMoon said...

...oh, he liberal? Never mind, my bad..

Jim at said...

Brees says Fuck You to sTrumpet. The road to redemption is by turning one Trump voter at a time away from the darkness and hate.

No. He was browbeaten into accepting the current narrative ... lest he suffer more severe consequences.

His thoughts are still the same. You thugs simply silenced him. You must be so proud.

jaydub said...

Obama's room rating should lose at least a couple of points for the pile of shit in the middle of the frame.

Drago said...

Howard: "The road to redemption is by turning one Trump voter at a time away from the darkness and hate."

I wonder if those words were spoken at David Dorn's funeral.

But then again, he was just an anecdotal murder victim at the hands of Howard's Heroes.

I'll bet Dorn's family learned their lesson too, didn't they Howard?

Drago said...

Jim at: "No. He was browbeaten into accepting the current narrative ... lest he suffer more severe consequences.

His thoughts are still the same. You thugs simply silenced him. You must be so proud."

The Stasi thought they had everyone shut up and "turned" as well........

Rosalind said...

Apologies if I am repeating a comment: Obama has framed himself in the video shot. Stuff to the left, stuff to the right, the flat thing above and 2 little roundish things on either side of his head. Nothing directly behind him. Nothing to distract the viewer from his noble visage! Gawd

Phil 314 said...

Re: Obama’s room:

Where are the columns?

wildswan said...

Agree on the flowers - and crushing flowers that way is really very ugly. Then I tried to read the book titles. I think the black covered book slightly to the left and below the squashed flower is Caving by James Lovelock. He was a Gaia creator and also wrote a book in 1969 on caving techniques. This whole shelf has books without a bookend (or a pile of books lying flat) to hold them upright. Books shelved like that would tip over as soon as you reached for a book. The whole thing has a nice look at first glance but as you look longer it seems stranger and stranger so as a presentation of "My Room" by Barack Obama, I would give it a 10 also.

gg6 said...

Pathetic.It says so much about so little it's worth a cry.

wildswan said...

Hey, why not have your commenters send in pictures of the wall in their rooms they'd have behind them on Zoom and see if we can guess whose room it is? Inga of course would have that big Soviet flag circled with mourning ribbons but others might be interesting to guess at.

Paul Doty said...

Give him a break. He can't afford books because I e just bought a $15 million mansion that is soon going to inundated by the sea. I'm just disappointed we can't see the crease in his pants. That's always a thrill.

Amadeus 48 said...

Yeah, patronizing. And my black friends tell me they feel it every single time it happens to them. And they don't like it. I doubt Barry likes it. But those white folks who say they love him keep doing it.

Now, that is true white privilege. If patronizing black people were a religion, Winnetka, Illinois would be the Vatican.

DeepRunner said...

Room Rater is run by a Bill Clinton staffer who also runs an anti-Trump PAC. Not surprised he's not a fan of Jack Posobiec or that he fawns on Barack Obama.

DeepRunner said...

Howard said...
Brees says Fuck You to sTrumpet. The road to redemption is by turning one Trump voter at a time away from the darkness and hate.

Hmmm...two thoughts:

* "turning...away from the darkness and hate"...it hasn't worked on you yet.

* Brees "apologized" for his statement about disrespect of the flag because it was politically-correct to do so. He is a white QB on a team that is majority black in a city that is majority black. His teammates called him out on it, as did the...dare I say this on Madame Le Professeur's blog?...overrated Aaron Rodgers. And he got hammered by the outrage mob.

In a phrase, he was shouted down for his not-so-deft expression of his unvarnished view. Like everyone else, libs and wealthy athletes are all for free speech until it's speech they disagree with.

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