June 11, 2020

"Right now, our model thinks Joe Biden is likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college."

Says The Economist — which views Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida as likely wins for Biden.


Ambrose said...

“in the Electoral College”? The racist antequated deplorable Electoral College?

Yancey Ward said...

Yes, the media is in a full court press to convince people the election is already over. It didn't work in 2016, and it ain't going to work this time either.

Mark said...

Of those states, only Florida is impressed by his defense of naming military bases off traitors.

600 jobs lost in the paper mill in Stevens Point. Evinrude moving more jobs out of the country. Wisconsin is wondering if this what he meant by great.

rehajm said...

Did they just say our model with a straight face?

BarrySanders20 said...

So what? Right now Donald Trump's model, Melania, thinks Donald is likely to beat Joe.

StoughtonSconnie said...

I think they are wrong about Florida, but right now likely right about the rest. The dems hold the levers of power in the remaining three, and as another Uncle Joe once said, it doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes.

Kyzer SoSay said...

Well, we all know how accurate these expert's models turn out to be . . .

Drago said...


Daily poll porn for the marxists to keep up their spirits.

Why isnt Biden winning by 50%???!!!

Joe Biden quote upon seeing this latest "poll": Is this the spicey mustard?

Ray - SoCal said...

They also forcast Brexit would fail.

Economist used to be a publication that I respected.

alanc709 said...

There's lies, damn lies and statistics.

Curious George said...

What does Allan Lichtman say?

Nonapod said...

I seem to recall all sorts of models and projections that said basically the same thing about Hillary versus Trump around this same time back in 2016. But whatever.

At any rate, it's kind of hard to get a read on where a lot of key swing voters heads are at lately. After all the first half of 2020 has been just bananas. It's impossible to get a sense of how much swing voters either blame Trump and/or feel he hasn't responded properly in one way or another to the various crisis we've been subjected to, and if they somehow trust Biden more? (which seems risible to me, but who knows?). People often interpret information in unexpected ways. And I certainly don't put too much trust in polls.

MikeR said...

We'll see. Lots of time till the election. Obamagate indictments, anyone?

n.n said...

Evinrude engine maker BRP eliminating 387 jobs in Sturtevant

This business segment had already been facing some challenges and the impact from the current context has forced our hand.

Demand, contagion, innovation, and other states.

Sebastian said...

On the other hand, big turnout for Trump in Georgia yesterday.

Who are those people? Where do they live?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Both sides claim their candidate is going to win. Some pretend they aren't on a side.

I'm not seeing anything new here.

Harold said...

If you view the last election as a referendum on Hilary then the not Hilary candidate won't do as well this time around. It seems to have held true with Bernie in the primaries, and I wouldn't be shocked if it didn't contribute to a Trump loss in the general.

Balfegor said...

There's big changes underway, and I think effort spent on campaigns and strategies and organisation will be swamped by events in the end. Coronavirus retreats, ordered is restored in our tottering virus-ridden cities, the economy ends up on a strong recovery track? Trump wins. Coronavirus second wave, economy founders, police and/or national guard end up killing brutish Antifa stormtroopers who get treated as martyrs by the media? Biden wins. Biden dies on the campaign trail? Huge sympathy vote for his VP candidate who replaces him on the ticket.

Gk1 said...

Well to be fair, the economist rightly predicted President Hillary's 2016 electoral sweep so this seems pretty consistent at least.

JAORE said...

"... our model thinks..."

The hell it does.

wildswan said...

Governor Evers hates manufacturers and manufacturers leave for a friendly atmosphere. Jobs lost by Evers. There's been fewer deaths in Wisconsin due to covid than to flu. But Evers keeps the state shutdown causing furloughs and more jobs lost - for nothing. Yet the Economist, where they are really smart, sees that the largest group, the blue collar workers, is going to vote for Evers 'cause he let BLM smash windows in Madison.

tcrosse said...

This assumes that Biden will be the eventual nominee.

wild chicken said...

Could be that swing voters are tired of all the noise right now and want to make it go away. I feel that way sometimes.

Hopefully they/I recover some fighting spirit by November.

Michael K said...

I used to subscribe to the Economist, mostly for foreign news.

They became useless about ten years ago.

Expat(ish) said...

I live in a pretty red part of FL though my neighborhood is super blue due to incomers.

Zero Biden signs or stickers. A fair number of Trump stickers but no signs except,for so,e large home made ones.


Static Ping said...

Oh, great, another model. Those are never wrong....

Vance said...

Do I think the voters will vote for more mobs, riots, thievery and destruction--i.e. for Biden?


Do I think Trump will win these states? Not sure. The Democrats are screaming about how they need to implement as few barriers to vote fraud as possible. If they just "miscounted" a few million votes that somehow ended up for Biden, would anyone be surprised?

And would any leftist care about blatant, in your face vote fraud to get rid of Trump? 'Tonight, on the six o clock news: watch members of Team Biden deliver more sackfuls of votes to the clerks that were mysteriously lost on election night. It's an amazing coincidence that, just like yesterday, these will all be 95% cast for Joe Biden and maybe tonight he will be able to declare victory as it looks like just enough to wipe out Trump's lead!"


"Tonight, an interview with George Soros supported Secretary of State Jim Democrat. Jim, catch us up, please? Certainly! WE counted more votes today out of downtown BigCity. Another couple hundred thousand votes were added to the Democrats. We are so impressed by increasing turnout in BigCity, well over 150% and climbing as we let them know how far behind Joe Biden is. Also, we would like our state to know that we are strongly aware of vote fraud. To that end, we've found that over a 100,000 votes for Trump were fraudulently cast in Ruralville, in particular around the military base there. The fraud appears to be that they voted for Trump. We've deducted those votes from his total. Rest assured, voters: we will not rest until the vote is counted properly and Joe Biden wins, as we all know that our state voted for Biden.. even if the voters themselves didn't know that!"

I'm pretty sure that Inga, Howard, and the rest of the gang would say, "yes, vote fraud is bad, but it's to get Trump! There is nothing more important than that! We cannot let America vote for anyone other than us!"

MartyH said...

How can you pretend to predict five months out in 2020? Look at all the wildcards in play: Seattle, Dem convention, Biden in debates, Durham, Covid wave 2, etc.

Mark said...

Many of you have more confidence in the American electorate - and more trust in the electoral system - than I do.

We came a hair's breadth of committing national suicide in 2016. We still could in 2020. It is entirely possible, especially if you add in the almost-certain-to-happen fraud in at least a few areas.

Presume a Trump win at your own peril.

mccullough said...

The odds of Biden winning are higher than his odds of being the nominee.

gspencer said...

"Right now our model says Biden"

The Magic 8 Ball they're using has other answers, "Try again later."

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Economist. No agenda there, nossir.

stevew said...

Boy, wouldn't that be something to behold.

Serious question for you all: what would it mean to the current revolutionary efforts of BLM and Antifa if Biden were to win and install a Democrat administration? Do you suppose it would advance or retard their efforts at change of our systemically corrupt system?

Jupiter said...

Let's recall that The Economist does not actually say -- or write --anything. Some recent college graduates write things, and the Economist publishes them.

madAsHell said...

Yeah.....Biden ain't gonna make it out of the convention.

Oso Negro said...

YES!! Americans YEARN for Joe Biden! Democrats! Only Democrats can save us!

Jeff said...

I'm trying to think of anyone I'm acquainted with who voted for Trump in 2016 but might not do so in 2020. Coming up blank every time. I really can't think of any reason why a Trump 2016 voter wouldn't support him again this time. All of Trump's negative qualities were on full display long before November 2016.

On the other hand, I can think of lots of people who may not have voted for Trump in 2016 but will this time. Could even be a landslide.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Uh huh. The actual results of state primaries seem to disprove that. The totals for Trump dwarf Obama's primary results in 2012.

They're still counting in Georgia. And Trump still has more votes than Biden and Sanders combined.

I think that's a rather more reliable indicator than polls done by woke publications.

Dave Begley said...

No way in hell that Trump loses to Biden or Harris in November.

Trump wins about 40 states including Minnesota and Wisconsin. I'm even thinking Washington might go for Trump.

People won't soon forget these riots.

Bryan Townsend said...

Yeah the Economist is no longer worth reading.

Paul said...

Were these the same 'models' use to predict the last election? Coronavirus? Global Warming? Hurricanes?

Readering said...

If Trump loses he will be first president without a serious primary challenger to be nominated but lose since Hoover 1932.

My concern for unrest is if Biden gets over 50 per cent of popular vote but loses. Gore and Hillary Clinton did not break 50.

Wince said...

So they're thinking the lockdowns and the riots actually worked?

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Computer models don't think. Many live models do not, either.

Douglas B. Levene said...

Mr. Trump seems to be doing his level best to alienate suburban, middle-class women. Maybe he can turn that around, I hope so.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark (who has difficulty googling things): "Of those states, only Florida is impressed by his defense of naming military bases off traitors."


Fort Hood was established in 1942 under democrat FDR.
Fort Benning was established in 1918 under democrat Wilson.

Obambi was President for 8 years with sidekick Gropey Rapey Slow Joe.

Anybody else discerning a pattern here?

Hey, remember Bill Clintons final days in the White House when he suddenly decided to push DC Statehood?

It was right about the time he was pardoning murderous unrepentant Puerto Rican terrorists and billionaire fugitive Marc Rich, thanks in part to Denise Rich's personal....uh...."lobbying" of Bill....

Third Coast said...

An English publication using their "model". Okay. Did they use the same model to help get their Brexit prediction wrong? On the other hand, maybe they hired Professor Neil Ferguson to do the data input.

tim maguire said...

If the election we're held today, maybe. Maybe not. Either way, the election won't be held today. The economy will (probably) be rebounding, Biden will have to speak publicly, and the riots will have run their course and the public will knew who to blame. This is Biden's high water mark. It will only get worse for him from here.

wendybar said...

Hillary was going to win by 90 points too.

wendybar said...

President Trump on Thursday said that he thinks the killing of George Floyd in police custody last month is having a greater global impact than even the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King.

Just kidding!!! Joe Biden said that!!! Bahahahahha!!! Keep talking Joe!!

Stephen said...

Stories like this are playing into DJT’s enormous, magnificent hands by reassuring Democrats that they can stick with Joe Biden This summer there’s a reasonable probability that events will spin out of control, like 1968,—and for the record I sincerely hope not— and Sleepy Joe will seem as wrong for the Presidency as Happy Warrior Hubert. Anyone but Joe has a better chance in November.

le Douanier said...

“Wisconsin is wondering if this what he meant by great.”

That reminds me that I should check on new developments re Walker and DJT’s China F Con. I haven’t seen any news for a while.


So is that how we get sick of so much winning? Is that part of Keep America Great?

Art of the deal??

Jersey Fled said...

Ho hum.

cubanbob said...

Mark said...
Of those states, only Florida is impressed by his defense of naming military bases off traitors.

600 jobs lost in the paper mill in Stevens Point. Evinrude moving more jobs out of the country. Wisconsin is wondering if this what he meant by great"

Of course the progs running now can't offer an actual plan. All they offer is Leftist nonsense. Also they never point out what would Hillary be doing now had she won in 2016 besides the massive graft. As our hostess likes to say, better than nothing is a high hurdle.

passing through said...

Very interesting. It looks like the gap opened up mid-March, and then has been stable since the beginning of May. There is actually only a tiny dip due to Floyd's death while in custody, and the subsequent riots and looting. So literally the only thing that is hurting Trump after years of hostile media is that a portion of the public either blames him for the Wuhan virus shutdowns, or just the Wuhan virus in general. I don't think constantly referencing 2016 helps in regards to polling. Trump has 5 months, and if he wants to win, he better get started on plans for economic expansion. And broadcast them 24/7. Unceasingly.

madAsHell said...

Moderation Sux Reason 13 - Damn!! I can't remember which one of these threads I've already tainted.

Drago said...

A bunch of Dumb Lefty Mark's in Chicago figured today would be a great day to torch the monument to Abraham Lincoln.


Because in the end, all remnants of America's past will be destroyed and the stories rewritten by our Maoist/Stalinist history revisionists.

And then we'll have lots more of this:


chickelit said...

My how the mighty have fallen. I used to walk 5 kilometers to the train station in Germany just to buy "The Economist." I subscribed to it for several years after moving back to the states. Now I'd sincerely like to see it suffer if not go under for the illiberal positions it began to take more than 10 years ago. Glenn Reynolds noticed too.

cubanbob said...

StoughtonSconnie said...
I think they are wrong about Florida, but right now likely right about the rest. The dems hold the levers of power in the remaining three, and as another Uncle Joe once said, it doesn’t matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes."

What makes you think that? Considering how lousy the governors of MI and WI have been why would those voters vote for Biden who due to his senility can't keep his lies consistent? Trump won those states with his promises and the same voter who wants the swamp drained and jobs back in the country, curb crime and illegal immigration not to mention the green new deal is going to vote for Biden who supports all of that? I don't see it.

chickelit said...

Mark said...600 jobs lost in the paper mill in Stevens Point. Evinrude moving more jobs out of the country. Wisconsin is wondering if this what he meant by great.

Leave it to Evers to chase them out. You have a milquetoast Governor.

DanTheMan said...

Is that the same model that predicted 11 million dead of COVID 19 in the USA?

Now, if you had a computer model, a study, and a poll, then it would be gospel.

Kevin said...


If anyone thinks these military bases have any impact two weeks from now, let alone in November, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

There is no question that the Dem machines of Broward, Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee were overconfident in 2016 and did not perform. They won't make that mistake again - they will be manufacturing votes in 2020 in huge numbers, confident that the Dem victory will protect them from any investigation.

StoughtonSconnie said...

@cubanbob: Three reasons I think it. First, I live in Wisconsin, 12 miles south of Madison now but originally from La Crosse (God’s Country). None of the media in this state, aside from a couple of radio stations, have even a shred of neutrality left. They picked sides after Walker won re-election, and have moved steadily more left since. No way for the non-political to get anything approaching education on the issues through any media. Second, the culture. Being conservative hasn’t been “cool” since Alex P Keaton, and that was by accident! Conservatives lost popular culture after Reagan, and now even the moderates or unaffiliated are being pushed out by the extreme. Culture dictates politics. Third, I’m Irish. Being Irish, I have an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustains me through periods of joy. The country dodged a bullet in 2016. I fear we won’t this time, and the Senate will go to whoever wins the Presidency.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Wince said...

So they're thinking the lockdowns and the riots actually worked?

No, they know that didn't work and are resorting to the old leftist tactic of telling you what reality is. I mean, what else are you going to believe? Your own lying eyes?

Drago said...

Democrat talking points right now:

ZOMG! Trump is afraid to leave his bunker!


ZOMG! Trump keeps going around the country and saying things we dont like and is cranking up his rallies again!

The best part? The lefties make both arguments every single day...often simultaneously.

Jim at said...

I'm even thinking Washington might go for Trump.

People keep saying this and I keep saying there is no way.
He won't get 45 percent here.

The last time Washington went for a Republican was 1988. And the last time it has an R governor was 1984 ... longer than any other state in the union.

War will break out here before it goes to Trump. It's a lost cause.

readering said...

This is where I come to read Trumpist happy talk. Trump is the incumbent. Will you be better off in November 2016 than you were in November 2016? Do you think the country is headed in the right direction?

Francisco D said...

Yancey Ward said... Yes, the media is in a full court press to convince people the election is already over. It didn't work in 2016, and it ain't going to work this time either.

It seems to be working on the market today. "Conventional wisdom" has Trump losing bigly.

Could this mean that Biden actually stays in the race?

Who will be VP: Harris, Abrams, Demings, Michelle? It has to be a Black female.

Ken B said...

Their model will be based on past elections and polls. I don’t think they will work anymore.

I do think Trump is throwing the election away at the moment, and had better smarten up if he wants to win.

Mark said...

Drago, do you have anything to add more than personal attacks?


rhhardin said...

The left has got the MSM echo chamber to the people, and Trump isn't particularly great at explaining what he's doing when he's doing risk management, i.e., when the enemy isn't the left.

With the left, all he needs is his zingers.

Civil insurrection and pandemic don't yield to zingers but rather risk management. Which Trump is great at, but not great at explaining.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" No way for the non-political to get anything approaching education on the issues through any media."

Well, there is Belling and a few other radio talk show hosts. That's about it though.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"600 jobs lost in the paper mill in Stevens Point. Evinrude moving more jobs out of the country. Wisconsin is wondering if this what he meant by great"

Of course, Tony Evers has nothing to do with any of this. He's only the governor, after all.

gbarto said...

What we are witnessing right now is an attempt to assert that Trump can't win, so that if he does they can refuse to believe it.

Orwell said that true power lies not in being able to convince people, but in making them afraid to acknowledge the evidence of their own eyes.

If Trump wins, we will be told, again, that he couldn't possibly have won and that all their articles about how he couldn't win are the proof, just as he only won in 2016 because of Russian collusion. But the goal will not be to make us believe he couldn't have won and only won in 2016 due to Russian collusion, whatever the Mueller report said. The goal will be to lets us know that the violence and the mobs will not stop until they get their way and we profess to accept reality as they think it should be.

(attempted reconstruction of a post Blogger ate)

Marcus Bressler said...

After 2016, polls should just be ignored. Like the MSM except to make bad examples of them.


bagoh20 said...

Trump is going to have some great ads. Lot's of powerful material that doesn't need any spin.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Conservatives lost popular culture after Reagan, and now even the moderates or unaffiliated are being pushed out by the extreme. Culture dictates politics."

You're so right! That must be why we haven't had a GOP president, or a GOP-controlled Congress, or a GOP majority of governors at ANY point since Reagan left office. Because of the "cool" factor".

Oh, wait . . .

chuck said...

I have no idea how things will play out, it is very hard to get a feel for the country as a whole and events might have unpredictable impacts. Even the "experts" get things wrong on a regular basis. So I just soldier on.

Birkel said...

I'll take that bet.

Unknown said...

People didn't think Lincoln would win reelection in 1864.

The Democratic candidate was Lincoln's former chief military commander—McClellan...Imagine that...a disloyal military officer.Historians now agree that McClellan was an incompetent military commander. When he was still in Lincoln's employ, he called Lincoln "an ape" behind his back.

Lincoln doubled down on being unpopular when he said he would not accept a Southern surrender without an end to slavery. McClellan said he would let slaving owning continue, if the South surrendered

Meanwhile, Sherman couldn't take Atlanta. Lee was roaming around in Virginia and couldn't be stopped. People in the North were tired of the war.

Finally, in September Sherman took Atlanta and the Union Army conquered the Shenandoah.

Lincoln won all but three states. It was 212 to 21 in the electoral college.

Lincoln's campaign slogan---believe it or not it was "Don't Change Horses in Mid-Stream."

Same today. We are in a Civil War. Trump will win reelection, and it will be a landslide.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Joe Biden will die, I'm gonna say, September. Why? Because, if you're a Democrat, he has to. They can't let him go on that debate stage with Trump, nor can they refuse to. Covid-19 can be useful in so many ways.

Banjo said...

You spend ten minutes writing a post and it disappears? Fuck off, I won't make that mistake again.

Clyde said...

The negative ads against Biden haven't really started yet, and shouldn't until after the Democrat convention when Biden will officially be the candidate. At that point, all the creepy, pervy groping-sniffing videos should start showing up in the ads. Democrats won't care, they'll accept anything for power, but the independents who will decide this election will care and they'll be repulsed. Add in the silent majority's preference for law-and-order over chaos and violence will hopefully be the decisive factor in Trump being re-elected. Otherwise, this country is doomed.

Krumhorn said...

Anybody with any common sense should try to imagine what things will be like if the lefties ever get real power. The horror of that image should be sufficient to get them to the polling stations bright and early.

- Krumhorn

cubanbob said...

StoughtonSconnie said...
@cubanbob: Three reasons I think it. First, I live in Wisconsin, 12 miles south of Madison now but originally from La Crosse (God’s Country). None of the media in this state, aside from a couple of radio stations, have even a shred of neutrality left"

Since when has the media not been leftist other than a few exceptions? Does that mean the people you are referencing are in favor of the new green deal and the rest of the Democrat-Communist manifesto.

Ann Althouse said...

It didn’t strike me as funny when I put it up, but rereading “ "Right now, our model thinks Joe Biden is likely to beat Donald Trump in the electoral college,” I am laughing hysterically.

The double meaning brings up such a funny image.

Michael said...

The Economist was once a very good read: "Free Men and Free Markets." Now it might as well be the Guardian.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Well ... good luck with that.

Kyzer SoSay said...

"You spend ten minutes writing a post and it disappears? Fuck off, I won't make that mistake again."

It's happened to all of us, even without moderation. Best practice is to finish writing, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and then post. If the post fails, the text is still in the "clipboard" and can be pasted into a new window. I do this with every post I write on every blog I follow and I've never lost a single word since adopting the habit.

Bob Smith said...

The Mookies are trying to convince us there’s no hope. “Don’t bother voting, it won’t make any difference. Didn’t work before. Won’t work now.

Drago said...

Mark: "Drago, do you have anything to add more than personal attacks?"

If you dont want people to comment on your dumb lefty-ness and inability to execute simple google searches then you should cease parading that dumb lefty-ness and googling inability in front of everyone.

It is impossible that this is the first forum where you have been told this.

gilbar said...

most of you are older and wiser than me, so maybe you can help me with a
serious question

what was the earliest that Any republican showed a lead and any poll?
as i recall; even in 1984, Reagan was polling behind Mondale through Most of the summer
Then, sometime around Labor Day, he started slowly climbing (up to Landslide levels)

In 2004, W. Bush and Kerry were neck and neck all summer (always within the margin of error), until after the Republican convention, when W. went up quite a bit (for a week or two)

gilbar said...

i agree with everything Unknown wrote about Lincoln and 1864...
and the Union Army conquered the Shenandoah.
you've got a typo there, it should read
and Phil Sheridan's Army burnt the Shenandoah to the ground

Sheridan was the sort of officer, that if told something about Crows needing rations, would DO IT

crescentcityconnection said...

As a conservative Wisconsin resident I am appalled that a sufficient number of my fellow Sconnies decided to vote for the limp noodle Tony Evers to put him in the Governor's office. I truly hope they don't double down on that stupidity by voting for Slow Joe the Groper in November. In other developments, today I went to the local public library, social distancing of course, and found Atlas Shrugged and 1984 in the non-fiction section.

Amadeus 48 said...

It is hard for the guy at the top to come out of the lock-down with any credit. There was too much damage suffered for too little apparent benefit. It is hard to know how Trump could have played this better, but I don't think many US residents are going to look back on the last three months fondly.

The George Floyd riots could help Trump come back. I don't think many people are enthusiastic about looting and vandalism in anyone's neighborhood. The Demmie leadership appears to believe it is important to create space to destroy. Here's a pro tip: Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore was not a master politician. Trump's law and order stance about this issue is going to pay off.

Joe Biden is slipping badly. His campaign is going to be a disaster. He is not going to beat anyone in or out of anywhere.

BUT, things have to be getting better in peoples' lives for Trump to win.

The Economist is full of confident twits. I look to them to explain the confident twit point of view.

Big Mike said...

Says The Economist — which views Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Florida as likely wins for Biden

Robbie Mook’s model for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016 also predicted that these four states would go for her, plus Arizona was winnable. Perhaps they’ve learned from their mistakes and developed a better model. When I built models to predict the behavior of computer systems I went on to validate the models but no one seems interested in doing that work anymore.

David-2 said...

"I'm even thinking Washington might go for Trump."

Sorry, no. Democrats have been stealing races for years here; they're way ahead of all the other states, plenty of practice, control all relevant offices. We're already 100% vote by mail.

Though, if the new country CHAZ takes off ... that might siphon off some Dem voters ... unless they allow dual citizenship ...

Lewis Wetzel said...

The Economist is a tool of the Clintons.

Gospace said...

As mentioned above, we just had two very large poll, in Georgia and Florida. In Georgia, in an uncontested primary, Trump received more votes than the entire Democrat field.

In Florida, more votes, many more, than Biden.

Next question being- What are all those Bernie voters going to do when the nomination is handed to someone else? Or, are the Democrats silly enough to actually run Biden? Every public appearance he makes between now and November will demonstrate he’s not there mentally. The media isn’t going to be able to hide it.

LilyBart said...

You know, I think if Biden had been president this year, he'd have instituted nationwide shutdowns in the face of Covid 19 and been reluctant to release people and businesses - Like California, only for every state. Florida wouldn't have had the freedom to they've enjoyed. I suspected this, and feel even more confident having heard his 'solution' to the police problem - Big Fed Oversight.

Mark said...

Go fuck yourself Drago.

If the censors won't bother with personal attacks I might as well give them some work.

You leave a lump of steaming shit every visit and walk away proud like the local chihuahua. Lots of bark and lots of shit but zero redeeming value.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Who will be VP: Harris, Abrams, Demings, Michelle? It has to be a Black female."

How racist/sexist do the people of a political party have to be, to expect that a candidate be chosen based on race/sex?

DavidUW said...

A foreign publication claims their model is predictive of a US election.
And they're more reliable than the domestic models?

I'm a bit skeptical of that.

I go with the above comment; I've yet to hear a Trump-voting Wisconsin friend of mine say they're voting Biden. And these voters all voted for Obama, so it's not like they're auto-Republican.

I'd say the same about my friends in California, but that's not a great sample size.

William said...

They hired Cindy Crawford to crunch the numbers. Their model says that Biden will probably win. It should be noted that Cindy Crawford in her day was a much more successful model than Melania, and there's no reason to believe that their model won't have the same success in the future.

chickelit said...

Mark said...600 jobs lost in the paper mill in Stevens Point. Evinrude moving more jobs out of the country. Wisconsin is wondering if this what he meant by great.

Shouldn't paper mils leave Wisconsin according to lefty logic? They just cut down trees and pollute rivers. And Evinrude? Don't they make outboard boat motors which churn Wisconsin lakes and rivers and sound like leaf blowers? I can see why Rev. Evers chased them both out. Not green enough.

Did I mention shutting down silica mines for supplying fracking?

gpm said...

>>A bunch of Dumb Lefty Mark's in Chicago figured today would be a great day to torch the monument to Abraham Lincoln.

Oh, God. This is depressing. The "monument" is about two blocks from where I went to grammar school.


gpm said...

For the record, the "monument" was/is in *West* Englewood. Where the murder rate is at least a bit lower than in Englewood.


The Crack Emcee said...

"She's a model and she's looking good..."

- Kraftwerk

Trump's gonna win.

Bruce Hayden said...

With all things even, Trump would probably win easily. But they aren’t. Soros and company bought a lot of election officials over the last several elections, and the obvious intent is to cheat their way to victory. You can see the intent in Dem controlled states sending out ballots to anyone and everyone who might, possible, be a legal voter in that precinct. Or might have been sometime in the past.

The other thing is that Crooked Hillary proved (if Obama hadn’t done it earlier by turning off credit card verification, and raking in millions in foreign contributions) that federal election laws are a joke. Chuckie Schemer has effectively neutered the FEC, since the 2006 election by refusing to name a new commissioner. They are named in pairs, by both parties in the Senate, that means that the commission has been down two members for three years now, and hasn’t had a quota as a result. No quota means that it can’t operate. Mostly, I think, to prevent them from considering the well documented and substantiated complaint that Clinton committed fairly egregious campaign finance fraud by flushing large contributions through 43 state party’s, then back to the DNC, then her campaign, with one or two people back in NY doing all of the transfers (controlling all 45 accounts at the same bank). Cute scheme, but legally quite illegal. Hence the continuing lack of a quorum at the FEC.

So, we find that BLM has already, this year, funneled over a billion dollars from donors, through ActBlue, to a number of Dem candidates and PACs. Bernie got maybe $180 million. Biden almost $120 million. Even Palsi and Schemer got their own piece of the action. And that was before George Floyd died, riots unspontantaneously erupted around the country, and Hollywood stars started paying guilt money, and a lot of big corporations, started paying protection money, to BLM, and thus ActBlue, and back to Biden and the Dem Senatorial and Congressional campaign committees. None of which will ever be investigated, because Schemer won’t allow the FEC to have a quota, so it can conduct business.

Mark said...

chickelit, nice straw man you constructed there. Too bad everyone's weekends at the cabin destroy your motorboat concept.

Nice deflect about the job losses from Trump's 'booming economy'.

Take some more personal swipes, that's all you got.

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