June 10, 2020

Quite a powerful phantom, Antifa.


Big Mike said...

She may want to check that with Andy Ngo.

gspencer said...

And this figment of overheated right-wing imaginations has armed sentries on the defensive perimeter around their captured stronghold.

Good thing the rest of us know these figments are nothing more than fairies and pixies.

Temujin said...


Antifa- what it is

Sebastian said...

OK, progs, just tell us:

1. Riots and looting good or bad?
2. Antifa involved or not involved?
2a. Antifa good or bad?
3. White nationalists to blame or not to blame?

gspencer said...

"Hogan, 30 days in the cooler for you"

I wonder if this armed figment has established a jail and a Stazi spy network.

Temujin said...

The funny thing is that people like Megan McArdle think they're safe. They think they're on the same side as Antifa. They think Antifa likes them. They're stunned later when they get cold cocked in the street, or have their business burned up, or get tossed out of their job, or prevented from taking part in society and made to wear a marker showing that they are to be shunned, and later huddled into cattle cars for a long vacation.

The worst of all are the Journalists! who cover for Antifa. Let no one forget who they are.

whitney said...

The best part is they've already got a warlord. A rapper named Raz Simone and his well-armed cohorts. He does seem to be laying down the law but I'm not sure it's what the trustafarians LARPing as revolutionaries really had in mind

mccullough said...

The Red Front

bagoh20 said...

You need another tag to cover stuff like this: "JSTFU"

gspencer said...

Hmmmm, this figment is quite active and is exercising self-help muscle,


Drago said...

"Antifa is a bogeyman, little more than a figment of overheated right-wing imaginations. Also, they just declared an autonomous zone covering several blocks in Seattle, and are planning to expand their territory."

Inga still thinks guys with hawaiian shirts are coordinating everything.

Yes, its every bit as stupid as her 4 year lie-filled Russia Russia Russia collusion delusions.

Robert Marshall said...

How can Seattle simply do NOTHING about the fact that someone (named "Antifa") has replaced them at this time as the government of a portion (Capitol Hill) of the city of Seattle? As bad as the city of Seattle's government may be, it at least has the benefit of having been elected by the people. Antifa, not so much.

Insurrection, anyone?

Michael The Magnificent said...

No, no, they're white supremacists. Yea, that's the ticket! White supremacists masquerading as BLM and Antifa.

Stephen Taylor said...

Ms McCardle was probably already on multiple lists, but she just had another mark placed next to her name. Hope she wasn't too dependent on those WaPo paychecks; one of their pet conservatives just stepped off the plantation. A knock on her door in the middle of the night will soon follow.

I, for one, welcome our new Stasi overlords.......

Kai Akker said...

Antifa is as strong as our officials are weak. A perfect balance because they are both owned by George Soros.

Sebastian said...


Given the historical moment, we’ll begin with our demands pertaining to the Justice System.

1. The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle."

Sure sounds like abolition means abolition.

GatorNavy said...

Apparently, the first strong man ruler has appeared in CHAZ.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Are we sure they're not Inga's boogaloos?

le Douanier said...

It’s getting hard for folks to keep track of when they are in favor of looking at numbers and the resulting true net effects/impacts, and when they’re supposed to run around w/ their hair on fire.


Inga said...

For weeks now all we’ve heard was how Antifa were the ones agitating and instigating in the protests, with little to no evidence and evidence was there that it was right wing extremists that were embedding themselves in the protests. Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it. They aren’t hiding themselves in the crowds and are purposefully drawing attention to their doings. If I had a chance, I’d ask them what the hell do they think they are doing?! Idiots. They’re not helping to further the efforts of people to live together peacefully and for community leaders to work on police reform. What complete stupidity.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

All the city would need to do is cut power and water to that area and the revolutionaries would crawl back to mom's basement. They're already requesting that vegan food be brought in to them, since the homeless took all their rations.

But the leftist loons that run Seattle won't do that for fear of looking racist - so Seattle, prepare to see your property values drop. I feel bad for Laslo and other sensible Althousians who live in the area. The liberal majority - once again, you're getting what you voted for good and hard.

If they really want to bring down capitalism, why don't they try storming Bill Gates' compound? It's somewhere around there.

Dave Begley said...

One of my friends from Creighton Law School is John L. McKay. His dad was a Creighton Med School grad and moved to Seattle to practice medicine. John and one of his brothers came to Omaha for law school. Both of them were US Attorneys for the Western District of Washington. The McKays lived in the Capitol Hill District in Seattle. That's the area of this autonomous zone.

I imagine the Capitol Hill District is like Dundee is to Omaha. That's where Warren Buffett lives. Or some of the neighborhoods by the University of Wisconsin. Or Georgetown in DC.

On Facebook today John said he hoped he didn't need a passport to visit the old neighborhood.

All of this is a total shocker to me.

When I saw the video of the police abandoning the station in Capitol Hill I thought of the helicopters picking people off of the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon.

LA_Bob said...

Wow, Megan McArdle sliding into Alice in Wonderland territory.

What makes Antifa (and Black Lives Matter) so frightening to the non-Woke among us is that they share with ordinary thugs their utter disdain for consequences.

And, come to think of it, there don't seem to be any.

tommyesq said...

Antifa = US Isis?

cubanbob said...

Antifa is a terrorist organization as well a criminal organization. Membership in such an organization should require a mandatory ten year base sentence if convicted of any other felony and the sentences should run consecutively. Giving money to Antifa should also be illegal and banks should be forced not to have accounts for the organization or accept funds for the organization.

rhhardin said...

When they institute a flat income tax policy the right will come around.

le Douanier said...

BTW, near one of the places I live (though I haven’t been there for seven months (I keeping wanting to hang there for a few weeks)) they know how to deal w/ Antifa.


Sure, I’ve seen the jabber about Seattle Capital Hill and City Hall. I don’t have a huge problem with the homeless stealing from the dopes. Better than trashing businesses. But sure, the dopes do gotta be evicted. And, the fussy group in City Hall that included the nut job on the City Council doesn’t bunch my shorts. I’m a pro at ignoring them.

Seems like vigilantes shooting guns and trapping people by falling trees in Forks WA, and other loons like this:


indicate that we’ve got a way to go before Antifa takes over America. Some may even say that these situations indicate that the pro-fascist (i.e. anti-anti-fascist) forces are a bit overly revved up and trigger-happy.

gadfly said...

From Anne Helen Peterson at Buzzfeednews comes this enlightening information:

Rumors of roving bands of Antifa have followed small protests all over the United States. Why are people so ready to believe them?

It’s difficult to talk about antifa with any sort of precision. It’s “leftist” insomuch as it’s against, well, fascism, authoritarianism, and white supremacists. There are some local groups, but there’s no national leadership structure. Many antifa dedicate themselves to finding white supremacists in their communities and outing them. Most people within those groups are for violent protest only as a last resort, but a handful are for more forceful displays and destruction. Here in Montana, I encountered a very small handful in January 2017, when they showed up in Whitefish to counter a planned march by ... neo-Nazi[s]

Read the entire aticle to discover why people believe the antifa rumers.

Rabel said...

She's pointing out that the media narrative does not match the reality. Some of you should take care not to hurt yourselves with those knee jerks. Could pull a muscle.

JaimeRoberto said...

It seems a lot of people missed Megan's joke.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Antifa doesn't oppose police. What Antifa, a domestic terrorist organization, opposes is police who are accountable to elected officials and the laws they pass. Antifa's model is the Soviet Stasi of East Berlin: a secret police state run by totalitarians."

-Sean Davis

but don't listen to Antifa or watch what they do - watch the hack press! they turn Antifa fascists into invisible non-entities.

OldManRick said...

For those who don't get it, Megan McArdle is obviously being very sarcastic. It's actually a very well structured sarcasm. First you say something that "every right thinking person believes", then you contradict it with a classic "who are you going to believe me or your lying eyes" evidence.

I give her a 10 out of 10 for style (she used one of the classic forms well); 10 of 10 for subtlety (some people don't realize it's sarcasm); and a 10 out of 10 for speaking truth to power (mob power that is). A perfect 30!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga pushes the leftwing lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Raz Simone, a Seattle local, stated he belongs to the “People’s Force,” a replacement for Seattle PD in #FreeCapitolHill. On June 8th in a live video he advised that unfamiliar faces should be stopped, questioned, and checked to see if they’re armed, similar to “Stop and Frisk.”"

must be boogaloo.

The Real History of Antifa

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

tommyesq said...
Antifa = US Isis?

6/10/20, 9:10 PM

Vanilla ISIS

Louie the Looper said...

The way I read McArdle’s tweet is that she is being sarcastic.This supposedly mythical Antifa has actually taken over part of Seattle.
Cut her some slack. She’s not Inga.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The images found here were probably faked by the boogaloo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga strings together complete bullshit so she can continue to make excuses for the radical left's fascist arm.

Laslo Spatula said...

" I feel bad for Laslo and other sensible Althousians who live in the area..."

I moved out of Seattle two tears ago.

Still in WA, but in a more sensible county.

Visiting the city is like touring a Third World Country.

Like Hemingway's famous quote on bankruptcy, it is fascinating how quickly now the rot is accelerating.

I am Laslo.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said:
"Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it."

Oh, yeah, that must be it.

Utter idiocy.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Dave Begley said...

When I saw the video of the police abandoning the station in Capitol Hill I thought of the helicopters picking people off of the roof of the US Embassy in Saigon.

Which videos were those, David?

The only ones I ever saw were the famous shots of choppers picking people off the roof off the CIA station in Saigon.

To be fair, the press has told us for years that those photos were of the embassy and many people, myself included, believed them for a long time.

If you do a search, you will see that the press is still saying it was the embassy.

But if you look at photos of the embassy and photos of the CIA station, you can clearly see that the iconic photos are NOT the embassy.

John Henry

exhelodrvr1 said...

"They’re not helping to further the efforts of people to live together peacefully and for community leaders to work on police reform"

In other words, they are the same as Black Lives Matter and the Democratic politicians. Which, of course, is why the Democratic pols will not renounce them.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

I forget where I saw it now and don't know if it is true. Last week I saw a report that there was a large evidence room in the Minneapolis police station that was torched. Apparently all the evidence was destroyed.

The article said that this would result in hundreds of cases being thrown out for lack of evidence.

I wonder if that was the object of the exercise in capturing the Seattle police station?

John Henry

Sigivald said...

Y'all are bad at detecting sarcasm...?

Original Mike said...

Inga said…"Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it."

LOL. Don't ever change, Inga. You're priceless.

Matt Sablan said...

"For weeks now all we’ve heard was how Antifa were the ones agitating and instigating in the protests, with little to no evidence and evidence was there that it was right wing extremists that were embedding themselves in the protests. Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it. "

-- Think you're mixing up the cause and the effect.

Jon Ericson said...

This woman must be stopped!

gspencer said...

You Can't Always Get What You Want


narciso said...

Life imitates art


narciso said...


Unknown said...

I thought the tweet was making fun of the claims that Antifa is right wing bogeyman, because clearly Antifa and their fellow travelers are running the show in Seattle.

YoungHegelian said...

Antifa is a bogeyman, little more than a figment of overheated right-wing imaginations. Also, they just declared an autonomous zone covering several blocks in Seattle, and are planning to expand their territory.

Guys, I think Megan is being sarcastic in that first bolded sentence. She's pointing out the insanity that figments of the Right-wing imagination do not take over a neighborhood in downtown Seattle with the hopes of setting up the west coast extension of the Paris Commune.

It's amazing how the hard left is so stuck in its romantic, nay, even swashbuckling fantasies. I'm sure they are sitting around imaging how glorious it will be to fight and maybe even die for the Revolution on the barricades. If I were Seattle, I'd turn off power, water, and blockade anything from coming in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After all the Oregon Antifa arrests, they decided to get slick. Lucky for them, the hack-D press decided to ignore all Antifa violence.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Blogger Robert Marshall said...
How can Seattle simply do NOTHING about the fact that someone (named "Antifa") has replaced them at this time as the government of a portion (Capitol Hill) of the city of Seattle? As bad as the city of Seattle's government may be, it at least has the benefit of having been elected by the people. Antifa, not so much."

You don't understand the impenetrable stupidity of the average King County voter. An echo chamber so tight that they can't even conceptualize rational alternatives to the insanity they parrot.
They've voted for it relentlessly. They must want it. Fair enough.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa are mostly revenge filled a-holes who like to F stuff up -they are sociopaths.

gbarto said...

For those who missed it, this tweet is sarcastic. Megan is saying, whoops, there goes the narrative.

True to form, there's an idiot on Twitter protesting that AntiFa wouldn't do this, it must be anarchists. In other words, they're already setting the narrative for the trust-funders to be portrayed as good people whose good intentions we're betrayed by whichever small group of people they can't avoid underbussing.

Gk1 said...

Maybe I am being a little thick here but I caught a extra large dose of sarcasm in McArdle's posting. She seemed to be ridiculing the idea Antifa was a phantom menace if they are now in sole control of 7 square blocks of Seattle. Am I taking crazy pills here?

bagoh20 said...

Not being familiar with McArdle, I assumed it was more of the same ridiculous hypocrisy we've been fed for months now from hundreds of sources. Now educating myself on her, yes, it must be satire. I apologize to our host for being lame, and lazy.

I will now redeem myself with an unassailable truth, known to all mankind: Inga is insane, wrong on all issues, and just adorable in her evil hatred of normal people who work for a living. Too easy? Tough. I needed a sure thing.

cubanbob said...

Robert Marshall said...
How can Seattle simply do NOTHING about the fact that someone (named "Antifa") has replaced them at this time as the government of a portion (Capitol Hill) of the city of Seattle? As bad as the city of Seattle's government may be, it at least has the benefit of having been elected by the people. Antifa, not so much.

Insurrection, anyone?"

Trump should call the governor of Washington who claims he has no idea of what's going on and tell him he has 24 hours to clean that shit up or he will invoke the insurrection act. The constitution requires the federal government insure that each state a republican form of government and a mob is anything but that.

exhelodrvr1 said...


Excellent article on policing statistics in re blacks

le Douanier said...

“Visiting the city is like touring a Third World Country.”

Total BS.

I’ve been alerted to three multimillion dollar houses that sold in near one of my houses in Seattle. All three sold in one to three days, and for a good bit more than they were listed for, and for numbers that were big relative to comps. Rich folks in the city are doing very well.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the shitty parts of the city are getting shittier. But, I would never go to those places when they were just shitty, now that they may be shittier I’ll still pass.

Friedrich Engels' Barber said...

Do we know who is the Ernst Rohm of Antifa?

cubanbob said...

Original Mike said...
Inga said…"Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it."

LOL. Don't ever change, Inga. You're priceless.

6/10/20, 9:47 PM
Blogger Matt Sablan said...
"For weeks now all we’ve heard was how Antifa were the ones agitating and instigating in the protests, with little to no evidence and evidence was there that it was right wing extremists that were embedding themselves in the protests. Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it. "

-- Think you're mixing up the cause and the effect.

6/10/20, 9:48 PM

Michael Creighton described that as wet streets cause rain. That's our Inga, always getting cause and effect backwards.

n.n said...

Goggles! Your eyes are a window to contagion.

Clyde said...

Of course, first they'll need to replace the food that the homeless people took from them. Their Twitter account was asking for "vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc." No, I'm not kidding. What a bunch of soy boys!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

If it was just a matter of this children's crusade playing forts, I wouldn't be so worried.

What truly bothers me is that nobody has the will to stop these delusional brats, and even worse, corporate America is cravenly lining up behind BLM and censoring opposing viewpoints. That didn't happen in '68. Adults- members of the WWII generation - were still in charge of the country then.

That's why the Weather Underground and Black Panther movements sputtered out. Outside of a small number of '60's extremists and the sort of radical chic poseurs exemplified by Leonard Bernstein, they had no base of support. The journalists who loved them tended to write for fringe publications like Ramparts.

Now the Establishment backs and encourages these assholes. That's why this is worse than '68.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

LOL. Don't ever change, Inga. You're priceless.

6/10/20, 9:47 PM

There is no danger of that.

It would require an ability to learn and self-reflect, and if you're not there by your 60's, you never will be.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Give the Left what they ask for.

If they only take what they actually want, we lose every time. Don’t let them reform, restructure, or (partially) defund the police force. It’s all or nothing. America loses on their terms, always. It’s time for a radical reckoning. If they want space to destroy, destroy every space.

Shake the box. BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!

Yancey Ward said...

"1. The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle."

Now, now- we all got the memo passed on by little lyin......er.....Commissar Inga- they don't mean abolish, defund, remove, eliminate. All this statement is saying is that they want the the police department to be a bit better than it is. That is all.

FullMoon said...

Zero proof antifa is not organized terrorists using Ingalogic
Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, and to some of you, Ms. McArdle was writing that tongue in cheek. Roadgeek is correct- she is taking a big risk in doing this. As a WaPo writer, she will get major pushback by her colleagues at the paper, she might even have to do a hostage vid......er........public address to explain that she didn't mean to imply that Antifa is real or taking over several blocks in Seattle.

Kathryn51 said...

Dave Begley said...
One of my friends from Creighton Law School is John L. McKay.. . . John and one of his brothers came to Omaha for law school. Both of them were US Attorneys for the Western District of Washington.

Small world. Mike McKay (the older brother) and I were undergrads at Univ. of Washington the same time. Both of us active in GOP politics. Mike went to Creighton Law - I went to UW Law(at a time when females were about 5% of the entering class). I was the Reaganite/the McKay brothers were Bushies.

More nothingness: Mike, Jenny Durkan (now mayor of Seattle) and I served on unofficial screening committees for federal judges - I'm talking 25 years ago.

Yep, Seattle is toast - thanks to Bezos/Amazon bringing in a bunch of no-nothings w/meaningless degrees. Bellevue is next.

Yancey Ward said...

There are times, especially the last 2 weeks, where I stop and wonder- if I were looking to parody a lefty troll, could I top what Inga produces day after day? Is it possible that Inga is a right-winger devoted fully to parody?

Francisco D said...

Inga said ...
I could while away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers,
Consulting with the rain;
And my head I'd be a scratchin'
While my thoughts are busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.

Bruce Hayden said...

Te current American AntiFA is a sibling organization to a German AntiFA that claims descent for a 1930s Soviet backed German opposition group to the Nazi’s Brown Shirts. AntiFA meant Anti Fascist, which in Germany meant anti Nazi. But remember, they were Stalinists opposing the Nazis from the left. Of course, the only thing that Hitler’s Nazis and Trump have in common is that AntiFA hates them. Both the German and US AntiFA are now more Maoist Communist than Stalinist, subscribing to armed overthrow of the bourgeois and imposition of a totalitarian socialist utopia through force of arms and violence.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Igna, were all the black rioters Proud Boys? Ain’t none a you lefties never dindu nuffin!

Freeman Hunt said...

Are they seceding? The Union can solve that.

Jamie said...

Megan used to write as Jane Galt at Asymmetrical Information, for several years post-9/11. She's an urban libertarian, I guess I'd call her, who had a commentariat much like this one of thoughtful people that included some dedicated leftists with whom it was worth engaging. I had a pretty long and interesting correspondence with one of them; wonder what he's up to these days...

And I can't believe how long it took to get to the first "Folks, she's being ironical" comment. The fruits of moderation, I expect.

The Vault Dweller said...

What a pleasant way to say, "Why are the Left so fucking retarded!?"

Fritz said...

ISIS was the second string, too.

stevew said...

McArdle needs to add /sarc to her tweet - though that would probably draw the attention and ire of Antifa, the Left, and all the apologists for those groups same.

Rusty said...

Naperville, Gadfly. Naperville.There is a no more white middle class city in Illinois. Far from Chicago and it's corruption.So yeah. Antifa is hype. Untill it's your livelyhood thats been looted. Your skull that's heen cracked open with a 2 x 4.
The avowed purpose of Antifa is to destroy capitalism. Sorry to have to inform you of this Gadfly, but capitalism is organic. It is a handy word for behavior that people engage in voluntarily every day. And it is as moral as the people engaged in it.
There is something wrong with your moral outlook.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Stop with the Inga bashing, it makes you look weak. If you have a counter argument, or can point out a flaw in someones logic, than just do it like a respectful human being. But all the "Jane you ignorant slut," type comments are just stupid and make for tedious comment reading.

I read comments for alternative points that I have not considered--not for playground taunts around the money bars.

Chris N said...

Some gay clubs and restaurants, the People’s Community College, plenty of street rats and homeless (many Ave rat homeless types similar to the U district). I would estimate the politics to be an absurd example of West Coast anti-establishmentarianism, maybe like the LGBTQIA dorm at Oberlin on steroids?

It’s an experiment being run in real time and it has the support of the Seattle City Council. Skeezy but not East Coast violent. Pretty young. The whole place is pretty much a living protest. Is there even a country, man? Most are from somewhere else.

Things I’ve seen up there:

1. An actual Communist book reading. A scraggly, mid 20’s guy in black just back from Peru or Bolivia reading from his book on the Communist Learnings from afar. Maybe 15 people in all black in the audience, including a big girl who hadn’t washed for days. She was ripe. It was summer. Pretty sad.

2. At a coffee shop, a young gay guy fresh from the East Coast working for Kshama Sawant, Seattle’s own professed Socialist on the City Council. He was strategizing in public (no doubt feeling safe to talk amongst ‘The People), about why the protest at a new Amazon campus downtown wasn’t working out as planned. The union construction guys were making good money. Why didn’t they support the protests?

If you can imagine something green, red, and rainbow activist all over, this is it. People who think like this run most of Seattle politics. It’s pretty insane.

Jersey Fled said...

Isn't it weird how tyrants always see themselves as "The People"

Rory said...

"But remember, they were Stalinists opposing the Nazis from the left."

Stalin's disinformation used the logic that since the Soviet Union fought the Nazis (after the Nazis attacked them), then anyone who opposed communists was a fascist. For them, communist and antifascist are synonyms.

I Callahan said...

Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it.

And the above is a perfect, encapsulated example of progressive "thinking". There isn't ONE SINGLE SHRED of evidence that ANYONE with a Hawaiian shirt, or a member of the Boogaloos, having a single thing to do with any riot anywhere in the country. Not one. You can't find an article that points to anything but conjecture (a "source" said), etc., and they've arrested no one that matches any right wing tendencies during any of this.

Nevertheless, Inga twists herself into knots trying to fit the narrative she wishes to believe into the round hole she thinks it belongs in.

This is sickness. And it's rampant, and it needs to be stopped in its tracks before we end up like the middle ages.

JAORE said...

"Now it seems Antifa or some anarchist groups figured why not, they were already being blamed for it."

Sure. If by "Now" you mean the night after Mr.Floyd's death.

Known Unknown said...

I think everyone here is missing McArdle's point.

I think the first line of her tweet is a facetious mocking of what has been said by others. No?

Chris N said...

I should add that this was my Capitol Hill experience BEFORE the Autonomous Zone.

There's so much support for the zone and the politicians, it's tough for me to see how too much changes.

Former mayor Paul Schell was banged in the face (breaking his orbital) by a black guy with a bullhorn while doing a walkthrough and I'm pretty sure Schell apologized.

I call it the IPB. Insane Progressive Babies. they run this town. Radicals and faux radicals, punks, runaways, some real thugs, and a lot of Marxist chic. Native apologetics. Activism is probably the highest virtue. Childish murals. Magic trains. Commies.

Ya know?

tcrosse said...

One of McMegan's commenters points out that she has it all wrong. The occupiers are not Antifa, but in fact Anarchists. Maybe they did a card check.

Jim at said...

I live an hour south of that hellhole called Seattle.

Let it burn.

Jim at said...

For weeks now all we’ve heard was how Antifa were the ones agitating and instigating in the protests, with little to no evidence and evidence was there that it was right wing extremists that were embedding themselves in the protests.

It's hard to believe someone is this fucking stupid. On purpose.

Who changes your drool bucket?

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