১১ জুন, ২০২০

"Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is planning to resume his prepandemic routine, arguing it will send a positive message that the country’s problems are under control."

"For the first time since before the coronavirus gripped the United States and protesters took to the streets, Trump is lining up in-person fundraisers, trips to his luxury resort in New Jersey and campaign rallies. It’s a sign of the president’s approach to a series of historic crises that lack easy solutions and the longstanding comfort he draws from being bathed in adoration by rally-goers, donors and the rest of his base.... During the weekend, Trump will deliver a commencement address in New York. Next week, he will headline a campaign rally next week in Tulsa, Okla. And the next month he will view fireworks in South Dakota. He also expects to hold rallies in Florida, Arizona and North Carolina in the coming weeks. Plans are also being made for larger fundraisers in the Hamptons, as well as in Tampa the first week of July and in Mississippi the last week of August.... [T]hree people familiar with the situation said Trump expects to be criticized whether he remains inside the White House — he’s already been accused of 'hiding' inside while protests take place just outside the gates — or travels out of Washington, so he doesn’t see a reason not to go. And he contends that the protests, many of which lack social distancing, will make it more difficult for Democrats to criticize him...."

Politico reports.

If you're criticized for anything you do, you can see it as liberating. That's Trump style, empowered by the unrelenting hate. There are so many Trump haters in the media, and they will take whatever raw material he gives them any given day and whip it up into a steaming pile of ORANGE MAN BAD, so he doesn't have to worry about trying to give them raw material that might result in a tastier daily special. It's never going to happen. The man is free...

৮৮টি মন্তব্য:

rehajm বলেছেন...

...a steaming pile of ORANGE MAN BAD

It's better if you go pick it up later after it gets hard.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"The man is free"

He is, and showing it means something.

But I am not sure he fully grasps the moment, or can resist the wave of unfreedom washing over the country.

wendybar বলেছেন...

If thousands can attend 4 funerals in church for 1 man, then we can rally outside. Screw the hate mongers on the left who were PRAISING the looters and the rioters. We're done listening to you.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Great post by Ann Althouse.

Otto বলেছেন...

"But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes."

CJinPA বলেছেন...

Democrats would say outside rallies would be lower-risk, COVID-wise.

But Democrats would pose a legitimate, physical threat to Trump supporters, so an outside rally would be out of the question without massive security.

Chris বলেছেন...

Already I am getting the whole ORANGE MAN BAD reactions to this on socialist media. They reactions of ZOMG! People together at a rally! They are gonna kill us all! Without any irony. Complaints that he's having a rally on Juneteenth and how racist to do so etc..

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

He should restart the rallies immediately- don't wait another week.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

"bathed in adoration" says Politico. Nice neutral language there.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

"If you're criticized for anything you do, you can see it as liberating."

Analysis: True.

Also, if the critics are ninny-Karen journo-list weasels, nobody really cares or listens to them anymore.

Browndog বলেছেন...

If Trump were actually free he'd do something besides tweet.

Birkel বলেছেন...

And the haters are trapped inside a prison of their own making.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

All politics is local. Lots of families will see the Floyd multi mass funerals and remember that they were not allowed to go to their relatives funerals by dem govs. Due to the riots isolation is over.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Go get 'em.

rcocean বলেছেন...

I agree, good post. You forget to add, that if Trump doesn't give them ANYTHING, the NYT/WaPo still turn out a "Hate Trump" story. He makes an off-comment to Dr. Birx about somehow using the discovery that ultraviolet light and Heat/humidity negatively effect the virus, and that's turned into a 3 Page story about "Trump wants to inject Cleaning fluid into CV Patients". A remark that "He's heard good things about HCQ and the Z-pack, but I'm not a doctor" is turned into MSM headlines: "Trump plays Doctor, promotes/touts/recommends HCQ without proof". A trip to riot vandalized Church across the street, is turned into a week long story about how "Peaceful Protesters were Tear-gassed and attacked for Trump photo op".

You have to admire the way the MSM (Especially the NYT/WaPo) coordinate their attacks on Trump with DNC and Pelosi and Schumer. AND how the rest of the Media march in lockstep, follow the CNN/NYT/WaPo lead and all play the same stories, from the same angle, often using the same words. Its incredibly well-organized and well-coordinated. Joe Stalin would be proud.

Kevin বলেছেন...

If you're criticized for anything you do, you can see it as liberating.

It doesn’t stop there. He’s criticized for things he’s never done.

Like failing to leave office when his term expires.

Jim Gust বলেছেন...

"the longstanding comfort he draws from being bathed in adoration by rally-goers,"

Remember when this phrase was used about the ecstatic Obama rallies?

Me neither.

stevew বলেছেন...

"It’s a sign of the president’s approach to a series of historic crises that lack easy solutions and the longstanding comfort he draws from being bathed in adoration by rally-goers, donors and the rest of his base"

Reading of the Trump mind courtesy of Politico.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Good essay explaining who these rioters really are.

This class of underemployed and unemployed youths appears to be represented among the rioters and looters that took advantage of peaceful and legitimate protests. Particularly telling has been the role played by predominately white radicals—whom Mike Lind hilariously labels “riot ninjas.” Although often emerging from largely privileged backgrounds, radicals—whether part of anti-fa or just freelance—can be seen as putting into action the political indoctrination they imbibed in college and, increasingly, even earlier.

The agenda of the new activists is nothing less than a total assault on the bourgeoisie. Protest leaders, such as Black Lives Matter-LA’s Melina Abdulla, believe that “the rebellion” must extend into upscale urban areas. This approach works well not only for socialist revolutionaries but for the financial advantage of criminal gangs exploiting the chaos.

Worth reading the whole thing. It explains a lot.

The most distinctive element of these disorders has been the intelligentsia’s almost wholly unqualified embrace of what urban historian Fred Siegel calls “the riot ideology.” This ideology holds that arson, looting, and even assault are legitimate and justifiable activities. Leftist outlets such as Slate, Vox, and Mother Jones excuse such violence “a reasonable reaction” to outrage over the Floyd murder. They imply that anyone who labels these disturbances as “riots” is clearly racist.

Good stuff.

rcocean বলেছেন...

After 3 years of constant "Trump's on the ropes" "This is worse than Watergate" "Sources say Trump has colluded with Russia" "Sources inside Mueller's team say Trump is guilty" etc. You have to think most people have caught on, and stopped believing anything the MSM says. Its obvious they're using Anonymous sources to attack Trump, not because they have any real information. And they're just making up all the constant stories about :"Trump aides upset.." "Trump white house in turmoil" "Trump aides say Trump is doing X because of Y". They either have biased sources or no sources at all. As shown in the past, they often just quote each other. That is, source X tells the NYT something, then the Wapo and CNN use the same source. But all report separately, thereby making it seem like they ALL independently arrived at the same conclusion using different sources. Other times they'll headline a story, and you'll think they did some reporting, until you get paragraph 6, which will state "Based on reporting by the NYT/WSJ/WaPo/CNN"

rcocean বলেছেন...

Trump always bad came to the forefront in the CV crisis:

Trump says he may have to intervene in how States handle CV - MSM goes crazy "Trump is a Dictator - he doesn't have the power to interfere with Governors!"

Trump refuses to close down states - Govs have power. MSM goes crazy "Trump is weak, and abandoning his responsibilities".

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

CJinPA said...
Democrats would say outside rallies would be lower-risk, COVID-wise.

But Democrats would pose a legitimate, physical threat to Trump supporters, so an outside rally would be out of the question without massive security.

6/11/20, 8:38 AM

how can you possibly hold an outside rally in Arizona in the summer?

People would die, but not of covid. They'd melt on the spot.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Trump should do his rallies from now forward. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Trump should also drive the left crazy by holding rallies LA, NYC, Seattle, Philly and Minneapolis among others. Let the Left go insane, that works for Trump. I suspect there is a huge amount of anger at the Democrats for bowing and scraping to AntiFa and BLM.

Wince বলেছেন...

That psychedelic Stones video embodies a perfect message for Trump to connect with the 'silent majority' of this country.

BLM and "Antifa" are the ones now trying to control what people think under threat.

The media and political establishment is telling people what to do; that surrender and conformity with a "new normal" will bring peace.

Trump is the counter culture vote embodying freedom from all that.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Trump says he may have to intervene in how States handle CV - MSM goes crazy "Trump is a Dictator - he doesn't have the power to interfere with Governors!"

Trump refuses to close down states - Govs have power. MSM goes crazy "Trump is weak, and abandoning his responsibilities".

Which is exactly the problem. One day he says he has the power to tell the governors what to do, the next he basically tells them "you're on your own". One day he tells the governors to dominate the rioters or he will activate the military, the next day he backs down.

There is no consistency in what he says. He makes empty threats. And yet, you still believe that he knows exactly what he is doing, rather than just flailing and failing.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said...
He should restart the rallies immediately- don't wait another week.

Nah, waiting a week to make sure the protests didn't kill a lot of people from the Wuhan Flu is still a good idea.

If hospitalizations haven't shot up, THEN do the rallies.

Unlike the rioters, Trump supporters are actually valuable people who should be protected

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Wait, are large groups of people organizing and meeting bad again?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Worth reading the whole thing. It explains a lot.

But doesn't offer any solutions. It does say left wing solutions are bad, but doesn't offer an alternative other than a call for "restoring broad upward mobility".

NCMoss বলেছেন...

I wonder if media outlets like Politico are learning how BLM's violence-backed demands are way more persuasive than Orange Man Bad stories.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Michael K said...

Good essay explaining who these rioters really are.

I guess I disagree. The cynic in me leads me to believe this piece was published to provide cover for what is really going on. It skirts the political objective behind the rioting.

Rioting is a tactic, not an ideology. We are in the midst of a marxist/communist uprising, and the gains will never be reversed, only built upon.

Lucien বলেছেন...

I think the more apropos lyric is The Who’s “. . And freedom tastes of reality”.

Michael K বলেছেন...

But doesn't offer any solutions. It does say left wing solutions are bad, but doesn't offer an alternative other than a call for "restoring broad upward mobility".

The solution is going to be education on what doesn't work/ Deng figured that out in China. It might take a while. Meanwhile some of us are just buying ammo.

M Jordan বলেছেন...

We are reaching the point where the rest of us Deplorables are free as well.

Michael K বলেছেন...

We are in the midst of a marxist/communist uprising, and the gains will never be reversed, only built upon.<

Yes, but they don't work. It took 80 years to learn that in Russia. China figured it out in 25. The point of that article, I think, is that colleges are training failures. A plumber's job is never going to be globalized.

This may be better.

The problem the New Class faces at this point is the psychological and social self-perceptions of a status group that is alienated (as we marxists say) from traditional labor by its semi-privileged upbringing – and by the fact that it is actually, two distinct strands, a privileged one and a semi-privileged one. It is, for the moment, insistent not just on white-collar work as its birthright and unable to conceive of much else. It does not celebrate the dignity of labor; it conceived of itself as existing to regulate labor. So it has purified itself to the point that not just any white-collar work will do. It has to be, as Michelle Obama instructed people in what now has to be seen as another era, virtuous non-profit or government work. Those attitudes are changing, but only slowly; the university pipelines are still full of people who cannot imagine themselves in any other kind of work, unless it means working for Apple or Google.

No plumbers there.

gilbar বলেছেন...

If you're criticized for anything you do, you can see it as liberating

Freedom's just another word, for nothing will be accepted by you fools

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

During the adoring, will there be Greek columns? Those are nice to have with the adoring.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Which is exactly the problem. One day he says he has the power to tell the governors what to do, the next he basically tells them "you're on your own". One day he tells the governors to dominate the rioters or he will activate the military, the next day he backs down.

There is no consistency in what he says. He makes empty threats. And yet, you still believe that he knows exactly what he is doing, rather than just flailing and failing.”

He’s been heard contradicting himself even in the same sentence. He’s been leading his followers down a rabbit hole.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Unlike the rioters, Trump supporters are actually valuable people who should be protected.”

Protected from what? I thought the accepted right wing notion was that Covid was a nothingburger. “No worse than the flu.” So if Trump supporters should be protected, will they be wearing masks at these Trump rallies?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

And here we are, folks, with the new leftist talking point!

@NBCNews 42s

President Trump's planned rally in Tulsa - a city with its own troubling history on race, where a once-thriving African American business community was decimated by a racist white mob in 1921 - will take place on Juneteenth."

Trump is truly amazing. He is now responsible for race riots that occurred 99 years ago!

There was also a massive race riot in Chicago in 1919, I blame Chubs Pritzker and Lori Lightfoot.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

"One day he says he has the power to tell the governors what to do, the next he basically tells them "you're on your own"."

He did the first part so that you idiots would stand up with one voice and say "Trump doesn't have the authority to end lockdowns!!!!" If he hadn't done that, you'd all be blaming him for lockdowns going on too long. Now the Democrat governors own it.

"One day he tells the governors to dominate the rioters or he will activate the military, the next day he backs down."

If he hadn't done that, you'd all be claiming it was his responsibility. Now the Democrat governors have to own the lack of response to the riots.

The fact that you don't get this displays brilliantly how you've entirely missed Althouse's point. Everyone knows you will criticize no matter what. If he cured cancer tomorrow, you'd bitch about skyrocketing unemployment rates among oncologists. By being "inconsistent" as you decry, he actually forced you to lock yourselves in to accepting responsibility on various issues.

And you think that means he's stupid. Heh.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Inga: "Protected from what?"

From Democrat rioters, of course. No one cares about COVID anymore, you've all proved it was a complete lie from beginning to end.

And it's not just because you are fine with gathering as long as it supports left wing causes, although that by itself IS enough.

Name one person we both know who has died from COVID. Any actor, any politician, any famous person of note. Just one. If COVID was what you all claimed it would be and are STILL claiming it is, wouldn't there be at least a handful?

gerry বলেছেন...

He’s been leading his followers down a rabbit hole.

..says an archenemy as she heads down the rabbit hole...again.

PM বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, headline in today's NYT online ad:

n.n বলেছেন...

Freedom's just another word

Semantic games. Let's bray to the established authorities and psychos for their "expert" opinion.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"but doesn't offer an alternative"

There are no alternatives. The fundamental conservative POV is that "tragic sense of life", as Unamuno put it. Shit will always happen. Make the best of the "non-idealities" as my old boss in the metrology business put it. But they will always be with you.

And perspective saves. As in, how big is this problem so many are so hysterical about, anyway? How does it compare to your many bigger problems? And do you understand enough about it in order to solve it at all? Is it not just an aspect of nature that may, possibly, eventually yield to an expansion of knowledge? As death might possibly be conquered too, someday?

These are the beginnings of a rational analysis by well meaning people.

But almost no-one in the hysteria camp are well-meaning. By their history one understands them as simply power-seekers, and the whole of their milieu is corrupt to the core. This all is a completely cynical manufactured crisis.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

There is no consistency in what he says. He makes empty threats. And yet, you still believe that he knows exactly what he is doing, rather than just flailing and failing."

Freder may not understand it but Trump is very consistent. He is allowing the progressive Democrats to soil themselves and is reminding them that they need to clean their mess and if they don't, he will send in the pressure cleaners.

RMc বলেছেন...

Already I am getting the whole ORANGE MAN BAD reactions to this on socialist media. They reactions of ZOMG! People together at a rally! They are gonna kill us all! Without any irony.

The protesters can gather because they're smart and cool and woke, while Trump supporters are idiots who will infect everybody just for the evulz.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Birkel said...
And the haters are trapped inside a prison of their own making.

Exactly... Eating bon bone by the shovel full, huffing Hoppe's and stroking your guns.

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

I thought the accepted right wing notion was that Covid was a nothingburger.

Just one of many examples where what you think diverges from reality. If we appreciate you acknowledging your hateful prejudices. That’s the first step to becoming a decent person.

hstad বলেছেন...

“When I see people professing the name of Jesus inciting riots and looting and adopting the Marxist ideology of conflict between classes and groups and trying to help with that and trying to put a Christian veneer over it"....“I wanna say that I am disgusted by it.” Pastor Jeff Durbin.


Drago বলেছেন...

rcocean: "After 3 years of constant "Trump's on the ropes" "This is worse than Watergate" "Sources say Trump has colluded with Russia" "Sources inside Mueller's team say Trump is guilty" etc. You have to think most people have caught on, and stopped believing anything the MSM says."

Well, anyone with at least a minimal ability to reason, which necessarily excludes Freder and Inga.

Drago বলেছেন...

exiled: "Trump is truly amazing. He is now responsible for race riots that occurred 99 years ago!"

We are about 15 minutes away from Inga and Freder telling us there were people sighted in Tulsa in 1921 wearing hawaiian shirts.

J Severs বলেছেন...

I agree with the Professor's analysis. President Trump will be criticized no matter what he does, so he is the free-est person in the United States.

narciso বলেছেন...

time machine, his uncle got it from tesla

Drago বলেছেন...

Matt Sablan: "Wait, are large groups of people organizing and meeting bad again?"

Inga explained this turnabout the other day.

You see, the virus somehow knows whether or not the purpose of the gathering is good or bad and infects people on that basis.

So, people on a beach in a red state? Very very bad and thus death to all!

Thousands of lefty rioters pillaging and looting and burning in close quarters? Very very wonderful and thus immunity for all!

The best part is when the lefties write these things on the very same day in the very same publications for forums!

n.n বলেছেন...

@NBCNews 42s

President Trump's planned rally in Tulsa - a city with its own troubling history on race, where a once-thriving African American business community was decimated by a racist white mob in 1921 - will take place on Juneteenth."

Abortion culture: diversity (i.e. color judgment, color blocs, inference) and exclusion. They must be phobic and desperate to bray in public for sixteen trimesters and in progress.

Martin বলেছেন...

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."--Kris Kristofferson

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"And he contends that the protests, many of which lack social distancing, will make it more difficult for Democrats to criticize him...."

Really? You think the Democrats care about anything other than bitching about whatever it is that Trump does? They'll criticize him for doing exactly what they encouraged their supporters to do barely a week ago with not a hint of embarrassment. You have to have at least a little bit of self-awareness for that, and the Democrats have none.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"Which is exactly the problem. One day he says he has the power to tell the governors what to do, the next he basically tells them "you're on your own". One day he tells the governors to dominate the rioters or he will activate the military, the next day he backs down.

There is no consistency in what he says"

There's a profound difference between having the power and exercising it. Trump is goading these clowns into taking responsibility, all while manipulating a hostile media into calling attention to the fact that these Democrat governors are incompetent, impotent boobs.

It's comical, really. The Democrats keep throwing up roadblocks for Trump with an 8-foot verge. Unsurprisingly, he drives around them. Outrage ensues.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

In other news, Biden still hiding in his basement.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...




wendybar বলেছেন...

It just never ends. They are making me sick. THEY are dividing us, and they are proud of it. They hate America, and want to change it into a Socialist country, and will not stop until they do. They are taking down a children's CARTOON (PAWS) because there is a good Police officer in it, and they can't have that. We are living in a Twilight Zone Movie. They will ban everything people love until there is nothing left except for the lies and hate that they spew.

Unknown বলেছেন...

It has to be, as Michelle Obama instructed people in what now has to be seen as another era, virtuous non-profit or government work. Those attitudes are changing, but only slowly; the university pipelines are still full of people who cannot imagine themselves in any other kind of work, unless it means working for Apple or Google.

"New Soviet man". The universities have done a wonderful job at priming the Bolshevik

Drago বলেছেন...

Lets check in with Joe Biden to hear what he "thinks":

"You know the rapidly rising umm uh in with uh with I don't know." - Joe Biden. https://t.co/WQMkgISM1D

Hmmm. Very compelling.

Drago বলেছেন...

Interestingly, democratics are saying Trump needs to be impeached now for failing to leave the White House voluntarily in Jan of 2021 after lising the election.

The democratics have run out of lies with which to impeach Trump now and so are forced to use Future Crimes.

In the democratics defense, it will be very hard for Trump to defend himself from hoax accusations of Future Crimes.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

He could always use Free by the Soup Dragons and mindsplode some lefties.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

But doesn't offer any solutions. It does say left wing solutions are bad, but doesn't offer an alternative other than a call for "restoring broad upward mobility".

I've got one. Fix the family.

Michael K বলেছেন...

But almost no-one in the hysteria camp are well-meaning. By their history one understands them as simply power-seekers, and the whole of their milieu is corrupt to the core. This all is a completely cynical manufactured crisis.

The question is how many are they and how big a share of the population? The Bolsheviks were not that many but the Mensheviks surrendered. Sort of like GOPe.

Romney needs a little Joseph Smith in him. Too many generations.

Michael K বলেছেন...

There is no consistency in what he says. He makes empty threats. And yet, you still believe that he knows exactly what he is doing, rather than just flailing and failing.”

I guess Inga missed Governor Walz's press conference. Governor Inslee and the Seattle Mayor were quite informative, too.

Drago বলেছেন...

cubanbob: "Freder may not understand it but Trump is very consistent. He is allowing the progressive Democrats to soil themselves and is reminding them that they need to clean their mess and if they don't, he will send in the pressure cleaners."

Inga and Freder and Howard are very very angry at Trump for not being the dictator they claimed he was.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“Good essay explaining who these rioters really are.”

Ah. You found the article I was talking about in another thread. The point is that the middle class is bifurcating into those with economic use to society, and those who don’t. The AntiFA thugs and their fellow travelers appear to be mostly from the class who did what their middle class parents wanted them to do, went to college, got liberal arts, or worse (like Gender Studies) degrees, graduated, and found jobs as a barista or waiter, struggling to stay employed and to pay for a place to live, or throwing in the towel, moving back into their parents’ basements, and spending their time playing video games and planning the overthrow of society, in order to recover the glory and stability that they were so unfairly deprived of. They did almost everything right, struggling to get in a good college, borrowing money, often a lot of money, to attend, graduating, maybe even after getting an MFA or PhD. Meanwhile, their business and STEM classmates in college have the sort of jobs they expected, because of their economic utility, and the stupid (hah) plumber down the block now has a six figure income.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I know Trump likes the Stones but the Who nailed it.

Crazy World বলেছেন...

Very cool post.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga said...
“Unlike the rioters, Trump supporters are actually valuable people who should be protected.”

Protected from what? I thought the accepted right wing notion was that Covid was a nothingburger. “No worse than the flu.” So if Trump supporters should be protected, will they be wearing masks at these Trump rallies?

I will be wearing a mask.

Wuhan flu did not justify shutting down the economy, destroying businesses, and jobs, and lives. The flu kills plenty of people each year.

If the Wuhan flu is still out, virulent, and can be spread in open air, then I'd prefer that Democrats and the Left be the main victims of its spread. It was unprofessional and amoral of the left wing public health "professionals" to endorse having an experiment on all those protesters and rioters.

But, since they did it, I'd like to see the results of the experiment before I participate in another one

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Drago said...
cubanbob: "Freder may not understand it but Trump is very consistent. He is allowing the progressive Democrats to soil themselves and is reminding them that they need to clean their mess and if they don't, he will send in the pressure cleaners."

Inga and Freder and Howard are very very angry at Trump for not being the dictator they claimed he was."

Indeed. The.Worst.Hitler.Ever! If they actually believe the nonsense they spout, they wouldn't dare open their mouths. People who never have lived under a totalitarian state really can't understand the all pervasive, all powerful police state.

Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

You want solutions:

1: Fire every single university employee with "diversity" and / or "inclusion" in their title.
2: Figure out what the average % of university spending went to "administration" and to "student comforts" (student union, all other facilities at the university that were there for fun, rather than for study) during the 1970s.

Announce that no university will receive any Federal funding of any sort (that means research grants, student loans, any and every $$ coming from the Feds) unless they carry out the firing in #1, lower their Administration and "Student comfort" spending levels to match #2, and end all race based "affirmative action" programs.

This will greatly decrease the cost of going to college, and greatly decrease the number of people who get to a university and find out that they're in completely over their heads academically.

3: Eliminate all "disparate impact" rules. You want to claim racial discrimination, you have to prove it, not statistically hand-wave it in.

Letting companies use IQ tests, and other tests of potential and competence to decide who to hire and promote will remove a lot of the force behind the "you must go to college" movement

4: Nuke globalization

5: Massively cut back on immigration, especially low skilled and cheap worker immigration (cut H1B visas by 90%).

At this point, you've made America several X better for the competent, and those willing to work

Inga বলেছেন...

Sign up now!

President Donald Trump is set to resume his mass campaign rallies next month with an event in Oklahoma, but to sign up, attendees have to agree that they are willing to risk catching coronavirus to be there.

When supporters click to register for the event, they are prompted to agree to a waiver of liability amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has kept Trump's campaign events largely sidelined since March.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

""You know the rapidly rising umm uh in with uh with I don't know." - Joe Biden. https://t.co/WQMkgISM1D"

Holeeeeee fuck. This guy is the best the Left could do?

"Sign up now!"

Spoiler alert: nobody is scared of the WuhuFlu anymore. And the people who are can choose to remain home, while the rest of us choose to go on living our lives as before, in a world chock-full of diseases that we don't fear because we have functioning immune systems.

Drago বলেছেন...


Inga is absolutely going to pretend she hasnt been fully supportive of mass rioting and violent mobs of leftists violating her ChiCom Flu social distancing rules.



Drago বলেছেন...

Here's an amusing video of a BLM guy complaining about antifa which Inga claims basically doesnt exist outside of what hawaiian-shirted guys are saying.

"This fellow suggests that things aren't being taken seriously because the CHAZ has been more of a party than a functional protest. He complains that Washington has still made no meaningful changes to its Police." https://t.co/8KXYXdTPGk

Birkel বলেছেন...

The rioters are so much better than Trump.
They made nobody sign a waiver.

I hope the rioters Occupy Royal ass Inga's neighborhood.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"President Donald Trump is set to resume his mass campaign rallies next month with an event in Oklahoma, but to sign up, attendees have to agree that they are willing to risk catching coronavirus to be there."

Sounds fair to me.

Adults judging the risks, making their own decision and accepting responsibility for that decision.

I can see why that frightens and confuses you.

Inga বলেছেন...

“I can see why that frightens and confuses you.”

It doesn’t frighten or confuse me. It amuses me.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Did the prospect of "peaceful protesters" catching Wuhan Flu amuse you too? Or did you think the flu magically disappears for Good Causes like looting and murdering cops?

Of course, you're amused because you are hoping that conservatives die.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"When supporters click to register for the event, they are prompted to agree to a waiver of liability amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic that has kept Trump's campaign events largely sidelined since March."

...and Joe Biden in the basement. Voters reward a lot of irrational behavior, but they don't reward cowardice.

aka sunny বলেছেন...

Did the prospect of "peaceful protesters" catching Wuhan Flu amuse you too? Or did you think the flu magically disappears for "When supporters https://www.vapeciga.com/products/uwell-crown-4-iv-tank-6ml5ml click to register for the event, they are prompted to agree to a waiver of liability amid the ongoing coronavirus https://www.vapeciga.com/products/uwell-caliburn-koko-vape-pod-system-starter-kit-520mah-2ml pandemic that has kept Trump's campaign events largely sidelined since March."
...and Joe Biden in the basement. Voters reward a lot of irration Good Causes like looting and murdering cops? https://www.vapeciga.com/products/uwell-crown-pod-system-starter-kit-1250mah-3ml

Of course, you're amused because you are hoping that conservatives die.

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Greg the class traitor বলেছেন...

aka sunny said...
Did the prospect of "peaceful protesters" catching Wuhan Flu amuse you too?

I am always happy when bad things happen to rioters.

There are peaceful protesters, then there are rioters. If you let violent people infiltrate your "protest" and commit violence, then you are guilty, too.

So, yes, I'm very happy for "peaceful" protesters (i.e. rioters) to get sick