June 5, 2020

"Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy."

"I have been avoiding them as best I can.... But brazen as ever, white people who have my phone number are finding a way to drain my time and energy. Some are friends, others old co-workers and acquaintances I’ve intentionally released from my life for the sake of my peace of mind. Every few days I receive a bunch of texts like this one, from last week: 'Hi friend. I just wanted to reach out and let you know I love you and so deeply appreciate you in my life and your stories in the world. And I’m so sorry. This country is deeply broken and sick and racist. I’m sorry. I think I’m tired; meanwhile I’m sleeping in my Snuggie of white privilege. I love you and I’m here to fight and be useful in any way I can be. **Heart emojis**' Almost every message ends with seven oppressive words — 'Don’t feel like you need to respond.' Not only are these people using me as a waste bin for guilt and shame, but they’re also instructing me on what not to feel, silencing me in the process.... You invite me to coddle you and respond to you and tell you it’s not your fault and that you are special. That attacks my dignity. That dehumanizes me...."

From "I Don’t Need ‘Love’ Texts From My White Friends/I need them to fight anti-blackness" by Chad Sanders (NYT). Well said.

Chad Sanders is a writer with a new book coming out, the first line of the op-ed tells us. I liked his writing and wanted to promote his book, but I'm coming up with a whole lot of cheesy titles like "Wife Watching 102" under the name Chad Sanders. I presume it's a different Chad Sanders!

ADDED: I'll just note that I do see the opportunity here to analogize the sexual fetish of wife-watching with the white-person fetish of exuding empathy for black people.

AND: I don't think this was there before, but the NYT page now says: "Chad Sanders (@ChadSand) is the author of the forthcoming book 'Black Magic.'" A search at Amazon did not turn up anything.


Basil Duke said...

"...deeply broken and sick and racist." What a remarkable and horrifyingly insane fantasy land these leftwing whelps inhabit.

Pookie Number 2 said...

Not only are these people using me as a waste bin for guilt and shame, but they’re also instructing me on what not to feel, silencing me in the process.

If the author has to work so hard to create an offense, that tells me that reality isn’t all that bad.

Message received.

rhhardin said...

The peaceful protests themselves are idiotic. It all to make you lose sight of that.

RK said...

Someday whites will not be a majority in this country. Who are you going to blame for your cultural failures then?

MadisonMan said...

My Insty Feeds and Facebook feeds are chock-a-block full of people trying to outdo themselves in I don't know what. Awareness? Compassion? I retain my role as someone who is trying to stay out of the way and keep my thoughts to myself.

Don't be that person yelling down to the protesters "We're on your side!" after the window breaks. There are way too many people in Madison like that. They've been accumulating power for decades, and not sharing.

Fernandinande said...

Tom Wolfe (h/t Sailer): Every time there was a riot, whites would call on "Negro leaders" to try to cool it, only to find out that the Negro leaders didn't have any followers.

RNB said...

"You white people are doing that WRONG!"

Unknown said...

As a white guy I generally stay out of these things. I certainly wouldn't text a friend like that. But what I don't get is why treating the black community like this isn't "othering". I know that "othering" is the worst thing you can do or at least among the worst things you can do among the woke crowd.

And treating black people as if they have lost a close relative when some situation like this happens (as it does every few years) makes no sense to me. Maybe I'm insensitive, but when a white person is killed for racist or other reasons I don't feel any different about it than I would any other person who is tragically killed. And treating black folks as if they can't help themselves and the way they respond to these situations basically means you think that there is something wrong with them - something different - something other. I can imagine circumstances that would cause me to want to protest something because I have protested things. I cannot imagine circumstances that would cause me to want to riot and loot.

And for people who excuse the rioting and looting, they are racists pure and simple. I guess, to them, better than a high standard is nothing.

n.n said...

It's not about skin color, and other low information attributes, but rather people... persons in context. The zealots need to lose their religion and deny their diversitist attitudes.

Sebastian said...

""I Don’t Need ‘Love’ Texts From My White Friends/I need them to fight anti-blackness" by Chad Sanders (NYT). Well said."

Sure, blacks don't need love texts, but we all need love. Is he saying he has no white friends who actually love him?

What's well said about fighting anti-blackness -- what is that? where is it? would you care to point to anyone "anti-black"? Or is this a matter of "systemic racism," one more thing white people like?

Question for progs: if blacks hurt other blacks at rates far higher than whites hurt blacks, does that mean that many blacks are anti-black and we all need to fight their anti-blackness?

buwaya said...

I suspect that white people exuding contempt, or perhaps just indifference, would be a bracing change.

Lurker21 said...

I don't read the Times anymore, because of the pay wall or whatever. Is it all like this?

Is it too much to hope that there could be a little solidarity growing between White people who are tired of hearing about "systemic racism" and "White privilege," and Black people who are tired of hearing expressions of White concern?

Peeve of the day: Banks that messed up the country so much a decade ago, telling us over and over again that they "care" and are "there for us."

Fernandinande said...

Not only are these people using me as a waste bin for guilt and shame, but they’re also instructing me on what not to feel, silencing me in the process.

Oh you poor oppressed man! Silenced in the process! (Well, except for articles in a major fake-news outlet, because that doesn't count.)

I need them to fight anti-blackness.

Until there is something true and tangible to fight against, continue to get paid by the NYT for silently tilting at your windmills.

Thistlerose said...

My guess is that his white friends have never had a friend that was black but rather have black friends. It is more important to them that the person is black than that the person is a friend. Discussions about going out with him are always "My black friend, Chad and I did ...." instead of "My friend Chad and I did.." His being black is very important to show the world how progressive they are. His being a friend is not important at all. He is correct in calling them out, they really don't care how he is doing. They just want it look like they care about black lives without putting their safety at risk.

JAORE said...

I guess we need a national conversation about race.

Reader Digest version:
You white people are bad.
WP: We know. We are.
You white people owe us.
WP: We do.
We'll get you a list by tomorrow.
WP: Thank you for being so considerate.

All better now?

ga6 said...

I don't think I would meet Chad for coffee, I drink it black and he would take that as a sign that I am a patronizing white, instead of my racist self. I would not want to confuse him (which apparently is easily done).

OT: Watched a minute of the Floyd canonization. I was waiting for a LA rapper to introduce his newest composition:

"Requiem for A Home Invader".

Carol said...

I've been thinking for a long time now, that any black person with an ounce of self-respect would be embarrassed and appalled by all the, what? Pity? Condescension? Solicitousness? Like blacks really can't handle shit?

Never wanted that kind of treatment for myself.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Americans have made great progress in rooting out racism and raising succeeding generations to be even more like the ideal. The problem is, ideally for most people, means live and let live and SHUT UP about race. Innocent people doing their best are tired of being blamed for “systemic” problems caused by horrible administrators. Conservatives get limited in with Bill Connor by people who think talk and incessantly complain about racism, but like Minneapolis and other flash pints we find d dry lever if power in the hands of these complainers’ allies, progressive Democrats: Governor, AG, Mayor, DA, Council... ALL Democrats. Who exactly makes up this system which comprises systematic racism? Is Keith Ellison a white supremacist?

Now after biting their own neighborhoods, the stores within them, these same people are complaining that they suddenly live in a “food desert.” The devil you say!

loudogblog said...

A lot of the stuff I've seen on social media lately has made me wish that many of my white friends would just be quiet about the protests and riots. So much of what they're posting seems like attention seeking, virtue signaling and attempting to assuage their white guilt. I guess that's one of the advantages of being Latino...no white guilt.

CJinPA said...

"On the Proper Way to Grovel" by Chad Sanders, Penguin Books ($29.99)

Rory said...

Well, we're all getting these notes now, from corporate executives who have our email addresses.

White racism is a subset of racism. Racism is a subset of bigotry. America is a very tolerant place, and white America more tolerant than average.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Sorry, Chad, but your stupid white upscale liberal friends aren't going to fight anything. White libs excel at making empty gestures. Their primary purpose is to make themselves feel good and special. So they'll march and pretend to feel outraged about the death of a black man who would have made them nervous if he had turned up in their neighborhood. They'll put dopey signs like "Hote Has No Home Here" in their yards. They'll happily take a knee and abase themselves and apologize for sins committed by others. They'll ignore the trashing of small businesses and the murder of innocents like David Dorn and pretend crude polemical paintings on boarded up storefronts are lovely.

Of course, they do do real and grievous damage by mindlessly voting for useless Democrats. But that's not quite what Chad means by fighting. They're not going to join the Uprising. They're just going to sit on the sidelines and preen and send out heart emojis and applaud the thugs until the thugs come for their stuff. Then they'll call 911.

Inga, of course, is Exhibit A. She's all about self-congratulation.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ironically, I've seen the name "Chad" used online to denote Karen's partner - the epitome of scoldy, vacuous white privilege.

D.D. Driver said...

The white people have formed a perimeter around black people to “protect them for when the police come,” one protesters says in Madison.

This has got to be the high water mark for trying "too hard." I know their "hearts are in the right" place, but.... it just seems like a Michael Scott approach to race relations.

tcrosse said...

This calls for a new entry in Stuff White People Like.

Gk1 said...

Ugh, this self flagellation by white people has got to go. Its bad enough my Facebook feed is clogged by this crap but now my Linkedin is too! A zoom call of white faces telling the world how they will no longer stand for "systemic racism". I am worried about the risk of all of those neck and shoulder injuries as they pat themselves on the back.

wendybar said...

Boo freaking hoo. I was born this way. Tough shit, if you can't handle it, I am proud to be a White American who loves our country, our police, our people, and our traditions. If YOU don't like it, leave...go find a place YOU would be happy in, instead of making everybody as miserable as you.

Craig said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig said...

We've been told (mostly by whites) that "Silence is Complicity", but Sanders (justifiably) wants people to STFU.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

So, if you say "Gee, it's too bad Floyd was killed and I'm glad the cops responsible were arrested, but this rioting nonsense is wrong and evil" (the position taken by the vast majority of Americans) that's racist.

But if you sob and emote and take a knee and act like Floyd was your best buddy, that's also racist.

There is literally no way for whites to respond that isn't racist.

I guess what we really need to do to show we're down with the cause is to invite the mob into our homes to take our stuff and then burn down our own homes.

zipity said...

I see almost nobody pointing out that virtually every one of these cities racked with violent riots over "systemic racism" are Deep Blue Liberal Democrat cities.

And most have been for generations. Minneapolis for example, is a liberal city run by Democrats for decades upon decades.

So, why have they not been able to root out the "systemic racism"...?

Curious, no?

n.n said...

Since Floyd was SARS-CoV-2+, will they record his death as caused by Covid-19? He was also a probable spreader. How will the hunters and judges reconcile these sociopolitical incongruities? Drugs, viruses, and protests.

Josephbleau said...

That attacks my dignity. That dehumanizes me...."

Of all things that dehumanize a people, violence, particularly violence against other humans, dehumanizes people. If the Minneapolis policeman was violent, he is dehumanized. If the New York Lawyers tried to kill policemen they are not human. If mobs stomp people to death they are not human.

Dave Begley said...

White liberal guilt is one of the biggest problems in this country. It is a virus in the Democrat party. That's why Biden's VP choice has to be a POC.

A liberal female law prof at Creighton told me to read, "White Fragility." I told her to read Tom Wolfe's "Back to Blood." She wrote that "no one" read Wolfe's book and that "White Fragility" was a big NYT best seller.

In Omaha, the majority of protestors are white. And of that, mostly white women 30 and younger.

n.n said...

So, why have they not been able to root out the "systemic racism"...?

Diversity breeds adversity. They need to lose their Pro-Choice religion ("ethics"). Baby steps.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Wait. What the fuck?

This is all whitey’s fault. Whitey’s been keeping us down since Whitey founded this nation on our backs. It all favors Whitey. Built into the system. Whitey has to denounce that privilege. Whitey never denounces that privilege or feels guilty for keeping us down.

Protest, loot, riot, because whitey doesn’t get it. Make whitey understand. Make Whitey feel that white guilt and denounce that white privilege.

What’s this? Why the fuck are all the white people tweeting and texting me support and apologizing? Fuck them.

Whitey doesn’t get it. Can’t get it. On account of whitey’s privilege. Fuck whitey. I don’t need you all.

Good Lord.

Bill Peschel said...

Ann, at the very, very bottom of the page I find this:

"Chad Sanders (@ChadSand) is the author of the forthcoming book “Black Magic.”"

Of course, the Times also simply said at the top: "Sanders is a writer." Must be more of that institutional racism I've been hearing about.

First-Year Retention Program (FRP) said...

If your friends (white, in this case) write you pathetic texts such as the ones you receive, then you are the one who should be questioning yourself: Why do I attract such a sorry group of friends?
As a woman (a group abused by black, white, brown, Native, "you name it" men), I do not get my male friends to write me the same ridiculous 'mea culpa for having male privilege" texts whenever anyone from my gender is abused or killed by YOUR gender, which happens every single day.

Yes, your friends are pathetic. Find new.

Todd said...

"Many white people I know are spilling over with guilt and overzealous attempts to offer sympathy."

Sorry but you have to have a heart of stone not to laugh your ass off at that, especially if you spent ANY of the last week watching the news/riots!

Wince said...

Sound like he needs some white friends who are not NYT leftists.

From "I Don’t Need ‘Love’ Texts From My White Friends/I need them to fight anti-blackness" by Chad Sanders (NYT). Well said.

Yet, Chad knows who feeds him, and won't commit full apostasy and admit that the people who've exercised the power to suffer the black community most are those NYT leftists sending him their 'love'.

Original Mike said...

Don't worry, Chad. I won't be sending you any guilty emails.

robother said...

Life ain't easy for a black guy named Chad.

Rusty said...

buwaya said...
"I suspect that white people exuding contempt, or perhaps just indifference, would be a bracing change."
Hows about we no longer even fucking care. I got my own problems to solve. You solve your own.

Breezy said...

Yesterday Ace highlighted a brilliant black woman ranting at the protestors that they were wasting all of their time and that they were all hypocrites - if BLM is not in Chicago working to stop black on black murder then this BLM stuff is all garbage politics, and that it is reprehensible to her that she is told that she is oppressed simply by being a black person in America... She raised her arms and proclaimed her blackness, her freedom and her love of America again and again. It is quite something to see - hope it resonates far and wide, but it probably won't.

Todd said...

loudogblog said...

A lot of the stuff I've seen on social media lately has made me wish that many of my white friends would just be quiet about the protests and riots. So much of what they're posting seems like attention seeking, virtue signaling and attempting to assuage their white guilt. I guess that's one of the advantages of being Latino...no white guilt.

6/5/20, 8:47 AM

Sorry, point of clarification. Are you "Latino" or "white Hispanic"? I understand that the second is a term that was invented by the media to allow them to maintain their narrative that a poor, innocent youth of color was brazenly assaulted by a gun wheeling "white" lunatic and that as a term to describe an individual's "race" did not exist prior to the media finding out that Mr. Z. was in fact not a Caucasian, but one must attempt to use the colloquialisms of the day, hope you understand.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After the out-pouring of HATE from Antifa terrorists - the left found love.
After they purged their insanity and mental illness - they now wonder if mask-wearing terrorists who do their work while hiveminders and loyal far-left democratics cheer them on... is such a good idea.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Those whites who feel that white privilege is the primary reason for the problems blacks in America face today are welcome to resign from their job, with a request that they only be replaced by a black. Also, they are welcome to swap residences with a random black family.

Jupiter said...

You liked his writing?

Big Mike said...

Back in the 1960s black comedian Dick Gregory told his mostly white audiences to invite him over for dinner sometime when it wasn’t National Brotherhood Day. Similar sentiment. That it took him do many more words to express it suggests to me that Chad Sanders must not be much of a writer.

Rumpletweezer said...

It's like the end of WarGames. The only winning move is not to play. I've been looking for some action people can take to deal with racism. What I see are book recommendations that encourage white guilt. I'm told that, as a white person, I can never understand what it's like to be a person of color. I am perplexed.

Michael K said...

A liberal female law prof at Creighton told me to read, "White Fragility." I told her to read Tom Wolfe's "Back to Blood." She wrote that "no one" read Wolfe's book and that "White Fragility" was a big NYT best seller.

Maybe the big civil separation coming will be normal people and feminist white leftists'

Karens in other words.

Nancy Reyes said...

all of this sort of leaves out hard working Asians, Colombians/Guatamalans/Mexican Americans in my family.

I won't use the PC atrocity "latinex" for my family, because it implies a gender agenda that is in opposition to the family oriented Hispanic culture and only shows the ignorance of academia when it comes to recognizing that "foreign" cultures don't think the same as American elites.

hombre said...

I keep telling people that of the 7000 or so murders of blacks each year 90+% are committed by blacks and that “black lives matter,” but nobody wants to talk about that. Worse, nobody wants to do anything about that or about the fact that millions of decent black people are prisoners in their own homes because of black gangs and black crime.

Oh well. I’m sure Black Lives Matter, Biden and other white liberal toadies will solve the problems just like the Obamessiah solved them.

Jupiter said...

You like the pathetic squish and slosh of his self-important pithering on the page? How tolerant of you. But let me ask, suppose you found out that Chad the Not-Too-Bad was actually a white woman like yourself? Don't look so shocked, Rachel Dolezal decided to be black. Women write as men all the time. They think they won't be taken seriously otherwise. James Tiptree Jr., for instance. Good writer, 'til she decided to come out as a female. What if Chad is doing both? Maybe peering out from the cave she huddles in, the World looks more welcoming to a manchild wit ha Promised Land. If I have only one life to live, let me live it as a Proud Black Man! Maybe this Chadling is a paleface squaw, and types with forked tongue. Would you still like her spewge? Or was it only good when you thought a black man wrote it? Not bad, considering, but Jane Austen she ain't.

gerry said...

Sympathy exudate is a purulent secretion of guilt carbuncles found most frequently in black-and-blue regions of progressive decay.

I'm Not Sure said...

"White liberal guilt is one of the biggest problems in this country. It is a virus in the Democrat party. That's why Biden's VP choice has to be a POC."

"Race and sex are social constructs, which is why the VP candidate has to be a black female."

Doublethink is practically required for membership in the Democratic party.

Big Mike said...

The only “systemic racism” of which I am aware goes by the name “affirmative action,” which is the belief by liberal whites That black people are so congenitally inferior that they cannot perform any but the most mindless tasks without easier grading and lowered standards of performance.

Mark said...

Their white fellow progressive friends are the problem. Yet while they might voice a complaint against them, in actually doing anything, they project their white progressive friends' racism onto their political enemies who have longed called for equality of all.

Howard said...

We are leaving it, wendybar. We're leaving our old fucked up racist assholes like you people in the dust and are transforming the US to be greater than ever. You people don't have the balls to make a revolution all she can do is cheerleading a f****** con man while he turns the military on its own citizens.

enjoy it while you can because you people your way of life your country as you fantasize about it is dead and dying right before our very eyes and God is smiling

Lurker21 said...

Chad Sanders
I wrote this piece in the
today. Don’t send #love, send money.

When people say it's not about the money, it's about the money. When people say it's about the money ... what then? Is it about love? Thoughts and prayers? Or just money?

I thought the "Birds of a feather" comment about Chad and his friends was apt. So many people so quick to express their guilt. So many people so quick to take offense and express their indignation. Accept that you came together for a reason and that you deserve each other.

Expressions of sympathy or support or attempts to "do something for" some group are bound to be taken by somebody in the group as presumptuous and patronizing. It's all part of the same song and dance. How much reality is there behind the whole routine?

NCMoss said...

Antifa and BLM violence appears to be the main feature and motivator for conformity. The white guilt-tripping seems almost frivolous compared to that.

Earnest Prole said...

I couldn't give a flying fuck what color the author is, but he does have my sympathy for being born to the kind of parents who would name a child "Chad."

Mark said...

It is rather curious to read in these pages people who generally present themselves with conservative views now giving white progressive racists a pass or, worse, even defending or even identifying with them, being offended by the finger-pointing at white progressive racism as applying the them as well.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I know, Chad! White people are so lame! Those texts are cringe! I’m glad I’m not like those other clueless white people. They give woke white people like me a bad name. As Toni Morrison said, “Ain’t nobody got time fo dat!”

I just want you to know I’m with you in your time of grief, my Soul Brother. The road to Justice is long and twisty, but I ain’t no ways tired! Can I touch your hair? I’ve always wondered what it feels like.

stlcdr said...

Blogger First-Year Retention Program (FRP) said...
If your friends (white, in this case) write you pathetic texts such as the ones you receive, then you are the one who should be questioning yourself: Why do I attract such a sorry group of friends?...

They are, most likely, not friends but white people who need the token black people (sic) in their lives to - as the writer states - for him to operate as the 'waste bin of guilt and shame'.

The whole social media thing over the past decade(s) has spawned friends where no friendship actually exists.

Johnathan Birks said...

"We're with you!"

Brick comes through window.

"But we're WITH YOU!!!"

Another brick.


How many fing bricks will it take?

Michael said...

Why are white people overflowing with guilt at the accidental death of a thug criminal at the hands of a cop? Stop with the gentle giant bullshit and wake up to the sad fact that the world is now a better place by the tiniest bit and that a guy will spend a lot of years in jail because of 9 minutes of carelessness and stupidity.

Jupiter said...

Mark said...
"It is rather curious to read in these pages people who generally present themselves with conservative views now giving white progressive racists a pass or, worse, even defending or even identifying with them, being offended by the finger-pointing at white progressive racism as applying the them as well."

I think you misunderstand. "Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" is not a defense of the horse.

mikee said...

I've decided to become a counterrevolutionary in my old age. My first counterrevolutionary act will be to paint over the Antifa grafitti at the corner of 12th & Chestnut in east Austin today. No longer will it read "Class War = Essential!" with Antifa symbols.

Heck, I might even add my own text, "Hurray, Gentrification!"
Let a thousand flowers bloom, a thousand points of light pierce the darkness, a thousand old codgers say, "Fuck you!" to the idiot youth of today!

Yancey Ward said...

Sounds like poor Chad is a lot of white peoples' "friend who is black".

gilbar said...

Chad Sanders
i'm NOT impressed with his politics... But his porno looks interesting!

rcocean said...

When a white leftist, particularly well-off Leftist, says the USA is "racist" or "Sick and racist", he is excluding the Left and himself. Its those *other* whites, the Bad Whites, who are "sick and racist".

Occasionally, these people will do a mea culpa, and proclaim they too are "Racist" but its all just a show and a con. Usually, they'll say its "Unconscious Racism" or something that's generic to all whites. But anyway, they are WOKE to the fact that all those other whites, particularly Republicans/Conservatives/Lower Class whites are RACIST and deserve to be punished.

That's why the NYT/WaPo is full of attacks on Racism. Their white well-to-do readers believe these attacks are on OTHER whites, not them. Of course, its gotten to the point where a liberal/leftist calling someone a "Racist" is just another way of saying FUCK YOU. Cf: Mitt Romney calling Trump a racist.

n.n said...

"Race and sex are social constructs, which is why the VP candidate has to be a black female."

Doublethink is practically required for membership in the Democratic party.

Their Twilight faith and Pro-Choice religion go a long way to flatten the curve. Serenity today, insanity later.

PM said...

Chad, imagine how uncomfortable you'll feel getting a giant tube of Reparation H.

Matt said...

What if 'blackness' involves things I'm against? Like twerking? Or rap music? Or living on welfare? Or doing shitty in school? Or brawling in fast food restaurants? Or gang-banging? Or abandoning your family? Or having 4 babies with 4 different baby-daddies? Or being loud and foul-mouthed as possible on the bus/subway? Or blaming 'racism' for every bad thing that ever happens in your life? Or letting rioters out of jail w/o charges cuz they look like you or support your cause? Or voting Democrat?

No thanks. I'm not supporting that. If they want to 'act white' i.e. educating themselves, caring for their families/communities, accepting consequences for their actions etc, then yes, I'll support that.

I'm fed up being told I'm "racist" because I think the BEHAVIORS they engage in are shitty and counterproductive.

Heal thyself.

Birches said...

Any attempt to fight antiblackness will come out just as mealy mouthed and cringy. How he doesn't realize it is beyond me.

California Snow said...

What the white people are doing is indeed stupid but why can't he recognize that people are doing this out of goodwill? To text someone and say you are glad they are part of your life is a pretty decent thing to do. Is it really dehumanizing?

stevew said...

Interesting that those well-meaning white folk who are trying to support their black friend expose themselves as condescending racists. Do you suppose they will ever figure that out? Chad has published this in a widely read place, likely now read by many of these friends that he complains about. Will they call or text a mea culpa and apology? Unlikely. Some will be too embarrassed, others will think, "fuck that asshole".

William said...

The privileged white woman in Central Park weaponized her anger by threatening to call the police on a black man. The privileged back lawyer weaponized his anger by making an incendiary device and throwing it at a police car. There's weaponizing and there's weapons. The white woman has come in for her share of criticism for her actions, and the most vehement denunciations have come from white people. I don't think it's even possible for Chad, even in the recesses of his mind, to enunciate a negative opinion about the black lawyer.....I grew up and lived for many years in bad neighborhoods. I have been assaulted four times by groups of two or more black strangers. I never got hurt, but two of the times it was really scary. My father and brother both received serios physical hurt in muggings.....If I extrapolate from my bad experiences to black people in general, I would be accused of bigotry. Chad has no difficulty in generalizing about white people from his bad experiences....I just hope that Chad gets to live in black city ruled by a progressive black mayor. Detroit under Coleman Young comes to mind.

cubanbob said...

As for Chad, he would better off not having these people in his life. As for the wailing and gnashing of the teeth by the Leftist about their White Privilege should be called out on their bullshit. If they really mean it, they can trade places with poor POC. Since they don't do it, it just confirms their fakery.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

stevew said...
Interesting that those well-meaning white folk who are trying to support their black friend expose themselves as condescending racists. Do you suppose they will ever figure that out? Chad has published this in a widely read place, likely now read by many of these friends that he complains about. Will they call or text a mea culpa and apology? Unlikely. Some will be too embarrassed, others will think, "fuck that asshole".

6/5/20, 11:18 AM

They won't apply to themselbes. Inga will never think she's a condescending racist, although she is. She'll think he's talking about other white people, who are not as Good as she is.

Francisco D said...

We now have several generations of college educated people who have interacted with Black affirmative action students on campus. I may have been among the first generation in the early 70's.

They have seen the academic failure of many AA students which they cannot explain because it would be racist to wonder if the failing AA students did not work hard enough at their studies. Therefore, it must be some invisible force such as "systemic racism" and "White privilege".

Highly successful Black students (like my former BIL) who are gifted and work hard resent this bullshit because it devalues their efforts.

Rick said...

RK said...
Someday whites will not be a majority in this country. Who are you going to blame for your cultural failures then?

Why would that change anything? Jews were blamed for everything even as a small minority, so apply that model.

Original Mike said...

"What the white people are doing is indeed stupid but why can't he recognize that people are doing this out of goodwill? To text someone and say you are glad they are part of your life is a pretty decent thing to do. Is it really dehumanizing?"

Someone upthread (or in a related thread) nailed it. War Games. The only winning move is not to play.

Ann Althouse said...

"Chad Sanders (@ChadSand) is the author of the forthcoming book “Black Magic.”"

I searched the page before writing what I did so I believe that was added later. I could be wrong.

Ann Althouse said...

There's no book at Amazon that comes up when you search for Sanders and "Black Magic."

Real American said...

He needs new friends. These people are wracked with guilt for something haven't done. It's not right to apologize for something you have no control over and haven't done, let alone for some historical grievances no one can change.

Of course, presumably the writer believes in the notion of "white privilege" so he is reaping what he sows. White privilege is a myth that was invented to make gullible white people act like these fools he calls friends. It's what causing people like Drew Brees to kowtow to the mob and simply for having an alternative point of view. It's offensive and racist in its owns terms and needs to be called out as such.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"That attacks my dignity. That dehumanizes me...."

No shit. Waking to the woke. Never mind the race thing. Your stupidity damns you.

jg said...

There's some truth in his writing, but also some galling contempt and entitlement, demanding from his 'friends':
'Texts: To your relatives and loved ones telling them you will not be visiting them or answering phone calls until they take significant action in supporting black lives either through protest or financial contributions.'
This person is simply not contributing to the world on net. And it's a shame because he's capable.

William said...

Back in the '80's I worked in a shop that was mostly black. The union rep had an intimidating presence. It wasn't just his size. He looked like the kind of guy who would use violence as a way to settle a dispute. Some black guys I worked with and liked were friendly with him, but I gave him a wide berth. There was an air of potential violence about him. This helped him win lots of arguments. He was very militant and had strong opinions about black liberation.....He got shot and killed. It wasn't by police. It was by someone he knew, who was also black. I forget what the dispute was about, but whatever the particulars, he got shot because of his intimidating presence. If you get too scary, people use preemptive strikes.....I suppose there's a moral to this story.

walter said...

He is pissed that the messages require too much of his time and energy, but is also pissed that he's relieved from obligatory response.
But then "Silence is complicity"

Jim at said...

Had a chat with a best friend from high school yesterday. Known the guy for more than 40 years. Happens to be black. Asked him what he thought of all this.

Condescending. Patronizing. Bullshit.

And those were the nice things he said.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Will Chad’s white friends figure out that they are condescending racists?

Yes and no.

They probably think this song’s not about them, and they’re probably right, individually. Notice that Chad said he got texts LIKE this, not SUCH AS. I’m sure each text offered moral support from the good people, but sprinkled with just enough “unintentional” condescension to give Chad something to bitch about. There may not be much from any particular whitey, but all told, enough to bitch about wypipo in general.

It’s a bit like the occasional obliging white lady touching a Black woman’s hair. It’s no huge offense on her part, and her ignorance can be forgiven, but it gives the Black woman an anecdote in her History of Oppression.

Lazarus said...

Sounds like poor Chad is a lot of white peoples' "friend who is black".

Sounds like Chad is that one Black guy on a television show that the main characters allow to hang out with them for diversity's sake.

It's lonely being Chad.

Howard said...

More winning. The condescendingly crypto-racist White Libtards are ensuring Trump will pick up the Black vote bigly. They really love, appreciate and respect his "tough love" response to BLM. I heard rumors that Kanye and Kim are taping pro Trump ads. It's a beautiful thing.

Freeman Hunt said...

Message I sent to a friend:

"One of the reasons I think so many people started writing posts excusing rioting is that everyone agrees about the horror of Floyd's murder. So many people thought it was their time to shine as anti-racists, but then it turned out that there was no enemy--everyone already agreed! No special cachet for such posts. So people had to amp it up. And that's how you end up with thousands of white women posting about how great they think rioting is and cheering the destruction of black neighborhoods from the total safety of their homes hundreds of miles away."

bagoh20 said...

With all the obvious, systemic, overt, latent, institutional, and Neapolitan racism all around us, you would think someone might have a concrete suggestion on how to fix some of it, but all I hear is we need to give some people some free stuff, and punish some other people, with most of the recipients of both having nothing to do with any act of racism.

Therefore, I conclude that there is little that can be done about the racism that does occur, and everybody knows that either consciously or subconsciously. Otherwise I'd have to conclude that everybody likes it and/or doesn't really care.

If you have a real problem, you believe it can be fixed, and you want to fix it, you come up with real solutions. Not pretend stuff of graft posing as solutions.

Freeman Hunt said...

Facebook is full of cringe-inducing posts from white people right now. One of my favorite fad genres is the totally self-centered how-you-can-help post. Apparently you solve societal problems by reading, watching movies, and crying.

Todd said...

Freeman Hunt said...

Facebook is full of cringe-inducing posts from white people right now. One of my favorite fad genres is the totally self-centered how-you-can-help post. Apparently you solve societal problems by reading, watching movies, and crying.

6/5/20, 2:36 PM

What, no hash tag campaigns? How could you leave out the hash tab campaigns! Do the hash tags not work anymore? What happened? Is it that they are just so "last administration"? I mean really, when Michelle did it it was SO effective, right!

Oh wait, never mind...

bagoh20 said...

I feel no guilt about racism, or slavery, or that Biden is senile. I hate myself for all this, but I do feel immense guilt about hating myself. That's actually my fault. I'm going to march tonight around my own couch, shaming myself, and if that doesn't get me to send myself a check, I'll threaten violence until my voice is heard... by myself.

Ann Althouse said...

I’m seeing an effort to enlist everyone in deleting Facebook.

Because of its free speech policy!

hombre said...

Who needs white people, Chad. The looters and the beaters will help you fight anti-blackness won’t they? Won’t they?

hombre said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...”I’m seeing an effort to enlist everyone in deleting Facebook. Because of its free speech policy!”

It is important that we tamp down free speech. Nearly half the country operates on half the news. It is crucial to keep it that way. The rest of the story triggers them and causes cognitive dissonance.

n.n said...

The latest poll indicates that 40% of black Americans do not indulge diversity to define themselves by the color of their skin. #BabyLivesMatter

Birkel said...

And here I am with a broken Give-a-Damn machine.
No fucks to give.

And not the slightest bit of guilt.

Joanne Jacobs said...

Virtue signaling by white liberals has reached insane levels. I'm not surprised a black man feels patronized. All his emailers want certification as "good people."

When there's anti-Jewish violence -- perhaps worshippers are murdered at their synagogue -- my non-Jewish friends do not feel compelled to tell me they disapprove. I know that already.

Lurker21 said...

I'm wondering how much of this is a product of e-mail, social media, and the shutdown. Under other circumstances Chad might have a neighbor, a co-worker and a friend or two check in on him or ask him how he was. Somebody might call. Nobody would send a letter. In face to face interactions, they might be too timid to pour out all their White guilt to him. People are usually more reticent than that when they talk to somebody in the real, as opposed to the virtual, world. They might be able to see that he didn't want to hear it. They might be constrained by the fact that people don't usually go on for paragraphs in spoken speech.

But with email and social media it's easy to get in touch with people, and easy to go on and on unraveling one's thoughts (as I'm doing right here, right now). There isn't the usual hesitation and awkwardness that one might have actually talking to somebody. His friends are probably all articulate writers and talkers. They're probably hooked in to all the fashionable ideas circulating in the city. And they're out of work and staying at home, so they don't have anything else to do.

So I don't think this situation was as unusual or as repellent as I did at first. People are lonely and socially isolated, so they reach out, and they're hoping for some kind of a connection that they can do without in normal times. It must suck to be the only Black friend half of White Manhattan has, but Chad will survive and things will get back to normal, and Chad will find other things to complain about.

glacial erratic said...

Hell would have to freeze over before I apologized for being white.

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