"... about the resulting 3,000-word article, 'Blackface Incident at Post Cartoonist’s 2018 Halloween Party Resurfaces Amid Protests': Why is this newsworthy? Readers within the Post newsroom were asking the question, too. 'No one I’ve spoken with at the Post can figure out why we published this story,' said one prominent reporter at the paper. 'We blew up this woman’s life for no reason.' In 2018, Schafer attended a Halloween party at the home of Tom Toles, the Post’s Pulitzer Prize–winning editorial cartoonist. The basis for Schafer’s costume was topical. NBC had recently fired Megyn Kelly after she said, on the air, that she didn’t understand why it was necessarily considered racist for people to wear blackface as part of a Halloween costume. Schafer, who is white, decided to lampoon the anchor by dressing as Megyn Kelly–in–blackface.... The Post said Schafer’s transgression was news because it happened in front of Toles and somewhere possibly in the vicinity of columnist Dana Milbank.... The story first arrived at the Post via management consultant Lexie Gruber, who, along with her friend Lyric Prince, an artist, had confronted Schafer that night in 2018.... Nineteen months later, on June 9, Gruber contacted Toles, whom she didn’t know, to ask for help identifying the woman... Toles claimed, falsely, not to recognize her.... Schafer told New York that when she asked [the author of the WaPo article] why the story was news, he replied, 'We have to do it or they will go to another outlet.'... Gruber expressed surprise that the reporters directed so much attention to Schafer — and to herself and Prince — instead of the more notable people at the party. 'I can understand people being curious: Why did they write a piece so focused on a private citizen?' she said. 'But Tom [Toles] is a public citizen. To me, it’s about a larger problem, where people go to marches and then drink and dance with people in blackface.'... How can Toles’s failure to promptly order Schafer out of his house be simultaneously so important that it merits feature-length coverage in the paper and not important enough to merit workplace discipline?"
From "Why Did the Washington Post Get This Woman Fired?" (NY Magazine).
What a clusterfuck! I think it's rather obvious that the ball got rolling when everybody hated Megyn Kelly and imagined they were enjoying her downfall. I wonder if Megyn Kelly is getting some weird muffled last laugh out of all this.
It'll only be funny if it ends up costing Jeff Bezos a few hundred million. Otherwise nothing will change.
On the cucktail party circuit.
Fuck all these people. They are all assholes.
There's nothing wrong with blackface. There's no sacred race.
Sue Schafer was more than happy to celebrate Megyn Kelly getting cancelled for a silly opinion and now it's her turn. She's upset because she thought she was on the mob's side. The Cancel Culture comes for everyone eventually. Those are the rules. She played by them and lost. She can piss off.
At what point are people who get treated this way going to say “fuck it - my life is over - let’s go shoot up the office?”
I have to imagine that’s a risk when needlessly firing and publicly destroying someone’s reputation.
Gruber is particularly loathsome- 20 months, and she couldn't let it go? I can't imagine any circumstance where I would still be thinking about such a minor event almost 2 years later, and even less actively trying to out such a person, and then when accomplishing the feat, try to claim it wasn't her intent, and that Schafer wasn't the intended target. Seriously, Gruber, go fuck yourself.
Isn't it the impression you get of these people is that they're so fucked up that you wouldn't let them plan your dog's birthday party, much less run one of the most important newspapers in the country?
It's fun to watch the Progs eat each other.
WaPo also did not open a Comments section for the online version of this article. I’d be curious to know who made that decision and why? I thought Democracy Dies In Darkness.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Schafer indulged her inner diversitist in what she thought was a sociopolitical expression of degradation.
Bothering your readers with a story on how some lefty got her life turned topsy-turvy because some other lefty made her a target is a form of time-wasting. Lefties routinely do that to the common sense non-left people but you don't report on that given how widespread it is. So we're to sympathize for this lefty who only has other lefties in her life.
Did ya see the interesting story of a Karen in Seattle who pathetically squats in front of her license plate so that some black activist out looking for trouble, and who found it, won't record it for the world to see?
Gold, Jerry, gold.
There's nothing wrong with blackface
That's true. Schafer has the social right to self-identify, first as Kelly, and simultaneously in solidarity with her inner black. Just because she appears white on the outside. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #Pro-Choice
I don't give a shit about blackface unless and until Trudeau and Northam are punished for it.
She's upset because she thought she was on the mob's side.
The mob doesn't have a side. Mobs are bad, mmkay.
Real American said...
Sue Schafer was more than happy to celebrate Megyn Kelly getting cancelled for a silly opinion and now it's her turn. She's upset because she thought she was on the mob's side. The Cancel Culture comes for everyone eventually. Those are the rules. She played by them and lost. She can piss off.
6/25/20, 10:53 AM
THIS^^^^^^^ Karma baby!!!
The elite left is becoming the Spanish Inquisition. And contrary to what that Monty Python sketch may assert, I totally expected it and it's certainly not very funny to the people whose lives they're destroying.
‘We blew up this woman’s life for no reason.'
The Post blew up Schafer’s life because it could, and because there would be no negative consequences for doing so. Some people get their jollies from destroying things: statues, people’s livelihoods, glass windows, ... What do they want to destroy? What do you have?
rhhardin said...There's nothing wrong with blackface.
It's the dumbest thing she's ever done because she did it knowing the environment in which she moved, not because it was racist.
Democracy Dies in Darkness!
Hoist with her own retard.
"'We blew up this woman’s life for no reason.'"
Journalists are a$$holes. All of them, all of the time. That is why they did it.
Stupid costume idea anyway. How would anyone know it was supposed to be Kelly? Did she hang some lame sign on herself to make sure people got the "joke"? These people are high on their own farts.
Toles was by favorite cartoonist. For his drawing, mainly. Not his politics.
Dumping it now with the chaos dominating the cycle will probably result in a reduction in penance ultimately required to become re-wokeducated
Beginning at the age of 14, Lexie was shuffled from foster homes to a group home and then a shelter, which she says was filthy and frightening. “Many of the girls were newly released from juvenile detention or jails, and my small stature made me the perfect target for their physical aggression. They used everything from their hands to a hot pan."
The sentimental education of a Mean Girl.
"Get Ready for Lexie"
Ms. Schafer is a jackass that thought she was among allies.
The allies were jackasses by not letting this horrible offense to die a quiet death.
The WaPo is an asshole for publishing.
But, by all means, let's elect the folk these assholes want.
According to Inga, Steve Bannon is responsible for all of this.
management consultant Lexie Gruber
Lexie didn't read the "Management Consulting for Dummies" book, that her boss at Deloitte, or PWC or McKinsey gave her when she was hired. Management Consultants are expected to come in, do their consulting gig , write a report for internal use, then keep their mouths shut. If I were a Fortune 500 exec, and PWC wanted to put Lexie on a team evaluating my HR policies for example, I'd fire PWC.
Lesson Lexie. Consulting is like Fight Club.
Lexie may get canceled soon, because they can't place her on projects.
- ex management consultant
Megan Kelly somehow managed to be hated by the Left and the Right. I guess some women, somewhere, still like her. But I'm not sure who.
Sue schafer is a leftist who got cancelled. Very, very sad over this. Tears running down cheeks. Need to go get more tissues.
When will the cancel culture finally decide that totalitarian leftists - everyone from socialist republics to communist dictatorships - are the most deserving of removal from civil society?
Aren't 100,000,000 dead at the hands of their own governments enough evidence?
Cancel leftists, or that number will grow and grow.
Is the goal of wokeness to make human relations better or worse. Does it aim to improve the social lives of everyone, or screw them up and make them terrifying obstacle courses of moving traps leaving everyone suspicious, judgmental, angry and scared. I don't see much real effort out there at understanding or tolerance at all.
It's an intrinsic method of totalitarianism to put people in that fearful state, and do it by cloaking the completely evil enterprise in a facade of virtue.
I think Adam Carolla is making this point due to Jimmy Kimmel's dip into hot blackface water, but there's a difference between blackface and putting on dark makeup to impersonate a specific black person. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure there's a difference between lampooning an entire race and impersonating a single person. The later is what Megyn Kelly had the audacity to wonder if its inherently racist. Apparently trying to apply any nuance thinking to racial issues is off limits. That's going to end well.
Char Char Binks, +5 for the win.
'We have to do it or they will go to another outlet.'
Another example of how the news isn't "news," but rather a manufactured product.
The reason the post published this is it was a post party and the girls were going to go public with it. It was their attempt to get in front of the story. They did it to try and save themselves from criticism.
Steve Bannon made the Washington Post do that.
Drago beat me to the joke on this one.
AA - this will happen and does thousands of times a day. As a culture, their are many things which are forbidden by authorities (Media) and the "black face" has become a symbol of a long bygone era which the Media and Democrats wish to forget. So they invent themes and narratives which cannot be broken. We are looking at fiction becoming more powerful versus reality. In his book, "The Metareferential Turn in Contemporary Arts and Media: "Forms, Functions ...By Werner Wolf. p. 267, Mr. Wolf asks, "...And what happens when narration and fiction expand and blend into reality not vice versa, when the fabrications by Media reality spreads to and leaps into....the audience, moving and destabilizing their minds, blurring and unmarking the sound differences between what is real and what is fiction?" He calls that "real virtual reality" which is more powerful and much more emotionally effective than other realities..." The Media has long pushed passed this interesting conceptualization and blurred "reality and fiction" where today [Western Culture] it is difficult to discern the difference.
Does the media in general have any credibility left? On one hand, they are having serious discussions about whether or not its appropriate to show people literally committing crimes for fear that person may be persecuted while on the other hand going out of their way to publically name and shame people who may, at any time in their past, committed wrongthink.
If blackface is the level of racist issues in the US, there is no racism of significance.
Yancey Ward said...
Gruber is particularly loathsome- 20 months, and she couldn't let it go?
It's not about letting anything go. She realized the current environment is much better for making herself a Hero to the Cause, so she played the hand she held. Now she's the Racism Queen at Accenture (a huge consulting firm).
They did it because destruction is all the Left knows
wild chicken said...
Stupid costume idea anyway. How would anyone know it was supposed to be Kelly? Did she hang some lame sign on herself to make sure people got the "joke"?
She wore a name tag "Hi! I'm Megan Kelly".
It makes more sense if you understand how left activism and politics is used to create a sense of community in professional class blue enclaves, particularly among women. It replaces church / school / other community events for get-to-know-you topics. They may work in different industries, have no common interests, and know nothing interesting, but all agree those people are racist.
"Why did they"
Why wouldn't they?
The personal is political. The culture's gotta be cleansed. Destroying private citizens is useful pour encourager les autres--not just to show that wearing blackface is bad, but that anything can be done to you for any reason at any time.
If blackface is the level of racist issues in the US
The diversity (and exclusion) racket is about leverage and profit. About a black hole... whore. h/t NAACP
The coming standard will be that anything that was OK more than 72 hours ago is now racist, and must be destroyed. They can't sustain this insanity without imploding.
“This story isn’t newsworthy, but if we don’t publish it, then someone with even lower standards will — so our hands are tied”!
Yet Ann still reads WaPo.
The story is that the Washington Post got a woman named Sue Schafer fired, but there is a huge hole in the story - who Sue Schafer is, what job she held, or who fired her.
Actually, I think that Schafer's blackface costume with Megan's name tag was funny and even high level ridicule. There is absolutely no reason that Megan should be fired for her comment.
But if it's true that Schafer is a left wing nut, then it's very satisfying. Now if Gruber and Prince would also get fired, then this incident would be especially satisfying.
The Post may have felt they had to report it or someone else would, but they didn’t have to write a 3000 word article publicly outing the woman, knowing that it would blow up her life. I’d like to have some sympathy for her, but the vast majority of the people trashing the Post in their comment section are only mad because the woman outed was one of their own. If some random conservative woman had been the victim of the Wapo and those Karens, they’d all be talking approvingly about her getting what she deserved.
Well, you can't cancel Toles. I mean, where will his special brand of Trumphate come from if he is silenced?
Why do terrorists plant bombs that blow up random shoppers? To instill terror.
For years Bill Maher has been telling racist and sexist jokes. How does he get away with it? He prefaces the joke with "I'm sure Republicans are thinking . . . " That's essentially the technique the Sue Schafer used, but she still got cancelled. Time to cancel Bill Maher too.
What I can never get over is the casualness with which they wreck people's lives. (See also:) Tom and Daisy Buchanan ain't in it.
Wapo is tailoring its stories for consumption by a pathetic, seriously silly group: Woke college graduates.
Dysfunctional convergence.
hate-filled mob mentality doesnt do nuanced parsing
Because someone else will run it if we don't is a tremendous standard for jurinalism.
"Schafer, who is white, decided to lampoon the anchor by dressing as Megyn Kelly–in–blackface."
A bit too meta for the blunt mentality du jour.
Oh..and Halloween tends to give greater flexibility with this.
It’s not really a clusterfuck. It was a deliberate choice, made to shame someone for clicks and BLM points. It was a bold assertion of the virtuous ness of cruelty.
Reminder: the NYT threatened to doxx SlateStarCodex. CNN threatened to doxx a man unless he stopped mocking them. The press hunted down Joe the Plumber (and the IRS subsequently audited him). This is an assertion of an elite privilege: we can make you pay.
The “whistleblower” was protected. Anonymous critics of Trump are protected. No one from these rags would reveal @Jack's address or details of his security, but those are all most newsworthy than this ever was.
I could see what Sue Schafer did as humor, but that would require me to ignore her motivation. She was mocking Kelly by doing exactly what Kelly proposed and got fired for suggesting. For example, I enjoy Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder and saw the humor there. However, I would be some level of hypocrite to say Robert Downey Jr. should lose all his pay for portraying that role, and then go out dressed as his character in the movie. It isn't so much that Sue should have been fired now, but that she ought to have been fired at the time for being an idiot.
Acute Moral Clarity at work.
- Krumhorn
In times like these, my friend advises, your goal is to be the person the alligator eats last.
Lexi Gruber must be Hans Gruber's bitchy daughter. With a father like him it would make sense that she'd have issues.
Toles should have told Gruber and her ghastly sidekick (I believe they were both non-invited moochers) that it was a private party, that he didn't know what she was talking about, and that it was none of her or anyone else's business on any case.
Gruber and her sidekick Lyric (really? bad naming practice there) Prince ought to be under review by their employers for having poor judgment, high levels of inflexibility, and low levels of tolerance.
Sounds like somebody was looking for bigger scalps to take. They wanted to polish up their wokey-woke bonafides and (no doubt, entirely incidentally), make a name for themselves. Such a pity, after all their efforts, the only one they took out was a nobody. That must have sucked. And now they have made themselves internet famous - for being a couple of vindictive bitches who ruined another woman's life over nonsense. Good job, WaPo! Twas bravely done!
So the Post’s story was a preemptive modified limited hangout.
WaPo also did not open a Comments section for the online version of this article.
Untrue — I read through a bunch perhaps the day after the piece was published, and they ran 99-1 against publication. Some were quite scathing, others bewildered.
It is newsworthy because you are all a bunch of fucking frauds.
They all need to be fired and that fraud of a newspaper needs to be shut down permanently.
Bears Repeating
"Some people get their jollies from destroying things: statues, people’s livelihoods, glass windows, ... What do they want to destroy? What do you have?"
My first encounter with someone like this was with my neighbor in NoVa as boy.
Son of a moderate lvl government bureaucrat, he like to burn bugs with a magnifying glass, I was disturbed.
"We blew up this woman’s life for no reason."
-- She didn't even ask Obama a mean question like that plumber, or smirk like that stupid kid! She just wore black face like the Governor of Virginia.
(Don't get me wrong, I agree the WaPo shouldn't have published this. But given how the media has been given carte blanche to do as it will, is anyone surprised it did as it willed?)
re: BLM
alBino Lives Matter
Yeah, I know, a little liberal license goes along way.
First the Democrat lynch mobs came for the black people.
Then they came for the white people made up as black people.
Now they are coming for the white people made up as white people made up as black people...
How much further can this go?
The cancel culture won't stop with getting you fired. Once there are enough people like AOC in positions of political power, Shafer won't collect unemployment benefits, or Social Security, or Medicare due to her "crimes" No decent physician will ever treat her, if he knows what's good for him. No bank will issue her credit. Big Brother never forgets.
Maybe Lexie Gruber and Lyric Prince can go after Tina Fey next? She put out two episodes with blackface. I think that's more harmful & hurtful than a misguided reveler donning a topical Halloween costume. Unless, of course, it’s so much easier for the Washington Post, Lexie Gruber, and Lyric Prince to bully a private citizen with little power than someone like Tina Fey and her corporate partners.
Why stop at getting a middle-aged, middle-class graphic designer fired in the middle of an economic collapse, get WaPo journalists to write a 3,000-word article on Comcast/NBC/Tina Fey instead. Don't excuse their behavior because of their money, power, and status.
Maybe Lexie Gruber and Lyric Prince can go after Tina Fey next? She put out two episodes with blackface. I think that's more harmful & hurtful than a misguided reveler donning a topical Halloween costume. Unless, of course, it’s so much easier for the Washington Post, Lexie Gruber, and Lyric Prince to bully a private citizen with little power than someone like Tina Fey and her corporate partners.
Why stop at getting a middle-aged, middle-class graphic designer fired in the middle of an economic collapse, get WaPo journalists to write a 3,000-word article on Comcast/NBC/Tina Fey instead. Don't excuse their behavior because of their money, power, and status.
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