June 20, 2020

"It is, unfortunately, a zombified collective fighting a bogeyman that they have invented."

"... these people have de-individuated and they've become a true mob and they are pushing policies that make no sense and endanger us all...."

Do you remember Bret Weinstein?

In March 2017 he wrote a letter to Evergreen [State College] faculty, objecting to a change in the college's decades-old tradition of observing a "Day of Absence" during which minority students and faculty would voluntarily stay home from campus to highlight their contributions to the college. The announced change would flip the traditional event, asking white participants to attend an off-campus program to talk about race issues while the on-campus program was designated for participating people of color....
I blogged that at "Evergreen State College biology professor Bret Weinstein is swarmed and cursed and hounded by students who are scarily deluded about their own righteousness." The video that I had embedded there "has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service."
There's something in the video that I really like. Professor Weinstein says: "There’s a difference between debate and dialectic. Debate means you are trying to win. Dialectic means you are using disagreement to discover what is true. I am not interested in debate. I am only interested in dialectic, which does mean I listen to you, and you listen to me."
A student responded: "We don’t care what terms you want to speak on. This is not about you. We are not speaking on terms — on terms of white privilege. This is not a discussion. You have lost that one."


Jaq said...

It’s gone from a violent proxy campaign for Biden condoned by the DNC and their wing that is the MSM to effectively a proxy campaign from Trump, and the DNC has no way to reel it back in.

Ken B said...

I do. To his credit, Jerry Coyne features BW regularly. I have listened to parts of that podcast and it is superb.

Ken B said...

Can Joe Rogan survive? He is just about the only bright spot in the media broadly defined: his podcasts are the complete rejection of the Twitter ethos.

Achilles said...

The kids that are participating are often rich.

They are dancing around the edges of the problem.

Achilles said...

You cut the clip too short.

Weinstein was about to talk about the current participants.

NCMoss said...

I enjoyed a comment from Rusty at the 2017 link, "Radical leftists want to punch you in the face. Moderate leftists want radical leftists to punch you in the face."

True then, true now.

Achilles said...

I apologize if Rogan cut the clip too short. Whoever cut it short cut it too short.

Weinstein was on the path to the truth.

Nothing is ever perfect, but we can aspire to be better.

Trump is the current leader on that path to our country being better.

Kevin said...

These people reject the concept of equality and individual freedoms on which this nation depends.

Right now they are being tolerated but their grievances stretch only so far.

When tolerance ends, either they or the nation will be destroyed.

Kevin said...

The Democrats, turning into a party of grievances, have become the party of “by any means necessary”.

How long until they are rightly labeled a domestic terrorist organization?

Openidname said...

Love Bret Weinstein. He has an excellent podcast.

wendybar said...

Kevin is 100% right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The media continue to ignore all things looting, destruction, tearing down of statues and art, and general anarchist leftist Antifa-Occupy mayhem.

That's how you know the media understand it won't help democratics.

Phil 314 said...

Rohan is a bit uninformed about the shooting in Atlanta.

Andrew McCarthy breaks down the facts here.

-isn’t a man who is driving a care while so intoxicated that he falls asleep when it stops welding a lethal weapon
-isn’t that same man who is on probation for a violent crime also likely a danger to society
-and if he asked for an Uber then why didn’t in the same vein simply run away from the police as opposed to take the taser and discharge it towards his captors.

Big Mike said...

Trump is what stands between us and being ruled by that mob.

Phil 314 said...

And when Weinstein said he participated in Occupy Wall Street I thought of that old phrase from childhood:

“It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt”

Francisco D said...

It is fascinating to listen to reasonable liberals. I think they miss the boat on a few points, but they have a high degree of intellectual honesty that is missing from the Left and the Democrat party today.

n.n said...


Phil 314 said...

Weinstein should run for Mayor of Seattle (or Minneapolis)....

And be just like his predecessor.

I had to stop as he began to discuss “solutions” which of course were going to be:

-more money
-better teachers (i.e. more money)
-better policing (i.e.more money)
-better government (i.e. more money)

Maybe the 1st task is to tell people (and then enforce the telling) to NOT smash and burn shit up!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"we are seeing "Occupy 2.0"


daskol said...

The thing about Brett Weinstein is that, if he were being truly honest, given his scientific speciality he has either participated in or been party for a long time now to the suppression of scientific perspectives considered damaging to the narrative. He's seen, if not colleagues at Evergreen, other honest scientists and even science students get silenced or even canceled for daring to raise uncomfortable questions or implications from data. When they finally came for him and his wife, that seems to have crystallized things for him. If this were a less American, less talky "revolution," his carcass might already be in a ditch along with other victims of the early purges of the revolution. It's nice he sees how dangerous this all is now, , but all too human that it took the destruction of his own career to make him hip. He's been watching from Evergreen, the vanguard of the campus revolution, for a long time: I saw this coming at Wesleyan in the 90s, and I was merely a student there for a few years.

OTOH, the reason why it's so important to revolutionaries to kill their internal rivals and malcontents is precisely because they can become dangerously effective and sympathetic critics and opponents. So, glad you finally came around, Brett, and that you seem to have reinvented yourself as a public intellectual in defense of freedom, even if it cost you your tenured perch at Evergreen. Spread the word. Maybe hook up with Jordan Peterson, for whom I don't recall hearing any defense from Brett, when Peterson is feeling better, and do a joint roadshow.

Ice Nine said...

Bret Weinstein>>"There's something in us, being raised in the US, that thinks that The Great Leap Forward in China, that what happened in Cambodia, that Nazi Germany, that the Soviet Union cannot happen here. I don't know what characteristic it is that make people think makes it impossible."<<

Here's the answer, Bret, and it's really an easy one -- here's that (different) characteristic: the ownership of two to three freakin' guns for every American, as a result of the Second Amendment of our Constitution.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

" the anarchists took over Occupy and blended with Black Looting Matters'


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BTW - every leftist at Althouse - you know who you are- you should watch that.

Open your eyes. take off the blinders.

JAORE said...

I'm voting for the guy that said toppling statues of the Confederacy was a slippery slope.

I'll have to look it up. I recall a lot of media saying that was BS.

When I find the name of that guy I'll report back and trumpet the news.

Temujin said...

1) He's proud of himself for 'being the first to ring the clarion' about what is happening. Bullshit. He may have been among the first in a Washigton college to blow the whistle, but he's hardly the first to see what academia had turned into. There are entire websites, blogs, and thousands of news articles from over the past 20 years showing how Marxism, collectivism, and other bizarre left-wing neo-philosophies had been taking over the universities. From admissions to freshman orientation seminars to classics classes removed while entire departments made up of victimhood studies, created. Weinstein was a serious case, but he was not even close to noticing what was happening through the years he was part of the problem.

2) To further, he was part of OWS-1. He did give a small kudos to the Tea Party, but when comparing the two, OWS was from the beginning, a seedbed of anarchists and far leftists looking to get their tentacles into a larger movement. The Tea Party, which was slammed from the beginning, by the Dems, the press, and academia- was truly a grass-roots push back against the corruption of our system by law-abiding, tax-paying citizens, who did no harm, vandalized nothing, looted nothing, and treated all with respect. Except for Nancy Pelosi, who deserves neither respect or time of day.

3) 5 minutes in and I'm still waiting to hear him use the word 'Marxist' or 'Marxism'. Is Joe Rogan just playing devil's advocate or does he honestly think that defunding the police in Minneapolis was a 'reasonable response'?

4) At the 11:30-12:00 mark, Joe Rogan nails it. Then Weinstein nails it on the Dems evolving to what they are now. Nails it further at the 14:22 mark.

5) At 15:44 Rogan makes it a 'South' issue. What? I'm sure he's been to LA, Detroit, Boston, Newark, Chicago, SF, Seattle, and on and on and on...It's not a Southern thing.

6) Took him over 17 minutes to mention a 'communist revolution. Congrats. On the other hand, he hit many good points. One key one missing. The patterns of sytems that he refers to as keeping the distribution of opportunity limited to few groups has obviously spread beyond the black inner cities to the bulk of what we used to call the middle class. And that's where it has entered a dangerous and unknown area. That is how we got a Trump. And as it keeps going, you may all one day long for the good old days of Trump.

7) The 'movement' is not leaderless as both guys have stated. It is international (as Rogan pointed out) but it's not leaderless. With Social Media, there is a controlling factor for information. Notice what gets censored and what is allowed. If you think that those who would have the US undone have nothing to do with this, you are not looking far enough. This is too well-coordinated at this stage.

A good discussion, nonetheless. Last point- that last 'a' he talks about in MAGA is not a finger pointed in people's eyes. That is the Dem view but it's been wrong from the start. But, just so you know, this is how you get more Trump.

Yancey Ward said...

I found this comment from the 2017 post interesting:

"I feel like it's a fever that's going to break soon.

I thought of Cultural Revolution half way through reading. Now THAT was a country losing its mind. Last Emperor a mild example."

Carol said...

Maybe it's just my own solipsism but I call BS. Because none of the kids trapped in neighborhoods with low opportunity (however Rogan puts it) can easily go on to virtually free community college in their areas (most of them) and claw their way out.

But from what I'm reading at reddit, the "urban" k-12 students won't mentally engage anymore, don't stop talking, won't put down the phones, certainly don't show up for online classes. You can't flunk them. Admin won't hear of it. We could be sued! They might be socially promoted at city college but that's got to end somewhere.

So the anarchy is already in the schools.

Yancey Ward said...

Also, ARM's comments in that thread are fucking hilarious.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Achilles said...

The kids that are participating are often rich.

No, they're mostly upper middle class white kids, seeking revenge for their ancestors being enslaved and forced to pick cotton in Mississippi.

If that makes sense.

Chest Rockwell said...

"Can Joe Rogan survive?"

You know he just signed a $100 million dollar deal with Spotify, right?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Achilles said...

I apologize if Rogan cut the clip too short. Whoever cut it short cut it too short.

Weinstein was on the path to the truth.

Entire 3 hrs is here, if you want to wade through it. But be prepared. Weinstein is very intelligent and I agree what a lot of what he says, but he never quite gets there because he won't admit that he and peers had a lot to do with engendering the mindset that led to the current climate in this country.

MadTownGuy said...

"It is, unfortunately, a zombified collective fighting a boogalogeyman that they have invented."


wildswan said...

Brett Weinstein is great observer of the now and also has some guts. He saw the inner meaning of what the students at Evergreen were requiring and he stood up against it. He saw it would spill out from the campuses and said so - at the time. "zombified collective fighting a bogeyman that they have invented" - that's great. But, fundamentally, is this a different analysis from the the analysis any Marxist at any time would give about any movement for either reform or anarchy which did not the follow the marxist outline of the problem and offer the marxist solution? It's better, it's more correct in language, it's a brilliant up-dating of the analysis. Is it different from saying, as the marxists did at the time, that the class of poor southern whites ("collective") had been deluded ("zombified") into regarding the n-word as the enemy ("bogeyman that they have invented") rather than the plutocrats? (Both parties now support business, said Weinstein earlier.)

And the natural leaders (of the left) are in the gig economy, influencing (pamphleteering or writing religious tosh like Tolstoy) rather than leading. And then, Brett Weinstein absolutely did not say: Where is the American Lenin?

But the overall argument is tending in that "waiting for the barbarians" direction or maybe in a wholly American "If we can't get to Disneyland, let's escape to a revolution" direction. But, I argue, that the fact that the American version of the peasantry is armed and educated and the American version of the proletariat is suffering from the loss of the factories, not the presence of the factories, means that no version of communism can take hold, although some awful zombified collective, some centralizing system, might try. I mean, even in Seattle, neither Evergreen nor CHAZ (I call it Bidenville), neither one is even as successful as Brooke Farm or Occupy were in their time. Bidenvilleites can't even do anarchy right and their attempt looks exactly like those pathetic plants the Bidenvilleites are killing with incompetence. And, furthermore, the Bidenvilleites attempt at showing America the way to go, is doing to the Mayor of Seattle and the Dems the same thing the Bidenvilleites are doing to the plants.

William said...

I don't agree with their analysis of the Atlanta situation. They think that with proper training, the police are infinitely perfectible. If it were that easy to perfect human beings, we wouldn't have drunk drivers and meth users.....The subtext of their conversation is that if they were on the scene they would have handled the situation differently and better than the police. Why isn't the subtext of the conversation that the drunk driver acted stupidly and kept compounding his stupidity? The record shows that anyone within the orbit of that driver had an unhappy life. His life was an unbroken series of dishonorable actions. Now some of those same people who suffered at his hands, what with a twenty million dollar settlement up for grabs, are preaching his virtues and mourning his martyrdom....Rogan and Weinstein are a tad more rational than some other observers, but if they said anything critical, however hedged, of that drunken driver that would pay finish to their careers.

wildswan said...

"the "urban" k-12 students won't mentally engage anymore"

There's no way up in modern America without education. Urban youth do engage in learning even when they come from the worst zip codes when they are in charter schools or are allowed to go to schools outside their zip codes as they are in Milwaukee or are home schooled. But in the public high schools serving the worst zip codes the students know when they are fifteen that everyone has failed them. They know they've stayed in school but they can't read well or do even the math you need to be an air-conditioning technician. Someone next door might be going to Shorewood High School or Messmer or St Mark's - but these students aren't. The Governor designed the public schools as they are; the Mayor supports them as they are; the party to which the members of the black community must belong to only cares about the teachers' union which supports the public schools as they are except it wants to abolish discipline and has removed the police; and the parents of these students did not realize the situation and act on their behalf. The students' reaction to this "left behind" situation tells us nothing about how they would be behaving if they knew they were getting an education.

bagoh20 said...

A lot of people who once considered it just an archaic vestigial organ are starting to see why the Second Amendment is so important. You can see with what is happening now that people have no natural ability to be free from the abuse of others, which can quite easily be maniacal, unreasonable and evil. There is nothing that can stop mob rule other than overpowering force, or at least the threat of it. Without the right to bear arms, in reality, you have absolutely nothing: no rights, no safety, no peace, no humanity. You become livestock, an obstacle, an object to be discarded or destroyed at will. It is the most basic of rights, the right to self-defense that makes you more than just a thing.

rcocean said...

Temjujin hits all the points. Well done. I like that Weinstein is in favor of debate unlike other Lefties. But make no mistake, he's a leftist. that's why he is/was a professor at Evergreen. He never said a peep about OTHER people getting their free speech banned and never attacked the censoring of the Conservatives. He only got upset when the SJW Mob came for HIM. Well, better late than never.

Of course, all the pathetic conservatives rush out and try to make him out to be a Freedom Loving libertarian but he's not.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Brooks was clear and reasonable, according to Rogan. Why is it so hard for liberals, even those who are otherwise savvy, to recognize when Blacks are bullshitting?

First, Brooks was not at all clear about how he came to be passed out behind the wheel in the Wendy’s drive-thru, or what he’d been drinking, or in his flimflam about his shoes, and other nonsense. He was obviously trying to weasel out of a drunk driving charge. That was all over when he blew a 0.1, so he pivoted to plan B. Bye, Raytard.

rhhardin said...

"I don't know the name of the force that gets in its way."

A sense of humor.

TML said...

Listening to the entire episode now. Fascinating. Desperately trying not to let confirmation bias overwhelm me!

Fernandinande said...

The best part of the Bret Weinstein interview - about "critical theory" and shutting down STEM because its inherently racist, etc - was cut off from the posted excerpt; it's at the dailywire.com link.

Bob Boyd said...

Rogan wonders why there can't be a way for the authorities to handle a guy who's just drunk and instead of arresting him, maybe help him get home.
This is not a new idea.
When I was young, the cops in my town would do just that. If they busted us out cruising around, drinking, they'd tell us, "That's it for you tonight. Go home. I'm going to follow you home and make sure. If I see you out here again tonight, I'm going to throw the book at you."
Granted, it was a small town.
Why don't they do that anymore? I would guess there was a lawsuit after a drunk who was taken home went back out, got in a wreck and killed somebody or himself.
Also, DUI's are big revenue now.
So what happens when a social worker takes a drunk home who later goes out and gets in a wreck or beats up his girlfriend or whatever?

wild chicken said...

"and the parents of these students did not realize the situation and act on their behalf."

Well there you go. Rotten parents, rotten students.

Blame the unions. And the zip codes.

walter said...

Rogan mentions cops having too little training.
Perhaps he thinks the Wendy's manager should have handled it.
"SEATTLE (AP) — One person was killed and another was in critical condition in a pre-dawn shooting in Seattle’s protest zone, authorities said Saturday.
The shooting happened at about 3 a.m. in the area near downtown known as CHOP, which stands for “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” zone, police said in a statement on Twitter.
Seattle Police Sgt. Lauren Truscott told The Seattle Times that she didn’t know whether police had taken anyone into custody and that she had no immediate details about how the shooting unfolded.
Investigators were reviewing reviewing public-source video and body-camera video for clues and authorities planned to disclose more information about the shooting later, Truscott said."

Ken B said...

I asked if Joe Rogan can survive.
Chest Rockwell replies “You know he just signed a $100 million dollar deal with Spotify, right?”

I do. That's part of why the cancellers want to get him: he has a big audience. Rich people get canceled too.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Weinstein is right about the final A in MAGA being a finger in the eye, but the finger wasn’t aimed at Blacks, or the poor, or Dems in general, but at Hillary, Obama, and the Dem establishment.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Char Char Binks said...

Brooks was clear and reasonable, according to Rogan. Why is it so hard for liberals, even those who are otherwise savvy, to recognize when Blacks are bullshitting?

Because lefties like Rogan (he's admitted it many times) have been trained/trained themselves to forget inconvenient facts like Brooks being on probation and having no business out drinking and driving in the first place. They also don't understand policing as well as they should. Those officers had a sworn duty to arrest Brooks once it was determined that he was in violation of the law, they could not let him go.

Howard said...

Bagoh2o: What has the Second Amendment done to stop or slow down the anti-culture movement. It's been accelerating gaining momentum running downhill for daylight. You people keep threatening with your stockpiles of Arsenal's and nothing but crickets. It's always mañana mañana mañana. Keep this up, ICE will mistake you for illegals and deport you.

Birkel said...

My one comment in that older thread is still accurate.
The effort toward power ends with a rejection of the Leftist Collectivists or death and destruction.

You must resist the Left.
It is existential.

Lawrence Person said...

I've put up the entire interview, along with commentary, here.

Hopefully it will garner lots of views...

bagoh20 said...

Both these guys are way late. They were part of the problem back when it actually could have been averted. They refused to see the evidence, becuase of who was pointing it out - conservatives. They both imagine themselves as outside that group, as smarter, morally superior, more reasonable, and evidence-based, but they were not that. The fact is that they sold themselves on stereotypes of people on the right. The people warning them were not just the radicals who the media and left calls "right wing", the warnings were also coming from people much more like them: reasonable, fact-based and peace loving, known as conservatives. This is also the problem with voting. Too many people buy into the stereotypes, the bogymen that they imagine on the right fed them by the left. It's lazy and dumb, and yes, you guys were lazy and dumb. People like you are who got us here. I bet you fall for it again in November and beyond.

bagoh20 said...

It irritates me the way Weinstein sucks up the praise loaded on him by Rogan, who doesn't know how late Weinstein is on all this. Weinstein has that smug look on him like he's just been noticed as the smartest guy in the room. Fuck you, leftie. You only cared when they came after you. Any non-intellectual could have warned you about that, but you wouldn't listen to the rubes, and you will vote for more of this crap, becuase you are dumb.

chuck said...

It's a left bubble perspective, and a nice change seeing where it is coming from, but there is little new to anyone who has been following events for the last several decades. They also seem to have no understanding that Trump was elected on a platform that was a direct response to the problems they identify and that the resistance to Trump comes from the established interests they decry. Limiting themselves to the left leaves them nowhere to go for a solution.

bagoh20 said...


Who would you suggest I shoot first to fight a culture war, artists, protesters, activist, professors, wrong-thinkers?

Nobody has threatened me or my family in a way that would require or allow me to legally act in self-defense with deadly force. You see, I'm law-abiding, peace-loving, and moral. That's why people like me are only warning people, not burning down their property or assaulting them. People like me don't use violence unless confronted with it. That's what separates us from those who don't respect human rights or rule of law - appearantly people you support.

There is no need for this to cost lives, but it could cost many, and it would be irresponsible to let that happen without at least a warning to those who might not understand how serious this game can get. More people should be warning the mindless about where they are going. You are not doing them or anybody else a favor by letting them think it's just a game. People will die on all sides, and even those who try to stay on the sidelines. It's not like this is a new thing in human history.

I employ dozens of people. Most are young, many are Black, and most are minorities. and I suspect some would side against me in such a conflict, becuase they simply don't know any better. So far we all have gotten along very well, and I care deeply about these people, becuase they are working people contributing to our community, and that's what I respect most. I don't want any of them to get hurt just because they don't understand what's at stake. They need to understand this is not a game, not a street festival, not a party. Being the people who will be stuck with the result the longest, they have the most to lose.

Michael K said...

It's always mañana mañana mañana. Keep this up, ICE will mistake you for illegals and deport you.

Another reason to doubt Howard's boast about being a Marine. Nobody leaves a good defensive position and goes out looking for a fight unless you have to.

We all know you lefties are trying to get Trump to do a Kent State. He is waiting to be asked by the Dims who run these shithole places. Meanwhile we watch you lefties burn down your own cities. Shooting this morning in Seattle CROP. Cops and firemen not allowed in. As if they want to go in there. One more dying lefty.

chuck said...

> If I see you out here again tonight, I'm going to throw the book at you."

My advisor told me of getting chased by the sheriff firing shots from his .45. "He wasn't trying to hit you?" I asked. "Of course not," he said.

rhhardin said...

It's less mysterious. The problem is that you have to be a racist to help.

You have to say:

1. American blacks have an average IQ of 86.

2. Any aggregated measure of success (e.g. lieutenants' exam) divided by race will show that IQ difference.

3. This difference, to prevent (1) from being the obvious explanation, claims that it's because there's systemic racism. (Disparate outcome means racism, legal result.)

4. The left side of the IQ curve is very suggestible, in particular to "The reason you're not doing well is white racism."

5. Instead of giving a reason to advance on good character rather than IQ, it discourages good character by driving it out with resentment, making these same blacks unemployable.

6. Riots.

Better solution: Blacks have an average IQ of 86, so it's necessary to teach good character above all, as the ticket to success. Show up on time, do the job, and even do extra.

Which black schools exactly fail to do.

cubanbob said...

What Howard doesn't get is the eventually tomorrow does come. What he conveniently forgets is that all this garbage is occurring in Democrat cities. When the garbage tries to spill over into non Democrat cities there won't be the welcoming committee the trash was expecting.

DanTheMan said...

Joe asks: Why didn't they just call Rayshard Brooks an Uber, and park his car for him?

I had to laugh. That's *exactly* what we used to have the discretion to do in DUI stops. I did that many times.
Then along came MADD, and made DUI (mostly justified in my opinion) a much more serious offense. Politics took over and department after department started implementing "zero tolerance" polices for DUI, and arrests went way up.

As an aside, I would usually park a block or so away and wait a few minutes after the cab took the driver away. Every now and then, I'd see the cab pull back up to the car and the driver get out and back behind the wheel. At least for me, that guaranteed you were going to get arrested and taken to jail.

DanTheMan said...

>>Those officers had a sworn duty to arrest Brooks once it was determined that he was in violation of the law, they could not let him go.

That is complete bullshit!!!

Police *DO NOT* have a sworn duty to arrest people.
It's the opposite: an arrest is generally the last resort, not the first.

Officers let obviously guilty people go all the time. Go watch Live PD or COPS. It won't be long before you see a cop give somebody a break who obviously is guilty of a crime.

Officers generally have significant discretion about whether or not to make an arrest. I've dumped felony amounts of weed on the ground rather than ruin the lives of a bunch of kids during a traffic stop.

The general exception is a warrant. That's an order from a judge to take somebody into custody, so you really have no latitude or could be (theoretically) found in contempt.

Departments adopt zero tolerance polices for certain crimes (DUI, spouse battery, child endangerment, etc.) and then you stuck. It removes your discretion so you have to take them in no matter what the circumstances are.

DanTheMan said...

>>That was all over when he blew a 0.1

0.10 was the standard for DUI in Florida for many years. MADD's nationwide campaign got that reduced to 0.08.

Generally, 0.1 isn't "passed out drunk" so I suspect there was some other reason he was asleep. For a guy his size, a few beers could easily get him to that level.

Don't get me wrong.. he had no business driving and the fact that he fell asleep in a drive through is pretty convincing proof that he was seriously impaired.

What stood out to me is the 45 minutes or so for the traffic stop. That seems like a long time to make an arrest determination.

Sebastian said...

Now check out Eric Weinstein for some righteous rants.

le Douanier said...


If you listen to the whole podcast you can hear them going on and on about how the libs are going completely shut down STEM. At some point it is quickly (one time) stated that this was a one day thing that was meant to bring attention to the lack of diversity in those fields, but all the rest of the jabber was about what would happen after the left completely stopped all STEM.

There’s no way that Bret didn’t know this was a BS claim. And, I wouldn’t be surprised if Joe knew it too, especially since there was one correct sentence buried in a huge conversation about an alternative universe.

Anywho, if you wanted a sign that Bret loves the idea of unrestrained and unaccountable power, you only need to listen to what he says. He is pushing a P and VP that should not tell the American people what they would plan to do if they were elected. Just vote for them and let them do what they (and their best and brightest pals) decide is best for you. That’ll fix the big problems of America, i.e. transgender studies and such. Keep focussed on the terrible PC culture where the libs put rapist dudes in little girl bathrooms, and such. Your angry comments mean that you are smart. Not a shell game sucker.

Plus Bret sounds like a weirdo when he says Greider should share her Nobel with him.

The other Weinstein has a similarly odd beef. He likes to jabber that that the physics community doesn’t recognize that he’s discovered the theory of everything. Of course he won’t produce publishable work to back this up, but that’s because.....something to do w/ everybody sux but him. Also he likes going on Rogan to trash Sean Carroll as a loser who couldn’t get tenure. Which seems kinda lame. As if Eric doesn’t want Rogan talking to another physicist type person.

Ii seems that those two brothers have a lifetime of jabbering to each other re how they are the smartest and bestest people eva, and all the dumb dumbs are out to get them. They have no feel re how objective people hear them from outside this bubble.

Spiros said...

Why civil war? Why not something like France's reign of terror? In France, weak institutions (such as the Catholic Church) and a population enamored with change produced an increasing level of violence that the leaders lacked the ability or willingness to stop or control. Sound familiar?

Earnest Prole said...

The “Civil War” we’ve experienced this past month is entirely confined to very blue cities and represents a struggle between the capitalist and socialist wings of the Democratic Party — between whites who got their BS degrees in highly lucrative fields and whites who got their BA degrees in wokeness. Black Lives are a mere pretext.

Achilles said...

Howard said...
Bagoh2o: What has the Second Amendment done to stop or slow down the anti-culture movement. It's been accelerating gaining momentum running downhill for daylight. You people keep threatening with your stockpiles of Arsenal's and nothing but crickets. It's always mañana mañana mañana. Keep this up, ICE will mistake you for illegals and deport you.

You are a stupid person.

So far you and your dumb ass friends are just burning down the blue cities you dominate.

I would be risking jail time to save a bunch of assholes from the consequences of voting for democrats.

I have no good reasons to do that.

Though admittedly it isn't hard to be smarter than you, we out here in deplorable land generally are.

Luke Lea said...

rhhardin: "Better solution: Blacks have an average IQ of 86, so it's necessary to teach good character above all, as the ticket to success. "

That and work that will allow them to lead rich and fulfilling lives. Society has to be shaped to fit the human material it actually has, not as it wishes it was. Shipping low-skilled manufacturing jobs overseas while letting in tens of millions of low-skilled immigrants from the third world are about the two worst moves one could possibly imagine. The Clintons are partly to blame, but there is plenty more to go around.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" In France, weak institutions (such as the Catholic Church) and a population enamored with change produced an increasing level of violence that the leaders lacked the ability or willingness to stop or control. "

Just how big is this population "enamored with change?" The US population is 330 million. The protesters and rioters in all cities are a tiny, loud-mouthed, destructive fraction of the population. Their clamor for revolution is amplified by the media.

The leaders who lack the ability or willingness to stop the nonsense, are, by and large, Democrat mayors and governors. The Left is hoping that Trump will have his Kent State moment. So they're letting their own cities be trashed.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

BTW, in the wonderful Utopia of CHOP, one person was killed last night and another was severely wounded. Police were barred from the mob from entering.

Somehow, I doubt that the persons attacked were deplorables. Perhaps they triggered someone by not using the correct pronouns.

In the French Revolution, the leftists killed the aristos and Enemies of the People before they started to murder each other. Our leftists have skipped the first part and have commenced murdering each other right off the bat. Carry on, kiddies.

PluralThumb said...

9:55 to 12:00 minutes time frame took my interest. Besides the system rigged to favor some but not all, the system in retrospect causes confusion through comfort and in addition causes discomfort to say least to progress with the ease of systematic continium. The system also allowes gaps for progression or fault (in a biblical sense). Lazy or crazy game balance per say. Yes we are overpopulated, but as families, we do not require much. Maybe the system's future experiment is at the apex, outside of words and numbers. Extermination is a difficult art form. Much land is deserted. People disagree. People are sick. No single person is immortal. Childhood curiousities are. Diligence or negate, either or sides. Que cera, cera or co cosi cosa in French.
Good clip.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

From the Seattle PD:

"On June 20th, at approximately 2:30 AM, East Precinct officers responded to a report of shots fired in Cal Anderson Park. This is inside the area referred to as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP). Officers attempted to locate a shooting victim but were met by a violent crowd that prevented officers safe access to the victims. Officers were later informed that the victims, both males, had been transported to Harborview Medical Center by CHOP medics.

Officers responded to Harborview and were informed that one of the victims, a 19-year-old male, had died from injuries. The other victim, also a male, unknown age, remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries."

The Summer of Love. Why, it's like a street festival!

Seattle PD have also found bags filled with human remains. They washed up on the beach. Ted Bundy in Hell must be cursing that he is unable to take advantage of the situation in his hometown right now. Chaos, police hamstrung and despised, an incompetent leftist mayor - what a golden opportunity for a serial killer.

Howard said...

Ok I got it. You are completely and totally telegraphing your plan and bragging about all of your armaments identifying yourselves as targets and sources of needed supplies for your enemy. Your plan is to wait as long as possible until your family is finally in danger (which is never going to happen) to take action then you've already lost.

we already know that you're not setting up any cells you're not establishing emergency radio communications you're not doing any sort of training together you just a bunch of loan nuts sitting on top of a pile of weapons in bullets stoking fear within your soul. Quite sad really.

Michael K said...

What stood out to me is the 45 minutes or so for the traffic stop. That seems like a long time to make an arrest determination.

The video suggests they didn't really want to arrest him and maybe got a call about the warrant.

PluralThumb said...

I do enjoy cereal, but homocide is illegal. Also suicide. 2 extremes of the law, in due respect to faul play. I'm not a legal advisor, nor a baseball ref.

- Done with chaos, or learning.

Fernandinande said...

From Steve Hsu, "Senior Vice-President for Research and Innovation, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Michigan State University"

"President Stanley asked me this afternoon for my resignation.* I do not agree with his decision, as serious issues of Academic Freedom and Freedom of Inquiry are at stake."


*Reason = slight to moderate deviation from speech codes.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rogan is clueless when he quotes anything the race hustler Mark Lamont Hill said.

Drago said...

Biden's very racist past will certainly be a part of this campaign and I look forward to hearing him explain it all away.

D.M. Collins said...

his guy is clearly an Ann Coulter type. He has nothing to say that a 30 second google search can't disprove, but that's not the point for him: he just wants to say a bunch of shocking stuff to bug the libruls while still pretending to be on the left, which he's not.

The truth is, there have been protests about police violence for years because there have been countless incidents of police violence TO protest. Even if you don't think black people should be believed when they tell us about all the violence from cops that they're witnesses to, there are many, many reputable places amongst pollsters, academics, and even FBI statistics to find that data, and as a professor, he should look in that closet before pretending there's not a monster in it.

And you know what? I suspect he has at least glanced at SOME of the data. To craft lies this intricate, you have to know what the facts are so you can meander around them. But because he wants to get on Joe Rogan's show and be the next Jordan Peterson, he instead is cherry picking data where he can and avoiding the rest altogether.

And so it's highly offensive that he would call this a "bogeyman," because he should know better. He should know that, even if he does think one incident of police murdering a guy was somehow justified, there have been hundreds of other ones. And while some on the right might say "well, blacks commit more crimes--they're more likely to kill cops," the data doesn't back that assertion. You can crunch the data differently by what years and types of police brutality you look at, etc, but across the board, all the data shows that blacks are killed between 2 times to 3 times more often than whites by cops despite being one-and-a-half times LESS likely to be carrying a gun than whites at the time of police interaction. And yes, this is despite blacks not nearly being even within throwing distance of being 2 to 3 times as likely to be criminals ...

D.M. Collins said...

... And it doesn't just stop with police murders, any more than harassment against women stops with sexual assault. Black communities also have to deal with the constant threats to their personal freedoms. They have been harassed by racially profiling, stop-and-frisk cops for decades (and before that, it was a lot worse than just stop-and-frisk, as the song "Strange Fruit" can attest to). And there's no way to twist the data to show that they "deserve" it--for example, blacks are about as likely to take drugs as whites, but in many places they are three times as likely to get legal repercussions or even jail time for it.

Can you even imagine what it must be like to know that every time your kid leaves the house, he might be targeted by the police? He might be doing absolutely nothing; he might be getting into the normal high-school hijinks that many of us got into; or maybe he's even a bonafide troublemaker. But regardless of whether he's minding his own business or not, he's far likelier than a white teenager to be arrested, to be assaulted, to be searched, or even killed by cops, only to have a bunch of white commenters who pretend to be apolitical say that he deserved it. It may seem crazy to us who have never lived under that kind of pressure, but it's very real to the people who have to live that way. And if we're ignoring it, or outright pretending it's a "bogeyman," then we're part of the problem. We're accepting or even promoting a situation in which blacks are treated as second-class citizens. And even if we're not going out and shouting the "n-word" at them, that means we're participating in systemic racism.

And do we analyze ourselves and think of ways we can help? No, we get offended! And then we make it a worse crime, not only in our minds but in speeches by people like this, to hurt our feelings than to state the facts. We harass blacks for even just telling us that they have been harassed. ...

D.M. Collins said...

... And that's why this dude's complaints about young people not letting him talk are ridiculous. The black community has been trying to get this "dialogue" going for years, and has only been crapped on for trying. When countless peaceful marches and protests happened, no one listened. When about 3% of the time, a protester might have thrown a trashcan down or had the audacity to throw back a teargas canister that the cops threw at her, people like this called the entire protest a violent "mob." Funny, isn't it, that protesters have to be 101% perfect little angels to not be decried as hoodlums, but a cop would basically has to carve a swastika into someone's face before people like this will call them violent or racist? (99% of all incidents of officers involved ion police killings were never even charged with anything.)

And what's super frustrating is that, based on this blog post and these comments I'm reading, none of you will actually be reading this and engaging with it anyway. If you're convinced that the progressive movement is somehow on Team Biden, you clearly have no interest in what progressives have to say.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Here are just some of the many sources where you can get the data for yourself. I wish this guy would do the same:


Jon Burack said...

This was a very irritating exchange.

First, Weinstein was in no way one of the first to warn of the kind of thing emerging now in the streets up out of academia where it has been nurtured. The National Association of Scholars, for instance, was opposing exactly this same mindset in the 1990s, and I KNOW that I was not the first to warn it would morph into society at large, but I was myself doing that long before Evergreen. As were many others. So give us a break on that.

Secondly, Rogan went off the track here with his complete mangling of the obviously justified handcuffing of Brooks at the Wendy's in Atlanta. Someone else here already referenced Andrew McCarthy on that. Look it up. The larger point is that the police are by and large NOT in need of vast reformation. Weinstein was totally at odds with himself on that, actually, in his recognition of how vital strong policing is in the very neighborhoods the dilettante white BLM fans pretend to care about.

Third, ALL that OWS b.s. about the need for deep structural change and the economic roots of all this rage is a total distraction. There surely is an economic dimension to poverty in poor black neighborhoods, and white ones as well. However, if you want to see a group with a strong sense of the kinds of solutions needed, look to the 1776 project, emerging in opposition to the hideous 1619 Project (whose hateful framing of all of American history has pretty near taken over not only the protest movement, but the media.) The 1776 project is shepherded by Robert Woodson and his Woodson Center and includes two terrific people whom Althouse has had clips of here - Glenn Loury and John McWhorter. These people are NOT Marxist radicals and they understand very well what the real issues are facing black Americans and plenty of white Americans as well. Check them out.

In the end Weinstein also inadvertently acknowledged the uselessness of his Marxist structural b.s. when he reverted to an understanding that it is our constitutional order of LIMITED government and checks and balances that has in the past saved us and hopefully will again. Bret Weinstein is an attractive figure in that his Marxism is at war in his own soul with his deeper understanding of and respect for our liberal (in the true sense) culture. I hope his better nature ultimately gets the better of him. It has happened to others, I can assure you.

Leigh said...

@ Timijin (sorry — sp?) said:

“If you think that those who would have the US undone have nothing to do with this, you are not looking far enough. This is too well-coordinated at this stage.”

Quite right. There is big money behind this. One provable trail is Soros’s support for liberal Democrats in local district attorney races. Whether he’s involved here, I cannot prove; I can only speculate.

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