Way to use your imagination @TheJuanWilliams - but this isn’t happening. 43 doesn’t intend to be used as click-bait during a presidential election. Lots of other stuff to talk about though!— Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) June 1, 2020
Juan Williams: Bush could strike blow for Biden | TheHill https://t.co/Emw6YxQU24
ADDED: Trump could easily use this against Biden. Consider "Joe Biden’s Vote for War/In October 2002, he was one of 77 senators who gave President George W. Bush the authority to use force in Iraq. He is still trying to explain that choice" (NYT, January 2020):
Nearly two decades later, Mr. Biden, who by 2005 was calling that vote a mistake, is running for president in part on his foreign policy experience, emphasizing his commander-in-chief credentials at a moment of heightened tensions between the United States and Iran. Yet the Iraq war vote is part of the extensive record he cites, and he has struggled to accurately account for it on the campaign trail, repeatedly suggesting he opposed the war and Mr. Bush’s conduct from the beginning, claims that detailed fact checks have deemed wrong or misleading.Trump was always against the Iraq war. A Bush endorsement for Biden would be a great way to alienate Bernie Sanders supporters.
GWB isn’t that stupid. Juan is just trying to attract attention.
Trump had the approval of 95% of the Republican Party. What's Bush's constituency nowadays? All of the people who wish Jeb was president?
Trump made Jeb Bush his bitch, but I doubt W would jeopardize his brand trying to get even.
Bush is known for ending the Iraq war after it was monitored and sustained through another president, stabilizing the economy following a recurring single/central-driven financial crisis with foreign influence. Is Bush the man... person that Democrats have been dreaming of?
I used to view Williams as a dedicated leftist, but with some rational thinking. Perhaps Fox asked him to up the volume or provide greater counter weight. In any case he's sprinted towards irrational quickly.
So, instead of Bush, I'll wait for Williams to strike a blow for sanity in his next on-air time.
Come to think of it, the Bush thing is more likely.
Does Fox know Dana is still working for Bush 43? Her comments sure look like it.
An endorsement from one corporate warmonger to another. Perfect.
Dubya could endorse Biden. It’s his right. But it would make him even more irrelevant in the post-Obama GOP. And I think he knows it.
Put the bong down, Juan!
How? We were told that Bush was Hitler by the corrupt left for 8 years.,
F the left.
HI GWB - remember how the corrupt asshole left blamed you for seeding the clouds to a hurricane because you hate black people. ?
Yeah - you should endorse that asshole party.
Serious Question
Assuming that Actually Happened; would in increase, or decrease President Trump's poll numbers?
Endorsements are meaningless and sometimes counterproductive. Any discussion of them is meaningless blather.
Have you ever changed your vote based on an endorsement?
No one should care what this dirtbag says.
The Bushes are mad at Trump because Trump did not let Jeb Bush win more than delegates in 2016.
Bush the Blockhead actually said this, amid the ruin of 911,
"The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.
"When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace."
Oh, Laura Bush, you and the country could have done so much better.
Bush is inept. Nice guy, but just standing on the sidelines, doing no harm, providing no help. Not a leader.
Williams hasn't had an original thought in his whole life, all he does is repeat the party talking points. Useful idiot.
I take enormous pleasure in knowing both of Juan Williams sons are Conservatives.
I find it hard to believe Juan believes half the crap that comes out of his mouth.
I think it's funny that an endorsement by one our worst Presidents in recent memory, who allowed 9/11 on his watch and who presided over the debacle that was the Iraq War, should be considered a positive.
That will teach Trump not to fight the establishment!
It would bring exactly one vote. Not even. His vote is no secret.
The Bushes are mad at Trump because Trump did not let Jeb Bush win more than THREE delegates in 2016.
I can see Bush joining his old boy upper crust buddies. If they were respected it might make a difference, but they are no longer respected.
Biden already Romney's Endorsement - or at least neutrality. Plus, we all know that McCain would be supporting Biden if he were still alive.
Frankly, I wish Bush *would* endorse Biden, because Biden is the globalist, open borders, outsourcing, New World Order Establishment candidate. McCain's funeral said it all. Clinton/Obama/Bush all there in a row, like peas in a pod, and Trump deliberately and publicly NOT invited.
Bush endorsing Biden would be a gift to Trump.
Imagine the riffs: These two guys who gave you the Iraq war; I am in the process of ending bad wars. That guy gave you the Katrina fiasco; I am stepping in to help devastated neighborhoods. The economy imploded under him; it revived with me.
How? We were told that Bush was Hitler by the corrupt left for 8 years.,
HI GWB - remember how the corrupt asshole left blamed you for seeding the clouds to a hurricane because you hate black people. ?
Comment, but don't bother trying to top those.
pamala palz said...
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Is the comment moderator on this site asleep at the switch....?
Both Bushes were poor presidents.
Fuck those guys.
Endorsements mean fuck-all.
Endorsements are meaningless and sometimes counterproductive. Any discussion of them is meaningless blather.
Didn't Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Biden effectively save his campaign?
"Trump was always against the Iraq war."
Not according to Williams...
Trump, for his part, has been quick to call out Bush by name. He falsely claimed to have been “among the earliest” to oppose Bush’s decision to go to war in Iraq.
There's a lot of "rebuking" and "debunking" in William's article.
Congressional Republicans can’t even stand up to rebuke President Trump for falsely accusing a cable news host of murder...
In a 2017 speech, Bush seemed to be rebuking the current president...
Also in 2017, when Trump failed to unequivocally rebuke white nationalists
Trump also continues to push the debunked “Obamagate” conspiracy
Maybe Jeb! will hold a press conference to endorse Biden - but nobody shows up or cares.
Hopefully, the Bush dynasty is over. Not so fast, there's a Hispanic George P. Bush percolating in Texas to assume his rightful appointment to the Texas governorship at the appropriate time . After him, there'll be a transgendered Bush granddaughter ready to take on DC or Texas in 2032.
Actually Bush endorsing Biden makes a lot of sense. They are both experts at fixing things so their families can keep their snouts in the government trough.
Didn't Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Biden effectively save his campaign?
It's arguable; maybe an exception to my assertion.
I will add this - I rely upon endorsements in the non-partisan local races fo rthe candidates I don't know. I look up the endorsements for the judicial, school board and city races so I know who NOT to vote for.
Bush would help Trump if he endorsed Biden. I agree with that.
What is more important today, as pointed out by Tucker Carlson last night, is the pandering by Pence and Haley about the riots.
I see no way either is a 2024 winner. I am assuming that Trump wins big this November.
Biotrekker said...I think it's funny that an endorsement by one our worst Presidents in recent memory, who allowed 9/11 on his watch and who presided over the debacle that was the Iraq War, should be considered a positive.
By people who hated him with a passion, compared him to Hitler, and liked to draw him as a monkey.
tommyesq said...
Endorsements are meaningless and sometimes counterproductive. Any discussion of them is meaningless blather.
Didn't Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Biden effectively save his campaign?
Endorsements are important during the primary because electability is a key issue.
Headline: Former Hitler endorsement sought to oust present Hitler
"A Bush endorsement for Biden would be a great way to alienate Bernie Sanders supporters."
Not even. A great many of them caved - just like Bernie did - and supported Hillary to stop bad orange man. They will do the same again.
In fact, I want to know how much of this organized rioting is being brought to you by the Bernie organization. I'm remembering Bernie's campaign people waxing poetic about communism. Chaos, destruction, and death seem right up their alley. They certainly have the infrastructure to provide support.
I think a GWB endorsement of Biden would be wonderful and clarifying. What better demonstration that Establishment Republicans and Democrats are really on the same team.
Too bad Bernie didn’t get the nomination, perhaps there would have been no riots, or poor Bernie would have to come out in support burning down cities. Otherwise he would have to diss his crew.
Agree that Bush endorsing Biden would help Trump more than Biden. Which is why Bush will not do it.
Bush will not endorse Biden but not because it would hurt his (Bush's) "brand", Bush actually has no brand at all, but because Bush knows it would hurt his preferred candidate, Slow Joe.
Trump voters could only dream of getting Bush to go public for Biden.
It would be perfect.
It's not clear just how against the Iraq war Trump was, but Bush will sit this one out, like he did the last few years of his own presidency.
Jeb, though, has nothing to lose. Maybe MSNBC will give him his own show.
tommyesq: "Didn't Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Biden effectively save his campaign?"
Yes and no.
Clyburns endorsement was part and parcel of the SC democrat machine getting the democrat primary black vote out for Biden.
Machine pol endorsements in primaries do matter.
Didn't Jim Clyburn's endorsement of Biden effectively save his campaign?
It's an interesting question a couple of levels for me. First, was it so much an endorsement or was it the Democrat political machine in SC churning away and two, there were many of us here that never for a moment believed Biden's campaign needed saving. Sure he lost IA and NH but as they say in investing past performance is not indicative of future results. THere was a narrative presented but we all know about leftie media narratives...
That would cement Bush’s legacy as a good hearted doofus but for all the soldiers who died to get the guy “who put out a contract on [his] dad.”
"A Bush endorsement for Biden would be a great way to alienate Bernie Sanders supporters."
Probably not. At a Thanksgiving dinner 15 years ago a relative insisted that he hated, hated Bush. A couple of years ago, the same relative said he thought Bush was a pretty good President but that he hated, hated Trump. New day, new reality for Progs.
Obama just barely endorsed Biden. It's a stretch to think Bush would come running. But Presidents' minds get mushy as they get older. Bush reaching out and embracing Biden (or Trump) would be less embarrassing than reaching out and embracing everybody in range, like Biden (and George H.W.) have done.
I’m so old I remember when Eisenhower said “Don’t get involved in a land war on the mainland of Asia” and Kennedy/Johnson said “Hold my beer”.
Juan Williams is a Democrat from an earlier era who follows the current party line because he doesn't know what else to do, and because he's paid to represent that point of view. He's something like a Blue Dog or a Yellow Dog Democrat who wouldn't have gone where the party did if it were up to him, but isn't going to make waves. That's why he gets along so well with Perino. I don't have a problem with him.
"Is the comment moderator on this site asleep at the switch....?"
I figure it was left in as a bit of humor. Like an ad for underwear for the deaf. (Boomer reference)
Another chicken or egg, leading indicator or trailing indicator question. One endorsement may not change anyone's mind. Many endorsements indicate that the candidate who isn't endorsed is unpopular with prominent people and therefore may have something wrong or be deficient in their eyes. Does this motivate people to vote for the endorsed candidate? Or do people figure that the Establishment is always wrong and vote for the candidate the Establishment rejects? Or is it just a wash - no influence one way or the other?
I think if more Republicans had endorsed Goldwater and more labor leaders had endorsed McGovern, they would still have lost, but not by so much. Nowadays a Bush or Romney endorsement of Biden would probably strengthen Trump's hand. He already lost those people last time, and more people probably dislike Romney and the Bushes than like them at this point.
Wait a minute--wasn't Bush Hitler? The party line keeps switching so frequently it's hard for this old duffer to keep up. I'd appreciate it if Inga, ARM or one of the other party-line Eloi who post here could fill me in: Is Trump Hitler this week, or not Hitler enough?
who allowed 9/11 on his watch
This is a bullshit, leftwing turd of a statement.
Just what should Bush have done to stop 9/11?
Even a Chimp knows Biden is the better choice.
Correctamundo Jim at: 9/11 was all on Ronnie Raygun. He let Iran slaughter Marines and Sailors, pulled out with tail between legs, then sold them missiles. He armed Al Qaeda in A-Stan and became Paki ISI's bitch. The paper tiger shit from the original chickenhawk was a giant "kick me" sign to islamo-faschists.
Trump was always against the Iraq War.
Well no. That's what he claims, but it's not true. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/29/politics/fact-check-trump-false-claim-opposed-iraq-invasion/index.html
A sign that even careful self proclaimed neutrals can get numbed by repeated falsehoods.
Bush is not going to endorse Joe Biden.
Very few people will be voting for Joe Biden in November. For the most part, incumbent elections are an up/down vote on the incumbent.
I read somewhere that there have only been 3 elected presidents who did not win re-election since 1900...Carter, Hoover, Taft.
Libtards say that since Trump did not go full Cindy Sheehan useful idiot for Saddam, he did not really oppose the war.
I can't wait to see Maureen Dowd's column on this:
"Bush could ... blow ..
Hitler dreamed of his 1000 yr Reich, and that his name would become like Caesar, a title adopted by strong leaders. Like the German Kaiser and Russian Czar both used Caesar's name as a title. Part of his dream is coming true. All US Republican presidents have been awarded the title of Hitler.
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