Tweeted Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit who's now given up his position as CEO, quoted in "CEO steps down after inflammatory George Floyd comments/A major sponsor and affiliated gyms dropped their partnerships after Greg Glassman invoked Floyd's name when complaining about coronavirus restrictions" (NBC).
The Institute had tweeted "Racism and discrimination are critical public health issues that demand an urgent response. #BlackLivesMatter." Glassman's response was, first, the disastrously curt: "It's FLOYD-19." A few hours later, he expanded his idea:
Your failed model quarantined us and now you're going to model a solution to racism? George Floyd's brutal murder sparked riots nationally. Quarantine alone is "accompanied in every age and under all political regimes by an undercurrent of suspicion, distrust, and riots." Thanks!Glassman had also said some things behind the scenes that made his problem worse. BuzzFeed reports that — in a Zoom call with gym owners — Glassman was asked why Crossfit's website didn't have a statement addressing the death of George Floyd. Glassman was recorded saying: “We're not mourning for George Floyd — I don't think me or any of my staff are.... Can you tell me why I should mourn for him? Other than that it’s the white thing to do — other than that, give me another reason.”
It’s the white thing to do... Who talks like that? To my ear, it sounds like left-wing critique of of white people — that white people are making these pious statements of empathy and support, and it's not really enough, it's fake and shallow, and he's the one who wants a real revolution. But it could also be someone who wants to stay out of politics and resists pressure to do what everyone else is doing. He might be using "white" in the sarcastic sense of the phrase "That's mighty white of you." In that light, it might be a way to say: Putting up those statements is virtue signaling.
In any case, Glassman was hurting his business, which was a brand that other businesses needed to want to pay to adopt as their own. That leaves little room for adamant self-defense.
In that light, it might be a way to say: Putting up those statements is virtue signaling.
This one.
"Racism and discrimination are critical public health issues that demand an urgent response"
Public health issues?
Not really.
If he did mean that putting up those statements is virtue signalling, he wasn't wrong. It is.
90%, at a minimum, of the public statements and actions of people not directly related to the George Floyd case are virtue signalling.
I’m sure the mob will accept his nuance.
As they demand their own.
On the contrary, he's the only corporate guy standing up for common sense against the mob hysteria memes. If the board backed him, the company would gain chick-fill-a levels of support for going against the George Floyd insanity. Corporate courage.
It's the white thing to do refers to the self-hating "good whites," the lefties, about half (?) the white population. It disparages their fake emotion.
Floyd-19 is a zinger like the stuff I do, for the same reason. Ridicule of the self-regarding mob.
I think what Glassman meant was that it seems to be a requirement that whites must express liberal guilt and make statements about systemic racism, etc.
The shocker to me is how so many of his franchisees jumped ship.
Max craziness.
Rioting is the new crossFit.
Throwing bricks and tossing flaming barrels is good exercise.
Add in the cardiovascular of running from the police, and you have a regimen.
I am Laslo.
"In any case, Glassman was hurting his business, which was a brand that other businesses needed to want to pay to adopt as their own. That leaves little room for adamant self-defense."
Which validates his argument that the action of publicly mourning the death of Floyd and supporting the anti-violence, anti-racism protesters is just cynical virtue signalling or, in his words, "the white thing to do".
The company I work for chose the path of virtue by sending a company wide email to the employees about our support and commitment for the cause. It then published a public notice of support on our website. Brand protected.
Many companies did the same. My email inbox is full of similar notes from the various and sundry companies I am thereby connected to. It is clear from all this that, as you say, it is a current cost of doing business. Rather inexpensive in monetary terms.
With Floyd laid to rest this will all fade to nothing, only to be resurrected when Chauvin is acquitted.
He dared speak truth - the left demands his head.
Remember when it was popular for liberals to have a "Question Authority" bumper sticker?
"Coexist". That's another one you don't see any much anymore.
They're not liberals driving those Subarus and Volvos anymore. They're Progs now.
I wonder how many of them even realize their moral windsock has swung 180 degrees.
"Free Tibet" has also disappeared. Coincidence?
"It’s the white thing to do... Who talks like that? To my ear, it sounds like left-wing critique of of white people"
Not necessarily. Could be just a cynic who recognizes submissive virtue signaling for what it is.
He was hurting his business only because he was naive about prog hegemony in the culture.
A guy points out that an institution has lost trust and is trying to regain some trust by capitalizing on a person's death; yet he is the one hurting his brand?
I disagree.
He could have been more careful with how he made his point, but really that's just modifying speech and ignoring the truth of the points being made.
"Glassman was asked why Crossfit's website didn't have a statement addressing the death of George Floyd"
And that's the key to the whole matter. If you don't affirmatively knuckle under to the Leftists, they will endeavor to destroy you, with the help of their comrades in the media.
Welcome to the New World Order, comrade.
I hear on the radio news that the nation is mourning George Floyd.
"It's the white thing to do". Nailed it professor. He was hitting the liberal virtue signalers that don't have a solution for anything; had to step down because he was right, and white. We're doing great!
The Institute had tweeted "Racism and discrimination are critical public health issues that demand an urgent response
The number of Blacks murdered by White cops every year? Single digits. Floyd? I don't see race as a motivating factor. Chicago had its worst weekend of murdered Blacks in 30 years. Not a white person involved. No racism involved. A small number Black victims does not constitute a public health emergency. Black men refusing to rear the children the sire, sure looks like some sort of emergency. Back lives matter not to blacks the refuse to take responsibility for their own.
I'll give a shit for Black lives, at the first sign I see of Blacks fixing their own personal behavior.
Silence is violence.
Stay mute and listen.
We need a national conversation on race.
But don't disagree with what we are all saying. Don't express frustration that you are hurting while others virtue signal. That isn't allowed at this particular stage. Shut up and let us ruin you. We want to feel good about it.
As I read this, I can't help thinking of Wile E. Coyote, SuperGenius. He is manfully putting one step ahead of another while hovering over an empty canyon.
The hard part is determining just who Wiley represents in this moment of history. It's depressingly like trying to determine "who's the mark?" I may not want to know the answer.
He’s obviously making fun of white people tripping over themselves to apologize which he sees as virtue signaling plus paying protection against the mob by pandering.
CEOs were once admired for talking straight. Now they must take care not to be politically incorrect. Perhaps he should have said, "We're in the business of fitness, not politics. Period."
I don't need businesses that supply products and services totally unrelated to the issues of the day to chime in with their SJW statements.
I miss the simpler days of yore, when white people were evil because a teenager smirked at an Amerindian Elder™.
"I was trying to stick it to the [Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation] for their invalidated models resulting in needless, economy-wrecking, life-wrecking lockdown..."
The IHME's statement on racism is the worst kind of anecdotal, irrational pandering, and they should have "it" stuck to them. They sound more like a division of Buzzfeed than a reputable health organization.
“We're Not Mourning For George Floyd”
Gasp! What monsters they must be!
We're wearing a black mourning bonnets with black crepe veils over our faces for the next six months, so please don't hurt us.
How dare he?!?!
Remember, this is all about power. Nothing more.
...and when I saw they were announcing modeling a solution to our racial crisis, I was incredulous, angry, and overly emotional...
I share these emotions. When you see society repeating such blatant and damaging errors based on disturbingly faulty logic it's difficult to keep your emotions in check.
stevew said...
"In any case, Glassman was hurting his business, which was a brand that other businesses needed to want to pay to adopt as their own. That leaves little room for adamant self-defense."
Which validates his argument that the action of publicly mourning the death of Floyd and supporting the anti-violence, anti-racism protesters is just cynical virtue signalling or, in his words, "the white thing to do".
The point is, it doesn't matter whether or not he's right. He entered the field of politics and damaged his brand. If he wants to keep his brand safe, then he needs to stay out of political wrangling. In the current environment, "staying out of it" means issuing treacly anodyne statements about hating racism and working for a better world, like all his competitors are doing.
LOL! The sarcasm about it being the "white thing to do" really couldn't have been more obvious. Glassman nailed- coming from white people, it is all bullshit. I think black people are probably looking at all these virtue signalling white people with a mixture of amusement and contempt.
1. I read about Cross Fit before. This guy made a fortune because of extremely low franchise and licensing fees. In fact, it might not even be a franchise.
And his franchisees stabbed him in the back at the first opportunity in order to save what? $4k a year? But for the Cross Fit name and method, they don't have a business.
2. Reality in 2020 is that every corporation has to issue a sincere sounding press release or their silence is not only complicity, but violence.
Not only are people required to think the right thoughts, they get punished if they don't express them properly (e.g. All Lives Matter. Buildings Matter) or are merely silent. Ann had a good post on silence yesterday.
Free Speech is dead in this country. So is freedom of thought. (Except on the Althouse blog.)
Which validates his argument that the action of publicly mourning the death of Floyd and supporting the anti-violence, anti-racism protesters is just cynical virtue (signaling) or, in his words, "the white thing to do".
Repeat- cynical. White lefties are all proclaiming their racial virtue while basking in the ecstasy of the narratives of leftie twitter propagandists and crooked pollsters crafting narratives about how much all this is hurting President Trump.
Don’t be the first to stop mourning!
He may have hurt his business. I wonder, though, how many people are like me: I actively unfollowed on Facebook every entity that offered pandering "We support Black Lives Matter" posts. I blocked every email sender who sent me one. I don't shop on Amazon to be lectured on what I must or must not believe.
"I was sticking it to the IHME" sounds like Harvey Weinstein vowing to take on the NRA as he was being arrested. It's just futile grasping for another enemy to distract whoever's coming after you.
" They sound more like a division of Buzzfeed than a reputable health organization"
Perhaps the are not a reputable health organization but an organization designed to; a. make a profit by any means necessary in order to pay its members large salaries and b. provide employment for persons with other wise useless MSW degrees.
If I was a CEO I would just hire a twitter writer and then leave it the fuck alone. Nothing good will ever come from expressing a sincere opinion in this day and age. There may be a minor upside if everyone agrees with you (fat chance) but you are sure to piss off some customer no matter what you say. So why play?
What Mike Sylvester said on another post bears repeating:
The most likely cause of George FLoyd's death was heart failure (the disease process where you can breathe enough to say "I can't breathe") due to cardiac arrhythmia induced by poor underlying health, WuFLu, amphetamine, and possible other undetected toxins.
"Mr. Floyd died in police custody" is a true statement.
"Mr. Floyd died as a direct result of police malpractice" is an unproven allegation.
I was in a public place yesterday and they had George Floyd's Houston funeral on the television. In total, there were about 15-20 people in my room waiting for service at different points in the proceedings; people were entering and exiting for several hours. The only persons who were paying any attention to it were an elderly white man and a middle aged Hispanic woman and they were only watching some of the time. There were a half dozen black people there and they paid it no mind at all, or at least every time I looked up they were busy with their phones or eating lunch. Most of them were sitting such that they couldn't watch the TV if they wanted to. I found this surprising. I was probably paying more attention to the funeral than most of the crowd because I enjoy black Baptist church services. The passion and faith is quite moving and I even found the politicians thinly veiled "vote for me" speeches tolerable if somewhat annoying. The funeral was quite good.
Anyway, that is obviously a small sample size so take from it what you will. But I have no doubt that while the George Floyd death is a big deal - the riots attest to that - I have a suspicion that it is a huge massive nothing-has-ever-been-bigger deal for a relatively small percentage of population and significantly less important outside of the activist and Twitter crowd.
As to corporations, some of them are legitimately engaged in this issue. For others it is fairly obvious that many corporations are trying to profit or earn cheap goodwill from his death, which is rather disgusting. (Nike's entire marketing strategy is to latch themselves to social causes so no one notices that they are willing to all varieties of horrible things to make a buck.) Others are being pressured by the activist and Twitter crowd, who they pay more attention to than their own customers. There are a lot of bad actor corporations who are being celebrated by the very people the corporations are using as dupes.
As for the joke, that was in truly bad taste. That's (no pun intended) black comedy that is best left to soldiers out on the battlefield or doctors in the emergency room or other people who are in high stress environments and definitely not something that should have been shared by a CEO of any company on a public Twitter feed. Too soon, dude. I found it offensive and that is saying something.
I would be interested in Crack's take on this.
The other companies are run by Ivy League shit heels, almost all of whom happen to be moral scolds.
The Deplorables need to cancel their relationships with those companies, if we haven't already.
"I was trying to stick it to the [IHME] for their invalidated models resulting in needless, economy-wrecking, life-wrecking lockdown..."
"Stickin' it to the man"!
I have unsubscribed from a couple of companies that sent me stuff about BLM, Institutional Racism, etc.
I am going to them for a service, not for their moral posture.
I am making choices based on companies moral posturing.
I am VERY unhappy with Amazon for some of their political caused actions, such as:
1. Kicking Legal Insurrection off their Amazon Affiliate Program due to using the SPLC to filter.
2. Censorship of books. A couple of Sci Fi Writer got banned from Amazon.
3. Censorship of Roosh Books from Amazon.
4. Attempted censorship of a book on Covid 19, enough outcry it was allowed to be published.
5. BLM banner on their front page.
Companies that become Woke, Seem to go broke. They focus on their Wokeness, and forget their duty is to make a profit. Gillette is a textbook case of this.
For some perspective on Glassman's life work, see here:
The intersection of business and politics is never a good place for real people. It seems to be where all the fake people gather. -willie
The point is that the leftist thugs of America and their enablers are on a jihad to destroy freedom of speech
"You said something I don't like, so I'm going to destroy your life!"
The other day I warned Howard that leftists can keep up doing what they're doing, but eventually we're going to engage in the 9mm solution. IIRC, Yancey pointed out that Antifa is starting to wear body armor, so requires a higher caliber solution.
That's true, but irrelevant
The 9mm solution is going to be "right wing cancel culture." We don't control the social infrastructure, so we can't use that to destroy your life. But if leftists think we're just going to watch them destroy our lives for the "crime" of disagreeing with them, they're even more insane than it appears.
There is no freaking reason in the world why the people at a gym should be "mourning for George Floyd." Are you all mourning for David Dorn, the black former cop who was murdered by "peaceful protesters" while he was trying to protect a friend's pawn shot from the looters?
David Dorn's death was an actual tragedy. One caused by the leftist reaction to George Floyd's death. Should we destroy every business that doesn't have a message on its website mourning David Dorn's death?
9mm solution
from Buzzfeed ...
Hours before he posted a controversial tweet on Saturday night that has sparked backlash against his company, Greg Glassman, CrossFit's CEO and founder, told gym owners on a private Zoom call, “We're not mourning for George Floyd — I don't think me or any of my staff are,” according to a full recording of the meeting obtained by BuzzFeed News.
“Can you tell me why I should mourn for him? Other than that it’s the white thing to do — other than that, give me another reason,” he asked a Minneapolis gym owner who had questioned why the brand hadn’t posted a statement about the protests across the country after the death of George Floyd.
how foolish and tactlessly un-tactical can anyone be -
he had chance to standout by include all the other people killed by the "protesters/rioters" in his message of support if he wanted
I greatly admire Miles Vorkosigan who looks not just for path to victory but to arrange things so that all paths lead to victory.
Trump tries similar strategies for his selected tactics against his enemies
There is not going to be widespread civil unrest requiring armed response from regular suburban and rural citizens. If there was however they're not going to come at you like a bunch of zombies from The walking Dead. They will do it coordinated sneaky to identify your position then attack from the weakest sides. The most likely outcome is you people will go into a panic and make loads of mistakes wow the approaching enemy is calm and systemic. In the end they will kill you your family and then take your guns and ammunition and then use it on your neighbors and the next town over.
Your fantasy world might be a little bit more believable if you actually concentrated more on physical training network and training with other like-minded people and amateur radio communications. Putting the guns and ammo as the priority just shows how immature and pathetic you people are. it mirrors your same desire to have a pill cure your obesity caused heart disease and diabetes rather than diet and exercise.
Nary a dissenting word is to be tolerated. The Cultural Revolution and edukation kamps is where we are all heading if any of these Zinn-inspired lefties Is ever running the show.
- Krumhorn
Rippetoe wouldn't have resigned. I guess he's right about CrossFit after all.
Nice try, Howard, but a bit too transparent.
Pat Howard on the head.
That's right, Howard, all those urban thugs are just world class at sneaking through the shrubbery and trees, and not spooking the livestock / dogs / other pets that many houses have out in the sticks.
Will you be leading the way, Commando Howard?
But, here's a thought for you, Howie: how many times in US history have urban rioters successfully invaded the suburbs and rural areas?0?
Krumhorn whines like a baby at feeding time because the Looney leftard pussies are kicking ass and taking names. Bullies are not used to people fighting back. Remember however it's not too late to ditch your allegiance to president bone spurs and rejoin the human race.
“Your fantasy world might be a little bit more believable if you actually concentrated more on physical training network and training with other like-minded people and amateur radio communications. Putting the guns and ammo as the priority just shows how immature and pathetic you people are. it mirrors your same desire to have a pill cure your obesity caused heart disease and diabetes rather than diet and exercise.”
Imagine your reaction, and that of the left if groups on the right actually tried to train. We don’t have to guess - the answer is complete meltdown and panic by white supremest militias forming and practicing their evil ways a dozen non leftist gun owners get together, and bam, we hear about the spreading menace of white supremest militias.
And I think that you are wrong about the guns. In country after country, in Germany under Hitler, Cuba under the Castros, up through modern day Venezuela, the one thing that despots have to do to cement their power is gain control over the guns and ammunition. That isn’t going to happen in this country, and one reason is that the public massively outguns the government. If the government could go door to door seizing guns, it really wouldn’t matter. Too many guns are hidden. And they can’t. There aren’t enough federal and state police to do the job, if they seriously tried, and innocents started dying at their hands, they would start to be met with gunfire, and their own families would suffer the fates they were inflicting on others. Both sides know that the reason that we got our independence from the greatest military power in the world at that time was to a great extent because the citizenry was well armed.
If it’s okay for a company to fire, or otherwise punish, someone for exercising his free speech rights, why wasn’t it okay for a company to fire Blacks for exercising their voting rights, voting rights that they didn’t build, and only culturally appropriated?
The Left is built on a foundation of lies and filth.
Most of the CEOs of really big corporations are horrible people. If you are off-shoring factory production to China you have to know that you are harming working people in your own country while enriching a totalitarian regime that puts people into slave labor camps. And that is one of the least horrible things they do. So of course they are down with the cause. It doesn't cost them anything and all the horrible people they hang out with are down with the cause too. So while they may be abetting the destruction of their own country and the working people in it while enabling horrible human rights abuses abroad, that is all OK because they donated .00001% of the company's profits to BLM, put a slogan on their website, sent out an email, and most importantly hired some people suggested by BLM so they won't get picketed or boycotted.
Your fantasy world might be a little bit more believable if you actually concentrated more on physical training network and training with other like-minded people and amateur radio communications.
And of course, nobody on the right has had any military training whatsoever.
"Glassman was asked why Crossfit's website didn't have a statement addressing the death of George Floyd."
How about "We're a fitness company!"
If he insists on drawing parallel to COVID, he might mention both reactions involve massive overreach and hypocrisy without regard to consequence.
Oh, OK Bruce. You freely admit you people are bigmouth out of shape isolated incommunicado fat slobs with lots of guns and ammo but can't be bothered with the hard work of real training to capably back up your phony tough talk with action because it would scare us normal people?
You also confirmed my assertion that you people think guns and ammo are magic pills curing and preventing all ills of society with no other effort required.
Do you still fit into your Class A's, Ron?
I actively unfollowed on Facebook every entity that offered pandering "We support Black Lives Matter" posts.
Yep. Make sure you're also 'unliking' their page ... not just unfollow.
In addition, 'friends' who've asked why I've been silent on the matter.
Unfriend. Block. Fuck off.
There is not going to be widespread civil unrest requiring armed response from regular suburban and rural citizens.
You just keep telling yourself that.
Middle children need so much attention.
"It's the white thing to do"
That looks like the old complement, "That's mighty white of you." is coming back as an insult.
don't apologize
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