June 5, 2020

"I thought he was just saying he reads the Bible. In there, it says we're all sinners. 100% not very good people."

I comment at Facebook, where my son John put up a link to "Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'" (Fox News).

John's comment was: "A basket of deplorables, if you will."

The full quote from Biden:
“Do we really think this is as good as we can be as a nation? I don’t think the vast majority of people think that. There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are. The vast majority of the people are decent. We have to appeal to that and we have to unite people -- bring them together. Bring them together.”
Here's what I was remembering:

"The president held up a Bible at St. John's Church yesterday. I just wish he opened it once in a while.... instead of brandishing it...."

To "brandish" is "To flourish, wave about (a sword, spear, dart, club, or other manual weapon) by way of threat or display, or in preparation for action" (OED).

"Brandish" is a key word in the Bible — Ezekiel 32:10:
I will make many peoples appalled at you, and the hair of their kings shall bristle with horror because of you, when I brandish my sword before them. They shall tremble every moment, every one for his own life, on the day of your downfall....
The hair of their kings shall bristle with horror...

(Source: "Trump boarded Air Force One in high winds — and the photos of his hair are mesmerizing.")


Otto said...

Still Christian bashing Ann. It must be in the blood.The key word in the Bible is love.

Josephbleau said...

Now Biden is just being an old prick.

Narayanan said...

thanks for the photo - I am finally convinced his hair is real

jeremyabrams said...

10-15% is a rough estimate of America's black population. That's why Biden said it. It's amazing that a stone-cold racist can be presented to the country as the opposite.

Mike Sylwester said...

Joe Biden should tell the public about his own Bible studies.

Sebastian said...

""Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'" (Fox News). John's comment was: "A basket of deplorables, if you will.""

Well, Clinton said half of Trump's supporters were deplorable, so if we're down to 10-15% that's progress.

But imagine Trump saying it. Half of America would feel "unsafe," and the MSM would be all over it.

gspencer said...

Leave it to Joe to come up with the bromides. Lotta words saying nothing.

Fernandinande said...

Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'"

He's just being modest, I'm sure he thinks he'll get more than just 10 to 15 percent of the votes.

gerry said...

Why are Progressives so judgmental? Sheesh.

RNB said...

"We have to appeal to [the decent nature of the majority] and we have to unite people -- bring them together." And calling one-eighth of the citizenry scumbags is such a wonderful start!

Psota said...

Technically he's right about the 10 to 15%, but I doubt we're talking about the same people.

Kevin said...

Biden wants to bring the country together.

Except for the 10-15% of which he doesn’t approve.

Number subject to upward revision.

Butkus51 said...

What about the other roughly 33% that voted for Trump? Also, no dems are deplorable? I think 85% of them deplorable. I think I'm being too kind.

Kevin said...

If you ask most people how many bad people they know, it’s nowhere near 10-15%.

That’s because the proportion is way higher “out there”.

Bill Peschel said...

"Do we really think this is as good as we can be as a nation? I don’t think the vast majority of people think that."

Now that we have someone in office trying to overthrow the grasping hacks who profited from shipping American jobs overseas, beating back Chinese imperialism, and attacking the Democrats trying to steal elections, I'm much more sanguine about our future.

Static Ping said...

It's not like Biden will remember he said it in a week, so it is all good.

Narayanan said...

"Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'" (Fox News).
I have seen comments about the swing voters = 10 - 15 %

this could be Biden way of saying "they ain't Americans'

Danno said...

Picture in the wind almost looked like Boris. The one in the UK, not Boris Badinov.

Ann Althouse said...

"Still Christian bashing Ann. It must be in the blood.The key word in the Bible is love."

How is that Christian bashing?

I don't think you understand the religion. Explain. Or admit you're a troll, which is my working theory.

I'll give you 1 hour to redeem yourself.

D.D. Driver said...

Reason published a compilation of Tough-On-Crime Joe's greatest hits. You really need to watch it to believe it. It includes a personal crusade to make sure as many crimes as possible are punishable by death. He is responsible as anyone for mass incarceration and the militarization of police.

It seems to me Biden would much rather have Trump's record on criminal justice reform.. But, will Trump run on his record, or hide it?

chickelit said...

Is Biden anti-Hamitic?

Ann Althouse said...

The trouble with stating numbers is people think you're talking about actual facts.

Original Mike said...

At first glance I thought that was Boris Johnson.

Todd said...

There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are.

A) Sorry but that is EXACTLY who YOU are.

B) Those percentages are a little low, Joe. There are far more liberals/Democrats than 10 to 15 percent of the populate.

Sebastian said...

"The trouble with stating numbers is people think you're talking about actual facts."

It's a good line, but "people" don't think that, particularly when a Dem's talking.

Of course, "actual facts" are mostly inconvenient--for systemic racism, especially.

Paul Zrimsek said...

10-15% is a good rough estimate, I think. Though I can't shake the suspicion that Biden is talking about people who disagree with him too much about politics, not people who do things like passing counterfeit money.

Fernandinande said...

"The result is a bran dish welcomed by all, and of which people never tire. You will find, we think, no other bran food which so meets requirements." --

Thus spake Pettijohn of their rolled wheat with 25% bran.

Gregory said...

Trump standing in front of burned and defaced church holding a bible was a simple statement of "I stand by you." He was making no claims to his own personal righteousness. Christians understand this. If he'd stood in front of a burned and defaced mosque holding a Koran, then we Christians would have understood the same message and we would be glad that he did it.

To the Left, Christians are an alien species, and they cannot grasp our love for the sinner Trump. We love him not for his righteousness (we are not blind to his many flaws) but because he says, in words and actions, "I stand by you." We prefer this message to "I will destroy you for your beliefs", which is what we usually get from our betters.

Biden thinks we'll think less of Trump if he points out the flaws...that he does not open the bible enough. He is a fool.

n.n said...

We're all born with sin, then we strive. Hopefully, mom and dad provide good leadership and set a good example.

Lurker21 said...

"Bring us together" always means, "Bring us together against somebody else."

The trouble with stating numbers is people think you're talking about actual facts.

True. But you also don't want to imply that any large swathe of the population is irremediable, as Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney both learned. Obama ("bitter clingers") wasn't that different, but he left it up to people's imagination how much of the country he was writing off.

n.n said...

Conceived with sin, then we strive in chaos (life). The secular world is a proving ground.

Lucien said...

I saw the President brandishing a pina colada at Trader Vic’s. His hair was bristling.

Nonapod said...

I wonder how he defines what a "bad person" is exactly? I mean, it's all subjective isn't it? For example, I consider Biden to be a pretty bad person. Biden is almost certainly far more destructive than most of the individuals that he would probably categorize as a bad person.

But let's take this throw away quote of Biden's seriously. To me 10-15% seems pretty high. I guess I'd define a "bad person" as someone who regularly commits acts that they know are destructive to others only for their personal benefit.

There's been various studies to suggest that maybe 4% of people could be diagnosable for antisocial personality disorder. Such people would have traits that could be traditionaly defined as evil I suppose. A majority of convicted felons could probably be diagnosable with ASPD. Also certain high functioning psychopaths could be very successful in the business world and the political world. So if you extend your definition of "bad person" a bit beyond that 4%, you could include people who may only have a few of the ASPD traits but not enough for a diagnosis, I still would be surprised if the "bad person" population reached anywhere close to 10 to 15%.

I really feel that the greater problem isn't bad people, the greater problem is ignorance. Widespread ignorance allows bad people to do destrutive things.

wendybar said...

The left have made it clear that they hate everybody who does not have the same train of thought as they do. If you don't have group think, you aren't one of them. Just look at what they did to Drew Brees. How sickening is it, that you can't be patriotic, and love our country and our flag, without getting called names and shamed. I am embarrassed by the actions of the Progressives who are trying to tear us apart.

Lance said...

Oh please, what Biden is saying is that there are a few bad apples on the fringe of both sides and the people in the middle need to come together. If you read the context of what he said it's obvious, but you tribal Republicans just think he is attacking you.

Jupiter said...

"I'll give you 1 hour to redeem yourself."

Ask not for whom the Hour of Redemption cometh. It cometh for Otto!

MD Greene said...

A certain 2016 candidate described a larger portion of the electorate as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, (and) Islamaphobic”. It didn't work out well.

One might have expected future candidates to take a lesson from that episode. But no.

"Keep hate alive" is truly the mantra for our moment.

Jupiter said...

I think 10% is too high. The percentage of real rat bastards, people who feel no compunction about preying upon others, is likely less than 5%. But they do a great deal of damage.

Ann Althouse said...

I don't think it's consistent with Christianity to say that some people are "bad people" and others are the good people. I consider this a very basic point about Christianity.

Wince said...

That Biden gag-reel (and I mean 'gag' in the retching sense) is one more indication that the people who object to Trump aren't motivated by honest opposition to what Trump has actually done in office.

Ken B said...

“ I'll give you 1 hour to redeem yourself.”

On a blog with unpredictable delays — that you cause— you give people deadlines?
You expect that person to checking and check and check to see when you reply?
Hardin vindicated.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa sociopaths are counted as good people doing good work.

See here.

Note the white chick in the yellow hat. Fem-Nazi-Fascist. Good people!

wild chicken said...

Because as everyone knows, reading the Bible makes you a soft mushy squish.

JackWayne said...

Guess Biden never heard of the 80-20 Rule.

Unknown said...

In Ephesians St Paul writes:"Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

JAORE said...

If polls show the rioting is helping Trump you might see Weather Vane Joe pivot to a tough on crime position (again).

But don't call him divisive.

jimbino said...


Being a good person is not inconsistent with Christianity, which says that "all have sinned," which may mean that many of us are good and only stuck with "original sin"-- all but Mother Mary, who alone enjoyed an Immaculate Conception -- an RC doctrine that nary an RC can correctly explain.

JAORE said...

I don't think it's consistent with Christianity to say that some people are "bad people" and others are the good people. I consider this a very basic point about Christianity.

I'm sure Pelosi will lecture him about that "spark of divinity" thing real soon now.

traditionalguy said...

The revelation give to Paul who just could not stop delivering the message is Christianity. And Paul sees us all as totally depraved sinners given a predestined gift from God . Trump’sChristianity is all pauline. Now accept grace or turn it down.

Inga said...

Everyone IS redeemable, but unless they want to they won’t redeem themselves.

MikeR said...

Someone told him to say 10-15% instead of 47% or such. That allows me to think that he doesn't mean me, he means those other bad people.

Otto said...

First you say the word brandish is a key word in the Bible. Not true. You are stressing condemnation as the message of the Bible , while the real message of the Bible is redemption.
Second you say the Bible says we are all sinners and bad people again stressing the condemnation message of the Bible but the ultimate message is the Bible is redemption.
You cast the Bible in a negative light.

MikeR said...

Someone told him to say 10-15% instead of 47% or such. That allows me to think that he doesn't mean me, he means those other bad people.

Jalanl said...

Ann is correct. The basic foundation of Christian belief is that God created us with the capability to love. That means "free will" and free will means we choose between good and evil.

All people, even Christians, can and sometimes do choose evil. God redeemed us and we can be saved through His suffering for our evil. So there are no "good" people - only bad people. Some choose to accept God's gift and some reject that gift - free will again. But even those who accept that gift of love are still capable of doing evil things from time to time. Just as those who reject that gift can sometimes do something "good" - For example, Hitler probably loved his dog...

The Left seems to think all people are blank slates that can be molded and trained to be "good". So a cop who kneels on a man's neck for 9 minutes killing him would not have done that if he had proper diversity training classes. That is why the Left always ends up mass killing once they achieve power. The diversity training classes don't work so they just kill the people who don't get with the program.

Lurker21 said...

Biden isn't "there" enough to be a unifier (if it's possible to be a unifier now). He's not especially dynamic and people know it. People's response to him may just be "OK boomer" or "whatever." Also, he's too familiar to create a savior mystique around. As in the 60s the expectations that the party has created are too big to be satisfied, and what can be done won't satisfy party activists. Obviously, a candidate acceptable to Liz Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Stacey Abrams and William Kristol won't satisfy the right, but the left will also get tired of him early on as well.

Clark said...

That is actually pretty good hair.

Bilwick said...

Joe should know about that percentage of bad people. He's one of them.

Kevin said...

The trouble with stating numbers is people think you're talking about actual facts.

Only after they're published in the NYT.

Howard said...

A bucket of pus is more apt than a basket of deplorables

Bob Boyd said...

When Hillary ran, about half of Americans there were irredeemable. 4 short years later, irredeemability is down to only 15%, maybe less.

I credit Trump.

Francisco D said...

Ann Althouse said... I'll give you 1 hour to redeem yourself.

You were not speaking to me, but it got me thinking. I am not sure what it is I have to redeem, but I am sure that it will take a whole lot longer than 1 hour to do it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing Antifa goons are terrorists and terrorists are bad people.

I'm not saying that as a Christian. I'm saying it as someone who cares about human rights.

stevew said...

Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.

My Catholic upbringing taught me to focus my energies on being the best person I could be consistent with the teachings of God and my church. The essential goodness, or not, of others is none of my business. The behavior of others, particularly to the extent it affects me, is fair game.

Gk1 said...

"Shut up Fat!" I am pretty sure this is in the Bible someplace. Didn't Jesus cast out the "Dogfaced pony soldiers" from the temple?

hombre said...

The Democrat Party is fueled by bullshit. Biden has been rejected by sane Democrats as a candidate for POTUS for decades. Now that his mental deficiencies are apparent, his grifting proven and his inadequacy as a ruler exposed by 8 years as VP in the worst administration ever, he is their presumptive nominee. Maybe they were just waiting until he sunk to the level of today’s party or maybe they are just no longer sane. Personally, I think it’s Democrat women. Biden is their best chance to get some female whackjob into the Presidency - starting as his VP.

Regardless, I am prouder than ever to be an ex-Democrat!

stevew said...

"The trouble with stating numbers is people think you're talking about actual facts."

I'll take Meaningless MadeUp Statistics for $1000 Alex.

Actually, for me it is the opposite; when someone cites a specific number or percentage I immediately think it is made up, an estimate that has no basis in fact.

Bob Boyd said...

Somebody should ask Joe what color those bad people are.

hombre said...

“I don't think it's consistent with Christianity to say that some people are "bad people" and others are the good people. I consider this a very basic point about Christianity.”

Of course it’s not. The essence of Christianity is that we are all sinners and are redeemable.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"10-15% is a rough estimate of America's black population."

First thing I thought of. I suspect many Black people did too. At this point it's safe to assume Biden's handlers are closet Trumpists.

Ann Althouse said...

"First you say the word brandish is a key word in the Bible. Not true."

I meant it's key in that passage. Not throughout the text, obviously. I admit that should have been written better, but I didn't mean to trash Christianity there. That's in the Old Testament!

"You are stressing condemnation as the message of the Bible , while the real message of the Bible is redemption."

Why is redemption needed if we are good people. My proposition is basic: All are sinners and all need redemption. It goes together.

"Second you say the Bible says we are all sinners and bad people again stressing the condemnation message of the Bible but the ultimate message is the Bible is redemption."

Where did I mention condemnation? I think the message that all are sinners is a step in a process. Thinking you are already good keeps you from getting to redemption.

"You cast the Bible in a negative light."

Only in your head because you didn't understand me and apparently don't know enough about the Christian message.

Sebastian said...

Bob: "When Hillary ran, about half of Americans there were irredeemable"

I hate to defend Hill, but she said only half of Trump's supporters. See my comment upthread.

Sebastian said...

Theological questions that arise from Althouse's recent comments:

Are sinners bad people, or can they be good?

Can one redeem oneself, or does one need an Other?

Yancey Ward said...

Biden doesn't read the Bible either. Biden is a dead man walking, he just doesn't know it yet, but the DNC will lower the boom in August.

Original Mike said...

" I am embarrassed by the actions of the Progressives who are trying to tear us apart."

I am angered.

Achilles said...

There are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there who are just not very good people, but that’s not who we are.

Just another Biden gaffe.

He shouldn't be talking about 12.7% of the population like that.

It is racist.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

Only in your head because you didn't understand me and apparently don't know enough about the Christian message.

Mauvaise Foi.

Laslo Spatula said...

That hair is SO DAMNED EPIC.

I want my spirits to flow as free.

I am Laslo.

iowan2 said...

The trouble with stating numbers is people think you're talking about actual facts.

A lawyer told me in depositions never cite a number unless you know for a fact you have personally done your own work to know the number. Never give a distance in a car accident. Never quote a time. Don't guess about what you spent on dinner.
Because numbers are immutable. When you start to massage them, credibility goes down.

Fernandinande said...

First you say the word brandish is a key word in the Bible. Not true.

It is true: go to biblegateway.com and it says "Enter keyword, [etc]" and you can enter "brandish".

cubanbob said...

Lance said...
Oh please, what Biden is saying is that there are a few bad apples on the fringe of both sides and the people in the middle need to come together. If you read the context of what he said it's obvious, but you tribal Republicans just think he is attacking you.

6/5/20, 9:39 AM"

Oh great and moral one, do tell us how many of the vandal, looters, rioters and arsonists that have been a plague upon the nation are Republican? Do you assert than any of the are tribal Republicans? The odds are 99.999% those bad apples are tribal Leftists.

iowan2 said...

People fighting about faith, God, Christianity, etc. but have never given any thought or examination to the subject are such a loss.

Start with the 7 deadly sins, mix in the Golden Rule, and top off with grandma's advice, "all things in moderation". Now, this is not a periodic examination, this is the prism through which, your day to day life plays out. A prescription to living, not a hobby to pickup when you feel like it. Mother Teresa considered herself a Christian falling short of redemption. Meaning she never felt she fully gave herself over to the will of God. (my interpretation).
There is always work to move forward toward Gods will. A goal never attained, but the reward is in the journey. Not the endgame.

Drago said...

Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "Everyone IS redeemable, but unless they want to they won’t redeem themselves."

Let's test that.

Inga, is Carter Page a russian spy?

Michael K said...

Speaking of religion, here is a very good analysis of the religious angle at CTH.

There is a much lower reception and redistribution rate with George Floyd than Trayvon (Orlando), Mike Brown (Ferguson) or Freddie Gray (Baltimore). Those were the last times the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME network) were in full alignment.

What this indicates to me is a far more significant percentage of the targeted audience are now awake to the manipulative effort of both BLM and AME networks.

Additionally, the long-standing Achilles heel has still not been overcome.

The internal racism within the “people of color” coalition was always the inherent problem for Barack Obama, Eric Holder and Tom Perez (Team BLM), because the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party absolutely dislike Latinos.

When Barack Obama attempted outreach to the Latino community he even changed the language. Gaining Latino support was the reason the DNC sent out guidance to use the phrase “people of color” instead of “black” during media coverage. Additionally, Obama’s attempted outreach to the Latino community was always through the illegal alien angle, the “dreamers”; but Obama never delivered on his fake promises and the PoC lingo could not help.

Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam do not like Latinos and/or Hispanics. The New Black Panthers do not like Latinos and/or Hispanics. These groups are always in constant conflict. The friendly political relationship between La Raza and the radical Democrats doesn’t compensate for this massive divide amid Blacks and Latinos.

Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Clyburn are the AME wing of black rage.

Minneapolis is the center for Islamic rage with all the Somalis and Ellison representing Farrakhan.

They don't like each other and barely cooperate.

Plus, they don't like Latinos. The "People of Color" meme by Obama was an attempt to bridge the gap but it didn't work

Lewis Wetzel said...

Althouse put her finger on it.
We are all unfit to manage human behavior, because we are all broken (or so says the Bible). We can't manage our own lives, much less the lives of others. Biden's remark that about one-sixth of Americans are just not very-good people is bad because it implies that five-sixths of Americans (people like Biden) are good people & are fit to manage human behavior.

Inga said...

I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart.

rcocean said...

Joe will bring us together. Except for the 10-15% he'll cast into utter darkness.

Rick said...

"Biden claims '10 to 15 percent' of Americans are 'just not very good people'"

I think it's more that 10-15%. After all, that's just the extremist Dem base, you still have to consider non-political groups like criminals and racists.

rcocean said...

Wonder who those 15% of Americans - those "BAD PEOPLE" are? Certainly, not the people who voted for Hillary in 2016. I guess its about 1/3 of the people who voted for Trump in 2016. Those horrible people who don't want globalization, 9th month abortions, open borders, bad trade deals, wars in the middle east, and spending $500 Billion on climate change.

By the way, Christianity is about Loving the Lord thy God. Its not about some wimpy, vapid "LOVE" for all of humanity, no matter how they behave or what they do. Jesus drove the money-changers from the Temple, he didn't say "I love you - carry on".

Rick said...

Inga said...
I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart.

Remember this is the person who claimed the religious right desired to create The Handmaid's Tale in America, and that all conservatives share Todd Akin's rape and abortion views.

Left wingers have been trying to tear America apart for decades so it's amusing when they pose as concerned normals.

Michael K said...

Inga, after all this time and all the lies, is embarrassed.

Bob Boyd said...

This is just another case of a mediocre politician ham-handedly trying to have it both ways.

Biden is trying to please his Dem base, who demand their opposition be vilified and condemned, while hoping not to alienate quite so many potential voters as Hillary did. It's no more complicated than that.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"The president held up a Bible at St. John's Church yesterday. I just wish he opened it once in a while...."

So then maybe he could show Joe how to do it?

Nah, kidding! I'm sure Joe's a long time biblical scholar. I'm sure he knows the Golden Rule by heart; "Do unto others, then split!"

Drago said...

Inga: "I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart."

We refused to believe Inga's 4+ years of russia collusion lies, Carter Page/Mike Flynn/Papadopolous are russian spies lies, emoluments lies, kavanaugh rape lies, ukrainian phone call lies, (insert the other 498 hoaxes/lies) so Inga feels like we are unwilling to compromise.

Inga, if you want us to agree with you and your antifa/MS13/post-birth abortion supporting murdering allies, you'll simply have to come up with something worth compromising over.

Good luck.

Oh, I almost forgot: David Dorn and Dave Patrick Underwood: blacks murdered by your allies.

Go ahead Inga, say something about those 2 murdered-by-leftists-like-you african americans.

If you are finding it difficult to do that, just pretend they are white chick communists like Heather Heyer.

Drago said...

Lets try again:

Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "Everyone IS redeemable, but unless they want to they won’t redeem themselves."

Let's test that.

Inga, is Carter Page a russian spy?

Original Mike said...

"Inga, is Carter Page a russian spy?"

There is no bigger example of trying to tear us apart than three years of lies aimed at overturning a Presidential election.

Ann Althouse said...

"I am not sure what it is I have to redeem, but I am sure that it will take a whole lot longer than 1 hour to do it."

You never know.

"For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, 'There is peace and security,' then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape."

traditionalguy said...

NB: being created with a free will to be good people or be bad people is a re herring that has no scriptural basis. But it sure fuels the religions who preach it as if it makes us proud to be better men and women. Thank God it is not that hard to receive an unearned gift.

Drago said...

I know this will make Inga very very very angry, but here is a link to a Memorial Fund for David Dorn, the african american retired sheriff murdered by Inga's allies and the victim that Inga has ordered everyone at Althouse blog to stop talking about.

Inga was quite explicit with that directive, no doubt delusional in her thinking that she has the power to dictate whether or not certain victims of lefty-acceptable violence can be mentioned on this blog.


Again, I'll probably post this link again later in the day on other threads even though Inga will hate it and will scream that David Dorn's name never be mentioned again.

Ann Althouse said...

"Biden doesn't read the Bible either."

To be fair, he just said open the Bible. You could open it. And not read.

Or just fake-read. Look busy. Look pious. It's such a great look. You, with the Bible open, staring intently.

If you are reading, what are you looking for? W.C. Fields famously said: "Looking for loopholes."

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Hardin vindicated."

Happens a lot around here.

Lewis Wetzel said...

The language of the #BLM people is the same as the language of the white nationalists. Not a mirror image, the same. We are a special people, our history makes our destiny different from the rest of humanity. That destiny is being frustrated by the wicked people who are not like us, who have oppressed us and fattened off of our wealth and labor for generations. It is time to back what once was ours and rightfully is ours.

Otto said...

I grew up in a Christian family. I have attended church regularly For over 70 years holding many positions. I have cousins who are ministers and an uncle who was a missionary in Haiti for over 40 years. I pray every day , read and study my Bible regularly and have volumes of exegesis on the Bible.
So what are your credentials?

Kyzer SoSay said...

"I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart."

This is just unreal.

Last month, people who were mostly right-wingers (but not all!) rallied at state capitols to have pandemic restrictions eased sooner and allow all Americans who fell into low-risk categories (basically everyone except Great Grandma With One Lung) to get back to work, get back to business, and get back living. Most, if not all of us would have been perfectly willing to continue practicing good hygiene, wear masks around GGWOL, and stay aware of any flu or cold symptoms in ourselves or family. And most, if not all of us would have been perfectly safe because, as it turns out, unless you're a sickly fossil or spend hours cheek-to-jowl with sick people everyday, COVID was a cold. A fucking cold.

This month, people who are almost all either hard-left progressives or straight up anarcho-communists co-opted various "peaceful" protests as an opportunity to loot, burn buildings down, destroy homes and vehicles, attack bystanders, kill police and federal agents, and cause untold damage to their towns and cities. Many of these areas will take years to recover. Innocent people are dead, and scores of others injured. Some of those killed or wounded are the very black lives that these rioters claim "matter". And now they accuse anyone speaking ill of the rioters of being fascists, racists, and other favored epithets of the brainless left.

Who the FUCK do you think is tearing us apart?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Biden's numbers are good. 10%-15% of Americans are bad-- very bad-- and they're currently working at destroying the United States on orders from the Democrat left.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga's bible is the Imbecile's Handbook.

She's got it memorized and quotes from it daily.

Jeff said...

I saw the President brandishing a pina colada at Trader Vic’s. His hair was bristling.
Actually, it was perfect.

Inga said...

“Again, I'll probably post this link again later in the day on other threads even though Inga will hate it and will scream that David Dorn's name never be mentioned again.”

Why are you so overly concerned with what Inga thinks? OCD kicking in again?

Ann Althouse said...

"So what are your credentials?"

Remember when Jesus said, "So what are your credentials?"

Bilwick said...

There's a crazy Black guy I often pass on the street on the way to the supermarket. He rants and raves to anyone who passes by, particularly Caucasians. It would be about as fruitful for me to logically discuss matters with him as it is for you guys to discuss matters with Inga the State's Handmaid. Crazy peoople and cultists (especially State cultists) are a waste of time. Even Voltaire gave up arguing with what he called "invincible stupidity," and you can't get much stupider than Inga.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Devisive behavior by a "woke" company:
“Uber Technologies (UBER) – Get Report has launched a feature of its Uber Eats food delivery app to enable U.S. and Canadian customers for the rest of the year to order from black-owned restaurants with free delivery.”

This is, obviously, illegal race discrimination.

Dr Weevil said...

Didn't Bill Ayers talk about having to put 25,000,000 Americans in Gulags to achieve his goals? That's roughly 7.5% of the current population, but he said it years ago when it was in fact 10-15% of the population. Makes you think, doesn't it?

cubanbob said...

Poor Inga. We should have compassion for her. Imagine what it must be like for her when all her perceptions are viewed through a funhouse mirror while on hallucinogens.

Otto said...

Don't be evasive, answer the question.

Lazarus said...

Yes, Trump's strength is in his hair.

So is Boris Johnson's.

Why do you think Biden got the hair plugs all those years ago?

He doesn't want to end up like Khrushchev or Mussolini or Steve Schmidt.

n.n said...

The language of the #BLM people is the same

Babies are special people... persons and wholly inclusive. Not one of us began our life ("evolution") before we were first babies. #BLM

n.n said...

There is no bigger example of trying to tear us apart than three years of lies aimed at overturning a Presidential election.

The witch hunts, the warlock judgments, and the violence has been in progress for more than sixteen trimesters, around conception ("announcement"), before birth ("inauguration"). Actually, diversity and adversity has been a hallmark of their struggle.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart.

Business owners and employees protesting the shutdown and just want to go back to work.


Antifa animals robbing and looting those businesses.

We know who is trying to tear us apart.

Jim at said...

but that’s not who we are.

Words cannot express how much I hate that phrase. Eight, solid years of that crap was more than enough, thank you.

Jim at said...

I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart.

That's the least of things of which you should be embarrassed. By far.

Drago said...

Inga: "Why are you so overly concerned with what Inga thinks? OCD kicking in again?"

Since you are oddly speaking in the 3rd person, I'll answer thusly:

Inga doesn't think so its not possible to be overly concerned about that. I simply draw attention to her lies and obfuscations.

I hope this helps.

And I hope you find it within yourself to speak out against your allies murder of David Dorn and Dave Patrick Underwood.

Remember, silence is complicity.

Francisco D said...

Ann Althouse said...
"I am not sure what it is I have to redeem, but I am sure that it will take a whole lot longer than 1 hour to do it."

You never know.

I appreciate the link. As someone who grew up LCA Lutheran, I have been trying to get my head around the thoughts for quite a while. I doubt f I will ever figure it out, but I am trying.

hstad said...

Blogger Inga said..."...I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart..." 6/5/20, 11:25 AM

OK, I'll bite? Why would you be "...embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists..." who you have no love for? What a poor word choice? I'd say you'd be correct if you said - "embarrassed about" - Liberals - your tribe.

iowan2 said...

So what are your credentials?

I strive everyday to accept Gods will for me. (work in progress)

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

To be fair, he just said open the Bible. You could open it. And not read.

Like Rosenstein. With a FISA warrant

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Face it, Inga, you love the attention you get here, even though 90 percent of it is negative.

We mock you, constantly prove you wrong, and you come back for more.

Either you've a masochist or a person who does not get much attention paid to her offline.

"I'm an Althouse star!" says the clown being pelted with rotten eggs and tomatoes.

Inga said...

“OK, I'll bite? Why would you be "...embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists..." who you have no love for? What a poor word choice? I'd say you'd be correct if you said - "embarrassed about" - Liberals - your tribe.”

So Wendybar states that she is “embarrassed by the actions of Progressives”, who are NOT her tribe. I merely turned her nonsensical comment around.

Blogger wendybar said...
The left have made it clear that they hate everybody who does not have the same train of thought as they do. If you don't have group think, you aren't one of them. Just look at what they did to Drew Brees. How sickening is it, that you can't be patriotic, and love our country and our flag, without getting called names and shamed. I am embarrassed by the actions of the Progressives who are trying to tear us apart.

6/5/20, 9:37 AM

Blogger Inga said...
I am embarrassed by the actions of the Rightists who are trying to tear us apart.

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