June 5, 2020

I get email from Tom Cotton, addressing me as "Patriot."

It says:
On Wednesday, I published an article in the New York Times calling for an end to violence in our streets. Outnumbered police officers, encumbered by feckless politicians, bore the brunt of the violence.
These rioters, if not subdued, not only will destroy the livelihoods of law-abiding citizens but will also take more innocent lives. The overwhelming majority of Americans are sick and tired of this violence and want to see strong action taken to restore law and order.

I’ve caused a total meltdown from the media and radical liberals. Reporters are attacking me and going after the New York Times for having the audacity to publish a piece that doesn’t fit within their liberal ideology.
He is glorying in their attack on him and fundraising. Of course, that's how it's done.  There follows a request for a donation, with clickable links. He says "socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" are "are trying to silence," and "liberal media and their democrat cronies" — yeah, small "d" — are "trying to silence our conservative voices."

I never give money to politicians. I'm just showing you that Tom Cotton is fundraising over the NYT reaction to its publication of his op-ed, that I was addressed as "Patriot," and that "feckless" has returned.

* I've already done a post about "feckless" — back when Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a "feckless cunt." I said: "In case you're wondering what the fuck 'feck' even is that we should feel bad about the lack of it, it's just another way to say 'effect.' So to be 'feckless' is to be lame, without effect." That was in the beginning of June 2018. Later that same month, Kathy Griffin called Melania Trump a "feckless complicit piece of shit," and I blogged it here. So... "feckless" had a moment, 2 years ago.


Howard said...

Does feckless mean not Irish?

mccullough said...

Cotton garnering donations.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left will not tolerate any smearing of their go-to (yet, somehow non-existent) sociopaths for destruction - the Occupy Antifa sociopaths.

narciso said...

he included an email exchange, where they suggested the insurrectionary act, as the subject matter, it wasn't his idea, originally,

hombre said...

The NYT was unaware of its own “standards” when it published Cotton’s piece. Is anyone surprised?

An advantage of being a godless moral relativist is that consistency is wholly unnecessary - as are virtue and decency.

hombre said...

The NYT was unaware of its own “standards” when it published Cotton’s piece. Is anyone surprised?

An advantage of being a godless moral relativist is that consistency is wholly unnecessary - as are virtue and decency.

Readering said...

I think civilians exercising first amendment rights on the streets bore the brunt of the violence from security forces.

Readering said...

I'd like to meet the person who was on Cotton's fundraising list but had no interest in contributing until this op ed thing came up and then ponies up.

Nonapod said...

yeah, small "d"

Hey now.

"trying to silence our conservative voices."

Small "c" too.

Jim Gust said...

you'll still be blogging in 2918?

Lewis Wetzel said...

"feckless" is only used in a negative connotation. No one says "feckful."
As in "My feckful handling of investments has given me a return of 18% on growth stocks this year.
I nominate "adroit" as the opposite of "feckless.'

Ann Althouse said...

"Small "c" too."

Not equivalent. He said "democrat cronies" — and "democrat" must refer to the party, the Democratic Party. If he was referring to the characteristic, the word would HAVE to be "democratic."

That he calls the party by the wrong name is a different matter, but he is naming the party there.

Ann Althouse said...

"I'd like to meet the person who was on Cotton's fundraising list but had no interest in contributing until this op ed thing came up and then ponies up."

If you give, they always ask you to give more (until you max out). Having given already makes you more of a target.

hstad said...

Readering both your comments are not well thought out!

Cause every politician fund raises when they hit 'Publicity Gold' like Tom Cotton got from the NY Times - liberal newsroom backlash which went viral. Can't get more creditable publicity for Tom Cotton voters than the inside 'journalistic coup'[oxymoron] of the NY Times.

So is your argument for security forces to just leave "...civilians exercising their first amendment rights... to fend for themselves among rioters, looters, and ANTIFA thugs who use them as cannon fodder cover for their aims.

Kevin said...

Everyone probably agrees the NYT editors acted in a feckless manner.

It's just which of their decisions was the wrong one where people disagree.

Kevin said...

If you give, they always ask you to give more (until you max out). Having given already makes you more of a target.

Better not to get on BLM's list.

No matter how much you give, you can't move past thier "still supporting racism" level.

mezzrow said...

feckless = lameass

GOP pols tend toward tone deafness with their marketing, and not just print marketing. They just have different skill sets.

Can you believe how much more people trust Ted Cruz with a beard? That kind of thing. How long did that take? Dems would have caught that early and fixed it. Too bad they can't run a city.

Chris N said...

I gave to a Seattle police fund because of all the shit a core group has to put up with. Now I'm on a list for every police union in the country.

Mayb 2-3 calls a week?

Inga said...

“Patriot”, funny that’s what the boogaloo guy in one of my video links called his fellow right wing extremists who were going to bring about the civil war. He was addressing them as “patriots”, as he was calling for blood shed and insurrection.

gspencer said...

So, Cotton's not accurate in what they're doing to him? Lefties have intensified their efforts to silence non-lefty viewpoints since the 2016 election.

Every totalitarian regime acts pretty much the same way. Disarm the people. Prevent them from gathering. Get control of the means of communications from the post office to radio to phones. Eliminate all other political parties. Consolidate the three branches into one.

Bilwick said...

One female "comedian" uses "feckless" (not a word in common usage) and another uses it soon after. Golly, do you think there's some party-line common vocabulary at work here?

hstad said...

AA - I think you may have addressed the real issue at the NY Times and similar Liberal narrative minstrels. These are desperate people who live in a bubble and will do anything to maintain their conception of how the World is or ought to be. Some of these Liberals have gone even further and thus killed their professional brands. J.A. Schumpeter said it best: "...the first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie..."

Lurker21 said...

KGriff can't even come up with her own insults.

"Feck" is an Irish or Scottish word that's now used mostly in the expression "feck off. Because it was a word on its own in earlier times, it got past broadcast censors. Some people say it's not as offensive as the English word "fuck."

madAsHell said...

I did not know this...

Someone feckless is lacking in feck. And what, you may ask, is feck? Feck is a Scots term that means "effect" or "majority" and comes from an alteration of the Middle English effect. So something without feck is without effect, or ineffective. In the past, feckful (meaning "efficient," "sturdy," or "powerful") made an occasional appearance. But in this case, the weak has outlived the strong: feckless is a commonly used English word, but feckful has fallen out of use.

Dave Begley said...

Ann, you are a patriot.

Sebastian said...


So, you gave?

I mean, you are a Patriot. Except when you're a Badger.

Quaestor said...

Later that same month, Kathy Griffin called Melania Trump a "feckless complicit piece of shit"...

It would difficult to be both feckless and complicit, but then Kathy Griffin doesn't own a dictionary.

Well, that's unfair. Once upon a time, she did own a Merriam-Webster Elementary, but she skipped to the end to discover whodunit.

daskol said...

Old style: the bitch is back. 2020 style: the feckless cunt is back.

IgnatzEsq said...

But when will we get a comeback for gormless? Why is it always feckless?

Wince said...

Stop picking on Cotton!

Drago said...

Readering: "I'd like to meet the person who was on Cotton's fundraising list but had no interest in contributing until this op ed thing came up and then ponies up."

Why? So you could let your antifa pals know where that person lives?

walter said...

Boogaloos are Inga's latest Boogeymen.

Inga said...

Mattis, Mullen and now Kelly too, all who have come out against Trumps misuse of National Guard are the true patriots.

Michael K said...

eadering said...
I think civilians exercising first amendment rights on the streets bore the brunt of the violence from the rioters.


Ignorance is Bliss said...

Readering said...

I think civilians exercising first amendment rights on the streets bore the brunt of the violence from security forces.

Once given a lawful order to leave ( and such orders are generally lawful if there is any violence, property damage, etc ) if they don't they are no longer just exercising their first amendment rights.

bagoh20 said...

"He was addressing them as “patriots”, as he was calling for blood shed and insurrection."

So did Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, and many many more. So what?

I see lots of young thugs beating innocent people and burning property exactly like the Nazi Brownshirts in the 1930's, and they call themselves anti-fascists now. Nobody calls themselves traitors, hypocrites, racists or assholes. You can't go by what people say or call themselves. I mean look at the "Democratic" party. That don't even make sense if you know them.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Don’t be feckless. Be feckaliciuous. You’ll garner more fecks.

Ralph L said...

If the NYT staffers hadn't complained, hardly anyone would have heard about Cotton's op-ed.

YoungHegelian said...

"Dear Cruelly Neutral Patriot"

madAsHell said...

It's bad enough being moderated. I'm not consulting tags before I comment.

BudBrown said...

Ok. What number does a feckless Madison sunrise get?

Lee Moore said...

Obviously I was forced to go and look at the "feckless c*nt" post, which I had not seen before. But I see that it gives me the opportunity to annoy AA by raising the connection between sex and science again :

To use "fuckless cunt" as an insult means that you think that a vagina that does not receive the male organ is a pathetic, lesser place that the one that gets the male organ inserted even in the least loving satisfying way. The cunt should get fucked or it's totally worthless. That's just horrible feminism, Samantha Bee. Just apologize for "feckless."

I like to think there is a soupcon of sense within "feminism" and so do not subscribe to the theory that all feminists are barmy. However if thinking that a vagina is a lesser place if it does not receive the male organ makes you a horrible feminist, then I may have to reconsider.

A vagina that does not receive the male organ is indeed a lesser place. That is what a vagina is for. Biologically. To let the sperm in and the baby out. A vagina that does not attempt these tasks is a failure at the game of life.

This is not, of course, a sexist point. The same applies, mutatis mutandis, to lesser penises. A penis that fails to embark on a journey into a vagina is failing at its primary task. It is a penis whose owner's mother put in a lot of wasted effort.

Which is why we can, with profit, refer to "feckless pricks" just as we can refer to "feckless cunts."

Drago said...

Inga: "Mattis, Mullen and now Kelly too, all who have come out against Trumps misuse of National Guard are the true patriots."

Anybody else want to pull up the previous 12 instances of Presidents federalizing the National Guard for Inga the Hopelessly Ignorant?

Inga said...

“Boogaloos are Inga's latest Boogeymen.”

Antifa, Antifa, Antifa!

themightypuck said...

I both hate all politicians for their fecklessness but understand that in the current environment winning is everything. I'm a centrist who got red pilled by Obama who I believe politicized what was supposed to be a neutral government. I've since been persuaded that things may not have been neutral since at least FDR. My current view is Machiavellian. Power matters. Seize it or the other guys will. I used to vote Democrat but I am fairly certain that for someone who likes a fairly centrist concept of freedom and fairness they are an existential risk in their current form.

Banjo said...

Cotton said the Op-Ed went through three revisions so I'm going to assume the small "d" in democrat was purposely done by the NYT to make him look ignert.

Yancey Ward said...

I used feckless the other day in at least one comment on the Democrat mayors and governors.

You can send donations to me at this link.

Yancey Ward said...

I have never been feckless, but too much of my adult life has been spent fuckless.

Inga said...

“I have never been feckless, but too much of my adult life has been spent fuckless.”

Sad, but understandable.

bagoh20 said...

I swear, Inga is the only person I have any contact with who has a video of boogaloos or whatever the fuck they're called. She's out spreading White supremacist videos. That's racist, and not patriotic.

The Vault Dweller said...

Some of the Republican messaging is pretty cringey. Especially when they use a greeting, like, "Dear Patriot". I would even think of myself as an American nationalist, and it just seems too over-the-top to me.

Inga said...

“I swear, Inga is the only person I have any contact with who has a video of boogaloos or whatever the fuck they're called. She's out spreading White supremacist videos. That's racist, and not patriotic.”

Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Drago said...

bagoh20: "I swear, Inga is the only person I have any contact with who has a video of boogaloos or whatever the fuck they're called. She's out spreading White supremacist videos."

Inga had a link earlier today which claimed to show a Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo hawaiian shirt wearing white supremacist stealing a police vest out of a police car.....

.....(you already know what's coming, don't you?)......Yep. It was a black guy.

One of the other links she gave us was one where she claimed that some Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo guys with guns were attempting to "infiltrate" a protest and start trouble......(you already know what's coming, don't you?)........Yep. The guys were standing off to the side, openly showing they were not part of the protest group, arguing with some of them and simply telling the protesters that they, the boogaloo banzai guys, were not there to stop the protesters from doing anything the protesters wanted to do!!


A perfect Inga post.

Remember, she only reads the headlines. She never reads the articles or watches the videos.

She's kind of dumb that way.

Inga said...

“Inga had a link earlier today which claimed to show a Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo hawaiian shirt wearing white supremacist stealing a police vest out of a police car.....

.....(you already know what's coming, don't you?)......Yep. It was a black guy.”

Joshua Bernard, pudgy lily white boogaloo boy on video waving around a police vest he stole out of a police car. He was arrested.

PubliusFlavius said...

here is the only sensible portiong of my reps beggaremail...(rouda)

"There is no single solution to the problems we are facing. However, complexity is not an excuse for inaction. I will continue working with my colleagues, on both sides of the aisle, to ensure that ALL Americans can access equal justice and equal opportunity."

This is how i responded.

Democratic overreaction on Covid.

AND LACK of reaction on RIOTING.

Has destroyed my business and many others.

I am very upset.

Why are hardworking people punished and looters lauded?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”

Igna is LITERALLY encouraging people to cut open their sternum to expose their lungs to sunlight in a quack treatment for Covid!!!

The Godfather said...

I make it a practice of not contributing to politicians: It only encourages them. I would consider making an exception for Tom Cotton. I subsrcribed to the NYT (Sunday only, home delivery in DC) for some 20 years; if I could figure out what I paid those sleezebags and scumbuckets, I'd consider contributing that amount to Cotton.

Lucien said...

Is it racist to suggest that you have a Cotton picking mind?

Rick said...

Inga said...
“Patriot”, funny that’s what the boogaloo guy in one of my video links called his fellow right wing extremists who were going to bring about the civil war. He was addressing them as “patriots”, as he was calling for blood shed and insurrection.

Interestingly the guy Inga refers to said he was protecting the protesters, which our resident nutjob refers to as trying to "bring about the civil war". What a loon.

TheThinMan said...

Solicit he must, to pay for ads to say what the MSM promises not to print from here on. No glorious triumph. And these days, all it takes to be a patriot is to not think America should be burned to the ground; he rightly assumed that’s you. Instead of ridiculing his pitch, maybe you could learn from it. Yours is just a command that people give you money; a very unenticing (feckless?) approach:

“Support this blog with PayPal”

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