June 10, 2020

"I cannot promise that I will not make missteps along the way, particularly as a white woman... realizing that I cannot fully see the system that has been built up to benefit me and others like me."

Our mayor, Satya Rhodes-Conway, apologizes for her kind words to the police, which she had not intended to be heard by the general public. She thanked the police for their work during the protests, vandalism, and theft, and — as she puts it now — "failed to center" her message on Black Lives Matter. There's a hostage video quality to this:


Merny11 said...


Marcus Bressler said...

SLA all over again, in the mayor's office.


Patty Hearst would be proud

mccullough said...

No shame in resigning. She’s not a leader. Everyone knows it, even her.

Tarrou said...

She should defund and disband the police immediately, then resign so that a proud person of color can have her job.

William said...

Did Winnie Mandela make a similar video after that kid in her care got beaten to death by her supporters? This is the kind of video that Trump's opponents keep hoping Melania will make.

stevew said...

Wow. Truly pathetic. Not what I would call leadership. So many politicians have exposed themselves as weak and spineless. They lack anything that could be classified as principles.

gilbar said...

i realize that This action has done Deep Harm, to the Black Community...
i realize i may have done irreparable harm, with my actions

sounds like Somebody is a little too impressed with herself

They were Just FUCKING WORDS... Words do NOT do Deep Harm, let alone irreparable harm
The Black Community are Adults, not little children.

JMR said...

It's a post re-education camp video: here's what I learned from my struggle sessions.

Also, what irreparable harm was done to Madison's black community by the mayor appreciating the police department?

JaimeRoberto said...

I think she's blinking an SOS in Morse code.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Kirstie Alley · 10h ago
Maybe smart people stay silent on what they believe

via Twitter

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

She needs to resign. Why is she holding a position of power when she doesn't understand the system. She needs to let a black politician take her spot. No wait a black woman. No wait a black woman lesbian. No wait a black woman lesbian disabled Muslim.

RMc said...

- --- .-. - ..- .-. .

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

The video she made for the police looked like a hostage video too.

Maybe it's time for her to take a stand and lead for a change.

Rabel said...

"There's a hostage video quality to this"

Are we sure it's not literally a hostage video?

Rocketeer said...


Rabel said...

I'd probably need proof of life before offering the ransom money.

AZ Bob said...

She needs to work on some charisma if she wants to move up in politics. She looks as if she is about to start washing feet.

JackWayne said...

White woman is redundant isn’t it?

Inga said...

Oh for pity sake, stop with the apology videos. Say what you want to say you the police and then defend or explain it to BLM without apologizing or pretending you made a mistake. People need to be strong now, there are so many people demanding uncompromising attitudes. Absolutism breeds extremism and on both the left and the right we need to be cognizant of those who want to push extremist views and reject them. Society is in flux now and people need to be careful to keep their heads screwed on tight. I’d hate to be in a position of authority now, it must be complete hell. Right and left.

GatorNavy said...

Hmmmmm, does the name Khmer Rouge mean anything to y’all?

Sebastian said...

"There's a hostage video quality to this"

Sure, and no doubt some progs are scared, but most are willing hostages.

And of course, the self-denunciations make no difference. Other will decide on whether you deserve to live.

Progs are hostage to their own delusions.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I was hoping to get some kind of Morse coded message from her blinking, other facial tics, or even verbal cadence. I didn't pick anything up. Did any of you?

The only thing left within the DSM5 is Stockholm Syndrome or Maunchausen Syndrome by Proxy, but both conditions would be contradictory based on this short clip...I'd need more context.

Also, is xir a guy? This would help my diagnosis. I've seen my fair share of POW videos, and 'it' being a guy would certainly help the context.

Linda said...

I think that most all of her video talks since the lock downs have been in place have been “hostage like”, with the background being a blank wall. I couldn’t figure this out - then I happened to see on Channel3000’s webpage that the video’s backgrounds had changed to, what I imagine is, her office in the City County Building. But it doesn’t work very well, looks similar to when someone on a zoom call changes their background.

For the Mayor, the image, especially around her hair, shifts around, which is really bothersome to watch . . . Why someone on her staff doesn’t tell her how irritating this it, I don’t know . . . It looks ridiculous.

Here is a link to the local news - you have to watch a little to see the clip of the the video with the crazy hair.


Josephbleau said...

What a self serving immoral two faced scumbag, praising police in private and then telling the public that you were sorry you did it after it went public. She is happy to lie to the police when she thinks no one is listening, and quick to admit to her lie when exposed. No one should give these kinds of jerks power over anything. Even though the folks of a Minnesota are locked into the social collectiveness of their ancestors I can’t see how the DFL incumbents survive this.

wild chicken said...

Did she really have to do that?

That's the kind of contrite shit they want Trump to do..so they can demand more.

God I hope he never gives them the satisfaction.

FullMoon said...

She has been blackmailed. There is fear in her eyes.

rhhardin said...

Is she that dumb herself or is she just pandering to women voters.

boatbuilder said...

That O'Brien guy from 1984 is really very good at what he does.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Grovel, mayor, grovel.

Not Sure said...

"I can see the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone from my house!"

buwaya said...

Why am I up so early again?
Old age is a $%%$$%. We also need more exercise, probably.

Anyway, que ridiculo. At this point you should be begging for a barbarian invasion to end this feckless, decadent society. This silly woman behaves like this, btw, because it seems that her constituents are more worthless than she is.

This has been posted before of course, but it applies so well.

Waiting for the Barbarians - C.P. Cavafy


"Now what’s going to happen to us without barbarians?
Those people were a kind of solution."

buwaya said...

Your people in Madison, and elsewhere, seem to be begging to be made building blocks in some tower of skulls.

Marshall Rose said...

Good lord

We're f'd

Automatic_Wing said...

Where have you gone, Augusto Pinochet
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo woo woo

GingerBeer said...

My Morse Code isn't that great. What is she blinking?

Unknown said...

Well of course she can’t identify with the oppressed...she’s named Rhodes!

Tommy Duncan said...

Suffering succotash.

Some people are born losers; others acquire the knack gradually.
--W. C. Fields

Njall said...

Okay, now this shit is officially creepy

Oso Negro said...

I think suicide is a viable option for her. I wonder if she has recently purchased a gun?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

buck sexton played a clip of an NYPD officer or chief or someone saying he's sick of the media bashing all cops.
makes it very dangerous for them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Is BLM all blacks? I doubt it.

BLM will soon become an extortion racket. kneel and grovel before kapernick and his pig socks.

buwaya said...

It is not this person that is your problem. You have a vast crop of this sort of person "leading" all your institutions, because they have all been installed by your decadent leadership caste. A people get the leaders they deserve, as we see in this excellent example. Yours is not just the personal failure of individuals but of a vast number.

Your problem isn't with your leaders, but with yourselves. I can only hope, for the sake of my remaining family and investments in the US, and for the sake of global stability, that your non-cosmopolitan center leadership has the "odd sort of moral courage" to take over from, and eject, these confused marshmallows and exercise the necessarily brutal needful.

Augusto Pinochet indeed.

pdug said...

NOBODY can "fully see the system"

Quaestor said...

I'm adding White privilege to my list of things not fully seen. So far it's

1) The flat Earth, not fully seen because the CIA, NASA, and the New World Order have been hiding the truth since Eratosthenes. Don't go near the Southern Ice Wall; they'll kill you! Or maybe they'll brainwash you into believing you've been to a mythical place called Antarctica.

2) Little grey aliens, there are lots of not fully seen aliens -- reptilians, Nordics, tall greys, but most women are abducted by the little guys. If you want more than a dinner companion and a goodnight kiss, don't question the little grey dudes.

3) Flying saucers, little grey dudes from out of town don't drive or use public transit. So how else are they gonna visit your GF and replace her tracking device?

4) Nessie, not fully seen because she's finally extinct after 100 million years. Tourists are so evil. They brought so many cameras and smartphones to the Loch, they frightened poor, harmless Nessie so badly she finally drowned.

5) Bigfoot. Does a bear shit in the woods? Does Sasquatch?

Not sure if White privilege should be Number 5, or added at the top and rest pushed down. I'll report later on the decision; I'm sure everyone is holding his breath in anticipation. (Oops, there goes my White privilege again!)

Rabel said...

The caterpillar grows agitated when it feels something nibbling on the cocoon.

Lewis Wetzel said...

One of the best things about being a conservative is you can say "fuck you" to just about anybody.
Has anyone got an example of Republican groveling to his or her voters like this?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

buwaya said...
Your people in Madison, and elsewhere, seem to be begging to be made building blocks in some tower of skulls.

6/10/20, 9:12 PM

But the Leftists figure they'll get to see us die first, so it'll be worth it.

Temujin said...

Well, I'll say this: Since early Wuhan Virus days, through the country shut down, and up through the BLM protest/riots, the Democrats have surely shown their stuff. From belly crawling mayors, governors, and congresscritters, to screaming Antifa punks and Marxist BLM members intent, not on equality for all, but on total power for themselves.

The mayors of New York, LA, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Chicago and clearly- Madison- are a disgrace. As is the city councils in those cities, the governors of those states. Embarrassing disasters.

I was getting on Trump over the last few weeks for his performance and his Twittering. But I have to tell you, at this point he could be caught doing a dance naked in the Oval Office, covered in oatmeal, singing La Vie en Rose and I'd still vote for him.

These Democrats are destroying our country. There is no other way to put it. I do not know how a sane person could look around and say- 'Yep- these are the people I want leading our country into the future.' They must be tossed out of office- in every state, in every position.

Original Mike said...

I don't have the stomach to watch it.

Bilwick said...

Kneel before Zod!

Vonnegan said...

Wow, I've never been so glad to have our mayor in Houston right now. Police reforms and an increase in the police budget so far this week. And he said publicly that "defund the police" was a stupid idea that hurts poor people. We also had almost no violence. Houstonians generally don't riot; they all have to get up early for work the next day.

Houston is stinking hot and fairly ugly, but at least the city is lived in and run by adults instead of Maoist nut jobs.

Matthew Heintz said...

Insincere, dishonest, lacking a scouse of "feeling", not that I approve of "feelings", and just off-camera is the BLM guy with the chains, ready to tie her up back in her cage.

Laslo Spatula said...

I find the blank wall behind her fascinating.

First thought: she's looking back at the firing squad.

Second thought: she is so afraid to have any signifiers behind her that she has chosen nothing to represent her.

No flags that some people may be offended by.

No book covers that some people will be triggered by.

No family pictures that some people may scour for reasons to hate.

No posters without the incorrect slogan that has been superseded by another fleeting slogan.

A simple red shirt.

All she needs is a single white flag to complete the scene.

I am Laslo.

Matthew Heintz said...

Insincere, dishonest, lacking a scouse of "feeling", not that I approve of "feelings", and just off-camera is the BLM guy with the chains, ready to tie her up back in her cage.

Matthew Heintz said...

Shosh, spellckeck be dammed!

Josephbleau said...

Don’t judge me, I am just a poor deceived white woman who doesn’t know how to be truly non racist. Really, just tell me what to do and I’ll do it right away, no questions asked.

J L Oliver said...

Where is room rated?

LA_Bob said...

I want to see an apology video from every one of the people who voted for her in the last election.

chickelit said...

Worst Madison mayor ever.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I cannot promise that I will not make missteps along the way, particularly as a white woman..."

In fairness, she probably needed to make that grovel everyday of her tenure.

I'm going to be very interested to see how voters treat Durkanite politicians. If they don't resign first.

FullMoon said...

Dem vice president candidate...

Owen said...

buwaya @ 9:11: Major props for the Cavafy citation. A great poem.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

What did that antifa graffiti in Berkeley say again?

Oh yeah. "Liberals get the bullet too."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Buck sexton also played a clip of The View IDIOTS - proclaiming that kapernick needs back-pay, and his job back and a Nobel peace prize.

YoungHegelian said...

All these poor fools. They think self-criticism sessions will help with the Red Guards. Nonsense! You know what happened with self-criticism sessions under the Communist regimes?

Comrade A: "OK, comrade X, I have done as you asked me & have engaged in public self-criticism as the Party asked. May I please see my family & have my job back?"

Comrade X: "What!? How can we do that, when you have confessed to being a counter-revolutionary out of your own mouth? It's not the Party that found you guilty. It's you who admitted it! How can let hoarders & wreckers like you run around and wreck our glorious Revolution?! Off to the gulag with you!

Never forget -- "Push ahead until you meet steel". If you don't know the provenance of that quotation, these motherfuckers certainly do.

narciso said...

I havent seen a hostage video like that since heard and depp.

Michael K said...

The Tucson Mayor is a crazy lefty but Tucson is only half of Pima County and the crazies would get their asses shot off if they crossed the river. The looney left is all clustered around the U.

n.n said...

Diversity breeds adversity politics. #DiscoverYourDiginity

Clyde said...

"...the system that has been built up to benefit me and others like me." Those people are called law-abiding citizens, of all backgrounds, colors and creeds. The system does not benefit criminals. Those trying to knock the underpinnings out from underneath the system are not trying to benefit black people, they are trying to benefit the criminals.

n.n said...

Other will decide on whether you deserve to live.

Life deemed worthy of life, or not. It's a progressive path to a dysfunctional convergence.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Disband the police. We’re making the mother of all omelets here, Jack. Can’t fret over every egg.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Disband the police. We’re making the mother of all omelets here, Jack. Can’t fret over every egg.

M Jordan said...

Ann, you getting woke yet to what the left is all about? Taint no conspiracy theory ... it’s a conspiracy straight up. And it’s the only end to leftist politics.

Let me simplify: the Right is good and the left is bad. It’s that simple.

Butkus51 said...

that deer in the headlights look

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Laslo said:
"Second thought: she is so afraid to have any signifiers behind her that she has chosen nothing to represent her.

No flags that some people may be offended by.

No book covers that some people will be triggered by."

You'd think that at least she'd have a bookshelf filled with works about systemic racism authored by the appropriate non-white authors.

Ken B said...

“ Where is room rated?”

Room rater gives it a 12, you know it.

bagoh20 said...

Courage, the rarest and most valuable human quality.

I've been asking myself lately if I have it enough to be a good American. I'm really not sure, but I am seeing how important and how difficult it is to have. A mob, devoid of reason, that gets sufficient numbers is a very dangerous thing. With modern information technology, the unprecedented murderous monster of the 20th century is still with us, and is now more dangerous than ever. The sane people of this country had better grow a backbone soon, becuase the weak are legion among us, and it's them the monster uses to hide in plain view.

We should all be asking ourselves: "do I have the courage to risk everything for principle, truth, justice?. I saw a lot us recently not willing to take even the most remote of risks to stand up, but I also some some real heroes. I hope there are a lot more out there. I hope I'm one when the time comes. So far, I haven't embarrassed myself, but I have not really been challenged much either. I don't know yet if I deserve the wonderful luck of being born in this nation.

bagoh20 said...

I don't believe a performance like that makes you attractive as a leader no matter which side you are one. She's toast.

cubanbob said...

If told I have White Privilege my response is that God doesn't love everyone equally.
The Mayor of Madison should resign and trade places with a poor black woman. Actions, not words.

madAsHell said...

Holy Fuck!! I'm a deeply disturbed woman that needs to make a statement about........something.

Yancey Ward said...

All of you in Madison are hostages. You need to understand that first and foremost. This is the woman you voted to lead the city.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why wasn't she wearing a mask?

Francisco D said...

This is the cult of victimhood.

Oprah is now on several stations asking Black "intellectuals" what White people need to understand about systemic racism.

What flavor Kool-Aid do you want?

glacial erratic said...

Stalinist show trial confession.

Scott Anderson said...

Never, ever, ever elect a woman if you can possibly help it.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"At Pinochet indeed"

There are still some of us not beyond giving free helicopter rides, but we won't initiate any requests, they have to be asked for.

No. We are not f'ed. The political machine is still ultimately reliant on A) people with guns still following rules of any sort and B) organized groups letting other organized groups hang themselves by their own petard.

You are wrong. The USA 'is not there' yet. Future? Maybe. But not yet. You will definitely know it when you see it. Even from the other side of the world.

Buy gold.

Lucien said...

The people who voted for her are getting what they wanted — good and hard. But not as good or as hard as the folks who voted in Seattle’s City Council.

DeepRunner said...

Sad that people need to apologize when they do something that's innocent and well-intended. Then again, Madison is a college town, which qualifies it to be an epicenter of wokeness, where no good deed goes unpunished, good and hard.

Madame Le Professeur is right. A few seconds into the video, Madame Le Maire is reading her lines from the teleprompter like cue cards that were written by kidnappers.

hawkeyedjb said...

Inga said...
"Oh for pity sake, stop with the apology videos."

Thank you Inga. Stop with the apologizing, the kneeling, the self-subjugation, the abandonment of all responsibility and leadership. "Society" is a thin veneer, and if this is how our leaders behave, it's open season on all the things we've built.

wildswan said...

i don't know what was done to her but it was bad. Looking at that video is a piece in understanding what life under leftys would really be like in America.

Readers said...


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Do we have proof of life?

Freeman Hunt said...

Where are the spines?

Jamie said...

"I was getting on Trump over the last few weeks for his performance and his Twittering. But I have to tell you, at this point he could be caught doing a dance naked in the Oval Office, covered in oatmeal, singing La Vie en Rose and I'd still vote for him."

Well. I didn't needed the visual (I'm up in the middle of the night and now will probably be up for a while on that account), but hear hear.

wendybar said...

This is where our country is headed Thanks to the Progressives. Are you awake yet?? Are you ready to be RULED?? If not, get ready. They are close, and they aren't going to give up.

tim maguire said...

Her delivery is terrible, she’s not even trying to hide that she’s reading a prepared statement. Who here knows morse code? What’s she blinking?

Jaq said...

Maybe it was OK to allow women the vote, just not white women.

CWJ said...

Shades of Maoist China where the Red Guards forced teachers at al to publicly confess their errors and impure thinking.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Is "cruel neutrality" actually "cowardly neutrality"?

I am asking myself the same questions bagoh is asking himself in his 10:47 post:

"Courage, the rarest and most valuable human quality...I've been asking myself lately if I have it enough to be a good American."

Not physical courage; I'm confident I have that. Social courage.

Jersey Fled said...

Madison has the mayor it deserves.

walter said...

She's hostage to Pander Bear.
Send this clip Room Rater

walter said...

By the way, isn't she supposed to have an ASL interpreter onscreen?
I would prefer the Syrian swordsmith/restauranteur providing translation or simply chopping up watermelons.

Jupiter said...

We should all be asking ourselves: "do I have the courage to risk everything for principle, truth, justice?".

No, we should be asking ourselves, "Do I have enough ammo?". Our attackers are not Epstein.

tcrosse said...

What would Soglin do?

JAORE said...

Gawd she's pathetic.

Now imagine you are a cop. You have been given evidence time and time again that the Pols don't have your back.

The mayor gives you a brief sprinkle of praise.

Oh NO! That can not stand.

Grovel, grovel, grovel.

Sure Madam Mayor, the cops will have your back when you need them most.

Tommy Duncan said...

"Has anyone got an example of Republican groveling to his or her voters like this?"

Mitt Romney? Lisa Murkowski?

chickelit said...

Laslo noted: A simple red shirt.

Yes. I too wondered whether that was deliberate.

Farmer said...

tcrosse said...
What would Soglin do?

Whatever his faults, nothing like this.

MadisonMan said...

Soglin is smiling broadly somewhere, content that the racist institution he presided over didn't come crumbling down around him. Exit timing is everything -- ask David Letterman!

tcrosse said...

She has earned her hyphen.

hstad said...

Just another politician with 'weather-vane' principles! Love to see her next election - this video played back thousands of times - LOL.

Bilwick said...

What a dope.

jg said...

republicans 'lashed out' like the slaveowners they basically are, amirite?

Bunkypotatohead said...

What is that thing in the lower right corner?

Fr. Gregory Jensen said...

Her honor has no honor but she is a coward and not to be trusted to protect the common good.

The Crack Emcee said...

FUCK, that's scary.

Rusty said...

"Yes. I too wondered whether that was deliberate."
Of course it was. It's a politician in front of a camera. Even the Ra pendant has meaning by virtue of it representing a non religion. She knew, or her handlers knew, exactly what message they wanted to convey with her dress.
She's a frightened, stupid lady who is afraid they won't let her be mayor any more.

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