Why be thankful for this? 1. It's approving of the hiding of a woman's face as the right approach to fend off male intrusion. That's retrograde! 2. You lose your opportunity to resist and demonstrate your power by maintaining the facial expression you've chosen for yourself. That's passive! 3. You're counting on the idea that smiling happens only in the mouth. That's delusional!
“Wearing a mask is so liberating I might hang on to it, even if they do find a Covid-19 cure,” said Clare Mackintosh, an author who lives in Wales....As long as you get to choose your own liberation, have at it. I suspect that wearing a mouth-and-nose mask after the virus is gone will make you look quite strange, but it's always in your power to look uninvitingly strange. I'd recommend finding another way to express that you're not open to overtures from random strangers — one that doesn't have the symbolism of being prevented from speaking. It was just last year that women were protesting like this:

I suspect that wearing a mouth-and-nose mask after the virus is gone will make you look quite strange, but it's always in your power to look uninvitingly strange.
The virus will never be gone. Virii will always be with us, always killing us, especially the vulnerable.
It has always been thus and always will be thus.
That is one of the reasons that the overreaction this go round is so ridiculous.
am i the first person to notice, that facial coverings (masks) are facial coverings (Hijabs)?
right? i mean, right?
covid, and all that
Pre-corona, masks were sometimes used by women in Japan when they wanted to pop out for a quick errand but didn't feel like doing their makeup.
Yep, Soon she'll be DEMANDING that every woman wear a burka without any irony whatsoever.
Hey white girls...hey...want to not have to give a crap about smiling? Or doing your hair? Keeping in shape? Worrying about if this is a makeup day, or not a makeup day? Are you tired of having to meet any standards at all?
Girl, have I got just the thing for you! Now introducing the latest fashion trend - and who among you doesn't like fashion - THE SMIRKA! It's like a Burka but specially covers your entire face!!! Now I know what you're thinking, 'OMG I still have to stay in shape', but not really, because who would know you're the landwhale named (insert name here) if they can't see your face (except for your tattoos...you know who you are...everyone knows)!!!
But we have a solution. Top scientistas have also culturally appropriated the Burka (you know...the giant cloth trash bag they wear in those places, you know, where we fight lots of wars in)!!! We have them in numerous colors to match your pumps - which no one will see - but are nonetheless very tasteful.
Get yours now, it's going to be THE HOTTEST new trend for what's left of this year you've been hashtagging overtime to destroy, and 2021 too!
She’s not pretty. So men look away. This is fake news.
Digging deep to keep the deplorables upbeat. It's a tough job...
Aren't there societies in the world where women are obligated to mask their entire bodies? Maybe that's where the US is headed. I remember as a kid looking at pictures, dating from the early 1900's, where women at the beach here in the US in the US had to wear bathing suits that covered everything except parts of the legs.
an activist and researcher
"Steph Herold...conducts qualitative research on the portrayal of abortion on television and in film and partners with ANSIRH researchers to leverage their work for various audiences beyond academia."
That is important research.
We've come full circle back to burkas and hijabs.
Her picture has smile lines. Odd
So that’s why all Islamic women wear the burka. If only I was as enlightened as our Ivy League betters. Shame on me.
Judging from the photo, having these woman silent is golden.
Assuming her picture correctly displays her appearance, the rest of us are better off with her wearing a mask too.
Everybody wins!
The CDC is recommending mask for 2 year olds if they're going to Daycare. Even Islam waits to Veil the woman till puberty. Can you believe that we are worse than Islam?!?
Looking at that photo, masks can't hide resting bitch face for shit
Plenty of people, but mostly women, have told me to smile, and I resented it every time. It didn’t become a men v. women thing until fairly recently.
Wearing a mask is liberating, wearing a burka is more so.
Rush's Undeniable Truth's of Life
#24: Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.
She sounds sweet.
And, oh yeah, what this world needs is another hyphenated activist. In this case researcher/activist. I wonder what she researches? Surely not happiness. She seems to not know a thing about that.
My goodness, she has tortured the situation into submission, hasn't she? I admire (sort of, in half-hearted and theoretical fashion) the ability of the modern feminist to bend less freedom of action to the Cause.
Me, if I don't feel like smiling, I don't smile. And if a strange man tells me I should smile (which has never happened in my 53 years), I cock an eyebrow at him (actually both because I've never mastered the single eyebrow-cock) and continue not smiling. No big whoop.
Steph on the right.
No further comment.
Usually it's smiling then nagging. She's just cutting out the first step.
Stuff I never would have predicted #11,987: "Feminists" willingly donning the burqa.
The Times looked far and wide for women who needed better therapists and found just enough for this stupid article!
"For the first time ever, the weather getting nicer is *not* correlating with more men demanding that I smile, so that’s something."
I call BS.
Seasonal catcalling? Like from construction workers in the 1970s?
Things that don’t actually happen in the world that women make up and pretend is a problem, for the attention:
-Men commanding women to smile
-People confronting nursing moms and telling them to stop
-People touching pregnant women’s bellies without asking
Supposedly these are Terrible Microaggressions against Women that happen All The Time. I’ve been pregnant and nursed babies in public five times and never had the latter two happen, and never heard of it happening to anyone I knew. I’ve been a woman for approximately twenty-five years and no one has ever told me to smile.
Althousian ladies? How about the rest of you? Thoughts?
They could all be veterinarians.
A pretty girl with an appealing smile has a tremendous bargaining advantage in life. Sadly, many attractive women do not use their leverage to gain advances for their less attractive sisters. If only Bella Abzug had looked like Jennifer Lawrence, how much further would the cause of feminism and world peace have advanced. It's only fair that this advantage be taken from attractive women. From now on, in our brave new masquerade, all women will be treated equally whilst in retail and public settings....Some effort should be made to restrict eye make up. I've been noticing some women with alluring eyes. This subverts the whole purpose of wearing a mask.
I am 54 years old in 3 weeks- I have never once seen a mom nursing an infant told to stop in public, and I have probably seen about 100 or so over the decades (not a common sight in any case). As for the smiling, I don't see it as a thing men telling women to do, but more women telling everyone else to do. I get told that every now and again, and it is invariably a female doing the telling, but, again, it is rare.
These people are so miserable. It makes me wonder how they get to places of importance and influence and get others to put up with them.
I can only assume its ol' "misery loves company" line.
Reply to Pants:
I often had people touch my pregnant belly. I was pregnant four times, and it happened with each pregnancy. But that was 25 to 30 years ago. People are probably more cautious these days about touching others.
Re: wearing masks.
I find them uncomfortable but I also recognize that I look prettier with one on.
Come on, ladies, be proud of your Resting Bitch Faces!
Oh, wait! Was "ladies" a Microagression?
I think all of these problems are Real. But not nearly as frequent as "news" about them suggests.
I think an interesting statistical study would be to compare the frequency of the microaggressions you list with the frequency of white cops killing black men by kneeling on their necks. My guess in both cases is Real but Rare.
She sounds like the Karen's that got Bennett fired from the NYT. I bet she SMILED when he had to leave.
I really wish we would stop confusing misery for gravitas.
Good news, when you stay at home, you won't be cat-called while walking the streets. Well, doesn't sound good to me, but to some, it is a silver-lining! Like that spoon they had a child.
"Steph on the right."
There are guys who would fuck that. But she should try smiling, it would make her more attractive.
Is this really a thing?
"Steph Herold...conducts qualitative research on the portrayal of abortion on television and in film and partners with ANSIRH researchers to leverage their work for various audiences beyond academia."
Reproductive rites. The fifth choice, Pro-Choice. She's employed in solidarity with transhumanism, Planned Parenthood, the propaganda arm of the national socialists (e.g. selective-Jew), communists (e.g. one-child), n-wave feminism (e.g. selective-child), leftists (Pro-Choice (PC) religion). They must be concerned about people forming close association between progressive, forward-looking regimes past and present.
Is it any guy telling her to smile that upsets her or just when the not hot guys do it?
I guess telling a woman to smile is just like rape but not rape-rape.
She can always wear a burka...
"Feminists" willingly donning the burqa.
Feminists are female chauvinists, they are not pro-female. They use women for sociopolitical leverage and to keep Planned Parenthood and other reproductive rite corporations profitable and stocked. Keep women barefoot, available, and taxable.
"Things that don’t actually happen in the world that women make up and pretend is a problem, for the attention:
-Men commanding women to smile
-People confronting nursing moms and telling them to stop
-People touching pregnant women’s bellies without asking"
In over five decades I can't think of hearing or witnessing a single instance of any of these things. These people must occupy some pretty weird milieus. Maybe it's an East Coast thing.
Well, I Have Misplaced My Pants, I can honestly say I've never commanded a woman to smile. But I have more than once suggested they wear one. It's not essential for a career in sales, but is for a really successful career in sales. I've also made the same suggestion to men. It's applicable to all 57 sexes- a smile signals friendliness and approachability. Not wearing one doesn't necessarily signal "Stay Away!" as a scowl would, but doesn't say "Hi, I'm friendly." either.
@Pants - were you something else before this 25 year period of womaning?
:-) << that's me smiling, though nobody told me to.
All I remember from those "10 hours of walking around NYC as a woman" videos was that 95% of the men doing the cat calls were POC.
Althousian ladies? How about the rest of you? Thoughts?
While I most certainly will never feature on the "Ladies of Althouse" cheesecake calendar due to my God-given appendages, I'd just like to add something to the discussion of "public touching".
The relationship between an Old White Fart & his favorite waitresses at his habitual eatery or watering hole is a sacred one. This relationship often involves quite a bit of unsolicited touching, always with the waitress doing the touching. Little things, like a hand on the shoulder. The initiation of touching almost never goes the other way. That's a no-no. But, it happens all the time, and if a man ever said "Please don't touch me", the waitresses would think he was quite the sullen asshole.
Social rules are very complex & complicated. For example, a waitress can walk up to a table of older women and say "What'll you girls be having today?", even though it's been many decades since anyone at the table has seen girlhood. Woe be to the waiter who mouths those same words!
"Althousian ladies? How about the rest of you? Thoughts?"
I was sitting here wondering if I were the only woman in history who'd never been commanded to smile.
One would think that Miss Herold would be angry about having to wear a mask. The mask is denying her the chance to yell, "I'll smile if I feel like it! Pig!" Which would probably be fun for her.
I think a huge fortune is to be made by marketing black mask-shaped nuk-nuks to wymyn.
if I were the only woman in history who'd never been commanded to smile.
You never asked a camera for cheese?
Decades ago, when my new wife was a pediatric resident just starting to see patients, she asked me one day if it was common for boys aged 3 to 15 to suddenly get boners for no reason. She explained her need to ask this: quite a few of her boy patients, when asked to drop trousers for the testicular exam, experienced a gratuitous NRB (NO REASON BONER).
I explained to her that yes, this NRB stuff happens to boys. A lot. All the time, in fact. Embarrassingly frequently. I recounted how as a kid I'd get them kneeling in church at Mass, sitting in class, watching TV, in the car, and anywhere else, all the time. For no reason at all. She was glad to hear that, because she was worried all these boners on little boys was due to something she was doing, as a doctor or as a female. That was just her inexperience making her self-conscious. Now, 30 years on, she reassures parents of little boys with NRBs as being just the way boys operate, as their hormones surge through them, and many a parent has been relieved that little Timmy isn't a future sex pervert for getting a boner during his checkup, or in the grocery store cereal aisle.
The lesson I learned from this amusing bit of information shared with my new wife is that males and females really don't understand each other very well, even medically, without a whole lot of ongoing communication effort to learn and relearn the ever-varying details of each others' experiences in life. Talk about stuff. It can be fun.
The woman in the post not getting catcalls? Maybe this year isn't that much of a catcalling year, overall, and she has nothing personally to do with the lack of annoyances.
Also, I was asked once by my manager, going into a meeting at work, why I had such a "sour face." My response was, "You know where I work, right?"
Interestingly, without the smiles and facial muscle movements all we see in a face is the eyes. The masking has made that much clear. A woman’s Masked face’s intentions is suddenly visible and startlingly powerful and the sensual women are now undisguised. Bravos woman’s face is sexier with clothing on it.
From the 'Kardashian' hoaxes of the past to today's 'mask' and virus cure hoaxes - only serves one group of liars - MSM. It will be interesting whether 'humans' survive this onslaught of the 'massive propoganda machine' without resorting to 1984 results?
I always thought it was silly that women felt they had to smile to keep us men happy. I suspect they really smile because all the women are smiling and none of them are sufficiently independent to by the only one not smiling.
Howard said...
Digging deep to keep the deplorables upbeat. It's a tough job...
It's an interesting conclusion. A proggie writes an article and the New York Times publishes it. On the non-proggie side a blogger covers it.
Which team has made a bigger deal of this? Since the answer is obviously the proggies (in fact such nonsense has been a years long obsession in navel lint analysis) how could any rational person conclude the right is working harder to feed the deplorables than the left is to feed the proggies?
The answer of course is that no rational people believe this conclusion.
I remember seeing some documentary on the occupation of Germany after WWII (maybe one of the last episodes of World at War?) and they interviewed a German woman who as a young woman got the very desirable job of working at an Officers Club for American occupation forces. It was very desirable because the American forces had lots of food, and were apparently quite willing to share with the native employees, and this officers' club was no exception.
When asked by the interviewer how it was, she said it was very unpleasant for her. Why? "Because they were always telling me to 'smile' & I didn't feel like smiling".
Cultural differences, I guess.
I have never been commanded to smile either.
But then I don't go around looking like I just bit into a lemon.
I enjoy it when attractive young women smile at me. It makes feel young and virile.
I feel creepy when the ugly ones smile at me.
I COMMAND all attractive women to smile at me and all ugly women to ignore me.
Make it so, Genie.
I enjoy it when attractive young women smile at me. It makes feel young and virile.
I feel creepy when the ugly ones smile at me.
I COMMAND all attractive women to smile at me and all ugly women to ignore me.
Make it so, Genie.
Speak no wickedness. Good choice. #HateLovesAbortion
Stay tuned for the inevitable future story of how men are bastards for no longer paying attention to her.
"How did you know I went to Bryn Mawr?"
"...conducts qualitative research..." Translation: No math.
She is, ante covid, surrounded by men who annoy her daily by asking her to smile?
That is bizarre. The woman is neurotic.
I wish women who don't like men ever approaching them would just write IDLM (I don't like men) on their foreheads with a Magic Marker. This way no man would ever make the mistake of helping them, carrying their groceries, fixing their computers, cars, cell phones, washers, or refrigerators. These women would be much happier and so would all the men who help them now.
"Translation: No math."
Probably no research, either.
"She's a real 2-masker"
...will that be paper or plastic?
William said...
... If only Bella Abzug had looked like Jennifer Lawrence, how much further would the cause of feminism and world peace have advanced...
If Bella Abzug had looked like Jennifer Lawrence she wouldn't have turned out as Bella Abzug. It's #24 on Rush's list of 35 Undeniable Truths of Life: "Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women access to the mainstream of society.
That one is very definitely true.
Smile, wench, Smile!
I say this constantly as I stride down the street in my top hat and monocle.
I wonder if she's an incel. She probably is, but not for the reasons she thinks.
- Krumhorn
While working in NYC I had as my secretary, a beautiful Anglo-Argentine. That was not just my opinion, for back in Buenos Aires she had been a model for a cosmetics company.
One day, she told me of her disappointment that when she walked in Manhattan the men did not "celebrate" her beauty.
It's a mistake to think that what is accepted opinion today in the USA is also accepted throughout the civilized world.
Some raging American feminists assume that theirs is the morally and ethically superior opinion. It is not.
Unfortunately (for them) the people who live in other nations do not pay attention to them.
BTW, all of the Althousian women, including Inga, are interesting. But where is mockturtle??
- Krumhorn
As for the way some Muslim women dress, Boris Johnson has said that they look like letterboxes.
Considering how much the eye-opening looks like a mail slot I think he had a point.
Does that make me a bad person?
I'm adding this to my " Why the Patriarchy Exists" folder.
"She’s not pretty. So men look away. This is fake news."
The big shame is it wouldn't take much to bring her up to "pretty". Probably not "gorgeous", but "pretty" is attainable for nearly 95% of girls. This girl needs to lose some weight, rethink her hairstyle, and watch a few makeup tutorials on YouTube, but it's a reachable goal.
I had an ex who fell hard as the years went by, post-breakup. She went from head-turner to look-away over the course of her next two boyfriends. Last I heard (it's been years), she was now a lesbian.
Have you ever been to Wales? There's your answer right there. The Scots are worse.
Drunk walks up to two women in Great Britain and asks, "What are two fine lassies from Scotland doing in a place like this".
One of the women turns with a sneer and says, "That's Wales".
"OK" responds the drunk, "What are two whales from Scotland...."
I must say, I like that last pic and hope it may one day be "all teh rage" in fashion for this woke set.
Only suggested improvement would be a good super glue used to apply.
FWIW, if you are an "Activist" I have a built in distrust of your research.
What was Rowling saying about dehumanizing women?
Pair the mask with sunglasses and one can be relieved of the burden of expression. Then all us animals have left to look at is T&A.
Actually, when a woman wears a mask in a situation where it is not mandatory, acts as a great filtering signal: she is either a sheeple, scared rabbit, or both. Not worth any time.
I see the women in the picture at bottom wearing Groucho Marx mustaches, double stacked.
Then there's this:
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