June 15, 2020

Fists — a blackface fist and Biden doing fists.

At Drudge right now:

The link on "Long, Hot Summer" goes to "In Miami-Dade, dueling rallies in support of Black Lives Matter and President Trump" (Miami Herald). I don't really know what's in that article that justifies the photograph of what I'm calling a blackface fist or that headline using a phrase that back in the 1960s meant there would be "race riots" in the city all summer....

It's got to be to chime with that blackface fist that Drudge chooses 2-fisted Biden to illustrate "POLL: Trump losing female vote by historic margin..." That picture is one of several pictures at the link, which goes to "LADY TROUBLES/Trump ‘losing female vote to Biden by a historic margin not seen in more than 50 years’ – but men still on his side'" (The Sun).  In that poll, Biden has a 20-point advantage with women, and Trump has a 2-point advantage with men. Polls — who believes them?! But why 2 fists when the issue is his appeal to women? Don't we imagine that the female preference for Biden over Trump is that he seems to be a kinder, gentler fellow?

Perhaps Drudge means to suggest that women are going to need a strong protector, and there's Biden, balling up his fists — does he look adequate to fight for you, as this "long, hot summer" comes on? In that light, consider the third item in my screen shot: "Winston Churchill's picture mysteriously vanishes from Google amid rising tensions" (knewz):
Searches for ‘British prime minister’ and ‘World War 2 generals’ called up photos of everyone else but the legendary British prime minister — just after his statue in London was defiled. The images were eventually restored. The picture of Winston Churchill suspiciously vanished from Google search results on Saturday just as the legendary British prime minister was under siege from racial justice protesters in the United Kingdom. The images reappeared about 12 hours later on Sunday, with Google saying it was an unintentional “updating issue.”
The old-school belligerent male protector is disappearing from the scene, and all we've got left is old man Biden, because the women seem to think he'll have to do.


Craig said...

I don't think I can follow the news anymore. It's bad for my mental health. The idea that Democrats (with Joe Biden!) are winning in the polls, after all that they've put the country through the past four years, is just too depressing and sad.

AllenS said...

Don't we imagine that the female preference for Biden over Trump is that he seems to be a kinder, gentler fellow? -- AA

Yes, of course. We can't imagine Trump ever smelling women's hair that he hardly or does not know.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It’s not a drudgetaposition because Drudge isn’t doing Drudge Report now. The lefty in charge has not a whit of the wit the of the original Breitbart-Drudge team. It isn’t interesting to me like it was before. I’m genuinely interested in whether others see it the same way. For the first time, moderation is an advantage in that I wish to see what the fresh uninfluenced takes will say.

gilbar said...

Polls — who believes them?!

the drudge report, who believes it to be Anything but anti-Trump?

EsoxLucius said...

At least Biden can descend a ramp without stumbling and drink water without using two hands.

whitney said...

How come Howard Stern is getting a pass on the black face? There's a video of him using the n-word multiple different times and in black face many different times and it's barely made an impact

Marcus Bressler said...

Drudge is unreadable except for comic relief. I attribute the Churchill kerfuffle to Occam's Razor.


Watched the Trump Birthday Flotilla originate in Jupiter here outside The Square Grouper on the Loxahatchee River/Jupiter Inlet. Made a Jupiterite proud. Many of the bridges are open on demand so the traffic was busy idling LOLz for several periods yesterday. It was a beautiful day and as a result, no crowds at the local restaurants which are still working at 50% capacity rules.

rehajm said...

Republicans are gaining significant ground with minorities and the urban demographic while losing significant ground in the white suburbs. They are long term trends, though the media chooses to make news only about the second trend.

Special interests are working to mitigate the first trend.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump started with such remarkable promise. A shame to see such a great opportunity so thoroughly wasted.

Darrell said...

It hasn't been "Drudge" for a long time. It's Lefty shit and nobody normal reads it.

Paco Wové said...

Looks like a "gerbil fist" to me.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The idea that Democrats (with Joe Biden!) are winning in the polls, after all that they've put the country through the past four years, is just too depressing and sad.

6/15/20, 7:12 AM

Don't be depressed. And don't believe the polls. We are being gaslit.

Let assholes like ATM think they're winning.

Gahrie said...

and all we've got left is old man Biden, because the women seem to think he'll have to do.

Repeal the 19th.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump hasn’t wasted any opportunity at all, ARM, and has moved forward on the agenda he promised. Although honest responses are rare, I’ll throw a Q at you all the same. What “great opportunity” did Trump fail to grasp? Did I miss an extended olive branch somewhere? Isn’t he negotiating with your friends the Taliban for peace in Afghanistan? Hasn’t he asked for an infrastructure bill for like four years now?

tcrosse said...

A black glove would have been sufficient.

LilyBart said...

Drudge has become unreadable. Except one doesn't actually read Drudge, one skims it. So, really it has become 'un-skimable'.

Quaestor said...

Watch for Biden to return to hair-sniffing and boob-gauging.

If he ever leaves his basement.

Eleanor said...

Not data- I see a lot of screeds from lefty suburban women against Trump, but I can't find a single post singing Biden's praises or even suggesting anyone vote for him- just against Trump. Also I can't find a single post from a suburban woman who voted for Trump in 2016 who has decided to vote for Biden this time- or even to stay home. There has been a large bump in membership in the #walkaway movement the last couple of weeks, and a lot of the testimonies are from suburban women. On the lefty blog sites I've been reading since 2007, there's a lot of scrambling to find reasons to vote for Biden and a lot more interest in his VP pick- kind of like when everyone on the left worried McCain would die and leave Sarah Palin president only this time they're hoping it will happen.

Fernandinande said...

It’s not a drudgetaposition because Drudge isn’t doing Drudge Report now.

I quit reading it shortly after the Chinese cooties started because it was over-the-top fear porn.

There's a video of him using the n-word multiple different times and in black face many different times and it's barely made an impact.

It sounds like a nice example of a rationality (except for the who-whom part which determines who should be crucified for their harmless behavior and who shouldn't)

Darrell said...

Read what ARidiculousMoron was saying when Trump was elected. You won't find the word "promise" anywhere.

Kai Akker said...

Loneliness is such a

Lucien said...

As long as Joe is showing women both fists they don’t have to worry about his digital outreach.

cacimbo said...

A blackface fist is the perfect representation of the current protest riots.You have white middle class Antifa types promoting riots under the guise of supporting BLM. Their real goal is to destroy capitalism. So they are kind of wearing blackface.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump and the Republicans controlled all the levers of power for two years and all they could produce was a tax cut for the rich, which has left us with a vast debt before the even vaster debt incurred by Trump's failure to respond adequately to the pandemic.

Could have had mandatory E-verify.

William said...

I have read several biographies of Churchill. He was definitely the great man of his era, but, as his biographers made clear, he also made many mistakes of a magnitude commensurate with his greatness. I'm fine with that. What irritates me is the fact that some really wretched figures on the left are written about in hushed, reverent tones for all the years of their lives and for maybe a generation or two after their death. Henry Wallace got a better press than Churchill.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

If Biden's hands are in fists he can't stick his fingers in anything.

Sebastian said...

"the women seem to think he'll have to do."

Many women prefer the prog fist. Until it hits them in the face. Then what?

narciso said...

They are trying to purge the miami police chief because of 23 year old remarks

exhelodrvr1 said...

Because feelz are the most important thing of all!

Birkel said...

Rough men stand ready...
Women can't handle the truth?

The editors who now pretend at Drudge will be surprised.

mikee said...

The apeal of biden to women is that he has dementia and will relinquish the presidency on Nov 05, 2020, to the black owman, Michell Obama, he picks for his vice president.

Michael K said...

Darrell said...
It hasn't been "Drudge" for a long time. It's Lefty shit and nobody normal reads it.

ARM reads it and believes it.

NCMoss said...

The polls in favor of a Biden landslide are good - like in 2016, they give a false sense of security and illuminate the media for the lying weasels they are.

LYNNDH said...

Maybe the Suburban White Women know that if Biden wins the new President in about a month will be a Black Woman. All that White Guilt! Don't think they will like what happens next.

Ken B said...

I told you, get used to the fist.

Ken B said...

If Biden leads amongst women then MeToo is well and truly dead. How long can it take to search the records for Tara Reade's complaint?

buwaya said...

I suggest the nervous (and well off) women go abroad for the season.

Most places are saner than the US seems to be at the moment.

And the wine is extremely cheap in Spain.
And if sunny Spain seems a little - hot - for a summer jaunt (and I wont lie, it does get to Arizona heat in most parts), consider Galicia, Cantabria and the Basque country, which are pretty much like coastal Washington State.

And if one is a bit left and neurotic, pretty much all of Spain is nice and cool October-November, and the tourist crowds will have moved on. You can have the place - any place - to yourselves, and the locals.

In case you were wondering, I am doing my patriotic duty to assist the recovery of the Spanish tourist industry.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

There is a reason that Socialist governments followed voting rights for women.

Nonapod said...

I haven't visited Drudge in a few years since the site became just another boring anti-Trump outlet. Seems things haven't changed.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
It’s not a drudgetaposition because Drudge isn’t doing Drudge Report now. The lefty in charge has not a whit of the wit the of the original Breitbart-Drudge team

I have no idea what happened behind the scenes but I hadn't heard that Drudge isn't in charge anymore. Did he cash in or something? Did he take some of that sweet Soros or Chicom money?

wendybar said...

Almost 1 million people have signed up for Trumps Tulsa rally. Can Joe get that kind of crowd??

wendybar said...

whitney said...
How come Howard Stern is getting a pass on the black face? There's a video of him using the n-word multiple different times and in black face many different times and it's barely made an impact
6/15/20, 7:23 AM

Welcome to America, where Democrats can do as they please, all the while screaming and crying if YOU do it.

Kylos said...

Anecdotally, my mom, who is pretty much a single-issue pro-life voter, did not vote for Trump the first time but is becoming more convinced she'll be voting for Trump this time, though I doubt she'd admit that to many people. She still can't stand him, but views the alternative as even worse.

narciso said...

where in the uk, it took about 30 years, there was the brief interregnum of the mcdonald govt toppled by the zinoviev telegram,

narciso said...

where in the uk, it took about 30 years, there was the brief interregnum of the mcdonald govt toppled by the zinoviev telegram,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“Mandatory E-verify”? Asked what Trump failed to do and that’s your best shot? LOLGF it’s obviously a 49-state landslide ahead then!

narciso said...

where in the uk, it took about 30 years, there was the brief interregnum of the mcdonald govt toppled by the zinoviev telegram,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Nevertrumpers from defunct TWS bought it in 2019:

narciso said...



narciso said...

well we know how it was back home,


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Nonapod said...

I have no idea what happened behind the scenes but I hadn't heard that Drudge isn't in charge anymore. Did he cash in or something? Did he take some of that sweet Soros or Chicom money?

The speculation is that he's sold the site.

narciso said...

more of these peaceful protests,


Ray - SoCal said...

With the threat of negative repercussions if you admit support for Trump, you would need to insane to do so.

I hang up on all surveys now.

Plus the typical poll does “all voters” vs likely voters, and over samples Democrats.

A recent article lambasted the fact the Trump campaign was feeling Hillary like, with too many people. I wonder if these people are being used in a ground game (traditionally a weak area for the gop), and going after minority voters...

The 800,000 requests to attend a Trump Rally at a stadium that holds 19,000 is amazing.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Name one lasting achievement of Trump's. A massive deficit, a botched response to the virus, record unemployment and a labradoodle breeder don't count. Mandatory E-verify would have been a miracle compared to what he has actually achieved.

mikee said...

Howard Stern gets a pass for blackface because if called on it, he will dedicate a multihour show heard by tens of millions to ridiculing you for doing so. He will demonize you as a mother raping, sister fondling, brother sucking, dog killing dementia patient, and that characterization will stick to you for years.

A good defense beats a rotten offense. With a big stick.

Kai Akker said...

Tying to the Hendrix song "Long Hot Summer" makes obvious sense. But I think even more applicable Jimi lyrics come from another song on that album, "House Burning Down." All of 'em I think from that year, 1968.

Sisters and brothers, daddies, mothers standing around crying
When I reached the scene the flames were making a ghostly whine
So I stood on my horse's back and I screamed without a crack
I say, "Oh baby why'd you burn your brother's house down?"

I said the truth is straight ahead so don't burn yourself instead
Try to learn instead of burn, hear what I say, yeah, yeah

A video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnYWfVPT5aI

chickelit said...

Who cares about the Drudge Report these days? It's actually pro-Clinton now. That's what money can do.

Charlie said...

I haven't even looked at Drudge in over a year.

narciso said...

unnamed people dissing parscale, whereas nate tin is still quoted as an authority,

Nonapod said...

With the threat of negative repercussions if you admit support for Trump, you would need to insane to do so.

This is my impression too. In today's hyper polarized, hyper intense atmosphere where expressing a political opinion that is against narrative can sometimes result in destroyed careers, social ostracization, and even destroyed property, I could see a lot of people demurring with regards to any political questions. I can easily imagine that currently there's a lot of people who plan on voting for Trump in November who would have little desire to respond to any kind of poll. It's basically the shy Tory effect on steroids.

jaydub said...

Buwaya: "Most places are saner than the US seems to be at the moment. And the wine is extremely cheap in Spain."

So cheap we brought back 300 bottles of Tempranillo from the Rubera del Duero appellation, plus 10 kilos of olives and 10 liters of premium olive oil from a small mill in Zahara de la Sierra near Ronda when we relocated to the US last year. I wanted to stay until after the election to see if anything was left of the US, but the wife said 5 years was enough. I think you’re wrong about the heat, however, at least on the Central plain and in Andalusia – the temperatures may be Arizona like, but the humidity is pure South Florida. The Northwest corner and Basque Country on both sides of the Pyrenees and the mountains themselves are as you describe, but neither the Galicians nor the Basque would necessarily admit to being Spanish. Regardless, I salute you for assisting the Spanish tourism industry – we did much the same for the Cadiz economy in the mid teens when unemployment was at 25% and one third of the shops and bars were still closed from the 2010 recession. In fact, we liked to say we spent enough money to ensure the survival of the entire Costa de la Luz and not one penny more.

Enjoy your stay in Spain. We may be joining you in December. I subscribe to your recently stated prepper policy of having funds and living options elsewhere.

Howard said...

1968 Summer Olympics men's 200-meter medal ceremony is the type locality of black fist

Darrell said...

Trump's COVID-19 Response Through January 31th--

December 31: China reports the discovery of the coronavirus to the World Health Organization.

January 3: CDC Director Robert Redfield sent an email to the director of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus.

January 5: CDC Director Redfield sent another email to the Chinese CDC Director, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak,

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a level I travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC updated a Level 1 travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.

January 27: President Trump tweeted that he made an offer to President Xi Jinping to send experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.

January 27: The White House Coronavirus Task Force started meeting to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 31: The Trump Administration:

Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.

Announced Chinese travel restrictions.

Suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus.
January 31: The Department of Homeland Security took critical steps to funnel all flights from China into just 7 domestic U.S. airports.

Gk1 said...

It's weird to see Ann post a pic of Drudge's front pages. I had abandoned it summer of 2018 because of it's over the top TDS. Particularly the regurgitation of Russian collusion nonsense. I can get that anywhere.

I used to hit Drudge every day since 1997 and just like that, replaced it with other places without much bother. To be effective propaganda you have to change up your pitching. Like when NY Times grudgingly reports good financial news or something positive. I know it must give them hives whenever they have to report on reality.

Darrell said...


February 3: The CDC had a team ready to travel to China to obtain critical information on the novel coronavirus, but were in the U.S. awaiting permission to enter by the Chinese government.

February 2: The CDC expanded enhanced entry screening to eight major airports across the nation.

February 4: President Trump vowed in his State of the Union Address to “take all necessary steps” to protect Americans from the coronavirus.

February 5: The Trump Administration and health officials briefed lawmakers on the Federal Government's coronavirus response efforts.

February 6: The CDC began shipping CDC-Developed test kits for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus to U.S. and international labs.

February 7: President Trump told reporters that the CDC is working with China on the coronavirus.

February 9: The White House Coronavirus Task Force briefed governors from across the nation at the National Governors’ Association Meeting in Washington.

February 11: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) expanded a partnership with Janssen Research & Development to “expedite the development” of a coronavirus vaccine.

February 12: The U.S. shipped test kits for the 2019 novel coronavirus to approximately 30 countries who lacked the necessary reagents and other materials.

February 12: The CDC was prepared to travel to China but had yet to receive permission from the Chinese government.

February 14: The CDC began working with five labs to conduct “community-based influenza surveillance” to study and detect the spread of coronavirus.

February 18: HHS announced it would engage with Sanofi Pasteur in an effort to quickly develop a coronavirus vaccine and to develop treatment for coronavirus infections.

February 22: A WHO team of international experts arrives in Wuhan, China.

February 24: The Trump Administration sent a letter to Congress requesting at least $2.5 billion to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Febraury 25: HHS Secretary Azar testified before the Senate HELP committee on the Administration's coronavirus response efforts.

February 26: President Trump discussed coronavirus containment efforts with Indian PM Modi and updated the press on his Administration’s containment efforts in the U.S. during his state visit to India.

February 29: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed certified labs to develop and begin testing coronavirus testing kits while reviewing pending applications.

February 29: The Trump Administration:

Announced a level 4 travel advisory to areas of Italy and South Korea.

Barred all travel to Iran.

Barred the entry of foreign citizens who visited Iran in the last 14 days.

Darrell said...

March 1-15

March 3: The White House announced President Trump donated his fourth quarter salary to fight the coronavirus.

March 4: The Trump Administration announced the purchase of approximately 500 million N95 respirators over the next 18 months to respond to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

March 4: Secretary Azar announced that HHS was transferring $35 million to the CDC to help state and local communities that have been impacted most by the coronavirus.

March 6: President Trump signed an $8.3 billion bill to fight the coronavirus outbreak.

The bill provides $7.76 billion to federal, state, & local agencies to combat the coronavirus and authorizes an additional $500 million in waivers for Medicare telehealth restrictions.

March 9: President Trump called on Congress to pass a payroll tax cut over coronavirus.

March 10: President Trump and VP Pence met with top health insurance companies and secured a commitment to waive co-pays for coronavirus testing.

March 11: President Trump:

Announced travel restrictions on foreigners who had visited Europe in the last 14 days.

Directed the Small Business Administration to issue low-interest loans to affected small businesses and called on congress to increase this fund by $50 billion.

Directed the Treasury Department to defer tax payments for affected individuals & businesses, & provide $200 billion in “additional liquidity.”

Met with American bankers at the White House to discuss coronavirus.
March 13: President Trump declared a national emergency in order to access $42 billion in existing funds to combat the coronavirus.

March 13: President Trump announced:

Public-private partnerships to open up drive-through testing collection sites.

A pause on interest payments on federal student loans.

An order to the Department of Energy to purchase oil for the strategic petroleum reserve.
March 13: The Food & Drug Administration:

Granted Roche AG an emergency approval for automated coronavirus testing kits.

Issued an emergency approval to Thermo Fisher for a coronavirus test within 24 hours of receiving the request.
March 13: HHS announced funding for the development of two new rapid diagnostic tests, which would be able to detect coronavirus in approximately 1 hour.

March 14: The Coronavirus Relief Bill passed the House of Representatives.

March 14: The Trump Administration announced the European travel ban will extend to the UK and Ireland.

March 15: President Trump held a phone call with over two dozen grocery store executives to discuss on-going demand for food and other supplies.

March 15: HHS announced it is projected to have 1.9 million COVID-19 tests available in 2,000 labs this week.

March 15: Google announced a partnership with the Trump Administration to develop a website dedicated to coronavirus education, prevention, & local resources.

March 15: All 50 states were contacted through FEMA to coordinate “federally-supported, state-led efforts” to end coronavirus.

Darrell said...

March cont.

March 19: The State Department issued a global level 4 health advisory, telling Americans to avoid all international travel due to coronavirus.

March 19: President Trump directed FEMA to take the lead on the Federal Government’s coronavirus response & visited FEMA HQ with Vice President Pence for a video call with Governors.

narciso said...

lucianne's front page logo is interesting though, there was another bogus study on hcq using the wrong dosage,

Darrell said...

March cont.

March 20: The U.S. and Mexico agree to mutually restrict nonessential cross-border traffic.

March 20: Secretary Mnuchin announced at the direction of President Trump that tax day will be moved from April 15 to July 15 for all taxpayers and businesses.

March 20: President Trump:

Spoke with Sen. Schumer about coronavirus response & stimulus measures

Held a call with over 12,000 small business owners to discuss relief efforts

Announced the CDC will invoke Title 42 to provide border patrol with tools to secure the borders
March 20: The Department of Education announced it will:

Not enforce standardized testing requirements for the remainder of the school year

Allow federal student loan borrowers to stop payments without penalty for 60 days
March 20: Secretary Azar announced:

FEMA is coordinating and assisting coronavirus testing at labs across the country

The CDC is suspending all illegal entries to the country based on the public health threat, via Section 362 of the Public Health & Security Act
March 20: Secretary Azar sent a letter to all 50 Governors that the federal government is buying and making available 200,000 testing swabs

March 21: Vice President Pence announced to date over 195,000 Americans tested for coronavirus and have received their results

March 21: The Trump Administration announced HHS placed an order for hundreds of millions of N95 masks through FEMA

March 21: The FDA announced it had given emergency approval to a new coronavirus test that delivers results in hours, with an intended rollout of March 30

March 21: Adm. Giroir confirmed 10 million testing kits had been put into the commercial market from March 2 through March 14

March 22: President Trump approved major disaster declarations for:

Washington State

March 22: President Trump announced:

Governors will remain in command of National Guard forces & the federal govt will fund 100% of operations cost

He directed the federal govt to provide 4 large federal medical stations with 2,000 beds for CA & 1,000 beds for NY & WA.
March 22: President Trump confirmed his administration was working with Peru & Honduras to return Americans stranded in both countries as a result of travel restrictions.

March 22: Vice President Pence announced:

The testing backlog will be resolved by midweek.

To date, over 254,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus and received their results.
March 22: President Trump announced that the USNS Mercy will be deployed to Los Angeles.

March 22: FEMA issued guidance for tribal governments to seek federal assistance under the President’s emergency declaration.

March 23: President Trump signed an executive order invoking section 4512 of the Defense Production Act to prohibit the hoarding of vital medical supplies.

March 23: VP Pence announced:

313,000 Americans were tested for the coronavirus & received results.

FEMA established a supply chain stabilization task force so Americans get supplies they need.

HHS will have commercial labs prioritize testing for hospitalized patients.
March 23: The White House Office of Science & Technology Policy announced a public-private consortium to:

Advance coronavirus research.

Provide access to computing technology and resources for researchers.
March 23: Attorney General Barr announced:

The Justice Department held a National Task Force meeting on hoarding and price gouging.

Each of the 93 U.S. Attorney General offices is designating a lead prosectuor to prevent hoarding.
March 23: President Trump announced HHS is working to designate essential medical supplies as “scarce” to prohibit hoarding of these items.

March 23: The Treasury Department announced it is working with the Federal Reserve to lend up to $300 billion to businesses and local governments.

Darrell said...

March 25: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the #coronavirus outbreak for:



North Carolina
March 25: President Trump & Vice President Pence held a conference call with 140 non-profit organization leaders, including The Salvation Army & The Red Cross, to discuss coronavirus response efforts.

March 25: President Trump signed a bill reauthorizing The Older Americans Act, which supports senior citizens by providing meals, transportation, and other crucial services.

March 25: Vice President Pence

Held a conference call with equipment manufacturers to discuss on-going coronavirus response efforts.

Announced 432,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus and received results.

Confirmed 4,000 ventilators were delivered to New York.
March 25: Vice President Pence held discussions with multiple governors, including the Governor of Indiana & the Governor of Michigan

March 26: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the coronavirus outbreak for:


New Jersey


March 26: President Trump announced the USNS Comfort will depart for NYC on Saturday to assist in the coronavirus response – 3 weeks ahead of schedule!

March 26: President Trump participated in a video conference with the leaders of the G20 to discuss the global coronavirus response & the need for countries to share information and data on the spread of the virus.

March 26: President Trump held a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping to discuss the coronavirus.

March 26: Vice President Pence announced 552,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus and received their results.

March 26: Dr. Fauci announced the Federal Government is working with companies to speed up production of potential coronavirus vaccines while those drugs are still in the trial phase.

March 27: President Trump signed The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law.

March 27: President Trump signed a Defense Production Act memorandum ordering General Motors (GM) "to accept, perform, and prioritize federal contractors for ventilators.

March 27: President Trump signed an executive order allowing the military to activate members of the Selected Reserve and Ready Reserve to active duty to assist with the Federal response to the coronavirus.

March 27: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the coronavirus outbreak for:

South Carolina

Puerto Rico
March 27: President Trump appointed Office of Trade and Manufacturing policy director Peter Navarro to serve as the Defense Production Act Policy Coordinator.

March 27: President Trump announced that 100,000 ventilators are projected to be manufactured in the next 100 days, three times the amount typically manufactured in one year.

March 27: President Trump announced that Boeing offered the use of three "Dreamlifter" cargo air crafts to transport medical supplies across the country.

March 27: Partnering with FEMA, the CDC, and the Coronavirus Task Force, Apple released a coronavirus app which allows users to screen for their symptoms.

March 27: President Trump spoke with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson about the global coronavirus response and committed to helping provide ventilators to the U.K. where possible.

March 27: Vice President Pence announced that 685,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus and received their test results.

March 27: Emory University began enrolling participants for a phase one clinical trial, sponsored by the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of a new, potential coronavirus vaccine.

March 27: FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor spoke to the director of each of the state's emergency operations about the state-led, federally-supported coronavirus response effort.

March 27: The USNS Mercy arrived in the port of Los Angeles to help relieve the strain on hospital facilities in Southern California.

Darrell said...

March 28: President Trump visited Norfolk, VA to send off the USNS Comfort to New York City where it will help relieve the strain on local hospitals.

March 28: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the coronavirus outbreak for:





March 28: President Trump spoke with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis regarding the coronavirus response effort.

March 28: The CDC issued new guidance for residents of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to avoid non-essential domestic travel for 14 days to #StopTheSpread of the coronavirus within the U.S.

Darrell said...

March 29: President Trump announced that CDC guidelines will be extended through April 30 to promote #socialdistancing and other measures to stop the spread of the #coronavirus.

March 29: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the coronavirus outbreak for:




Washington DC
March 29: President Trump met with supply chain distributors including FedEx, Cardinal Health, and UPS to discuss ways to get state and local governments necessary medical supplies to combat the coronavirus.

March 29: President Trump congratulated the Army Corps of Engineers for having completed construction on a 2,900 bedroom temporary hospital at the Javits Center in New York.

March 29: President Trump tweeted his support for the FDA to expedite the approval process to approve mask sterilization equipment produced by Battelle.

March 29: President Trump announced the on-going study of 1,100 patients in New York being treated with Hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus.

March 29: President Trump directed the Treasury & Labor Departments to look at reinstating deductions of business expenses at restaurants, bars, and entertainment businesses to help the hospitality industry.

March 29: The first "Project Airbridge" shipment of medical supplies from abroad, organized by FEMA, landed at JFK airport, carrying 80 tons of masks, face shields, and other vital medical supplies.

March 29: President Trump announced that Cigna and Humana are waving co-pays for coronavirus treatment.

March 29: Vice President Pence sent a letter to hospital administrators requesting that hospitals across the country report their coronavirus data to the Federal Government in addition to state authorities.

March 29: Adm. Giroir announced that 894,000 Americans have been tested for coronavirus and received their results.

March 29: HHS accepted 30 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine, donated by Sandoz, and one million doses of Chloroquine, donated by Bayer Pharmaceuticals, for clinical trials and possible treatment of coronavirus patients.

Darrell said...

March 30: President Trump announced that one million Americans have been tested for coronavirus and received their results.

March 30: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the coronavirus outbreak for:




Rhode Island
March 30: Secretary Azar announced that the FDA has approved Battelle’s N95 mask sanitization process for use to decontaminate tens of thousands of masks per day.

March 30: President Trump announced further private sector commitments to manufacture personal protective equipment by MyPillow, Honeywell, Jockey, Procter & Gamble, and United Technologies.

March 30: President Trump announced, to date, FEMA has dedicated $1.3 billion to assist New York State’s coronavirus response.

March 30: President Trump announced “more than 14,000” National Guard service members have been activated to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.

March 30: President Trump spoke with the nation’s governors about their need for medical supplies.

March 30: President Trump announced that in the coming days the Federal Government will be delivering:

400 ventilators to Michigan

300 ventilators to New Jersey

150 ventilators to Louisiana

150 ventilators to Illinois

50 ventilators to Connecticut
March 30: President Trump spoke to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte of Italy and pledged to send $100 million of medical supplies to aid Italy’s battle against coronavirus.

March 30: Answering President Trump’s call for the private sector to join the fight against the #coronavirus, Ford Motor Company committed to producing 50,000 ventilators in the next 100 days.

March 30: On coronavirus testing, Secretary Azar announced that the U.S. is currently testing nearly 100,000 samples per day.

March 30: HHS took steps to accelerate a clinical trial of a potential coronavirus vaccine developed by Janssen Research & Development.

March 30: CMS announced new regulatory changes to cut red tape and give flexibility to America’s health care workers by relaxing hospital workforce regulations, expanding child care, meal, and laundry services for health care workers, expanding tele-health reimbursement, and more.

March 30: The USNS Comfort arrived in New York Harbor, providing more than 1,000 more hospital beds for patients without coronavirus, to relieve pressure on local hospitals.

March 30: The USNS Mercy began treating patients in Los Angeles.

Darrell said...

March 31: President Trump officially issued “30 Days To Slow The Spread” guidance to mitigate the outbreak of coronavirus.

March 31: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the coronavirus outbreak for:


March 31: President Trump participated in a conference call with executives of American Network Service Providers to promote connectivity amid social distancing.

March 31: President Trump announced that the federal government is stockpiling 10,000 ventilators to be urgently distributed as needed once the coronavirus pandemic hits its peak in the U.S.

March 31: President Trump announced that the Treasury Department and SBA are rapidly mobilizing money from the CARES Act’s $349 billion paycheck protection program, with the program set to be “up and running” by April 3.

March 31: President Trump spoke to Michigan Governor Whitmer about the state’s need for ventilators.

March 31: President Trump announced the Army Corps of Engineers & FEMA will construct:

8 facilities with 50,000 bed capacity in California

A field hospital with 250 bed capacity in Michigan

2 field hospitals in Louisiana with 500 bed capacity

An alternative care sight in New Orleans with a 3,000 bed capacity
March 31: President Trump spoke with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan about the international effort to defeat the coronavirus and support the global economy.

March 31: President Trump and the First Lady spoke with their Majesties King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain about efforts to combat the coronavirus.

March 31: Vice President Pence announced that 10 states now have access to federal funding for The National Guard to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.

March 31: Vice President Pence announced that 17,000 National Guard Servicemen have been activated across the country to assist in the coronavirus response.

March 31: Vice President Pence announced that 1.1 million coronavirus tests have been completed.

March 31: Adm. Giroir & Surgeon General Adams issued an open letter to the U.S. health care community about how to optimize the use of ventilators.

March 31: The FDA issued an emergency use authorization for a two-minute coronavirus antibody test developed by Bodysphere Inc.

March 31: The Treasury Department and IRS launched the employee retention credit, created by the CARES Act to incentivize businesses to keep their employees on payroll, and said businesses can begin using it.

March 31: The VA announced that it had expanded virtual services to veterans, continuing to provide care while limiting in-person interactions that could potentially harm vulnerable populations at VA facilities.

April 1: President Trump approved a major disaster declaration related to the coronavirus outbreak for:

North Dakota


The Northern Mariana Islands

Darrell said...

April 1: President Trump spoke to military families whose relocation or reunion with loved ones was impacted by the coronavirus.

April 1: President Trump announced that the construction & refurbishing of two additional hospital ships like the USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort are being considered.

April 1: Vice President Pence announced that 1.2 million coronavirus tests have been completed.

April 1: The White House, HHS, and the FDA worked with Senator Rob Portman to acquire and authorize for use over two million gowns donated to the Strategic National Stockpile by Cardinal Health.

April 1: Dr. Birx announced that the White House issued a challenge to universities and states to develop ELISA, or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays, tests to detect coronavirus antibodies in larger communities more quickly.

April 1: The Treasury Department released FAQs to help small and medium businesses understand the paid sick and family leave tax credits now offered under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.

April 1: The Department of Labor posted a temporary rule to implement the Families First Coronavirus Response Act in order to provide paid sick and family leave.

April 1: In New York City, the USNS Comfort began treating its first patients.

April 1: The VA opened its East Orange, NJ medical center to serve non-veteran coronavirus patients to assist the state and FEMA in their response to coronavirus.

April 1: The Treasury Department announced that Social Security recipients, including senior citizens, disabled Americans, and low-income Americans who do not file tax returns will have their coronavirus relief payments directly deposited into their bank accounts.

April 2: President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to direct 3M to produce more N95 respirator masks.

April 2: President Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to help 6 companies (General Electric, Hill-Rom Holdings, Medtronic, ResMed, eRoyal Philips, and Vyaire Medical) get the supplies they need to make ventilators.

April 2: President Trump approved major disaster declarations related to the #coronavirus outbreak for:



The U.S. Virgin Islands
April 2: President Trump discussed the production of ventilators with GM CEO Mary Barra.

April 2: President Trump announced that The Javits Center temporary hospital will be converted into a coronavirus hospital.

April 2: President Trump announced that the Department of Defense will be establishing 48 more ICU beds in New York.

April 2: President Trump announced that the Federal Government will be establishing a coronavirus hospital in Louisiana and Texas.

April 2: President Trump took an additional coronavirus test and tested negative.

April 2: President Trump ordered the Federal Government to cover the costs of all National Guard operations in states with recently approved disaster declarations.

April 2: President Trump sent Senator Chuck Schumer a letter debunking false claims made against the Trump Administration’s coronavirus response.

April 2: Secretary Mnuchin and Small Business Administrator Jovita Carranza announced that the Paycheck Protection Program, created by the CARES Act to provide $350 billion in loans to small businesses, will be launched tomorrow.

April 2: Secretary Mnuchin announced that the first relief payments will be dispersed within two weeks.

April 2: Vice President Pence announced that 1.3 million coronavirus tests have been completed.

April 2: Vice President Pence announced that all Blue Cross Blue Shield Members will be waiving out of pocket costs for coronavirus treatment.

Darrell said...

April 2: Rear Adm. Polowczyk announced FEMA’s Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force has delivered:

27.1 million surgical masks

19.5 N95 million respirator masks

22.4 million surgical gloves

5.2 million face shields

Over 7,600 ventilators
April 2: First Lady Melania Trump had a phone call with Mrs. Sophie Grégoire Trudeau of Canada, who is recovering from the coronavirus.

April 2: The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced $25 billion in federal funding to support public transportation systems in response to the coronavirus.

April 2: The Department of Justice and HHS distributed 192,000 N95 respirator masks confiscated from price gougers to health care workers in New York and New Jersey.

April 2: The FDA approved the first coronavirus antibody test, developed by Cellex.

April 2: The FDA issued new guidance to increase the supply of blood donations, reducing the deferral period for gay men from 12 months to 3 months.

April 2: The Department of Education donated 5,760 N95 respirator masks discovered in storage to aid the fight against the coronavirus.

April 2: Secretary Pompeo announced that the State Department has now brought home 30,000 Americans stranded overseas as a result of coronavirus-related travel restrictions.

April 2: April 2: HHS announced it was relaxing enforcement of HIPAA violations to encourage health care providers to share coronavirus data and information with federal and state health care officials.

April 2: The Trump Administration issued recommendations to nursing homes to help mitigate the spread of coronavirus.

April 2: HUD announced it was immediately making $3 billion of CARES Act funding available to help America’s low-income families and most vulnerable citizens across the nation.

April 2: The Energy Department announced it would immediately make 30 million barrels of the strategic petroleum reserve’s (SPR’s) oil storage capacity available to struggling U.S. oil producers.

rcocean said...

How weird do the Democrats have to get before Normal people - even women - turn on them. We have a 78 y/o Ex-senator running for President holed up in his basement, wearing a mask, and unable to give a press conference or hold a rally.

And he got nominated, because the Democrats just stopped the Primaries in March, and declared him the Winner. Now, he's going to select a female candidate as VP, no males need apply, and everyone's pretty sure it will be a black/Latino. And despite the fact, they'll probably become President sometime in Biden's first term, no effort is being make to pick a VP with any Foreign policy or Defense experience. We got an obscure congresswoman, the Atlanta Mayor, the first term Governor of NM, Senator Pocahontas, and Sen. Harris.


hombre said...

Does this mean that women and feminized men will ruin the country sooner rather than later? Sounds like it.

Oh, did I say “ruin?” I meant “run,” didn’t I?

No problem though. The girls can count on us to build the bridges, hit 100 mph fast balls, repel the burglars and the PLA. Or not. Maybe Diana Prince can take over all that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Trump's response to the virus will be judged by the results, which look like appalling ineptitude.

He's the chief, the top banana, the man sitting at the desk where the buck stops. It's all over.

hombre said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
‘Trump started with such remarkable promise. A shame to see such a great opportunity so thoroughly wasted.’

This asshole reminds me of the defense attorneys who would tie up death penalty cases in court for 20 years then appeal on the grounds that his client was denied speedy justice.

n.n said...

Some, select, Black Lives Matter. #Diversity #BabyLivesMatter

Kevin said...

The Left has thrown a four-year temper tantrum in the national grocery store, and it's up to the nation's moms to decide if it gets a piece of candy at the register or a good swat on the behind for its behavior.

The question isn't Trump or Biden.

It's what kind of generation we'll raise the Millennials to become.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Trump was at his best during the early Coronavirus daily updates. He showed leadership and people responded positively. He had the momentum. Unfortunately he let the press derail his focus and he hasn’t found a way to regain his footing. If Dementia Joe is able to ride out the race from his basement, it will be tough sledding for Trump.

John henry said...


Since, federally, the rich do not pay taxes, how did pdjt cut taxes for the rich?

Federal taxes are on income not wealth.

We could argue about whether the death tax is a tax on wealth if you wish.

Otoh, by limiting deductions for state and property taxes, the wealthy are paying more taxes to the feds.

So there's that.

John Henry


John henry said...

I think any trump supporter would have to be insane to tell any pollster that.

Even more so now in light of the past couple weeks.

Otoh, they are getting close to 1mm sign-ups for Saturdays mega rally. 800m as of last night

John Henry

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Blacks and Anti1a are rioting for the privilege of blacks to commit crimes and not get arrested. There’s no need for anyone to don a Hawaiian shirt and start the Boogaloo— it’s on.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

hombre ... this asshole

Doug said...

Wait a minute ... you still look at Drudge*? What are you, in high school?

Michael K said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump's response to the virus will be judged by the results, which look like appalling ineptitude.

He's the chief, the top banana, the man sitting at the desk where the buck stops. It's all over.

I kind of agree with you here. The culling of the elderly in NY state and Minnesota and WA is over. The "spike" is going to peter out.

If it doesn't, then Trump is in trouble but I don't think it will be a happy outcome for you. The TDS is rotting your brain like tertiary syphilis.

Bilwick said...

"Hey. Joe, if you want a running mate who's part of a minority group AND is into fists, I'm your guy!"--Pete Buttigieg

effinayright said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Trump started with such remarkable promise. A shame to see such a great opportunity so thoroughly wasted.

He got 14 million in donations on his birthday yesterday.

Yeah....thoroughly wasted.

narciso said...

brainslug starved as in futurama,

Banjo said...

I have no idea what happened behind the scenes but I hadn't heard that Drudge isn't in charge anymore. Did he cash in or something? Did he take some of that sweet Soros or Chicom money?

6/15/20, 9:05 AM

I'm surprised there hasn't been more speculation about that. My own is some left-wing plutocrat paid Matt a king's ransom with the requirement that he not begin a start-up in competition, the idea being that without the Drudge Report to point the way conservatives would become confused and their energies dissipated.

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