I'm looking at The NYT and The Washington Post, and all the top stories are about Covid19 — the big story that the protests had overcome and submerged. Covid is back with a vengeance.
On the WaPo home page, the "above the fold" area is full of Covid19 headlines. Then there are a few things about the 2020 elections, something about Michael Flynn, something about the Palestinians, and — this is the closest we get to the protests — the defeat of Tim Scott's police reform bill. Scrolling past the top screen, there's "Trump lashes out at Black Lives Matter in two tweets/The president accused one of the movement’s members of treason and lamented alleged plans for a new mural in front of Trump Tower in Manhattan that honors the cause" and "Blackface has long been an issue in comedy/Look no further than SNL" — both racial but still not about whatever protests/riots might be happening. Scrolling further, I'm reading many many headlines, but nothing about the protests. Finally, near the bottom, in tiny print, I see "Perspective/Toppling more statues isn’t working when there’s other work to be done." That's all there is right now, I believe.
On the NYT home page, the entire "above the fold" space is devoted to Covid19. After that, there is one protest-related story — "How the Philadelphia Police Tear-Gassed Trapped Protesters" — but it's focused on police tactics and grouped with a couple other stories about police tactics that happened outside of the protests. There's also a set of 3 headlines about "The Debate on Statues." That's the sober issue of whether they should they be removed, not the exciting drama of a mob tearing them down in the night. There are 11 headlines for opinion columns, and only one is at all related to the protests (and not even directly — "We Know How George Flynn Died"). Again, it's about the police. Further down, there's stuff about Louisa May Alcott and Leo Tolstoy and Biden's VP. There's nothing about what's going on in any "autonomous zones" or where anybody marched or rioted.
I really think a big decision was made to stop talking about it! I'm just going to guess: Word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.
ADDED: Maybe they were waiting for right-wing counter-protesters to come in and provide a place to shift the blame for the chaos or for the police to get tough and drag the attention back onto them where it was in the early days before the protests went to hell. But the riots were occurring in cities like mine where Democratic mayors were holding the police back...
Madison police officers desperately trying to keep the peace during Tuesday night’s Capitol Square riots were told by command to stand down — even as credible reports of radical activists were preparing to firebomb the City-County Building.And the blame for chaos was remaining squarely on the protesters. The mainstream-media ultimately realized — I would say — that celebrating and encouraging that sort of thing was not going to get them where they wanted to go.
Some, select, Black Lives Matter. #Diversity #UnforcedOptics
Chaos (e.g. "evolution") a hidden order... with an ulterior motive.
I'm just going to guess that word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.
I think you’re right. Eliot Engel probably agrees.
Polls like this might have something to do with it. Yes, you know it might be hurting Democrats so it’s time to get back to blaming Trump for Covid.
I really think a big decision was made to stop talking about it! I'm just going to guess that word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.
No shit. The Red Guards have once again gotten out of hand, and now the question for the Dems becomes how do we stop the Golem we have so aided & abetted to violence?
It's not gonna be as easy as smearing off a Hebrew letter. The Chinese had to use the People's Liberation Army to shut down the Red Guards.
Floyd was about fentanyl, Covid-19, legislatures, attorney generals, district attorneys, law enforcement, protests, witch hunters, warlock judges, redistributive change, and systemic diversity. So, technically, the JournoLists are only speaking in vague, deniable associations. h/t NYT #HateLovesAbortion
Clearly the violence, arson and mayhem of the protestors is not sitting well with mainstream Americans.
And the Lame Stream Media© got the orders from their bosses in the DNC to tone down the coverage to protect them.
Too little, too late. And I don't think the forces they unleashed can be controlled, so they must ask their lick-spittle's in the press to cover it up as much as possible.
You think? People are very, very pissed. It's the hypocrisy more than the actual destruction. At least in my locality. They say the word "Inslee" like they're spitting venom.
My sense is that the riot push back is coming, it is all about timing. But it probably won't be covered much. I wonder what the next "big thing" will be. Covid is probably not enough.
Democracy is selected in lies of omission, commission, creation, and smothered under a layer of darkness at the Twilight Fringe. h/t WaPo
I agree this is what is happening. The only thing I want to point out is that this does not require explicit collusion. "right thinking" editors in various publications can independently conclude that the best "anti-Trump" editorial decision is to ignore BLM unrest and concentrate on "spikes in Covid". I did not start out this year thinking that the mainstream media was just a joke. But that's what I now believe.
Given past media decisions, this: "I'm just going to guess that word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates" is a more likely reason than "Did the events in Madison, Wisconsin — with the toppling of a statue to the abstraction of progress and a statute of an antislavery hero — suddenly wake everyone up to the downside of encouraging chaos?" The Journolist, I think, still lives, so I think your conclusion is spot on.
You have guessed correctly.
isn't it Neat, how the main stream media always walk in lockstep; making it "Look" like* they're all getting (and TAKING) orders from some rich Billionaires
"Look" like* now, Mind You! I'm NOT saying that the fact that
...The Washington Post is owned by Billionaire Jeff Bezos
...The New York Times is owned by Billionaire Carlos Slim
...MSNBC is owned by Billionaire Bill Gates
...CBS is owned by the Billionaire Redstone Family
...Fox News is owned by the Billionaire Murdoch Family
means that they ARE all getting (and TAKING) Orders from some rich Billionaires
I'm just mentioning how "LOOKS LIKE" they are
I'm SURE that the owners have NO INFLUENCE on what their property does
Did the events in Madison, Wisconsin — with the toppling of a statue to the abstraction of progress and a statute of an antislavery hero — suddenly wake everyone up to the downside of encouraging chaos?
Sorta. It did not look good for the Left, so it was time to change the focus.
The media wants the narrative to be that Trump is encouraging chaos by holding rallies. They also want to encourage the meme that Republican governors opened up too early.
Of course, that analysis presumes that the media are not reporters, but Democrat political activists.
That's about it.
"Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn't know because they might reflect badly on Democrats."
- Jim Treacher
If the press ignores the rioters, this will enrage them even more and perhaps push them to do something really stupid like a Sterling Hall bombing. That, regrettably, is what it took to shut down the unrest in Madison 50 years ago. That was when the protesters wised up and started constructive ideas.
It also didn't hurt that there's been a spike in COVID cases that they can talk badly about Republicans over.
I'm just going to guess that word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.
They failed to achieve their Kent State before the sell-by date!!
Let me adjust my tin foil hat, and speculate.......The Seattle Mayor is either PROFOUNDLY incompetent........or was the take-over of the Seattle East Police precinct pre-meditated, and coordinated?
The local Police Chief has already claimed that it wasn't her idea.
I see that could also be an AND gate.
We Know How George Flynn Died: "The findings of the two autopsy reports — one from the Hennepin County medical examiner’s office and the other from a medical examiner hired by Mr. Floyd’s family — classified the manner of Mr. Floyd’s death as homicide.
"But can medical reports counter embedded racist mythology? The trope of the drug-crazed Negro is old and durable."
It's difficult to counter the (no longer existing, if ever) embedded racist mythology of the drug-crazed Negro when the Negro has a fatal level of narcotics in his bloodstream.
A hundred years ago, ...
Southern police departments in the early 20th century ...
Like I said, no longer existing.
A good part of the anti-white racist screeds from the NYT and its ilk require one to be living in the past.
Plus, you've got to keep COVID dangerous if you're going to want a tiny Democratic National Convention, and perhaps try to force the RNC to cancel (and no more dangerous Trump rallies)
Gotta give Joe cover to stay in his basement!
It can't be that the riots are hurting Democrats, though. That 28 year old kid was fired for tweeting out a study showing that happens, and so not it can't happen any more.
In support of women, and people of color, we are opening the Black Lives Abortions Clinics (BLAC) in an impoverished community near you!!
Sorta. It did not look good for the Left, so it was time to change the focus.
Broken glass. Decapitated statues. Babies on the barbie. Some, Select Lives Matter. A progressive path. Yeah, not good.
It's probably easier to read those rags what with all the gaslight they provide free of charge.
The COVID news is being reported in the worst light possible. Lots of headlines about increases the cases, but deaths are not going up... In fact they seem to be going down. So who cares?
Plus, it looks like the unemployment rate in blue states is way higher than for red states. Another issue that's being completely downplayed if not misreported.
AA has nothing but her bias and perhaps desire for clickbait for her readers (i speculate) behind speculation that NY Times acting to protect Democratic candidates. If that was a big concern for NYT, Republican nominee Donald Trump would be tweeting that President Clinton is responsible for Kung Flu.
I'm just going to guess that word got around that the ongoing protests were hurting Democratic Party candidates.<
Yup. Covid was working better. Pima County, which I had not realized was controlled by Democrats now requires masks. I knew the loony left controlled Tucson. The virus numbers are no longer trustworthy plus they testing low risk, asymptomatic people now.
I don't think they will be able to shut down any place outside the deep blue cities.
More evidence the public polls are rigged. The pros see the secret ones, hence the switch of tactics.
Maybe the listserv meltdown wasn’t in vain: the cancelled martyrs got the point across that violent protests are bad for election outcomes.
The events in Madison were two days ago so not surprising not much in today’s paper.
That said, the media has underplayed the violence and destruction- a lot of which I have seen in person in twin cities.
They saw the data Ann referenced in the story about public response to violent protest.
Solid analysis here Althouse though, lets face it, its not a difficult formula to reverse-engineer.
If it helps dems the story runs. If it doesnt the stories shift.
Plus, journolist and lefty-lockstep thinking will always be with us.
Btw, this realization by the left/dems/LLR-left that their protests were failing with the public blaming dems and Trump refusing to give the idiot lefties their "Kent State" is what caused the pathetic recent attempts to shift blame for the protests onto other parties. Like, hilariously, Steve Bannon and mythical boogaloo-ers.
No mention of the biggest story of all: that a sitting President committed multiple acts of sedition against his successor and tried to alter and then overturn a presidential election.
There were never any significant protests where I live and I live in a university town. There is a vast upswing in covid cases across the country. Which of these is the bigger story for the country's health and economy?
“ Covid is back with a vengeance.”
Except that isn’t going to last. Red states that opened a bit aggressively may have to back off just a little. But they are still much better off than Blue states where most of the deaths occurred. A lot of the seeming rise is probably due to record levels of testing (Yancey is probably the expert there).
Friend called today to tell me not to spend time in Sandpoint. Not likely for us with bridge construction through July down river a bit. Apparently his daughter goes to college in Bozeman, and there were apparently 9 college students from there who tested positive .according to his daughter’s new college roommate is from there.
Note to Dr K - check before you come up this summer, if you plan to. These are college aged, so are very likely are going to be just fine.
Readering: "AA has nothing but her bias and perhaps desire for clickbait for her readers (i speculate) behind speculation that NY Times acting to protect Democratic candidates."
Just sit back and savor that latest "hot take".
Just sit back and savor it.
I mean, that's beyond Max Inga Level and really requires its own category.
I'm also going to rate that comment at a full 1000 millikohns because Blog Justice demands it.
Althouse, you wouldn't give two sh*ts riots and statue-toppling if it wasn't happening in your little corner of marxist paradise. Live with it and blog about broader topics, or move.
I am not expecting you to EVER consider voting Republican.
I thought the new attention to Covid was because Trump held a rally, but there's no reason it can't be both.
@Howard - I am surprised that you find her story even remotely plausible. Ever hear of Jussie Smollett or copycat crimes?
They saw the data Ann referenced in the story about public response to violent protest.
Some, Select Lives Matter has been advertising to recapture the narrative.
Blogger steve uhr said...
The events in Madison were two days ago so not surprising not much in today’s paper.
That said, the media has underplayed the violence and destruction- a lot of which I have seen in person in twin cities”
You serous. Tonight will be the SECOND night after the Wisconsin riots occurred. Dr Althouse is absolutely correct, there is a shiny new squirrel over there to bash republicans with.
I would be interested in what the local papers in Madison are saying. Do you think they think it’s old news.
BREAKING NEWS: Lefty Karen Tumulty of Time launches the first major MSM call for there to be no debates.
I cant wait for readerings scintillating hot take that in no way is this major media personage pushing this angle to help Dementia Joe and his Stay In Basement Campaign.
Its all just a simple coincidence!
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
You think? People are very, very pissed. It's the hypocrisy more than the actual destruction. At least in my locality. They say the word "Inslee" like they're spitting venom.
Jay Inslee.
Will not retire in Washington State.
Readering, whatever might have been true in 2016--your lack of clarity reflects your confusion--Prof is clearly talking about the NYT today, you know, in the last leg of the
2020 campaign.
Anyone who can't figure that out, and that the NYT is a dismally incompetent and dishonest rag is a simpleton.
Readering is a simpleton
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I get the concern about the statues...but a Wisconsin state senator had the shit beaten out of him in public and there doesn't seem to be any interest whatsoever in finding the perpetrators.
It seems like we are burying the lede a tad when all we are talking about is statues. There is a complete breakdown of the rule of law. And we are still talking about statues.
Btw, Biden very "courageously" refused to take press questions at his very short, tightly controlled little out-and-back event in PA today.
As unbelievable as it still seems, the dems really are going to go Full Speed Ahead on their Weekend At Biden's Campaign.
Not sure why you take as gospel the article you cite re the so-called stand down order. It cites to unnamed officers, who had conversations with other unnamed officers. Maybe true. Maybe not true.
Nah. They put their editorial philosophy right there on the front page. "All the news that's fit to print".
UW student activists calling for Lincoln on Bascom Hill to be removed. You gonna do anything about that, professor?
The story I see repeated again and again on Twitter is that Republicans are spreading the virus and all of the protesters wore masks and constantly used hand sanitizer. The way they spread these new stories reminds me of elementary school, not even high school. But the press will stick by it.
ADDED: Maybe they were waiting for right-wing counter-protesters to come in and provide a place to shift the blame for the chaos
@Althouse, why on earth would any “right-wing counter-protestors” come to rescue a left-wing city like Madison?
Its much easier to maintain the hoax of massive misery, using cooked kung flu statistics than spin the lawlessness, and clearly stupid rioters. The dnc/media has been spreading all the hoaxes for the last 4 years on anonymous sources. Narratives that weren't based on fact. The covid narrative is fueled by manipulation of statistics. Daily numbers are meaningless, no procedure used for generation of the data, and the reporting of data. Are tuesdays reporting, monday numbers? we have no idea, and the media only wants to push fear. The world has come to an end because the CDC just released a brand new SWAG, Scientific Wild Ass Guess. The new "guess" is the actual number of infections is 10X the reported number. I dont know exactly why that is a disaster, just that it is a disaster.
"Hart was the first tenured African American professor of sciences at Columbia University."
"He ends the book with an argument for decriminalization of drugs. His research has shown that the dangers associated with drugs are largely misunderstood, and a decrease in stigma and increase in conversation would likely decrease the amount of drug related deaths."
I have to admit, if Floyd could have legally bought and ingested all the fentanyl he wanted, the need to arrest him would probably not have arisen.
FYI, Madison is nowhere near the center of the universe, no matter how the yokels yearn for fame. Rioters tried in vain to resurrect the ghost of Tony Robinson. Robinson, like George Floyd, once committed an armed home invasion with a gang of other shitbags. They failed again to make his a household name like Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, and Eric Garner, garnering but a glimmer of the reflected glory they crave.
“Plus, it looks like the unemployment rate in blue states is way higher than for red states. Another issue that's being completely downplayed if not misreported.”
Imagine you are a young metrosexual, or maybe a woman enamored with the “Sluts in the City” TV series, and move to the “city” for all the action, the night life, clubs, restaurants, etc. and then COVID-19 hits, followed by BLM and AntiFA riots and arson. You get laid off from tour waiter job, and now all your friends back home are laughing at you. They live in a Red State that is mostly open, with both employment and the economy rebounding nicely.
The point is that the Blue States screwed up both their COVID-19 and BLM/AntiFA responses royally, while for the most part, Red States and non cities therein did just fine. As we move towards the election, this discrepancy, this difference is just going to get starker. The MSM, etc, are going to try their hardest to hide this. But there is too much mobility in this country for it to work that well long term.
Yes, my partner once terrified of Covid, had lately stopped worrying, and she began to see that she had been played for months after I showed her the actual numbers, which showed the new case increases were influenced by more testing, and that the deaths had gone way down, although still inflated.
Then she watch network news last night, and it was March all over again despite the fact that deaths here in NV have been down around 1,2 or 3 a day for weeks, and that's simply people who died while positive, not who died of Covid, which is likely zero most days.
Doctors are reporting that even those with underlying conditions are dying mush less often, and that the virus seems to have already mutated to a far less dangerous strain.
The Press IS the enemy of the people. Only an enemy would scare you death with lies just for ratings and partisanship. They sure are not your friends.
If they wait until Trump sends in federal troops, they’ve waited too long.
Reporting on the day's events is so over. Today, moral clarity is the catchy new clarion call for outfits like the NYT. They are quite up-front about it. And it's pretty clear what 'moral clarity' means. The 1619 project was just the beginning. The tantrum over the Tom Cotton op-ed, and the subsequent forced resignations brought the point home to all but the willfully blind (some of whom are doing their best head-in-the-sand routine upthread). So no surprise at what stories will get covered and what stories won't. Cui bono is how moral clarity will really work.
Hey, what about this one?
Can't we all just get along?
There's also the Midwest factor. The NYT and WaPo don't really care or understand about the broad swath of the USA outside of the West Coast and the Northeast. I'd say they're really concerned about the states on the Atlantic Coast from VA on up to Maine. And the West Coast. And maybe southern Florida. And that's it.
Madison isn't really on there radar. One reason why Hillary just took it for granted.
“I really think a big decision was made to stop talking about it!”
Good thing you included “really.”
That really sells that yur serious. And, you’re not making stuff up re what you think in this post.
The polling regarding protests/riots were one factor for sure, but the biggest news story of the week (if not the year) is the release of Agents Strzok's written memos of the Jan 5, 2017 meeting in which it is made clear that both Obama and Biden were involved in and directing the coup against the incoming Trump administration.
The "something about Flynn" you mention may be all you'll ever see of that story in the WAPO. "Democracy dies in Darkness" and they are going to make damned sure that it does.
A different data point.....
My son is a paramedic in Skagit county north of Seattle. He assumes he has been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, and is asymptomatic.
The county is not testing the paramedics because then the protocol is to isolate for two weeks.
Yes, Skagit county is not testing because the tests are expensive, and they can't afford to lose their paramedics for two weeks.
Ya' know.....If Hillary had been elected, this would have just been a really bad flu season.
My favorite part of the media coverage was when they would repeatedly stress that the protests were largely peaceful. It is like describing a date between a man and a woman that ends with date rape and describing it as a largely amicable meeting.
Off topic, but maybe not: This March the FBI processed 3.7 million firearm background checks. Mind you, this is before the protests and the calls to defund the police.
So the lame stream media didn’t cover the WI statues and such. Althouse looked very carefully.
Gee, I wonder what they could have filled their websites w/ if not the toppled statues and such? Is it just blank space? Stories about lost dogs? What are they covering as their coverup of the WI statues and such? Recipes for tacos? They must be producing something.
I dunno.
"Plans for a new mural in front of Trump Tower..." I take it they mean plans to paint Black Lives Matter on the street?
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining - BLM is a leftwing political movement that coopts rage against the perception of police brutality to push Democratic party agenda items. This "mural" is a political advertisement, placed so as to be juxtaposed to a politician who the Democrats are campaigning against in an election year. How is it acceptable that this is being done with city resources?
My daughter lives in that neighborhood. She watched the police load up, and move out of the precinct house.
Inspired by BLM (Burn Loot Murder) Leader Hank Newsome to "burn down this system," over-enthusiastic "protestors" invade a suburb or exurb of Madison, Austin, Lansing, or Minneapolis and start to do their thing. Police are not told to stand down, and do their jobs. BLMs get roughed up, tear-gassed, bean-bagged, or worse. If the police stand down, well-armed homeowners go to Plan B.
They can't keep that out of the news.
Landslide in November.
A couple of comments I made yesterday:
"The mask is off and the ugly reality of left wing politics is exposed for all to see. They no longer hide the cooperative relationship between the rioters and the Democrat politicians and their lackeys. The riots exist because the Democrats want them to exist. We're seeing Democrat policy at work."
"The posts today document an important political shift that aligns politicians with mob rule."
As Ann astutely notes, today marks a sudden change. Obviously, the riots are not grass roots, which we've known for some time. What is surprising is how tightly controlled they are that the rioters and the journalists can turn on a dime.
Spot on Althouse. The press may downplay it. The Democrats may downplay it. But I doubt the assholes in the street are going to ignore it. Usually the Dems could promise action and money and programs. But that's not gonna work. I think it's going to get worse. I hope I'm wrong but I would start looking for realtors.
Madison... just another shithole city? Got there the hard way. You've earned it. Chad and Muffy are going elsewhere to school!
"The mainstream-media ultimately realized — I would say — that celebrating and encouraging that sort of thing was not going to get them where they wanted to go."
You would say correctly. The narrative is the thing, power is the goal.
Of course, that still applies to Covid coverage as well: a surge in cases! more young adults affected! reopening at risk!
As if to confirm the confirmation bias of cynical conservatives.
I think the extreme left keeps looking for the spark that will finally cause the people to throw off their shackles and rise up. Take off the US-centric blinders and you see the current protests replicated in many places throughout the world where the racial issue here is blindingly absent there--except for the anti-US and anti-democratic aspects. I look back to the sixties where the world-wide protests were purportedly about US war in Vietnam. France, Germany, Britain, Japan, and South Korea were especially active in that regard with North Korean military forays into the South both frequent and bloody. All done with the belief that the moment had come. In the US, where demonstrations were massive, extreme left groups were heavily involved in protest organization while several elements organized into violent groups designed to spearhead and lead the revolution. The movement came to a pretty rapid and almost complete halt due to two things that revealed how mistaken the left was. First was the chaos that accompanied the Democrat Convention in Chicago that generated negative, rather than the expected, positive support. Second was the end of the draft that resulted in the loss of the left's troops, at least those who were willing to be active, revealing the shallowness of actual support for revolution. For the extreme left, their failure seemed to be illustrated by the election of law and order candidate Richard Nixon.
If it is true that the current Protest/Riots are being purposely downplayed, and democrat mayors are contemplating taking action to shut them down, they it seems reasonable to conclude Trump is being helped by continued attention/support. Time to find or return to another direction to take him down.
As dense as the media is, even they finally realized that, being mostly white, The Woke will be coming for them soon if it doesn't get stopped.
h said...
I agree this is what is happening. The only thing I want to point out is that this does not require explicit collusion. "right thinking" editors in various publications can independently conclude that the best "anti-Trump" editorial decision is to ignore BLM unrest and concentrate on "spikes in Covid". I did not start out this year thinking that the mainstream media was just a joke. But that's what I now believe.
The MSM is giving stories about the rioting and looting what Democrat newspaper editors used to refer to as "a good leaving alone."
I think our hostess has nailed it. I suspect that the autonomous zones are not playing so well either. Since it is indisputable that the media are house organs of the Democratic Party (or perhaps, it's the other way around), every editorial decision has to be measured against the outcome in November and beyond.
- Krumhorn
"County, which I had not realized was controlled by Democrats"
Is there a local govt anywhere that *isn't* controlled by Democrats? They did a good job worming their way into every local office.
Think globally, act locally.
The last time I posted here, I advised folks to arm up. I was not trying to be provocative. I had recognized the zeitgeist. I'm a blue-collar guy. I was trying to talk to the Ivory tower guys/gals. I cannot conceive of a life of leisure. Air conditioned offices. Here's the thing: Ivory tower folks think hot/cold water 24hrs a day is normal. A roof that doesn't leak. Heat in the winter. Cool in the summer. More food available than you could ever eat. I don't want to be you. I kinda like being called in the middle of a thunderstorm and I suit up to face nature. I stand on the pavement that my brothers built, and marvel at the rain and thunder of God. My town is okay. We don't wear masks. Our businesses are not boarded up.
BLM came here. No black guys. Our sheepdogs strapped ARs to their chest as a show of force. A couple of black guys with us. (We don't have a lot of black guys here.) The BLM crowd was mostly young white girls, easily manipulated, emotional, naive. short skirts. College girls. A couple Antifas scoping things out under the cover of stupid white girls.
BLM came again 3 weeks later. No girls. The only black guys were those who stood the line with the rest of us.
I'd like to say this...you stupid fucking idiots who promote this. Ann Althouse...don't move. Stay where you are. Choke on your 'Progressive' Utopia.
"Plus, you've got to keep COVID dangerous if you're going to want a tiny Democratic National Convention, and perhaps try to force the RNC to cancel (and no more dangerous Trump rallies)
Gotta give Joe cover to stay in his basement!"
Good point.
The defund opposition has been out there a while. From June 12 abc news / ipsos poll
defund the police
support 34 / oppose 64
reduce police budget and reallocate it to other public health and social programs
support 39 / oppose 60
...so yes, perhaps internal polling shows the violence is turning off the target demographic- urban minorities..
Back to COVID fear porn for now until something better able to scare us into retreating into our homes comes along.
Anecdotally...most normal I know no longer pay any attention to any of this.
steve uhr: "Not sure why you take as gospel the article you cite re the so-called stand down order. It cites to unnamed officers, who had conversations with other unnamed officers. Maybe true. Maybe not true."
I guess its true that the stand down order story isn't quite the nailed down, slam dunk, clearly proven story like russia collusion, the hoax dossier, Carter Page and Mike Flynn are russian agents, Brett Kavanaugh was a gang rape leader for 2 decades in Maryland, etc, but still, there are some reasons to go with it.
We all know what a stickler for real evidence Li'l Stevie Uhr is......
Incidentally...a major news outlet in Indianapolis today reported that the idiot incompetent mayor of Indianapolis instructed, in a cowardly manner, his deputy mayor to order the police to stand down for two consecutive nights as downtown Indianapolis was destroyed by rioers.
The business community is enraged and wants revenge and retribution for 10s of millions of dollars of damage.
Get your popcorn Hoosiers. This should be good.
Beijing Boy: "There is a vast upswing in covid cases across the country."
In Texas there are virus upswings in Dallas, Houston, El Paso and Travis county.......all locations for large lefty BLM/Marxist rallies just a few weeks back.
So, naturally, its all Steve Bannon's fault.
I remember a time when it was arguable that the msm did not have a political agenda. What innocent days!
Big Mike said...
ADDED: Maybe they were waiting for right-wing counter-protesters to come in and provide a place to shift the blame for the chaos
@Althouse, why on earth would any “right-wing counter-protestors” come to rescue a left-wing city like Madison?
Yes. That's why Howard's hope that "right-wingers" will come into town, guns blazing, is so stupid.
Even if right wingers don't show up, the left will say they did anyway. So they might as well.
My local media Mookies are all BatFlu, BatFlu, BatFlu.
The shock here is apparently there are many intelligent people who do not understand that the media is simply a component of the Democrats.
In Texas there are virus upswings in Dallas, Houston, El Paso and Travis county.......all locations for large lefty BLM/Marxist rallies just a few weeks back.
Dan Patrick the Texas LG was just on TV. The new cases are mostly young and there is NO ICU crisis.
I know ARM is praying for a plague. No luck.
Second was the end of the draft that resulted in the loss of the left's troops, at least those who were willing to be active, revealing the shallowness of actual support for revolution.
Ending the draft really let the air out of the lefty balloon. So much for the Vietnamese.
I know there's a downside to riots, but could someone please explain the upside. People don't speak of inoperable cancer as having a downside....Maybe people in the plywood industry can speak of the upside of riots, but no others.
‘Did you know the “new cases” in daily reports are actually “old infections newly reported”??? Most of what is reported is old news and not indicative of what is happening or how we are trending.” - Josh Ketter
Covid19: What the Data Tells Us
Very detailed and worth the read. What the media is not telling you.
“Dan Patrick the Texas LG was just on TV. The new cases are mostly young and there is NO ICU crisis”
You want herd immunity? This is how you get herd immunity fairly safely.
"The posts today document an important political shift that aligns politicians with mob rule."
Yesterday Democrats refused to engage in legislative debate in the Senate. They refused to allow the police reform bill to be debated, amended, voted on. Mob Rule.
Today, Democrats passed their own bill in the House. No committee debates, no Republican input was allowed. No floor debate, no amendments allowed. Mob Rule
(the dirty truth? Police reform in not a federal power. Every single item Democrats claim to need, could be enacted within 48 hours, in every city hosting riots now. Democrats control all levels of governance in those cities and could enact every change demanded. Why dont they?)
@Joe: "I think the extreme left keeps looking for the spark that will finally cause the people to throw off their shackles and rise up."
Your observation reminds me of a post I saw on Nextdoor earlier this month, which recommended plastering the neighborhood with BLACK LIVES MATTER signs: Slogans are short and simple and easy for the masses to remember.
@Todd Roberson: I'll wait while the RCP electoral map shows Indiana turning from "leans red" to "solid red."
The media pattern is to create social chaos which they believe will benefit Democrats, then realize they don't benefit Democrats, and so end the social chaos early enough to be able to spin so har that people don't remember how they supported burning, looting and toppling.
Strategies are available to Democrats that are not available to conservatives/Republicans because the media are Democrat operatives with media credentials.
"Did mainstream media just make a decision to downplay the protests? Was there some poll? Did the ratings come in?
Did the events in Madison, Wisconsin — with the toppling of a statue to the abstraction of progress and a statute of an antislavery hero — suddenly wake everyone up to the downside of encouraging chaos?
I'm looking at The NYT and The Washington Post, and all the top stories are about Covid19 — the big story that the protests had overcome and submerged. Covid is back with a vengeance."
Yeah, I think I've had three COVID emails from the City of Madison in the last couple of days. Not one about how people are trashing downtown. (Also got our tax assessment.). They think we'll go "oooh, the City's got our back.".
We're not stupid.
The recent obvious coordination by left-wing press outlets is consistent with the raison d'etre of JournoList:
'JournoList...was a private Google Groups forum for discussing politics and the news media with 400 "left-leaning"[2] journalists, academics and others. Ezra Klein created the online forum in February 2007 while blogging at The American Prospect and shut it down on June 25, 2010 amid wider public exposure. Journalists later pointed out various off-color statements made by members of the list denigrating conservatives, as well as a seeming conspiracy to prop up then Presidential candidate Barack Obama. Others defended such statements as being taken out of context or simply a matter of private candor.'
"... However, the forum did not attract serious attention until March 17, 2009 when an article published on Politico detailed the nature of the forum and the extent of its membership.[2] The Politico article set off debate within the Blogosphere over the ethics of participating in JournoList and raised questions about its overall purpose. The first public excerpt of a discussion within JournoList was posted by Mickey Kaus on his blog on March 26, 2009.[6]."
'...Statements on the JournoList
Responding to the Jeremiah Wright controversy surrounding Obama's campaign, one JournoList contributor, Spencer Ackerman of The Washington Independent, stated "If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they've put upon us. Instead, take one of them – Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares – and call them racists".[7][8].'
'...Tucker Carlson..wrote in a July 22 [2010] article: "Again and again, we discovered members of Journolist working to coordinate talking points on behalf of Democratic politicians, principally Barack Obama. That is not journalism, and those who engage in it are not journalists. They should stop pretending to be. The news organizations they work for should stop pretending, too. ... I've been in journalism my entire adult life, and have often defended it against fellow conservatives who claim the news business is fundamentally corrupt. It's harder to make that defense now.'
What worries me is the "smash a Jesus" crowd. So far we have seen little street level pushback from the Right. Start a mashing stained glass windows and see how long that lasts.
William said...
I know there's a downside to riots, but could someone please explain the upside.
In the mind of the left, there is little time left. They were either hoping Trump would do something stupid, like send Federal troops into leftist cities (where he has no dog in the fight) or the televised unrest was going to turn so many off that they'd vote for Biden as a half-assed 'return to normalcy'
The left is now Hollywood. So bereft of ideas to take down DJT that they're recycling Product 19.
It's what they always do. I'm surprised you just noticed it. Then when it was opposite, like the Tea Party, they went on and on about how dangerous we were, whilest we were picking up garage afterwards. If you haven't realized the Media is forming YOUR opinions for you, you have been asleep.
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Statues toppled and
state senator in an
ambulance after
overnight protests in Madison, Wisconsin
1 day ago
After Black Man's
Arrest In Madison,
State Senator Injured,
Statues Toppled : Live Updates: Protests For Racial Justice
1 day ago
ABC News
Protesters allegedly
attack state senator
and topple statues
outside Wisconsin State Capitol
1 day ago
I was contacted by the hotel I'd reserved for the last night of the legislature as I don't drive after dark. It's where riots were and still is having looting problems, though the media carefully doesn't report it. The hotel informed me -- a first I must say -- that they couldn't guarantee my safety, that cars would have to be left on the street -- no effing way, to be polite -- and so they would refund my money if I didn't want to come.
I cancelled. No point anyway. The hearings on the bill I was oposing had already been held with no normal notice and only the proponents found out about them somehow, prompting the media to cheer that there was no opposition. Though I know legislative procedure -- there was no notice. They just ignored it. The newspaper had promised me an op-ed -- I do this regularly on this topic -- but reneged. No opposition allowed. They did the same to local police objecting to the Atlanta Journal Constitution mosrepresenting the violence and assaults on police at the riots, AJC editors calling all police racists and worse. If you want to see one editorial demonstrating this era of dark and frightening silencing and outright censorship we're entering, see Lou Arcangeli writing in Insider Advantage. He's a well-repsected former assistant chief of police who always has his officers' backs. Meanwhile people opposing the bill I was opposieng, in completely civil ways, were shut off twitter and facebook. I've never seen anything like this. It's over, folks. And yet more is coming. This isn't a dress rehearsal.
Apparently CHOP was shut down by a phone call from the Democrat funders. Of course the mayor of Seattle didn’t need to used cops to disband her own militia.
In a month the name George Floyd will be a distant memory and the MSM will be telling us more about how Covid-19 is Trump's fault, or it will be a whole new gaslighting operation.
Don’t worry Madison, Arizona’s got you covered...
Or should I say covered up.
The liberal Krystal Ball (yes, that's really her name), from The Hill, was on The Joe Rogan Experience and said that she, and everyone else in the mainstream media, receive a talking points memo from the DNC every morning, and you hear verbatim quotes from the memo across the mainstream media all day long. Exact quotes and phraseology that are intended to create a cohesive narrative in favor of the DNC position.
She says if you stray from the DNC talking points, you are cancelled as a pundit on the news programs. That's an incredible inside look at how the mainstream media has been willingly accomplices of the DNC.
I just read this post to my husband and he had an interesting thought. There was no polling to get them to change their minds. They were watching how much money was being donated to Black Lives Matter and subsequently to the DNC. Once the money dropped off, they were done. It's no shock Biden had his best fundraising numbers last month.
I like this take.
Ken Rohleder,
Perhaps not everyone on MSM. Buck Sexton used to co-host Rising with Ball and hasn't mentioned that, unless I missed it.
tim in vermont,
I think legal actions by good number of Seattle businesses (damages suit) may have prompted her to change her tune as well.
Is Fake Marine Howard the Nitschke scholar a chronic drunk or just a really stupid, inarticulate man?
that NY Times acting to protect Democratic candidates.
You're correct. They're not acting. They're actually protecting D candidates.
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