Protesters painted "defund police" in giant letters on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Monday night. The street leads from the state Capitol to Monona Terrace, passing between the Madison Municipal Building and City-County Building, at top.We're told this was "without city permission," but I think that has to be read to mean without explicit city permission. Something that conspicuous — taking that much effort, in that location — is actively condoned. It had the tacit permission of the city.
Also at the link are other photos of the 10th day of protests. Based on the photographs, I would say that the protesters are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly female.
If I were still the sort of person who roams around inside protests and talks to people, I would ask them how they would harmonize the #MeToo movement with defunding the police. A year ago, there was so much of a push to get men arrested for things that used to be ignored. Then, the slogan was "Time's up." We were never going back. Is time up on Time's Up?
I remember when it was a big feminist goal to force the police to take domestic violence so seriously that they were required to arrest someone when they answered a call. It became the statutory law here in Wisconsin. I'd like to ask the female protesters whether they ever supported that law and if they did whether they will now declare it to have been a mistake — a racist mistake.
ADDED: In "If they can, why can’t we?," David Blaska muses about painting over the "u" in "DEFUND THE POLICE." Changing the "U" to an "E" would flip the message: "Call it a little editing. Call it vandalizing the vandalism. Call it free speech. Call it civil disobedience. Call it a profile in courage or social suicide in the super-heated atmosphere of progressive Madison. Call a lawyer."
Black lives matter. Who many black bodies are there in Madison? I'd assume its not many. As for pointing out the hypocrisy of the Lef- wing feminists, when has that ever worked? They're Leftists/Democrats first, and feminists second.
Good questions, Ann. I think it points to the fact that very few of these urgent mass movements are anything of substance. They are movements with a larger purpose in mind. Like disrupting a country and inserting a new form of government. Every brick they can remove keeps them on the path to their goal.
So while 'Times up' may be up, it served it's purpose, which was not what you hoped it would be.
You ask for rationality and coherence. You ask for consistency.
You ask for too much.
The Mayor should be point-blank asked: Should the Police be Defunded. And if the answer is not yes, the follow-up should be: Why is that message on the road then?
President Trump will win at least 40 states on November 3, 2020.
Of course, Wisconsin will be one of them.
I assume your joking when you point out the incoherence of left-wing demands. Of course they're incoherent. These people have no guiding principles, they just fly from one emotional outburst to the next demanding that that their emotional needs be met by whatever strikes their fancy in the moment. And everyone else is evil.
“Actively Condoned”. Can I borrow that next time a Police Officer stops me for speeding? He actively condoned it for months. Then I can enter a plea of active condonment in the first degree.
Ignorant fools- didn't they get the DNC talking points Inga has been posting here for 3 days- it isn't "defund" it is "reform".
Or were these painters wearing Hawaiian shirts? Inquiring minds want to know.
Assholes are burning down our country every day. Vote wisely.
Based on the photographs, I would say that the protesters are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly female.
That's because the protests are about feelings and not facts.
Down South, we used to say it was an unconscious alliance of the bootleggers and the Southern Baptists who kept the 'dry' laws on the books. In Madison, you apparently have an alliance between criminals and leftists to get rid of the police.
Althouse said...
"Based on the photographs, I would say that the protesters are overwhelmingly white and overwhelmingly female."
Day 10 of protests ends with 'defund police' painted on road leading to [the Wisconsin] Capitol.
At least for them this 'walk of shame' probably wont end with a UTI.
What we are seeing is a violent eruption of Karens.
"Something that conspicuous — taking that much effort, in that location — is actively condoned. It had the tacit permission of the city."
You mean, like rioting and looting?
"A year ago, there was so much of a push to get men arrested for things that used to be ignored. Then, the slogan was "Time's up." We were never going back. Is time up on Time's Up?"
Time's always Up on whatever progs decide, in the moment, harms their cause. Argument and principle have nothing to do with it, though in general race trumps gender.
"I'd like to ask the female protesters whether they ever supported that law and if they did whether they will now declare it to have been a mistake — a racist mistake."
You are a racist for asking--or something. But a number of prog white women might tell you that it is necessary to sacrifice white women's bodies for the sake of saving black men's bodies--and to get white women out of their place of privilege. Rape isn't rape-rape as long as a Brother doesn't fall into the hands of the police.
It is not my favorite slogan and I think a better one and one that will take place across the country is Reinvent the police force and will include new rules of force, funding for more community work as well guardian /protective services they are expected to provide. You will be able to call for help when needed not to worry.
"...I remember when it was a big feminist goal to force the police to take domestic violence so seriously that they were required to arrest someone when they answered a call..."
I wonder how many black men were arrested to meet this requirement.
Then the ones who made the law move the goalposts and claim the police are the problem.
We need to simplify these women-centric laws, and realize that they are property crimes.
I am Laslo.
Something that conspicuous — taking that much effort, in that location — is actively condoned. It had the tacit permission of the city.
Yes, city officials saying that it was “without city permission” fools no one that doesn’t desperately want to be fooled.
I have to admit I'm a bit bothered there has been a dearth of giant puppet heads of all sorts during these protests. Giant oversized Trump heads made of paper mache' holding a noose have all but disappeared.
I remember how the collective might of giant paper mache' puppet heads stopped the Iraq war and got us out of Afghanistan. Talk about your missed opportunities.
Do it. Please do it. No other community in Wisconsin deserves it more. Then perhaps we can Defund the overpaid administrators at the University of Wisconsin. All of a sudden Madison’s Ivory towers are looking a little dusty and dirty like the Cream City Brick buildings in Milwaukee.
Just "Let it Be".
I guess in Seattle they are trying it out, neighborhood at a time.
Friends and I used to travel to Madison on a regular basis from the Fox Valley. We dropped lots of money at the Farmer's Market, Trader Joes, State Street and a wide variety of restaurants. The rioting on State Street and the growing lawlessness in the city has convinced us that we would be danger there. So we will spend our money elsewhere.
Althouse: “I'd like to ask the female protesters whether they ever supported that law and if they did whether they will now declare it to have been a mistake — a racist mistake.”
While you wait for an answer stroll over to the nearest facility for the insane and ask what they think about the goings on. I suspect their answer will make more sense.
Do any of the older feminists that serve in the Administration or Faculty of UW feel any sense of responsibility for this idiocy from the White Female Jedi Padawans? You’re gonna have to call Camille Paglia to straighten this shit out.
Brilliant post. Your question about the racist mistake is pointed, and brave. Thank you.
Replaceing the U with an E would get you beaten up, fired and ostracized for life by the tolerant left.
Maybe all those oppressed White Girls have African-American boyfriends. Good sex will make you do strange things.
" Blogger Big Mike said...
Something that conspicuous — taking that much effort, in that location — is actively condoned. It had the tacit permission of the city.
Yes, city officials saying that it was “without city permission” fools no one that doesn’t desperately want to be fooled.
6/10/20, 9:34 AM"
Which is most democrats and leftists. As they put their hands over their eyes so they can't see it happening, nor can they see that the government THEY have been electing is responsible for all of this. Nothing to see here, moveon.
If the city allows the street surface to be used as a public forum Must it be viewpoint neutral?
Defund Police sounds better to some young enthusiastic protestors, but clarity has to come first before quick catch phrases. Democrats need to be a cohesive unit here because it’s that important. Yes Yancy, it should read Reform Police. I’m pretty sure the graffiti will eventually end once it’s evident that Justice is served.
Women need the police and law enforcement. Women need to be able to trust that they won’t be victimized a second time. Black women need to be treated in the same manner white women are treated during interactions with the police. White and black women need to be able to trust the police.
As I said before, my brother was a Milwaukee cop and had a long career with the Milwaukee Police Department. My brother doesn’t agree with such tactics as choke holds. He understands that cops are working in a tremendously stressful career. Toward the end of my brother’s career with the MPD he helped start a program to council cops who had become troubled or had gotten into trouble, called the Police Officer Support Team. Look it up. I’m not against police, but I’m not blind to the way police have been able to avoid accountability under the doctrine of qualified immunity. Hopefully the Supreme Court will overturn it.
r/Voltaire (9:32): “... funding for more community work....”
By this r/v means counseling to address the enormous upsurge in black victimization resulting from the degrading of police protection from rampant black crime.
What do we want? EVERYTHING!
When do we want it? NOW!
The mob cry since the dawn of time.
It's why societies have sought NOT to rule by mob since the dawn of time.
Of course we can! ¡Si se puede!
Ann said..."Is time up on Time's Up?"
Not calling the cops for domestic abuse WOULD drastically reduce interactions between police and black/brown men: "A five-year University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health study in 2000 of 1,025 couples—including 406 white, 232 black, and 387 Hispanic—found that black and Hispanic couples are two to three times more likely to report male-to-female and female-to-male intimate partner violence than white couples."
Is that the new priority?
Sounds like the place to be for young white adults trying to get laid.
Would I be allowed "without city permission," to paint in big bold letters on the street, "Pants up, don't loot!"
It needs to be done in the same way that we re develop old contaminated properties. It starts with a complete demolition removal of all of the old foundations and over excavation of the contaminated and poorly compacted soil replacement with new clean soil, compaction of the soil according to 95%, install a sub slab ventilation system and drainage for contaminant and moisture control, and then a new modern foundation before constructing the new buildings.
Mike Sylwester said...
President Trump will win at least 40 states on November 3, 2020.
Of course, Wisconsin will be one of them.
?which are the remaining 10? and ?why are they not flippable?
will unflappable Trump try to flip-em
I've just spent the last few minutes searching the internet for comparable damage to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and I have not been able to find any pictures of boarded up businesses there. Only reports of peaceful protests in Ann Arbor.
I wonder why Madison is so different? Each city has about the same racial composition:
Ann Arbor: 65% white, 7% black, 16% Asian...
Madison: 75% white, 7% black, 9% Asian...
Madison has the only street in the world named after MLK that isn’t a ghetto. It won’t be a ghetto until it’s decolonized.
Cancelling public sector unions would be the way to start removing the bad apples not only from the police department, but public schools as well. Not to mention the fucking idiots that you have to talk to when dealing with any government institution.
It will all self-correct.
I don't know if my proposal would be legal but if it were, a good starting point not just for Madison but for a number of cities throughout the country would be a residency requirement in order to vote. Six months and one day rule. Those who don't qualify can either vote in person where they are legally domiciled or vote via absentee ballot. That way, only the resident locals will be voting in local elections.
That will help keep the crazy down in those cities.
Protest demographics here in the St. Louis region are, as in Madison, overwhelmingly white, young and female - at least until the heavy lifting starts long after dark, when buildings need to be looted and burned and retired African American police officers murdered. Who exactly "are" these deluded vixens? I suspect most of them are the very same she demons who cry rape on their male counterparts at college, whether a day or a year after the alleged act. Now that the commie plague has shuttered that Marxist mayhem, they had to find another stage upon which to preen and vent their totes righteous outrage.
New York is finding the police might just defund themselves as Hundreds are retiring now.
Now, rank-and-file officers are electing to take their pensions and exit the force rather than stay in and cooperate with NYPD and political leadership that appears to be more interested in appeasing mobs than backing their police officers, an NYPD sergeant told The Washington Examiner.
“At our level, it’s hard to say, but in the past, you felt like chiefs like [Joseph] Esposito had your back. Even Ray Kelly. Without Rudy [Giuliani], or even with [Michael] Bloomberg, things have changed,” the unnamed sergeant said. “The [Sergeants Benevolent Association] and the thousands I’ve sent them to provide me with a lawyer and dental plan. Very important. No one else will back us at this point. Chiefs taking knees and humiliating themselves.”
As HL Mencken once suggested, New York is going to "get it good and hard."
There was an Antifa grafitti at 12th & Chestnut in Austin that has been painted over.
The space is perfect for me to put "2Peter 2:22" as a counterrevolutionary move.
I'll post pics if I get it done today.
Is there any problem in America that hasn't been both enflamed and trivialized by Liberal White women?
I’m pretty sure the graffiti will eventually end once it’s evident that Justice is served.
How innocent and naive that statement is. Detroit is the model of what will happen. And Baltimore.
"It needs to be done in the same way that we re develop old contaminated properties."
Shut up, Howard. Snark all you want, but don't come around trying to play sane. You're a clown. Squirt me with your little flower.
"Madison has the only street in the world named after MLK that isn’t a ghetto."
Not so. Eugene has an MLK, but there aren't enough blacks here to make even a "bad area", let alone a ghetto. So they put it out by the stadium, where the black gladiators from California contend on weekends.
That demonstrates what an idiot you are, Inga, and inauthentic at the same time. You need to go out on those streets yourself and tell the painters that they are using the wrong word, and have the wrong idea- not here in the comments sections telling us what the right word is. We are choosing to believe the people making the actual demand of "Defund the Police", and it does no good to tell us the writers don't mean it. Go tell them, or shut the fuck up, since you convince no one here.
One thing I've noticed about these guilty girls marches is that the white protestors are mostly wearing masks though not maintaining social distancing. I've heard that hospitals are expecting an uptick in serious Covid cases and will not be handle them under present policies. You see a serious Covid case takes a lot of nursing and lasts a long time so that hospital ICUs are still almost filled with serious covid cases although covid new infection rates have fallen like a stone throughout the country. Now we have had days of protests and, more seriously, nights of rioting in which police without helmet masks were spit upon and rioters were jammed together looting, running and, in general, breathing heavily upon each other. Almost as bad as being in church. An uptick in cases and hence a few days later an uptick in serious cases is expected by all hospitals. But the ICU rooms are now almost full. So unless preparations are made to distribute cases among ICU rooms, hospitals in areas close to riots will be overwhelmed and there will be triaging. But our glorious public health professionals are too busy rounding up mothers who have allowed play dates to work out a plan for a spike in cases followed by an ICU shortage in hospitals serving the black communities. There isn't planning and there won't be nurses and there won't be ventilators and there won't be oxygen for all those needed those treatments. I can't breathe - Part II - coming soon to a hospital not near where guilty girls live.
I've heard this from hospital people - I hope they are wrong.
brylun - Madison is the state capital. Ann Arbor is not. Madison gets a lot more protesting period, and probably attracts more outsiders.
Also possible that Michigan is a little more sensitive to the dangers of rioting, given what happened to Detroit, but I suspect it's mainly the political element.
Inga: "Yes Yancy, it should read Reform Police."
White chick decides she is just the person to tell the Maoist mob, led by the explicitly marxist AND "Defund Police" policy pushers BLM, that writing "Defund Police" is wrong.
Defund the polite.
“That demonstrates what an idiot you are...”
You know what demonstrates what an idiot you are? To boldly predict that no more than 7,500 people tops would die of Covid 19. Maybe you should’ve went out onto the street and told the right wing instigators to stop what they were doing, or perhaps you agreed with their tactics. Put your own money where your big mouth is.
The latest protest standard.The number of blocks you use to paint your message = how important your message is.Looking forward to the message some group covers miles of I-90 with.
Wildswan, no uptick in cases in Wisconsin thus far. Arizona has been having a serious uptick for the last two weeks, Arizona is one of the states where their healthcare system has put out warnings.
That's not snark, drops of Jupiter lips. it's an analogy or metaphor or similes something like that I have no f****** idea what you girl-brained people who care about language would call it.
Please by all means don't shut up never shut up I love reading your posts and because I'm not afraid of or intimidated by what you say I want you to say more of it. Do you know how to read between the lines, sweetheart?
Michael The Magnificent said...
Would I be allowed "without city permission," to paint in big bold letters on the street, "Pants up, don't loot!"
Another keyboard RUINED!
With so much evidence of your sTrumpet agenda winning winning and more winning one would think you people would be much more happy because you have lit the world on fire and they are all behind you.
If you decide to paint that "E", make sure there's a friend in your pocket. Best response to a bike-lock-in-a-sock from some Antifa soyboy is a quick (1200 fps) jab to the face. There is precedent - a man was killed at a Portland protest by taking a bike lock to the skull. There were others too but I don't recall the locations
"I felt I was in mortal danger, officer."
Remember that line, and as long as you didn't physically provoke, you're golden. Let the barbarians come.
Also remember that blocking a swinging sock containing a heavy object is more about disrupting it's travel than catching it directly. If you do it right, it might even swing round your forearm and hit the punk right back.
Meanwhile, influential Democrats like AOC insist that “defund” means defund.
Leftists remind me of my first wife. For her, reality was her emotional state right now. No objective truth, not even necessarily consistency from hour to hour, and her children and husband were expected to conform to and confirm her temporary reality. Hard to keep up,and you can never relax and think things are settled. Appeasement to the point of surrender is your only choice. No.
No, no, no! You guys are missing the point of the word 'defund'! Our congressional expert in economics, Alexandra Ocrazio-Cortez, says:
“Defund” means that Black & Brown communities are asking for the same budget priorities that White communities have already created for themselves: schooling > police,etc.
They don't want to abolish the police, they just want to take enough of their money away so that we get shitty policing everywhere, not just in the inner city!
It may be hard for most of the Althouse commentariat to understand, she does have a BA in Economics from John Kerry's alma mater BU after all!
Oh, yeah! I'm expecting a police strike any day now. Wonder what the corn-fed guilty grrrls, with think of that?
This is the second time you have mentioned #metoo as against #defundthepolice, but the police have been absolutely horrible in sexual assault cases. In Kenosha, they just let Randy Volar go and didn't charge him with anything after they found a half naked 15 year old girl that he had drugged and had been repeatedly having sexy with, and they still didn't do anything when they discovered that there were more than a dozen other underage girls that he was photographing, videoing, and trafficking.
If the officers don't even bother to keep a child rapist in jail, then why bother to keep up the current system? MeToo is completely compatible with a defund the police campaign. Re-allocate funds from patrol officers to investigators and prosecutors. Have social workers trained in how to talk to rape victims and get the best evidence in the immediate instance of the report.
When has a cop on the beat stopped a rape?
"I’m pretty sure the graffiti will eventually end once it’s evident that Justice is served."
The graffiti in democrat-controlled dystopian war zones will end once all the walls are knocked down.
Surprisingly little graffiti in Mogadishu.
Can you read the part in your post aloud that says there aren't enough blacks in Eugene to make a bad area?
Now can you answer the following:
What did you mean by that? How many blacks does it take to make a bad area?
"New York is finding the police might just defund themselves as Hundreds are retiring now.
Cops quitting, boarded up businesses closing; Heck of a job, lefties.
A large, or a bunch of small spraying rigs used to top coat driveways with tar would take care of the bullshit statement. Nice hot black tar. Maybe a couple of layers. Sprayed daily for a month.
This is hilarious:
Apparently, the AntiFA thugs who liberated a part of Seattle, put up roadblocks and claimed it for themselves, shared their food with the resident homeless population, who immediately stole them blind. So, they are now begging for food - but it has to be vegan, with meat substitutes ad a lot of soy. One wag suggested setting up a big barbecue upwind of them, just for fun.
More about the future without police.
It will be interesting to live in a Democrat city with no police.
My own family are included. My brother-in-law is a retired CPD cop and a long time family friend, named Frank Flanagan were Chicago cops I knew well. There were crooks but even they respected the honesty ones. The crooked Chicago cops respected Frank and put him in "Hit and Run" where the Mafia could not get at him. He started the first crime lab that could identify cars from paint chips.
I suspect that is all ending. My brother-in-law never made sergeant because only black cops were being promoted in the time he was eligible.
Now, I wonder who will enter the Academies ? Los Angeles went on a campaign to hire minority cops and ended with the Rampart Scandal.
New York and San Francisco are seeing a mass exodus of wealthy residents.
I want to paint Black Lives Matter in front of all the Planned Parenthoods. Now THAT would be a statement that MATTERS!!!
You know what really bugs me? The Repubs goals and plans never get discussed/ of course that maybe because they don't really formulate a unified policy platform. While the Dems are super unified and their goals always get tagged with the positive sounding "Reform" name.
So the country ends up endlessly debating stupid Reform plans proposed by moron lib Dems.
Inga to namneyF:
“ You know what demonstrates what an idiot you are? To boldly predict that no more than 7,500 people tops would die of Covid 19.”
Inga is right about that.
Blogger Inga said..."Wildswan, no uptick in cases in Wisconsin thus far."
I noticed a few days ago IHME's model has Wisconsin deaths growing monotonically through the summer.. Maybe they factored Inga's protests into their model.
"If I were still the sort of person who roams around inside protests and talks to people, ..."
Why are you not still that person? Too much risk? I totally understand but the Ann/Meade on-the-scene reporting was not to be missed.
One wag suggested setting up a big barbecue upwind of them, just for fun.
Now we know what to do when they take over the city. Cut off the soy supply lines.
So the country ends up endlessly debating stupid Reform plans proposed by moron lib Dems.
Yep. This is the DNC-Media operating manual. Rinse and repeat.
"You will be able to call for help when needed not to worry."
I won't be calling for help. I'll be calling for a bag, a bucket, and a mop. Why wait 5 minutes or more for the police to come when I can solve the problem myself in about 15 seconds?
Inga said... no uptick in cases in Wisconsin thus far. Arizona has been having a serious uptick for the last two weeks, Arizona is one of the states where their healthcare system has put out warnings.
Arizona's uptick is due to delayed testing. We are testing now.
Arizona's death rate is minuscule compared to East Coast states. The senior living facilities were locked down in mid March and this week things are loosening up. We managed things a lot better than NY and other states, aside from a Green Valley nursing home that was a hot spot.
The week of 5/31 to 6/6, homicides went up 250% in the City of Los Angeles. This was put out yesterday at 12:42 p.m. by the LAPD. Was there any mention of this in today's LA Times? No, that would go against the conventional wisdom of the newspaper. I think it will eventually be reported once Republicans Pounce.
The only LA news organization to repeat (on the internet) the LA homicide spike that occurred during the riots is CBS. Cue the sound of crickets.
wendybar said...
I want to paint Black Lives Matter...
Whew! This makes me realize how lucky we are that the Stones haven't released "Paint It Black Lives Matters" in a show of support for the protests!
Protesters painted "defund police" in giant letters on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Monday night.
Martin Luther King is so yesterday. he would be a nobody in today's world of BLM and Al Sharptons.
I see this "I would ask them" or a variation of it everywhere. The point that there is internal conflict in the leftist position that can't be resolved is valid but it's also completely useless. The logical framework that supports the internal contradiction has long ago been set aside by the people you're trying to argue with. They don't argue. They assert and you comply or they torch you.
The first side to abandon civil discourse and even the assumption that there's common ground such as the logical framework that's necessary for a contest of ideas has a powerful advantage if there are enough of them and if the opposition persists in assuming that there's an ideological contest going on or even possible after the point where what's really happening is an elemental contest of wills that will be resolved violently if the "burn it all down" side gains enough numbers - or if they don't and those who would preserve civilization realize that their choice is to put up with this crap or just bulldoze the other side they way they're attempting to bulldoze us.
You can cling to your principles or you can fight. You can't do both when the other side has none. You can be all like more in sorrow than in anger when you finally decide that you're in nothing less than a brute struggle for life its self and you'd better get serious because they want you dead and only that will suffice. That's the end game, or at least the end game for this conflict. Should it come to that they'll immediately cannibalize one another but it matters little at that point. I'll be dead by then because I'm old and can't be reformed.
For the time being I'm weary of arguments that assume the other side has any rules they can be bound to respect. They have one principle only. It has nearly come down to the situation Orwell described in the famous passage in 1984 where O'Brien comes as close to telling Smith the truth as he ever does and admits that the motive of the whole scheme is purely power for it's own sake. That ideology was weakness and unnecessary and had been dispensed with entirely. Power. That's all. To this point the lefties are still pretending that they are, somewhere beneath it all, motivated by reason. Even they don't believe it.
why not use symbol like this Ψ ambiguous combo of U and E
Every life is precious. Mine is more inclusive than BLM. Thus mine is less NAZI than BLM as well. Thus mine is actually more progressive than BLM.
Bruce Hayden said...
This is hilarious:
Apparently, the AntiFA thugs who liberated a part of Seattle, put up roadblocks and claimed it for themselves, shared their food with the resident homeless population, who immediately stole them blind. So, they are now begging for food - but it has to be vegan, with meat substitutes ad a lot of soy. One wag suggested setting up a big barbecue upwind of them, just for fun.
They also urgently requested a new batch of Hawaiian shirts.
Right, Inga?
The "tacit permission" ploy reminds me of the way mountain lions were reintroduced here in my state. The Department of Natural Resources did it. But they denied even knowing about it until lions started turning up as road kill and they couldn't hide it. Then they denied doing it. In fact, they not only did it, they knew just about how many lions there were and where they were for years and actively monitored some of them. Their fig leaf was that their employees did it unofficially and on their own time, supposedly. It was all off the books. They fetched the lions here from California while on "vacation". No doubt records of lion numbers and range were kept but they've never been found. You can do a lot with the "tacit permission" of the authorities. Just one example of many thousands, of course.
All Lives Matter is offensive. Baby Lives Matter, doubly so. Here's to Progress... witch hunts, warlock trials, reproductive rites, etc.
Blogger Inga said.."Wildswan, no uptick in cases in Wisconsin thus far."
My information came from DC and they believed that there would be a sudden surge in one more week. If so, we would not be ready because there is no distribution plan to keep ICUs in downtown DC from being overwhelmed. At this moment some are just keeping their heads above water due to the extended periods in which ICU care is necessary of severe cases of Covid. It wouldn't take a lot of cases to overwhelm those ICUs. In that case, the plan in place is to triage and I'm arguing that that would not be necessary if a distribution plan were ready using whole metropolitan areas or even beyond. It may, of course, be the case that masks and social distancing are entirely unnecessary in DC and elsewhere and that this is a lesson to be learned from the riots and looting. Safer at a Riot.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...
wendybar said...
I want to paint Black Lives Matter...
Whew! This makes me realize how lucky we are that the Stones haven't released "Paint It Black Lives Matters" in a show of support for the protests!
6/10/20, 1:17 PM
It's only a matter of time before they cancel The Stones.
"Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields, sold in the market down in New Orleans...."
>>hospital ICUs are still almost filled with serious covid cases
No, not true. At least not in Florida. Our ICUs are at about 25% capacity statewide.
@Ken B
Inga to [Yancey Ward]:
“You know what demonstrates what an idiot you are? To boldly predict that no more than 7,500 people tops would die of Covid 19.”
Inga is right about that.
Whose prediction turned out closer to reality, Yancey Ward's, or the IHME?
You can't spell "Defund" without "Fun".
Spray paint "2Peter 2:22" near each Antifa grafitti.
Eventually one of them will look it up and feel bad.
Just more signs of idiotic actions taken in the name of what might be a 'fake' issue. Seems like Floyd and Chauvin knew each other? Interesting, they also had a beef? What if we burned, rioted, looted and called every 'white person' a racist because of a 'personal grudge'? Reality and its sweet source of 'irony'!
"hospital ICUs are still almost filled with serious covid cases" Not even close, as far as California is concerned, particularly where I live in Sonoma. We are now struggiling with Hospitals closing or smaller practices bankrupted after stopping all of their surgerys and other necessary medical care that was put on hold for covid.
“ The "tacit permission" ploy reminds me of the way mountain lions were reintroduced here in my state. The Department of Natural Resources did it. But they denied even knowing about it until lions started turning up as road kill and they couldn't hide it.”
We had that with brown bears here. Several problem specimens ended up in the wilderness area at the west end of the county , thanks to a surreptitious reintroduction by the NFS. Two of them abandoned that safety and came down to investigate all the opportunities down in the valley. First one met a BNSF train and didn’t survive. Darwin at work. The other one attacked someone downtown in one of the nearby small towns. The person he attacked happened to be armed, which was good for him, but bad for the bear. He was then arrested and tried for killing an endangered species. His defense was that he thought that it was a black bear. After all, the Forest Service had hidden their reintroduction around here of brown bears from the public. Why should he have even suspected that it was a brown bear? (Ok, he was a bit large for a black bear...) Either that defense was persuasive, or we had a bit of jury nullification. In any case, he was found not guilty.
Well at least Madison hasn't copied Seattle yet? The 'ANTIFA and BLM'crowd have gone to 'Twitter' requesting food [Vegan - LOL] because the 'homeless' got there first. LOL - wait until the residents start with their demands. Hey, 'Anarchists', violence is the easy part now try your hand at governing and mediating conflicting demands from various groups of people. "BLM" is a 'microscopic issue' compared to the whiners wanting theirs! LOL-reality is a bitch!
I remember when it was a big feminist goal to force the police to take domestic violence so seriously that they were required to arrest someone when they answered a call.
Feminism is no longer about empowering all women, but empowering the right women with the right politics.
I was in Banff on a trip about twenty years ago. We stopped by the ranger station and there was a discussion about a bear attack. One had killed a camper the week before. The ranger pointed out the trail that led to the site and told us a story worthy of "Origin of Species."
A reporter and photographer had stopped by for directions the day after the bear attack. The ranger warned them the bear had not yet been found. They thanked him and headed up the same trail. You can finish the story, I'm sure.
Lots of bear attacks there. If you do go camping there, don't take a menstruating woman with you.
But the ICU rooms are now almost full.
Where? Because that's certainly not the case in the Puget Sound region.
I don't know how to do Twitter links but there is a huge line for the funeral of the police captain murdered by rioters
Hope it works.
the real story,
RNB said...
"Down South, we used to say it was an unconscious alliance of the bootleggers and the Southern Baptists who kept the 'dry' laws on the books."
It wasn't always unconscious. In my little town, the 1st Baptist church was having a sermon series about the evils of alcohol and the sin of bootlegging. A well known bootlegger made a substantial donation to the church and was praised for it from the pulpit. That was the end of that series of sermons. My Dad moved us to the Methodist church because of it.
"hared their food with the resident homeless population, who immediately stole them blind. "
Wait till they realize what they stole.
"Deface the City?"
Lance, you've made the usual false assumption. Cops arrest people. DAs and judges let them go.
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