June 9, 2020

Could those who are talking about dismantling the police address the problem of violence against women?


Birkel said...

Remember, the press downplayed the violence Logan experienced at the hands of the Muslim mob. The press wanted to protect Obama's political capital from exposures that his support of the militant, terroristic Muslim Brotherhood was bad for America.

Lara Logan exposes multiple lies with that tweet.
Let's not forget to "pre-miss" Obama.

TreeJoe said...

The “privilege” inferred is the belief and historical evidence that if you call police against a break in you’ll be treated with respect and urgency and protection. And that that isn’t present in the black community if they call police for a middle of the night break in.

I’d really like to understand any evidence for this belief by a city councilwoman.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Biden was the proud author of the racist 1990s drug laws.

According to Biden, his greatest achievement was the Violence Against Women's Act.

Both those laws had devastating effects on the black community.

At this point in time of increased sensitivity to systemic racism, how can the Democrats justify nominating the author of the racist laws?

Any lib want to explain?

Bilwick said...

"I've been against racism all my life . . . " Ah-HAH! Just the kind of thing a racist WOULD say!

Inga said...

The police and law enforcement have a place in our society, they’ll never be defunded, but must be reformed. Women have suffered abuse at the hands of males for eons and there was a time when there was no one to call. Let’s hope when police are called, it’s not the victim who becomes victimized by those she called to help her.

My brother retired from the Milwaukee Police Dept. after a long career and he’s said the the other cops there should’ve stopped it. There were no excuses for why they didn’t.

mikee said...

Lara Logan is white, and therefore (according to every leftist alive today) she is inherently, irredeemably, unconsciously racist against people of color and also is a white supremacist living a life privileged by her skin color.

Sorry, Lara. Being a woman isn't enough to stop you from being white. Kneel down.

bagoh20 said...

Or children, or the handicapped, or the elderly. You know, there are other people in the world besides women, and some of them might need something once in a while too.

Mike Sylwester said...

I know that that comes from a place of privilege.

When I was a university student in the 1970s, we had a concept called guilt-tripping.

The Urban Dictionary defines the expression as follows:

A manipulation tactic: making someone feel guilty so that guilt acts as an incentive to think or behave a way they normally wouldn't. Often involves the manipulator acting victimised or making grand gestures to create emotional debt.

Back in my youth, guilt-tripping was considered to be bad behavior.

Now, apparently, guilt-tripping is considered to be good behavior, if the guilt-tripper uses the privilege angle to morally shame the other, non-compliant person.

bagoh20 said...

"Black Lives Matter protests and riots ravaged the city May 30-31, leaving 25 dead and 85 wounded by gunfire in the city's deadliest weekend in 60 years. Chicago's 911 dispatch center received 65,000 calls in 24 hours on Sunday — 50,000 more than usual."

Lets be real. Nobody's life matters to these people.

Rory said...

Just wondering how far the thread gets before someone brings up doughnuts.

Mike Sylwester said...

An article in Psychology Today

7 Ways to Get Out of Guilt Trips


Guilt trips are a form of verbal or nonverbal communication in which a guilt inducer tries to induce guilty feelings in a target, in an effort to control their behavior. As such, guilt trips are a clear form of psychological manipulation and coercion. ...

Guilt trips frequently induce not just strong feelings of guilt but equally strong feelings of resentment toward the manipulator.

What allows guilt trips to succeed despite the resentment they cause is the nature of the relationships that usually exists between the two parties. Guilt trips occur most often in close family relationships (or close friendships) because if the target didn’t have strong feelings of caring and affection for the guilt inducer, their resentment and anger at having their feelings manipulated would likely override their guilty feelings and cause them to resist the manipulation. ...

In studies, people who induced guilt trips were asked to list the potential consequences of giving guilt trips, and only 2 percent mentioned resentment as a likely outcome. In other words, people who use guilt trips are usually entirely focused on getting the result they want and entirely blind to the damage their methods can cause.

Mild as the poisonous effects of most guilt trips are, over the long term, their toxicity can build and cause significant strains and emotional distance. Ironically, the most common theme of familial guilt trips is one of interpersonal neglect, which means the long-term impact of guilt trips is likely to induce the polar opposite result most guilt trippers want. ...

The best way to limit the damage guilt trips cause to our relationships is to set limits with the guilt inducer and ask them to change their habits.

[end quote]

The article then lists seven ways to set limits with guilt-trippers.

tim maguire said...

"Defund the police" is such a dumb idea, even the people calling for it don't want it, and pretend their clear words mean something other than what they clearly mean.

Remember the difference between objective truth and revolutionary truth? Defund the police was never more than revolutionary truth and it's proving to be not even that.

Temujin said...

Seriously. Sometimes I wonder if these people are just on the payroll of the Trump Campaign. We have to hope they are. Because the alternative is that they actually think like this.

rehajm said...

More evidence they didn't think this one through

wendybar said...

Defund the police and get ready for a lot more Ahmaud Arbery cases. Vigilante's will be patrolling the streets. Prove me wrong.

RK said...

To avoid getting gang-raped in Egypt, put a scarf on your head.

Howard said...

Since they do very little about violence against women there shouldn't be any change. Cops prefer to manufacture crime and to pick on the weak because they are at heart bullies and cowards. That's why we need to dismantle all police departments and rebuild them from fresh dirt up.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Defund the police!"

"But what about violence against women?"

"Oh- didn't think of that. Nevermind."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It’s still okay to rape racist women, right? Asking for a friend.

mesquito said...

O Lord these people make me sick.

But Minneapolis voted for this shit and they deserve to get it good and hard.

Nonapod said...

So not being beaten and raped is white priviledge? We haven't yet reached peak derrangement I guess. These truly are Heinlein's "Crazy Years".

tcrosse said...

While we're on the subject, how about violence against men?

Quaestor said...

No need to worry. Jacobins always appoint themselves to the enforcement arm of the Revolution.

Violence against women will be redefined to include unlawful disagreement and indifference with malice aforethought.

Mike Sylwester said...

Guilt-tripping with the privilege gambit is especially effective on college students, because they are not yet making their own way in the world, because they recently have been supported by their parents, and they have accomplished relatively little.

College students can be morally shamed into feeling guilty because they are privileged.

Fortunately, these young people eventually do go out and make their own ways in the world and achieve some accomplishments. Gradually they feel that they have earned their own status, and so they no longer are guilt-tripped so easily for being privileged.

Rick said...

This will be an interesting test. Does surviving one shit storm prepare you for the next?

Sebastian said...

"Would that have been my white privilege talking?"


"I’ve stood against racism all my life, don’t have a racist bone in my body."

This is not a good start to your struggle session, sister. Try harder.

Elliott A said...

The Minneapolis police should ignore the Council collectively and individually, effective immediately. It will be fun to watch the response.

Drago said...

This "dialogue" between radical leftist Chicago Mayor Lightfoot and Chicago Alderman Lopez sums up things on the left nicely:

"Lopez said that looters might spill over into residential areas and wanted answers on how the city would handle that.

“Once they’re done looting and rioting and whatever’s going to happen tonight, God help us, what happens when they start going after residents? Going into the neighborhoods? Once they start trying to break down people’s doors, if they think they’ve got something,” he said. “I’ve got gangbangers with AK-47s walking around right now, just waiting to settle some scores. What are we going to do, and what do we tell residents, other than good faith people stand up? It’s not going to be enough.”

Lightfoot initially didn’t answer Lopez’s inquiry and wanted to move on to the next question. But Lopez said, “It’s not something you ignore. This is a question that I have.”

The phone call then took a profane turn as the two elected officials began exchanging expletives.

“I think you’re 100% full of shit, is what I think,” Lightfoot said.

“F— you, then,” Lopez responded. “Who are you to tell me I’m full of shit? … Maybe you should come out and see what’s going on.”

“If you think we’re not ready, and we stood by and let the neighborhoods go up, there’s nothing intelligent that I could say to you,” Lightfoot responded. “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I understand you want to preen.”

“Mayor, you need to check your f—ing attitude. That’s what you need to do,” Lopez replied."

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Also, sidebar, to the original “place of privilege” comment - for that incantation to work you have to give an iota of a shit about their silly religion, which many of us do not.

walter said...

I imagine the army of righteous social workers will dwindle after a few get killed, raped etc.

BamaBadgOR said...

As Scott Adams asked, "Will defunding the police empower men?"

Leland said...

I and others have often joked about the constant refrain "woman and minorities hardest hit". I don't need a study to know they will suffer the most from defunding and dismantling of the police. My neighborhood already hires our security.

gspencer said...

All cultures experience violence against women, variously called wife-beating (but with the decline of marriage this term is no longer accurate).

But only in Islam is it divinely sanctioned.

AA, if you don't believe me, read it for yourself in the Muslim Qur'an, Surah 4:34.

Minneapolis has become a Little Mogadishu, explaining how a section of the city is represented in Congress by Muslima Omar.

That City Council is most definitely not thinking this one through.

rhhardin said...

Scott Adams: getting rid of the police transfers power to men.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I thought Biden was a biggest retard. This lady me be a bigger retard than Biden.

le Douanier said...


AlbertAnonymous said...

You stupid deplorable! We don’t mean “defund - defund”. And you’re continuing to oppress me by not understanding my protest.

I bet you thought Kaepernick’s taking a knee was disrespectful to the flag too, didn’t you, racist!

Your lack of understanding our incomprehensible and inconsistent protest slogans is racist and violent!

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem!

le Douanier said...


Tyrone Slothrop said...

LEO's in my acquaintance have always told me the worst call they can get is domestic disturbance. One old LAPD veteran of thirty years on the force told me about getting shot by an enraged husband when he knocked on the door. No on-call social worker is going to be able to deal with situations like that in any effective manner. Since they won't have the physical or psychological means to arrest violent husbands (or wives), abused spouses will die. But at least they won't be resting on privilege.

svlc said...

Her white privilege is showing.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Oh, I can answer this one.

The 911 operator connects you to Planned Parenthood to schedule your abortion, and then connects you to a crisis counselor.

Done! See? So simple. And you won't have to worry about the rapist being harmed while resisting arrest. Isn't that so much better? Plus, all those otherwise unemployable bleeding hearts can now exercize their co-dependency on you while being paid to do so.

Of course the rapist, having not been arrested by those evil police officers, will be back for seconds, and maybe thirds, so you might want to write down the direct numbers for PP and the crisis counselor.

Can you see the crystal fountains, the cigarette trees, and the lemonade springs, and the big rock candy mountain?

Browndog said...

Obama's "Arab Spring"/AKA "Establishment of the Caliphate".

I remember it well. I don't know how she came back from that.

Kevin said...

Dead black man vs. Raped white woman.

These are the kinds of trade-offs one makes when dealing with the DNC.

There are too many interest groups and only so much political capital.

It's an Optimized America, not a Great one.

Michael K said...

Then future for blue cities.

I have a good friend who grew up in Baltimore and when she married she wanted to do so in the cathedral where she had grown up. My wife and I attended. The wedding occurred after the rioting. Although I played the manly man for the benefit of my wife, I was quite nervous driving to the church. At the reception, everyone agreed that it was quite scary (including quite a few African-American guests (military). The bride was heartbroken, as she had expected the neighborhood to be the same as she remembered. It was not. Roaming youths, burned out cars, trash strewn everywhere. It looked like Mogadishu to me (and I was there). This is what Minneapolis and other towns and cities have to look forward to if this crazy idea of defunding the po-po goes through. Businesses will close shop and crime will go up and the few decent folks remaining will have to hunker down and mount expeditions to obtain food and other necessities.

Welcome to the future if Slow Joe wins.

Michael K said...

That's why we need to dismantle all police departments and rebuild them from fresh dirt up.

Howard, how are those plans for the Berkshires coming?

madAsHell said...

That City Council is most definitely not thinking this one through.

She has to be the face of voter fraud. How could someone so stupid be elected to anything?

Listen to her!! She's trying to convince herself that she has a good idea.

Ann Althouse said...

Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?

rehajm said...

Howard, how are those plans for the Berkshires coming?

Those police in the Berkshires are the WORST!

AllenS said...

If Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender was beaten and then raped, she would only have one recourse, and that would be do say that she must have been at fault. Typical lib woman's reaction to the event so she could save face with the movement.

Matt Sablan said...

It's the same problem that gets ignored with self-defense. The right should be asking this sort of sensationalist question: "If we disarm citizens, then the X number of women who successfully used a firearm to prevent a sexual assault would likely have been assaulted. How many of those are an acceptable trade off for your political preference?"

It's the sort of sensationalist question that the right SHOULD be asking more often, because it is exactly the sort of screw you question the left asks about the unintended consequences to right leaning policy, especially if we're going to insist on "debating" through surface level meme culture.

Biff said...

Not a racist bone in her body? I live in a New England college town. Here, that kind of talk would be met with angry denunciations of your ignorance and demands to "Educate yourself!"

rehajm said...

Lara Logan exposes multiple lies with that tweet.

Aside from Logan's tragedy the thing I remember about the Egyptian uprising was how lefties were so pro-Twitter, insisting they'd discovered the secret tool for unleashing democracy around the world.

Instead Twitter became a public tool for the coordination of angry mobs.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?

Well, today's cray-cray idea is defund the police. Tomorrow it'll be defund the prison system.

So Cosby will be released when the jailers are fired. Beside's they'll need his cell for the deplorables' re-education.

Static Ping said...

You are certainly asking a lot of questions of people who didn't think about the issue at all.

Ken B said...

“ Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?”


They came within one vote of releasing the Green River Killer, who killed at least 70 women.

rehajm said...

Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?

Interesting. If one is as cynical as me #MeToo was always just a political tool, emerging at just the right time to align public empathy towards the SCOTUS scam the left tried to pull off. Now #MeToo usefulness has passed. The new shiny toy (ploy?) is racism!

Ergo, Cosby should walk...

wendybar said...

Obama caused the riots in the Middle East along with all the riots that happened on his watch. The Divider in chief is STILL at it, while his merry race baiter Al Sharpton turns his Eulogy for Saint George into a Trump is an evil racist who caused that cop to kneel on Saint Georges neck. Now, we get to get ready for a 2 night event hosted by Oprah with more hate Trump on the horizon. Democrats are desperate, and this is their last hurrah!!!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Just for the white women he abused

Steven said...

Annual homicide rate per 100,000 in Baltimore, the four years before the Freddie Gray protests (2011-2014): 31.1, 34.9, 37.4, 33.8. Average: 34.3.

Annual homicide rate per 100,000 in Baltimore, the four years since the Freddie Gray protests (2016-2019): 51.4, 57.8, 50.5, 58.6. Average: 54.6.

Homicide rate increase: 59%.

Apparently those black lives don't matter.

Skeptical Voter said...

Based on at least one recent instance, if you are a white woman in Minneapolis and call the cops for a suspected break in in the middle of the night, you'll be gunned down by a Somali police officer--and it will then take 8 months before the District Attorney charges the officer with anything. Just sayin.

Rick said...

Inga said...
The police and law enforcement have a place in our society, they’ll never be defunded,

If Inga believed this wouldn't she be telling...the people who want to defund police? Her true motive is revealed every time she lectures us instead of her allies.

Rick said...

Michael The Magnificent said..

The 911 operator connects you to Planned Parenthood to schedule your abortion, and then connects you to a crisis counselor.

I think you're slightly off on this, it's a Schrödinger's cat scenario. The woman hasn't actually been raped until she's at Planed Parenthood blaming Republicans.

Sebastian said...

"Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?"

No. Politics trumps race.

Sorry, Bill: shoulda stayed on the plantation. Then you could have pointed guns at your paramours' stomachs, for all we care, rather than serve them those stupid drugs.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Scott Adams: getting rid of the police transfers power to men."

Really the most trenchant observation on the whole subject. leftists can't think two minutes into the future.

MD Greene said...

In my experience, you can call the cops and they may come and may take a report and may talk to a few people -- but even if they know exactly who the violent offender was, they will not assemble a file and the DA will not press charges.

Also in my experience, this year the city and county will order cops to harangue careful, law-abiding citizens -- No biking outside your door without a mask! No swimming in your very small complex's perfectly safe pool! Your curfew today is 2 p.m.! -- and will ignore meth addicts bellowing the F-word in the middle of the night and look the other way while "protesters" smash windows in businesses right down to the optometry office and clean out stores of every salable item.

As a theoretical construct, we need the police. In reality, the results are mixed at best. I'm investing in outdoor cameras and reconsidering (probably not seriously) my decision not to buy a firearm some years ago.

Kevin said...

Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?

If he were running for President, it would be interfering in an election to keep him in jail.

Or so we can infer.

hstad said...

Wow, how can people perfectly 'woke' vote for "Lisa Bender"? Even "Camerota" was dumbfounded when she asked her question - "What if in the middle of the night my home is broken into. Who do I call?" Bender's answer, "Privilege" - really. Not only is she nuts - but facts don't back her up. Most police calls are made from where the 'crimes' are committed. Despite what the MSM is peddling those crimes are committed on other minorities in their neighborhoods. How many blacks were killed in Chicago this past weekend by other blacks -18 - all in minority areas?


Sheridan said...

Calling Snake Plisskin! Calling Robocop!Calling Batman! We've got lots of go-to guys to call on. Who needs cops?

Gk1 said...

Boy, Trump is really going to town on this issue isn't he? Even the craven republican party is rallying around this defunding issue. Oof. You lefties sure leaned into that upper cut. But why? Are you too enfeebled to fight back even the nuttiest ideas from your progressive wing? Sad!

Hey Skipper said...

@I have misplaced My Pants:

Also, sidebar, to the original “place of privilege” comment - for that incantation to work you have to give an iota of a shit about their silly religion, which many of us do not.

Funny you point that out.

There is large, steaming, pile of incantations progressives use that no one else does (unironically), ever. Besides "place of privilege":

national conversation
undocumented immigrant
school to prison pipeline
trigger warning
cultural appropriation
safe spaces
tone policing

Are there any terms or phrases unique to non-progressives?

Drago said...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent: ""Scott Adams: getting rid of the police transfers power to men."

Really the most trenchant observation on the whole subject. leftists can't think two minutes into the future."


The leftists know exactly what they are doing.

Witness Seattle yesterday and today as the marxist-anarcho BLM, dedicated to destroying the United States as a constitutional republic, has established a so-called "autonomous zone" in Seattle (similar to the islamic supremacist no-go zones that exist by the hundreds in Europe that ARM, when he isn't pushing ChiCom propaganda, claims don't really exist, even though they do).

The dems in Washington state, Gov, AG, Mayor, DA, etc have ordered the police there to "pull out" like it was Saigon 1975, and the lefty rioters/looters have not only not been given a non-nuanced pushback from the cops, they have been given a portion of the city.

And these "mostly peaceful" violent rioters have "informed" the local populace what the "new rules" are.......and guess what? With lefties, there are no such things as opportunities to protest them or complain....if you know what's good for you.

This is why the lefties are lying about not wanting to defund the police. They most certainly do want to defund the police and abandon the cities to the most extreme marxist radicals and, like the lefty posters at Althouse blog, they are happy to lie about their actual intentions....right up until the moment they feel confident enough to open up about those actual intentions.


MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said...
"Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?"

Only if he publicly recants his previous statements about African American families, vows to wear a BLM T-shirt for the rest of his natural life, and pledges his royalties to the Cause. Even then...

Birkel said...

Royal ass Inga is stupid.


This is what the Leftist Collectivists want.
And they want it nationwide.
It's about power.

Birkel said...

And once again Royal ass Inga has a relative for every occasion.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

From Ace of Spades, "Trust Me, I'm Lying:

"During Phil Bredesen’s 2018 Tennessee Senate campaign, it became clear that “Trust me I’m lying” doesn’t work anymore. The Kavanaugh nomination was tearing the country apart, and Bredesen, who was allegedly a moderate Democrat that could appeal to moderate Republicans, was trying to avoid taking a stand, but the nomination kept dragging on and getting more contentious. Finally realizing that “no opinion” was not a viable position, he attempted the “Trust me I’m lying” approach and stated that he’d vote in favor of Kavanaugh’s nomination. His campaign collapsed right then, because Republicans knew he was lying but his activist base believed him. It was supposed to work the other way around. A great many of his volunteers quit right then and there. His campaign was over.

I can’t imagine that the “Trust me I’m lying approach” will work any better on the issue of defunding the police. I genuinely enjoy the thought of Democrats telling the cable news barkers that big cities will soon be rid of men in blue, while then going on Sunday morning shows and stating that “defund the police” is just a euphemism for “reform.” Oh well, I’m sure Antifa will just smile and put their brass knuckles away, knowing that the elite of the American left are lying to them for good reasons."

Browndog said...

This thing is all over the damn place.

Back to cleaning the guns. Metaphorically. Because none of this is real, and life's the same.

I'm moving in stereo.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm guessing that places will come up with plans, and if the police don't like them, they'll strike for a day. After that one day, people will decide they value the police.

Drago said...

Has Inga explained to this reporter gal how lucky she was that she was raped by "spark of divinity" islamic supremacists, and not some horrific non-islamic supremacist Brett Kavanaugh-type?

Bob Loblaw said...

Eh, if my local burg defunds the police, I'm going to stop paying taxes. What are they going to do about it?

Fernandinande said...

"Could those who are talking about dismantling the police address the problem of violence against women?"

That is a trivial problem because men are shot by police 20 times more often than women are because the police are sexists. There is no other explanation.

Browndog said...

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm guessing that places will come up with plans, and if the police don't like them, they'll strike for a day. After that one day, people will decide they value the police

Indeed. Life's the same.

Give it a day, and everything will be back to normal. The swells always come in sets of threes.

It'll be fine.

Inga said...

“And once again Royal ass Inga has a relative for every occasion.

I’m sorry that Birkel is so vile that he has no relatives or friends. Jealous, I guess.

bagoh20 said...

Without the cops, who is going to enforce the 19th Amendment?

Hey, don't look at me. I'm all about result, and so far I'm not impressed with them.

bagoh20 said...

Without cops, it's men who will lose the most. We will die in much greater numbers as more bad guys will shoot more good guys for their stuff, and more good guys will shoot the ones we see coming. I'm more scared of district attorneys than I am bad guys on the street. I can fight back against criminals, it's the law that won't give me a fair shot.

Browndog said...

Inga is no cutesy, wrongheaded antagonist.

She would destroy everything you hold dear, then smirk at your weakness.

It became clear to me when the rioting started. It's the reason I've avoided Althouse for the most part.

Treat her as your peer at your own peril.

Back to exile so I don't soil this blog with what I really want to say to this bitch.

bagoh20 said...

If I was part of a group that's less than 13% of the population, and I can't hide the fact, I much prefer to have plenty of cops, even if some of them were rotten. Then add in that the same group is disproportionatly victims of crime, and man, you gotta be stupid to think less cops helps you in any real way.

le Douanier said...

“I'm guessing that places will come up with plans, and if the police don't like them, they'll strike for a day. After that one day, people will decide they value the police.“


JAORE said...

Can those talking about dismantling the police address the problem of violence against everyone?

Kyzer SoSay said...

" I'm investing in outdoor cameras and reconsidering (probably not seriously) my decision not to buy a firearm some years ago."

Crazy Jane, assuming you're not actually crazy, you oughta go down to your nearest shooting range and see if they have a Walther CCP you can try. It is a female friendly pistol, which is sized for concealed carry but also perfectly capable of flexing into home/apartment defense. Easy-to-rack slide, manual and trigger safeties, affordable magazines (for a Walther), and very user-friendly. Chambered in the common-as-dirt 9mm cartridge, and can handle really nice defensive ammo (some small guns choke on premium hollow-points with alarming frequency). Oh, and it's a Walther. I don't own one because my system has no need, but I do own it's uncle, the Walther PPQ.

Honestly, if you buy a tiny little Ruger SR22 popgun, chambered for the wimpy .22LR cartridge, it's still better than a baseball bat or a butcher knife for defense. Range+penetrating injury uber alles. Criminals generally won't stop and ask what caliber you're unloading before deciding whether to flee. For you, it is really down to how much does recoil scare you, would you ever need to carry it outside the home, and how determined are you assuming a potential threat to be? Only seriously competent aim will stop a determined attacker with a .22, and even that might not work in the winter with heavy clothing. Or might not be possible under duress.

But for an adult who is not legally forbidden, choosing NOT to own at least one firearm in these times is not a good idea. I have stronger terms for it, but let's leave it there.

PS - I tell the same thing to my liberal friends. Some of them have heeded my words. Only one ever practices, but it's something. The 2nd Amendment exists for so, so many reasons, none of which have a lick to do with "hunting" or "sport". Our Founders were wise indeed.

Jupiter said...

"I'm more scared of district attorneys than I am bad guys on the street."

They both work for George Soros, but the DA's have a stronger work ethic.

Inga said...

“She would destroy everything you hold dear, then smirk at your weakness.”

Oh my, you give me far too much credit. I’m a 68 year old grandma from a conservative County in WI. What power do I have to destroy anything? I don’t even belong to the Democratic Party, lol. If you have something to say, say it, Mr Whimpy. I’m pretty sure it would make it past moderation.

Michael K said...

I understand the new BLM regime will use rap recordings to establish standards for violence against women. If you don't like that, bitches, you are racist.

Michael K said...

see if they have a Walther CCP you can try.

Do you mean a PPK ? It is small and a good size for a woman to CCW. For home defense, a shotgun is better.

Michael K said...

OK, the CCP is for concealed carry. I had not seen it before. PPK is nice, too. It was good enough for James Bond.

riddler said...

Normally I wouldn't advocate this, but a really severe and wide-spread case of Blue Flu for about 72 hours, and we'd not hear "de-fund the police" again in any of our lifetimes.

Michael K said...

Ann Althouse said...
Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?

Of course he should be! If he had kept his moth shut about the black family, we would have heard none of this bullshit. His son was murdered by a white man, for crissakes !

le Douanier said...

Inga seems to have some Gertrude-itude.


But only in a good way. Feisty and not into putting up w/ BS and not to be messed w/. Only figuratively ready to blow you away.

Dude1394 said...

Lara Logan is one of my heroes. Fearless.

Ken B said...

“ I’m sorry that Birkel is so vile that he has no relatives or friends”

Inga isn’t wrong about everything!

Narayanan said...

Wokeness question: Should Bill Cosby be pardoned?
may have to wait till after FBI-DOJ talk to Prince Andrew and let him go.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My brother retired from the Milwaukee Police Dept. after a long career and he’s said the the other cops there should’ve stopped it. There were no excuses for why they didn’t.

6/9/20, 1:26 PM

Yeah, they should have. The other cops included an Asian and a Hispanic.

So why are all white Americans somehow responsible for this?

Do we even know that Chauvin's behavior was due to "racism" and not a personal grudge?

Birkel said...

Ken B is a cvnt.
And Royal ass Inga is a liar who pretends to have relatives for any occasion. She used to have a couple dozen children with experiences for everything.

Royal ass Inga has an unbroken string of lies and Ken B remains a Concern Troll.

Linus said...

I have shot the Walther CCP in 9mm recently, and it is smaller (and thus more likely to be comfortable for those with smaller hands) and the recoil is very minimal compared to the other 9mm pistols I've shot. And it's very, very reliable, which should be the sine qua non of any self defense firearm.

Tina Trent said...

Bill Cosby was pardoned by society for decades, and we all know why. As early as 1980, women told reporters identical stories of being drugged and violated by him. He went to prison because Beverly Johnston and Cindra Ladd came forward in 2015.

Many of the women were young actresses involved with his tv shows or workers in his restaurant. It's not credible that his co-stars and crew knew nothing about his behavior, but nobody did anything.

He could get out without being pardoned as soon as late next year, and he probably will be.

The anti-policing (prison abolitionism) radicals plan to address domestic violence using "restorative justice" healing circles: empowered community activists bring the victim and offender together to "heal" the "violation of community norms." Robbery, assault, etc. will be treated the same way. Black offenders will of course get special treatment based on social inequality and racism. Every university and law school in this country have anti-incarceration professors working on and lobbying for Restorative Justice. Many of these professors do not believe white victims of interracial rape should even report the crime because of historical racism.

I was drummed out of academia for criticizing this sort of dangerous garbage. The minister who founded "restorative justice" told me his original idea for prison-based ministry in select cases was hijacked by anti-incarceration radicals. They are deadly serious about eliminating all incarceration. The movement is largely funded by Soros and the Koch Foundations.

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