I'm reading "Zuckerberg Leaves Race Justice Leader Frustrated After Call" (Bloomberg).
I wonder if Robinson has "the ability to understand" that someone can understand your argument and still not agree with it. You can get so deeply into your own ideas that you think people who don't agree with you haven't grasped your point.
Robinson wants Facebook to take down Trump's "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" post.
If Zuckerberg spent a lot of time explaining his position to Robinson, I am sure Zuckerberg would never accuse Robinson of just very much lacking the ability to understand it.
No race monger has the "the ability to understand" that someone can understand your argument and still disagree with it. That is part of the playbook, you don't agree, you are a racist. It's been like that for decades.
The only requirement of community is the suppression of the incompatible.
We are a free country.
People who want to censor the speech of others are incompatible with a free society.
These people are burning and looting and attacking every institution that supports a free society.
We have not been a free country for the last 4 months.
They have to go.
Our violence is speech.
Your speech is violence.
The Leftist Collectivists always want to silence the other.
Conservatives want the Leftists to talk and be widely broadcasted.
Never heard of Rashad Robinson. Who appointed him as leader of black America?
Agree. And yet that's the take you see everywhere. This is the canceling of Zuckerberg.
Blacksplaining fails.
Whatever else you can say about Mark Zuckerberg, and there is a lot to say, the man has built a billion-dollar organization with enormous global reach and social influence, for good or bad. His intelligence should not be in question.
What's a Rashad Robinson?
When he changes his name to "Rashad Zuckerberg" we'll know he's finally figured it all out.
This is how the word "wanker" was coined.
someone can understand your argument and still not agree with it
Me: "I don't agree with your argument."
Them: "You're not listening to me!"
Me: "Sure I am. I'm just not agreeing.
"Zuckerberg would never accuse Robinson of just very much lacking the ability to understand it." --AA
But the way he would shake his head at Wendy would say everything.
Oh, it's Priscilla. One of 'ems got a Wendy. She would nod in commiseration.
I guess the hundreds and thousands of year old concept that freedom of expression is the ultimate breaking of oppression is no longer applicable cause Trump?
Sounds like he was mansplaining. Or blacksplaining. Or maybe just Robinsplaining. So caught up in blabbing away that he forgot how to listen.
As David Byrne might say, "You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything." Maybe racial grievance, like covid, causes people to lose senses, here, not the ability to hear, but to listen.
I wonder if Robinson has "the ability to understand" that someone can understand your argument and still not agree with it.
As many commenters here have already pointed out, today's leftists live in a mental and emotional bubble wherein they are rarely exposed to non-leftist opinions. Hence, they cannot imagine anyone disagreeing with them. When there is disagreement, they do nit know how to respond except to deny the legitimacy of another point of view.
An alternate explanation is that their inability to understand is just a primitive bullying technique.
Mark is just a typical white person. He's got that virus in his brain.
And how does the Color of Change guy get paid? He probably shakes down big corporations for protection money. Race hustler.
Ken B said...
Agree. And yet that's the take you see everywhere. This is the canceling of Zuckerberg"
Zuckerberg can only be cancelled if he allows himself to be cancelled. He and Dorsey are social media. And Dorsey better watch himself before the DoJ tears Twitter to pieces. Zuckerberg understands this and probably didn't want to tell the race hustler that he isn't going to lose to the DoJ and a ton of money in share value for "race justice".
who concluded that Zuckerberg can’t fully grasp the change they seek.
SugarMountain refused to pay the shake-down.
We must all think alike. We must all think alike. We must all think alike. Welcome to progressivism!!!!
I count 83 people working at Color of Change.
The race industry is thriving.
I saw two white guys working there. Tokens.
So the self appointed president of black people blackspalined Zuck for a while and didn't get what he wanted, which was complete editorial control over Facebook's content.
...but it's Zuck that lacks the ability to understand?
People are too addicted to the SnapFace™ to take the usual action when they don't like a product.
I get the impression that The Color of Change is green.
Black racism is a growing phenomenon fed by virtue signaling leftists.
I wonder if it ever occurs to them that it could devour them ?
Zuck has heard all the bullshit before. I truly think he's just too rich to really care at this point. He can't exactly be bought by a minority-interest group as some politicians and journos can be.
The Zuckerberger should tell the race justice leader to go fuck himself to start. Strong FB message with emojis to follow.
Its crimson red.
Zuckerberg is a white supremacist according to the new definition. He is white and owns property and has a job and money.
For forty years, goodwhites have been kissing the black ring but we are running out of goodwhites and badwhites and "others" dont care which means the black shakedown industry is in for a shock. That part I'm enjoying
It's not just the Brothers. There are tons of young people who simply have no historical or intellectual context to think critically about ideas that challenge their received orthodoxy. They can't even begin to process it.
It must eat away inside at the free-speech opponents to have to keep saying that they can't win an argument unless other people aren't allowed to speak.
Don't think 'cos I understand, I care
-- Sneaker Pimps, 6 Underground
I wonder if Robinson has "the ability to understand" that someone can understand your argument and still not agree with it.
Why would that occur to them?
The Progressive left has assured everyone the answer to all problems is "education", the remainder of problems is a "lack of education", and the inability to understand once educated proves "racism".
Given that set of incontrovertible "facts", what's Robinson to do, question his orthodoxy?
Zuckerberg will soon be diagnosed as lacking the cultural competence necessary to run a major corporation. His sister's probably woke enough to take over.
Disagreeing with a negro beez RAYCISS AZ FUQ!
I notice lots of people directing words like 'idiot', 'dullard', 'moron' and 'stupid" at people who want the graft to continue.
I think you have mischaracterized these folks.
There are a few other words that fit better.
Put on your thinking caps..
Oh, to live on Sugar Mountain
With the barkers and the colored balloons
If you want to understand what folks like Robinson feel like every day, go to YouTube and find the Reddit video where they asked low IQ folks what it was like to be them. Interesting.
I have sometimes had occasion to tell my wife: "No, I understand completely, Dear. I just don't agree." You can imagine how well that went.
One of the most powerful constructs I learned as a young man was internal vs. external locus of control.
Not too many years ago the term “race justice leader” would have been common on a left wing campus and nowhere else. Now it’s used by a major mainstream publication for an article on left wing attempts to control speech.
You have to admire the Left, they don’t rest on their laurels. Once you get one outlet to do your bidding, you look for the next one.
"If you're against looting, you ain't black"
@ Michael: How many times have we men talked to a woman and disagreed with what she said and then got hit with: "But you don't understand what I'm saying!!!"? No honey, we understand perfectly what you've just said, we just disagree with it. And, BTW, we're not hysterical little girls the way you are.
#QuitTheCouncil A Success
NEW YORK—In a major victory for Color Of Change, Donald Trump announced today that he was disbanding his business councils, following a slew of CEOs resigning due to activist pressure. Since January, Color Of Change has led the call for executives to #QuitTheCouncil, demanding that business leaders including Elon Musk of Tesla, Bob Iger of Disney, and Indra Nooyi of Pepsi stop enabling this administration’s support of hatred and bigotry.
“One by one, America’s business leaders have abandoned Donald Trump. But that’s not out of any altruism: it’s because they know the American people—especially communities of color—will hold them accountable for enabling a supporter of violent hate and white supremacy,” said Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of Color Of Change. “Trump killed these councils as a move of desperation. The self-proclaimed ‘dealmaker’ has been dealt a humiliating blow today, and that is thanks to all those who have stood up and denounced this hate-mongering administration.”
Color of Change, along with Muslim Advocates, first convened a coalition of activist groups in January to demand that executives step down from Trump’s business council in protest of the Muslim ban. Following a major pressure campaign, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick stepped down from a Trump council in February, followed Iger and Musk in the wake of Trump’s rejection of the Paris climate agreement.
Following Trump’s white supremacist-praised response to Charlottesville, Color Of Change renewed pressure on executives including Nooyi and Inge Thulin of 3M to resign their council memberships. In the past few days the CEOs of Intel, Under Armour, Merck, and others have left Trump councils due to mounting pressure from Color Of Change and allied groups.
All along the way, Color Of Change has been leading the call for CEOs to #QuitTheCouncil.
If you go with good character, the high IQ guy won't have an advantage anymore.
I still laugh at EVERY white Democrat who ran for office going to and bowing down to Reverend Al Sharpton and kissing his ring. The biggest race baiter in America, and the left can't make a move without his permission. Talk about privilege.
Did someone mention color?
Where's all the White Women At?
It is now wrong to threaten to shoot rioting looters. Thanks liberals.
"You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything."
Sounds like Foghorn Leghorn.
Think of this every time you hear that this nation needs to "have a conversation about race". What they mean is, black people will tell us what we can and can't say, and they will tell us what we must believe. Our we're racists.
I think that this happens with those who call for a discussion or a conversation about x. In their imagination, the "conversation" results in the other persons opinion changing and a sheepish acknowledgement that they were wrong. The inevitable disappointment seems to always result in more polarization.
“ I am sure Zuckerberg would never accuse Robinson of just very much lacking the ability to understand it.”
Even if he knew it was true. Some things you just don’t say.
It is a symptom of Borderline Personality Disorder to make that exact mistake. "No one is listening to me!" is the wail, as they cannot even imagine that someone could disagree with them once they have stated their feelings. I have even said, quietly. I hear what you are saying. I just don't agree and been immediately assaulted.
It is diagnostic. And now, as Paul Harvey used to say, you know the rest of the story.
Is “Race Justice leader” an actual title? Do you put RJL after the name?
How does a person get to be a "race justice leader"?
The expression "race justice leader" is rather new.
In the past, the expression was "race baiter".
Scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist. Every time.
But explaining fascism to a libtard is like trying to explain water to a fish. They don't perceive it.
"I wonder if Robinson has "the ability to understand" that someone can understand your argument and still not agree with it."
Oh, he has the ability, alright. Progs would just rather not. In most places, their hegemony prevails. Kudos to Zuck for not caving just yet.
We must all think alike. Welcome to progressivism!!!!
By definition, yes. Progress is a [unqualified] monotonic function.
The race industry is thriving.
Diversity racket. Don't indulge color judgments.
Racial justice, social justice... relativistic justice anywhere is injustice everywhere.
During your big hissy fit about unfair libtard successful social media free market business, I told you people more than a year ago that it was common knowledge in the Gay Area that Zuckerberg was a sTrumpet. Now that he's a confirmed racist, you people love him.
“ It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Remember the Nika riots. Justinian's solution. Lure the Greens into the Hippodrome, seal the exits, unleash the army.
Result: 50,000 Greens killed in the space of a few hours. No more Nika riots. No more Greens either.
is there a Jesse/Nike dynamic lurking somewhere in there?
so when will this video-call-discussion be available for the world to see?
if a link is available please post.
Jon wrote:
"I notice lots of people directing words like 'idiot', 'dullard', 'moron' and 'stupid" at people who want the graft to continue.
I think you have mischaracterized these folks."
The elites know exactly what they are doing. As Tucker Carlson said, this is the first revolution by the upper classes against the lower and lower-middle classes in history, using the underclass as a weapon.
"Idiot" "dullard," "moron" and "stupid" apply to white middle class leftists like Inga and ARM and Howie who are happy to see the deplorables get the blade, but never see the obvious, that they will get their throats slit too. They laughably imagine themselves to be part of the elite.
As Tucker Carlson said, this is the first revolution by the upper classes against the lower and lower-middle classes in history, using the underclass as a weapon.
NO, then French Revolution was that way. The peasants resisted, actually.
I am gaining respect for Zuck
as I lose respect for Dorsey
I stand corrected.
Howard said...
During your big hissy fit about unfair libtard successful social media free market business, I told you people more than a year ago that it was common knowledge in the Gay Area that Zuckerberg was a sTrumpet. Now that he's a confirmed racist, you people love him.
6/2/20, 7:49 PM
I didn't understand any of that except that you are gay. Thanks for sharing.
If Zuckerberg spent a lot of time explaining his position to Robinson, I am sure Zuckerberg would never accuse Robinson of just very much lacking the ability to understand it.
Rent or download The Social Network again. Some of it was fictionalized, but college-aged Mark Zuckerberg as played by Jesse Eisenberg would do exactly that.
Even now, Zuckerberg gives the impression that he had to have a lot of coaching and acting lessons to appear to be something like a "normal" human being.
I liked Eisenberg in The Squid and the Whale, but since he played Zuckerberg, I've found him hard to take.
You're white, you wouldn't understand...
It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand....
If you haven't lived my life as a POC,you wouldn't understand....
Heard that a lot.
Is there anything while people understand that minorities can't?
"As Tucker Carlson said, this is the first revolution by the upper classes against the lower and lower-middle classes in history, using the underclass as a weapon.e"
See Tom Wolfe's still (sadly) relevant RADICAL CHIC.
The expression this post brings to mind is the memorable, "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."
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