১৭ জুন, ২০২০

Can the cop cry?

১১১টি মন্তব্য:

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

Yeah, maybe she should have made a Tik-Tok dancing video. Thats what real heros do.

harrogate বলেছেন...

McDonald’s thinks in systems. Police go straight to feelings.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Imagine there's no McMuffins.
Don't even try.

Ice Nine বলেছেন...

Don't post things on Twitter. Just don't. This is why. Because sometimes those things are dumb, like this thing is, even if you are reasonably intelligent and it doesn't occur to you that they are. So just don't; there is no upside.

PM বলেছেন...

Of course it's perfectly acceptable.
This is the Era of Feelings.
Emotion rules the world.

c365 বলেছেন...

The reality is, black people have faced this treatment fora long time in this country. Now that they have a significant amount of political and social power the shoe is starting to be on the other foot. It's unlikely that whites would be enslaved, but increasingly likely future generations will pay taxes, essentially for their skin color. Reparations is a more benign form of servitude, but the pernicious fact is that those seeking payment presume to wash their hands free of the dirty work.

You can't help but feel sad for this woman, but at the same time it reveals a few things. The anticop attitude, colors every negative experience around being a cop. The occasional or routine (depending on person/location) racist attitudes in society color every negative experience in racism.

Rude to a black person and you're racist. Rude to a cop and your anti-cop.

One of many problems with identity politics.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

Who's got time for twitter? Isn't there a condensed version of this somewhere?

Not Sure বলেছেন...

Time for cops to bring picnic baskets to work and look for nice shady spots in safe neighborhoods.

stevew বলেছেন...

Othering is ascendant, empathy is in short supply.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Interesting that Twitter Poster 1 pointed out the officer’s race but not the officer’s sex.

And how does Twitter Poster 1 know the officer’s preferred pronoun is their?

SensibleCitizen বলেছেন...

This officer is a perfect example of why civilians shouldn't be making policy decisions for the police. She's obviously a sensitive person. Isn't that what we are saying we want in policing?

And can you imagine this woman subduing a man without the mechanical advantage that a choke hold gives a small person against a larger person? There is no other hold that gives enough advantage to a smaller person than a choke hold. What if she were your sister?

Civilians don't get it because they know nothing about policing.

SensibleCitizen বলেছেন...

Had this officer engaged with George Floyd, he would still be alive.

But she might be dead.

alanc709 বলেছেন...

The person complaining about the cop was probably one of those people who would call 911 because they received the wrong sandwich.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

To say some of us are under a lot of stress is an understatement.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

It's probably fake.

elijah daniel, cult leader. rapper. LIL PHAG. antichrist, got it from utterlyjace, Joined March 2020

Hey Skipper বলেছেন...

Comment moderation is making me cry.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

It's a dumb white cop

What sort of asshole talks like that in a public forum like Twitter? Maybe say "dumb cop", but a "dumb white cop". That just seems straight-up racist, even if said by another white person.

Listen to what she says. It's not about the egg mcmuffin. It's about her worry that the staff at McDonald's is either refusing to serve her or that they're going to poison her if they do. Depending on where she's located, this may be a legitimate worry.

I imagine there's an awful lot of very frazzled cops out there now. I haven't always been the most supportive person of cops in my life or in this forum, but make no mistake about it -- Cops I try to avoid because I have a very nice life & I see them as accidents waiting to happen to my nice life (this avoidance involves me doing things like obeying the law at all times). The modern American Left I consider positively Evil, and I know that they intend to fuck with my life in big ways every chance they get. There will be no avoiding them should they come to power.

If I'm forced to choose between the cops & the shitheads who loot, riot, burn, and even their more sedates ideological allies who now simply will not shut up about how Fucked Up me & every white person on the planet is because the blacks ain't got what they think should be theirs, I'm gonna side with the cops 100% of the time.

nob490 বলেছেন...

Seems like a silly thing to post on social media, and I surely won't judge her feelings. But I will say that reading the comments -- people are mean. Just downright bitter-souled people.

cacimbo বলেছেন...

Ugh - how embarrassing that this woman claims to represent police everywhere.Cops have always had their food spit in and worse.That is why plenty of cops will only eat takeout when you can see the food being prepared.It is open season on police - cops like her need to wake up and realize you can not go to a fast food place in uniform.

Rory বলেছেন...

"The reality is, black people have faced this treatment for a long time in this country. Now that they have a significant amount of political and social power the shoe is starting to be on the other foot."

Does anyone think that what we're seeing is a representation of the political and social power of black Americans?

gadfly বলেছেন...

Life is full of choices ... like make your own meals to eat anytime, change out of your military style uniform after work, don't drive your marked car home, cry, starve, whatever ... but don't make an imaginary problem a public problem.

It seems to me that resigning from the force solves all of her problems.

Ken B বলেছেন...

The contrarian position is “don't be a cruel jerk”? And people wonder why I despise Twitter.

Thistlerose বলেছেন...

My sister was a Dallas police officer for 27 years. She worked in SW Dallas (high crime area) and in all that time never shot anyone, injured anyone or lost any work days due to disciplinary actions. She retired in January because it was no longer worth dealing with all the hate she had been receiving because she was a white police officer. This was what it was like in January. My brother has been a Dallas police officer for 28 years. He also has never shot anyone, injured anyone or lost any work days due to disciplinary actions. He currently works in one of the lower crime areas of Dallas but he still needs to deal with all the hate that is being shouted at police officers. Both of them have expressed the fear that food they order in restaurants has been tampered with. I pray every day that my brother decides to retire soon. There have been enough Dallas police officers killed in the line of duty and the current atmosphere is going to lead to more deaths. Although things here in Dallas are mostly calm I do not feel that my brother's or any other police officers health or life should be sacrificed to protect people who hate them

Michael K বলেছেন...

And can you imagine this woman subduing a man without the mechanical advantage that a choke hold gives a small person against a larger person?

Melanie Singer was about to shoot Rodney King when the LAPD showed up and saved his life. Their reward was her testifying against them at their double jeopardy trial, after which she retired on stress disability. They went to prison. I sent money to Stacey Koon's wife while he was in prison.

Aggie বলেছেন...

Doe she have a good reason to be stressed? I dunno......but just now on the TV I saw a talking head with her own show refer to the "murder of George Floyd", and a short time later, I saw a US Senator, who is helping to draft legislation regarding the funding of police departments and their use of choke holds, also make reference to the "murder of George Floyd". Funny, I always thought the use of that word somehow implied charges, trials, convictions. Is a fair trial still mentioned anywhere in our legal code? Does the Senator know about it? Does he know the word alleged?

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

I like how the “contrarian position” is to take a tiny half step back from marinating in a Twitter stew of unrelenting hatred, malice, and racism every waking minute.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Places like Subway will become popular with police. You see your food being prepared and it's done in the order in which you are in line.

They should all also delete their social media accounts or set them to private.

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

Civilians don't get it because they know nothing about policing.

tru dat.

walk a week in their shoes on inner city patrol, then maybe you can comment about how they should act and respond to tense situations.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Is that in U.S.? Looks like driver is on right.....

anyway, like comment at link saying George Washington's teeth were taken from slaves. They teach that in school now?

JPS বলেছেন...

Can't watch the video right now, but it was enlightening to see the responses. I clicked over there thinking, You wuss, Black, WTF is wrong with you, showing sympathy to someone I was looking forward to beating up on!

I was thinking it sarcastically, but a few nice folks over there seem to mean it. I mean, not only are they full of hate toward their target, now they're angry at Black for not hating her enough.

I guess when you're one of the good guys, you can be as full of hate as you like, because the people you hate obviously deserve it, or you wouldn't hate them so much.

Thistlerose বলেছেন...

For the people who feel that she is being too sensitive or emotional if she has been a police officer for 15 years she is not overly sensitive or emotional, she would not have lasted that long. She is most likely exhausted after having completed a 10 plus hour shift where she spent all her time trying to help people who had something bad happen to them. All the while having others videoing her, telling her they hate her and that she is a racist and that she needs to leave. After all that she can't even get a sandwich from a fast food restaurant without the employees trying to mess with her. I would like to see how you would handle her day.

Inga বলেছেন...

I feel sorry for her. It’s obvious she’s overly stressed, overly tired and feeling victimized. She’s been used to people giving her respect at eating establishments and the like and the climate has changed. She might want to ask to take some time off, I’m not sure she should be working feeling that nervous, not good for her and not good for those she may encounter. Even a few weeks could give her the rest she needs and when she comes back, things my have calmed down.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

That's hard to believe. Too nervous to take her Egg McMuffin because she's been waiting a few minutes? "Just give us a break"? You know, sometimes I wait longer than I should have for my order. Sometimes I complain, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Isn't this about her being concerned her food is being tampered with? She orders ahead, presumably so her identity is unknown, and she is apparently concerned that now that the McDonald's staff knows she's a cop, something bad is going to happen. She is probably wrong about that, but similar things have happened. This doesn't seem like "my food isn't ready, therefore I shall begin weeping."

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Who cares? We don’t need police.

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

Aggie said, "refer to the "murder of George Floyd", and a short time later, I saw a US Senator, who is helping to draft legislation regarding the funding of police departments and their use of choke holds, also make reference to the "murder of George Floyd". Funny, I always thought the use of that word somehow implied charges, trials, convictions. Is a fair trial still mentioned anywhere in our legal code? Does the Senator know about it? Does he know the word alleged?"

In general I agree with this sentiment. But if I see a video of a woman fervently asking not to get sexually assaulted getting sexually assaulted, it's rape. If I see a video of someone shooting an unarmed, no threat person in the back while they are walking away, it's murder. And if I see a police officer kneel on a subdued and handcuffed man's neck for over 8 minutes - well past when his pulse dissapeared - it's murder.

There are some things that can be stated based upon visual evidence. This is one of those things. Floyd was murdered.

Now whether it was driven by racism, evil, anger over some past perceived wrong when they worked at the same nightclub, or some other motive....that has yet to be truly explored.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

700+ injured cops in the riots. Ignored by the Media.

12 hours days 7 days a week in many jurisdictions, Chicago, for example.

LAPD - Not being paid overtime, but will get comp time.

Cops being fired if their is even a perception they did something wrong. And their reputation can be ruined forever, and they can be forced to move. Even if the evidence is false "hands up, don't shoot by the Gentle Giant Lie". Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.

And now worries about tampered food.

I can see the high stress levels, leading to emotional overload.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

“Take a mental health day”, says every Igna, always. Let the men do the work; you can always bitch to a receptive ear at the EEOC when you get passed over for promotion.

Inga বলেছেন...

I’ve mentioned before that my brother was a cop with the Milwaukee Police Department. Toward the end of his career he was one of the cops who helped set up the Police Officer Support Team, after 6 cops in a short period of time committed suicide. It’s an incredibly stressful job and these stressed out, burned out cops need to be put on medical leave until they’ve become more stable.

However, the PD’s need to avoid making the troubled cops feel they need to hide their emotional status and feel more comfortable coming forward to get help. They should not be penalized for doing so. Same thing happens in the military where military members are hesitant to report and get treatment for their mental/emotional issues for fear of repercussions. Stressful jobs like being a military member who has been in a war zone, the police, healthcare workers, firemen cause a great deal of PTSD even while still employed.

Even if one abhors police abuse, one can have empathy toward the cops who are out dealing with troubled people on a daily basis.

ALP বলেছেন...

I had an encounter with a LEO just yesterday. I live near a huge park with trails - very popular spot. Been parking on a public street at the south end, near a trailhead, for 10+ years. Yesterday, as I was walking back to my car, I saw a young, female, African-American LEO talking to an elderly white couple. Turns out - she was there to give us tickets as we have been parking there illegally for years. What - this is news to me! She then pointed out the "No Parking" sign - around the corner. For years I had thought the sign referred to the arterial, not the dead end street. Oh well - there goes my old parking spot.

The *interesting* part relates to the elderly couple - sporting a "BERNIE" bumper sticker on their car. Oh boy. Myself, the couple and the LEO all discussed that the sign really wasn't that clear about parking. I asked how much the ticket was - $20. No worries - not enough for me to get too excited about - I will not even notice that $20 gone. But the elderly couple was ON FIRE!!! Taking multiple photos stating, very angrily, "WE ARE GONNA FIGHT THIS YOU BET WE WILL". I said "I have better things to do than die on a $20 hill". They stammered:"BUT ITS THE PRINCIPLE....THE PRINCIPLE...yada yada..."

The LEO was quite sweet, actually, explaining: "I could have you guys towed but I'd rather write you a $20 citation". Nearly apologetic - while this white, Bernie-voting, elderly couple were gearing up to FIGHT a $20 parking ticket. Well we got away with it for years; I can't bring myself to make a huge issue over signage. I thought the couple was taking their opportunity to SHOW THE POLICE THEY WON'T STAND FOR THEIR TYRANNY AND ABUSE - it was all very Portlandia.

Beth B বলেছেন...

It never occurred to the Twitter Hate Brigade that the officer is using the online app to order her food so no one making it sees that she is a cop beforehand and decides to add some "Extra Special Sauce" to it. This was a concern for police officers BEFORE all of this new rioting & strife began. She had every right to be concerned that, once they saw she was a cop, the food she PRE-ORDERED suddenly had to be made again, with plenty of fuck-around-with-it time added on. I wouldn't drink their coffee either.

Her mistake was taking it to social media, where her vulnerability was just more sport for the drooling cretins to hump against. She should have taken it directly to McDonald's corporate. It sounds like there needs to be better supervision at this location. Sadly, should an active shooter or armed robber show up at this locale, the first thing they're going to make is a call to the police. Til then? The LEOs can just keep wondering if someone rubbed their ass on the McMuffins before they were served to them. That is their lived reality.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

"I haven't always been the most supportive person of cops in my life or in this forum, but make no mistake about it -- Cops I try to avoid because I have a very nice life & I see them as accidents waiting to happen to my nice life (this avoidance involves me doing things like obeying the law at all times). The modern American Left I consider positively Evil, and I know that they intend to fuck with my life in big ways every chance they get. There will be no avoiding them should they come to power.

If I'm forced to choose between the cops & the shitheads who loot, riot, burn, and even their more sedates ideological allies who now simply will not shut up about how Fucked Up me & every white person on the planet is because the blacks ain't got what they think should be theirs, I'm gonna side with the cops 100% of the time."

Was thinking this very thought last night while reading some stuff on the intertubes. Talking at work, there are others who feel the same. I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that it's possible the "Defund The Police" crowd might not end up with the response they're hoping for.

MeatPopscicle1234 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
jaydub বলেছেন...

I don't do twitter, but when someone posts threads like this one on some other platform what strikes me is the casual hostility in the comments by Blacks towards Whites, particularly by Black women. Except for a few lowlifes, I don't know any Whites who talk that way about Blacks, and they would be ostracized if they did. I don't see it in personal interactions, so why is it so pervasive among Blacks on twitter?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

"12 hours days 7 days a week" in Chicago, Ray - SoCal?
Someone on Ace of Spades reports that it's 12-16 hours a day in Chicago for 16 days, then you get one day off. I forget whether he was talking about himself or his son. It's perfectly obvious that Antifa is trying to break the police forces in big cities, hoping for a Kent State type massacre, and hoping that half of them will quite, which will put the ones left under even greater pressure. They've been busy spreading around examples of cops behaving badly - shoving protesters or spraying them with tear gas - as if their own behavior were not designed to encourage exactly that kind of thing.

Michael K বলেছেন...

And if I see a police officer kneel on a subdued and handcuffed man's neck for over 8 minutes - well past when his pulse dissapeared - it's murder.

It's good you were there to check his pulse. The body cam videos have not yet appeared but there is discussion that he was struggling right up to the time Chauvin held him down. I just hope those videos are not"lost"like the Epstein cell videos.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

I dunno, can the cop cry?

Better questions from "Sources close to the President".

It's not what you know but what you can prove.
Can we prove it?
Can we prove coordination?
Can we prove deliberate action to increase death count to justify
kill Trump rallies,
increase unemployment,

Now there's a few serious questions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Ban the police says Antifa and democratics everywhere.


Thistlerose বলেছেন...

Inga said...
I feel sorry for her. It’s obvious she’s overly stressed, overly tired and feeling victimized. She’s been used to people giving her respect at eating establishments and the like and the climate has changed. She might want to ask to take some time off, I’m not sure she should be working feeling that nervous, not good for her and not good for those she may encounter. Even a few weeks could give her the rest she needs and when she comes back, things my have calmed down.

This comment is a great example of why what the defunding of the police that the "protesters" want will not work. Inga seems to feel that if the police take two weeks vacation things will get better. There are no problems that I know of that get better by ignoring them for two weeks.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

The racist, corrupt, syphilitic, Affirmative-Action DA in Atlanta just charged the cop who duly shot and killed that drunk-driving, arrest-resisting, child abusing, model African-American Raytard Brooks!

No Hawaiian-shirt-wearing Whitey need to start the Boogaloo — IT’S ON!

Michael K বলেছেন...

I anticipate that Atlanta PD will now see a mass exodus of white officers since they plan to indict the second officer in that shooting of the drunk who tried to fire a taser at the cop. Both should be acquitted by an unbiased jury and should have civil suits against the city. Why would anyone want to work there?

narciso বলেছেন...

um no, they were trying to detain him, his heart gave out, because he was high on six different drugs, if you want to kill him, there are easier ways to do it,

Wince বলেছেন...

Social workers will be better able to handle the stress.

"Send more social workers!"

Aggie বলেছেন...

TreeJoe said ..."In general I agree with this sentiment. But if I see a video... "

This way to the Great Egress.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Tim Maguire, they're BLMing her. She could have waited three hours, she was never going to get that sandwich.

Ken B বলেছেন...

“I like how the “contrarian position” is to take a tiny half step back from marinating in a Twitter stew of unrelenting hatred, malice, and racism every waking minute.”

Jeez, even Pants gets it.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I think we are on the brink of a widespread work stoppage by cops.

If you live in a blue city, move.

rcocean বলেছেন...

The Atlanta PD is no place to work, if you're white. Better leave while you can. I wonder if they DA's deliberately OVER CHARGE police suspects in order to get an acquittal later on. Don't really understand why the 2nd cop got charged with anything, unless you think drunk black guys get to steal your police taser.

RMc বলেছেন...

Geez...at this rate, they won't have to "defund" the police, just wait for all of them to quit.

narciso বলেছেন...

now michael ian black, deserves to be throatpunched repeatedly, they use to isolate these people to dinner theatre, or center left square,

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Agree 100%

And a lot more CYA / Reactive Policing. I think one of the cops in Atlanta asked "Is this worth it?", before the interaction.

>Michael K said...
> I anticipate that Atlanta PD will now see a mass exodus of white officers

rcocean বলেছেন...

I heard parts of the DA talk and it was pretty absurd. The fact that Brooks was cooperative, allowed himself to be patted down, took a breathalyzer, etc. didn't show Brooks wasn't dangerous or a threat. It just showed he was biding his time, hoping to talk his way out of an arrest.

He assaulted two policemen, refused to be cuffed, stole the taser, and when he ran away fired the taser at one of the officer. Did the officer have reason to think he was a dangerous suspect at that point? Yes.

Again, all this crap occurs - not because white racists cops are running around - but because these black BLM poster children INSIST on attacking the police and resisting arrest. Hell, even Trayvon Martin attacked Zimmerman and tried to take his gun away, or at the very least, was pounding his head on the Concrete. The DA also mentioned Eyewitnesses who "claimed" the police kicked brooks when he was down. Well, maybe they weren't DOCTORS and didn't know how badly hurt Brooks was. Or maybe the "eyewitnesses" are lying - just like they were lying BEFORE the shooting occurred. Or lying like 12 "Eyewitnesses" in the Mike Brown shooting.

Like I said, I don't know what the moral is, except don't work as a white cop in a black run city/county or maybe its if a black man resists arrest, let him go. If he's dangerous, and hurts someone else, well, too bad. They took one for "team blue".

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

My info on the Chicago Cop OT is from:


The people are not getting a day off every 16 days. The days off are being cancelled at the last moment.

The blog is a depressing read on Chicago.

One thought is the Mayor is deliberately doing this as a way to void the police contract, by causing a Blue Flu (a worker action, that is barred by the contract).

Michael K বলেছেন...

If you live in a blue city, move.

The real estate business around New York City is booming. Even expensive houses on the market for three years ago going fast.

Thistlerose বলেছেন...

Here is how some residents want to reallocate part of the Dallas police budget

A large number of callers asked Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson and the City Council to consider defunding the Dallas Police Department and reallocating that money to youth programs and community services.
Some of those suggestions included better accessibility to abortion clinics, public transportation, paid internships for the youth, and the removal of Shingle Mountain.
Several callers also asked that funding that would normally be used towards the Police Department, instead to put toward arts programs for the youth, which could help combat crime in the city.

I am sure that those art programs will upgrade the quality of the graffiti on the plywood that is replacing the glass of many downtown businesses.

The complex I live in has a ton of security patrols, if things like this happen I wonder how long it will be before these become armed security.

n.n বলেছেন...

It's good you were there to check his pulse. The body cam videos have not yet appeared but there is discussion that he was struggling right up to the time Chauvin held him down.

We can still hold a warlock trial and "protest." That said, there are 9 minutes preceding the viral video, where there was no aggressive confrontation, then something changed when they crossed the street to reach the police car, entered, then exited the vehicle. Floyd was restrained with additional force in the second act. The available evidence is that Floyd's death was caused by a confluence of stressors and comorbidities (e.g. Covid-19), which, other than symptoms of drug-use, the officer could not have possibly known. One of those stressors may well have been the regulation restraint, which is probably acceptable in the majority of cases. Who signs off on law enforcement regulations? Is it the attorney general?

narciso বলেছেন...

heres a surprise


Inga বলেছেন...

“Inga seems to feel that if the police take two weeks vacation things will get better. There are no problems that I know of that get better by ignoring them for two weeks.”

No kidding. I’m not suggesting that ignoring any problem for any amount of time will magically make it better. Why you would come to such a conclusion only tells me that you are looking to minimize what I said without even giving it much thought. During the time the cop has taken off there should be counseling and a decision made by the cop if this line of work is something that they can do long term without losing their bearings and hurting someone or themselves.

Spiros বলেছেন...

The Atlanta police officer who shot Rayshard Brooks has just been charged with felony murder. What is the underlying felony? It can't be assault because the elements of assault are incorporated in the elements of a murder. So the assault “merges” into the murder and is not a distinct crime. I'm confused here. It seems like the cop intended to kill Mr. Brooks and he did so because he thought Mr. Brooks was trying to tazer him. God help you if you're an unconscious cop...

Clearly, the DA doesn't want the cop to argue self-defense. So the DA charged the cop with felony murder. Since intent isn't an element of felony murder, self-defense is out.

Okay. Let's assume that the cop told his arresting officer, "Look, man, I fired a warning shot. I didn't meant to kill Mr. Brooks." If so, then the underlying felony is battery??? Or disorderly conduct???

n.n বলেছেন...

they were trying to detain him

Detain and restrain, which, without knowledge of his comorbidities, was probably the right procedure to follow in order to mitigate the risk to the suspect and officer. That said, the first 9 minutes of detainment occurred without incident, then something changed when they reached the police vehicle, entered, then exited and the viral video captured a snapshot of the event.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Yet, on the other hand, there's this


What The World Needs Now

Rusty বলেছেন...

Being pedantic. Unless you're military you are a civilian.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

>>>>>Don't post things on Twitter. Just don't. This is why. Because sometimes those things are dumb, like this thing is, even if you are reasonably intelligent and it doesn't occur to you that they are. So just don't; there is no upside.<<<<<

You said it. No upside whatsoever. It ruins careers, sows hatred, destroys families. It serves no public good. If not for the 1st amendment it would be the first thing I'd ban if I had any say in it. This poor woman is having an emotional meltdown and every asshole that commented was cheering it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I thought I saw something like 19 officers had already resigned. Maybe that was somewhere else. I couldn't be a cop in this environment. Next cop I see I'm going to walk up and thank him/her and tell him/her that most of us support them.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

If you're a food service worker, and you are caught tampering with an order, you ought to be charged with aggravated assault and send to prison. I don't care who it's for. I don't care if you're making fries for Kim Jong-Un - you make those fries to the best of your ability and serve them like you would serve food to your loved ones.

Rosa Marie Yoder বলেছেন...

Are there any professions or lines of work in which the lovely Inga does not have a close relative or friend? Is it any wonder that many doubt the veracity of all her writings?

Mark বলেছেন...

So much for the Atlanta mayor as veep.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Are there any professions or lines of work in which the lovely Inga does not have a close relative or friend? Is it any wonder that many doubt the veracity of all her writings?”

I’m sorry that you have no friends or family members that work in professions that everyday Americans do. I’m not going to hesitate to mention mine when the subject matter of the blogpost calls for it. Other commenters here mention their family members or friends, yet I don’t hear the same sort of mistrust when it comes to them. If you have problems believing liberals actually work, go to school, belong to the military, work in law enforcement, do everyday things then you have a very small existence.

Michael K বলেছেন...

narciso, I think Trayvon's mother wishes a cop had been there instead of Zimmerman. Of course she could not handle him and sent him off to live with his father and the father's girlfriend. It was the police dispatcher who asked Zimmerman what the address on the condo was. That is why he got out of his car.

Thistlerose বলেছেন...

No kidding. I’m not suggesting that ignoring any problem for any amount of time will magically make it better. Why you would come to such a conclusion only tells me that you are looking to minimize what I said without even giving it much thought. During the time the cop has taken off there should be counseling and a decision made by the cop if this line of work is something that they can do long term without losing their bearings and hurting someone or themselves.

If you think the problem is the cop being worried that her food may be tampered with you need to talk to that brother of yours you say was a Milwaukee cop. Her fear is well founded and saying that she needs to go to counseling and lose her job just shows that you have no idea how police officers are currently being treated.

n.n বলেছেন...


And the accompanying video "Unlike what we’re seeing in Seattle, the @MiamiPD aren’t messing around!". Black, white, male, female, even White Hispanic, they know that if they kneel, allowing the protestors to progress will place everyone at risk.

Howard বলেছেন...

She could afford to miss a few meals. Mickie D's = Metabolic Disorder. Also, a cop eating pork products is felony cannibalism. Someone needs to choke her out.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Things were pretty hectic "peaceful protest" wise, along with more than a soupcon of rioting, looting and burning. Members of the Los Angeles Police Department put in a lot of overtime trying to maintain order, protect the protesters and protect civilians and property.

About ten days ago Mayor Gil Garcetti and the City Council jumped on the "Defund the Police" bandwagon. Garcetti announced that he would shift $150 million from the Police Department budget to deliver to blacks, poeple of color, LGBTQQ, other marginalized grops and people who were left behind.

Then the LAPD Chief announced that the Department was out of money, and could not pay the overtime that the cops had earned. Instead they will get "comp time" at some point in the future. Way to let those cops know how much the city appreciates them.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

The underlying felony in Raytard’s death is unlawful arrest. It’s against the law to arrest a jogger.

Ken B বলেছেন...

“ So much for the Atlanta mayor as veep.”

Maybe. Or maybe you are misreading Joe and his party.

Inga বলেছেন...

“If you think the problem is the cop being worried that her food may be tampered with you need to talk to that brother of yours you say was a Milwaukee cop. Her fear is well founded and saying that she needs to go to counseling and lose her job just shows that you have no idea how police officers are currently being treated.”

That wasn’t my first impression from the cop in the video. My first impression was that she was hurt by the workers messing up her order purposefully and she was extremely tired and just wanted to get home. I don’t know how well founded the fear is that fast food workers are now going to poison all the cops who get fast food.

Birkel বলেছেন...

When the police have quit in large numbers, there won't be any need to defund them.

That will make people safe.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

The British police are apparently even more hamstrung by counter-productive and nonsensical procedures and regulations than ours. Youtube has "Cuffs" from several years ago.

Britbox has a new true-crime miniseries "A Confession" that's infuriating. The detective's career is ruined (and threatened with criminal charges) after he gets the killer to confess to an additional murder (and he hinted to more, still unresolved).

walter বলেছেন...

Steve Deace
Just got this email from an Atlanta police officer:

"Atlanta police officers are refusing to answer the radio and walking off of the job. The county can go screw themselves. If you want a society without police we’ll give you one. Let it burn!"

Birkel বলেছেন...

Other people have noticed how Royal ass Inga has a relative for every occasion. Cool.

I hope the cops quit and roving bands of hooligans come by Royal ass Inga's house to remove her white privilege.

Howard believes the moment is turning toward violence that the Leftist Collectivists will administer. He hates. He will attempt to harm the other if he can.

My guess is Trump received half the latino vote.
And nearly 20% of the black vote.

The riots after the re-election will be epic.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I have no idea if Blogger ate that comment,. so...

Also, a cop eating pork products is felony cannibalism. Someone needs to choke her out.

Anybody know Howard's address? He needs a BLM visit like that Olympia WA Mayor.

Rabel বলেছেন...

Nobody does petty bitterness and hatred like a gay man when he's attacking a weak woman. As a partial excuse, he may have been dizzy from all the applauding yesterday.

h বলেছেন...

I bought $5 gift cards to the bagel place in my neighborhood where I had seen police cars in the early morning. I dropped these off at two local police stations, and I hope the police see this as a small (tiny) expression of thanks. But bigger than what I did, I hope police know that there is a large invisible layer of support.

PJ57 বলেছেন...

We are headed for a race war. Zb

Breaks my heart.

Ken B বলেছেন...

“ 51m
Just got this email from an Atlanta police officer:

"Atlanta police officers are refusing to answer the radio and walking off of the job. The county can go screw themselves. If you want a society without police we’ll give you one. Let it burn!"”

I said here just hours ago we are on the brink of a mass work stoppage by police.

walter বলেছেন...

Pinned Tweet
Jun 3
They were one of us:
Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Alton Sterling. Botham Jean. Atatiana Jefferson. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

If I'm forced to choose between the cops & the shitheads who loot, riot, burn,...I'm gonna side with the cops 100% of the time.

#metoo, and I think the most cops are assholes.

I've been assaulted by a cop, and a friend of mine, a 63-year old harmless looking Jewish guy, recently a nerve in his hand mangled by a female cop trying to show how tough she was. Long story, and no he didn't do anything other than piss-off someone who had stolen gems from a friend of his.

The cops are dishonest uncaring assholes to people of all races, but the thugs are worse.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

The riots after the re-election will be epic"

Birkel what would be truly epic if the cops and guard received shoot to kill looters, arsonists and rioters.

Thistlerose বলেছেন...

The problem is not just the police officers that quit, it's also the people that have trained to become a police officer that decide that it's not worth it and get some other job. It will become harder and harder for cities to hire qualified people. I have a nephew who has a police science degree that working in a completely unrelated industry. I have another nephew who had started the police hiring process prior to the covid panic, not sure if he will continue once they start hiring again. I also have a niece, both her parents are police officers and she wants to be one also. Her mom is very much against it. What is happening now is the surest way to increase the number of problem police officers.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

“Does anyone think that what we're seeing is a representation of the political and social power of black Americans?”

Good Lord, no. Quite the opposite. Blacks are the primary victims of the whole thing.

Birkel বলেছেন...

TCE Refulgent:
Quite right! Poor people are victims of crime much more often than the Karens.

It will not happen. But criminals are protected from decent people by the police. That's going to change. Self help is upon us.

I would prefer to be judged by 12 than carried by 6. (Hope it never comes to that.)

Birkel বলেছেন...

At least 4 and maybe 5 of Atlanta's 7 police zones have walked off the job.

I hope the residents enjoy what they have wrought with their votes.
The politicians should be forced to live through their own decisions.

I envision a Roman engineer after they place the capstone being forced to stand underneath the arch as the wooden frame is removed.
But for politicians.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Wow. At least Subway and Burger King are staying non political.

This will change my eating habits.

walter said...

Pinned Tweet
hey were one of us:
Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Alton Sterling. Botham Jean. Atatiana Jefferson. Ahmaud Arbery. George Floyd.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>> Don't really understand why the 2nd cop got charged with anything

To appease the mob.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Apparently Lorie Lightfoot the Chicago Mayor, is running these 12 hour shifts with no days off to try to get the police union to break the contract. They should all quit. I imagine some are seeking jobs in small cities.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“If you're a food service worker, and you are caught tampering with an order, you ought to be charged with aggravated assault and send to prison. I don't care who it's for. I don't care if you're making fries for Kim Jong-Un - you make those fries to the best of your ability and serve them like you would serve food to your loved ones.“

Unless you are Jessie Jackson, who admitted on TV to peeing and spitting in white people’s food when he worked at a restaurant.

n.n বলেছেন...

Unlike what we’re seeing in Seattle, the @MiamiPD aren’t messing around

It looks like the protestors, BlackLivesMatter, Antifa, were hoping to recreate Charlottesville, but the officers were not intimidated, and they were not alone.

ga6 বলেছেন...

A new group appointed to review the Chicago Police Department’s use-of-force policy came under immediate fire Monday after its community co-chair referred to police officers as “psychopaths with guns.”

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Trayon Martin -- Sucker punched a White-Hispanic and pounded his head on a sidewalk for snitching on him. Found out Zimmerman was armed, and learned an important lesson

Michael Brown -- Robbed a store, grabbed a cop's gun, charged at him like a bull, dropped like a sack of bullshit

Alton Sterling -- Unarmed black child molester with a gun, reached for the gun in his pocket, but wasn't quick enough

Atatiana Jefferson -- Don't know, don't care

Ahmaud Arbery -- Joggers gon' jog, creepers gon' creep. Grabbed a shotgun from the wrong end

Botham Jean -- An innocent victim, but it was simply a tragic mistake. Officer Guyger went to the wrong apartment. Based on her testimony on the stand, she should have been convicted of manslaughter, but the crowd wanted revenge, so the verdict was murder

George Floyd -- If the meth, fentanyl, arteriosclerosis, and hypertension hadn't gotten him, something else would have.

McDonalds -- Killed more Blacks than the Bloods, Crips, KKK, Boogaloo Bois, and the Confederacy combined through the following, with or without Covid:
Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia
Coronary Heart Disease
Gall Bladder Disease
Sleep Apnea
Respiratory Problems
Endometrial Cancer
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Colon Cancer
Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Insulin Resistance
Reproductive Hormone Abnormalities
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Impaired Fertility
Adult Onset Diabetes
Low energy levels/fatigue
Tooth decay
Digestive health issues

walter বলেছেন...

· 1h
Prayers please. Husband is Atlanta PD. Stuck at hq because the protesters are surrounding it. All zones have walked off the job and other shifts called in

Inga বলেছেন...

Excellent tweet by McDonalds. They could've added that they( black people) are part of the police force too.