June 22, 2020

At the Record Shop Café...


... what have you been listening to? The new Bob Dylan album? You can buy it through the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you can't find your way to a local store. It's #1 at Amazon, by the way.

Feel free to write about any topic in the comments.


Gahrie said...

Is Nike going to have to pull Jordan off of their shoes? If not, why not?

Mark said...

So, after condemning Trump for crimes against humanity when police used pepper spray to clear a volatile and unruly mob on H Street -- even though D.C. Metropolitan Police Department had used pepper spray during the riots the nights previous to that, and even though MPD used pepper spray that same evening at Judiciary Square (where the police department and courts are) and on Swann Street -- today, MPD used pepper spray after Mayor Bowser's aide told protesters who had camped out with tents on H Street to get out.

Just a few minutes ago, MPD again used pepper spray to clear Lafayette Park of a mob that was trying to pull down a statue of Andrew Jackson.

A vote in the U.S. House for D.C. statehood is scheduled for next week.

Jon Ericson said...

What's so funny 'bout peace, love and BLM?

Mark said...

I went down to the scene yesterday. The Hay-Adams Hotel and the AFL-CIO building both had posted Black Lives Matter signs over the plywood covering their windows and entrances.

Their message? We support you -- but we think you might be violent thugs and don't trust you to be peaceful and not smash our buildings.

I'm Not Sure said...

Peace, love, BLM? Really? Not from the videos I've seen.

Ken B said...

Some listening this past weekend

French baroque harpsichord music, mostly Rameau and Duphly
Heitor Villa-Lobos Orchestral music (chorus)
Bach organ music
Biber Rosary Sonatas for violin and organ
Depeche Mode various greatest hits

stephen cooper said...

Nobody who supports abortion on demand, even if only up to the second trimester, can honestly condemn previous generations.

Biden voters are the contemporary equivalents of the Confederate supporters from back in the day.

Iman said...

I’ve been listening to older Nick Lowe stuff for going on 2 weeks now. Great music!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

... what have you been listening to?

Truckstop Honeymoon.

Sebastian said...

"Peace, love, BLM?"

Right, no one who self-identified as BLM smashed anything, so there's no evidence that BLM is not peaceful. Same with Antifa. They didn't do it! Or show me the evidence!

Which leaves the riddle within the enigma: who, oh who, could be the violent ones? Are progs saying that white nationalists are so crafty they have been able to hijack all the protests and make the left look bad everywhere, while getting Hollywood types to spring for bail and prog officials' kids (Ellison, Walz) to fall for the ruse and support the rioters?

PubliusFlavius said...

It's a family affair, it's a family affair
One child grows up to be
Somebody that just loves to learn
And another child grows up to be
Somebody you'd just love to burn
Mom loves the both of them
You see it's in the blood
Both kids are good to Mom
"Blood's thicker than mud"
It's a family affair, it's a family affair

-Sly and the Family Stone


Michael K said...

Shaun King a white man pretending to be black has recommended destroying depictions of Jesus as white. Should be an interesting week.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Peace & Love on the 'A"-side

Biden tells parents: 'Make sure you have the record player on at night' to give kids advantage

B-side: BLM.
but if you talk about destruction
dont you know that you can count me out

These revolutions are the same ol' round & round, no matter how you spin them.

We're captive on the Carousel of Time

PubliusFlavius said...

Uno mas por favor,

For the things you know are right
It s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight

Stand-Sly and the Family Stone

The HAT! Him and Hendrix MEN!


TelfordWork said...

Well, since you asked, my playlist today has been Kirk Franklin (urban gospel), OSI (progressive metal), Transatlantic (more prog metal), Toto, Foreigner, and Myron Butler (more urban gospel) whom I just discovered. Now playing: Dixie Dregs (southern fusion).

n.n said...

Some, select, Black Live Matter. #BrownLivesMatter #BlueLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #BabyLivesMatter

rehajm said...

Trafalgar has Biden up by 1 point in Michigan. Remember, a 1 point Republican lead is a tie, a one point Democrat lead is insurmountable.

rehajm said...

NY tomorrow. Rumor is that AOC is in trouble. We'll see...

...in a month maybe?

Wince said...

Time to play b-sides
Time ain't on my side
Time I'll never know...

I can't see no reason to put up a fight
I'm living for giving the devil his due
And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you

Burning for You

Home in the valley
Home in the city
Home isn't pretty
Ain't no home for me
Home in the darkness
Home on the highway
Home isn't my way
Home will never be

Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I can't see no reason to put up a fight
I'm living for giving the devil his due
And I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you

Time is the essence
Time is the season
Time ain't no reason
Got no time to slow
Time everlasting
Time to play b-sides
Time ain't on my side
Time I'll never know

Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right
I've seen suns that were freezing and lives that were through
Well I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you
I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you

Burn out the day
Burn out the night
I can't see no reason to put up a fight
I'm living for giving the devil his due

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Remember when Kramer said this? This be Mayor Jenny Dorkin'

Mayor Jenny Durkan
· Jun 22
This is unacceptable. We have worked hard to address gun violence in our city - particularly among our youth - yet this Saturday morning, a 19 year old tragically lost his life. As a mother of a 19 year old, I cannot begin to imagine the grief his mother and family are feeling.
In the past two nights, three different people have been shot at the CHOP. Two were injured, and one has tragically died. Any incidents of gun violence in our city are deeply concerning to me, Chief @carmenbest, our residents, businesses, and the greater community.

yeah, Mayor Dorkin, it's almost like anarchy broke out in the CHAZ, eh?

BarrySanders20 said...

Antifa supporters totally did not break that window or any of the other ones in Madison. Fake news that leftists are either organized or violent. Just read the news, where left=leaning journalists interview leftist university professors who write sympathetic stories and books about their friends in Antifa, which is totally not an organized or violent group and who do not break windows or start fires.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

your Clown Car aint got no brakes, ProgLibDems

Here's the latest:
- Anarchists attempting to tear down Andrew Jackson statue in front of the White House
- Shaun King called for statues of Jesus to be torn down
- AOC declared herself black
- Another shooting in CHAZ
- TikTokers discovered a human body in a suitcase and took selfies with it in Seattle
And it's only Monday


U.S. Army Soldier Charged with Terrorism Offenses for Planning Deadly Ambush on Service Members in His Unit https://justice.gov/opa/pr/us-army-soldier-charged-terrorism-offenses-planning-deadly-ambush-service-members-his-unit

St. John’s Church has been vandalized with spray paint reading BHAZ (Black House Autonomous Zone)

mandrewa said...

the real world

Ken B said...

Michael K
It's inevitable. Iconoclasts only ever have one goal: to destroy symbols important to other people, as a way of dominating. So attacks on the religious symbols of red staters will happen. That's when we might see rivers of blood.

Scott Adams agrees with King btw.

rhhardin said...

Usually perverse side effects to dem ideas don't come up so quickly as they do today. There's no need to analyze a system that can't work for dems if it stops working in the first week.

narciso said...



Sydney said...

Shine a Little Light by the Black Keys.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

exempt from wearing masks

"People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public."


Liz W and Rachel D, you can breathe easy, yo.

effinayright said...

Myself, I've got Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction" on a loop, loudly aimed at my stupid Canadian neighbor with the BLM sign on her front lawn.

narciso said...

Its only monday, i think the kaiju show up on friday

effinayright said...

Nice to see you smiling through the apocalypse, Miss Ann.

robother said...

I watched the last part of Mrs. America last night. It is about as balanced a portrayal as you could get from Hollywood, Cate Blanchett was perfect as Phyllis Shlafly. The final 2 parts, depicting betrayal of Abzug and the feminists by Jimmy Carter, and Phyllis Schlafly's similar disappointment with Reagan, (who instead of her appointed a pro-ERA Kirkpatrick to UN Ambassador) got me thinking. Both parties have generally used the culture wars (especially abortion) as GOTV and fund-raising boosters. But up until Obama's second term, not much in the way of hard, risky policy support by elected Presidents or Congress Critters. However, the Democrat SCOTUS appointees have been absolutely reliable in the culture wars.

But the amazing thing to contemplate is how utterly unreliable Republican SCOTUS appointees have been. Indeed, without Stewart, Burger, Blackmun, Powell, Stevens, Kennedy, OConner, Souter, Stevens, Roberts, and Gorsuch the complete decimation of traditional "family values" wright by the SCOTUS over the last 50 years would have been impossible. Ike, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I and II, and Trump have each appointed SCOTUS justices who have provided the key votes to overturn every aspect of traditional views on family, sexuality and life. Indeed, the latest ruling seems designed to drive all such values entirely from the public marketplace of ideas. The Federalist Society, formed for no other purpose than preventing such disasters, now is revealed by the Gorsuch appointment to be a sham.

Soros and his agents of chaos in BLM and Antifa are the barbarians within the gates, happy to start the funeral pyre. But when the history of decline and fall of the American experiment is written, I hope the Republican Establishment is given its full credit for the role it played.

narciso said...


Lucien said...

Notwithstanding one’s views on what statues may be appropriate, can’t we just be “anti-vandalism “? It’s not enough to be “non-vandalism”, because silence is vandalism. We must all be anti-vandals!

rightguy said...

This morning, I listened on Pandora to fair amount of Faure's choral and orchestral music- all uniformly exquisite.

Back in 1974, I owned and was familiar with all of Dylan's classic albums, but I have kept up with him less comprehensively since. I consider BD to be a truly great songwriter. Say what you will about his vocals, but you can can hear every word clearly.

This latest Dylan project has a valedictory feel to it and I plan on giving it a good listen.

Lucien said...

And if any Visigoths were offended by my focus on Vandals please don’t consider it a micro aggression - I don’t mean to marginalize or other the Visigoths. I want to keep my job (and I avow that transalpine Gaul is just as important as Cisalpine Gaul).

tim in vermont said...

"Canadian neighbor with the BLM sign on her front lawn.”

You mean the "don’t loot and burn my house even though I don’t have any actual black friends" sign.

The white left are scum and people are afraid of them, not black people.

Now they are calling the shooting in the #CHAZ a police killing because the police attempted to respond to a shooting which caused them to block access and throw the victim in the back of a pickup truck with “volunteer medics” It’s like Flip Wilson used to say: “The Devil made me do it!”

Achilles said...

Right now there is a mad rush to get out of cities.

I am sure they are going to flee the crime and lock down insanity and totes keep voting for democrats.

Some will be stupid but not enough to put a rapist suffering from dementia in the white house.

walter said...

I just can't stop playing Back off Boogaloo

Blogger Michael K said...Shaun King a white man pretending to be black has recommended destroying depictions of Jesus as white.
I wonder if Talcum X has the cool black Santa figurine I saw in a Chicago hospital gift shop.

Yancey Ward said...

Wasn't staff notation a white guy invention? Burn that shit down.

walter said...

Adjustment at the Black is Beautiful bike ride in Milwaukee

Heartless Aztec said...

Josh Rouse - 1972
An album of songs that sound like the year he was born.
My favorite is "Comeback".

Inga said...

41 Cities, Many Sources: How False Antifa Rumors Spread Locally. Claims about the involvement of anti-fascist activists in protests of racism show the many ways false information spreads inside communities online.

Yancey Ward said...

In response to a comment I went and played Youtube's copy of "Cruel To Be Kind" by Nick Lowe, a song I haven't heard in a number of years. YouTube chose this as the next selection.

Kelly said...

Lately I’ve been obsessed with Xanadu and listening to and watching clips on YouTube. What made Gene Kelly do this movie? Olivia Newton John was at the height of her beauty and talent, what made her do this movie? If they could get Olivia and Gene Freaking Kelly, why couldn’t they get a better leading man than Michael Beck? So many questions...the music is great though.

eddie willers said...

Shaun King a white man pretending to be black has recommended destroying depictions of Jesus as white.

He must secretly be on our side. If THAT happens, this shit is over!

effinayright said...

Trump's 2020 campaign theme is simple:

"Civilization or Chaos: Take yer pick".

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the ProgLibDem wokesters have no end game
other than when there's nothing left to destroy.
It's Trump or anarchy,
Even if they replace old white racist Biden with a POC Goddess,
even if teamed up with "Hot Sauce'N' Super-Predators" Hillary

n.n said...



Mark said...

So the U.S. House is going to vote on D.C. statehood next week.

Did you notice that, beyond the stupidity of the way it sounds, they want to name their new state after a notorious slaveowner and irredeemable racist?

The precise name? Washington, Douglass Commonwealth

Gospace said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
U.S. Army Soldier Charged with Terrorism Offenses for Planning Deadly Ambush on Service Members in His Unit

I saw that too. Charged in SDNY. Where Berman was just fired. Right after he's fired- this comes out. While it appears to be a fast moving case, it also appears it was being sat upon. The release right after Berman goes makes me wonder about timing. I can't help but suspect this case has something to do with his being fired. But why?

A little note- this right wing Satan worshiping Nazi group Private Melzer was communicating with supports Al Queda and Islamists. Left wing groups in the USA support- Al Queda and Islamists. Seems like all the anti-America Americans support Islamists, just as Obama did. Funny that convergence, isn't it?

Mark said...

What have you been listening to?

I recently bought a five-CD set and a more recent 2018 CD by Françoise Hardy.

Mark said...

Just bought two more -- L’Amour fou and Clair-obscur.

I've pretty much book-ended her 50+ year career.

Freeman Hunt said...

So Democrats don't do law and order now? What gobsmacking incompetence.

Clyde said...

I've been listening to The Beths, an indie pop band from New Zealand that I found on Amazon Music Unlimited. Their 2018 album Future Me Hates Me is very catchy, and they have a new album Jump Rope Gazers coming out on July 10th.

Here is one of the songs off the last album that I like: The Beths - You Wouldn't Like Me

gadfly said...

Mike and Karen Pence voted by mail in the recent Indiana primary election using the Indiana Governor's mansion address where they last lived in the Hoosier state in 2016. This despite the fact that Republican Secretary of State Charlie White was dismissed from his elected office for voting in the 2010 primary using the address of his former wife in Fishers. White never moved outside the state of Indiana. He claimed that allowing the old address to remain in the voting records was an oversight. Nobody questioned the false address used by the non-resident Pence family.

stevew said...

Listened to ELP's "Pictures at an Exhibition" last night. Really terrific. I was quite young when I first got the album. Had had no exposure to classical music up until then other than the small bits in Bugs Bunny cartoons (Leopold!). My parents loved to listen to music, but they were into jazz, swing, and the crooners.

Never been much of a Dylan fan, though lots of his music is fun to play and sing, such as "Twist of Fate".

My go to playlist on Spotify these days is based on St. Paul & The Broken Bones. American Soul they say. Just fun I say.

Sad to see the protests and civil actions that followed George Floyd's death devolve into property destruction. Not even a pretense of demanding institutional and legal change any more. It will pass more quickly now as they undermine any support they may have built up.

gadfly said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
exempt from wearing masks

"People of color who have heightened concerns about racial profiling and harassment due to wearing face coverings in public."

Liz W and Rachel D, you can breathe easy, yo.

First we haven't determined if Liz Warren and Rachael Dolezal choose not to wear masks - but more importantly, Oregan laws do not apply to either of them, Comprende?

brylun said...

Just had a conversation yesterday with a lawyer whose kid is going to the University of Wisconsin, Madison as an undergrad freshman but is taking a gap year so not to miss that on-campus experience.

Mr. Forward said...

Graffiti at the skatepark. I think we are all immune to the F word but the fact they can’t spell it is worrisome.

rhhardin said...

The new world was actually discovered by Cincinnati.

Mark said...

Didn't B-side remove the wood last week?

Their windows were untouched, so I thought they led the move to remove wood and fully reopen.

Bought my first album there just about 40 years ago, one of the few shops left from the 80s.

rehajm said...

MCC is listed first in the official meet the candidates guide for NY-14 and she's the only one with a completed profile. AOC doesn't have a profile or even have a photo.

iowan2 said...

Mike and Karen Pence voted by mail in the recent Indiana primary election

Intentionally conflating "voting by mail" and absentee ballots is the dishonest leftist latest lie.

Kai Akker said...

---Ike, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush I and II, and Trump have each appointed SCOTUS justices who have provided the key votes to overturn every aspect of traditional views on family, sexuality and life. [robother 10:31pm]

Plessy v Ferguson was decided 7-1 for "separate but equal." Only John Marshall Harlan dissented. The justices then were creatures of their times. Same trainers, bathrooms and sanitation for both races? Unthinkable to them; the law could not mean that. Same with most of the Republican justices now. They simply cannot stand up to the tide running in our culture. A few can -- thank God for Thomas, Scalia, and a few others.

MayBee said...

Inga- who do you think is doing the destruction and violence then? BLM? It's ok if you believe it isn't Antifa. The think is, you can see the violence and the CHOPs and the fires and the vandalism. Who is doing it?

Mark said...

who do you think is doing the destruction and violence then?

We are beyond the need for organized agitators, whichever group you choose.

We are now at the state of the mindless mob, the thrill of blood lust. Ever read The Lottery? Now it is otherwise normal people getting all caught up in the whipped up frenzy. Some yelling, some throwing rocks, some saying "me too" to the looting and getting some freebies because why not?

Sam L. said...

I lost interest in Dylan yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssssssssssss ago.

Yancey Ward said...

the music is great though.

Yes, it is. I owned the Xanadu soundtrack as a teenager, and the songs from the soundtrack pop up often in the YouTube lists whenever I play any music.

Yancey Ward said...

For, Inga, it is Boogaloo all the time. She is an idiot, of course.

gadfly said...

Suspect economist and big time Trump fan Casey B. Mulligan is using the Bolton book as a sales pitch for his latest book ""Your Hired" in a dishonest piece in Real Clear Politics. He and Bolton sat in on a White House discussion of a forthcoming (but as it turned out, imaginary policy, stolen from the Aussies, then adopted but never implemented) that would would prioritize the economic contribution of immigrants. Also discussed was another (ho-hum) Trump executive order that would insure free speech somehow only be protected on college campuses.

Mulligan took another Mulligan from the meeting by favoring Trump's secret agreement with China to revitalize trade, somehow forgetting that Trump started the Trade War which raised consumer prices and slashed our agricultural exports drastically. The Art of the Dealer also insisted on a redo of NAFTA, turning his nose up at the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because he and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross couldn't profit from the deal.

JMW Turner said...

In the CD player early this week: "The Best of the Everly Brothers ", Roy Orbison's "Mystery Girl", "Love Songs ", featuring In Dreams, Blue Bayou, It's Over, and the operatic Only the Lonely, Chris Isaak's "Heart Shaped World", Buddy Holly tribute album, "Not Fade Away", and the incomparable Marshall Crenshaw, virtually every album he released. Nirvana!

gadfly said...

@iowan2 said...
Mike and Karen Pence voted by mail in the recent Indiana primary election

Intentionally conflating "voting by mail" and absentee ballots is the dishonest leftist latest lie.

Is that you Radar? You are wrong - don'cha know? Suicide is painless.

In order to vote by mail in Indiana, an absentee ballot form must be completed and mailed to the county election board.

Carter Wood said...

I've been listening to Drive-By Truckers and repeatedly to their fine song, "Used to be a Cop."

If only Patterson Hood had decided against moving to Portland. The relocation fueled his pretentiousness.


Used to be a cop but I got to be too jumpy
I used to like to party 'til I coughed up half a lung
But sometimes late at night I hear the beat a-bumping
I reach for my holster and I wake up all alone

I used to have a wife but she told me I was crazy
Said she couldn't stand the way I fidget all the time
Sometimes late at night I circle around the house
I look through the windows and I dream that she's still mine

I got scars on my back from the way my Daddy raised me
I used to have a family until I got divorced
I've come too far from the things that could save me
I used to be a cop but they kicked me off the force
I used to be a cop 'til they kicked me off the force

William said...

Hi Professor Althouse:

I was just catching up on my reading, and I read Peggy Noonan's piece on Dylan in the WSJ last week. No doubt you have read it, but if not, it's definitely worth a read.
