১৭ জুন, ২০২০

At the Pre-Dawn Café...


... you can write about whatever you want.

The photo was taken at 5:10 a.m. today, the 8th of the 10 days when the sun rises at 5:17, the earliest sunrise time of the year.

And please remember to use the Althouse Portal when you need to do some Amazon shopping. I really appreciate your support for this blog.

৫৮টি মন্তব্য:

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Fulton County DA is bullshitting more than Raytard Brooks trying to get out of a drunk driving charge.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"‘White Lives Matter’ sprayed on Arthur Ashe statue in Richmond"

Police are investigating, this time.

are there statue statutes?
Do they have equal protection under the Law?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Maybe Inga and Howard should watch this video, taken from a dashboard camera. Howard, who thinks cops are "pigs" might learn something but I doubt it.

Michael K বলেছেন...

This is actually the video.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

He's a Cracker!!

California man fired over alleged white power sign says he was cracking his knuckle


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Who knew Bolton kept such detailed notes? Never hire a note taker, or diary writer. These people are just trouble. Egg-heads in DC with their fancy verbal skills are more trouble than union thugs. At least in the NY construction trade you can disappear any troublemakers and, let's be honest, those guys don't write much anyway.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Shocking report:

Tasers can only be lethal when police use them


Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Wow on the Atlanta Cops walking off.

Blue Flu?

steve uhr বলেছেন...

Trump apparently told Xi that the concentration camps for the Uighurs was the right thing to do. What a despicable person.

Drago বলেছেন...

I am starting to understand why the Althouse lefties love the Germans and their "sophisticated" European ways so very much:


"Berlin authorities placed children with pedophiles for 30 years

The 'Kentler Project' in West Berlin routinely placed homeless children with pedophile men, assuming they'd make ideal foster parents. A study has found the practice went on for decades.

Several years ago two of the victims came forward and told their story, since then the researchers at Hildesheim University have plowed through files and conducted interviews.


What they found was a "network across educational institutions," the state youth welfare office and the Berlin Senate, in which pedophilia was "accepted, supported, defended."

Remember, this is in addition to decades (yes, DECADES) of European law enforcement agencies knowing that there were large islamic rape grooming gangs that existed in Rotherham, UK and in Germany where literally thousands of european girls were groomed and then raped repeatedly by muslims....all with a wink and a nod from european authorities.

I guess Inga would call these "spark of divinity" mass gang rapes.

What we can be sure of here in the US with the now open alliance between democrats and islamic supremacists, this could be in our democrat-led future as well.....unless we keep these idiot dems out of power.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Is it time for the Dixie Chicks to rethink their name?

(from the NY POst)

Hmmm--- what could be a possible new name?

Readering বলেছেন...

Michael K thinks: inga hasn't posted? Well I can't wait that long.

Drago বলেছেন...

In another episode of Lefties Need To Invent White Supremacists, Anthony Eaglehorse-Lassandro is arrested in Portland for hit and run which leftists claim was a white supremacist attack on protesters.

Mr Eaglehorse-Lassandro is native american.

A "white-native American" no doubt.

This comes on the heels of the arrest of a cop killer named Carrillo in CA whom Inga The Russian Collusion Truther claimed was a white supremacist guy.

If you guessed Carrillo was, somehow, another "white"-hispanic white supremacist give yourself a prize.

Narr বলেছেন...

Finished Wulf on Humboldt. So much I didn't know, and I know a lot about the 19th C.

Humboldt's influence on culture was wide and profound. To just mention a few, he was an inspiration and a bit of a mentor to Simon Bolivar; Coleridge, Wordsworth, Emerson, and Thoreau were all acolytes; only after reading Humboldt did Charles Darwin find a focus;
his views were spread by Ernst Haeckel, George Perkins Marsh, and John Muir--all interesting guys in their own right and ones I had little knowledge of.

He was a one-man scientific dynamo, sending and receiving thousands of letters every year with scientists, explorers, artists, historians, and linguists all over the globe.

Exlorer, naturalist, climber, and much more. Fascinating forgotten titan.

His influence is so great we no longer see it

Gospace বলেছেন...

I'm reading the Drudge headlines

And the one thought in my mind is- what idiot is going to believe that crap? If any of that crap were true, it would have already leaked, and we'd have President Pence.

Narr বলেছেন...

Ima slide some ACW comment in heah.

The call I got earlier was from my friend at West Point who adjuncts in the history department there. One of the former history faculty (PhD, Brig. Gen. ret'd) has an interesting article in a national newspaper (which foul name I shall not utter in this place) about Nixon's attempt to impose a Confederate monument on the campus, and how it was thwarted by Black activism.

I've met Gen. Seidule and know from him and my friend that there is a substantial--I'll not venture a %--number of servicemen and women, not all minorities, who would be just fine with suppressing the CS-admiration and naming. (Trigger warning: the T-word is used.)

Personally, I like statues and other monuments to be left alone, but I have been involved in efforts towards that locally and know when a trend is irresistible-- I've read some good-hearted and I have to say sometimes naive comments here about contextualizing the monuments and names etc etc but we are WAY beyond that now. Take it from me as a historian.

Keeping my first and middle names, borne by CS soldiers

Matthew Heintz বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga বলেছেন...

A far-right extremist movement born on social media and fueled by anti-government rhetoric has emerged as a real-world threat in recent weeks, with federal authorities accusing some of its adherents of working to spark violence at largely peaceful protests roiling the nation.

At a time when President Trump and other top U.S. officials have claimed — with little evidence — that leftist groups were fomenting violence, federal prosecutors have charged various supporters of a right-wing movement called the “boogaloo bois,” with crimes related to plotting to firebomb a U.S. Forest Service facility, preparing to use explosives at a peaceful demonstration and killing a security officer at a federal courthouse.

Prosecutors even successfully argued before a federal magistrate in Texas over the weekend that a drug possession suspect with alleged boogaloo ties should be denied bond because Facebook and Instagram posts advocating violence against National Guard members and threatening to kill looters showed he was a “threat to the community.

There has been an ongoing debate at the federal level about whether domestic terrorists merit more focus, along the lines of the formal designation that the State Department imposes on some foreign groups.
U.S. officials have rarely mentioned boogaloo publicly but have said that they will act against violent extremists, regardless of ideology, when they commit crimes.

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said Tuesday, in announcing charges against Carrillo, “The assassination and injury of federal officers who swore an oath to protect the American public will not be tolerated. The Department of Homeland Security will continue its mission to end violent extremists.”

walter বলেছেন...

Pinned Tweet
Jun 2
Black heart
To help support the Black community, we’re donating $250,000 to overcome racial injustice. Read our CEO’s complete message here: https://kohls.co/2Xluu4v
Jun 2
Replying to
Awesome. Who/what do you plan to donate to?
Jun 4
We will be donating the $250,000 to the NAACP.
1 more reply

Jun 15
Replying to
Cancelled my @Kohls
card. I’ll shop elsewhere. I’m done.

MAGA Granny KAG 2Q2Q
Jun 15
Replying to
Well there goes my business!

Jun 10
Replying to
...Kalpona Akter, the founder of the Bangladesh Centre for Worker Solidarity, a union organisation “They, Kohls, cancel orders and refuse to pay for orders produced. When we need them most, they turn their backs. They need to do the right thing. They need to pay their bills.”

Chris K
Jun 15
Replying to
What about lawlessness?

Kathy Higgins
Jun 2
Replying to
Thank you.

Jun 2
Replying to
Just dont donate to antifa or bail them out.

Jun 16
That is exactly where some of this will go

Jun 16
Replying to
I hated to do it, just called and closed my account with Kohls- It’s been my favorite place to shop for 15 years, but I just cannot support them anymore. Victimizing black people and vilifying white people, giving dollars to lefties causes. Count me out.

Jun 16
I felt the same but closed my account today

Mad Madsen

Jun 15
Replying to
Rolling on the floor laughing
Rolling on the floor laughing
Rolling on the floor laughing

Jun 16
Replying to
I wonder how much of that was sent to the DNCs pockets.

Robin Wolfe
Jun 2
Replying to
Thank you

Julianne Larsen
Jun 2
Replying to
Love Kohl’s!

Barbara Piland
Jun 2
Replying to
This is amazing. Thank you @Kohls

Michael K বলেছেন...

Who knew Bolton kept such detailed notes?

He was busy composing. The stuff about Trump refusing to attack Iran over a drone shoot down is hilarious. Good luck making much of that. Obviously the Xi stuff is fiction. Go for it !

narciso বলেছেন...

Well pompeo lighthizer and the interpreter say nay, meanwhile atlantas a very hot town tonight.

narciso বলেছেন...

The da didnt notify the gbi of his course of action

clint বলেছেন...

A week ago, I'd have sworn that Mayor Lance Bottoms was at the head of Biden's VP list.

How quickly things change.

Ken B বলেছেন...

I find that story completely unbelievable. Literally. Witnesses or transcript? Because Bolton alone won’t cut it.

Drago বলেছেন...

According to Inga and the rest of Collusion Lunatic Brigade, those rascally white supremacists are so darn clever they keep getting persons of color to do their dirty work.

No doubt about it, our nationwide riots are definitely the result of a handful of hawaiian shirt wearing neer do wells who simply waltz on into our major cities and incite tens of thousands of completely innocent and naive antifa and marxist types to loot, burn and pillage blue cities.

These guys must be some sort of Rasputin svengalis.

Drago বলেছেন...

Gospace: "And the one thought in my mind is- what idiot is going to believe that crap? If any of that crap were true, it would have already leaked, and we'd have President Pence."

The dems and their deep state/republican establishment allies are simply going to run the Ukraine hoax ploy all over again.

And its not coincidental that in both the Ukraine case and ARM's Beloved and Heroic ChiComs case, Biden and his family have raked in millions upon millions.

In fact, remember when Hunter, apparently not high on cocaine and doing lines off a strippers stomach at that moment, promised to resign from the "investment firm that hauled in $1.5 Billion of ChiCom funding (agreed to when Hunter traveled with Slow Joe on Air Force Dementia during the obambi admin)?

Yeah, big surprise. Hunter "forgot" to actually resign.

Probably slipped his mind.

I hear the music in those strip clubs can get awfully loud.

Drago বলেছেন...

steve uhr: "Trump apparently told Xi that the concentration camps for the Uighurs was the right thing to do. What a despicable person."


When the left needs an idiot to latch onto their latest transparently hoaxy talking point, its usually a race to see if Li'l Stevie Uhr will beat Inga the Russian Collusion Truther to the punch.

Looks like Li'l Stevie won this round!

Not to worry Inga. The media and their deep state allies have lots more transparently false lies ready to go where you can redeem yourself against Li'l Stevie Uhr!

Good luck to both of you!

BTW, did Li'l Stevie ever admit that his lies about Trump paying Moscow hookers to pee on a bed were just that, lies?

I'll bet he didn't.

And now his "betters" have primed him with newer, "better" lies!

Drago বলেছেন...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM: "Hmmm--- what could be a possible new name?"

The Woke-ettes.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Hard to tell what is happening in Atlanta but it looks like
1) a lot of walkouts
2) the city has asked surrounding jurisdictions for help
3) the PD tweet denying a walkout was a lie

We will know more in the morning.

Drago বলেছেন...

Next up for our childlike gullibility moron Li'l Stevie Uhr: Why did Trump dump all that fish food out so fast in Japan with PM Abe?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

The only solution for America to remain extant is all cops must be black, but in white-face, Murphy-style.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

When I start writing about "ideas so crazy they just might work" you folks had better start shaking.


Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Another brainless Igna rant. Let us know how “We’re on your side!” works out for you.

William বলেছেন...

The current issue of The New Yorker is crammed with woke articles that would no doubt make me a better person if I read them, but right now I'll pass. I did read the article on Flannery O'Connor. It's not reflected in her pubished writings, but in her correspondence she claimed to be a segregationist at heart. In her letters, she claimed not to like black people and she used the n word occasionally. The author of the article claims that these private views make it necessary to reevaluate her as a writer and as a person. Pass again.....Is racism or, for that matter, any form of bigotry such a disfiguring flaw? It reminds me a little of how critics used to treat homosexuality. It was considered a perversion that totally shaped and limited a writer's work. Somerset Maugham and Oscar Wilde could never sit at the grown up table with Tolstoy and Dickens.....I'm no student of Flannery O'Oconnor but from the info in the article it seems that Flannery was a tad more enlightened than many of the people who lived in Georgia at that time. Give her a break.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Michael K thinks: inga hasn't posted? Well I can't wait that long.

6/17/20, 9:24 PM"

Like with cops and FBI I have no love for Dr. K, and yet by God you ought be embarrassed to sink this low.

Maybe when he's 99 you'll get 'em once.

Additionally, Dr. K just fucking hit reload, F5 (it's above the keyboard's normal letters and numbers) and shut up about fucking blogger for God's love. You spend 1.5 - 3 seconds to hit F5 and don't bitch about blogger on Althouse anymore. Realize low-IQ shitheads like me figured out this shit in seconds. Seconds. And you've bitched for years about it. Althouse didn't design it, she has stated why she feels trapped, a feeling you (us?) oldsters ought share for crying out loud. She's asked for help finding a way out.

Bitching because Google has said "fuck blogger that doesn't make us any money, and Hell it may spread anti-justice anti-peace anti-love anti-utopia so fuck it again"* isn't helpful Doc.

*Not literally but not spitballing either

Birkel বলেছেন...

The official Chinese position is that there are no prison camps.
Since ARM promotes Chinese propaganda, I cannot imagine how he could believe Bolton's lies against Winnie Xi.

Royal ass Inga believes a group the press created to gaslight the country really exists.
I hope the Leftists Collectivists redistribute Inga's property to alleviate her white privilege.
Imagine how glorious it will be when she is treated like the Olympia, Washington mayor, a Democratic in fine standing.

Cops coming down with Blue Flu.
That should have happened when they were told to place Americans under house arrest for the crime of not being serfs.
I hope the police details who protect all those Democratics who are big city mayors leave them to fend for themselves.

Blue Flu is more dangerous that Winnie Xi Flu.

Drago বলেছেন...

Get ready everybody.

Li'l Stevie has kicked off Collusion 3.0!

For the next 5 months all we are going to be hearing is:
Chinese Collusion!
Nobody knows what Bolton knows!
The Walls Are Closing In!

Can you imagine the amount of mindreading Inga alone will be delivering?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

I've figured out how Althouse's progism makes sense to an IQ of her level.

Essentially, it depends on writing with an attitude that if you don't agree, you're coming from a deep, dark place.

So deep and dark, you probably don't even know it.

I'm glad Buwaya moved, and wish him nothing but the best. It takes a lot to bet against America, and San Fran certainly has lots of abundance.

Bilbao Spain is lovely when I think of Bilbo Baggins. It's not so lovely when I, in mere Denver, Colorado, USA, think of what is to again become of the commoners in Spain and Europe again once Buwaya's crew (extended) are thrilled enough.

If Buwaya wants to wager, there are markets for that Sir.

As always, may God bless you and yours.

William বলেছেন...

Joseph Campbell was an anti-Semite. He was outed by another New Yorker writer. I have read some of Campbell's books. There's no anti-Semitism in them, and some of them might actually serve to make you a better person. Give him a break. His ant-Semitism was less pernicious than, say, Sacco's anarchism. It didn't cause any untimely deaths.....Gandhi apparently wrote some disparaging things about black Africans. He also had some weird kinks in his libido. But give him a break. He wasn't on the forefront of those who oppressed blacks nor was he the leader of the Indian Enema Liberation Movement. He spoke out against the real bigotry of his society which was directed towards the Untouchables. That was the bigotry most germane to the people who were influenced by his words. (As a point of fact, the lower castes in India have probably suffered worse discrimination and for a longer time than black people in western societies, but they don't have the kind of massive PR that American blacks enjoy.)....Anyway, wouldn't the fairest thing be to judge these men by their best work and not by their deficits. Demonstrations against the flaws of great men seem to be demonstrations of the flaws of little men.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

What Buwaya wanted to believe was America was uniquely rotten with proggies, and he could escape.

Any learned individual, not hopelessly biased such as the great Sam Johnson, has to conclude America still stands alone as the country people flee to, not from.

When Buwaya isn't allowed to flee, and that has happened but he can't expound and I won't either, then the fascist label can come to apply, as it has here.

Wise men spoke once: The guilty flee even if noone chases after them, or something close to that. The exact words change from translation to translation and ergo don't matter; The original meaning is clear or prog totalitarianism.

PubliusFlavius বলেছেন...


"I had the most futile role of all"- An Auto Biography of Johnny Bolt On

The latest ineffectual tool of the left, will he be discarded like a used curry leaf?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

The mere fact that White people get offended by being labeled a racist is strong evidence of how disfavored real racism is.

n.n বলেছেন...

"‘White Lives Matter’ sprayed on Arthur Ashe statue in Richmond"

Diversity breeds adversity. All Lives Matter #ALM or the more contentious: Baby Lives Matter #BLM

n.n বলেছেন...

A far-right extremist movement

The left-right, totalitarian-anarchist nexus is leftist. #HateLovesAbortion

Crazy World বলেছেন...

The world has gone insane.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

Do you send a social worker?

who's lives matter
when this happens
Or, worse yet, this

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

another way to get rid of cops is to get them to quit

just dont defend them, and you wont have to defund them

Crazy World বলেছেন...

Just curious Ann, if you could select a President 2020, who would it be?

Anthony বলেছেন...

I’m going to bury my parents in Arlington today. They were both good people and I’m glad neither is here to see the current idiocy running rampant in the world. One has been gone since 2005 and the other since 2018. I feel good to finally put them where at least my dad really wanted to be. He was a southerner whose direct male ancestor fought for the North alongside mom’s ancestors.

So today I’m not going to give a flying f*** about today’s nonsense and pay attention to the vast sweep of history and my family’s tiny part in it all and remember them well.

Kind of sad, we’re here only a short time but spend so much of it pissing at one another.

Howard বলেছেন...

Gooooood Morrrrrning Deplorables

Boogaloo sounds a lot like Juggalo. The world of white trash has gone insane like a posse of clowns. These are the fine upstanding citizens admired and egged on by Dungeon Drago and Quactor Mike. Fuck Yeah, Dinosaurs!

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Yeah, Inga, a "far-right group" made up of 75% undercover agents and three guys who did nothing illegal while hundreds of thousands of leftists destroy property, burn cars, throw bricks at police, seize people's homes and businesses, follow cops home and firebomb their cars in their family driveways (happened near me) and attack random whites who have the temerity to walk down a street.

Meanwhile, we cannot get safely into our legislature to exercise our rights as citizens without running a gauntlet of illegal leftist protestors baying for white blood, and rioters beat random white people on the streets of Atlanta while looting stores.

It's a lot easier to masturbate over thugs when they don't have their hands around your neck, sweetie. The fact that you seem so gleeful over the suffering of others is typical of your type. Why is it that preening old women always play blood-curdling roles in revolutionary violence? Attention-starved? Stimulated?

Lawrence Person বলেছেন...

Is the defund the police madness receding?

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Back from a three day hiatus in hospital. No Internet and limited access to the news. It was a nice vacation that I may duplicate again once in a while. Except for the hospital part.

Seems like some of our lefty friends have been feeling emboldened enough to climb out from under their rocks again. This time it's apparently Bolton's new book and Trump/XI collusion.

Once again they seem destined to stroll down that garden path, in Wile E Coyote fashion. Unfortunately, all of their battlefield prep for the past 3+ years has left them even weaker than ever before. The credibility of their allies in the press has never been lower, as is that of their Democrat friends in Washington. Can't wait for Shiff and Nadler to chime in.

On a happier note, the nurses at the hospital have reported to me that Covid-19 admissions have dropped from a peak in early April that was close to overwhelming, to a trickle, and now to zero. This from a hospital in the outskirts of Philadelphia.

As of the first day of Summer, they have zero Covid patients. Who would have thought.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

" ...if you could select a President 2020..."
Commenters excluded, of course.

Drago বলেছেন...

I congratulate Howard for abandoning his Park Police-Tear Gas lies and reverting once again to adolescent incoherent screaming about having to clean his room up or something.

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "The official Chinese position is that there are no prison camps.
Since ARM promotes Chinese propaganda, I cannot imagine how he could believe Bolton's lies against Winnie Xi."

What was most telling about the ChiCom prison camps discussion from a few months back was ARM's reflexive and passionate defense of the ChiComs and his literal outrage that anyone would dare say something so terrible about these wonderful Beijing leaders!

ARM went into high dungeon demanding US intel-based verification of such assertions and when ARM was provided that very information he became quite irate and quickly lost his faux man-above-the-fray demeanor and devolved to Howard level invective.

Overall a most hilarious sequence for our Beijing Boy ARM.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

steve uhr said...Trump apparently told Xi that the concentration camps for the Uighurs was the right thing to do. What a despicable person.

Why do girls love gossip so much?

walter বলেছেন...

How can you folks talk such trivialities when a Taco Bell manager fired an employee for refusing to take off his BLM mask?
Burn it down!
(Taco Bell has entered a mute, reflective moment in response to the outcry)